SECTION ONE ; PAGES 1-3 . .e-v ; IU ObIj Halt? la .rth (tnliu That Hm Jve 15,003 traMuiermi , f . i If Ml VOLUME XC, NO. 08 BAT.rT.OII. X. O, 5UXDAY MOKNTNG, SEPTEXTJIEII 11, 1910 .flUCE 5 CENTS h Carolina Dallies in-New "COLLEGE LIFE" JIM SHERMAN UP TO OLD TRICKS BEGiriST III s-all Nort saed-QrcMattom I A BITTER DOSE FOR IDISOfillCALS GONCflETE BRIDGE IAD MEMORIAL s : ; . - . - --. v - 51 Peace Institute and St Mary's OpenThursday MEREDITH j "JiSESM! Hundreds ef Student Win Cxuoe to Raleigh Thta Week, to Eatrr Tbew IastiruUons of Learning, and Indi cations Point to m Imrrwsrd Aft icbouia to Opr Tomorrow Mora ter of the 6 Late, will com hundreds of student this week, to enter th female college, which open on Wed eesdar nd -Thursday; ana once .gain 1"-- c'r he the eoene of -caller lire." The A. w4 M. College hid tU fdflhal ' opening " en Friday, hit. the township graded schools will open tomorrow, with en Increased en rollment over last year. ' in tact, the Indication point to ft laager gttend- nc upon ell the echoole end col lege, of the city. It la eeUmated that between five and .Is thousand elu dents make their home in Raleigh during the winter months. ' Peace IuetUule. Peace Institute, of which Prof. Henry Jerome Srockard Is the preel dent, will open Thursday, September lt,tK,late teellltttw.-h-Ajosail. every spec will be engaged berore the formal opening and the school will be compelled to decline more appll cants tha ever before. Prof. J. P. Brawley, who has been k New Terk studying under and as sisting Joeeff y. and who apent the past maimer In Kurop. will return as the 1 1 rector ef music a poslUen. he ban llled so well for the past eevea years. Mr J. E. Booker, daughter e( the hue Dr. Peck, professor of theology pi the Union TheologloeJ Seminary, tomes) as the lady principal, leaving similar position, with Us Normal wol'eee of v mini. Silas Margaret Perry, one of the Wet primary teachers In' th mate, assume the Wt rk la thjt departaafnt, ad Mis Margaret Painter, a grad est from the Women's Colleg of Baltimore, takes the work la English lone last session by Miss Maud M ar il m on. ; ... . Mrs. Ruth R. Monro, whose ability ta aa art teacher was so marked last rear, will return to resume her work this session. .The 0 Ulcere and t each ire ire the same. , Mies Louise Paulsen.. .' an ' honor rraduate : from the Conservatory ot Music, Lrlpslo will teach violin. Mies Pstlse comes ta Peace from the Bem- Insry for Young Ladles. WolfvtlU, Nora ftcotfa. and has had a auccsee- nil career as teacher there and In Europe. . , , A r new boiler bouse ana steam fcundry have been erected, and a new ullding to be used aa art and. music ttudio.. laboratory, etc., will be ready nee during th fall term. Many improvements have been made In the rein building, and the prospects are right for the moot prosperous year ta aw history f Peace. . . Mary', With U boarding students, the rteet number of any opening In the iietery of the school, the seaaloa of ll-1tlt will begin at Bt. Mary's marsdsy. Th arademlo department eut en w some changes in (Continued on page twelve.) t w C.) C i The Idea! of Nor lina Radical T He trft the Democrat a a Toanf Man Bccaase H IMda't .Get Wlvei Ho Wanted ThftJklan Who la Com hig ' w Opcsi the 'orth Carl!B Campaign Is' Bald to Be mat Enong to Stand On Both nMdes of tw Ptjoc at Char. Butler having "fixed" the Repnblt viui Morehead as the figure-head and Hlrani ,U Grant and Claude Bernard as chief aides, the chief question to be decided was: "Who will pull out ths cork, and open tha lis'orUx . Carolina campaign T?.. .. it was decided that no progressive or Cummins Republican was desired. Morehead, Cowles and Grant, tha three Republican mis-Representatives In Congress from North Carolina, are thlck-and-thln Cannon men. believe In the Aldiich tariff extortion plan and would not be In empathy with a mm like Dolliver or Bevertdg or Cum mine or LaFollette. Cannon Is their Ideal