1 he News and Observer P I'm ir.d ...trw MiMilng Ccspnj juir.rni nvxlf.-S. .Veald-st, 0l fcwa a4 OkHml Mil. Marti SI. ttia omlt rrn rc ntmHCD Airit TATB CAMTAL ISINO Full Associated Press Reports srnsrairiiott mice- Or. rear ,, ,, , 9" I.M wilbi ,, ,. ' Entered at th pontuffl.- at Balln. V. C eeroad-cla mall natter. ,nUDAV Bcptcmlier M, WO j MORXIXO TOXIC. tRpurgeon.) P All providence ar doors to trial. Evn our merelea. Ilk rise, hav their thorn. Our mountain sre not to high, our valley srs pni too low. .for temptation; trial lurk on all road.. Kverywhere, shnve and beneath, we are bcaet and surrounded with danser. Yet no shower fAll unpermitted from the threaten I a cloud; every drop ha It order ere It haaten to the earth. The trials which come from liod are . sent to provD and atrenmhen u. UNCLE WALT The Poet Philosopher It doesn't matt what yon say, If you do wrong from day to day. Your moral lecture may ho sound, with gems of thought tlwy may abound, but when you spring ilimn S.VIi folk will grin, and ADIX)IX; say: "Old Kirk's re linking aln!" Kome. times I ace my nclKlilxir do a thing that Jars mo throuKh and though; end. "fatMrTI'tip with' rirtuc's fire, my lirswt la tilled wllli noldc ire, and to myself I a: "I iron, I mut rolniko my neighbor now! Whrn Iki perform some aruny uYetf, tliat makes my moral boMini hlcrd, It la my duty to protest, and plant aoino prrorpt In hi dreamt!" Ami while I'm training for tlw Job, an loner Voice betdna In lliroh, and whUH'r la ui plrlt' reri "Vou'ro too blamed lrtiHMi., I fear; It Jam )ou IkhtIIiIj In nee your neigh bor rub an aiple tree, or give Um? nH'lon graft a laxwt, or lift a chicken from It riMt: but ou. whom lliew deol make mi miiv, u(r d.uie tile ame tlilna; o'er ami imt" And tlitw I MTt o' tdirhcl up, and take a Urire 4nnoelel tup and xor Ice water on nty head, and h-atr Hiw moral tliluir uiiMld. Tlie man who preaehea and rvhiikcR alHiiit men little sin and fluke, -liotild hae a record wtotvy white; liU di-cd li'uld make lilt Wordn well! rlulit. (Si (Copyright, by (leorge Mayhew Ai.nm ) NO ( ST HIT liAIlMKXTS. In his udmlralilo peech, Intro JurlnK Senator Gore at Charlotte on Wednesday nUht, 1 Mr. Charles V. TIII.Mt made a derided lilt by dnl:ir ina thai nil history had no parallel to lh effrontery of Slorelnad and But r in anklng North i'nr..ina 1mocrat to wer the cat off stirmrnta of Maine l!epwtUcan. If th. pe,,plr of North .Carolina after remaining true to Dem ocratic principle for a generation mould Jeaert t lie true faith Juat a It 1 being ' n t t 1 Maine and Ver mont Itcpui.tli iinn into whoa mind the aiinhiii.' of Truth liaa Juet hone. Ir. Tillett. referring to the reyueat of North i ainllna Hiidlcal to don the dlx ardi d iult of Main Republican (they hming for the flrt time put on the giortvu robe of LHimocracy) said ' When 1 a tny I ued to hav to wear th ct-n(T wond hand clothe of my older brother, and I may some dv be compelled to wear secund-banj clothe again, but by th Shades of Iteau Urommel I never In tend 'o wear the cast-off second-hand poiitiral garment of a Northern Ha publican " CAM AITtmn TO HT.XO MILLIONS Referring to the circular letter la sued by the Hond Kperulator. )nt aftef Butler became ho of th K publlcan party, th Ilurllngton News rsy: "The letter referred to, l simply the first In th campaign that Ma bea started along with th political treachery Intended to eur th eol IWtlnn of the bond They can af ford to spend million dollars la order to' eolleef U,An,oo, They ran afford to flood the P'at with noriey In order to -t the bond Teens-niaed aM we warn our peopl now that the whole work of Marlon TtutleT th deeplsml and repudiate leader. I to the end that h may olleot thee bn4 " 1 ' "I find It hard to make both ends meet n these days of Tsft prosper Jty." Is poensno etpreeelon heard IB .'orth Carolina. Her th way the' Sams thing I etprti J la (ikUhoiw Sceordlug to rVnator Oor; "Whr. out Oklahoma, a fellow a II tfl '-ial snap tn mak both f'Bds meet Cnaalef'a find wife, wh Ws dl tnrr4 befoe be saarrtew th aetriw. t ring- suit t compel him t pay the lll.Mt year b agree, la pay I her nd their thildrea. Th claim of th rblbjr Sheald : b Mprfor - I th sctreaa wife. wb-V Ihlnklnf hs ad ths wiortf y opper.pUte, threw Chssj ler oTerbnsri. , - Reo la ttyAaft ptrer ths speech f Mr. C. W. THIett. Ir.uoduclfig 'FA'.nr Cor at Chartotta, It Is gees. ....... - : Mum ni Aim "i iiom i.um." Two y. :ir tha Id iulili an tirmiprrlty ir otn Irt-a elm led Mm-lirad to t""tii-. II iniiJu no speeches himself en-rpt hue dearrlhed in the llirni, "money talk," but w rp-feewited- to the voter, particularly th mill men. 