THE NEWS AND ORSEKVEIU THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1910 Congressman of Fourth Chal lenges Republican Nominee For Debala . mm m m wGjs,.imm folkiie forests openihs1 JTnllcU That the RrpBblkwn tn Xa ttoa. SUM and District WUl Met a Agr4 , ilfer. Arett " Ijtw I Tata Aeed Mrr Kfuni DtMKPo&iIcreat and Point Oat Um CSowe That Am Makina Cer. Rady t mt on th stusnp whom ever tha Republican of tha Fourth Dtstriet Bomint a hla opponent, Confrcasinan E. W. Pou, ef Smilhfleld, the nominee o( tha Democracy. waa In tha eltr . yaaterdar- Ha predicts vic tory for tha Democracy In the State ana In hta district, and aa for h horn county. Johnston, aayt that the Dem ocracy "111 carry it by an Increased! majority. j Tha Conrreeslonal Executive Com- j mtttee of thta dlstrlet met here yester- day and alacted Mr. J. K. Young aa chairman, tha member of th com- ; mltte being Messrs. K. B. Johnson.. -Ha; J. K. Collie. Franklin; J. P.I Bunn, AMh; H T: Powell. Chatham; E. 8. Abel), Johnston. Tha committee authorised Chairman Young to chal lenge tha Republican nominee foe a joint debate with Congressman Pou at aoon aa tha Republican nam their candidate. (twgrreKnaa Pou rrediru Vk-tory. In an Interview yesterday Congress man Pou, asked concerning his ran vaa of th district and vt the gen eral outlook, had the following Jo say.: 'I thall not begin a regular ran- of thta district until after the ( - . 18'; ' - " A 2f e t P X 4 j There is a Record-Breaking First J ' Day's Attendance Virginian- l't; SHE DRA?,K CARBOLIC ilBlO r tempts Suicide by Taking Poison ; hi friend. Heaven knows I have nothing In common aPb htm or hla .puheiee, tmt I rtrr s7rTi5V.rTat those who are scheming ,o get lid of him ar Just aa much responsible for ail that; has been done as ha la He put Mr. ' U,nw,.rth on the Waya and Meana GiUi Battd!, Jired Of Life. At committee, gave him hla chance ana I no on ver beard a word of protest from tha Ohio member until the iead , era began to agree that It would be i safer to get rid of I'ncle Joe What Is lit they have airalnst .him any way?! RFDubttcan convention. - which 1 he-! Ha put their tariff bill through the liave ha been "nailed t th t How hn snd; the Preatdrftt f 7 " ; . . . -. t l.,.t.. -,1 V-T .'..- I , it . . . II..L a. V l H - ., ,..-...,. i -- - " -- . .... . ... .. l.k.-. . t . . .( V, . ivaai uo i mime iH-mo-l'"" i -. r.. ...j rratle success this vrar? 1 will aim. ; Congreaa If It was such a bad law Ply aay thlai In 1114 our party aaa, the President ihonld have vetoed It ; O'Cka a r-iTla Morning dtviaea mo two lacuons, you Know : '" "r ""mr t lM-tnklii tJia-WUW." Tttlg ywif th-nmhWcaitt,1ly--'- hat -th w f -X"j"fc'" party 1 In the same flK. divided Into make a Jonah of I ncle will a bitter warring faeilona Jf 'hero la hard oue to carry Into ee-ut!on He' anrhody who expeta any thing, but. la tP coward. He represent a syatemj drffat to the BtpuliUcan paxty at the- whch has ar"iid" trie Jriilguatlun.. uli ' .nt i. K.iw Kf Itiiii v.i in IM t'eople. That avstem repreae-m' find that pecaon. .the Republican party alnca the da Th difference between the rro-'or Thos B Rel It will go. Surely I rreeelve Republican now led by Theo- It will g but Mr annon Is no more dore Roosvelt end the regulars led t.y responsible for the tyranny wni.