12 rm yws and oRSEnvrn, Sunday, skitvibei. 11. inio i inn:; 1 1 , f.S HE SAW THE i Member cf Old Confederate; Drum Corps Writes of It " - i Tha North Carolina Veteran Had the. Urea Tim of TJirtr IJvr and Were' Uovaily Treated at Norf oik Cover- rd Tbcetjae rca With Glory. To the Editor: V left on th l.?0 vain Tuesday mornlnf and naa a most pleasant trip, thanks to tha con ductor, and other ejflclalf of tha B. A. U- who extended to us tha courteay a4 kindness for which Ihry ara noted. V a arrived at Norfolk about 4 o'clock Tweaday jnortung. , and wara acortad to tha city hall and given tha frse lain of tha city, which waa tmmsnss. After brushing up a llttla w march ed to tha Odd Fellows' Mall (which . waa decorated most beautifully) and the,n th good tima mmmncl. Oen Caxr gava ua a, few words aa to how wa would ba welcomed, and then tha mayor of tha city. In hli eloouent war, rave ua a welcome and turned ttia rtty over to aa Than Dr. Dixon. In hi Inimitable atyU. responded, and I can tell you ha left nothing unaald that waa pertinent to tha occasion iQoA ble him!), and whan It come lo hla tlma to answer to tha laat roll ea.lL I hope ha will be raady to eroae ever tha rlar In peace and Join tha trar blessed Fethsr. Tba ladles than gava ua aoma of tha boat old-time mualc. such aa Dixie and other old aire, and I muat aar that I had never haard llxle sung ao splen didly and with aurh "fervor M.Jl-a rendered by tha young lady of Ports mouth. Mra Griff E J war da Ood ba with them all forever' After other matter were attended to Oen- rary call ad on Broth Orrln Smith (who la tha designer of the Confederate flag) and be wee aacortad to tha platform by ome gentlemen. It mad the tear tome Into our ayea Aa ha ascended tha platform ha waa ao overcome with amotion that he could not talk, and asked tha gentle men to plea read the paper that proved to every one preset that he waa the designer of thai grast Con federate flag which ao many save their '.Ivea and their all to pr.uert. May hla dava be Ion, and in hla dedln- health, and whan -the laat t rum pot sounds may ha be found with the rhen of tha Father In Heaven. And then our old. true-blue friend, Frother Bette. who la alway with ua at all our re-unlon. aakad the bless ing of our Heavenly Father on ua all and wa were dismissed. Afar dinner we all went down tn Ocean View and there our annua' limine meeting waa held. All f the ol. ofTcers were re-elected and then we hJ a wonderful eldrcss ty Gov ernor Mann, of Virginia, and It waa highly appreciated by all The old daum corps i f Hab-lgh participated In aU iheee eier is.- and camo through with flying color. The moat p1ea-nt fcnture nf the eire incnmimcnt in 1 th rn that t eaparlaJly ant t i nicrtl.ui the I care and attention that er len to i th.- old aoldlere nt the cltv hull The flrM and Hwond 'oni(nnlc nf Cosgt Artillery- were detailed to look aftr thTn. ami thev rerjulnlr did perform thai duty tn perfection Thev would a.t out on the pteeetn and wherer nr" vrtn f .und who tin 't fallpti ty the waide ffooi nlininin.n nr fron Ink Ir ff or. l r i ' many, he Bn kind Iv en-1 t-nlcrU tnkrn up nn.l nire fnil rarrifd to ih Ity hall where he w f'en every nitetitloo nh" hov it nilp mv heart dwell with arat Itude toward! them for ninh klndne t. the Mler Now. I atayed at he cit hall, and at any hour of the ntrht vu cou'd ee them (Tolna r. un.1 wUh .e wntir ekln each mn If he wonM hare anme. nr If there wan anything that he needed T much thunke cannot guen th'e l.rme Iwiva for the care mid attention they gave in. and I hope that the nflUere and all of the men cf thoee companlea may he heed and thst their pathway throtirh life may he et he.i over by the ne whn aeea A Cylinders 20 II. P. Sliding Gears. Bosch Migncto (F. O. D. Detroit) including 3 25c. A DAY IS ALL IT COSTS MOST PEOPLE TO RUN THIS CAR There ara 7.100 Hupmoblle owners tn America. Tha great majority keep their ear at home and run them for about Zee a day That mear-e ererrthlnr oil, gasoline. repairs ai an thing. Tea mar moralise all row nke abont tba expewaw of keeping" afrtemnbllea. hot you'll not final Hupmoblle owner ake will admit that hla car' la aa experoe at alL At tee. day. he maintain) that