Republican a tool of the Inter ests, wno can bluff and swear and bul iv mint through. Hut Hit Cannon la. Jftligiwnt, i)tuthi 8VtOrlAfltves for sis t. jmiiuiwtiar not evn .North Cam. II n Republicans dared to Invite the old blackguard to come to hi native Htate to open ths campaign. They got Can non's pet the men who thinks llks Cannon and acts like Cannon, but smiles old Joke and makee merry as he duea wo. It Is Vice-President Sher man who la to come and start tha ball rolling. But the ball la stuck deep In the mud now. The tires ntbore Telegram says: "Chairman Morehead was at hi bom In Hpray yestrrdey, but wilt re- tarn to the city today. Hla private secrstary. Mr. Gilliam Ortasom, was In his office yeeterdsy and was asked Whether Mr. Bhermaa would come t Qreeneboro and make an address watte on his trip to North Carolina. Mr. Orlssora statsd that Oreeneboro would be Included In the Itinerary of Mr. Sherman, but th Vice-President would n hi date. He stated that It bad been suggested that Mr. Sherman should speak In Rslelgh. Oreeneboro, Salisbury hnd Charlntls and possibly Ashevllle. Since this suggestion waa made nothing has been heard from Mr, Sherman, but It la quite probable be will adopt the suggestion. It Is thought that he will visit the State shortly before th do of th cm-1 plra,H . e- e-' ' Khrrman a Co; In the Mfe htrto. ',hlr, Inasmuch as Vlce-Prealdent fiber- " nI h has been "spoken r man la to corns to North Carolina to ronnectlon with lmoat every lm opea th Republican campaign. thPrn JnD n.r people will be Interest' In knowing' .. , "ta ""5 I' mors about th. orator ho I. a. start t lea ha. stood by him fithful1y iTi - ... . 1 u - Dean te his known tiiendahl for "the wWlch ,onord Taft and Rhsrmsn In 7l .tMoZrth, 'nrLef ITtlcV" U d?d noturpriM th. knowin. one In politic that James Schoolcraft Sherman sympathised with the New Tork bosses marhln against Then dare Roosevelt, when the Old Ousrd tried to Vmicrrfortntr, 1 Vice-President of the Unit- Republican aao. Th d State, has alwsy been a msn ot th dominant ring, leading when n. ' ! i ' I .' Y t 1 C .' Veterans f Nect s-saaaaggsgggggwssg : . r I I . I ' . i. .4r.,H'JI' f f"TtX ' T Jk I - . ' -a' t sa. a 1 LI I m . m I could, or helng led when somebody else was stronger. If ever there a consistently dlo lomatlc and tactrul cog In the ma chine'! wheels, he was that eog a leader In the city nf I'Uca and Oneida county, as a Ketd and Cannon lieu tMUiWsifc iiisMMpsisssrto1'" lnrmW&rmiinyRr:'tfim at the Indian land,mle inquiry. dent of the I nltrd States and predd-) come to be widely knean a liollar 'offer and had been told by Jake U Ing officer of the Henate. The lnct-Jtm." A chairman ef the - ' Hamon that Sherman was Interested dent of 11 .was his first break with ;slensl Campaign l'omnti't in l0. n the land eontrsct.i. 1 ut this ws de any considerable number of powerful he eent out rails for ft so.i.-r:i.tions. nt,, n a) aides, and Sherman's worst men In his psrty. Afterward ha Said that th.-m.- (wall . enemies could onlv think thst he had . Report has tt thai "Jim" Sherman ' he likes to b radii "Jim" br hie I fellow townsmen of Ctlca stopped' neing a uemocra' --eiore nie I Id year because the othe, Demorrats of hi native town would not make him one of their committeemen. HI father waa a strong Democrat and his broth- r has been DemocratUi Mayor f Ctlca few rlmea Whatever the cause. "Jim" did flop Into th hostile ranks ss a. young nan, hot he has none no flopping einoer - ' His rise U the Republic roancthl 21V.!drfrJ Kim I. 1 i?V In 1171, snd hsd got hta Isw license. In 1110 they mad him county chair man In Oneida. That waa In till. A year later hs was elected mayor- at the are of twenty-nine, and he was ths youngest mayor Vntloa aver bad. T l,1 MAHMMaLnn! m - - - and It lasted, with on year eacep- tlon. until he ran for Vice-President Ith Taft In HO. Throughout his ,niin.,.,. offlntvnldlae II f- be ha. rontlnuou 1 held a poi I In the mi jheld a position ot growing importance In the machine. Thre time has be Interesta" hla wealth, hla banks, his company - plant, snd his evident hostility t labor unions, he M 'TV His connection with Lorlue N. Ut- tauer, of Oloversvllle, and gloves, has not hurt him, apparently. All obit a- cles. enemle and disclosures have xivsLst J,w J?. Ji wav friendly and popular, who ean mis wlta ssy set of men: a wonderful hand-shsker, Busnt. speaker, and. : areund t'tlca- . He I a bonk preatdent. aitUI 1111, t smsI tactful ram-'They rail blr aa lew' Trust ma, be paimer. . . 