-n naa . il 1 her ou ' -t nar w.i h where li'tie elrl . th"uirht n lu,--ihi- had M nunjr While ttouian. .tt-niic.l uk-klc at k.i bi . I'Ur'-WuarU-ra. a here aba slept and raok'ng ben the unfortur man was found oa tnr i- n- went after aakinx u 'r a drink of water it 'hit h- waa drunk: 'ut tiatlnr. It aa found i' drunk It la nnileratood th r.-i.rke1 several dav In trouble and a carbolic acid in order t Wbl aauat. am trmtbre w ft fifl -not n'J - ------ ' Alter having regain.-! i ii!nc, Hie young aoman . ..Ihkii ak:iic the polon. I' i' rr ' l e ii-iii of the r.t- ! uti-le.l that she hS;l lv,. y.. r j-hMff " feVer "palleiit 1 pji .enr cxrbnllc act'l . h t'stnfectant. Phe v. t. Hafrlgh fn.m near s- Tresldent Taft Is fundamental. Mr. dominated the Houe of Rejesenta- 0, . ou(. , . Hoosevelt will never while he breathes lives than thoae who are seeking now th breath of life be able to fore his to gt rid o( him They msde him platform, recently announced. upn, ar and he paid them off by giving . four year. ,.f ., he wing of thearty led by the Pre.l- them h.g place.. Hoepltal ye.t-r.ia xv... 4.ii,..f hv ih. "Tht-re are many intereft-, hour la n cM President beore the Conservation l"g matter, to he .lim-uaaed In ongras. day before yesterday was' this campaign I think th people nothing less than a reply to the are taking a iW inVrenl In th peeche which are being delivered ! questions to he dw.-us.ed When I by Col. Roosevelt: What a difference i know who la to he my opponent 1 between these two men has com to shall r- very g'ad in.ic.1 t,. have him rs... Klthln Imn ve.r.' (i.l Ronae- agr- 1 prewllt both able, to th vail wa. then rreetina- hla visitors be- i voters of this ili.trh t I ilo not ap fors snd after the Reuuhllcan conreii- 1 prehend a falling linn with' th kmirtHnptmcnl It lirrah ' cm t Ic fnr Taft" Kin,-, hla return from Af- i trlct I think it will turn out to be rlca he has had Just one word of ln-a dlaastrou. vear f dorsement for all President Taft haa 1 hrethren who leave the don. At some place the other day, hlp. ha did ear that the action of the Pre.- . In J ldnt In securing a tariff commission ' shape Ouace farfwlu- Viit llM tlir Atarenisj l I n-u.i-. ul ami ibaj-twefr-tmrr aire) st.;l r VU HnwtXW rUn.rr S4 Mid That Mm- Wt in lYoabtejuu! We (rning U Imui I'otxtii. After drlnkii.g A Tlioroiigti Rr-OrgmnJutkia of the I College. Cosrw Uhi-h Will Meet i 4uelif tUlmajuiltlgl x&(n3TtirSz New Prnfrtuatrs to be Added. .S-eclal ftv NV.i and utiserver.) Wake Forest. Sept 7 A record br-oklni i t'cr.ilance un ler highly i-auapiiofius circumstances u.hered in 1 the aesslt-ii .' l?lu-ll of Wake Koreet yv.teri'uv "ihe num!r of enroll ' I'.ci l h;i u- " .!al)lv with each a'11-nc.Hiiir jiv tiuttl it the p'tsent time th uin tMk hv Jta .' 'inn 1 lu arti. p. pulartty of Wake Koreet Is atteated bv the ti'ini - h--.-- of . sf inTc pt . Ti Merely iron N. rtit t a1-dii.i. 1 ul if ir dhtr States a-, v. ih In the fi.mnn r la a f. h...i .rtch his ) .mi . i .1 i.ii th. iilendld and im -r. it'i mi o rii.m .,' rnrnty-nlne in n-i.-.l aitoi n h oi thirty-four . Iv'b t'l.l. tiicf ,. ! e(ireecllle.l manv of the f. r, m wt colli aee of America, among them bring Harvard. I'nlv- u oi I'etir.f ha i. a. William . and Mary Virginia Poltet'hnlc In stitute, I'Mverj.tN of Nonh I'arollna. filter jo.1 Atlantic Christian CoUef,.' This liihh m. a.'iri uf ittc cea ha.s e.tabnl.h.-d a prcedent vthlch 1 unit.' Hkeij to b.