hla Haamebfie la cheaper than atraet carm Infinitely leas expensive than Carolina Garage & Machine "Automobiles and Things for 'Em." RALEIGH, n. a Erery EIotLer SbouI4 Know thai for Croup. Cotcla and Whooping luaia thete U mAhum equal to VICK'SrL SALVE It effects bataataaeeaa tallef aad peir cute. Aleja ke a (area bawl, aeery anemher of tle lamiir wMi nad It fal. 1 1 la a medioeiea. estiaeptte ealt-e, Mel for keraa.aeaeara. aunga.eaia aad similar eileiMMs. Eaaturesd by ptoyslciaaa aad Bulbars awyakete. At year dnwiflst at by aaaik -, 11.00 wial It Ht mttltar ttm." .Ca,taii .IX. and knowa all thing, and ai tha and may they ba received In the arms of the Bleeeed rather with tha worda "Enter thou Into tha Joya of thy Lord:" ' Wli, . thaNild Confederate drum corpa covered tbemaelvea wKti glory. Wa played for everything on tha march. The military compantee had braaa bands to lead them, and we led the old vets, and you may ba aura wa did It to perfection. I would aay more, bat Brother J oh neon la going to aay eomethlnc, and I will leave the field, with beet wlahea for Norfolk and her cltliena, especially the ladlea Kindly youre, J. 1 LEWIB, of tha Confederate Drum Corpa. Raleigh. X. v, Sept. io. CONCRETE BRIDGE ROAD MEMORIAL, lOntlnued from page one.) let haa Inncritied the namei of the Highway Communion, aa follows: "John. I King, chairman; Daniel L, Coble. Joseph A. Hoeklna, Emory J. Stafford. Francis M. Pickett, Dan iel E. Wagoner " The third tahlot has the following: BulK by the Carolina t'onrrete Company, tireenshoro, Oullford coun ty, N. t" Another suhalnntlsl honor and ad attlonal reward followed soon upoh re ceipt of the cms thousand dollar prise, Tha Motor Krs. an enterprising Jour nal of Atlanta, forwarded to Chair man King a large ami beautiful silver cup with waiter On the cup waa the following , tXi'iauatgxy .JoacclpUUiUil ''Treaelited by Motor Kra of Atlanta. Oa., to John U klt.g. lu had charge of building the prUe winning road In tha southern section of the Journal Herald run, 1 903 " Chairman KIik has since had In- arrlbed on the opposite side of the cup the name of .ill the members of the Highway Cominlnaloii. Intervening IILatorr. A brief recital of facta lending to the final eolutlnn of the locnl quea tlon: "What shall e do with the money?" which became a burning one after the prise hd teen awarded to Oullford by the r.! eipert". Judges whn made the New York to Atlanta trip with the automobile party lnt October may prove entertaining The Highway Commission us embarrnae ed with euggaatlona J'tnamla and re gueets Church ai'lctle suirxeetel that It be donated to .harit); u patri otic ktdlea' aaaoclatlnn asked that It be contributed to a soldiers' monu ment fund; wme doslred the money expended In building concrete walks In (he perk at llullford Court llouae battle gnxind. where Cornwallls and Hrvcne fought the celebrated battle )ut proceillng the surrender at York town, it waa asked hs a contribution to I'orelgn Mlaalona. nm thought It should be turned Into the gpnernl county fund, others eugeated the building of a short section of perfect mad. not only n a specimen, but as an enduring memorial "let ua com bine Justice, sentiment and hiialnos " said some, "by erecting arroae Some l'"m that rnna through the road that merited the prlie. . a memorial brulge of letting material, so that the honor of the county and the enter prise of the donor may be perpetuated for all time, and securing In lh. sv a bridge, g memiial and an ever. laMlng advertisement of our pros;, rese " men I'ractlcel and level-headed $750 ! were the Highway ' Commlaalonera. They (nade no complaint ff tha cum i eroua demands and entreaties for ser ieral months, rather encouraging sug ; rentlons, and entreatlea and demanda. ' finally, out of It alt. whan they an nounced that they had decided to , l.ulld a memorial bridge everybody waa satisfied, recognising It Utility and appropriateness, and the splen did concrete structure dedicated tu- day la the wiae result ' Jn the paat six yeers Oullford coun ' ty baa built 114 miles of macadam iroada. exclusive of cltr road build- Ing. Road construction now t being dona wkth regular road taiea and by convict work