t S.J - "-J& s. a- a " aa w-w-. nu a. Ttf ff"V..$ i.aav O aaa ten. iL li J-L Vi il i .III ! VOLUHE XC, XU. ll EAIXIGII, X. CL, SATURDAY MOUSING, SUTXMBEtt 3, 1910. PRICE 5 CEKTS Leads all NoHh Carolina Dailies In News aed Circolatioo : 15,0?) nitcuuu 1 NW R JOY BIDE GOMES ONLY A "SPILT" MINNOW mmm dr. jos.a 10 TW UU6 il A JOKE BOUK LANDS Ifi BIG JOB GUILFORD COUNTY mm RALLY Most Successful Insti tute Brought to Close HOMES C J. Hollingsworth cf Fayetteville Injured FKIUJ3EUHU m mmm- meet today Xhrr a Very Late tapper a rnj LcA aTjibtsntl la Two AnuiwMW 4a the Early Murwiavg Uuaar Owe Craeh lata the Ocbar lire, sag CWah I laantlaakvjur Karrtal rMrW OA st W t Kiwt la Ow mm rrxmiUy to IIt (Special to New and Observer I KiC hjacad, Va. Sept X. A lh rs- -frTKW fwr- TrjrmT' dinner last sight at the Hotel Ruegrt. H. at. Dw f -mnaattW. a rT-rrttT.r man, u oa. c: j. uiunt - worth. 4 prominent merchant of Fay ettevlll. N C. la probably fatally In jured, and Dr. R. It. Talbotf, U West Virginia, Nu a fractured arm and arrrra trance. The Injured ef at J the Wlllla JoaJtaon boepltal here. The encldenl occurred Bear the tity Umlta early thia morning, arben two cars la which, beside those men tioned were E 8. BureelU Charlotte. K. C..a medical student at Harvard; U Q. Roee, J. H McKUelck anJ E. H. Jordan, of Richmond, and J. W. ,'urry. of Fayettrvtlle, M. f. Kuryelt waa driving ht own car and Jordaa waa the chauffeur of the other, a hired one. Both drivers were ar retted this moraine aa suspected of murder and wars balled la the ewtn of lie to appear at the coroner's in queet Saturday morning. Borwalfa aoraunt of the accident Is that hie car waa reading along the roadway, slipped In the mud toward the ditch, aad ha thinking the other tar waa far In the rear, pulled toward laea raster of tha road agala. The rear ear had come up mean time ani; .Taened into the firm. one. Rurweil tupped at once and went back. lie found several member of the ether party lying 1 'he road. Deputy then dead.' Ttie dead man eaj tha Injured were bustled to tha hospital at once. Hla statement waa a frank one. aad retried evident weight with tha po lice Th csact manner of bow tha tn turlea were received by the rear car party la unknown to the othera Ac cording to tha uninjured, seeing an Inevitable wreck with Burwell's auto they all. excepting Jordan. the chauffeur. Jumped to the road with the traaio reaulta. tha chauffeur, who stayed la the auto, escaping Injury. Deputy's stack waa broken. Holllnnworth, during the Spanlsh Amertcan war served as Bret lieuten ant ta Company A. Second North Car olina regiment. IWRTH OF JVLX Cf ALTIKS. t-WS runa 'tw tnjuned Tha Tear. It la aa Improvement Over fcaat Tear. (By tha Asaoeiatad Preaa.1 Chlcagw. Jit Jept t. Although ti e list of deaths and accidents due to the celebration of tha Fourth of July I appalling, tha "sans" observance of the day thk year shows a notable 1m proveroent la thla respect, according to statistic compiled by tha Journal of tha American Medical Association a Men were made pobllc her today. Tha aaramary ahowa: Two taouaaad, nine hundred, twen ty-throa persona ware Injured July 4 hi year, of which 111 died. Staty evaa deaths vara dua to tetanus, Ineteen wer killed outright by fir arms; eleven by explosion of pow der, beraba or torpedo; six by can aon or similar eontrttranrea, while twenty-gig.. moeUjr Wtla gtrta. we burned ta death by Bra from fire works. - i - . (itartltng a la till showing. It la h beat atnea 11, when the Journal begaa keeping Ha record. la It OS. 4. 