15 (r " . lii THE EELJjS ViXHLD What Church Fclk Ar TtSr.k Ir.j Aicnt ani C:!ng r 3 LI LI 0 Lllll TRVIXG TO TKXV A TT AdTITV Tb latmatknai 8nd r Srtoai Ve. a Fr Kriwnbrr It ta "Tbrea Hf William T. fclU.) Tfca inird ut." j practlc! 1 by th polica ta aa uditnr to axtait rvi4.nr, or a eoafwloa c? rullU aa htm th ub!rt of much fontror. It ta no ndr dvto, bag Ti'.y but ft DKtdiflcftttua of tba ancient prae. tic of trial by tortura. Tb taaer ixr fto4 crstlty of It bad aa tUoatrattoa ta th eaa at Jaaua. Tfc aa af n n rr U1P I r LlL Ut I at Una wr bound! bc bim to datH. Tby w.r dtMinin4 to trtp blot up la hi peb and to put aa avtt can- Isj Drinking Your Stumbling Block? VOU cn't feo'J your job If you drink liquor to cess. You know it and bo do I Let's pass over all the other phases of the drinking question and look at the. matter from a cold dollars and cents stand point. Just the same as any other business question, II fvat btthkwu badly Impaired aad job could b restored fun 1 too en t" L it k.food investment. In to perfect Tijroe and itrengxh. far a few hundred dollars 1 wwuM dadiad tb maccy. wouldn't Too t Yw would V Kow thai. Juat: tha gituation hi taklnf th Keeley cur. The dnnkinjl habtt ia impairing your kaalUi and wour ttnunf -power, onuiven your Job ia uaeertaia. ' Too aYos could itop drinking" If ytsa wanted to. parhapa yoq coold. But thca yoa don't So tb uim amSaaa fcaa foaaoa 9Ta ean atop this loar of earning power foe yoa aad atop- it y and saw ambition, and pot you again on tba high road to greater boamaaa eoeeaea. It'a a buainaaa opportunity that wilt m . PS Ton Buusy thonaand aa awi aw the tiiaaUiitnt ' Ai t eoU Wu propoaiuoft iaa't It worth lookinf into t Writa for booklat .H. OS808!, Praaidoal THE KEELEY INSTITUTE ' Nartl, CaraliM J.M. Pace Mule Company v; Headquarters for DrfWng and FvmHonts. Szles Guaranteed as Represented. . R. HOLDER, Manager of Stibles P. 0. THOMAS. Salesman. W. A. VPCHURCH, Safesman. Raegn, W. C FOR FALL TRAVELING Our Urge and well selected lint of outing trunks, ' bags, suit cases, etc, will appeal to you. J Come ia and let us show you. '' . , . New Ginghams and ::r;rz ::: Calicos !; ;r:v .1 Our new arriTals in Ginghams and Calicos are worthy of special mention. New goods of erery kind arriving daily. ' . " V TiS. A. PARTin CO. ' , torcr rCRXisraxcs ato lrorsxTiM 131 Fayctteville Street, : ; RALEIGH, N. C. Xl ta Kw Uaaoata Tamptak The Famous Hemo Self Reducing Corsets Health, Comfort and Style for Stout Women. It Is the' only corset that enables a woman to reduce her figure with increased comfort and absolute Hygienic Safety. There is a model for every fizurc LA3T1KCP9 Coaart liiiiuGr Ores. Orov.'or Go. OLC AGENTS itnicUsa ttpoa bla arorda, aa tbat thy aal(bt itii acatblaaca of avtdaoc aaiaa htm. A conspiracy waa anttrad lnta ta t opoicf partita, rha Itiarl. l ao Utterly antt-ltoinaa. aad tha Harudlana. bo trucktad ta Roma. Tbat "aolttka ataka atran baafaUcwa," la aa at eboarvaUaa. Tbcy atat atdota. . od aaakor aftjf kaoarladr. botln tharauy a eatck Jhui oft hia ruard by tht pltaa bUlty of thatr qutatluna. txmbt. ca alt tha partlaa to thla party piot thoufbt thamaalvaa tha arrvaata of tha rauaa af arraalaad raltslon: for ; from tb braianiar unttl bow I. adore of iHiu liwtltutloBa hava aiard to tanboly vtaana ta rar a what thay rard aa ooly ada. Soatahoar tba poaatoa for truth. hlrh la tha brlrht. aat torca Hf htd at th altar of Ood. ffow dim aad flirkaiinc and atnoky .m .h. rlllM ftjlBIMIihrn nf In.'iMll'iiB. r 1 allr Cnrlatlantty. and th raai pro. I Iht art too onn fouad outtM tna thurc.i. Oar CalWal Groeratuut. Tha C0Btroyry wu to htwnj rull and atmpl ilmti licit. BnaMhov it aaaota to ba tba uodaocy at a titf hly ara;aatad aoelaty to depart fT'm sim plicity aad dlrac-.nwt Ouila atd o- phlatl(MU-n ara fMhlntittil . f AlUtUV, t'TOWBf T'TBI Uhlov'-' ua.tacl may ba ;on(mpUld for 1 moment all th "whlta lira" that bar bvao told th la ataak In aoelaty. InuaHa the hoatin who hav raturecd th maa aaaa "not at homt" to aawaicoma uaala; - th acqualntancaa who. fac 10 fac. bar bn "ao dad to ara you" aha thay war Inwardly an aoyad at th mwtlnr; th ruaata who hava told htea thay "hava had ouch a levaly tlma." wharaaa tha foac. tloa haa baan an orJaaL But atay: let ui ft aa th aafar and mora comfnrtalila (round of th odl oua Inalncarlty of thrnc profaaaad ak- ara aftr light who cama to Jaau with aubtla and dl'honMt quaatlon forgattlnf that Ood dcalraa truth In tha toward part, and that alt fl hood I a repudiation of th Ood of truth. Thrr l no alarht among man fatror than th atnr.r qut aftar truth; and nonr mora dlahaartanlnc than wladom and knowladg