i fit OmN I lit ft St. 414. 'rl Hill II, . ,r( tlm IT'i rfili r S ( u Kiut n. 1 A , JO o ir-rriWn 1 nam m 1 11 r rr,ii YOLU1XX XC, ITO. 101 BALEIUII, N. (X, THUltSDAY MOKNDfO, SEPTEMIIEIt 13, 1910 l'HICE 5,CNTS Leads all North' Caroltaa Dallies in News aed CircmilatSon EXPERT TESTIFIES MORE TROUBLE. AH OFT-TOLD TALE MAINE A BOMB TO A STRONG 1 ii i? w t t ii r: I tit'f rl.Mi.dy 1'hurnU nd I'll 1. '7 with alecae rar fl fuel. DOUGHTOn HKES FIGHT IS ONLY OH SPEECH THE 00VERNQRSH1P -. - i -yNr Action of .messee In- CM 'I IS AbAIN HETOLD! 1 CASE WEI! - of GLORIES OFJELIMCy Tbo Democratic; Candidate (or Con , , gross la tho Etghtli District Mecs ' Cowlee la Joint DebateThe He t publican Cbngressmaa Extolled the 1 Virtues' of H'gh Tariff and Still i; Declared for the Force Bill. ,ASflB;iai.,tfl North Wilkasboro. 8euL 14. Hod R. U Doughton and Chas. H. Cowlea, th two candidates for Congress In the Eighth Consreasional district, met in Joint debet at tha eourthoun her today. Tha court room's capacity waa packed to the utmost to hold the crowd In attendance. When the time for the apeaking arrived Hon. R- N. Hackett avroea and In a short attiring speech Introduced Mr. Doughton, who poke first. Mr. Doughton apoke rap Idly, but with splendid enunciation, that every one easily understood all that he said. He severely arraigned Mr. Cowlee for attempting to deceive the Wilkes people by stating In hia speech at Jefferson that ha had cast a reflection on the people of Wilkes county. Ha aucceeafully defended his record In the Senate of tha last Leg islature In hia advocacy of tha passage of the oil Infection bill and other legislation which he advocated. He ' contrasted the difference in tha man agement of the governmental affaire in the Plate under Kepuciican ana Democratic rule and showed clearly that whenever the Democratic party hs1 been In power In the State we had hod peace, prosperity and purity of government. good management for greater educational advantages and everything that meant for progress throughout every department of tha government, whereat under Republl van rule ha ahowed that the people's money had been squandered, tha de partments run In debt, the treasury emptied, set scandals In every gov. ernmtmtal department, and when the Democrats were returned to power they fared the herculean ttsk of clean ing every department of the filth and scandal and freeing Ihsm from the debta which were the only legacies left by the Butler-Russel Bsdlcal Fu sion gang. This task under Demo cratic white man' rule ha been ac complished. He said he would not kbus Butler, hut would let Mine Har shew and tha Industrial News do that Cut he told what would happen to North Carolina If Butler, with his rnonla for bonds, could evcT get eon Tfot of The" Stale. "" . He explained the reason' for pros ferity: under McKlnley and ahowed the deeper adversity and harder limes during the panic under Roose velt's administration. Speaking of the bill introduced by Cowlee In Congress and Cowlee" et- danatlon that the reason why ha a a Pictures the" Blight ; Republicanism i . i ik.i , v. v.AaAw r. w HA n-n i il 10& when every word of our pre- I.- ws. Tenaeolrt and the severest penalties provided for any boMihle fraud or non-DanTorrrsincs of fluty snd thst th law were passes llh ths assent of Mr. Cowlee, that Cowlee furthermor was In th - Ion of th Legislature of 107 and l0t and aa an evidence of hi en tire advocacy and satisfaction with ss.'ld election law he never Introduced an amendment or sought la any way to Changs one Word or reliable there of. He stated In conclusion that not withstanding Ir. Cowrie- boast that he had tnw influence In Congress than alt Vh Pemocratlo " representa tives In ths Plate, his Influence bad pot been sufficient to get a Republican, committee of which he wss a member tit even consider this Mil. Mr. Doughton speech, like the man. wss strong, convincing, dealing Viard Mows to his opponent, frequent I" punctuated with applause, which 'wa deafening; at the end of