4t Person wer In lured, of which 4 I'wt their Uvea, 40 of them dying oom tatanaa. Tha grand total for eight year hows that 1 T.I It persons have beoa injured In Independence Day celebru tlnna Of these, died. 104 aa the direct reut of their mjurlea and Ht from tetao'ua following Injuries ' Tha detailed Bgaraa for 11 show '1 rases ef lock -law. of which were fatal; T persons lost their sight; 31 Vwt ana aye; !. loot arms, lege or hands and 111 lost their fingers. Tha decrease freea HU M 11 du to mora Inlelligvmt method t relehraUon. tha moat marked decree sea occurring tn (ttataa where the agita tion for restrictive measure waa moat , urgent - y ' , A 3rflR-U l LOI S ESC-trE. ' Firiae aad Car Devmlled, Ttiree Car Kearle IVeaollidied. the) Nmoklng Car Trtearntitn tie Mall Car Not ' Mnra Ttwa Mi rrrauag Injured Tttaa Bralara. (By tha Associated Press.) -Nwtoa. Ma. Bept. - I Rereral a4red panengera on the noon ex press from boston ta New York on to Boatoa and Albanr division of New Tork Central Itallroad, had mlraculou eecepe with their Uvea leday when the tw locemotlvas and foor car were derailed by an open ttrh on th edr of the bfldee .be yond the Klverstder lttton. toppling imeet Into the Charles river. Nat more than ha'f a ton persons were lnl ird bemTid bruieea. Thre of the fur derailed car r aatarlr demolsnhed, th tmokine r. In which wer irtnr than fifty Pe'"ri li.-opip.i at rlht niiletlie railway r . t ro. h, la which four airk tn penni-J. Bl ITvmi Expex-tral at Spray Moodaj to Aita-ad the Opaming of that Dnh orrallu Campaign la Iba I Wis De tract A Evate Railway Car Tturf Rare! Tvtrpliooc Una to Be Special to New and Observer ) Ureenaboro, Sept. 1. The Guilford County Teacher Inatltute came to a close at noon today, after bavin been ew-fslia elaee ALotUay of laltweli. The aeealon today wa bald 1nth roorrriOUM,' od waa In the natvra oi an eduvatlonal rally, many .of the ei hool cummltteemea ( tbe county jolnlnc tth the teachers In a free j for all conference. Over thee hui- dred were preeent tody. and (Teat inuraet wae manrtet In tne Wler addre mad by th varioua du cat ore and school officials of the county and city schools. County Superintendent Thomas R Fouet pre slJed. WUh commendable courtesy, the North Carolina Public Service Com pany Invited the teachvra to a tour of the city, and when the meeting ad' Journed sine die at II o'clock, special street carl were In allng. and all en joyed a rld over the entire ayatem, visiting the Interesting tfrmlnaU of Undsey Hark on the tt. White Oak Mills on the north and Piedmont Park on the south went This Institute has been a remarka- .ble success. When the session gan Monday of last wek, the usual meeting piece, the Undney Htreet hgh school building, waa found too small for the attendance, and the others sessions were held In the audi torium of the Mclver building at the State Normal College. Over two hundred teacher have rrgUtered dur ing; tha seealon, trteuiy at them earning from other north Carolina counties, and several from Virginia. educa tors, who have attended other similar gathering declare that this Institute has been the blggeat and best oounty Institute ever held In the South. The teachers are profuse In pialse of their Instructors during the term, ana adopted reeolntiomr expressly oT their appreciation. The Institute wae tinder the direction of Prof. 4. A. MatheeOn of the State "Normal Collesa, who waa slily awlHtej by Mrs. J. A. Robinson. of purham. Mrs. Sellers, of Guilford College; Prof. Jackson of tha Btate Normal; President J. l. roust, or ne Btate Normal, and County Superinten dent T. R. roust. farmer' I'nKm Mooting. A innte number of farmers gra - pected her tomorrow to attend an , educational and agricultural rally of tha Oulltord county branch of th i Farmers' I'nlon to be held In the jui dttorlum of the students" building of th Bute Normal College. A basket picnic dinner will ba one of the fea tures, th. dinner to be served in beau tiful Peabody Park. Colored A. and