tln uard to buttr.aa an unholy or Inalncrr poaltloa. ftntaa IIiBocrlU and a OnawUoo. Tha questioner, confldant that thay could Impale Jeaut on on horn of th dilemma or th other, aeked "la It lawful to give tribute Unto t aa- aar or not?' If ha .aid ye, tha Jewish patriot party would h about hla n If he ald no. Rom and lt adherent would hav to t reckoned with. The Teacher, unparpteiad and untfretd plarcad through th queatlnn to th plrlt of th fale and flattering quea. tlonars. ,T hypoi-rtte!" No gentla peach that. Tor rrart and guileful new and dlahnneaty en th part of religious teacher are not to be dealt with tenderly, aa on deals with th sinful and th Ignorant. Ood pity tha Church that forgets how to be pa- 1 tlent with the erring week and tm patient with her owa deliberately erring leaders. The question Itself was ewtly and strikingly answered by (he clear Judgment of Jesus. Ha called for piece of tribute money, hearing tha Image ana name or tha reigning em peror. Their very use of the coin showed tha,t thay war andar obliga tion to the civil government for cur rency, for law and. order, for high wiavs and multitudinous conveniences. "Render therefore unto Caetar th j things that are leaser's " Of course there ara earthly loyallle and obliga tion. A man ta a poor cltlsen of tha kingdom of heaven who la not alao a good rltlsea of his ewa country. Pa triotism la a rollgtona duty. Christian , cltlsene hava aver been tha best ettl ens, aa many a bloody page af history records. Tha eslatsnee of bad gov ernment Is a reflection Boon th fidel ity of Chrlatlaa ettlsenahlp. Aa coins ara stamped, so ara souls Th humsn spirit bears th Image and superscription of Ood. Therefor ren der "unto Ood th thing that are God1." The Ufa belong to the Lord tha heart was made In hla likeness and H only finds Ha full mission In his service. Whosoever Is not yield ing allegiance to tha Creator la a loot coin. - An Old Marriage) Probleen. The question is a widely-dla-rusawd them today. It haa always angaged tba thought of serious per sona. Th tuhject la on that lends Itaelf readily to morbid ind distorted and curloua view. A favorite catch queetlon of tha ftaJduceee. who did ant believe In a resurrection, which they bad often doubtless usad to th confusion of th Pharisee, had to do With th marriage relation.- It was a hypothetical question of seven broth era. dying an aftar another and aaoh taking the same woman to wife, and none leaving children. Whose wife would tha woman be In tha reaurreo- ! ttnn. 1 . That was what John Elliot used ta tell hla Indiana waa "a papoose ques tion ' It was only a "smart" quibble In tha asms claaa with tha Common one of scoffers, "can 0d make a stone ! so big M cannot lift It?" The cm- Bi anon sense of people revolt against i such a trifling stste Of mind. Thee Badducees mleeed the glory and great ness of th future life In their goal to defend a theory. Thav thought of th Inflnltleg of heaven In very1 small earth terms, f remember aa little hoy weeping when told by my mother that there was no tilht or ileeplnf In heaven; and ah had to reassure me by eaytng that there would be a little bed for m In heaven If I should want It! Tha anthropomorphism, af all Christian teaching, mad peceaaary by our crude undereiandlng put limita tion upon the great conception of Ood and eternity. Heaven! I mora than earth perpetuated, purified and perfected. The problems that perpleg ne her will be no problems there. Th wise word about th tutor la that "Eva hath not seen, nor ear pearo neither he entered Into th heart of man th thing whtrh Ood hath prepared for them that Inv Him. Man's 8oicene fluty. 1 rtesrdte their rrmilKn parrtoa. ar 1 ; cannot hut ha emtpful for thee on Hons. TheT throw a flood of light fiunon contemimmrv conditions and I ' duties. Ther ass the fiueatlon as to ii which was the rr.i.l commano hment Jeeiis - . r d by the word which all devout Jw wore In their j phyceterlee, "Iionr. O Ire tha Ird i our Ood. the lyird Is one" That lea ! 