1 . ", t ! r ; I I,.. I.letl WrnliH-t l,i an rumWy w-iih fa o.ir nwttr to Meet Oarsita f kal M On ' 15,0(?0 ICHCUMU VULVM1S X( NO. 109 KALTIGII, N. C, 8ATUKDAY 2IOIININO, SEPTEMBER 24, 1010 TKICE 5 CENTS Leads all Northi Carollmia Dallies in News and Circmlatloo TWELVE PERSONS HER BIENNIAL VISIT AND REBUFF IAFJ WHERE ILLINOIS . - ETIP TENYEARS IN STATE PRISON 11SIAL Physician Given Maxi mum for His Crime KILLED III WRECK MO CP, STAuD CHANGE HIS SKIN?" at Senator Gore's Stinging Blow to Radicalism ffrf mrur Tn ct A Other Persons tuven Suffer Injuries 0.E TO H WASHOUT TIm Tralu Running at Full Speed, I'lungr Into Gap, ' Engine ami . Mail Car Coins; Into to Feet of XVeter Tier Chair Oar Almost Tel-r- oj-ed the Smoklg far Home . -We-'--IpwpwI-- m-" thy- Sn oHin ' Strria .':;.,.'. .; '; , (Py the Associated Prow ) ClayM!. Kana, Kept. 11 A dosen persona Joat their live and eleven oth- r suffered Injuries la a wreck to day of westbound Rock Inland pa , seager train running to Denver from Xansaa aty. All the'lnjured will re- cover. ; The wreck wa the reault of a cloud burst, which carried out a ateel bridge and turned what la normally a dry creek Into a torrent many yarda wide. The aster washed out nearly a thou and feet of track also. - '?- The train, running, at full speed, plunged into th (tap. The locomotiv and mall car went Into It (net of water. Th chair ear '.almost tel ecoped the amoking oar ahead of it Several passengers. In thee two rare war killed almost tastanly, Othera vera carried, into the raging atream with the wreckage and drowned. It was many hours before the bodies could b recovered. - Paaeengar In the Pullman and the other day conch as were hurled from their bertha, or seats by the ahork. Those who were able hurried Into the atream and tendered what assistance they could to the Injured. Other uninjured paa. eenaera hurried to Clayton, two ml lea away, and tent newt of the accident to . division headquarter. Within half an ; bear , physicians and nuraea and a wreck train were hurrying to the - rerrte from Norton. Cclby, and Uood land, Kana. and Phllllpulmrg, Neb. It nearly nlsht however, before tha-fsM; hoUr waa recovered front the atjin tiers f the Topeka baseball team af the Western League Were oc- " eupanu of th Pullman, hut, all a nniul Inlurv. f Nearly all thnae killed and hurt were In the smoking car and the day roach next to It. The dead Include the rnrlneer. the fireman, tha condue- Jtu and Ih brnkemea, ail th-tra4n-J men earent the rear guard and por ter. All tha alain paseengsrs lived In Kansas and Colorado. v r ACTOR DtXUXES CALL, . Rn, 1. IV Mitrtilnrr "W ill Rcmaia at , : ;y i Maironllle. IttpeeUI to News and Obaerver j Stateavllle. N. Sept. II. Hev. J F. . ailuhlner who haa for the past few weeks had under consideration aa arson! call to the pastnra'e of the North trurtoa lUptiat chnrch at Win ston, yesterday declined the call by wlra and will remain In State viae, tome weeks aaro Mr. Mltchlner resign ed aa pastor of the Western Avenue l'aiitiM church, but his congregation d imed to accept tha resignation. hunda tha matter waa brought before the church again and by a unantmnua vote tha eongreaattoH asked Mr. Mlt rhfner tor remniiider hla resignation, and aftrr welrhtng tha matter la the balance Mr. Mltrhiner decided yeater cny to rotftala wtth hi preaent charge, Mr. Mltchlner h declined a number et flattering call reently. RIFJt 6TEAMKR ft"?Cst - Gne tnn hi KnetheaM TUvelw iMded Too HeavHy With Wilnglca, " Imperial to Newe and'Obaerver.) iiinton. . Pept II. News rea, hd tha city thl anornlng that the steamer I:Hln. valued at ll,(HI, waa irk at Hroadwater Landlnt. at the lM rnii iot on the North eaat rivv laat n tht. The afemee-as tied ap at the wharf to recelvt a tarso of ahleglea and had Jnt be-m load4 The load waa aurh aa In r the veel to be top hvy and It unk. The boat la owned bv Caot. f. J. P'nkea and waa In rharr df Capt. John Heller aa master. Pre,i- sratjrt are being mad to raJea the ttramvr. Tiro IX ROTTH CAHOU.f A. Aftrr Ficrntletlwg a.ti"rtn F-d mmr ta Slneeeaeei Vey ra-f ml T'e y In Mnllln, Wher In- tcri al Take 1'hn-e. r v. mA ntmrl . i,f,n, a.tt. II Testerday after- ,, j,. . in' Th. , Z.'