M. Opening. Entrance examlnatlona are now on at tha A. and M. College tor negroea and tha school will formally open for wort next Tuesday. President Dud ley state that f he largest number ever reglnrterej has already been provided for and that the number of entries for examination greatly egceeds any for mer occasion of tha kind. Now Furniture) Factory. Tha - Greensboro Furniture Com pany. which went through bankruptcy sometime ago. has begun operations again onder nw management, aa a strict office fixtures and filing cabinet manufactory. Mr. W. O. Got walla ol Philadelphia, I tha active manager, and ( wow btnrlry OTgage tn Ttc1"' nw machinery which has been gr rlvlnf for the past few days. Big Crowd K.xpectrd at Npray Monday. Manager Cook haa not yet received an answer to a letter addressed to the Republican candidate for Congress, Mr. D. H. Blair, Baking for Joint canvass of th district with the Demo, c ratio nominee, Major Btedman. Major Btedman will open tha cam paign. Monday, at Bpray, at th Labnr Day celebration, at which time Gov ernor Kltchln and Solicitor Oravet will apeak. Rockingham Democrats are preparing for a great assemblage. Many of Major Btenman rnenas win accompany him from Greensboro. They will leavs here en the '-o'clock train, and th Rockingham commit tee haa arranged to take them ever to Spray from Reldsvllle by private conveyance, aad thla correspondent will be In h party, aa special preag repreaentativt of Th New and Ob- Ktrntmaa at 'Glbaonvflle. Major Btedman la advertised to speak at Ulbsonvlll. at 4:10 o'clock on Saturday, September 10. The reguUr schedule of hit appointments will not he definitely decided upon tor several days, awaiting a reply from csndldats Blair, regrdui J1nt Jjndge Boyd Ileturna, United State l)ltrlct Judga Boyd hat returned from- a ten day vaca tion trip to Atlantlo Ctty. In tha K.nkmntcr court today, Mr. E. B. Parker aa attorney, filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy for W. W. Gar rett of Orahtm. Aaseta given at M. 71t with llabllltiet of M.4S7. The matter wa referred to O. 8. Ferguson. Jr., refer In bankruptcy, at Oreen boro. rwl.i,! Oaj" Tbrlciee. Th polic of thl city ar anilnusly eeklng a professional negro raiiroaa freight car burglar. Th man la well known, but h profeee to b torn kind of a railroad employ and there by geter rldee na trains to dlfferont polni-t, where he ha no trouble in stealing from th freight cars. On Today Is tltr dae tltat t l. Loge ttarrta. Uw erMhlk god nf war il ;n-f fuuctloaary durtnc llw Uuwtetl ad. anlaUtrallon, U to produce tlsU big "IH-moiTaUc Beta." MIhmi ltixtl ai. In cuetnUo see It tliey will cl-eialoi:--Mv rH. h"v It have swuuk." Krn Logo bolda him in'. Tuesday night he stole twelve pairs of hoe from a fr. Iht car here, and ilmllar thefts have been reported i from Danvtlli'. Wimton-dalem and Fpeneer freight tars within the past tea dy. HuggeeUver of Hnnke Bltea. Chief ol Police Neeley report that for the month of AuiuH HoltJn's drug store filled 114 prescriptions for liquor and eight and a quarter doaen bottle of ber. Thl drug store wa recently licensed to cell liquor on prescription, , thereby breaking the monopoly of the; Farris-KlutU Irug Company. The number of prescriptions at latter store has not ret been computed or report-1 d ob. . A Hatch of Para trap be. r..,lM- Ik. tMAn4li-nf AllVMflt aeVentV ... . . pauciHa were rnwTia, . ""irn .. J-'ukUi . -irruvL-i fn. (, Hospital, ten of whom were charity , n favor of Uuvaal wseeerUrcd agxtnet patienie. oity-'"r wr ln raiiroaa in tne couris or .