v70nANlPAST-llELP Silt TiiflUGIII ANP SOCIETY TATLORKn MIT OX LATEST UXFJ Fhlm atfil eems to cling to ths tinker the minate outline. In tha matter of tailored suit at lessl. Those d la played In tha shops have tha three nuarter l-ngth, aamW-flttlng coat, with low tloelng and the rant skirt, bar ' Ing In moat instsnt'es seme adaptation f lha nouular dado band at tha feet. 'Tha auit above of rough green rgs eihlMts carh of tba-ae points, ana ia 'effectively trlmmnd In moaa green valvct. Thla la used m InsM no ravara ui ruffe and at the.alde aeama of eoat land aklrt. and In turn la trimmed with button of tha material get 'closely together. GRANDMA'S MJFFERS Iy Mri...p, V..H1M1JL AV lit! la ahoaa, with hug rosette. And heel " La Marist Arstolnette"; 8f you have danred tha minuet With courtly Marqula I- Fayette! A hundred year you've lain ao atlll (The thought cornea with a auddan thrill) I won'lrr if you rouild forget Again to dance the minuet! For I tonight. In old brocade And pettlcoM with silver braid, With patch, powder and pomade. Fhall wear you to the maaqurade. 'My grandma slipper! And I muae When you lent dancid. oh! dainty , shoes. Twss with bright aword and epaulet; Tour partner. Marqula La. Fayette!' A hundred vrars' What Interlude .glnce that far time' And I Intrude 'Vpon your garret solitude That you may danre wlih modern dude! ,Jfo! Back within your ancient caaa With by-gone gowns and yellow 'lace. II reverent lay each Utile ahoe. No modern man shall dance with you. Small allppcra, you shall not disgrace The memory of that time and place When lat wKh flatihlng Jewela et. Vu led the reel with t-a Fgyetttr f! o Mrs K H. John left yesterday for Henderson, to attend the Woman IiMrlct Hnm Mission, meeting. alias VVyatt Kennon, of Red Fprlngs. wan In the city yeeterday, returning home from Wake Koreat. Mr. C. B. Barber, of Neuse. was In the cliy yesterday, going to Pprlng Mope. Mrs. K It. Campbell left yeeter day for Fuiiay Springs, to vlalt Mra. K B. Johnson. Mra A H. Iveleea, of Spartan burg, left yeeterday for Clayton, after vlaitlng In the city. Mr. and Mn. W. B. Atwater, of Fayrttevllle, wre In the city yeeterday. reluming home from Plttsboro. Mies Mary Lawrence Hlnlon left jeaterday afternoon for Seven Spring. Mr. R. B, Plummer left yesterday for Marlon, E. C to visit her brother, ilr Wm. K lavl. . Mr. Joe Person, of Charlotte, epent yeeterday In the city and left In Ihe afternoon for r.oldaboro. Ml Jessie Wajodall returned yes terday afternoon from Ashevllle. where he haa been spending the aummer. Mr and Mr IV I (iold. Jr., re turned yesterriav afternoon from Dee Moines. oun - Mr loiiie Cuthrell and little daughter. ..f tloUUboro, are vlaitlng Mr. and Mrs W. J. Applewhite, on North East fireet. Mr. John Angler, of Durham, pent yealerday In the city. Mr K L. Mlddleton, of Cary. f pent yeeterday In the city. Mr. and Mra. I M. laton and lit tle eon. Maater Allen Deaton. left y ea ter da afternoon for Troy. Mr J. M. Power. Jr.. and Mia Tetruna Powell, of Wake Foreet, spent yeeterday In the city. Mra J. J. Kogera. of Atlanta, re turned home yeeterday, after vlait lng her sister, Mr. A. C. Bluell, on Weat Morgan street. Mr Henry Hunter returned