J ll ' I re IV -e l -r C w;. -w V. - 1 . . - , a t -. . t w . e.t c t f aa V nJOXIGH, N. C, SA.TUUDAY MOKXIXQ, SEJrEMDEU. 10,' 1910 Leada 1 ra Lint LEE OIlLlQl'Iil ACQUITTED BY JURY ..eeiag th K !.' ar ouu la raufci.v. aad ths ldKt!o in int the t- ""W Ui S mJfrr tha any r- vta afoL 1 - Atcuscd of Bribery inlhe Lorimer Cass WALK Putt T FACVLTT. .. OUT il HOURS I oa lb AMOMiwnt ol tha Vr tuVf th Omit Room Ws hi aa ( p. soar Browne, With tye rail of Tear. Throw 111 Ann Aroaad One of ills ftwiurl UotstrJ oa ti MwesldcCs of FrVrd and Carried. lVora 'tout Itooiu. ""' (By th Associated Press. ) Chicago, Sept Ait or my Le Nelll Brown, of Ottawa, IU , Dem ocratic laftslaliv leader, charged wtth bribery l cngetln. with tha lc 4lm U Vim Imrimtm mi tfhh'Bgoi tw Sever! I HtJr a Uirdu (Special is Nww aad I'MMMr ) Wake Far!, aVpt At th meeting a ih fwelny f Wak Per Colk-g yesterday thora wer susd several Important appointment Mr. C 1. Allen, at Wsdrtbor. waa p pmtd USormUiry altnt la aaato aay; air. J.-i. CnppK of Monroe. as sl.tant librarian; Mr. A. B Comb, f Luhnrllle, k. aa4 Mr. Uraaam RackweU. f WrrntoB. laMructura la the Latin department. Mr. H. a Con rad, of Winston, and Mr J C. Smith. of H!h Point, readers la Eacllah. During th eoni In- rr the f. it. C. A. of Wik Forest I to have a permanent ortke In the Uymnaeium bulldlnr for th ue of the offlrrn of the oraaatnttun. and th rollrira ( tor. At a conlerenca of the rhurch her It tu derided that the rhurvh should tak apon themselves the -penee of furniehlat lh room la a suitable style. 30 LIS LOST III IMEI1GM M VUKHAM H MAJOItm . ropaiar Auornry of rjlsahrth City Nonilaaled br ("laa SUjurtty. (SpeoluJ to News and Observer) Ellbth City. Hept. In last niltht's report from Incomplete re turns from Democratic primary. It was tr!L.Utf -IbiM,J.. M m rk ha aaeeat-4 ed V m I ). Kaunaers for repraaentatlv by a smll majority. Th ofBdnl r Ferry 35 Car Goes Dcn to the Bottom LLOYD 1MII RADICALS AFRAID BOWEBS 15 WTO FACETHEMUSIC End Comss Suddenly Solicitor General to at al i tturtiartaa, Mustdajr, Septeaaber at I a av I keibara, Teaday, Seinesaher. V lam. Hurdle Mills. tVedaeeday. tr !l. st I p an. YaaiejttUe. Taeaday. Ortbr IS si M l a at v Jsmee Mcl "Jvruard at Cp tain Tyat'S'sa- V". .' AYCOGUIL OPEN DUBHiVi. CUHPHIGN Pafuca n nivMt Tim a ; -sht u his a. viwwv aw wisiuw lung a praind l. lh r tun with a fltelns cohtkTx. Tith Democrats ilerdsi momicj. whea BLOOa CLQTtH THE REAHTlSTEDmK APFOmTMENTS Tb tapcain, IVwf aad lrrirs Op- . DJares of Only a Moath lao k aa Jaaiea M !antW a arator Aiuuu Ue Lol rVrry car . It tooara n thf llinw 43h t Boulca Are tU-uwred la' Ulvaa fur thr Dbaswr. ! Tt-.-BTT rTy We."X.iciated Press) Ludlncton. Mich.. 8pt. . Thirty Uvea (he United 8tates. Senate, was acquit ted by Jury lh Judge George turns show that attorney Markham's Kersten's division of ths courts todajrThlMry1. which, touk sight ballots, was out Iwenty-one hours. On th first ballot It stood S to 4 for acquittal. Th final juror standing out for convW'tiotf was won over to stern ths verdict of acquittal at I: o'clock In ths afternoon. The vnClct waa returned In open court a few minutes before I o'clock. Immediately the court room was In sn uproar. It was ten minutes be fore bailiffs stop pod th cheering. lirown was' at luncheon when In fnimed that a verdict had been reach ed. He reached the court In time to hear the verdict. His eyes tilled with tears as ths clerk of the court finish' ed reading. A second Inter he threw his arms about Attorney Charles Erb- teln. of counsel Tor the defense Urcwne was than hoisted to the should ers of friends and carried out of the court room amid waving of handker chiefs and cheering. Hrowne appeared as greatly pleased as though ha had been completely ab totved of further trouble In relation to th vexing subject ot Senator LorW nut's election. Apparently he had for gotten for, th (tin that he la under It dlotment on the same charge and will have to flic trial at Springfield, in ftangamon county. Stats' Attorney Way man was plain ly put out by th verdlot At first he refused to talk. Later h satdt 'The -verdict speaks for Itself; th public know th evidence. I pre sented Th evidence and did every thing that a public prosecutor could do. The fnata of Illinois will reap the' benefit of th prosecution, ..re- Jttrdlesa jot. Xhft verdict, crjmjBal i majority over Editor Saunders to he 4ov ami n is majority over an lour ap ponerrrs. IT,: Great Interest was at tached to the race for representative snd Markham's ftitnds are jubilant over his success. Vr Kxtruntnii W atrr Mains. (Special to Xewa and Observer.) Hulisbury. 