bia speech. - - , After an Introduction by Represen tative CaudlJL, Mr, Cowlea arose and wss f&tntly applauded. Me began his speech la the seme old way and ths ssme speech h learned at the fee ef Hv'cer Blackburn tea years . He epoke st lenrth about the pul.)c building bill for W'llkesbero, attempt It - to show that he was right and the Statement of the Secretary ef the Treasury to ths ronlrsry was untrue. That high prtcw ef farm products was caused by hieh tariff and that tha only lamer against lbs high cost of living Was bv th people living In cities --snd that If they sm-reeded In defeating th Republi can party farm products would felt t the ground and that a blH tariff was the farmers only hope. That he v.as still In faver of the force bill Introduced by him. After a rejoinder of lea minutes each the debet closed and epreei"n of ' gratification were heard by Ioiih!on s friends on every etd. Notwithstanding Wilkes - I the strongest RepiMlein county In the Fate and a spct effort had keen made ty Republican te gt ewt a large rrnsrd. yet It was evident that the crowd present wss almost eenally r)! tld and Ihe demncraef of W like rnnnty is Jubilant ever the disc see tlay. torn HcxiRtn Tiiot"4sa 11- Is the V rcb-r of rrn,e S-Jd, It w because aor own 8'ltsi election t political adviser as a murderer he lefl opportunity for frsuu, hs shoa-ispat upon and trampled under foot ... j-, i ir. ik. ivl.utTirei this judgment which ws la accord- s ll n Karkei lest Mondsy "d Tnd. v (., .sj Kf s-1 Orr? V. i. B.pl. 14 F-r th. ti MoHr sn4 y fne b.;r. Ired tHoosai fco,. fff tow 1 ' S'- I CI f l.li.,-VT -. fc.-,t f ftft 1 e e-'- yf'T v fi tva H.t s-r nr- ar ,-v-- t e rre tnsn cr.'d ye'. S S- he'ter. ..:y the - hec.w c.v of the l tr- r a s irt. j depend Democrats THEY .tQDRSE HOOPER The) Harmony Resolution Is Side- Tracked Without Dlataawioo Tlie Solid South W U Hot Be Brokeu By TciiaPBsne Agreement Assures DenmcrmUo Lrglalaiar. (By tha Associated Press.) dependent Democrat of Teanesses to day endorsed the candidacy of Capt. Ben W. Hooper, Republican nominee for Governor, and further cut loose from tha regular winy by referring tha latter harmony resolution to the new Independent State Executive Com mittee without discussion. Thus was organised a formidable looking triumvirate to campaign for a Republican Governor, consisting 0t Republicans, Independent Democrats and State-wide prohibitionist. The Independents and prohibitionists are so closely allied aa to largely dVer iap In their membership. Fight Only on Governor. The possible break In the solid south, outlined in today's convention etxtndg only to on officer, .the govern orship. There Is a "gentleman's agreement" between the independent and th Republican that neither par ty will Invade the other' afe legis lative territory and this the Independ ents say assurea a Democratic Legis lature. , There was no opposition In the con vention to the program of the lead ers. An attempt was made to suspend the rules and nominate Hooper by aelamation, but this was ruled out of order by tha permanent Chairman, It K. L. Monntcastle, National Demo cratic Committeeman for Tennessee, Platform resolution were then adopt ed and nominations mad In rapid ucceasioa by unanimous rising votes. The resolution on harmony reads as follows: "We recommend thai tha resolu tion sent to this convention by the Patterson convention be referred to the Bute committee elected by this convention for proper answer In ao-1 cordanc with tha action and nomina tions of this convention." Canua-fc'a Slayer Deaoaacnd. . Tha- pardon of Senator Csrmack'a slayer was denounced repeatedly by the speakers, which was received with shouts of approval. - Temporary Chairman O. T. Fltchugh .of Mem phis, brought the audienos to Its feet when h said of tha Carmack-Cooper When the highest court despite his (Patterson's) efforts to coerce It. had handed down a decree which h. A JI Via ---- f.Un mnA hlef inMiHm i v j , . v .. v. - anre wun iw iu juw met with tha approval of