to tier home In Greensboro yeeterday, after vteKIng In Raleigh. Mr. Allen Muffin, of Hllleboro, lUnnaloee PnnHJflnei nf flna fill. homa Lady, Who Telli How Card u I Brought Back Her Health And Strength Chandler, Okla. "I hardly know." write Mra. Kll Flowers, of thla place, "how to thank you fur the good that ('ardul haa done me. When I flrat wrote, I thought I waa paat help, hut ( 'ardul relieved me at onoe. J gained at least 10 pounda, and everybody aay 1 look ao much hti'ar. ! am till Im proving greatly. I owe you alncere thanka for your ('ardul. " ' Thar are many'women, completely worn-out and discouraged, on account of aome form of womanly lllneaa. Are yoaT Hava you triad CardulT If not, whyt . Thouaanda har written to tell of tha wonderful benefit Cardul haa bean to them, Cardul haa a record of over half a century, aa a guocassful remedy for women. Iurlng thla time, over a million women have found re lief In -Cardul. Why not youT Aa a general, female tonto, to build up your atreriKth. and bring bark roay cheek, nothing you can find will do ao much for you aa Cardul, tha wo man tonic. A trial will convince you that Car om ia just nat you neeu. 1 r or aaie i y an uruggiaw. N. B Write lo: Ladlaa Advlaory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Hpeclal In tructlona and 84-page hook, "Home Treatment for Women," aent in plain wrapper on re(uet. I I Alil.iutt tit t V, I . ! Preti;- I.h t..l.n.Mf iBfcee I i, t i mt-m. I Wur.a. SI Mr Itoe'r I- ' Ira jt4rit.r kii1 SI;m 1mih li.i6?. ! ere ninrft.it et ll h..m nt I t " 1 I Mr. J M .Selriy li e irn..i. I it per fiirmi ),y lie. V 1. il-ili I t,f Clinton. 1ri bri.i ft?l- ft tlv attlrtd and tarried wtlte rarna- 11411- The out -of Iowa gueata who aitnd ed the wt.liii mum Mr II. 1'- raf rloiy Tulhwr i'l th groom, Fan nin (iray and lUater Frrlir, of hxtianevllle, lr of the groum, Mr Jaioca rarrb.r, a brother of the groom; alao Mr. Kdetn l llua-y, vt (liarlolte, N ('., tirolher of the brlda; Mia Kvelyn Prlvett. ' f Oold boro, N. f, Mra Kugene I'hllyaw. of Wilmington. N. C . M ftaJUe How. den. of Wilmington: Wiae Emma Whllaker, of Jackeonvlile. Kla; U:ae Mary Uv lluaeey. of CbJnapln. N. C and Mr. r. U. Huaeey, f Wallace. N. C. - . Mr. and Mra FaxH. left oa th northbound train for Washington and othea pvtnta. Many uaeful and haad m preaent were" received. ' n JOIIJf Vf. Dl'UHAM CH.PTER. . ' ) 1 . f 1 a p...." r l.i I: 1 a t-i 1 ) a'.-t g i.. w .1. at.bt In ouvuie lr j tune .. I h to t 141 lo of i thlMic.,,'' U evh cf gie-sli.!.!. 1 Itiw-Lit. Ot'liu ti, leaili.g of ! rtii:irA In j meg tlio tuuilier'g kc.'.:!), 1 5f ), l .ta nt J 1 1 j.ure )ir (yituia """"" J la advauc lor Ui liiiportaiit vauk i IVoin.a wl.0 m ,'utler' Trlend r avt4 bmu U of tiia d!.v nmfurt and unri)ij . COBiiKun eiyectMlt niotlinx. Jt la a poiiutxutlug oil Hint thtnutiuli! lubil- rU eveiy tut-.' l nerve and tendon Involved at tuth times, and t.'iii promttag ptyvlckl iuu.f.rt. II (Ida nalui fcf tiuaudlng tti tilu aud Uaug and por- i rect-f oreprg tlj tyntam for th i i i f Is I . : t - . - t V , . ; twolng of tiby. MotUr'i "Mend aaaurM a k. a,ud natural raeovery fat very wmtt ho gieg It It la .for gala at dnig at or. Wrltg tot irea pout tot ei pert act nothera. OSaULAToa 00, eVUant. Qa, pent yesterday In the city. Mra. John Loula Martin, of Ports mouth, Va., arrived In the city yeg terday afternoon and la vlaitlng her later, Mra. Hubert Hynum. Mlaa Irene Itoone, of Clayton, la TiaiiiDR nn. uhh it. nooiit. VMlae lilllle I pchurch returned home to Apex ypMpntay, after vlalt Ing Mlag Josephine Hear. Mra. K KhI.'