8pt. J There is a move ment on foot looking to the extension of the mains of the Sullnburv water works tr Chentnut Mill, no important suburban town near Salisbury. The cltlrens of the burn are trrently Inter ested and It is expected that plans will lie usrrcd upon for the extension of the mains for both fire protection and for domestic purpose died at th Hotel foursjne in this city RAILWAY LIKE XOIWUiK AND WESTrrRX TO 111U.I) .HW)M R1TMSKWAY, VA, TO KPKAV PWKTr.t THAT .iWvTTOKT KkTiT Bl IIi mOM " I,rKSVTLI.K TO MAWSOX. f?Hpclal to News and Observer. ) WInston-Balem. N. C, Sept 9 It 1 reported that the contract a as let this week b ythe Norfolk and Wes tern Railway for a branch line from Its line at Rlilgeway. Va. ?. flprav, the contract price being 1100,000. It is predicted that this will cause the The verdict In ttiwwkT'vasil-01'11 v1 cam as a dramatic aftermath to yes terday's sensational Incident between t'ol, Roosevelt and Benator Lorimer regarding the Hamilton Hub ban quet. A MYbTERIOVS I'RISOXKR. Iniivlwmcd for I he Larceny of a I!ore and Dueity W ill Organise Hoard of Hraltli rX liools 0)cn oa llUi. Washington, N. C, Bept I. A very mysterious prisoner Is at present lodged In th city jail and ha Is prov ing quit a pozxle to his jailers, who are using every effort to learn some thing concerning his Identity. The man Rives his nam as John M. Jones, snd he wss arrested on a charge of steal ing and attempting to sell a horse and hurgy belonging to the Washing ton Horse Exchange of this olty, sev eral weeks ago. Th man will glv out no Information whatever concern ing his people and tells conflicting tales as to wher h Is from. , One day he says he Is from th North, an other day from Norfolk, at another tlgie he stated h was from Wllm. fig ton, then h also hinted that he was a deserter from th United States Army, and had been lately traveling with a carnival company. Deputy Hherlff J. F. Lucas, his jailer, says he shows every sign of being a jail bird and he believes he Is wanted somewhere for another crime. Jones Is . a matt of about six feet In height, dark hair and eyes, weighing about lt( pounds, with prominent front tseth spaced far apart, and acta lu a very suspicious manner. His case come up for trial next month and Iputy Sheriff Lucas Is trying to prov his identity if posslbl before then. At a recent meeting of th city board of aldermen It was decided to organic a board of health for h city, to tak charg nf th sanitary condition and look after the general health of th cltlsens, Th following member wer appointed to compos this board; Hon. J. H. Small, t'aft, oo. J. Kluddert and Dr. J. C. Rod rnsn. th latter being also appointed chairman of the board and city phv I' lan. Dr. Rodman la .will up la his profession, a member f ths North ' Carolina Medical Examiners, and ns (tant acting surneon of th United - Hist Marine Hospital Serrlc. Th lor.l of health will also art in an advisory capacity to th bosrd of city aldermen on all sanitary matters. Washington's nubile school will open on Monday. September 10. for hs reg ular fall end winter oo term, and from present Indications th enroll ment nf the school will surpass all former records. The curriculum his o kreatty Improved and th faculty added to and a very socceeeful school tear bids fair to be the outcome. coimru a. m. tmi.M;E. "" largret Oiwtilnr the InMHatloa Mm I'-irr I'sd. .BtwrlBl tn snd observer ) , f r-n'horo- fcf.tt. I The frill term of the Arrb'iillursi A M-hnl'l Cid- lor the t'olored li-e. lir born. t . rn T"e!i-. Jieinember Fi''r.tl SUtlms rnn1riru'fit'd IMf B the In djT. This does nt In-r'-id s n-imior ,f 'itner ''in:m pr. , -f-e rr ;1e t: - r eiernl "Minn f ,r rlrtnro iir T'lf the r "vrI f rnr.1 n. ftrt U th line from Lraksvllle to Madison. "TAN HIS JACKET." Altai k of Brossttlds W a ChatUng t acerfally WKa Big W if.