'cause be was a leader In combining With hWe-bound BepubHcana ha the neighborhood s Vr conr-eraa. tits has held his own by never tmtnar canning factory, like other canning astray from party tdola Ths tariff h factories, waa beeieSciary when that has defended t the last ditch. The aectto ef the Par Peod btll requiring pension laws h hs bached, as wall quantities) to be stated on each caa of as Individual pensioners, wh wanted . foodstunT w-aa killed 1 Coocrees. his aid. The randldstes ha has prakui Th htt Thoma C Fiatt bad a ed, loudly, even Including Ooverwor f faithful lieutenant fa Sherman, who Hughe, of whoa foes the knowing one always regaroea mm as a nra ally. Sine he stack close to th par ty at ever turn, what mattered tt If he fought In Congress any measure Intended to Injure LJttouer s gkrv In terest or bis own canning business T Or if h begsed eontrlbuUon from at. H. HarrhnanT ' Befr hs becams Vice-president two thing la particular had given him nstlonal repute. They were th I&srriman affair and ths Cons' ss atonal campaign of $1 rontrlbtitloos from which h derived th sobriquet f Dollar Jim" In ! Tha nick name "Sunny Jim" came later. This was the storT ef the Harrimea Incident: The 1st Mr. liarrlms wret to Sydney Webster, In lf. a l1er mat was sune'joen'lT made publle. telling ho he bl len asked by Preeldeot Booeeerelt ti raise a Cwn ari4onsl campslrn fi nd In !!. la fltilrlee showed that this fund, ebeet til,1, had com frim Harrimsa, J. p. Moris a. Jhn t. Ac-bhotd. H H. Rogers. William Rockefeller snd Senator Chsuncev M I p TH Hsrrimsn-Weheter lettr aroused Mr. RoneeveK to tell aho'it an h hsd written to Sherman ,T,,. together with boermsn rr!f,"hewed that Harrlmaa hsd decline! to repeat bts fund-raiaing eri.M snd had shed TjorMe-velt unnialinefl y In llt. Harri- rnenlary evidence . t, bl. staffs In t Judgment ht to eownt foe eoe 14 He pM ). er, between 'hle1 He bed neve, brew near def Mmself snd P.oo..,.1t st th time of . h" Coesres-onsl bewvg. ,r., th ZS. oot, btlnciTvg,' Mf War HTlmin" snd "My Dear Premlde-it- Ttiet Farwona TA' .I-, Meor. i H iromin were Whll II" "" "1 Imilng bslrbee of .id letle-a every dny or two. n hirpeoed to bi r'an. nn M wsr S'r : e-ard bos"1. Th he wouH r the ship wae In f p-lreleee rnn f -v"' 1 e l t prerrr.el d 1 r- m"st. h hs c-'i tt!e won : !rd V t as ewn ss ' ii-.. f -rowing -II-.' ! -. ' r - J, O " I .,w , ( It ar 1 t,i t', e f. . frVv. A ,W. -.H- " fi-I - - 7- be has never ttd whet b- knrw of Congressional post I" b,Kit hi Mexl th relauons between Hsrrimsn end can Lamber and lxrlnpment Com Rooaevelt. Who signed th- Irelesi ' .ny. but such action could hot be aieeeog is nt known: rf r, is iwn nwn esve through the uiiTWnflrmeil credited to Jens OveretrrVt. of lnJl- teatlmonr of a discredited aaent of Meanwhile, befer snrtMir tv-r gif Is bad practically defrayed all peneea But It must not b Inferred that hs maintained his party prestige solely! by thee Isolated actions, lis wss rot long la Congress before he wes rec- ,,,, Tuu m Im at a political gather-1 ognuted aa one of tha really Influential 1 ng or at the Capitol in Washington men In the aatloaal Legislature. From ! h 'is surrounded by friends and ssems beginning be was one of tb. motit r..;i.i. ..wui f.Unw.bin. tie tins popular mea in Washington, with boM f personal frn.?s aat smung 1 i0u- as b's eomewhst heavier running Deenocraia HniiblMe ivcti'm.l.. u Taft r.enerallv he wears agreed witk rbsmn I lark tCsj lie wss. hi th Mg It Ud by Cannon. nd taelV,., e,i; marbe a green or purple ' IwaHetroat and e.m.plcuoue spiles Mta mo Important House appoint- 111 fare la round and his smile Is IK. rk.u.rvT.i,. 