'hat lie wua no politi cian not even a Itepubllcan hut had reached the conclusion that hi own cotton mill Interests would be more profitable If the voter would elect Mm and faff. Tha voturs 'were urged to vote for him beeauas "If a business man like Morehesd, who 1 aver to politic,' t willing to hujd up Tuft' hand, Ih result will be greater prosperity for th men who work In tha mill, th owners of tha mill, and thos who . errjoy thatr trade or sell to them." That wa th argument and that waa th pledge. How ha th promt been kept? Morehead turns up a a patronage monger of th Dr. Slott typ. grab patronag even in th census-taking to build up hi machine, and make the dtorolui JJurion Hutler hi joke-fellow. What of the promleeg as to pros tnltyT Mr. v. a. ' fcrwln, 'pre.ltlont of the' biggest cotton mill In the ! State. ay that th cotton mill ar having the hardest times they hav experienced In a quarter of - a cen tury. Here I a special from lb meeting of tha Cotton mill manufac turers, reld . Wednesday: 'Qreen ille. R ept. 11 Thetx - ecutivv committee of the Cotton Man ufacturers' 'Association of South Car olina met here today and after th meeting Cspt. K. A. Smyth. preir dsnt of the association, stated that among the subjects dlscustted by th committee waa on of a further cur tailment of production In October. Mor than ij,000.000 spindle Were represented and because prices offer ed sre lower than they were two weeks ago and much below th cost of production. tho present at the meeting etated their Intention to cur tall at eit one week In October and shut down the mill under their con trol for that time. A letter has been sent to tha other! member of the association Inform lu.hm .f Mte-nettfm'igKetf "Tiy "tlie executive committee and doubtles ths reduction in (ictohcc wilt amount to considerably over 3.000,000 apln dles, as there i,re 3.T00.000 spindles members of the association." Th cotton mill people were prom ised Prosperity with a big- P. They havs received Short Tims, High I'rices for what they have to buy, and th worst depression known In the cotton mill Industry. And yet Morehead, backed by Marlon Butler, has the effrontery to ask cotton mill men to vote "for ths Republican party and Prosperity." They do. not want any more of tha sort of Prosperity they have received under the Taft administration They do not want that which they have been fclveu already. In November they will try the Democratic plan of fnlr play, equal right to all, special privilege to none, and see If that I not better than th gmrantoed Re publican prneporlty that has closed cotton mills and made It hard for men and women working In mill to rnnka both end meet. Mr Tawney, of Minnesota, Is the Chairman f the Hous Commutes on Appropriation and Cannon's right hand msn. He ha been defeated for renomlnstlon by his' own party. The Republicans se they will be de feated everywhere Jhsy stand by Cnnnonfsm. Of course the Republican of that Kentucky district, With their 1J.0O0 majority, will lct th murderer. Calsb Por, to Congres. II. i. h. ort of man Kentucky Republican delight to honor. A 111 I'll' I1!!!1 M ! PACfc JIONF. CAPTVRK8 THE Buch an XDlolt thai nerfnrm by John Paul Jones ,,n (September II.' i i. py wnicn. in plain light of th English coast, he flung to the breese the gallant enlgn . f the foiled States, and, with Briton ua witnesses ef his dsrtng, fought. mrloualy, a battle which haa alwav been spoken of as the moot obetlna'.i and sanguinary combat that eer occurred between Ingle ahlpa, can never b resd by Amsrlcens with nther thsn th deepest and moat enthusiastic Interest The victory, too, came at one of th dark est hours of th- revolutlonsry cam paign, and served tu gladder nd en coarage. for th tlm being, the des pondent h. ani of honest patriots. It