thVdvlIUed worio. The convention anded with Capt Hoopsfg sd dress. Th Republican candidate was frequently Interrupted by cheering ana applause. Poeaklnr of th oomblnatlon of Re publican and Independent Democrats ha said: , - -While th sequence of event Is un. precedents, 1a Tennessee politics. It contains ao deep and hidden meaning. It woald be eatremely absurd for th forces of temperance, law and order to be divided la this contest along national party iura We have wit nessed In this State for the last four years what wa perhaps nsver sees, in a Southern State beforethe assem bling ef the vtckt aad criminal ele ments of all races and parties under the banner ef aa enscropulou or ganisation en ' Intensified Imitation of the Tammany Ueraocracy of New Terk and the Republican ring ef Phil adelphia. We have seen ths laws of this tt trampled ender foot and then heard tbs chief eiecytlve of the State publlo ry , proclaim from one nd ef the kind to the ether'lhat hss lews could hot b enforced. We have seen the pardoning power ef the gov ernor converted into a political asset snd seed for th financial enrichment of hi henchmen and the political ag grandisement of himself. W have seen ths street ef ear mat capital crimsoned with blood ef po""al martyrdom. W have een the docie I"t.s of ths enurts of tht Ststs treated with th utmost contempt, reaching the very- elmaa ef Infamy la a eoia end hrasen attempt te enetve ths su preme court Into rendering a pudg metit polltlewlty advwntsswous to the governor snd his mechin.-' Platform Adopted. Ths plwtferss adopted says In part: "We deewonce the esorpatloa of party athertty In the nsm ef De mocracy by ths Patterson machine, and w con dews fMts to dlsfran rha Deenociatle Voters of this Bute The ttdrelee snd th Integ rity ef the three ee-ordinaie depart, merit of r 8at gvewient should be preserved In sll their roeatite tinnal Itmltstloe. and we deno'ance the aetten ef ths governor In st temiittng. try the of b's petitVal rtwcrdn to eentrol the action ef the (ri-'stwr aad ere the Punreme fwtr In the mafer ef a case pending befor It. ' ErerWee) ProtillitiV "V ernlsea nd deetar for t ret.elnsi r4 WSl P 'en ' f th pec... -sit nm mm swd ls vnos smeed re. - .. frnHMimf le ir.au'citr s- 1 ' ef - t ; -t m f-fm n1 wt c..in we e-!- ef ri''e-1 f d:e- r t-efce ef H '- efn- e. - -r .4 wi'h tr of en- . ! -e t -"t i , r- t en rr te ) Testimony On Pieces of Dismembered Body FOUND 1.0 TRACE OF SEX Tula Fact Was Considered of Great Importance by Us Defense as It Was Centrally Thonght That bof ftdent Evld.nce Would B Intro dused to EHtAbllMii That the Body Wag That of a Woman, ; London, spt. 14. Testifying at the resumption of the Crlppen mur der trial. Prof. Augustus J. Pepper, Pathologist of the t' Diversity of Lon don, said that his examination had convinced him that tha human parts found la the cellar of Hill-Drop Cres cent home here severed by a hand skilled in surgery and directed by a mind that poesed a real knowledge of anatomy. Dr. Hawloy H. Crtppen, who la charged as the principal of the mur der of his wile. Bolls Elmore, the American actress, was seemingly as coo) and collected as avar. Ethel Clare Lencva, acoused as an aocelaory after the fact, was wan and plainly mentally and physically dis tressed. She was attended for th first time in court by a wardress. Prof. Pepper, for tho prosecution, said that ho had identified piece of flesh as belonging to various part of tha body, exept tho head, hand forearms, f .tt wid legs 'below the knees. He could say that th mem bers found were undoubtedly from a human body. Ho bona were dis covered, nor was there any trace of th genital organ. ..