'ivvmu ii.i., hi. e.r. .re Indian Affairs committee and member of the Rul smmi. wttirvin nen and Iiabjell. be krpt the Houe well gagged ander the sotorioua ru'et which Cannon later waa to ae so rad k" ""staled ii mi other eemmittre place war numerous In hi e'(thleen 'J reeem.n sod he ur.; garded as one f t an no a s rlevereet Peamew on the floor. , Urw he ? 'be erherahlp Wmself. am reiirea. out m nnem arev had been a rleae friend ef Reed, fan ea he ba been for th most part a friend ef gjl ths mea powerful m hi Party, la llt President McKlnley r.Terel him tho appralsrrehtp In this city. his die. ronstHuent. held a meeting that resulted In bt deeti l-1?..0 lW ,,1 ia deeteton an opportunity t s oecretarT o tne Senate, Th House job seemed to br Just what be wanted until the Vlce- Presidency offered iteelL "r' That jo aa Reprwseqtariv did not ttrrer. Mk at. ' private 1. ik. vtM.Pn.UM., for that matter Shrrmaa bss big hand In nearly everything amrth while , g.Uvered himself ef a (fervid eulogy when the Senator died. After Visit power faded th I'ttc sna followed th fortune ef Odetl and the ef RoosaveK In New Terk pontic It 1 not recorded teat be waa ether than en th best ef term wrtth them wh (heir State leadership was hi ioireo. He continued to b a Roosevelt fol lower In public, at least after the Colonel became Preatdent. Hi ad tatntstratlea ef "my poHHe" was voiced constantly fsr public absorp tion, aad wheel Mr Rooeevett hlmslf appeared to regard Sherman tovorw bly vs a times who the Cile a Mas waa apparently frying to stay mi good terms with both th Administration and th afiH-Admlnawratlow . fee tree , ennal fner It waa Oftea remareU. In the closing snoaths ef Ront i sec ond terms, that "Dollar Jim" was smart eaoush to taad en both de of th fence at esc. No g, rwiiliiaal Plctitee. ' la Stat politic, aslll th last thir ty days- ftnerma hae alwsre avol ld factloaal Hgbl laM tb party The I Old Guard. Woodruff. Psraea. t and the teat ni have tboucst they wee claying a winnl-g gam k caetloue "Illr Juw" HnH theea. Perbape titer took the gamiiier'e view foiww wlaner. Shermaa had boon svrh, a see st at eat winner tbat " mul tlompers wers rsi sa. :oet hint la 1S- and be had lr-4 tk Vlcevlreidencr I r'e of Taft a not wsrtng blm oe th ticket. Had he not attempted te twrn d'vw ar.1 s-vwinaea Tarv the b"me-'w'nnlrg strk wi'tht b. Sewed ;. fi(iely T 1co In lb lt tm yets tVere have 1 ee ateenrfa te e-!'e hontn i lne w-tn rrt e- an 1 ia. hiit nth were eJc' ;i v b was rue--.-c fT , r... ,.t fi , r'a aenee n r a 1 bv th. nuV. the defunct concern A. few weeks! n-tnnt been fairly treated by Oore. who his fault in! nia IUI ill. 'hlmiieif later admitted ' h.vtnir riven voice m hearaav ehareea. There was nsver snv quest'on of a.rm ,.'. n.r...n.i n u,u, u-hen. a'iK. ,Im its. iuimii and Ukm a.Uir.t.uBl d.rl.v hat. an Knsi an ; little rhomboid whiskers. (rotfrr and Bawl II KnUinstoet. He Is fair golf player and crank n baseball. lnce he waa an egpert bllllsrd shot One of the atoriee they tf II about him In Waah ngton has to do with Visit to thVbaseliall grounds. A neighbor In the grandstand, Joyous over a fielder's catch, shouted: "He baa If He hs It!" Sherman turned upon tha man Indignantly - "lis hss i"'repested the Vke-Prestdeat, scoff mcly. "Vat sort of taebU talk Is that? He's got It:" Ths Sherman home In t'tlca Is an 1 m posing residence, and social actlvl- "r ,h7''w "rJ8h"" man w.. et i. mrrtw r in v. e, wiia ter 01 a leaoing avyrr. 