. of Alabama, re turned home .MJi.-rdn.v, after visiting rrienda in the city. Mra Julius A. Duncan, of Dur ham, epent yeeterday In the city. Mra Oeo. T 1'rochard and llttla daughter, of Bcranton, Pa., are vlait lng Mra. Wiley M Hogera. Hob. F. A. Woodward and wife, of Wllaon, are In h city, gueata at the homa of Mr. and Mra J. H. Rob blna Mr. and Mra. I. M. Deaton am! Maater Allea Jordan are apendlog several daya In Troy, N. C. Mr. J, O. Cheatham and little ao of Wllaon, are vlaitlng relative In Weat Raleigh. Professor and Mr. J. A. Blvlna have removed to their home, til Fayettevllle atreet the Mra. E. R. Mof tltt residence whlcb they ' recently purchased. Mr. and Mr. John M. Wombla returned to the city after vlaitlng at Knosvtlle, Tenn. Mra. Rugene Morehead and Mra, George Watts, of Durham, who hava been spending the aummer abroad, pent yesterday with Mra. Robert Jone. in thla city, coming from Dur ham In an automobile. 9 W COMn.I.MF.XT.RY TO MI.ss ELEANOR COSX. Mr. William I). Kloan Give Delight ful Linen Wiower. Int the dining room, whare tea waa poured by .!! IxhiIm Manning Van able and chocolat. by Mra, P. H. Wlnatoo. The ooclon waa greatly eeijoyed and Mra. Wolti proved a moat cb.arm)og hoateea .- , " . ' BAt'il-aTEVCE. ' ; PRF-SKKU HARD. Coffee' Wright on old Agni When prominent men realise the In Juiioua efTerta of coffee and the change la health that Post urn ran bring, they the benefit of othera. A superintendent of public erhoola ia gouthern Stat, aaya: "My another, el nee her aarty childhood, waa an In veterate coffee drinker, had been troubled with her heart for a number of year and complained of that weak all ever feeling and atrk stomach. . fflctal vtatt M a distant part of th eeuatnr and to k dinner wttti nna of tha merchant f the plare. . I aotkl somewhat peculiar flavwur of the roffee. and ake4 him concerning IL - H replied that It waa Poetunt. 1 was pleased with It that, after ;he mewl ,'ri, & wvm u- b piniaaa m carry home with me, and bad wife preiar awme for the aeit meal; the whole family liked It an well that we discon tinued coffee and used Poet am en- tirery. "I bad aeally been at times very anxious concerning my mother res elttina, but we noticed that after aalng poaitqm for a short time, she felt ao m rh better than she did rtior to Its v-at and had little troohU with her beart an-1 He stch atomarb: that th readarh were not ao frvoueat, a4 ber gereeal condition much Improve Thte reevnaed until she waa as well and beei'y ee the raet of a. ' I know Pnetafa baa beweflted mr e-if and the other members of the fa-fT!'y, but In a more marked degree tn the eeee of my another, as h waa a -et'r) of Inng adlng." Fvee- re-ed hw sherre) tetter A wew o-w spTieert) fruaa time to tinee. Ttey On of tha prettiest Social events of the aeason waa the linen ahower