waa rul Jones, who most his torians credit with having been ths man who hoisted, with his own hands, th first American naval flag on bosrd tb American frfsat Alfred, ths flag, ship, the national ensign being thus for the nrt time displayed from a man-of r Ths flag said to hav been of y.lbn, alls, hearing the flgur of a pin- tree, and th significant d vlc of a rattlesnake B a field of thirteen stripes, with ths ominous legend. "Don't tread an mi!" Th battle which Jones fought September fl. waa with the "erspls when he was In command of the Bo Homm rtlchard. It waa about noon, while Jones wae cruising otl the coast f Yorkshire, England, that he dis covered the ehtpe-ef-vraf nespis and ftcarborough. H Immediately yav rhe. coming ap with th Hempts sbout T o'clock In the evening. The American ship wss maeh Inferior t her sntsgnnlat, being. IS fart, an elj veeseJ. Harney and ttfimaaaaeebl. the waa manned by three hundred and elxthy men and boys. The erpl, on ths other hsnd. waa built In the beet meaner, aad with a meek heavier ar mament In the early part ef th action, Ihs superior selling qualities of the "erapls enabled hr t take several adventacewwe poet t Iowa, which the see., manehip ef Psl Jones, hampered by the jnmane.gvabl eheracter ef his craft, did t enable him te prevent. Th light had net pregreesed far when Dw acftemt'ee tt was finished th rX m . ssxl tree pieert .Hrsss w Mrthslss OrewrlM i - a C. 1 J'm SfiVi. th anejihera pentas dnre Hn'ii r. thei beemas pne (lS dner of th Twee-wry ( l.l) t Thntn saswder 1 1 ?o ) : Seen Jane tparRi (llt and AbissxW ftavidan. hiv tn t nary, twnew of vti i ss m, or I Msubran, 'he vbraseel sjorw (II amki: jh tih: nur. The wrt .irmoi rat th 3 mlh has j produced In fifty yeara ftrnetor j Vein, of North Carolina. 1! trwti-. ly upposoj Hi nomination ' of Mr. Cleveland for l'reidiit In lit, but when th Convention bamed Mr. Cleveland at Chicago, Penator Vance set ths only Correct smpl by "sub mitting to ths arbitrament of th National Convention,'' and. In a letter laid down this sound doctrine: "If w refuse to abide by th voir of th majority of our fellow-Democrats, freely and unanimously ex pressed In friendly convention, ther Is an end of all aaaocleted party effort In government; If we personally par ticipate In that consultation or con vention and refuse to abide by th de cision of tha tribunal of our own se lection, then ther Is an end of all personal honor among men, and ths conndenc which Is naeessar to all combined effort Is gon forever. Ths man who bets, proposing to colisrt It he wins and to repudiate it, li n loses Is b. all .olaaawstof psopl considers a 'idlahonesr Mian." , jHr. Cleveland approved th Vanes doctrine In 1111, but mad th grav mlataks of not following l: la list when be refused to support Mr. Bry an for tha presidency afUr bay bad been nominated. And now airy Bry an makes tha same grave mlataks la declining to support Mr. Daniman, who was nominated, by th Democrat for Governor of Kbraka Mr, Cleveland thought he had good rea son tn 181 and Mr. Bryan thinks he has good reason bow, but neither an be Justified In refusal to abid by the action of tn majority cf th party. , There Is but on Just rul that all men should, follow, and that rul la that ths minority should submit to ths will of ths majority. If. for any rea son that rule la broken down, party anarchy and party defeat ax Invited. Vane wss wiser than Cleveland, Bry an. Harmon. Carlisle, Watterson and other great Democrats whoa mis take only show that whsn a big ",an omn,lu ,rror CO""0" big one. Jt i: the duty at very Demo cratbig and HtHa-Ho support th nominees of his party. Th mlstak of Cleveland In Mis. did not mak his sctlon rlgltt. Events proved It hurt his party and his country. Th refusal of Mr. Bryan to support th nominee In Nebraska will hurt th party and Injur th hope of th beat government. Great leaders should be followed whn they sre right, but their errors should be criticised aad avoided by ths humblest msmbers of the party. Vance tn ll0sald: "Abide tn th ship" Experience hss abundantly proven his wisdom. His advic than Is as good now as when uttrj by that great North Carolinian. MOXrMKNT TO COI CRF.F.CT. That Is