- The whole viscera was present In tact and the only wound was a out In the upper part of the windpipe. Other parts were left undisturbed by the t who did the cutting, and the way In which the parts had been separated convinced the expert that whoever was guilty of tho mutilation did hts work with an exactness born of familiarity with the human bodv. Prof., Pepper said that tha hair discovered Included a short strand of fair texture wrapped up In a hand kerchief of the site commonly used by men. Tha witness Identified par ticularly a piece of flesh six by seven Inches in slxe as coming from the ab dominal wall and which bore a soar which, tn hi oplnlonfl was undoubted ly left by a wound from aa operation. The witness said that tha scar was In a verueaf eireetion ana - mors than t four Inches In length. It was old and might have been on th body for a i of 1167," h said, "and began to sr-t year, possibly many years. Th con- i loan from the banka It was so easy dltlon of th organs recovered was that I kept on." healthy and In his Judgment Indicated j F. 8. Schenk. president of the Ul s sinutlsh person In mlddl life whose! erty National Bank, gave out a state- nair was oar It Drown where It had i nnl ,.an M Mlm til.a.k A T'l, said that he found no traces of the 1 eg. The parts had been burled for j not lew than four months and for . . . - ., i n . n .nm nui nun r.n.i munuia. Her Bollcltor Newton asked the hi "no Z . . . v 1 PC'i!C '1 statement as to having found tree of sex." Tha professor agreed with counsel that It was ImnoMlhl for him to determine th ses from the parts of th body found and siamlned by him. This was considered as ef great Im portance to the defense, as It had been generally believed that although cer tain organ had besn purposely re moved to conceal the Identity of the victim. " sufficient evidence would b Introduced to establish that th body wa that of a woman. The witness explained that he meant that ha could not Identify th ses anatomically. police Surgeon Marshall corrobo rated th testimony of Pepper. On oores examination he said that a body burled In clay gad Urn might b preserved for yeara Witness said hia Impression waa that there war mark around th scar found dn the abdomen which had been mad by th stitches takn la the wound. Th trial was ad learned to Friday. ROBRSOX IiEMfrCRVTH - HOLD M ASS-MT.KTlXa Chairmen C-ge It. McTrod Remiss evt to Rewlgn: (aadlowtea ridorsrd. (special to New and Observer.) ' Lum barton, HepL 14 There wss a mass meeting here today attended by three hundred Democrats who are apposed te the management, of ths party ra Robeeoa county by Oorg n, hlioA. Th present sheriff, E D. McNeill, was endorsed. . The ei ecu live enwamltt was salted arte te reooeet ChsJrrrtsn McLeod to tender his rw!snatlon at once. Wsrai speeches denonnctng Mr. We Leed's msrsiirement were msd by R. D. Caldwell. Rev. H. M. rtovle, pas tor ef th Methodist eharch, end Rev. C. IT. I Huh am. pastor ef ths Psptlat church. Th meeting was reel fled ovsr by T. A. McNeltl. Jr. Tor th Hfti of ftepresentstlves Dr. R. T. McMillan nf Red Porlnra, aad Mr. Wc Arthur, of Rewland, were endnreed. Those nflortd for rnn!r ewm mlonrs wee; M. C. McPhSul, ef lumber fr'-'f: Mr. WcCeagsn. ef Pin gprlrrs; E. A. McCemlek. of PewibTfiks: A J r-ier, ef ralrmonnt, and W. It. M -I1U n. f Thompsoa tewnehlp. Dim ix oKUtnoit- (rswdee rj"'- m p. .euxe prwmtoeet I wirmi isns C'xw'tl Pel "P'st T" Tnsiictit. lcr.al Va . -. 4 r.lMei.f I Wiiwoa. -t l psttis, ait1 fAemer ff -'nM et--,'.-t rttrt'ti efiplea. of t ary. W'fara. ed a e'--T.t V.n. who let Trrt 'e'tnr.s are M'-g ma4 te W w.i abevt J..'r 1 d ed In tn-(eie 'k ef T t ea;o- Ur. (', ei ! i( r- H'i re- ra". Thre Is ai h'H'M to ta te.ain w ' tu.ii w !e n'tt. se I r - Ifl he peeeee r1 f ' te re b'te.J --n a--nie hoar Thar-I' tettai.o '.fsd4 t t br ik es r sf'.' r. . irea ef tft Maseru truer as '.r. iwH'i,if9f,,'A Will IT h.aV ; y ' ' ' Washington Herald ! STOLE SIOOOOFIsOM BftNKl A KEH COLLISI ADOLPH ROTHBAKTH PROVES A 6LICK ARTICLE IN DIuVLING rnrii BANKS pikaoh oi nrv Or STEAXaSQ 10,000. (By tho Associated Press.) New York, Sep. 14 Adolph Roth- barth, of th firm of Martin, Hoth- barth Company, hop dealers, with offices In London, Franktort and St. Petersburg, pleaded guilty today tu the larceny of fit, 000 from the Mer cantile National Bank and was held for trial In an equal amount of bail. H had been under surveillance 48 hours and hi arrest came at noon after a long oonferenoe between the district attorney' office and a coterie of bankers with whom hs has had dealinrs. "Toar honor." said th as- lstant dltrlot attorney In Charge of -i.. ,iik.ri, th. ..ia ... . -....v... -e v. --. named In UU complaint Is only 110.