- followed until the standard ! rala.-d even higher There haa bren thl.- Mar a thor ouKh reoiaanUali-'n t.f the c.dlece cour.e which, although .!. It la thought will mart n.jr,t comply alth the lUvUern wlm ii"iim neemi "than ettr prevhius ro'irve llie Rrnefal air of the attraetiuii. nr.. no fold, to ellmlnale the eMl or I ie elective -irm and to bring the . oi.r.e. Into a closer lelstion to the lite i.f the .tn dent sfter college It ,.. that" certain etud e. i..t,,. a human Inter. ..t and are i'iu..ll. importaiil t each student v li ;c :litu ..v'. Ul. imjiui. tlullnl. i Therefore WHEN M DOUBT come here or telephone us your wans. GJLif5- . something you want from a drug store we hate . King-Croweli Drug Co. The Quality Drug Store Both Phones, 95 I l.l Men he I ' K I 1 l.iku n ' h. r life. hid 1 11, it no he m at , ItTe the -1 -1 ol PWH TMlfN l CXKf At. IT KOKIl.r T MituNtl ll. ; ties sialyl th t' . re-over The ra.h a i . the Mclroe- K t j morning alx.i t ' o'clock Jil. pa I Ing along t he J met a little f .j managed t. .rt nearhv, where . . ill..-ontented aid .umrn r d I), mocrstlc ' woman tvk'n t i l: I m.t lu.t from hoine the party Inn In . it .-ai . r hn.ton .ountv I. tn far letter as badit burned thn I ana two veers ago im-re ..e -.m f In the Demo- ote In toe Ma'e or in mis ais- i I three-quaru r. ar' I. a- id. lilll e '--en.-ir. t.r.t ttii. taken t.i IU-k I Mi miTIK At i lt? .e h-(.!tnl a ithort !. .--i!.t ni doubt t tried In the. Pidiii- t otirt Yca- tertlay Morning ea in . I I i on. m itte.l n-- - t M U e.ierdsv i , Ab '- n ntai:'-r- ' the mdl Mi' m b in !ie asked ' -r hich ei e a - r n of a ho.i . t .! Med.- 1 1 r i ,. 1 the yni ni; p'ta' .he I. i-. Her month hr a.-ld and n'1 iia. n was all right. This la positively the There only thing Col. Roosevelt ha said which could be con.trued an In dorsement of the President. That platform Col. Roosevelt promulgated Is far mors radical than any platform Mr. Bryan hag ever advocatsd. When Mr. Bryan advocate any reform are several reaje.n. why this .houlil lie o. We will not only carry the county, hut nitr) It by an In creased majority " lfcin't Itccafc Down, strains on t'.is vital organs, like strain, on machinery, cane break measure he la one of the men 'whoa! down YnU ran t over-s atornacrt. eye ar a 1IU1 too wild to be truat- liver, kldneya bowels or nerves wtth d' to quote from Col. Rnoaevelt but out serious danger to yourself If you th meaaiire advocated I nre weak or run-down, or under strain by th X-President It Is the cry nt i of anv kind, take Elc trie Hitters the great practical reformer leading a matchless tonic rn1lcln. Mm j e. .her arm An nunc" te-'t'le i.fte.ihird full "f 'carbolic hi 'd. wm found near the ;. t where Mwi Hjtten aa ..ippoei-1 li have drunk the poison M!m lis ten came to Rale gh about ! five aeks ago from Johnaton re-nii and r -Mimed at 'It West l-sne rtreet. ocupylng a r'em on the second (!" The . a.e of Mr. N-t: . . t Mronai h. . harged with .elllng hi.-t ,mie up ( - trinl before Polite !. . .. stron a-h e-rday asomlna ' p tu ition ..! i iti Atirorney Wal'. r . i.rk Jr a r .1 pr.. .. tak. n 1 - i 1 irk MR'ed that, inasmuch . 'h- ant a. a cousin of the p iutn e. he .1 .1 n- t think the . gi.t to be trud tn his court. TW a m- n-ti of ih sttornry wssaeU.e i ,1 in bv nil. .th th understandlntf t'.e , tmrne . r be tulU Investlgati d in .i iiutu ri ' e jt court. V ,1 I and 1 Kr .rt ' ti. ere c.ild fur .m iir.., n I ring ail'udge-d golW t .