at tha rate of flftean rallee per annumrdn addition to keep ing in repair all athar rokda The stretch of road that won the ptlie le about forty miles In Oullford county, running from tha Forsyth county Una via Oak Ridge and Bum mer field to Greensboro, tba county seat thence to High Point Owing to heavy automobile travel between High Point and Qreenaboro this macadam la f&at I using Ka surface atone, and tha commlaalonara have called a special meeting for Monday of next week to award a contract for surfacing tha entire roadway, a dis tance of sixteen mllea, with bltulithlc paving cAer the rock foundation. It being estimated to coat 1700 per mile. Vo, the probabilities ara that when the next endurance run la made next spring from New Tork to Atlanta, tha party wlU spin over (hla extended line of bltulithlc. roadway and will find their memorial bridge crossing a su perior road to even that which won the prize a year and a half before. 'COLLEGE LIFE" BEGINS THIS WEEK (Continued, From Page One.) teachers and tha chief officers of tha e. hi 'i will remain the same: Rev. O. W I,ay, rector; Mr. Crulkahank. Mima Thomas, etc. Mlea F. Zulette Wilson will take the place of Miss Nelll In the voice department, assisting Mr K. Bllnn iin. She la a native of Waterbury, Conn, and received her training In p rt n t e . hoola. The elocution department this year will be In charge of Miss Muriel if. Victor, of Arlington, N. 3 , who cornea to take the place of Mlsa Hrown. Mine Victor s special training waa at tha liawn School of the Speech Arts, of New York. She has achieved great lirfr-e'w'ni alT elb'cutVohlirf." " Miss Nina K. Van Dyks. of New York, will succeed Mlas Margaret Jor.es In mathematlca. She will also have hurge of the Spanish course. which will be opened this yesr for the first time Miss Helen I'rquhart, of Ashfleld. Miis "ill he In charge of the Latin In Sir Dunlap'a place, while Mlsa Frances Mci'auley will take charge of the French, to succeed Miss Kel loRit She is already well known at St. Mnr) i, having assisted Miss Kel logg hist spring .Mlta lulse Hill, of Islington, conies as an assistant, while Mlsa Aona c ltuxton, of Wlnsmn Halom. cornea t,i 'ake Mlsa Tower s place In tho Knglisli work. Mtss I ovinia Uret tr. nf Henderson, la the new matron Mrrwllth. Meredith t'ollege will open on Wed nesday, the fourteenth, w-lth about two hundred and twenty-five hoarding students The work of getting read fur the formal opening Is completed lr I. K M. Freeman, of South Carolina, will haie charxe of lllb'e and I'hllo'orh) Mlsa Alice W. Mer aer e, rofi or of Ij,n. w ill be back slter a iri study at the 1'nlversit.v of I'hliSK' During the alienee of Prof W ade H Hrown. dean of music, whi will spend the winter studying In Inndnry and Heriin. the mualc department will be under the direction of Prof (lus'av llagedorn. professor of 1olln. who return" f'om a year s study In Furope. Prof ll.'ixedorn Is well-known In Ral eigh, hmlng married Mla Klliaheth I JJKrcip. rrlerlB WAGAZINKK t- "t Icj 'liibMnt rstslogtie and paclal ofTer. and .are MOXKY. I am tiifkv i narRirTinix AtirNfT, ( A P"U Card will do.) Ilalrlgh. N. C. Oil Lamps, Horn and Tools. Top, Gas Lamps and Tank, Speedometer extra. . Cheaper baraoaa It rovere ao much mora ground. Aa economy because It enables tha owner ta do two or three Umea aa much work and still have leisure. Tha Hupmoblle Is just the light else ta ara money In first coat; and tt eavaa money, because It ta ust tha right else on tlree, gaaollne and repalra. And Isn't It tha handsomest, am art eat car of IU trpw oa tha market? Chat with a Hupmoblle ewner (doubt, leea yoar acqnalntanrea taclnda one or snore). Note hla enthuslaette talk. Than look ua ap or WTite for tha aaialog. How Id Cot Hid ' of Catarrh A Simple tWfa, RetaMa Way, and R Coaaa KoakAoeT Try. Thoee who auCer from catarrh know Ita nilsertea. Thar la B need af thla Buffering. Tow can get rt4 af M by a aim pie, eafe, Inwzpwoatva, home treatment disc ore red by Dr. Broaaar, who, for ever Ihlrty-Cva ywara, baa baan treating catarrh aaoceae fully. Hla treatment la ttnUka any athar. It la not a apray, doucha, aaUva, crsaun or Inhaler, but la a mora direct and thorough