- , mi srniH tniuuiu inn i.in i"iii. has lost Will corns to mors than 1100,- 000, but I only ask thia small ball because tha prisoner has admlttei that h did wrong and promises to af- ford ths prosecution every aid In hi power," Ths money went Into speculation. according -to Xluthbarth own gdmls - slon. "I was squeezed In the pan ment this afternoon of the bunks Jt , i 1. - i . . , i, uimiinn w n .. n n iuiil "We nave not thought it necesssry to prosecute." he said, "In view of ths action taken h tha Mercantile National Hank but nonetheless, we also are out $75. 00 Of course, w shall tag action to ret to Reidsvllle. and his wound dressed "Henceforward Dun. an who had all . lu , "3, "nl?a " tn" "n" ln back as much of It aa w can from by I)r J W. MrOeehe. local surgeon the power aa referee, will have but , utnor,. and the political t th firm." 'of the Southern. The mended fras little. If anything to say In the mat- "u'f ' lh orsanlsatlon, aocordlng to Three other bankg ar said to he , menu of the body of the negro. Harris , ter" Ooth Chairman Uorsheed and editor Involved, but their Bam have not 1 were brought to Reidsvllle on a flat j Mr. Hay dlacovers also that thejf lhe t.u.,'af"'U M,ron B""'. 'n yt com out. It Is said by Jusa-llng car and turned over to the under-i president will name lemocrats to of-1 ?'t t-e!.i ?i R,.PubUe sanspaimt loans amnnr them. Rothbarth was able to keep as much as 1300.000 In tha air at once. He could not rive tha ball demanded and had to spend th night In the tombs. EX-GflV. GLEKN AT H8MEIBRIGK TflUST INDICTED RETTTtXt FROM CUATACQt A WORK EEEIil SL'RE OF Jf A TtOItaXi DEMOCTUVTIC gt'OCEMi WnX MAKK- KPEECHEH IX jromni caroU'xa campaign. (pedal t New and Obaerver.) Wtneton-galam, Sept. It. -Ex-Oov rnor R. B. Glenn, who arrived horn thia morning, after an abseno of arty three month, being engaged in Chautauqua Work, re per l a delight ful and Interesting trip. H let home Jan ltd and sine that tlm h has tortured la Ohio, IMInol. Iowa, Ne braska, Oklahoma, Missouri and Kan- He spent th pan two week IB Atlantic City with Mrs. Olenn and ! th West Tht la a Democretto year and It took Ilk va New Jersey will go for Democracy. Ohio and Indiana ste regarded as miret ths reeukt la Maine tells Its own story. The i Oovornor fn sure thst th seat Con grea will be Democratic Hs will urTTw niVir.r. he will return to NorS d devote th month of t home on month and ptntmenta Carolina and October te campaign work for his partr H will mak number of speecnea HOLIT eTRI'S.- WO DAT. , Kasnttle rVvtlci, Paieeklng aret lUrtf as Tmrsday. w pnewues' Twenty. SfelsJ t fesi sad Ots'tr ) Holly gprirgs, Prt 14 -Tbr I te be big time e ea Thurwtay, Petemher If T ewt I to be a Vaste'e plrnie i-k'-f .nd n ty. addris he by It. J, M. Tsm- daukiaS sash e i I fta B. - M . A .. .h u- .fee.m.. ) ,OT the three rem .Th. form. Oovernor M nu-tton-t TmtT 4 rtraiivc r0"- oaiti9na m i i.. , i ..ju 7. t I OLLIE HARRIS, COIjORKD. KILLED AXD K. ti. 1IVVKS HAS COLLAR ItOXK IUKthlV OTHIJl MEX HAVE MIR.t X IAH S E.SCAPE. (Special to News and Observer ) Keldsvllle. Hfj.t 14. Olllo lisrrn colored, of Bi-iimJ n Is dead, and K (i Hayes, white, of I Mir ham. ha a col lar bone broken n a result of a hen. I on collision of .ik train No. (extra with a hand-lever car on th Southern Kallai two miles o,th f Keldsvllle, this morning at 7-fO Th n Iraculuut escupe of fifteen or twenty .other workmt'ii ui ihe train and hand car resulted. The extra work train with Conduc tor L. Ingram, a Reidsvllle man. a ,n""L- " M1"!" r and Engineer Jefferson, and the col - ored .fireman. Hatrstun. was coming j Z. T '.