-Moris as cured during the month and only j Carolina. The case was brought here on died. I on a w rit of error front th State Su- In Greeniboro, during the month of j preme Court by the railroad. Mr August, there were only four arrests : Douglaes, who represents Duvaul, l for drunkenness and the total num- lege that there la no Federal quo her of arrest for all crimes waa lea tlon Involved, which will Justify the thsn sixty. i removal of the case from the State Mr. . C. C. ALdxan. returned thl : court Mr Iornul' wag a toaggsite- mornlng from Atlantic City. Heimiuter on the K-nboard. running he stopped In Washington yesterday andjtween Portsmouth and Monroe, and cloned b contract to hsvs th Hnltcd wim Injured In Mirch. 10. In a head- State Marine Band to come to nn collision. Because Mr. Duvaul v. m Oreeneboro end give a concert tn the in the express car at tha time, th auditorium Thursday night, Sept em- railroad dleclalm liability for dnm her lath, under the auspices of theiagea. but the prosecutor geaerts thnt Chamber of Commerca and the Audi- the express car to ured for throu tortum Company. Thla band ha a baisaKe and hit his nerfomtan, world-wide reputation gad It Is ex-: of hie duties required that he visit pected that an Immense oudisnce will i that car. attend the concert. Th concert will ; i he extensively advertised and tnanv 1 people wll be here from surrounding town. A ninu telephone line Is oon to , installed In Morehead and Friend U.hlr townahtii. The phone will be conneotea wim tne line or tne nouin ern Bell Telephone Company end the mbecrlbers on the line can talk with people all over the country. Mr. Bum Cammttta, of Philadelphia, ha purchased from Mr. C. M. Van story, the entire stock of the Vogue Shoe Company. Mr. Cammttta is shipping the stock to Philadelphia and will sell it at auction in that city. TOPTLATlOSi OF TOWX8. (Ry the Aaaoclated Presa. ) Waahlngton. D. C Bept. t. Oyater Bay, N. T., th. home of x-Prefdnt Rooaevelt. ha a population of Il.ttOI a against 14. Ill in 10. an Increase of l,4R. These figure Include Bea Cliff Village, which adjoint Oyater Bay. . "TfaVsati county. In which Oyster Bay tl located, has a population of 85. 930 as against 61.441 In !. Figures also Issued by the Census Bureau today, ehow that Suffolk eoun. ty, U L, N. T., haa a population of 1g against T7.S88 In 1900. The population of Rochester, N. T., It y.14. an Increase of 11.141. or 14.1 per cent aa compared with 1J. I0 In 100. The population ot Auburn. N. T , Is 14,111. an Increase of 4,113, or H I per cent at compared with 10,145 in 1109. ' COTTON COOP ... . -. j -i if - jlir.'i 'v i"'fiJtV i" -'.'-- (iOYERNMriT RETORT PITS --fXJNDrnoX AVGCST 15, AT Ti l AVERAGE8 IX KORTII AND SOrtH CAROUXA AXD VIB (By tha Associated Pre.) Washington, D. C, Bep, 1. The crop reporting board Of tha Department of Agriculture, estimate that th av rag condition of the cotton crop oa August 16, waa 71.1 per cent of a normal, aa compared with 75. S on Aug. II. 110; 11.7 on August lb. ltOI; 74.1 on August II. 1101. and 71.1 tha average of th past ten years on August II. Th. average condition of cotton la Virginia on August It, waa It, against 71, In !; Norm Carolina 7. agalnat 71 In Hot and South Carolina 71, against 74 In !. Call for Bank Ulatementg. (By th AaaoclaUd Praas ) Whlngton. D. C. Sept. 1. Th. comptroller nf the currency todsy called unon National banks for a Statement of their condition St th close of business Beptereber lit. . NTHEU.S. ATTOHNKY DOC'CkUV "h? Ttl T WRIT OF ERBOK UK DISMISS. i:i IV C.iSK OK KUIJIOAD AtiAlM ST DCVAl'L. (By TllUM, J. PFACKI Waabnlgton. l. C. Btpt A mo tion haa Ix'en made by Mr. W t' Douglass, of Kalelgh. In the Huprcme Court of the United Ktatcs. to dlmlsn ithe writ of error , from th Pnpreme Court of North Carolina In thvcac ,,f Ida llnant T lH I .ri Cm. , '"T. 7.. COTTON BAQLY DAMAGED trTHEH CHOPS ALSO M FTT:R moM thk iu:ATr rains be tween BOWlKMS AND Mll. MINGTON. (Spwlal to Newaand Ohserver 1 Rocky