treatment thaa any of theae. It eleana aut tba haavd, gtoao, throat and lungs ao that yew can attain breathe fraelr and sleep without that etopped-ap feeling that ail catarrh auffarara have, it heal tba a aaaewd mucoua mambrmnaa and arrvata tha foul diaottarva. ao that yow wtll not ba cottatantly blowing ywur noaa aad apiw ting, and at tha same time It doe not poison tha yatam and rata tba a torn ach, aa Intarnai madlclnea do. If yon want to teat thla traatment without coat, en your addreaa to Dr. J. W. Bloaaar, Til Waltow atraat. At, lanta, Oa.. and ba will eend yew by return mall acough af tha medkilne to satisfy you that It la all he calm for It aa a remedy for catarrh, cav-ta-rhal headachaa, catarrhai deainasa, aMhma, bronchltla. colda aad all ca tarrhal eompUcadona Ha will also aend you free aa Illustrated booklet. Write him Immediately. D. Burt, who wma one of tba most popular members of tha faculty up to year hefora laat. Mlaa Oertrude Rormt.er-ot thla city, who for tha paat five years haa bean the eaaiatant In the department of physical culture training, will become the head of tha department. Mra. Earnahawr wtll return and he.ea rhim of tba cluba. The Ctty Srtiooea. Tba city achoola wtll open tomor row with a large Incrausa In enroll ment over the prwrtoue year. There are several changee in the faculty. Which nave appeared ta detail tn tba columna of thla paper Supt Harper aara tha outlook la bright for tha best session yet. A BITTER DOSE FORMADI - SON RADICALS (Continued lYom Pag One) achoola, and ao forth, are not protect ed aa they ehould be." Madleonlane consider It funny that a man who haa Imported mora than 300 foreigners to work on hta brick yard tn the place of home labor ehould preach protection. No matter how many eertoue aims and efforts he may have along that line. Mad tec n cltlsenry can but believe ba waa Joking when ha Bought to leave the lOiilO mi Weras te the Uae.) CASH WITH ORDER im eea. m sals eel ai TUB WBWi A onsBBt Km UUa ee ertltaaS rtsagi tee BMeasagse sanies (rasa she FssaeJ Telegraab at Aurlisa MelHet Telsavaak I Meeeeagers. fail Western take ee Fwesal eseeerags ker kr Salnjaeae ee wall be ! ,rm ear sla hs Ike altx ae ertn reeelee aelvertu at rase ef I eas at Ilea, eeaattag at a werae te tba Uae. Jaet ee Iktr reeelve laligessss Km traaeaalsatea e Wis. si a ialea ee rewesi UBWSw TUK IIOMK PLACE OF MRS. E. E. Wotflu t,e ftt public auction Peptemir 15th at 11 a. m. Thla nice home haa all modern conve nience gas. electricity and .team heat. A La rial n for aums one. aa It will sell , heap. Suburban HeaJty and Auctcn Co. Raleigh. N c. tept 11 II 11 bTAKT A NKW BIMMXi; TUK American lamr honing and aafety blade ahsrpening machine, make li to 110 per da ; no experlenee re quired k Oreen. 1T1 Waahlng- ton St . i hhago. RAII.W Y Mtll, Hi3US WA.VTKP: HOe first rear, promotion to ll.l0; eaamlnstlon In Raleigh, November II; common education sufficient with our loathing, full particulars free with position or money bach offer Ask fur Booklet IP gW, Earl Hopkins. Washington, N. C BAILSMAN : KXIERIEXCKD IX any line to sell general trade hi tha Eaat. I neti elted speciality proposi tion with Prand New Feature. Cora miaalpn alth Ht.tO weekly for ex penses The Continental , Jtwclry Co. Cleveland, Ohio. AatC-VTS WAXTED TO STXa. RICH looking Imported llxtl rugs at It each. R. H. Carter, Mllaa. Tenn., aold lit In I dare. Hla profit 111; you can do aa well. Write for sam ple offer and unique Belling plan. Eiclustv. territory. Condon. Impor ter, Stonlngion, Me. 9S Wrr-aLT AXD EIFaTXKFA, either sex. to put oat ratal of-eea and advertlM. Lavro mall order hooee. C, H. Emery. U Ita. ChKraa-o. nnHT REtrnnx umvnx tuc old at aactioa Tharodas. laotsm. bar lith. u a av, oa tho oornor of rayettevllle and Ueaolr otrewta At tend this sale, ao yoa will certain ry profit by It. aubarbaa Realty end Aactioa Cth. Ralata-h, N. C apt 11-11-11 to MOXTHI.T AXD KXPKXES Tt travel and dletrtbato samples for n'g manaraettsrer. oteoXy wrtrk. a Bcheffer, Traaaarer, O III, Chlraco, iiorroFFinc cierks atd car- rlers Wanted; Examine tons will b held In Raleigh and many athar cmea porramaea-, uoeia Bam la beat employwri pavy to big aad aura; hours abort: alacea aerma- nant; promotlona raeralar; Taenttono with pay; thousands at Tataactes owery month i all kinds of pleasant work everywhere: ao lay affa; ao pall nos-ied; mm men edweattaa snf- flclent. Ask for free Booklet IP til "lying full particular aad explain ing- my otrer af possttoa or raney Wk. Eart Bopklna, Waahlag-toa, IX c. WAXTUW-TrUrtMTU.a.M STaTwARO at eoco. Oood postuoa, oieady em pkrymeni Apply I U T. Browa. Manager tteaaoa Hotel. Ooldsbero, N. C - , a-n-iT WANTED . WHITE OTRI TH1R teeei la ae-renlewa .years eld, who weald appreciate a good Christies . homo In a Urge city, ta assist lady with wark la small family. Rea aonebie pay and kind treatment AdJreaa, ghing" fu.l f.rtlcalars, -E. W. a," Bos It. R. IX f, Ca tawba, K.C. tmpreexlcm that. If Sleeted to Congress, ha could bw-.aiu either Uadlaoaroada ar kladlaoa achoela, llsrtiaon la not at all In harmony with tha fitaie organisation headed by Morehead and butler, and tha triumph of Morehaad and Money, Butler, Bond and booze Vaa achieved aver tl a Cle tatlon'a peraietent proteet at Ureena born. It la Bald aertoualy, therefore, that Republican, here are not going ta exert thamaelvea overmuch at the behasx of tha preaent State boeers. nor will tha latter aeek to help Hadlaoa out of ita preaent plight And If you have tears, prepare to a bed them now-. Uadlaon bloody Medleon. tha pride of tha Republican party in North Carolina, debt-rid Jen, yet aolld through fair and through stormy weather Madison muat vote for not only one, but two DwmocraU! tuck msKiox or A kkwspafeb. . tAaheboro Courier.) Mr. Joeepbu Danlela, praaldent of The) Seam and Oaarrver Publishing Company, in hla aqnoal report made to tho stockholder., dlacuaaed tha policy of Tho New and t Haw tier, 'Tho True Hlaalon of a Newspaper." la a moat Interesting manner. He emphasized tha need of aa Independ ent and courageous party newspaper. Tho-report waa published In full In Tho Now and Obererer ef A u guar It, It tinge true and clear. Editor Dan iels shows that tha party paper can do hotter earrtce In accusing tuck rood government aa win make tha party worthy of support and tha In etrum.nl of rood government of every party and creed. Too News and Ob server haa not only met with aucceat In Berartny the largaat circulation in tho State but It haa beoome, a great ana wnuentiaa newspaper. THE CONFESSIOX. There shlnea In her eyea Tba light or a lore Aa pure aa tho aklea, Aa meek aa a dove. Romantic la aha And winsome In ways, Aa frettrkaome, free, Aa fatrytand far. She practice, art. 'Which never deceive Nor dalllea with hearta Their yearning, to grt.ve. Her ringlet, are Jet - KCatlonBoTrt their ahad'et And gracefully set Aa ever were mada Her roelneae beam. In pride not amies. Her rubles It seems Were mada Just to klsa. She', lovable, .w.et With grace divine, And life's Incomplete Dissevered I plna And thu. with a look Of eloquence rare My chance. I took To mention It there. A moment I whlled To hear her ronfeea Then sweetly aha smiled: "I would . but I yea " Arthur D. Gore. I take the true definition of esyerctse to be labor without wsarlnesa.-John-eon. W AVTTT) MAX MV8T BE WIIA.IXO to learn and capable of acting as aur representative; ao canvaaalng er eolMUng: good Infoma assured. Addreaa. National Co-oprratKa Realty Co.. 11 11 Marden Bldf.. Waahlnrnn. O. C. DIStTSPrs AGRlClIn'RE, OIVF.A news of the 8'ete, countiea, organi sation and farm life. Buhacrtbe for It. Subarrlptlon 0c. year. The rarmer.' Journal. Cary. N. C. GRADI ATF, trtr, YEAR'H EXPKRI. enre. wants position aa teacher, or assistant Can teach musto, Ad dree Box 1J. Uttletnn, ft. C. It PFJWOXAI, WD CTRCTLAR TYPE written letters Ernest R. Carroll, Capital city Phone I41F. It LET r T VVM RITE YOVR CAM. pelgn Letters with or without names and address n. Ernest R. Carroll. C c Phone I41F. It FtR eKUTHF.AT GEORGIA farm landa 1100 acres ''rood aol land water, fine climate, three railroad system, through property. Will aell tract, any stie. aultabl. for colony nutheeat Ueorgla Lauio Company. Atlanta, Oa. t-U-lt WAXTEI ATYFRAL GOOD BRICK- layers on Auditorium building. Ap ply at once J B Carr A Co . Con tractors, l-ll-lt WAXTED: RF.t.lKTFRI.D PHARMt. cist for ten