sfven litat evening from eight till eleven by Mr. William D. Sloan, complimentary to Mlaa .Eleanor o.nn, whose marriage to Mr. Lonnle Pmtth Will take Viace on October Mh, The'" guests vera welcomed at tha door bv Mlaa Lalla R. Belts and Mra. Kloan, who ushered them Into the alt-! ting room, whloh waa beautifully dee orated, yellow nd green being tha color rbetne. The dc oration In this room were carrlej out In pal me. golden rod and yellow and green crepe paper. Over the group of palms that adorned the large bay window were the words "October 5th, lie," tha letter being yellow and on background of green. When the ' guest had assembled dainty cards, each' having on It a Qlb on head, were dlatninited and each person present wa anked to writ a wish for tha brlde-elc t, who waa the guest of honor. When all had writ ten, the wlahes w-r read by Mlaa Lalla R, Betta. This feature of the evening afforded nuu-h pleaeur. Th gueata were then uahered Into tha room, adjoining the alttlng room, which waa alao moat tastily decorated tha tarns color enema ' be ing used, carried out la gul den rod. palm and black-eyed guaana' It waa la this room that tha gueata drew from a large brass Jardlnlr miniature plrturee of the bride-elect, which they kept aa souvenirs. These were on small gilt hearts, to which were attached dainty pieces of green ribbon. . Tha .next feature of tha orentng. which proved Interesting to all pres ent, waa the ahower, which waacar r led out la a most unique atyle. In tha centre of the room waa a large drum, made of the flowera and pleats In which the decorations were carried out. The bride-elect waa given a tinsled stick and UU to beat ths drum, whlrh yielded ft shower 'of beautiful linen piece at he-" toach. The gueata were then ushered Into the dining room, where dsllclou re freshments, consisting of cake and Icee, were served. During the evening the gueata wera favored with eeveraj aolos by Miss ! Margaret Faucette and readings by ' Mlaa Ona May. Mlaa Flora Creech.; who waa among the gueets present, i rendered selections oa the piano, akea 1 MNe Ada 8 heart n. "The evening throughout was one of I ranch enjoyment. j - 8 ! M. Lake t1r. le. ' j The Pt. Luke's Circle of ' King's ! Daughter will meet with Mrs. Flet-1 cher Phillip), t (loath Boylaa Aveaue, I Friday gfternon at 4 e'etork. r n 8 ' " I Ta MerraHlrt mrtere Wndewta, The Ftrat Bptiet Sunday rhol will give a rerevttoa to tha etedent of Meredith and A. M. C"Hee Pstnrdey evening from I tf 1 e rlnrt la the lecture room f the r hurra. 8 ' For DoHaL The Versa rd elue ef the Prae brierlan eburrh win gtv a stag ae rial oa Friday night of this week, at I dork. The Invl'atleej t extended In all I the ywung etntneae fnn ef the itv. Dangtiter of U (taafeWtry Appnlnt iM-U-cwtr to the) HUMt CoaeeaMKaa, U lilt h Meets la Hocky afoaua Oo ' tolier 1s. Wllon.. Sept. It. Thera was a large meeting of the Joho W. Durham Chapter. Iiaughtera of tha Confede racy, who met In regular monthly session last Tueeday afternoon at tha resglence of Mra W. D. Hackney. At the conclusion Of tha business aea alon delicloua refreshmetita - were served by tha bootees and a raoat en joyable afternoon waa spent The etaaa convention of tha Daagb lers will meet ill Rocky Mount oa Oo tober 12, and tha chapter choee aa delegate to thla convention Mra. F. A. Woodard. Mrs. V. U. Coaart and Mra W. D. Hacknay. 