- aad Kua a hra It Waa kara krn ,iu. Death HmmenirnmT: JLa ml i Us im Lit Taiadry ua V- a. pann-nn- tvn. IRt tha '- rr..,, 1 wer l.ai t0a,r when I'ere ; . . ... - - ixu. aaaasw, oi'li 7 fviiiciior Marquette, tar Kerry No. II, bound 1 , , . wv,. ,, . from Ludlnton to Milwaukee, went a urloe Mtni ot rident T.ft. v ... .i.-j.ii 01 unm aiicnisao nail wayscrtaa t,i is-. The dead In- elwlo t-atTTeef TvTliyr6f1Gdtncton. a. r. taepatiek. of Chicago, purser and wireless oih rstor, whose signals of distress brouKht asautanc w th sinking stesim-r. snd two members of th crew of Cr kVny No t?, who lost their lives tu au effort tu rescus tb crew of No l Kll f.dbean, of baglnaw. Mi, h . a member of the crew of No. Ill would make a thirty-first victim, but it Is t-elleved that he waa not on Ikihi'I nh'ti No i et out from here la muht on her fatal trip. Jaaconaoii. S. hrubbcr, Kteamer N'o. 17, Luddtnitton The st.-amship company Irsued a list of 35 iimitm of survivors of th wreck, all mt-iubers of the crew, and most of them w.-re brought here to night on I'ere y.iiniuette Car No. II. Eight bodies were recovered, six of them being brought here on Car No. 17. and two b inn taken to Mtlwau- I kee on Or Kerrv No !0 Th holies' brought here r tlmee of Captain ' Kilty. Purser Sejpanek. Siesrd Mack,, W. H. Cummins, N U ll.nraiid and 1 Mrs. Marion Turner. lint of the bodies taken to Milwaukee was that of Mate Joseph Zreiinskl. The other waa reported to be that or James Koob. In the list of rewcued soma doubt has arisen In regard to the sec ond body taken to Milwaukee). Koob doe not up pear In the steamship com pany's lift of dead. The cause of th disaster Is ea ts, railroad cars into th sake to ease cabin watch, said that th boat was very low at ths stern when th first alarm was given. He said the pushed 2t arilrod cars Into the alke tu ease the vessel, but without avail.. Sey mour Cochrane, another survivor, mid he was reading a mags sine tn his berth w hen a cabin boy rapped on his door about 4:34 a. m. .and shouted that the boat was sinking. Cochrane floated on a cabin door until picked up by N'o. 11. Th purser had given him 11.000, which was due Cochrane employers after they had delivered the boat to th Pere Mar- oue.tt . 'a y t litam Preston llyn.iin. Is on Toe Kctub- ntod'tlcutlon of the former order "' ft. Oman 1 hardlv i. Important thu.'t ..' . fr ! lican political campaign deck and sle. no that condition that pir lu.r Mr A)imkj lie likewise a popuW (5 S . 1 I that ordinarly polit!. ul m.inugers must ..f the road at the sale hil i e re- ! li.-r.- snl among the a.Pdre.j , ." J tread softly around his ncwiy acquired .ir-d to operate It. lore t.. i.ir ag u one waa uSel - , N,1.' i " moi agertal preaerx.s And It ail hap- Another Bankrupt. in. w 10 the . ampuign i . - ipenid. with Mr Sh. rnll a meaning of In the bankruptcy court T 1 1 " ' lo. rinan I'uushee has 00 dread , f - -V 1 . ' - 7 no offenae. and not dr -anting he waa i',.d tgnd sn order adiudu-Uig f ' I'-itlnun in the campaign Lot ha V - ' V : V 1 t - t ' ' - : 1 )LLoyo W. iOWcRSl I ' fj t "1- T!? iV jit tii3 ! icoBNl. ts sle-rt, one of them. survlnl In sawing louse a Una the shackles that held his teg. Cuohd through the door wtth treniuO ' speed, kn.M'king the guard dc step In falling Mclasnlei fell aharp corner of the step and 1: va itnouicnt h's leg was broken rim n jgrabt ed his rifle, and although r Cpt. trate on the ground and iu(i.M By a : treat psln. tired a ths escsptn .Vict before he struck the covet .1. won. is The other prisoners, betnj shai kled, mad no effort to er nie i know 11,1c that relief for the ijim. JRAUfuad. ut- uav f i al ng 1 X He; tTntrri was eomrng Tb aame of ifrr itrsna. ea-aped , onxlct has not yet been trui Imittrd to the sheriff, and he Is p.. (Hi AXKRKW JOVNKR.) ,er,et to Institute a search for hu Olreen.boro. Sept -Demacratlc "h' r,ff ",t.ry?n b,rn no,m' 1 .. : of the occurrence at the camp )'i' County thalrman Ed Sherrol U Buffer-, dav K, , ha, information he h Ing conslderabi) this morning with a from the newspaper men. An eii.,, "htrt tlliig. ' ivjnie- tlnie ages h"!"1!-"! Mefanlrl i Injury by a pV iaJiJau-suw.liiJIWIulaUta;-- haillN fpniltod. It waa not broken, a.