nr fifteen days' relief relief work, not later than Beptem her Sid. R E L. Cook, Tarboro, N. C. t-ll-lt waxttdi poamox ix nnro store. One year In Pharmacy school. Oood reference Address "Bro mide," care News and Observer, t-ll-tt. XFWKr a rrn romrR for kai.r. Mentaea roller in good condition. rtrat man sending ns 111 gwtg a bargain. News, nurllngtoa. HrC It TOTXTrito, WtXTTOt FORFMAX aaa aa. man tor country weekly and two straight men. Burlington News, Burlington. N C mnd refaronoea. ability, etc.. and state salary. It L.ADIF. HAVF, yot bfjcx the WoBoemu Mexican Reeurrwctloa Plant T A (trance, beautiful, myete rloao plant. Reaches yoa appar ently dead. When placed 4n water tome a deep green. Lives for yeara. A eartoatty to everybody. sietia it oenta before supply la ax hanatad. W.-aV "peclalty Company, Cvnt ait.r aw nriainsm w v ' " - ' i..(r.,,.. , - atallmewt furniture tuil.M. V folk of twenty years standing, oa account at oewiro er tho owner to retire from all bualneaa Complete Inweotigatlea will bo permittee by reliable tola persona. Addreaa P B III. Norfolk. Va. l-ll-tt dr. JEXXTat tr. RArairrox (teteopetn. is kx-te4 at Hotel Olerweh. room II. pheaa 111. Wo rn en' e and ehlldroa'e li...... & ana. rtalty, Sao her time ta prevent invaim arm ana operation Con ealtatlna free. . l-ll-lt. WAfTrn poamow as book keeper by a sady with an years' ex perl enre la tho manufacturing bust' neaa Beat of reference. M. T. C, rare News aad Observer. t-ll-lt VAXTKIe POMTIO.T' IX URIG stora, inn. in. be young married men. Five years' experience. Beat rererewcee. aanress B. T.. rare , Jirwi and ciBwerver. l-ll-tt. , i-innt avtomobiuf: rrsi. r-e. e teach by mIL timt yoj tit we'y )oK Roehewtee Auto tKBOoi. a i nocneoier, k, t. A MAXVFACTrRER WAXT STORE demonstrator capable of p'acing her own deraonetrauoDB In notion de- Lartment of large atorea. Tolman iff. Co, 1 Third Pu, Boston. Maaa. -ll-J3un. AGEXT8 E.ARX 125 TO ISO WEEKXt aelllnr latest atylea . braided em broidery waiata, Princess Dreeae, MeHcan waiata, various em braid er! e. cataiorue free; National Im porting Co, Desk D III Broadway, New Tork. -ll-4fnn. SALDSMEX TRAYTXIXO CALES- men visiting general atora trade to sell attractive aide una spring dree rood, ana while foode on commission. Purnell DeJe Mllla, Bog Its. PhlUL. Pa. NCeSrLAfia aAMT-TK FRFE K urea a Antleeptla Water stralnora ara winners. Uet sample Ba eon winced. Bead te, pesnage. T. T. Bead, I Reads. N. T. UX31S UKB HOT CAKES. LAROB proflta Now Ironing wax. perfumes clothes with tearing violet perrume. Nothing like It oa tho market. Exclusive territory granted. Par fame Cose Ccx, . Ill Beard BU Brooklyn. N. T. -- START A -CREW" SJtXUXO HOC&E- hold specialty, blgwaet seUsr ever Invented. Knormoua profit Exclu atve territory. Cheawlck Co., Ill Liborty Ft . Now Tork. W A XTKD ORG A X IZJU FRATER- naU Borlal Order of Owla Oood eommlaeiona Write Jt. House, 111 N Main St.. South Bend. Indiana. XOTUIXO . UU IT HAS ETKR baea offered In Raleigh. ElfH bpau tifal iota on tho corner ef Fayette villa and Lenoir streets will be aold on September llth at 11 a. m. Sub. urban Realty and Aactioa Co., Ral eigh. N. C Sept. 11-tl-W OOVERXMEXT POWTIOXS. Chances never better to secure one. Full partloulara as to salaries, posi tions, dates of examinations soon te be held la Rall:h, sample ques tions, sfc, tent free tn Circular 111. Natl Cor. Institute. Washington D. C. SALESMAX FOR THIS TERRITORY. Pplendid commission contract with III advanced weakly. Our line to a staple. Position permanent E. L. Rrrw !01nptly,, leTr4tafWL'"'' WANTED AT ONCE A LADY IX aal h town In North Carolina to take orders for Kloof) t Pettlooata, Write to Mra "R. J. House. Oak City, N. C. WANTED TO FVRCHASEl H.AI.F Interest In an astabllahed real ae tata and Insurance business, located In Raleigh. Address, "E." care News and Observer. l-ll-lt SALESMEN WANTED: SELL CKO- cers, imigglata, Conreotioners; nil monthly and expenses. California Cider Co., Ill Lefrtnrwen. St Louis, Mo. ITJWON AJe-UA DIES, WHEN DE- laved or Irregular use Tnurpn PUia always dependable; "roller' and particulars . fr. a. WVlta National Medical Institute, Milwaukee. Wta I 11-l-sun. IF YOC WAXT TO BECOME