Point, Sept. S. Heavy rains from Howden'a to Wilmington. Cot ton forma are shedding badly, alno holla A conservative estimate placr th damage at one-half. Very little fod-ler and hay haa beast saved. Pea nuts, potatoes and field peaa are bad ly damaged. The continuation of tha heavy rains will cause a freshet approaching that of August, 1908. Tha creeks and Northeast river are now way out of their -.bank. Farm -operation -ar suspended. KlyEXTlUM TTH) OJT POLE Lineman Meet Instant Death While at Work In Kpananbav, 8. C. (Special to News and Observer.! Spartanburg, S. C, Bept t. Harry Crimminger late of Concord N. C was electrocuted Int. this afternoon on "the top of a pole, while flaring a wire he slipped through a live wire. Death was Instantaneous. Death of Mrs. Bailie Wright. (Special to News and Observer.) Elisabeth City, Bept 1. After a lingering Illness of several month the death of Mr. Sallia JU Wright oc curred yesterday morning at o'clock at th hom of her daughter. Mn. O. I Lamb, on East Burgee itreet. "' ".; Mrs. Wright was It jreart of ag and for th past year had been a great . auffarer. She waa widely known throughout thla section of North Carolina, where ah. waa bom and tpent th. greater part of her maiden Ufa. Since her marriage to th lata Mr. Peter Wright, of Norfolk, h had Hved In Virginia, but during recent years th had divided her time between her daughter, , Mra Lamb, of thit city, and another daughter. Mra. Ellen Uoniasett. of Portsmouth, Va Whitr.vef Mrs. Wright waa known tha waa greatly beloved and admired and' baj boaia of friends In both North Carolina and Virginia' Mrs. Wrtght Is survived by twa daughter1 and on ton, Mrs. O. L. Iamb, of this city; Mra. Kllen Mnr rteeett. of Portsmouth, Va., and Mr. WJIIIam 8. Sawyer, ot Norfolk. Va Th funeral arvtcea were held thla afternoon from . the home at her daughter, being conducted by the Rev. Claudius F. Smith, rector of Christ Episcopal church. The body waa then forwarded to Norfolk, where the Interment will follow In Airawooi. . RK.1RH l l'tsuroT.K. Tlicw. Aalmals KUI larniors- Hogs Hrar I'aitW ,m tlir Hant. iSprclal to Ne r, l uheerver ) Kllaabeth Clti. Sr(.t 1 Several prominent cltlsrna .f the uer se tliMi of Newiand i..nhlp, of thu i ur.ty. were In the . Uy (his mornlnic and your rorreapon dent's attention a a'trac-ted to a group on a rortier n of the member displaying a I andtul of bwir'e t.ieVi. The tunks vr- very tarn., an i eharp and witm hifhiy pilhed The mix and gen eral appearance of Ui teeth "f the wild teitt would Indicate that any thing coming In contact with them would suffer greatly. . . ... - or me ciiisens of tne Tadmore Vktt'm stated t resident of the e upptr awreg of " e 'now' . much by county were the bears mUl" 2" irtl!? h!O.NE YE.1R FOR Nr'X.RO t.lRU nlsed to hunt the wtlj anl- r lHen orgs niais down. Within this week they said, one of their neighbors had killed four hlg lars Mr Thel iranger. of New-land, laat week lot three hog within three iecetdve dara and altogether thla aeaaon. It wa a'.ated. he baa Uwt 4 9 or more hnir Thla Is a very hrsvr lose Indeed, es pecially n rhef- d.yx when pork Is brmrina. ailch a fan,., rtrtr. The gentleman from Tadmore said that although they w.re not hothered by the hears o much of recent years inre they have leen hun'lns them, iieverthelees morti stock I yearly lost ! by the trtmslon of the annorlng heaats Almost dally "bear pivrtle" were aeen 1 oing out wfth do and mini and th r were becoming leas tKil.t each they said The bear come largely from the ibrmal Swamp, which la said to con tain thousand of the cunning beasts, I and In which It la almost Impossible to ferret them out. ONK TK.R ItIR CARLTON. Man ho Hougtit Stolen Ctnth of ( t ton MIU. (Spe-ln to New and Observer ) rorham. Sept 1 