good new that com from Elisabeth City to the effect that an organisation hss been effected to erect a ststus of Col R. B. Ctcy, long tlm editor of th most Influ ential psper In Eastern North Caro lina. When Jostah Turner and Peter Hals, William U Saunders and Jos eph A. Engelhard, Theodora B. Kingsbury sod William E. Pell and Ilka editors In other sections war risking their Uvea to drive out tha carpet bag and scalawag government that cursed North Carolina. Colonel Creecy was making the sam fight then and afterward In the Elisabeth City Kconomlst. H was the noblest figurs of Northeast era North Caro lina and a statu or that venerable editor will be an Incentive to unborn generations. All North Carotin should ask th privilege of taking hand In creating thla monument. "'" .'M SEanS.EPTEMBER U. several of the eighteen pound shot ef the "erapls had entered the Rlrb arJ s hull below the water-mark, aad she leaked In a threatening manner. Just before they cloeed Commodore " di in serapia. nailed hta ad versary: "Has your akiw ieu.be i haven't begun to fight yet!" thundered utin ins orave jo nee m reply. Prom the nrmmenr imn sw. mlnatton ef tha auf i ik. I a man on board the Richard who wws anorant er me sapenortty of the "--v.-. n wngni oi metal and In the Qualities ef th nee w... ..... brave and dauntleea Jones stlmalated " wiui wora sni example and they fought Ilk Trojans. Ctb tually a Quantity "of rtrii.u board th Merapla was t so fir by a grenade from Jones' ship, and Mew ap, long aiier inia the right weal on with fury. At hurt the mainmast of the Serapbi begsn to totter te Its fell her fir slackened, and, about half-pas ten o'clock the British fhuf waa struct. -" -"ioaore t-varaon surrendered his sword to his really weaker ad veraarr. , In a-alwar tkMk ik. - - mantles of this scene, Peareen die- e ru wieen irritability, and, ad Jressing Jones as eae whe fesurht under n rromlaad Has aaiJ. 'It I painful tdV deliver np my -irW w m ua wne rtas rougkt with a halter around hi nee. mr," retilled Jones, good hemoTed- r. mm ne nanaea .beeki . the wee pen, "yen hsv foaght hke a here, aad 1 make no doubt but vau. m-.-i win reward ysa In the asset esnpte nieinnvT, f Tree eeeogh, the tnllant IWwn soon received frsiw Kim ne. aw. dignity of knighthood as an acknowl- """" wi nie eravety la this n parallete.t battle hswrfag of which honor. Joevee ssM tn ,.. n marked: "Weil he deserved h; and """ "ve sue goeei fortewe te meet Mm again. 1 will make is- f htm!" . . Jones took hla pHre te RoHsad, and It la a rrutsrana ts sk.s the whole world stood astonished at his bravery and awrceaa. three derif hattla nt Womm. - M itHrmend it nme j , It I IN . w new Hasm Msfnr f B. e seat ". tIJIMj Kart These. :lliris R. a ii haru erv. u ... es Ktrhf Renhh. the pMsersj roest- t-l .er t.rewsm4-), shW etiefai. ft m ik-. , wgland (14) aed Mm Maria r. ts. :amh covin n vn -k. Shortly tffare th last ' ftepuMtcsn f-'tats tonventl-.in, Mr. Andrew Jr.yner wri ts T1 . N'eog and Observer that the clcbittd litigation between Marlon But'.er snd 8psncr Adams bad teen compromised. The "correct ness of this Information waj ouee tloned, but events show that Mr. Joy. ner wss right as usual. He Is al ways careful and accurate and North Carolina lis leirned to accept fully whatever statement h makes. Ths litigation grew out of ths feud between Adam and Butler and re sulted 1n victory for Adams. Ths Jury rendered a verdict of "guilty'' as to Butler, and th agreement re cite that the new trial waa granted "on technical around not Involving the merits ot the controversy," and the statement la Incorporated "that the Jury found the publications were not tru." . ; It 1 said Solicitor Qsttla will not accent th compromise unless ths eoata In the rase and tha heavy ex penses incurred by ths 8tt ar met Cf Oors'a speech In Ureensboro, th Record says: "Hla speech Is th talk of tha town. Nothing else Is being discussed r Ul last and bs pointed to an the greatsst speech sine tha days of Vsae and Ran som. Its effect it bound to b irc-nt" , Mr. Taft la tailing what he will da to th next "pork barrel" that comes along. Hs slgnd th last on and stood with Cannon and Aldrlch on the tariff bill abomination. K Is