8 8 MIU'ttdl-Mimrej, Enfield, Hept II Mr. rrank W Mitchell, of Ktoney Creek. Va.. and Mli Louise Virginia Moore, af thla plare, were married here, tha cere mony being performed- by Rev. Mr. Brttt. of , the Baptist church. Mlaa Moore Is the accomplished and at tractive daughtecJutJalr ndMi D. P: Moore. Mr. aad.Mra. MttcheU left on a Southern bridal tour. I'poa their return they will make Weldon their home. 8 tl Manga m-Hoaaie. Durham, Sep. II. Misa Virginia Howie anj Mr. Marvin Mangum. both of thla city, were married this more Ing at nine o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, sirs. N. M. Howls. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Haymer. After tha wed ding the couple took the Northern train and will spend several days away. Ther will Mva here. Mr and Mrs. T. H. Creea left yee terday for Ktng'a Moantatn. where they attended today the funeral of their on -In-law. Mr. M M. Marshall They were totally surprised by tha announcement of bis serioas- itlnsas. They had expected htm to recover from alow typhoid fever and he naj gotten along aplendtdly a tew week. Mr Marshall- married a Mlaa Cress and leaves a wife and two young children. 8 "8 Water-Wood. Grahtm. Sept. il. Mr. George H. Slater of Michigan, and Mlaa Nancy J. Woods of fiwepeoirvMo, were mar ried hers by Bquira V. M. Enttsa It wag a romantic affair, ths couple having only met three daya before tha hatpy event. It waa tha culmina ting of a correspondence. 8 8 Mrs. A. E. Woita EntertaJnai Chapel Hill Sept. tl Mra. A. T. Wolti delightfully entertained about) fifty ladlea Tuesday afternoon at "Ftra O'clock Tea." la honor of Mra Isabella Stacv Heath, of Trinity, and Mlaa Mary'Jarman, ef Richland, both. of whom are spending tha winter ta Chapel Hill. The parlors and library wera beau tifully decorated In golden rod aad yellow dairies and ferns. Mrs. Wolta waa aaetsted by Mrs. K. K. Graham, who reaelved the ruet In the hall, and by Mrs. Chsa Woolen. who served bon-bons la tha library Mrs. T. J. Wilson Invited th rueet Osrltar )U ' Tskea UrUts, a PaaquOUuik Ellaabeth City. N. C, Sept. it Mr.. Christopher Columbu Baura, . of Currjtucg county, and Mtaa Flossie May Spence of Newland township, thla county, arrived here yesterday rooming from Currituck eounty and war quietly "married In the office of register of deeds. lie (liter Bpsnca of ficiating. . ( ;r . - . Mlaa' Bpenca had bean rtaltfng friends la Currituck county and when It cams time fog her to start for her homa In this county, Mr. Baura, who had been paying her ardenj atten tion, could not ataad the Idea, of her leaving and ao persuaded her to make Currituck ber home. However, tha younr lady waa ' not persuaded ao easily to rellnqulah Pasquotank coun ty aa her home and It was only after they reached Elisabeth City that aha gava consent . , j,- .; - , . v, . . Mr. Banm U a ao'n of Mr. Thorn aa Raum. a well-known cltlsen of Currl tuck eounty. and Mrs. Baum la a proaparoua fanner of -VewUnd town ship, this county. " Tha couple ia now on a visit to th bride'a parenta at.Kewland. A Quiet Wedding. Morehead Cliy, N. C, Sept. tt On Tueaday evening at I o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mra. D. H. Oevaklll and alls Georgia Willi were married. Rev. Theo, B. Davis, officiated. Ths beet wlihe of a host of friends go with this popular young ooupls aa they embark together on life's voyage, . . 