-d aith ci.ts amiMini'tg t . . h ileorae Alston, colored, .cii fin ., . ...t. f..r mi a.uult .m on. ' - r J ore I l.ol I- lb d I M u .i ; I.I X;U Itl Rt.I.Alt tllltf.STKI) HY IXH'AI. l TIIOKITIr S. tw o year, are t h trnt and are r.-n Aft.r 'hi. time ti rtv t.i chotiae hii either the c l . terlal or medbii eiiHime. spidv a I nr... 1 here ha. al. I he .cope of the 9 now to be n i hi oa nag a. will a i-'or thin position 'ti I e-. ha e I o MoMon M A. 1 1 of th I'nlv er t i lant car held U-.- . . lute professor o' I t t . r.ltv of Jndtun i holar of eper. I totUion Iih. u 'bird tnenibi r iiodlctne Horn. I., !'U the pi'!t l b . .loloiry at In- i t 1 ru.tee. in It .i itli .f September In nwork on Jsnuarv . . a new f iidir. ' I hate a complete to be under i harg I . j i , - ...,n I Van He naiioe- ft air.iaua, . . I Ul. '"II. " '. ' ' - , i ,,-. WA to another 1 i nat i uiu not wr- - ' enduring a .ever. ai.m. !. Jf one man ever owed It 10 go to mm win wi"i'". m.n j. kh , rl-irlc Hit- t it i Me Rr..n t .1,-, months, la d"e wholly to Electric rif- eff at Uncoln. Nebraska, and say to Mr. Bryan 'You were right and I waa wrong. I hare com to beg your par don for enrery word of criticism I have ever uttered respecting you and tha pedicle yo hav sdvocsted ' I'n les Col. Roosevelt I too much of a partisan h will at least let the peo ple of this nation know that ell his criticism of Mr. Bryan were wrong. "Th change that ars coming over om of tha Republican leaders Indi cate how much afraid they are to sub mit the record of their party to th voters of th country. "Just about a year ago the Presi dent started off -on n speec h-making tour. His first peech waa made up In Maaachuaetti. He said the Payne Aldrlch bill waa the best tariff law ver enacted by any Congreaa' and Just h wag leaving threw a large 'bouquet at th feet of fienatnr Aldrlch. Tou don't hear a word of that kind Row, They don't ven whisper that they are willing; to tnd or fall by the Pajrne-Aldrlch law. on tha contrary the President haa In effect repudiated thto best tariff law ever enacted,' haa coma out In favor of further revision schedule by schedule and dispatch. from Beverly, evidently inspired, ten u how willing th President la that enator Aldrlch shall retire to private life. Even Uncle Joe Cannon must go. Kick Ixmgwnrtn has said It, Bhef man I willing The Old Man I the Jonah of the Republican ahlp. The Ina of thl Congreaa must b saddled on some one, Homebody must be th goat. I believe th effort to down th venerable Speaker will h resented by tera I e tnem ana enjoy nesiin ana strength Satisfaction positively Guar anteed. SOc. at all rtrugglets. SOCIETY IIAHPER-MrOFX. LACK or MOSEY Wa g, Godsend la Tola Caaa ! It la not always that a lack of mony is ft benefit "A lady, of Oreen Forest, Ark., owe hr health tn th fact that ah could fiot pay in advance th fa demanded by specie 1 1st to treat her for stomach trouble. In tlllnf of hsr caa h ay: . . "1 had been treated by four different phyetciang during t year of gtomach trouble. Lately 1 called on another rho told m b could not cur me; that I had neuralgia of tha atomach. Then 1 went to a specialist who told en a t a . l , ... . w m i'U I a lI I n OI ins .' I'lIlW II iiu id ha eotiM mira Me In dmr month. but Would hav to hav bla money town. I