-l , be wi'i soon recfiver. a joint canvas of the munty. so thati Want Itallniad hi Keep KuniiliiK tho voters C".!d hear both sides Sl Xleer i.in A Kerguson. h:'. r IsxvouaJad by- UeeWicnn atld fwim-!"' n mrrtton tirfor JV.tlge n.'. 1 T .. hi . -w. . -1 i'i Circuit court. In ths c- ' jcratlo candldalee This Invitation hyu, R M, Alry ,n,, K,, ;os courteously but emphatically de-; Railroad, for a modification of the .r jcllned, and If Mr Hln-rrlll felt bnd.d.-r snle uf the railroad. hUi 11 ' ' over It he didn't Kh..w It. Hut today -lirecte.i to take place ttept-uv.. n - .- j... y- -A I. , , ,, . . wv , The motion was set for a hear 1 10: '"i J. .'" - ! lo,k" Mu- ,"'ll"-' h be'" S p. en, her 13. notice of same I-m , fi.t J 'made to feel lrot a new and a lordly ,r,,,( lMU ,() a pBrties ituni . 1 'V"S m I jbiohiie. In the person of Judg Wll-1 The :ivtlon requests a hana or ; The Ex-Governor '"'Vi wucart lucouaf who t.a n Speak Will esday Week t.uciw at 1 soil's Camp Is Han Over tuavkt V. ho Makes III Hard Suffers hralsed Leg .-Want; Hi STEDMH ON THE 23TH UhM.t WhiLaa.-r. a Uaetuaa. IVU Innu a s.e Vlul- al Wk and l I'a llj Injured TA .wk u IUMUt tt.urt-ti Advuuind I r I ik-oj. So,.. ; Tfcat nmut ran Xo Rr lu-ij Ul IlulUliiiK tnln-r ll.oiv to Nr.il an. I o' rv ) Sept s r F" in Kmi rtll ir. en.eni j mid hf.- It .Vytotk jiasked ( the. IIspmoIimm sesnly shale I man that the cou.it r candidates have i 1.1 h.irn h.- ol. iMrters a:-: . x t , r it-.1 l tc open ih. ,w,w hee Tueslay -rrrrrr- -fteTt? nTb ; Y - rri " "T he : a k 1 ng ". I take p:,-e In th Academy ot !! an,) will he l.'i - pan wter f r :h ;,nipalgn. The . oa.-ut the ex-'ioit-rnor i ., ii.ie4 trie greatest t,,V.. ,os!:M Ho m niu.ti tb m-.t popu' ir th- l ie men c,,mn.- her in. I .innisfi an rntli-.isism tht n -io.l e'se k.in il.i 1 'hairman M A. Koi,i.h,e is t- hn-o a ,-r.l rally of it. Major Sllir,ii cnif. ten das iMlel Septenit.er . -th. nd fruni then on at le.iii 011 bin spee-h every week mil luRr plii, e l h. ltt of Maior I n, hanjn. ineirchunt , Ja, Uson coun'v. hankrup (Continued on fur. doing of anybod. inj harm. Ininu dlhtcly following the uoiiOuncciuent In the papers Tin-fc.liiy morning tint the spclal term nt the I'nltrd Slaic Court tailed to icet hire Monday t . try some blr llu.i, r 1 m, whl- h had jbien potpoped at a former tefm e el f thnt in consequent e of llus pO;tpu,n--iment, the prayer for judgment m to important crlinluHl cones wuuld also b coiiiinued until the Iiectkiliier tonn, awaltUig trir.l of the Ivll docket case far condemnation of tJU.OOO worth of liquor tillcged to have been tin-! stamped. It was alto announceJ that j Judg I'ynum had .igrccd to accept tbe.ch&lrmanihtp of the Klfth tMntrlcti Cngrealo-tl Kx. utlvc comrrtftu-, j and that he would l"-o ast a Can-; dldate lilalr's cumpaiKn manager. V.tf nnlv thl hut It wrs a nnmin ,-,-ti that r lien Hhnrn. his neighbor nnd 1 f the National Knrmers frler.d, would a-t as secretary. (Jl.-. hlx Tlir.- AX VXSUCCI'NritTI, ATOiMIT T; IXJHT POMTICS IN TIIK X V TIOXAI, KARMMtS' IMOX AT IIAHIiOTTK MEI-mXU. (Hptrtal to News and Observer ) (.'harlot le. 8-it. . That a strenu ous effort was made nt the convention I'nlon. clos- It.ln ghorc Inst iiieht to Kit through a was alo cor.u-iiiiiorane.msly ttnntu'tceJ r8!utloii Inje. ting politl.g ftrongly in.tke the ma;viTi , tli.it there can le 110 -1.1:11; -r cf a at 11 111 p In another 1 u..,;T cr-t enough to hurt thi- ore 'lie Ke publUans here don't i.ueve iti.it Mr. i'iuii hiiN aii iho i l.-i ;fi,' rn -. :s--isn that illi-Ml'l keep Them ;r"ii! !iil'..ri. Tbtliurhini Ke-Krtlei ha pt.5-i ii.to tin- haiaU ot J K I'upree (rmer t-iri !. ot tii,. Durham Sun. nd .nil ti II' - tuture tu- t.. ie,i tr -m th Sun s -in. 1 1 t.'.s tm Manttuui street Mr I'upree bus In . 