8 8 -' Pattnrann-hmyrs, ' Newton, Sept. in Yesterday after noon Mr. Hubert Patterson, of China Orova, and Mlaa Mary Ellen Bmyra, of Conover, were wedded at tha homa of tha bride. The ceremony was per formed by ths Rev. Robert L. Pat terson, brother of th groom, of Charlotte. Among those' attending from out-of-town werg: Mayor and Mra- Clarence dapp, of Newton; Mra Dr. M. L. Stevena of Aahevllle; Mrs. I. F. Patterson, of China Grove; Mr. and Mrs. F, N. Patterson, of Kan napolla; Mr. and Mra A. L Patter eon, of Albemarle, and Mr. Clark B. Patterson, of China Grove. Ths couple will llya In China Crova. Tha brtd Is tha daughter of Mr. Francos 8. smyra, or conover, and la a very charming young woman whosa friends are numbered by scores. , 8 8 " I Waller-Griffith. Th Rsv. and Mrs. John H, Griffith announca.- the- engagement Of Chair" daughter, Mlaa Courtenay T. Green ough to Mr. Wllmer Joyce Waller, of Alexandria. Va. Tha wadding will take place In - November.-Kintton Free Free. . -t - S n T7 n o Back la 1171 old Deacon Taylor waa milling flour at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. .- Teara of experimentation and experience hava culminated In a vperb quality of , v FAT. VERUOH BRAND FLOUR The llorthmsiern Elevator & Co. W1th Mill at Toledo, O, Mt Vernon, 0 and Loudonvilla, . Ohio. For Sale In Raleigh by ; i CKOWDER ZL RAND. IIADi: DY j Francis T. Sininioiis C: Co, This popular brand of Gloves is udversilly endorsed by our customers. , Its commending features re EXCELLENT QUALITY FINE FITTING EXQUISITE FLEXIBILITY - C- in texture, conforming itself to whatever little defect nature may have made in the lady'i hand. Order i pair and receive them by return mafl. Hunter Dros. & Drevcr Co. j we sai FiGTcnsAL m:m rami- Magistrates & Lawyers "awsabWsaagalllaalWailll ta1aBa THE NORTH CABOLIXA MANTAL OF LAW AXD FOBMA and onlarged. FoaapaOd S.0u with order. Maa. awetaag Thla book, aa nnrrasary to every Juetioa af the FaaMaa, Oaaaty Of ficer, Lawyer and Beadnoag anaa. Is ready for ttnltvery. BRIEFS and RECOIUa QuIAly ftmal An Legal tQlZ'Z "tffJrttE aB FltFJB C AT ALOGTTE Alfp THE OFFVCIAL FFJt BUJ, Edwards & Broughton Printing Comp'y PRINTERS, STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK Usnuhcturtrs RALEIGH KORTH V i CAROLINA COOPER'S RALEIGH, N. C. MONUMENTS JACKSON SQUARE COFFEE Has the reputation of being the best Coffee produced. The evidence that merit is behind this Standard Brand of coffee is SIX BLUE Ribbons and ONE GOLD Medal have been awarde'dto us for "QUAL ITY." Your Grocer -rill supply you.1 25c per pound. Seal ed cans. Never in bulk. JOTTERS COFFEE Cfl New Orleans, . . La. FOR SALE On simple fix II Hard ie-Tynes Corliss Engine. This Angina has - Nen ta operation only eight year and can bo seen running tt our niU now. W offer thla angina aft' gaortllca and win b ready to 1 deliver by November llth. ., v , Great Falls Mfg. Cq., LM. Pace Mule Company , Headquarters ' for Driving and Farm Hprfts. 