TRAV- ellng salssman write for partloulara of our system Bradatreet SHsni, Rochester. N. T. Ill-t WHITE FOR PRICES OF MTJUXD. ri I vuoen B H sue afiw.. ii Nr", Pttwboro. N.iC. - H WE Dt iLL BE GLAD TO ANSWER any ouastlona about Mra. Momtts property, which 1. to be sold Sep tember llth. It you will call at our office. No. lit Fayettevllle street, suburban Realty and Auction Co., Raleigh. N. C. Rapt. U-ll-ll KEF. PAGE II OF THIS PAPER AXD see plat of the property of Mra, E. r. Moffltt. giving atsa of each lot going to ba sold September llth, llo. Some one will make money on thle property. Why not youT Rtiburban Realty and Auction Co. Raleigh. N. C Sept 11-11-11 TIXXFR AX I) tXmXICE MAKEH, II day; accident Insurance aalasmaa, 1100; manager brokerage company, tlx; paying teller Texas bank. 1115. Business Man's Clearing House. Houston, Tsxaa It MEN WAXTED QV'ICKLY BY BIO Chicago mall arder hewoe, to dis tribute, advertise, etc., til weekly! expense allowance Qlobo Aas'n, No. 1141 Stat. Strset Chicago It I HAVE A NICE LIXE OF ORATES. Call and see them before yeu bay. i J O. Council Mantel Co., Aeadsmy of Music building. WAXTED PRACTICAL PLANER ana mouiuer man. ai us sooer. Addreaa Nash County Mfg. Co, Sprtna Hope. N. C. Suri. COTTON MAR. How; RICP1 SALstS. man, till; expenses; afBco maa, 1101; draftsman, 1; for Msxleo. doctor Ilia; nisr. I1TI; erecting mill wrlght till; druggist, aaaayer and draftsman. Anderson-Herisr Co . Houston. Tsxaa It WANTED A PRIVATE BCTER geese feathers and old mahogany furniture. Short time only. Ad dreaa C L. Roblson, Oea. Detlvery, Raleigh, N. C. l-ll-lt TEACIUCRS FOR RIRAL AND graded achoola; good aalaiiaa. If unemployed write. Sherldaa'i Agency, Charlotte. l-lt-Sat Saa Tubs Thar WAXTTDi POSTTIOW T EXER. ergetlo young maa II yeara of age, . with ono year's experience aa clerk In general mercantile establish- ment Addresg W. H. T cars Nswg and Oheervar. It WANTED AT OXCEt TEACHER IX tho Horner Military Suhooi. Oxford, N. C. Must be aa A. B. or A. M. graduate, . with experience as a teacher. M-tt REGISTERED AXGVS CATTLB FOR sale. Two yearling heifers Just bred. . Ilt.ll earh. "ever 4 to I months old ealvea at lll.ll each; other keif are and high grade hull calves at lll.ll each. W. M. Wethlns, Su,. . Chariot t a county, Va. HOME RA fKED ' HORSES FOR SALE cheap. One 1-year-old bay mars, II heads, 1.11 pounda, fine brood mare la foal by Hackney stallion, active, Strang and good looking One 1-year-old combination saddle and harness mere, bay with black polnta; Yery handsome and a per fect family mare; It hands; 1,011 pounds. Cms dark bay driving mars II la ande. 1,001 pounds; I years . olS; stylish, gentle aad wary fast One brown geUing. I years old. sty. ' llsh and a ood driver; rnmnactl built; good height One black, I y ear-old mare; very gentle: beauti fully snsp.a; anvea nicety; good reed and action. Ona beautiful ty mare. 1 years old. gentle .n1 i'yli'h, with action and sred. w. M, V. at kin, ease, Charlotte county, J Va, FAKM FOR RAI.r-nVE Uv.X. urea sitm nineiy acre cleared two and quarter mllea from shii,. ping point tt-wd alx-room dwellir.e two tenant Louses and other bui'd lnga Price. Ill per acre. nn, f.,1 stock fsrm. R. W. Houaa. Oaa City. N. C. l-t Pun Wed Fri 4 WAXT1J POSITION AS TEACHfc.)s In hlih school or graded school Lw ing'e msnvwlth II yeans expert., enca In high school work. Me- . ncegicn. Address Box II, GattsI elila, N. C. -J- Wad Frt Thur tt ron SALE TWO tricks, nvu ion refKiif, uee wun ir action en 4 glnA Price, 171 each. r, !uv House. Oak City, N. C r Sun Wed Frt tt NOTICE TO OWNERS OF IXX;,. All dogv-ownera are hereby notiA4 that tha tax on their dogs waa due July 1st and must ba paid on er be fore September 10, I'll .or tha po lice department, whoso duty it 1 to enforce all ardlnancea, will proceed against tbem under tha ordinance. By order of the Finance Committee. William W. Wlilson. City clerk, l-l-l-ll SOO.ACRE FARM FOR 8AI KIT anted ona mile west of Hex sta tion on Bouthara Railway. Improve, mania consist of a good 4-room house with other necessary build ings. Land strictly firat-clasa Farm haa boon regularly occupied by the earn, tenant for fifteen yeara Wood enough caa be aold oft