could riot rats th necessary urn. and In ray extremity I wa led o ruit coffee and. try Postum. . '"Bo I stopped coffee and gava Poa. tum ft thorough trial and the result hav been magical. I now sleen well t ntght something I had not don for Jong time; th pain In my atomach a gone and I am ft different woman 1 dreaded to quit coffe because severe --tlrhe I had tried to ton it urfered from sever headaches, so I continued to drink it although I had reason to believe It waa Injurious to ma, and wa the causa of my stomsch trouble gnd extreme nervousness. But ''hen I had Postum to ar.lft to It wa different ' To my surprise J did not this cof IHI h'n I bc?n to drink Tostum. 'XJoflee had been .e.dll" snd surety killing m snd I dldn t fully reallae what was oinr t until 1 quit and thantmt A r.f,et..m I eer reed the shove letter? A new .w eIlr f-'nj t'me to time. Thcr ftn g. uuinei, tru aoj fuU of human tntereea, . . Inriiatetma Imoed to Wedding of rop gUr and Irminot Young Couple. Invltaxion hav been Issued to friends which read: "Dr. and Mrs Jamea William McOe Invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Buals Normcnt. to pr. James Madison Harper, on Tuesday morning. September twentieth, at half ps' eleven o'clock, at their home, Raleigh. North Carollna. Th announcement of the engage ment of Mlas McOee and Dr. Harper was made om week ago at a charm ing aoclal event given In honor of Mia McOee by M las Alice Wlllon. snd th weJdlng Invitation cam aa th formal announcement. Ml McOee si young woman of cultur and many charm, th daughter of on of Raleigh most highly esteemed physician. Pr. J. W McOee Bh la e graaua'e oi popular tn large degree snd has bug circle of friend, being hald In the highest esteem, aiany eociai vents hav been gin in ner nonor following th announcement of her f nga cement. Vt. Harper ft naUv of Kington snd Is no successful yount? phyatclan of Bladen county. Hs Is a gmduat of th Btats t'nlveralty medical department claaa ef lilt, and whlls ft student' In Rftlatgrl mad ft large clrcla of frlenJs, being en of th most popular members of hi Claaa. pea's ' . i. H. MrmiF.IX IXJIRED, Burgy tn Which Ha Waa ItldlneT I sjkottatsrd by bieiret hprtnkk-is Mr. J H. Mitchell waa painfully In jured Tuesday afternoon about fosr o'clock and Mis Isabells Prown bare ly escaped Injury, when th big street sprinkler struck the buggy In which they were riding, almost completely destroying It . Mr. Mitchell snd Mia Brows. wr driving down Bouth street when they met the street sprinkler, which fright ened th bora so that h barked th buggy across th car- track. Whsn th collision occurred th horse sprang freeln ltelf from th buggy snd dragging Mr. Mitchell for soms distance. Ml. Brown wa not In jured Is. -the .least . TWO t -HARTIJW VETFJU)AT. A certiflcat of lncorpcln ws filed with th Bacretary of Bfat ye terd.y by Tbe Public? n arrlwwr Co." of rurr.m. Th author'aed capital I. t.O.OO; auhscrlhed $14,600, R. H Wrlrht. et ftl.. Incorporators. -H. J. Irnnntng (a." of Aulasder. filed a certificate of Incorporation- to nge In th real estate business Th arthnriserj capital Is lt.9()9; uh srrthed ll.ieo. R. J. rhinntng, W. ft. tltinnlng and R. 1. TMinnlpg, ftll sf Aulander, Incorporators. Irwin William. Wanted In ew Joraey and He UIU " M Hlxmt Ite- qujMlttiim. Irw n Williams. . nlorvd. who I. wanted In Mount lair. New Jerec. on "he . harge of burglnry, ha been arru'ed ly the l .,,il suthnrltles He mk that h alll n to Mount Clair a 'thout a rvqiii.itu n He.eral da. ;ltn "htef of I'nll. fl.i'Nfher. or SI' ''lair notified the .hu' of v.vlce i f Raleigh that Wil ban', waa here ting the number oT ik. lorn. on I . . , r street st w hi-h h (-.