1 nere axe ,hr'' younger Shermans, all success- rul. tin I a Mammon 1 onegs p ro feieMtr, en banker, and the third an officer In a company controlled by the Ice-President, The Sherman family attend th Dutch Reformed Church In I tie. Mr. Sherman, In fart, ran conduct a church service like min later. He ronaucteo one at tne Meiro- i poiitae lemrw. mis cuy not mng ago 10 memory of President McKlnley. Prior to hla rcnt alllanc with New Terk Old Uuard, the Vic. President bad not been much In the llmel'ght for two year - His speech at Ihe June convention of Wisconsin Re publican, however. Indicated anew his Intention to stick by th reactionaries against th insurgents. Hs said, la the course ot hi Milwaukee talk, that he regarded as a Republican enly the man who slwsrs voted th. Republican ticket at horn and aupported Repub lican poltclee at Washington, aad he scoffed at prophecies of Insurgent sue- How confident wss n hsilsr on th subject, however, was no realise until he ventured to rm. macs, with bl. eld friend, the African banter, t'p In Oneida county It berime known boss weeks aa that th Vice-Presi dent had withdrawn hla support from Stale Senator Frederick M. Davenport, because Davenport at Albany had been toe much of Hughe, msn: but a renewal ef s J lance, with the aatl ptegtesslvae .f Oneid could have at tracted th wide attention er resulted la th speedy political downfall caus ed by the aborttv. plot against Prest dent Taft and ss-Preeidsnt Roosevelt COMPIXSOHY MARRIAGE. Big One of livtoar Make Matrimony inry. ' (Montgomery Advertiser ' Dr. A sna Shaw favor compulsory marriage ef ail normal, healthy ou plea If Mr Shaw will Indue th able-bodied men of ear country te amend ur tariff law ae a to Imrar lower root ef thoee family necessities, h will bsv. rendered a greater serv ice to ear people end st ths same fims serve the pnooe at the metrt mental emblem which eoncema her meet While anything that Mrs. Shaw witgit say on thle er any ether mat ter that a"ecta the welfare snd hsrr p'nee of humanity la not ef special moment she nevertheless raleee (mtkHi which hae for long- time hetd tie ettentlon ef those who think of snd'criere ever, oar eoonomlo and sncal condition. T secret of a roan's patnr lie rn bis rel slon. In what he really be-P-v sbnet tbi world aad his est 1 1 e In It. Frond.. ... The ve of more I,,, hre Is in Frtnk'tn. r I an ths adrtn. having money McNinch Nauseating Piil for OlT Liners tie limFwn The Kltuallon la the Republican Stronghold la Funny to HM Demo crats and Satisfactory, 'Though Pstlietk- to the Other Sid Who Are Not Taking Any Mot In the BuUrr-MorWiewd Brigade Which Is Now In the Saddle. (By AMIJt. IIORTOX.) Teffl?iyt't'i-Here-lii'th cwt-j ter of Madison, ranking 'second among . Rei.uhiu an counties In North Caro-1 llna, there Is an unheard of political 1 situation To the Democrats it In -J- ftmny and satisfartoryr' though at tho sume time a pathetic situation For the true and tried Republican here, be who has Voted the stralgnt Rspubltran ticket throughout por hsps the history of th Rspuhllnm ouirniaslon. under whoa adulaiatr party, must vots for at least tw. tl(n ths macadam road was built, ss penocrsts this year, or commit the'f"tt ln P'"t duly ot placing j, ' - the brunse tablets, whicn tall for ail unpardonau ciHh of casting ,.Jne itr, $ aJ muinaiiMi tieaex. It Is charged sml admltlr 1 that W. M. Bucknsr. noml - sherlrT. Is an ertswhlle airri'sl unto the ends of all .Madlon,a Ureenstioro bridge oonatrucUon Tirr that Sam McNinch Is anything ; mpny, and formally paid over the from a straight Democrat t.l a w-,lf , ,um. ,' on thouaand doUara. In beep's clohlnt-anythl..K but n ! h'V,m'me,L Bm1 Prl" Kei'.ibilran. ! ?1r,!"V0 a7U5ordk. """ b The nomination ot Buckner was ne-l AV"nt Ju,rn' v1ng the long, cured b what might Droi.rli ! fl 1 beat .tretch of ma adani r,d called a revolution, with Kan.naa or! WlMoneln symptoms. He fought lhat ' . . - i memorable Inittltutlon known tin the Marshsll Ring and the fact that he oi la taken to mean either that thei soddsrlty of Madison is not ss solid 11 'tis, or else that Buckner t,H' ,nP Judnment on