1 son of mortnthfiftm. nrlv needed In I land partly tv i J by and ntlrly These Carpets were purchased under regular prices from noted carpet mills and are priced in this great September sale much under regular prices. -em- Churches, Hotels, Lodges, Societies, Offices and Public Build ings, as well as private households, are given the opportunity of the season to supply their Carpet needs at prices 15 to 25 per cent lower than can be obtained later on. - Never have we shown such an extensive array of styles, never have we been able to quote equally good valuesand not withstanding the low prices of the carpets in this sale we make no extra charges for making up and laying in the City of Raleigh and for all out-of-town patrons we will make up without extra charge and will prepay freight to any point in North Carolina and if they will pay the railroad fare and provide board for our layer while doing the work we will send one of pur expert carpet layers to lay without extra charge for his services. ComeCompare qualities and values, and prove to your cvn satisfaction that we can save you money by buying your Fall and Winter Carpets now right now in September. .DQBBIN-FERRALL CO. 123-125 Fayeitevilte Street Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina's Largest and Leading i . Dry Goods Store. f i surrounded by polythelia, haa bean learned by Christendom. The aalty of Ood ia accepted by all who accept Ood at all. . . Society today reverses th dMne order aa to tha greet ee command m emsfor Jesus enunciated two: "Thou shalt love tha Lord thy Ood with all thy heart and with all thy aoal, and with all thy wind., aad with .ii ih. aMntl. The second ba this: Thou ahalt love thy neighbor aa thy self.". .The preeeni lasiuou v sw the second commano m mi . - .ImIah. .mnh.au in our time upon msn a duty to man. Tha gospel af Brotherly lev IB oeing srnrnes irom a wondeful array of rood era pulpits. In many tonguaa nderto4 of th common people. Kvery Cttrta- tlan must thiill wnn enimaiion over . . .. hli-h riott'a area! aror4 la echoing throaghowt th world, and re shaping human eocisiy. - u , VT..tia that ta not tna Ural commandment. Of thla new and no ble mood w may aay. as jevis sam concerning the-scribe, "Thou srt not far front th Kingdom or lioj nut there la deep need that w should put Into first place th premier torn manriment: "Thoa shalt lov th Jed thy Ood with all thy heart and with all thy soul, ana wtm en tny mma, and with all thy etrenrth.- Mir h manltarlanlsm la a frott of th goepeU but It Is not Chrlatlsnltv. Relll-n ta more than ths relation of mas to man. It Is first of all. end ementially, a per sona! relationship xiting between the Individual and Jehovah. The watchword of th VYanvltt, 'aet right with Ood." Is eternally true supremely Important, (Our t'mes w !l he out of Joint until' men giv 5., flret place In all thln. Haffled and routed. tHe e?em!e of Jeaus turned away. Th could n"t trap him Ift his worde. Their lnii'!' tloni caught only theun ive.- S they ggv up as hep.leaa fjtta Una of pur suit Meanwhile, "the common people heard him gladly." The vindication of Jesus at not In tha learned apolo gists of late aagee, hat In th devotion of tha great mass of ordinary men and wonve wha have proved him and found him true. Some ftne plahlng. (Beaufort Look-Otit. Capt, Cher lea Carrew took, out flahlng party from tha Inlet Ina an Monday morning. Th Una amateur fisherman caught 71 trout. Sea mullet land flounders In Fort channel, and r. a ; turned In time, for aupper. - - . tVBM3 RA.TDOCTH fAKXEXS BT A SUCK TRICK. A Strane Boajgrttt tUH Worth Jrodacaj and Faad fo M In Chejcka That Were WenbJrea, " Hilar bty Ortt) ? People win continue to t decervad and defrauded ant tha and at time. Tba latest Instance ta the slick trick worked by , a produce buyer from Florence. 8. C. He traveled ever tha earn arm pan f Randolph, acted nlce i. anatda a aood aDDaamca. paid cash Brtcea tor a good quantity of l produce and than toft with I net ruc tions for shlpmenta. Check on tha banks of Florence, ft C wr given for tb preJuce, but they proved to ' be worthies. It 1 said that between i tl.it and !. In produce thus obtained and th victim ara aow anxious ta renew hia acquaint lance. ' '. i A moral In ' favor af home trade F might be drawn from this swindle. I etenalDiy UPSaniiaa, y "in'ni i known, thl maa did a big buslnesa. The dealera at home are the ones ho are ta be reckoned wttn every ; i day of the year and sine thay are one j ! of the community they eould not afford to be otherwise than atralght Higher j I prtrva lit any line are tempting, but tha steaJy Bl-day-tn-th-wek twelve, montha-ln-the-year dealera i will nat ; ynq more In th long run; and tha j ' slick at rangers will do jrau tur. Is Your Horse Stopping With Us? - - It means, U ha ia. tbat b ta getUng th very beat fare plenty at something good to aat, plus tha past treatment In general. ' tt ue furnish you with your next driving rtf. We ara vary care ful to aend out th crdlUbl only. WOODALL & MARR ' Cor. Blount and Davio . 6 C C. Phono J79 THE UORTHVESTERIl ELEVATOR 6 LULL CO. neaaa not that word ELEVATOR. , . Xt means "heap." It mean that we get all the superfine wheat wa can ana and to spar. MT. VERNON FLOUR : M For Safe In Ealeih by I! ii " i