- iter Fainon and six or wn tnn 1- i borers. The men on the engine Jump Jii'uVL um l'o I eo ana escaped injury, as on th)) evr cr The crash threw . Huyes over a telesraoh Dole, break- s hi, houldor The negro llarri mshed and cut so badly there not piece of his body as much . ten or twelve Inches long, and Mr. r. C. Fnwlkes two white brskemen : and six negroes w ho were on a flat car of the train with them escaped in- Jury although thev were thrown some ; distancg from the track. The extra train wa coming orth;oa. National Committeeman Puncan with Capt. Kow Ikes' squad of hands , loses his old uosition as the handler to do some work The lever car wns'Of tha patronaae At a recent (on going south to do work with the force fere IWS In the State, with end under or Capt. F..on. section master of ths approval of the president, n-prs-thei road between Reldevtlle end Pen- sentatlvo, Jlorehad and a large com aja. The train was running at a good mines of ssversl i it iens throughout rats of speed when the collision oe- curred. The 'ip of the men on ths lever car and on the train was eon- , sldered verv fortunate. The white man. Hayes, was brought taamg estsmtanment or Mail, t nance A Company, and prepared for burial, The engine wss not dam aired to an great extent but the leTer ear and three flat cars were demolished. TIIREK t'OMPAXUCS ARE H AMED Jl'DtiK LAXD1.H ISM'EJt BENCH WARJLVSTH FOR T1IE AtXTSED. (Ry th Assoicatad Prase) Chfcago. Sept. It. Th so-raJked "Prick Trust' waa Indicted by th Federal Orand Jury today, charged with violation of ths her ma a Anti Trust law. Four individuals and t h re com pan la ar named, as fol low sr D. V. Pwrlngton. peeeidesg ef the Puiingto Paving Brick Compeay. ef Oslesbtirg. III. C, C. Larr. president et The Barr Clay Company, ef Reading. IlL . H. R. Renkert. seeretsry of the Metropolitan Paving Brick Compear, ef Canton. Ohio, Win, T. Prewnan. Cfticag Sales penlee ted tr the District Court Issned bench wsrraeta agsJnet the Sccued. It Is alleged that the defendants were eearaged aj a rombinetioa la restraint ef trade. and that anneal meet toe were held st which the price ef ertrk for r4- The Hry tr ?L eage waa Pied. The rtty has bonght rlrvg the last d trwet. heck M he turn ef the Indletmenta. Preasjea, (he sales agent, was rremternt petti ttcally. D. J. Christopher waa aa he sector empkrred by ths ctfr te pees ea parte. brick. Preneaa kt afleed t have tskw Christophers wife. Mrs Alleea Christopher trio partner-1 nt th I- srsre-v. A year sw Iw speetee CbrVttepher lost h'S -"l- anth th lty and eeeteht rr. M ra. Cririispher soed prenaaa fe what ks gl'eesd Wss her .r ra th pef (s ef t rc-r. H lrt U re't. pvt arr"d t.s mafter te the either- 5eev (she and her wun ease a b.'ore fHe wd Jarf. Sjeev4eee D4eesetwis)eeX W!terrn I r Rert. 1 4 T. Tese rerfr"t tnAtw feens- wed. tio tr"ndire. thm aeev1e ef si ng a.ie ptrcaea II C- PraeV lui. ef Nerfolk, V. wit imwip i tww v Respectable Republican Party in South TUFT'S LITEST FREAK rmni Beverly tomes the News Timt the PrmldViat Will Attempt lx II. r--ulean Tank of Making; tlie KcpuMl- can Party In Dixie Respects llr Ills Plan Is to Ilegta la Xortli iiro bna by Rooogiililn( Uas Uiillir- tnre4war Heylsae Thai Alotw. tl.ix luw llwc Ktory as a FuLi- or Milken tlie rrcoklent a I-aucMiu st k. Hf THOMAS J. PKXCK Washington. D. C, Sept. 14 -An. n uti pment as mad at Bevcr: .. dK) by private Secretary N.liv.n. ! ak ng fur President Tart, th.ii an err rt lll be made to make ti,P It. pi-.iran party "reepeetahle" In ..rth :.imi. and the South and Dim ,.. a staiier the referee system ih f . , li inhed North Carollga is tlm 'itm S' tie to be tackled and to t..-Kln :ili 1'i.r., n ii to he deposed aa '..' u... Jitl.ecser. and the Job turn-J ,r t Mvrehead and Butler Thi interesting lnfornint,. n . r. 'Ilspatrhes from the lt. .,in nif r w hite House. Jones Hay. Jr., staff rtrr.'..m,lent of th Washington Time. . i.' hi. l" r this afternoon the i . . i . . j n k . from Keverley about th.- I i i l. ni frt to make the Rep .'