J. W. Carlton, a Wake county merchant, who Nat year whs charged with buying stolen goods from Arch Hopkins, colored, now serving a four years' sentence on the f rde with he school suthoritl s very ronds. pleaded guilty today end w'ey j much pleased. Among the new iad, enunce.1 to a year on the md Carl i ,rl w) t,, jji,, La Hampton, tcrtr tun Is a man of some stsndlng, and I rry nf (rnboro. wa caugnt wnn sroien nous oi cio.,! In hi More, all beating th Erwin Cotton mill stamp. There had been taken hundred of yard of cloth. ' causing a lose of more than a hundred dollar. He wa placed, more than a year ago. under a bo V'.MII, and the case was' not reached until today. He is apparently a very Illiterate man, had never been In a courthou be fore. Had never heard a charge of a Judge and admitted secreting, good and buying them, but saw no moral obliquity In th art HI attorney ten- i dered a plea of guilty for htm It wa brought out that canton wife Is a nervous wreck, and Judge Lyon show ed merry by making the sentence with maximum of ten year, oat-tenth ot that amount TRYING TO ESCAPE li irrrrio beixg ctocvutkd A YD FREELT SIGNED ASKING THAT VERDICT EC CRAFT AND WILLIAMS CASE BE SET ASIDE. (Special ta N'w aad Observer.). ' Wlnatoa-Balam, Sept I. A petition la being circulated and freely signed, asking Judge Boyd, of tha Federal court, to awt asiaa tha verdict to th eaaa f Mr. Craft and K Glenn Wll tlama, bath having bea convicted at a recent term ef court at Greensboro oo th charg of conspiracy ta de fraud tha government tn the pcjrtofflc at William's. Yadkin county. Sen tence la expected to Be paatod upon th tw defendant at tha October term of court lit tha petition la ttated that if aay wrong waa com mitted craft waa not aware of rt. Thamaa Matthews, ef Charlotte, formerly ef Greensboro, and en of th bt hotel men la ta Wat, ha accepted ' th efrtr. management ef th Hot Unaendorf. H will win upon tug uUa wtthia the next ten i jAdvancj Sheets Tells Of Comic Contents HIDE BOUND STAND-PIT The Rrpubticaa Campaign Text Ituofc to be sprung ext W. Public (lien a lwetast QuotaUaji iTom IJiKtiin. Kuoanvtiit. Taft ami fchermarr. tiHext" Wtttl Ciarr fniur-' gcaiu Vrc t.lvm a lllg "Fta a Vtou droue olumr and Will Sonii the Ih-to-. . II) TIIOM AJi i. PEXCi:. Waihlngton. It C. Sept. I --A ' vaiM lMi trer-Hepasttatn cam-; palm text tKjok. which 1 to iuak. l' appearance next week, wr cimh to the iree today. Th humor dm p!aed un th advance snaet l'S'li to the belief that th real text two will be a comic affair, for lutan e It la announced that tha text l.cnk n n'aii p'lnted on Hlble book pi"i w hi h according to a local wag h i the deaperaUon to which the ltiiui ll.ar campaign manager have i 'ne of th Jet rontanic.l 'i th.. iinnnuncement that the t'rai w of the text book carrle uu.iImm n (i. .in Uncoln, Rooaevell. T ifi an I Sherman II remain to be c n h. Ui er (h quotations from Tart and' Koosevelt are taken from th.ir ik ..lit denunciation of the vice-president. It la announced that the Republican campaign book contain the K. -publican national and Ohio Sute platforms, but make no reference to the linur Knt pleticrrna adopted In KJrx.ua and Iowa. hlch hHe found a . hini plon In Tei'dy Th advance aheet tnt. that there Is no diecuslon tf fMi tlonal difference In the text bonk nd then proceed to rap Henator Oul llver and the other Inaiirgcnta with "r?1,.te 'h" . """Z, " . th i pub,,en mD"'" "M"k I rteaulral tlullty to HaimUuglitrr In In fa nt bide an Ihiriuam City ntlKiola 1st. Lynch Ibtunu. (Special to Nww and l)trver ) Durham. Hept I. In the Infanti cide cane aglnt Alum Curry, the e'ghteen-year-old girl. Solicitor liattla allow her to plead Kullty t.. ma.i alnughter nd she take a year In the P'nl'enUary There waan't much e1den. e that Uft