1 1 Salts Guaranteed as Represented. 1. R, HOLDER, Manager of Stables ;P. D. THOMAS, Salesman: W. A. VPCHURCti, Salesman. -i-t-Ralelght H C 7 wj. f ITOFALT PIPE" It has them all beat. It makes the ' cleanest, coolest, sweetest and best smoke possible. Come b and ask to see the "Nofalf ' Tucker iBuilding Phannacy Very Low Rateixcursion to Florida JACKSONVILLE AND TAMPA, VIA SEABOARD AIR LLITE RAILWAY tTICKETS ON SALE TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27 nXAL RtTCR X LIM IT TO LEAVE JACK805VIIXK OCTOBER 4th, prrlU Traaa Freaa Harnard Coasasttng of rullmirglra-ptBg Cart, High Bark aanat Veatlb! CWrsra. ST. MARY'S BALDOB. AppHraUowa for adaitawhaa tor the) aotaj eaaanav Wgtaatag iOTTMBrR II, 111. ROOMft AMICTIO r ORDER Or AFFLtCATIOK. ' E LAX Kg OJI REQCirr. REV. GEO. W. LAY, F.FtTDR. rr. M 1RTV RiunGH, ?r. e XOTK tXCFFDIXGLT LOW RATES, Anrrder .. 7 M g M Hamleg , g M batlierit Fine ., ,M goo ruuhn' T.aX g 04 Moooara . f.gg g ga, Apeg .. ... ., J.00 . a.M Rs4eig .. n ltaJtMi jj .! aE.5 10 llmiVrsusj .. .. a- TAg gA .- .. .. .. I. - .. T.gg . g.ge) jlYaabhsilw .. .. k. T.g lit Laaalsaaarg . . a. . V. 1M 1.80 Thweea g)4 For rblkmlng Prmirw: Wel.km U Hamlet. Xaa. f I mj iV C aUg WHfc gpectal Train at Hamlet. ! (Mm.W Ages or the V J.-r-lgwed For Pnllman Rearrvatlorat. R,tce - T Other lHta tho Featmra Knnn Carolloa. H. t. LF. AIU, j . . Wtl-Km Faeamger Agrwt. i ' Vborl Air Una Ru,fi 1 i . . RatrH. Jt. a BUY COAL NOW AOT) SAVE U01IEY TJN50N & (&-"cJOHNSON(g). KAIXI Q H i, N.G. f - ILLIWERV" JJW-Ettst Watch lor Opening Announcement ' Hion.63j r.lro. Frank Rcdford V M J (larorporateal) . - Capital Stock, I3O.C09.0O A perarmal In ree ligation win coovlare aayona that King's si abaaiTasrty tha largest, beet equlpim! and nx aacreagfnl college) of Ihuinraa. rttranliead. Typewriting. Fonmanahlp and Kngllati la North tnrollnav. Ralereawen Every bank and leading baatnee rttneern ha KaJetgrb eg ( bartotan, a? any one sd ll.oog stttdrnta In pnagtlon. No vara tKm. Kaaag any time Wrua at onoa for handwnna ratalognee. Ad drees KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE RALEICTL t. P, WW CRARLOTm X, & East Carolina Teachers' Training School " .. A Stata rntol arganlar4 and maintained for ona VAaN parptwrt training JOtmg mm and worn fog aa hlng. t thm tegwla pena TaratUy. aVpterabtT U. ll. For catalog and In format km, aMreeal R0BT. H. WRIGHT, President, CnF.F..XTIIJ.F, S. C Imported Holland and French Bulbs TCI TALL FLANnXG A 'ra rre-t'B J1 rifTTr!f,.i.. Til!r. ntr1!t, r-'anteaoa, Ft: and ir.ae y cif Tri,"i Writ foe prut htt c:::cz cut flcwzrs a t?w rar-a- -r,. r-" P---'. a-1 d -',-, . Fa'. rr, . j i -'a t Tr-fl 1 ar a. I . d:g apg . - ii- sTr.LwrnTz, r:: ::t r.-h TVv r t t : .t? it- ( Tlace Your Life Insurance in the SECURITY' LIFE ANNUITY CO., ef C :i i, tt Call v? G. II. DORTCII, aT f t ' . . a a . a-.' I 1 County Officer:;' I!ond ; TIIl, LOV,T',T 11 All ; r r--nn'oe ,tre and full mt haaiaa Sr f'1 A snrr pr-ram wto ee r-n --r 1 -. : 4Bd a y."S fed time U jr m-el - T ! f " ( f p . . v ill... u , I .1,'