trylns- to maks the people forget his record hy WT promisee of future bravery, AMERICAN TVPfcWRITER FIRST. (Special to New, and Observer.) Brussela Sam si Tk. aiw Premier Tmawrir-r n,AH.,e... - Syracu, New fork, has been awarded me arena prise over all competitors - "iiwi'i imernauonai kxpo sltlon. Mil COURT OXLY TWO CASKS ON CRIMIXAL DoCKsrrwnii; most dipor. TA3TT CASE AGUN8T J. C HOIXI, CH-.RGtD Wrni MVH DER. (BpecUl to News snd Observer.) vlllmlBgton, N. C. BsdL 11 A double term of New Hanover county nuoerior Court will convene Monday lth Judg H. W. Whedbe. of Ora- 1II. presldlnc. Ths first week will be devoted Ia the irisi nt ..ii..i matters aad Solicitor Rodolph Duffy -Hi n nre to iwii atter tne interest of the Btat. Thla will be his last term ef court here, as Solicitor Shaw Will KaVS assumed the iillu office before ths next t last weeks of the term are for the rial of civil matters, th bar of th county owns csjten te meet tomorrow to srrann a caJetutu rt.. ... only 11 cases on the criminal aid of me aucaes ana on I y eight defendants. All but fuu. of iK ..a nv - . v teiiei from the Recorder's court A case of wwa importance .and of mor than 8tate-Wids Interaae Is f h- ... t vi.k J. C Holly, proprietor of the burned nOT npnatm xioiei, ia cnarred with the murdto nf vounv a-..T c WslL whou luvlw tea. rn,.s i .1 hotel building during the progress pf '" tromweu was employed the hotel and hwsl w nr. i. PoUer of II. IS In favor of Holly, this "'-"" ne poesipie motive fer the Crime. Whelhee t K m-. heard at thla term or not will not be determined until after court convenes, The only other rase of sny Interest .n wmen simsv tfessent, colored, la charged with infanticide, She la slso charged with eoaoealinar - the birth ef ih eMbt -..M -v.. . . - nony case is not tried in rm uie enmtnai side of the docket will neokatila. k Ai la two or three days. pninswick county Superior Court for the trial nt erlnlul a....... . - - - - im,u.ii .on W X ulhpor Tuesday with 1Z "-v it. Alien presiding There are a ..-. . . .." . . v lesw on ine dockel for trial, but Bon of any sp. 1 'gagsswxeaeisjxe aaeaeSBasssSJSSa PORMAU.T ttrCXED AT it w Morrri avrrvjrn- democr.vt- 10 CT.CB ORlAjriim-.rrTir BUB SP-J.CMJ!-i ODa-eTROXa naur IK TIXLXK (IpecUl to Nsw and Observer rirm-uth. N. Cv Bept II. The cempeJgw ia Was In gt on ceanty waa fermariy opened las night at which urns wswpue tna tareatenlng storm a goodly-number ef Dsjsnocrats met at oourt-howse aad org I aed the hm Deeaorratks Club by electing Dr. W. H. Ward president; C. J. Ner- wissi. nrst vice-pews) deit; W. M Jr- wwond n re-president,: W. Tha eaeatlwa' -.tla 1. ... . that eld war-horse at Democracy, How. wpruin. Artec 1 ree organ lean on wae perfected, short forcible speeches " WT B nm mr MSMbV asT.fcssas II I a a B. Msmn, wh la te be hie own seccnr frera this, the Serona " " V.,"- -r ; a. w. swain, eeWSIflStS foe f.nr.... . - ethers r The Democrat hav eteced a Strong BWtS-S la, SW. SI... a . i'-oi ana vy innrnngn er- tsnlsatlesi aad faithfwl Work it wtU b eleeted isi Nara.-. ..S sr...,-- ron eo.erv pksrel re the Democratic eelema wbsve n beiowra. W TTTR gvCmi ME COCHT. Cs-ws Are iVr; A-rwewl rma the -learui MWS, 1m . .. . . . w . , . -.VTi r-iaf iy Jeee from th rowrth district Were w , mm ichiows; P-tlsnt; from tdg-romKe. Arrsed by 1 v R. Osskrtl; rrrwroe nved sed P. & ftprwlll for rishBtlff: O M T. Pswstaln dt Son f -r defendant arj-Jls-eL 1 t. frlsijow i.mI'imI i ..... 1 - Coast tJwa Rrw. fnnMx rtons "g-eeenK.; a'ned v . M T. Pwwsm e S w f e p aieff, ?. pe5tartt: r r il . 4 1 1 c. j gw tr-r .f ..1. Jennt R. V !arr v. A. T TTt. i"Mn!4rrir, t si. sr--r'.' Ft"" F'lSfne'f - - St'o -1 '" "'" t B r. ' - f-r r - I I TI I :i;;t ip cf.EECr ASMH IATIO.V JDIUU Ii T) I'l II- I'lTiAri: su.Mdiiv or distix. cnsiir.u 1.DIT011 or r.isQro- TAXIC COCNTV. (Kpeclal to Newa and Observer.) EllabelhCltJV tiept. 