..i, ,i;t . In North Carolina rei. President Taft has h's tun important step towards , .in looce from the old Repubil. a i i .ii.m .,f dispensinfi patronage in Hi- Southern States according to th- rwnmniml - lions or rertreee. who. beii.u given'"." eni(ui,iuc proteal agn:n.t the control of the palronace, K"nei - ! aniionism. ami all that h stands for ally delivered delega of U,e r 8tat., ',, , K- .i,ii., ..,.. , ,t . r n 7i. ,. i national convention fur the nomina- i !'". i't that unless the State coi:in,it tlon of a president. This move is ' l'u" Induce llolton and Hlair l.i taken to mean the nltlmato dlsap- pea ranee of the negro as a strong ftn'- tor In Southern Republicanism. Tne new reclme has been stiirte, with North Carolina according to in lormaunn. recsivea here today, - "Mr. Taft and his advisors believe 'bey have a chance to carry North I Carolina In the coming election and they are busy building up a bualnens 1 men s party They desire to make I Republicanism respectable In North I Carolina and other Southern Blale. ! "By the Innovation Just determined ths Ktate took upon themselves the task of snaking recommendations to Washington In the four, regarding the men who should he not on the federal pay-roll i nee in North run ni On th a 'he said "North Carolina', commrtee on pat- ronage will control the federal Jobs! absolutely. It la mad. up of the best men In tha Stats. If the committee cannot Bod good Republicans It will pick out good Democrats There Is to be an end et the old cry In tha South that the Republican party la domina ted by an objectionable element of th population, whether that element be block or white. "It I accepted as certain here that the patronage cetnralttee plan will be extended to th other Bouthern States snd operated as It la In North Caro lina. "By a Strang coincidence of this day. when the Information about the tipKft of the party la the Mouth and the expected decline ef the negroes' Influence was mad public. It waa an nounced thst Drt Wilbur P. Thtrkleld. . reel dent ef'one of the largest negro Institutions In the country. Ho ward t'nlvers'ty, will see th president this afternoon. Whether the visit is of a political nature was not announce I bat It la known that Dr. Thlrk'eld wired that he had orgeat business to take up with Mr. Tsft.' North Carolinians are regaled every two yeara with stories about Ih ef fort o the federal administration lo mak North Carolina Repahlkentsm Tsepertabte.'" Thai rare varies I'ttle nttrd tstatee'rrem taae thai have preceded tt dur- lug th pest Sfteea year. In the Itsht ef the recent elrvstlte ef Ms rtea Retler. tn leedsrshtp In the party I the flats this Beverley story about making th party "reersctahl" hi llk.lv te esrtfe the rtatblea of Ifortll Careilnlasa genera ITv ; CASE TALUI DO WW. Mr. 1, W. DsTestpoet trdrtcty Ex- .(gpeetal te Kesre and Ohserrar Peekr MeeeC Kept It After hav ens been held aader ths shadow ef th meirtmewt sT s s ae a I apon a we en a re a parewtej ened'tion. for th pai Sa er etrtit veeeka, pyridine the ewieeme ef the woman's cerMlHiesi. r J. W. Deveesrt. ktat a'rht at the fceeelee; la th WecesMera ewrt ert lr- viedicsted ef th rharre. Th pmeecgaiif witaaseeg failed fas , Sp- Pocraiatk ef Atbuale Oty. Pr th Aeeitd Preset "Wa.fctartow. D C, "-i t 14 Ths pemtat1m ef StUs'e N. J. 4s 44 4t. ea lacreeee of It IJl as eem-- m mi . - s-wra Siatea pared with it, lit la irv. . Now They Propose to ! Drop National Issues RESORT TO LIQUOR 0O0EE Lojal IU pulUaii IVidilbltlonlits Am in,!. With the lliiilor -lir-hnu MsniKCMiMiit (lialrinaji (.rlMtoin's Suilojiiciil A lTomiiu-ut lbtNibll an Sa)s Ills Remark Arc aa la suit to Eyte-y (lirUUan Minister, !?- tlrtoa- TTiuHli " 'miah' and Every Moral It.vuWUan and lenio rui. Voter iu XorlJi tarolina, a My AX DREW JOYXJJt Oreeiuiboro, N .'