11 in the buvinessi betor- . baa t-dltcd an Onslow- county i weekly and dune dally work on s Tsr I'oro duily The first btaue under taej j new miiimiteinent will be next week. ( heater Vt hltakcr. a young white ; man working as a lineman for the -traction company, was severely snork led thl. forum while at work lor th rompai y. uml tell as a result, from i the pole to 'hi- icrour d iiniiit'nu . .iiiihiij, infT naviiiic 111 ... leuseo net at summer. XI in 1 ot n- today. Death came suddenly, the re sult of cardiac thrombus, which end- nior.th due to an irane could not load himself with cun attack of bronchitis. The death Bowers, who relinquished an Mr A Youthful Tldcf . Ordered Whipped by Jiulirc IWikit--Hie laitdi Applied in Im" lre-iM of Deputy KlierHI Mumftad. (Special to News and Observer. I Wilson. Sept. 9. Kinchen Joyner, Jr., an eight-year-old little negro, 1 w ho resembles one of the "(lo!d Dust i Twins." was up before Judge Peebles , irosiiea. or t,n, f thl, lacancies oa vesterday on the charge of the lai-l ",r " ln" c-iriipT i pr me Court ln. h ceny of a bicycle. Th jury returned 1 ""o " l" r41"-' "go re, zt uvee lost a verdict ot "guilty" against the little be presided over W. P. I'ynum ty candidates to bo presetit, us Chairman ...I tha e..o,,. i re ton as a norim. r 01 wit comniiiiea were expot ted ' on letlsUtlon In this n-jiort. It n souirht to sot the un 10 take a bold tepuDitcan inNlBnj for ounJIiat. t vho will tup- eervlces may be of anil tiert tne money to th steamer s rail as tne boat went down. , ceedingly remunerative position a. Many of the life boats were stove - ranrad -,. ,,, ,,v. ., . In by the wreckage tumbling In everr , " 1 'ke u th dut1"' direction on the toeslns: sea. the ik-cu- of So,lc,tor "" on March 21. pant of the small boats bejng thrown ii'jt. at the Ir.si.inc of Preside, it into .tie iuh rust 01 tiietn . l-ait. remav s the Su- black lump of humanity, and this left the judge In a quandary as to what would be th best course for him to pursue in regard to the midget pil ferer. After cogitation Ihe Judge rightly determined rather than have him further confined with hardened criminals to have h!m whipped by his father, hoping -to convince him that the straight and narrow path is ths right course for him to -pursue. Accordingly he sent for the father. who cam Into eourt and said he was willing to administer th chastise ment "An' Judge," said he, "Ah'm ready right now; an' Sah, Ah promises vou. Bah. ter do r good job ob It" So, at twelve o'clock, when th court took a recess for dinner, sounds passed from lh jail yard which sounuea nothing Ilk a church solo. CHATHAM DEMOCRATS. Tho County (mi,vigm will open Thursilsy at Ttirailklll'S Store Bryant and EUrbla to riprak. ( Special to itewg and Observer . Ptttsboro, Beut. . Th Democratic campslgn ! Chatham county will be opened at ThraiikiHB mors, iew Hope township, next Thursday. Th principal speakers on this occasion will b Hon. Victor S, Rryant. of Due ham, and Oor. Kltchln. Ther will be a big free barbecue. Th Dm,-e-racy of .Chatham Is sctivs and will roll vp Nf snaJorltTi A Boosnnw exua. A MasB-Mertllg of Vonng Mm of tv la-stna-Saleni to IU Pcld. llipecial to New and tbervr. Winston -Palsm, N. Sept. . -A maas-meetlng ot all th young men In Winston-Salem has been called fr next Thursday nlxht for the purpnae of organising a "Hotsiters' Club," the nam lo b determined later. fr the purpose of glxing r"n m' Ih city an opportunity nf tsklng an adlvs part In pushing Winston -fslem ahead. e mm A New MlUtng Kntrirt-r-. tXi-erial to New and ttba-rver. I Smlisbiirr. S-'bt t A new cone-ra to h. knuwn ss The Indls Mll'ing Co of laedsL Rowan cnintT. will hegIB or.rtio In a few dv. d-dng a g ral rtillllng boinea Th plant. benefit of sums Demo, re tic points to riirnecf or riemollt-h on the snot. And f)Blly reports rtiimenilne IK. t,QUlHA HI,- tih,.relll .l.ulru.1 lo In.Mr. and a financial loss exceeding half a Hon of the sick man have been .n- the distinguished visitor sot only a million dollars. i couraglng and vesterdrtv ih n-mi, 'tm hl ao,llni-0 I, nt v. wurtri sntt coerilal 1110 wuij ui tow iubw or tne tar. 01 nis oeing ante to terry rere siarquei- will constitute were rtlsrutrH-d Dr. Frederick Cos t Htate Chairman Morehead, stating me moat tragic ana inrtiung chapter geenall. who has attended Mr. Bowers lht tinder whichever auspices MrJ l wn"B m in nistory or the like nere. ssld t.Mtay that th patient had llolton was appearing, he would Michigan marine. a good night's rest, st. a good break- gu-.l to be accorded a division of tlmo Leaving Ludlngton last night at ; fast today and was chatting cheerfullv Tor same Democratic speaker. Chalr 11:30 o'clock. With a fair, but stiff , with his wife and so n when ai.tlrtenlv men Morehead returned a most cotirt- He was btil hurt and was picked ahVlM,tSdnSIU,,7i 'mlT. nVJ'T,'?'