-id be o,-n!., I The ttalelgh f l e had no irou'l- In finding the r .oner He m il be hild until .i j.'.rv officer conn . for him to u.1,1 n n: c.PiTti. I Ichl. tn fie Jlaied In the Iktwne anil tn I he Itotundi. Workmen were busy In the capit .' le.terday building the scaffold which I. to he uwil bv the electrician, in iih mlnatlna the of the build Ing Ua-hH wll al.i be placsl in the rotunda. At Fountains & Osewhera Ask for "HORLICK'S" Tti Orijtaal an! fiioulna MALTED MILK Tha Ftod-drink (or A3 lts. At restauranta, Kotda, and fpunUina. LVrajoua, mv-igaraiitg sraj tusukung, Keep k on your sajebosrd sf home. Don't travel without SI A nkk hi nek Mvssjrte fa a ssjajitt. TaVa m tnitaftpai "T1H5I ITTA The work of Initialling the light. In ! - JtUaayajJUi. (h. dom w, b)l vpry j,MeuK t.aUlnK in No Gomblmm or Trust f r much km , i en. Ion tn t"Fk There of English ' h literature lid of TYiK Y iwuril revt'.n Hartard and Pb , ' ' 'htosao. itlti I ... I 1 loll Cf II...' at the I ni Morton ' ..rid rare shiln t i.e.-n mad" f. th- fiicul'y will be rle. I 1 , f Professor ' I If of the lh .' d on r'rllu " I be tt II tak. up lt Ih Ilese l to ni;iiii i ring c,o 11 e of l'rofea.or Iaii- tieau I he i.iiilpturin tor tnn riMimi. i I. being Installed at the preaent time In the alumni building ; In the colli ki- bo.pltHl 111!. ' .r Ml.. HpetO of ItUelgh. Will succeed Ml.. Os-iiltnev il. head nnr.e. At a ms. meeting of 1 he students thi. morning after . ha pel exercise, v committee was ill'., n m nominate the members of Hie college .emits, will h I. to Inveetlsate nil tnalancea of h' Ing during the cnni'ng session. Pr l dent Potest Is "U deeded In hi. .tntement that hnring In any (.urn lll not he tolerated Tho.e found guilty of such practices will be i -pelh-d Immedistelt A t.lKI. WITH .ratK. Ti.ik tp p ulniilng hatake In tlee Pail, swung Him Vrotinil Her H.A.I l ike a Mu,, aiul Kent Hi- It. ail MMnt- lr.Mii Hi. IKhIj. ISpe. i to , and i'lerf - ' t r. s. .t ; h. . I -' ii ' l i lleid. toanHh'p lite, .i i .. ... i.,,v t.f. unusual tn,ii.a ih- n ittibrr. her be.i v' 'he . ore liet g jndfte . a.tx hrr ardent . a Im.rers harr. -call i.t u.e .nine hour, and up r I'me th. n aili. their h.t f' the '. C't , h. ..I Ihev tX'ke.l ,; i t ; af i 'he -t.ue o? the w.atri -' h-- i v i a : . . tt i iim r of t hi 1 .t t i ! " rit.r.a'ii.n waa ten i Mill! o' tn.. t ,. I f. of the. f tl"t. n Til '.-nVtt.1.1 U.e t-oe it - .... it,i. front i.t.r- h r MiC..'n . i.ict thinking ..rb-!-. ..i ' ttier of ttleni w 1 - r , . i, . a e under .fir. t. i t'l - !.. vt:ia .o p.r. 1.1- :' ,ill.u ' . . Hoitl nf the m ... . ..1 . ,i. -te i on belna I . - ' j-l. uud ea. h e..- k - . r . ... .-, n ir .silo..- .1. ' ' o i i - . r h ltd unf 1 1 t h - i' ' I n .1 f ire hi ' . ' - r -- rts-t treeew fteec . h With h i' :ujr e rr e ..n .n I - . w h rt - , a-kic 1 . pr - .nt i:- i --.irttn . ji-H -(-. let -TV ii re' - - '.' ght- ! e u a for the flr.t for each stu 1 1 r e ery one nt Is at llh e work froni . 