., Spt. 14. A great ninny leittlmg Republicans here have I'een construing the nwult of the Maine election In many dlffereut ways. Aa a rule, those who hold federal posi tions, ami are of course for Tsft now, ami ths a.ltnlnisirutlon. equally as Mi on an they wore for lloosevelt and the uilmiiilsliation" when lie was .rsl.cnt ami had the power to Kill ir riiake alHe, 4ecouiiterly speaking, arc ladmf n on -TtfcMy's' radical uilerances m his trip through Ihe U'ext They aay that while not openly atisck.ng tne Taft administration, lis jet sai. I enough to array the laboring i . 1 imIio; , iase ugulnsi the nnan . i.il . I.is-a of the country, with the icMilt, that beforo voters hu.il lime lo icil,- t i..- turned BKalnst the , .ml iihiiI parly In Maine, umi elect, ,1 ) Mi. ... nits simply because they w en ai., what is. Another cl im of Hepublt eam here wlio are not In ottl,,. Mr l"MIJ "'"'If nat tt is simply another in their national t.rsajil? Uioo and They pu n mi . lar a, io ln'" dtsnrict t hold up in their can l'wn in stressing the benefits of -U I present h sli tariff law s, and the great .doctrines nf ,l,n,L,..i. . . . . " ' ' a uisviu gnlHhed from those held by Kooaerelt an t i tie insurgent or progressive lis. publicans of other agricultural Stat.. Hlair not poll half the Republi can votes r.t the Fifth district, tin of th.-se men waa asked how- he ex pecied the Utate cnrnnilttee to disci pline Hlair. Holt, v., (jriini or Cowlea, when they were the recognized repre sentatives nf the campaign policy of the Htate t"halrtnan. Morehead. an out and out Cannon man. ami ex-Senalor Butler, the power behind the throno. who stood for all that Morehead aUndj for. He said that wa a knotty ques tion, but added that he expected to see a change In the poll, y of the re publican campaign In North Carolina Sretty soon. This was sa d on yester ay. It was tru prophecy, for ihi morning, ths following InterWew with ' 77 """J1 rissom. or tne Man :' ...... m Ignore national lasues entirely, and P"k " "" " at prohibition. - "" WM" "" ,u" "K'1 a . 'T! ' '" 'll! ' " CL. w i' mlttee composed of Harry Skinner, T. T. Hlrks and Tom Settle, by a vote of two to one. refused to place any such construction on the local self government plank of the Stale plat form. Th Telegram this morning, glvae Secretary Ortseom's Interpreta tion of the Main election, aa follows, clearly showing what the new pur pose of ths State committee la to at tract attention from Cannonlam and all that It has but recently been hold ing dear to their hearts and to their financial Inter esta Bald the secretary: H.'s first vrords war regarding th Democratic victory in Mains. "Prohibition did It," he declared. "and tt will do the same thing In North Carolina only It will be a change from Democratic to Republican rule Instead of from Republican to Democratic as In Maine" See ing that hera waa an opportun ity of getting an explanation of the "local aelf-government" plonk In the Republican State platform the reporter continued to ques tion Mr. Orlssom along this Hie. "Po you ar go'ng to us th local option plank." "Don't call H tonal option, rati It local self-government," correct. . d Mr. Orlssom. "We don't wsnt ths prohibition qusetlon connect- . ed with our campaign. Th pee pie of this Stat are tired of her. lug to ran ever Into Virginia every time they want a drink and they ar going to tk reveeg en the Democrat for bringing ahewt this stste of affairs, hist as the Main Democrat have scored th Republicans ef that State, WliHe w ar not going to mak . prehlhitloa aa tsetie. yet tt, without Br dealing "pen the atratini la th leest. Is going te be a faetet m th political revolution In North Carolina." awn ef Ike most level prohldtlest RtabllcaB ta the ftt Irv la Q pee tw bore and m Onllford co'tetr. meet of the holding fedra ht ?nce. belonging aew to the llore-hend-BeOer faction of th pry eer vhnse rr1tle Secretary GrWi prdeg. Among thaee may be rat rttted Btste THt'rle J'i 1 r,"vd. Cltd atstse Clerk JH'Kik.n, ( 'ef TWpitv Eaied IVeiee Maril Pst.e. rtmster R. D. Itoer'aa. PaeS-a.e , W. P. Rasaa. ef H'r1 Po'et. a"i er. !eer eracta! Ith's Ammi the k-iH (Ce-aUnaig en Pegs Three)

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