! Into tho union ., program, was lenrn- '',' '" ''lv" , "' A. K. Holton noiil.l make a big lb' 1 " taken to the h'-.f.ital and treated publican speech In the courthouse itiird today. 1 he !ite was presented byt wm be fc.v,,ra uuk before he Is Ulcensboro oil hriday lUKhl, H-j!teni-'a follower of II. .11. luru Watson. of(ahle to resume work though it Isn't ber th. and that the met ting '0111'' ; Georgia, who pr.-eiiteo a minority I believed now that hu injuries will " ,.i,.i. ne ratal. The work on the r':-t Pat!.t church, which has been "iii(t on six week, ha reached th-' point hi-r will tup- services may be held but it . id re- aml lurtbe-r tbtfn"ire it month to compicl- tic n-n-..osiiii. . Khould put ' tract. i" . pie.ige.1 t I Rev. Dr J. W. Lynch, the pastor, itoon prlncl plet ! III preach Sunday afters rest f two iiiil Issues. The ' niontim His pulpit Is utterly dem-r-rl; 1 11 1 riih ,1 nlix-. bv the eerpenters. but H It in nf th,. closing . temporary shape, though ther, an ici'iion. being' I e no niii-lc. Delav in th sh'pi.'tt fhmly but consld'-rntelv muel "he,l by of orne timbers and the orss.n '!! tlie leaders and memi" r of ihe con-. necessitate d -lav In completing the venllon. ' work It will tost the Raptista fuiijf s I JlO.onO to complete everything CAST ALIA W IIOOI,. This Ih really the precuracr to a new t'hiira h K hli'li Im ,, ertma within lh. ivm the hotttl reci-ptloif: 80 he sat down and wrote ' Ijirircst Opening lu ll History 'next five years Since the coratrg of W rAfl A tf n Be t 1 . b h L.' f (. a !ka I mrm-t X U ,ilnBSfl alnllns - Splendid Pacnliv i 1 r ' v n. tne napttsts. wno are n-t If tbore could be any doubt 'about every the county not wantirg to he present, port . 1U Jneaioiiti TtmrMT, ttntrnn -vt-a rtmnff ins npertk-; ,pi(, unlon whrr.-M r ! and Judge Kynum the preeldtng. i ,,ul h, own t-anoi I Now, when Chairman Sherrill read all ; wurk nnd labor for this. It occurred to him, that It w9:Ullj doctrines In nati nothing but the proper political ethics , r, ,uton failed, tho to auk that a division of ttme be given 1 ullt, f tn biggest stl some Democrntlc speeker. so that thv:n,.ura f the bis 11 prospective candidate 'I'lriru't Attorney cnuiu nave in winq ana zs toi cars on deck the' he stopped talking, snd a moment em., answer, referring matter to the ferry mad good weather for Die later waa dead, other chairman. a!nea it waa out nf hi hours on Its cours to Milwaukee IT. Corseshall sped ny automobile Jurisdiction. Chairman Worth nnd At 4:30 0 clock. Word was sent to to th hotel on a telephone aiimmom chairmn Rvnum alan replied Chulr- Cupt. Peter Kilty that his boat was i to dlwover that Mr. Rowers had died man Worth s letter was plainly wrlt- rapldly making waUr gad that the instantly of a blood clot In th heart. , ten bv Pynum. and It waa plainly dls pumps wr una hi to keep even with Dr. Coggishall said that th original courteous, calling Mr. SherrlU's atten th Inflow. With full confidence In Illness of Mr. flowers, which took, the ' tton to th fact that he had already th stability and seaworthiness of his 1 form of a violent cold, was due to , refused him a joint canvass with th craft tb veteran ear ferry navirator over-work. Th cold attacked him at countv candidates, snd since that set. headed his hlp with all speed tuwaK 1 Gloucester, whence Mr. Rowers had I tied the matter. I see no reason whv Shnyhdga on th Wisconsin shore, i come from Chlcaso, his horn cly. to you should renew the request now." Ths steamer's pump wer worked spend the summer. Tonsolltt devel- 1 have the honor, therefore, to de to their fullest capacity and all the j oped and expert medical aastMancs dine your requesu for a joint dlscus expedlent known to a skilled snd re-, was brought to bear. An slice on slon with Mr. Holton Friday nlrht." coiirceful mariner wer reaorted to. Rut In aplt of tt effort, th ter rible fact dawned upon tha captala and all on, board that th boat was gmdus'lv tftit surely sinking An effort was irisds to run num ber of th rslr-nad rr rr er!