12. An enthu. !alc and important meeting win held Tuediiy evening snd a move ment Isunched for erecting a monu ment to th memory of Eastern Caro lina and Elisabeth City's brilliant edi tor and distinguished cU'iten, tho lat Colonel Richard Benbury Creecy. Th meeting was called together by Congressman John H. fimell, T.ho Is not a resident of this city, hut ons who represents th psopls of the Albs, marie district In the national hall of Conarress snd fully appreciates ths great and patriotic services rendered North Csrolina by this dtisen of Eiiia- oetn city. All that was necessary In getting tna cuissns together was a suggestion as to ma object of ths meeting and when Congressman Small aroas to ststs why he had asked ths olil-cn t. meet hi in. ha waa (Tettsd by a largs crowa 01 prominent citlsens, rpr sentlng almost every profession snd ousinsss ot th cly, i - ' Mr. Small, In riving hi reasons for taking such an active and loading part In tha movement which hue been brwlng for many months, paid a beautiful and glowing tribute to the memory of the grand eld man, fwho for fifty years and more usl his pen and brain for the protection ot the home, th advancement of prosperity In his section and for ths uplift and betterment of mankind In general. In closing his opening remarks, Mr. Small moved that : Mr. J. ,Heywood aaswyer oe siscwa temporary cnair. man of ths meeting and Mr. J. Kenyon Wilson was made temporary secretary,. Upon the reeommsndation of a special committee of five appointed by th chair, th following named anl officer wsrs sleeted for th organi sation: Th R. B. Creecy Memorial Ao- cJs,t,on- ..- - President W. D. Pruden, Edenton. j sirs vice-rresiaent J. neywooa Sawyer, Elisabeth City. Second Vice-President Judg H. O. Connor, Raleigh. - Third Vice-President Dr. K. PT Battle. Chapel Bill. Fourth Vice-President Ex-Oover- nor Thomas J. Jarvls, Greenville. Recretsnr J. Kenyon Wilson, Eli sabeth City. Treasurer Dr. X-. B. Blades. Elisa beth City. Executive Committee T. B. Wilson, Elisabeth City, chairman; E. T. Ayd lett Elisabeth City; John H. Small, Washington; W. T. Cross, Oatesvllle; John Q. A. Wood. Elisabeth City. It will b seen that ths organisation Is a Stats-wids movement and that th officers ar some ef North Caro lina's most distinguished and patriotic citlaen. , Ther Is no doubt that tha movement will be a brilliant success from ths start and that within a very short whlls ths children of Elisabeth City and those who may visit her will hav th pleasure and opportunity pf viewing a beautiful shaft erected to ths memory ot a man who has dons great aervlc to his section and State. It Is the purposs of th association, so It Is understood, although pot die sussed last evening, te erect a hand some bronse statue on the courthouse square, within a suitable distance of tb Confederal monument which has been bought and will be erected by tb David H. Hill Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy. Th two hand oms monuments. In th heart of the city, and In ths center ot two ot the most magnificent and beatfuful squares to be found la the Southland, will add greatly te the appearance and attrsctivsnsss ef the eity. Before the meeting adjourned last evening, there was a number of speakers, all of whom paid beautiful and touching tribute to ths memory ot Cot Crtecy. Many witty sayings and writing wsr quoted and eaoh gpesher gate some new and laudable Incident In connection with hi parti cular acquaintance. All agreed that the ottlsen of Elisabeth City and Eastern Carolina owed It to themselves and o th memory of their dletln gutshsd etttien, now deceased, te erect some living testimonial ef th high regard and deep appreciation that sre hla. CUTLER-ADAMS SUIT C0MPR0 - MISEO ' (Continued from pafs ona) sew trial. The ess attracted a great deal ot attention and was tbhr fought. It wss prosecuted with ability by th thsn Solicitor Jones Fuller, whe wa anted by MaJ gtsdman, A. W. Cooke, O. 8. Brsdshaw and Judg Itrudwlck. retained hv Judge Adams. Appearing for the defendanU Butler, were attorneys W, H. CB. Robinson, of Ooldsboro. E J. Justice and E. D. Broadhurst. of Oreensbore. It wss a factional political fight be tween Butler snd Adams. , Prior to the State Republican convention of lies, when Adam was ths proposed Republican Htate chairman to suc ceed himself. Butler bee a a cam paign against Adams. Ihincsn, and what was known as th , "organisa tion rlnr" snd ths srtlrles Which he published In th Caucasian, on which h w convicted and sentenced for libel, bat was (rented a new trial, were in support of charts of offi ctsl corruption nn th tsrt of Adam, ia connection with his administration s Chief Jostle of th Choctaw Chtekssew Indian court of n.lahnm tn th trial, the whole ranee of svUsl trowfng out ef trestmewt at th. is.! dlens, were ton into snd bore a re-! maraaoie nseewe t ths teetlmonyj developed within th test few month In ths Congressional Invesilsatinw r i chsrges ef rraft brought by I nlted i ata "eaator ftere en the floor of the Penate sgalnst the fsmlHar nsme i ef a nntahl law firm, whirh slo It--) red In the trtaT ef ths Adme-Butler nhel rse here. Another Incident, is! thst only yelrdr this earns Senator i One, was a vtMr te Orweti.boco, end ""T 10 cpeaa his rein .Hout i the wholesale robbery which had fr year been f rsrOe th, ,.,, v lewyer sharpers snd allesed foe. rnp. iwesiatnrs. sti fnt'ed State repreaentativea. , Ju- Adsme was not In th eity I When Retf (5W, h h,.lnt ; Uft foe H Mond.y, snd h. , nt yet retxrned fu It look Ilk th no4 e 1, . fN ne lech Rr,lM , ,n,p :-----i-C COAL C' td Lnte evtly. AV -e J'-r f !", ' fl f, , iff ii ;t A I' il V ' ' X i Fl il f J W C 1 YnU U I lJLJ42jr WAT f ATT I Mi CaredbyLydiaEPisfJbwta'a Vegetetb CcmpounJ Galeaa, Kara. "A year (ro Inst March I fell, and a few days tfu-r there was goroness In my riifut eiil. In t. .tiort time a bunch eamtt and It bothered mo to much at night I crftiM not aioep. it kept trrowlnjf larjer awl by full It was as larpreasabeu'i e I cuitlil not go to bed wUhout a hot water bottle arrlicd to that side. T had ona of the best doc tors in Kansas and he told my husband that I would have to be operated on ai it was aometlilnir like a tumor caused br a runttire. 1 wrote to you for advice nnd you told me not to ret discouraged but to take I.ydia E. Tinkham'a Vegetable Compound. I did take it and toon the lump in my aide broke and passed away.1' lira, K. R. Ucicr. 713 Mineral Are Galena. Kans. . Lydia K. Plnkbam'a Vegetable Con. pound, made from roots ana herbs. Las proved to be the moat eneewf u remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irrejru laritiea, periodic pains, backache, bear, lug-dowa feeling,. flatulency, Indiges. tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try It, and the result has been worth milllona to many suutsryig- women. - If roa ware special a4rj.ee write torn Trrriira.1 uiKuiia,i4yxin, Jiasa. It la free and alwaj helpful. ended, and that th Informstlon fur nished August first, thst It had been compromlsed.t wss not only credible, but that the reputed terms were ap proximately correct Event aa Merry, Casks. The following Invitation has been received by a large number of friends: "vvnen th moon shines brlsht on ths Urd September night, at our school whsrs ties era sold, alt our friends, young and old. tha Better ment folk of Merry Oaks, call with ths strength of their throats, thst you may corns and bring your friends, and our Joy may havs no 'end. Hours a to 11: J p. m." Ladies and girls have been re quested to wear unfinished aprons snd bring ties te match. Refresh ments will hs served. Let a man stand where h will, thr Is a chancs to be and to do, ways with, out number of bearing tha crosses of love and making It sacrifices. Hamll. DEMOCRATIC SFUKIHS The following win address ths pso pls of North Carolina at th times snd places named: Claude Kltehla. Dickens' Htor. Wedne-y, Sept. Jlth. MochavWs, Oct. Id. New Bethel, Ot. 4th., C)evland. Oct Ith. ' . Hot. W. W. lUtchln, IJn coin ton, Sept tl. Hickory. Kept II. A Concord. Sept. te. - ' Albemarle, Oct. 1. E. J. Justice). . - Rocky flprlnr, OeV Ith. T. W, Biflkct. Bunn, Saturday night, Itept tlth. Dickens' Store, Wednesday, Sept llth. - ' . Imhson. Oct 1st Wllkesboro. Oct, Id. ' ' J. W. Ballry. Clinton. Thursday. Sept I Mh, 1hltehrMl Rlntu. Lexington, Set lid. (night). Chestnut Hill, Kept , (night), A. h. Brooks. Tnomasnue, Uct. l. J ., t amrexm Morrison, Esq. ' MocksviU. Oct Id. 1 ' ' A. H. Et-LER, Chairman Democratic Stats Exscu llv Committee. --- W. E. BROCK. , . .. " , ''Jecretary. A Quick Cure) Tor Croup ImnA m lnianssable eamerle for all coug:hs,colds.brcchlaJandlanKtrrrabe especially pneumonu m ns nrst sisg-es. neiDf a menicatea, annseptra serve, n also Ess a wide rang of household uses. At H Sea (Ims. U yew dea't Bad at si mt eeeW Sf Kail, 2Ba BOa tUXrO A sTis-wSa.eWwWsWjsrse. K Ws tmHT tmMm U "" " .