the organUa- I To be frsnk. It must ba stated that the passing of the Marshall RlB,l"tMn Uulltord'a two thriving man- Is so unbelievable a thing that thoj "actunng and mercantile cities of lailer dlsgnosls must be correct. In' High Point and Urofinsboro, and Is mercy's name, be It said, that Hucknfbo"' midway, being seven' and a half merely otttw-iited m. mllee from Oreeneboro and eight and As In McNinch. It muvt be stld that half mil, s from High Point. Ths Madison la ns regard him ss something! road runs through ih estate of Mr. of a humorist of ths kind commonly j J- P. Cobb, of New York, of the Ame celled - unconscious. For Instance, Mean Tobacco I'nmpany, and is In whlls at Jlot Hprlngs recently, bs wrote ah article which he ran as an advertisement In the Charlotte Db- i server, and In which, referring to 1 roads, schools and conditions gensr- ally In Madison, he nld o er and o r, with damnable Iteration, "It grieves 1 my heart"' Th fun in this is tnatiine stream, not only ma the prlse- a grieving thing In Republican Madi son should be taken aa anything but matter of Course "It-grlsves roe much." sverreth Samuel, "that the county hsth not magnificent roads." It Is Siceaalvely droll that Madlnn nlans are supposed to want good rosds. Under ths county's unbroken McDubllcsn management the people's money has sons for other purpose, only" a mlndrtty being public, snd ths people have seemed content. Insofar as voting th. Republican ticket hss been concerned. ' On the outskirts of th county, some tovnihipa have aought to . b annexed lo adjoining counties, bnt. so far aa Is known, no one in Msdlsonhaa been willing to nult voting th old way to secure aven any benefit. "I am so grlsred. deponent furtner salth. "that these people, Hhelr toresU (Continued on page twelve.) MISS LULU ' 1 1 r, s Vl, i- V "o.v-w "!' ; j . " . ' " , i ' . ! j . . i ' : " 1 ' i :x. " : . , I "' - f , " " ' i ... I j - , i r ; Dedicated to Guilford Highway Commission 11 E Inierrttng CeaeanonV ot Aeorgitaafli Bridge Erected With Prlae Money Awarded to Guilford Omooty by At lanta Joomal tor Barlag Strrwli of Uacadaaa Betww oka, Va, and AOanta, GSk (By AXDRJEW JOTXI3s4 Oreeneboro, Sept. li-Tha ! eraotal seremany-of vusia?tin Wendid concrete bridge and UU 1 u" 't a a memortal t tha County Highway Conamlaslon and to th Ka- tions! Automobile Highway from, Mv Vrk to Atlanta, oosurrel at Mills Crek yeeurday. Senreral mem This tbu Board ot County OommJaatoaeea were present, and by special tavtta Uon, ths member of th Highway the prugreeslvs spirit of Guilford. At. ,Br reoelvbag the report el th agl- le,n-,'"""' '-"g uie word '"' Moanoke, a., and Atl.Hina. V rvrl y the Journal-Herald endurance run immt .-. ti. . The t,w nr" erain naa given a stmiur "r 1HM siretcn or r..l h. twesn New York and Rosnoga. a NVw Jersey county securing this Ths brldiie dedicated yesterday spuns a small eresk en the hlshwa signt or the magnl.tceiit bulge resi dence and hunting prearvr rereBlly acquired and constructed by him It la without question the mat de sirable location to be found on snv or uullford s numerous mai-adum highways, especially since the ssse of money, but th Important roadway gave the desired prominence Th bridg Is maaslv. Imposing and of arrhlteotusl beauty Its width Is SIH sen feet, th concrete arch be ing twenty-four feet, the whole being solid concrete with broad panelled con crete railings. There were thre brona tablets 1 officially Imbedded In the conorete. the letters being raised, and ar plain- ly decipherable by all traveler. On th south sld railing th brona tablet ha this Utterlag: "This bridge waa built by th High way Commission with - the en theev ssna aoiiara nrsi pna money wrae or to Atlanta journal a uuiuwre county for th longest and beet stretch on the Herald and Journal highway between Roanoke, Ta, and Atlanta. Qa." On tha north ski raTOn th tab (Coa tinned ea page twarea.) 1ABHAM " d v - s 'hat r had :.! 1. i