fact after the klrl killed th. infant and that It we her own but for the that ah admitted It The day the baby waa born, she went t. work. conking and washing ami did a hard day of washing and ironing The whole circumstance was one that rat tled the officers. While for. .tier. Pr A C. Jordan, believed the child had been struck, he could not sav posi tively nn th stand and the State win satisfied with a aniall dearec o! pun ishment. The city schools open Monday and all preparations are being finally made for that event. The teachers of the system hoe have done great work In the summer course. In the New York City CnlM-r-ity. Chicago University, the Kn-ixvllle summer school and In the Instn.i.ea Nearly every teacher has don, some of this work. They return to school finely eaulpped and will resumo 'heir t-v,. hoU hav taken on exten- slve Improvements the rpaat summer. The Whltted, colored, schools, have been much worked over unci the Morehead. white school, hat had u wonderful heating and ventilinliiK plant put In. It Is tald to be one of the finest out. Rev. Dr. J. W. Lynch, Mra. Lynch and the children have returned from the mountains after their tummer va- cation. . J Dr. Lynch will not ha able to 1111!''' . hit pulpit at the First Baptist rhuich Sunday owing to the Incomplete slate of repair, now going on In hla church. Hla congregation It one that haa suf fered more from hit absence than It haa done with the heat Baseball lan guar tell ot hot-weather pitcher. Dr. Lynch I a hot weather preacher. Hla congregation come alwaya and h does his best then a at any other um, .-. 71,.. 6TRRY FARMERS. (Special to Newt and Obaerver.) Mt Airy. Bept. I. It la given out that Monday next September 8th, will be a red letter day tn tht hletory ot this city. The Farmers' Union will meet her. and hold a grand rally. No leaa than twenty thousand peopk) are expected la town on that occasion. There will be speech galore and all aorta ' ot emumenta. The first Monday la Labor Day, and next Mon day promisee to be a day lone to be remembered by everybody. The Union It well organised in Surry county and nearly all the farmers be long to th organisation. It 1 un derstood that final action will be taken Monday In regard to tht building ot the dry-prltery, etc The Republicans will hold their county convention for . nominating county' officers, legislative ticket tc, on Beptember 14th. - . This taction has been visited almost dally by very heavy rain, to much to that farmer are making poor prog. l.reea, cutting and curing tobacco. The city M lively sine tn mountain wagon train commenced rolling Into town with the great road of product, of all kind. Bhlpmvntt are very heavy. . - To Be Director cf Bureau of Mines APPOINTED BT PRESIDENT Ttu- iueunvjiirot 4ic from Ikever !i Ib4 lu Tlou the I .ttih-t "laalc l.colotnt Vtao to t.ct w P Hltbui. WlUc b Pays JtllKX) lltar, . tit TTila pKiaUimi tlx" ProiUeiit I itI. ii. c, a Uuiip- ol tnil. Ilj THOMs j plmt:. vv .hinnton. I i . Sept 1 Art " ic ni-nl came from tl. verlv to. ao.t that the Preeidfit -haa-ap-n ""tntmt J t II Iniea f. ruirrU SLaXm. - t cU -CwJd. aa (.ta"' T .:tr.n or Direct. M'nc.' hl.h paa lloitnes ha la.H of th liurvnui of Irf SiiO s year Dr. -. nnectrd with th T.itr.l Htntea tieoloKlcal Sjrvey Unci ro. ...rit! nr t'n.i. a few year Thre ta Mr p..lltkal algnlflcanca the appointment ..f I r. II .niai t th- hon. ,.f the Hureu ,,f Mining Taft h i.l pr.i. tl, .illy turned down lh North i-nrolirii.ii. :md I'rof Ihtrker. f the iloi..Kt, si sirve. -a Irt h.r. of the .rk It llvlmc was inriorcd largely thrt.uirh the Inatrii m. rt!tv of (t.-rretary of th Interior llallinger who charged ih.t lie to,, friendly to OlrTord IMn.