-"ard nnd thus tighten th load and gain a few precious minutes. With greet dltrk-nl. ty nine ears wer dropped off ths tern of No. It. hut this gsv lh ves sel only a alight and temporary re lief . , Th ship was doomed. Yet notwlth standing this apparent fact and In th h ipe of saving both crew and raf. the captain crowded hi ship ta th utmost limit, hoping to reach Shoal Wntr. Th effort was futile. At 7.30 this morning tlm ram whea th boat's buoesncy srys n longer soficlenl to sustala tt Sud denly, without wsrnlnr and before the horrlfled rax ef r"-T men n hod. P. M. qarferrv NV j which had jtt arrived th ie in rewtvtna ta a dim'? stsnafth great back how of th flagwhrn rose hieh tn th air. bottom and with a f"r an( erash Ilk sn expoaion. ths ship shM downwwr snd waa lost ta view Th horrified n look era an Steamer No. 17 Bcod for s moment terhle and 4rlf1d Ther waa among lh aneaing half hundred of their fellow. beles siu-gllng- for their live. Arnilsing X' for h'l wee heart shove the oeau All was eonfitslon. indewcritialit terror nd ebeoa. In a twlnk'lng twentv. on or th tonslla neceasltated an on- he concluded. Mannser-Chalrtnnn. erstlon, lhe effects of which Dr. Cog-! presiding Officer Rysrum. alto wrote, gwshall said wvr to sever for th'but ssld from using the same Ian weakened system to throw off. xuage rs did Worth, curtly Informed Fanersl services -will be held Mon- Mr Sherrill that h ought to hav day morning at th hotel. known better. te. Mr. Sherrill Is rrssiaeot Tair, who nt a pwi.' much hurt over It. It Is noth snnai nimmna 01 sorrow to Mrs. Powers ss oon as h heard of her beavment. may ettend. in ctmpieiM.n 01 mo lunvral Br ing new for Repuhlleana to decline rn Invitation or a rhalenge for joint discussion nf Issues with Democrats, but under th Rvnum dynasty, he ray rai.rernents Is delayed bet .-1 use Mr. It appear that hereafter even a eotir. Powers dausrhte. Mirs Mimha T.iteous request for th asm Is to be Pwera hs Bot yet been communicated j trSsted as an Insult - with. Miss Rowers .In on horse- That's drawln th 1n Orettv taut it rich tonreKKtlon hav determined (Special to News and iibserier.i j to give him an auditorium worthy ot Castalla. Sept . The liLstalla , ,, able sn ecclesiastic. High School opened Tuesday. Auut , Contractor ft R. Houston Is tnakit.g Despite the rain, the opening was ready for the Immediate erection of Ihe largeet it has been for some years. , three-etorv. 6xlS0 btt'tding. st Dt Students have continued to come l..,nt. known as the - Smith Htnrasd nnd now there are more than thirty Cmpany." a handsome rtd pree-ed hoarding pupils representing live coun- rk strm ture to cost above 115. Oi ties. Nash, Franklin, Warren, Halifax,; 1, , designed only for store and and Johnston. wt mor, tnBn likely he so used It With the present faculty, the school ! w up ,ne ppot ot an Qld pr-io hag a bright futur. prof if ar ' house and will sidetrack an unstghtiy ( reech. principal, who la now spend- frme structure. Ing his third year at CsatuWa, Mlrs Mr and Mrs- Jooeph C Wslker. Huael Hamrlck,. of Clrglnla. asdstant who w. married here last week, have V? J, , fhooi work, Mrs Carnn movd to Cary. wher Mr Wslker 1 ic. ,iui-t, wnu una naa several years . r,hinl He came her yesterday and tots; experience, teacher of the plimarv nnd Intermediate grades, and M! Kunlce Anderson, of South Carolina, music and elocution. MI RDKR CASK POSTPOXEI). Jsdgv Preble Hnffciin; wllh Itlira mntlaro, Adjoarrrt WUsn Court and Lrft fur Ills Horn last Xl.l.t. , (fltMtelal tn V.w. and C1K..m.b v ' ' . KHinev-i scnen cane. annng Wilson. Sept . Just before th criminal asssult Is t b trt-d tomotv nwn hour today Judg reble notl- rnw mornng bef0r Justice R. A. Har. n"., uml m nis opio-rfV it.u. wuuiu De itnp.watnie tn Ty F.Q Mrs Walker's children wlh him to bis home Referenc to the romint was maal last week. Mrs WlkT srd Mr Wslker were sweethearts ni t en yesm ago hut she msrr'.ed an other. He didn't and when she -came a widow. Mrs. Oertrud Strsy horn, the old heme began to hum They were happily named lost w eel . Th Ralney-Carthen case, aliening hack trip through Teltowstort Par 'snd ther ar nunr fteDuLllcwns'.VTJI", " " " " "J1 Vrw Hhe serlou mstter W hst t will It la hoped to revh her soon. ,h are ashamed of It and tired, irj " "r?v.