-rs-...irss. COME TO THE BIG STATE FAIR And In addition to eojoyirji' Iti many features, visit etrr store and inspect one of the most complete and tnjusually beantifol atociti of medlnra and higb--rade Fnrnitore tfcat b eref rjeen feti tin 'r one roof ia the South. While you are in r.i " let Tie fjdnor.A, Ilisnr-y tlort t rrtit hev'viarters. j We will U g'-i to :e you. i st:: :.i & i;:.:ley, ti fs-TII r, ProM (tt rrr mm, vt. i vi i: c n .. I 1L I'y auiboiiiy ,;f in, ,M.i.-r th, pilr f-o.tt of Uj( Coumy w'' in r'fC'hll l'lirdl:iiM N. " I'll..,! .J,.rl' I ,1! , t a!. . ' ,n' - ''e1 ' Jrl I I I! i t n!, . " i, th- third " 1 U..,.l.er I KID, at 12 , I... m ''"" O'er of Wake i." Ih Kaltrlgh. N, C, Sell to t lie hi'dlJI1',"1'' 1,r -i i.iii.n,. .,ii.,.. r .. . . . ' M. " " " .w uisheet I i der at pni. lie mii ilmi t-r . .i, .i. ' nine and tuiolnr tl,i,l,. ..... . xt ,.i,.- i.. ,ii,.,.; . ." tn .,, , Ir and .liiiKur at the. tlm of tu , ' emmlm and grow.g tm a c,u. tract of lund nUuated In Utt, ' Township, Wake County, j,,., i . " field, adjoining the land of r.Jl" Kemp, B. II. Kemp. U, D It, H. J. W hltlef snd others snd kmTr aa Lot No. 2 In the division of .1 land, of Orlef A. IW1I. eo5 il nlnety-on and a half V ..- r-. v, wiu iinibe said sal will havs the right durln. a period Of five years from date .5 aid ai to enter upon th land will, h an Id tlmlier ! mi,-- up growing to out and rmv eatd ber. "iV. N. JONES, -. , Commleajon'e,, Prl Sun Wed . HICKS1 CAPUDI1IE- CURES I1ZADACHES Whether from Heal, CoU. BraJn Fag. Over Exertion or Stomach Trouble. Try it and! bo convinced It'i liquid Plea-ant to Tale-AffecU Immediately, " 10, 2S aa4 SO CenU sssaeMsssssssi kT ALL DKUGClSTs yaw direct me West. . Ichedule la Effeta Way Is, lis. Lt. Norfolk...; t:lf a.m I p Lv. Petersburg. 10:50 a-m. l:4pm. Ivv. frhARt.HwJUM.sH.---ta t C' "liV". LynrhbuM. n m -. Ar. Cincinnati.. T:lm. l:Um A . 1 . . t a . l a m ... vviumuut. . :if .HI,. .H ;VS D m tlXLUAN MJT1 PFKS and K. W CAFK m.MhU CA1U. Close connections mads for Chlcsge, St Louis, Seattle, Ban Francisco and all western points. For rates, tim tables rift full in farm a linn m,w,. ft H. BOSLEV, yi.B. BEVILL, O. P. A, ft P. A Richmond Va. fUtanoke, Va. Candy making: Is ear hnslnsss. Ui know it. Yew srlU know w know a, R0YSTERS' CRUDY Ercry-Vcsa' , s)lstmida4sei Ssee i Isltesf -nwiiwfwtl.. f II M e-nn..i mpv't u eilT, hot smd im tut . ' ClIaau-tM wa -le4. It inll Mkrtlnlwl mmti .i"lvlu-'. la i'i'' to U'liM. M N L . r.a .utile, saw :; 7-": UkSD SALE. :"'' By vfrrts of a decree ef the Supe rior Court of Wsks county, mads is ths ease of Robert 8- ftogers and others, es part, I will sell by auction, for cash, at th court house door, of Wake county Monday, Oct. S. lite, at 11 ovtork X a tract ef land containing it 11 acre. situAt tn Ken Hirer town ship, Waks county, 7 mil north nl Raleigh, adjolnins- the lands of J. a rswlcv Mrs. Elisabeth Pou. U. H Harp and others, being land lately owned by Mrs. Erama Bog era, deceased.- - - " , Thar ar about I Seres tn rviltl vatlon, 10 In oak growth and scm II or mors in old field or second growth pins. A good 4-room dwelling and other buildings. Oool wster, sprini snd welL Sum of th land sultatx tor pastur. J. IL IXEM1XO. ' Commissioner. Raleigh. .Sept 1, 1:. -!-. e. d. lit la satisfying whsn th eoffee Is od. Think of what psopls say about poor coffee. Everybody praise euf (effeea. TT' THIK. J. R. Ferrali 6 Company Telephone orders Site rwtnnptly. . CHESAPEAKE L OHIO RAILWAY- ! 9 joec t:j:e TOTtisivsT ruses r VRsTiettn vsaiss with ivit tan Kitus T hf-i a v-wf-w, a 1 fills, tlM-MH, I ntnts-a 4 St. lf m. l.v. Nnrfoilt I (11 a. tn. 1 p. tra, 1 -'-, t n tm ! o m ll.S L t ir .!. .i m P m t Jj s I.e. .erh., S i ni Af 1 ..,. t m A i !!, . ; -"ia i"t t're Sf( k.. . -, --.. m t Ar I- i m . r r. t '! a h'.ksiur. i li an t . - i watuJS !1 f'fw-4 (,...-. . - "irtnj j T1 I , i T a. . -f a - - -. w - -i I ( fir- 'i t. V stjwi u vaoiril I f ARVtLWblrt.nf8(rs, I ;:., V -; 1 se t-rai Sjili . : W wia-wlwaewa-wfc '.via far defes . , i