1 'ti.l, nitnla- il.e These tehc de- Mili'.a - f.e Itiied '1 r .i-'v t t o n ,- y. S T TE t1rvH nj m- - 9 : m m pfr 1 . be Wc use Live Leather only Jt. .in I rf uui .1 t;""vi, i - , lur.i!'i"'1"'' tor yV.M1 tr JjL L 0(1 l'hes .irt-n-lit.tlicy vvS?N II is made to ti!l V at thi"! price N " 1 1 fc ' Im I ' '" - e.a- ln Horww Mrs W V verv cnb'v.ble tvn. given ye.terilav afternoon from five to seven o '.Im k at 'he home of Mr. J pavlor In honor of her uue.t Mra. W K Patb.r. of Danville. a There were many culler, and Mra Pavlor was pronounced a most rhsrm. it st hostess. m lMylor. entertainment SHOE $4.00 iii sM.s ssaks San sj say i sj lgggrjgiS i n igg e -aisi Mm ksg ar gsju x r Bay ekkrr saia, stees a k aixty sigbta, ssal tea ' M"t JaadrfT(0fJt IVtM sWsl git iiit r llajesfiVand "RegaT Bed Springs - tn Sold to Yw oa 1 60 Day Free Trial THESE two fimoui trules of bed sprinjt look as well as any bed tpnngt made, but it il in wear and satisfactory service, rathef than look, that they excel. The are manufactured of genuine oil tempered steel wire, and owing to that special coo. gtructicw they are guaranteed never to tag. ' They an easy, firm and lasting. Made for cither iron or wood beds. They are ahray the best lor the money. . ' MADE AT MEBANE. Look for our trade mark, which guarantees quality. You caa tecum Ma jestic and Regal Spring of your dealer, but if he should fail to have them, ren one cent and one minute in sending us. a postat cara ana we wiu nave you supplied. y-- MEBANE BEDDING CO..!-, i I ill II sf !. tst I iilfc. iC 'v -v Ik sere rt U f " V g,. .wc..)t, ra w fig(gsWBskH rWas newst. 1 H J nMIMTnTt)H S MITH'F, Having qualified as administrator for the estate of P Yale, ileien.e.l. lute of Hslelgh. county of Wake. N i' . this Is to notify all person, hsvlng claim, sgalnat the estate of said de rea'ed to exhibit them to th. under signed at Morrlsvllle, N '., on or , before the 7th day of September, 1SI1. or thl notice will b. pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. C. K TATKH AmlnLtrator of S O. Yatea. der'd. This 7th day of geptemher, 110. niani not to wear. It is made of seconds from sole to heel straps. The CRADD0CK $3.50 Leathers is a tt) even man who tries tt for the tirst time. It h:ii snap and ginger in the style and cut. It makes the foot feel at home. It wears .vp da - lunger than any other shoe at the price. because we use live leather a quality sole. insole, counter, heel, linings. How can e atford it ? Co to the CriJ.ii k dejler in four town; he know. he .1! tell mu LKlUI'vvniLHnl )Bchkar. Via. X X tee fee f 4 M ex ( Salt J. C. Grinnan WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Cement, Plaster, Prepar ed Finishing; Lime and Cal cined Plaster. Delivered prices for any quantities upon application. NORFOLK, VA. THOMSON'S N "CUOVE-FITTING" CORSETS MILLINERY Mrs. Frank Redford 13 W. Hargrtt St Phone 63J FALL-WINTER TAILORING OPENING Our expert cutter and-fitter is here, with about five hundred of the very newest patterns in Fall-Winter Woolens. WE GUARANTEE YOU A FIT Have your measure taken today. Have the suit shipped later. It is worth your while to make your selection early, as the best patterns are soon sold out In any line. SEE OUR WINDOW. PRICES REASONABLE SUITS $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 AND UP . j ; OPENING bAYS Tth, 8th. CROSS & LINEHAN CO. , The Store of "Quality" i 7

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