-'fl.c'-m? I amount to must depend so'.ly up-n After th fanersl service her th hwdr will be tsken to Weetfl.lt!. Conn. wher th hwrtet will b held t-pon e arrival of Mla Rower feons th West Th tnterment will be In th ances tral burial grounds, Tfl Trttxet., Rwvwrty. Mssa Sit. Th sudden Kissing away or Solictor tlesenl oyd W. Rdwre ensd th dar a aad at rirse i-imt especially as th stern ttd swlfty toward the lrldBt Tsft hsd bea siir.. only two dav Bar thai, nis eniier mat aad hkt Inttmat friend for thirty rears, was id sarwly reoover. Th PrsWnt s tribute was as fol- "1 am greatly dttrsd at th death ef IJoyd W. Rowers, th Solid, lor Oenersl. tt and I wer r,w and Int mte friends, snd I ndd my self sreatlr oa seetirlp his servb-e f not being permitted to hear the other side, and nf having to sit silent when their candidates ara accused of cowsrdlc. It bit b that Soma Re publican sr mur sor over plng ordered by Rotter not to permit any Joint rwnv, than they ar over re ceiving Invitation fr joint debate from Democrats. Whatever It la, Jsdg Byntim. who Is also on nf th Stat campaign msnsyer. hag started ut with a lordly main. If he la senaatlv over being hilled to preald over Mr. Moltnn's meeting. It Is lrB. for he and th District Attorney, Federal Court Clerk vMllll ksa snd others ar said to hsv hsd a perfect understanding be for thee aumernua political raarifalgn honor were dumped on him. Ms Kt crimes' A fipewolrwcnta. Major cc har lee M, Stedman will since, at thl trm; and that h was urrring from rhsnmatlsm. that he would adjourn eourt this afternoon, and to to his horn for a few day rest In this slmlnlration at rrt p-rn- epeak at fill-snnvlll tomorrow aftr evB Ire wr muffed nnt sad stxlr,! ,rr'-" ta hiAif. t'la rc ird tn 1 mnnn snd good crowd will accorn- strong men wer precipitated Into a death lea retitl ss M w tnpr. which Is new and ef tn most lawietl rrtst'r.ly drawn hr a rewwrtm t -c. hs a rspscttv of enl-flv j suction, a scoe o me eon1!) brrels p. e dv The prident of tw eedlr t"r.l tb fvl vrx r ot p.et- I It B. O. Ftlwr1 sndjth aiestre stesmer rv.t. tn 11 Cjrriher I s. rtry st.ajwhe' which sealed their doo-a (rref. I (Cotit nnM on pt the S.irilar C.meral s sn I niw thst I eanv him from OrTNro. has rsreiy tf ew heeti eonlid. M j Msr-agef Cook today gav notice nf i R I tirvlvd by hi wife, thr Death of H. ram Merrill. ' (special to New and Ohaorver ) Wilmington, Sept Mr. Httnin Merrltt. formerly employed by iH city and wll known and highly re spected by all In th cirri of hi ac qualntanr. pssssd away at flv thirty o'clock yesterday afternoon after an f!Trea of tw weeks following a stroke of parslyala Mr Morrllt was a brav Confedemt soldier during th War Between the State and wa a n:-v-ber of Company C. tlat N. C. R mnt. II eerved throughout tb war and waa rpcUid and sieni'd by all hi romrsde In arena. H was In th fighting around Petersburg and was ato at th fa 11 f Fort Fisher. wa on ef the "ret hIf a.eTi law. I the following appointment for Major yr of 1k hlrhewt l, Utr In t h' , tedias : ettntry l s n s-irj-. o- br! rirford, Salurdey, . Septsmb IT, at BOfolnted In I Ju'1 nf th S-. ! I p. n pm Court if erftnt'if . Cered rfwsmnf. Satnrdsy. September (Ceat'ni.ed a I him Tore ) l?, 1 It m. danrhier and en ana. the ehlldr a Mm Mr J. n CarBy, Mrs John T !. Me, Wm J Hart snd Mr William H. M,-rritt Th fiarl wss held st five o'clock thl afternoon from tha rttidene, th wltnewes who could not b hstl here earlier than tomorrow. CITIURETS HOSPITAJk Dr. Ross at Altanaaa lo Vtert aha oa tlie IMiNi Rose. (Special to News and Observer.) A Its pass. Rent. 1 1 Dr. Reas ft Mc Elwe. of Ststesvlle. N. C Is her ta select a location fur a children's ho. pltal. which h dedre to be sitwsted somewhere on ths Carolina, nincb 8ld Ohl rsllrad. ft I th head f of a enmpany f gntb-eae who will flnanc th Institution and operate It In th summer month. A boat twmtT. ays acre ar required, which Will h used for th Beeeaeary haildlesw. rare den and plv grounds foe th rhitdre Bstlrnta Th doctor aavs that out door living ha th pur air aad swe ll rM nf this section Wll h a htrv part of th treatment stvea t tats, mtc. fhl children, aad that h knows of a place wher surroua i ln, r enor eowd ecivs in hKh Th hirttl Is deetgnad avw er-o-ellv tn met Ih demawd ef saacrM In th lowland rltlea of Ot Csroline.. Oeorvta Alabama, alkastesltiipl. as 1 Louisiana. ..... -. vos.ma,,M.,nW' - ' V '

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