-hot. tht depoatvt fofater WhIU the witncM atand befor the Ital linger Plnchut Investigating rnmmTt, ree Secretary llallinger auid there wi a "let of inakea In hla department" Hti.l thnt he Intended to driv, 'h.m . nt It waa the understanding it th time that lr Holme w b one ..f ihn. he had In mind Hut the Tuft mind haa undergone a change en. I rtil'tnger does not atatwl o hlghlv at the White Mourn. Ilecent event In the We-t. In connection with the recepd ,n ,,f The odore Roosevelt, hn. nla.i the Presblcnl to alt up and tike notb-s and that Is whv f'r llolnna hue been made head of the Itureau of Mine nnd Mining after having tieen turned tlon of lr Holme, la a gop to th Koo-evclt-Plnchot follnwlng and th. Insurgent of the Weet Th.it Is the story In a nutshell. In the meanwhile those who believe In the rocdg-tiltlon of merit In the gov ernment aer i.-e have achlovpd anoth er victory COt' NT Y SI I'Mt l TKN DKNTS. T1ie Three l)aya' scmxIoh Kntls Wlfl Ask for lniTeM- traieopriatlon for Ihibllc HliixJ IniiTc-tliiK Fvaturrs of Mmting Yixtcnlay. (Special to Ne ati'l observer.) Chapel HID. Sept. ; Tlie meeting of the County. Btiperliiten'letita cam to a cloee thl morning after a three day' session- At th mornlne es alon Superintendent Jovner "itlln.l the proposition that will he presented to the next General Assembly M es tablish farm life schools In connection lth the hlh school of ths tt;ite n motion of Superintendent Fnll. of i'leeland. the legislature will b nek.-d to In. re.-ian from fl?5.nnr) to tiin.finn th.- rltat appropriation M Ihe tul.llc schools. A tarialtitlve coni tnlttce ..f five will be appointed. Durlnr the morning aeaslon th State Inspector of High School mad nn lntcretlnx addrenn, and Mr. c. H. Mebane discussed the matter of local taxes and State appropriation to schools Mrs Kansnn, wife of Superintend ent Hanson, of Nash, and Mrs. Moore, wife of Superintendent Moore, of Caldwell, were elected honorary mem bers of the Association, being the only bid lee present Mrs Hanson, at the request of Superintendent Joyner, gave a resdlng wjiieh was followed by an encore This varied the program Just a little and the superintendent ! eemed pleased with tha variation" The mentlns- has proved lrrtereet Ing and profitable. The discussions have been a little long and tiresome' : at times, but have been for the most . " .... . WM ,nL' , 'rH"77. " ? T'" -Vh- tn "r' ..Vk ' " ' ' ,tn,(mi ASHkAIIJifc "'!';,"..r.IOV NORMAL CONDITIOX. Street I.lglila Are m and (are Are) . Hunnli , away I (Specll Running Reduced KclMtlule Tox- line Open Again. ta.1 b News and Observer ) Ashevllle, Sept. 2. With treet lights hurrlng tonight Ashsvlll la again beginning to look like Itself. Th Aahevllle , Electric Company haa managed to operate reduced achedule on II car line since 11 o'clock today, although they are nothing like com plete. The Toxaway line of the South ern, which was closed again for (raffia yesterday, wa opened this afternoon, as the water had receded. On the Murphy line there wsa mere troublo this morning, a double-header frelg.., wracking two cars near Candler,) blocking traffic until noon. i The AhevtUe Quilt Mill, th Na tional Cakt Company and several) lumber plant on th north aid of tha French Broad wlU; be without tralnj' service for more than a week M It will take that, long for tht Southern,' to reconttruot Craggy bridge, whiotv wit washed away. The weather con-i dltlont art ttttll unsettled, ahowtrinsj tonight ' ,, POUND DEAD IN BED. oddest Death of Mr. John t, Jottee tl Aanovtlla, (Special toNewa and Obervr.) , Aahevllle, Bept I John 8. Jones, a carpenter, wat found dead tn bed at th. home of hit dtughter, Mra Flora filagley. thl morning, when Mrs. Slag by went to wake him for breakfast. . H wa tl year of age, and worked) tt hla trade. He died during the night, hlg body being cold when- jound.