tho place to pay for It Tho wood ran ba handled at an easy profit of from ll.TI to 11.11 per cord. Thle a. acre tract ta part of tho well-known Cottage Valley Stock Farm. Price 11.010. Cash. W. M. Watkloa. Sax. Charlotte county, Va. WATCH FAIRMONT, ON SOUTH, bound, grow. Write J. T. Patrick. th Town Builder, Wadeebero, N C. l-lt-Sat. Sun t t SALESMEN! WE HAVE A BRAND new, aleaa cut aide Una Beet yet Consigned, good. . Prompt- com m islao na. Ore Mfg. Co, II 8. Jef ferson 8U Chicago. l-ll-isun. ITT YOCRSELF TO EARN A NlCfl alary. Ona of tho beat ways I. to take a Business Course at King's Puslneaa College, Raleigh aad Char - I- -.... KEN EVERYWHERE TO QCAL1FY tor motorman and conductor in electric railway acrrloa. Oood wagea Experience Unnecessary State age. Addreaa Electric kail way Bureau. 101 Panama BUg, 8t Louis. Mo. T-l-eun-tf. WAXTED BUYERS FOR NICE. new 41-lb. feather beds at 111. The Stokes Furniture Company, Bur lington, N. C l-ll-l Bun, CAN YOU SELL REFRESHMENTS and reading matter to travelers on passenger trains t If so, and you would Ilka ta traval la doing so yourself, write the Union New Co, Rocky Mount, N. C. for position. l-lt-11 Sun FOR SALE ONE NO. S liM M. A. Vance Co." planer aad ma u her with Shlmar-heada and knlvao eompteta Curtl dk McQueen, Lake view, N. C. l-ll-ftep 4-11 W A N T E D TRAVtU.XO SALES man oldeot Cider House m tho U. S. Increasing aaleo foroei salary or commlamoa with drawing account Rsfsrenoo must acompaaw applia tton. Red Cross Vinegar Co.. St Louis. Mo. l-t-Sun tf POO-ACHE YIRGIXU FARM FOR sals. A hundred aoras fenced and ready for tho plow, A hundred acres haa on tt 100,101 feat of good merchantable saw timber, quarter of mile from railroad loading point Thle land la productive and lies well for farming. With machinery for land and timber. Price 1.000. Address owner, William M. Wat kins, Saxa. Charlotte county, Ta WE HAVE oOMKTIlIXQ NEW FOR aaiasmea making email town. A neat clean, quick sellng, pocket side Una Write for order booklet today, llth Century Mfg. Co 1101 Wells St, Chicago. l-4-ISun. SALES M FN WANTED BY ETRO Paen Manufacturer to aell popular laoo and embroidery specialties from stock. Sample twenty-five pounds; II per cent commission: weakly drawing; Oromaao, . Ill Broadway. New York, STEXOtiR tPHKRa; AND TYFF wrtter W ba ted There ta a at sady demand everywhere for atenogra phers and typewriter. Stenography la many- tlxaao a short cot to high oonfldentlal poet tl ona Wo teach atenograph' and typewriting thor oughly and practically by mall In roar spare tima and at low cost Writs today for "Commercial Cir cular" It &. Bo, jm a, gcraji toa. Pa. FOR SALE ILEO ACTOMOBILF, Cv puaMnger tearing ear. almost hew, 1101 cash. Faotory reference . given when bousrht Reason fat (a selling, want lighter car. Bobbirt Orocery Co Enfield. N. C - It FOR RENT--e4IX-ROOM FLAT, fvrrrac heat Not 114 North Bloant Street S-T-tf. WANTED FOCR . FTRarT-CLAS9 white barbers at once. Fifteen dol lars a week guaranteed. Steady Job. J. t. Lorena. Ooldsboro, N, C l-l-lw WANTEDi AX AD. MAN OX MORX Ing dally. On that la swift and ac curate. Addree or apply to Fore- . man News and Observer, Raleigh. KG - - - - RAILWAY MAI j CLERKS WAXT- ad. Raleigh examination November llth. 111 to 11.100. Preparattoa free. WrHo Immediately. .Frank lin Institute. Dept ItT T. Rocheeter, N T. Aug. ft, Sept . 4-11-11- 1T-1I-I4-II. FOR SALEt EXOIXia, BOIIJTR- . Smokestaeka. Orate Bars, all kinds . of 1 machinery aad supptlaa Alt kind of machinery repair worn. Raleigh Iron Worka Rattlgh. tf. C l-4-eod tf. SEED WHEAT FOCR HTNDRED bvehels of Irak's prollflo seed wheat for sale at II. It per bushel, f a b Saxa, Va. Rage Furnished. Thla a superior variety, yielding II to H bushels per Brr. and stands up well under adverse rlrenmstencea. W. M. Watklnait-fAxe, Charlotte eoon- ty. Va WANTEDi TO REXTt MX OR REV" on room house. Wtould Ilka to have possession at once. Address "Per manent Renter " pin Km end Ob- II LAW LIRRARY FOR R.AIJWHL selected. Can save you mopry. a." Box 111, Oxford, N. C. WANTED EYPI HIDn n fiALlA. lady. Give reference and ilarf wanted. Dry Good, car Newa aad Obaerver.

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