!Lt kt. dMtn 'sraa a Ti rf im Irnthe 4 i..h.rt ITlt-. f r h. '!,-, S '. r - f v-il He p- : t e . M rs Wslter -lft this morning hr th Inter-t1-' sfernoon at I ! V. J"!!' I "M- iX I I f'i.xe. .i.-f at I "i4t"" I - to Ylr' In .V'i s- l f n I --''TS. h t ? t - ' J F ! i r!l"l '! ' tnl t .. Where he '! ' f.-. i m z ' t' r T t w - 1 Platforrfcjopted by the . St;v Convention TRUSTS ARE DENOUNCED The rhttfonn ChPa for IU(U1 En- forevmeot of tlie Antl-Tnwt Iaw) for Fair Itoturna to IUllroada, Oot rmment ODotml and riiyakal TaU natKm on'Klih-h to Baas Hata; friteVTidba'of Tariff 'bownwwni; fur Initiative and neforrnduaa Jack Pot Ijegfitlation Denounced. (By the Aaaoclated Preaa.) Eaat St. Louta. 111., Bept U After vigorously, denouncing to - called "Jack Pot" legislation In the draft of tha platform which waa presented to the Illinois Democratic Convention here this afternoon,, tha resolution committee lata today eliminated tha word "Jack Pqt" from the platform as originally drafted on the ground that It waa objectionable.; The plank on this subject aa originally drafted read: ; . The Democratic party la unalter ably opposed to the giving or to the taking of bribes by those seeking leg' islatlva favor and, we condemn la unmeasured terms 'Jack Pot' letrlsta tlon. In thla connection we wish to affirm that we favor election of Unl ted States Senator by direct vote of the ptopie. ' , Tha initiative and referendum is favored by the platform on tha the ory that the "enactment of such will abolish tha "Jack Pot" system and that boodler and grafters will bo put down and out. Tha clatform denounces trust and favors the rigid enforcement of ail anti-trust lawa. Tha railroad plank stands for fair returns to roads, government control; tnd physical valuations ea whicai to bae rates. Personal liberty, conaer vatlon. road laws and a tariff for revenue only are endorsed. The Re publicans are denounced for not e ..i-i j i . tm .J vising the tariff downward. A cloalng paragraph congratulate the Btatee In which Democrats and "insurgents" recently hart obtained vlctnrlea. Ths nam of Lea O'Neal Krowna, who Waa recently acquitted of brl tery la -connocrlon-wrltlr election 'tit I'nlted Rtatea Senator Lo rimer was both hissed and cheered when ha waa named aa tha member of the reo lutlons oommittee from h Twelfth district. "Tha Internecine war of tha Ra pul -ans - hae enveloped the whole land and to even the dullest mind tha evidence of Republican dissolution must be apparent," said Congressman Chamn Clark, addressing tha conven Moo her today. He, then enumerated the victories of th Democrats In he recent tprlmarle and electlona and predicted (hat th next House of Rep resentatives will be Democratic. 'The mrwt potent cause of Republi can dissension I th tariff question, on which parties have .split before. Th Kepubllcana promised to revlee tha tariff downward In order to get In; having gotten In they revised It up. They have given absolutely no relief whatever to the consumer of the land, but moat of tha Increaaea were real tncreaeea. made by euch skillful artists aa Senator Aldrlch and placed every time wher they would do th moat good to the Intereet and moat Injury to the consumer o, the land. '-8ma twnty-thr Republlcana In tha House and eeven Republlcane In the Senate revolted against the stu- pendou confidence game which tha stand-patter were attempting to play upon th American people and warn ed them of the consequences. Btrawe hn which way the wind blowa and a few daya ago a very large atraw blew out ot Mvery in ini eiinpe vi m letter announcing that henceforth and forever the Insurgent Republican statesmen would have an equal. chance at th pie counter with he. regular. fto the administration haa come down off Ita high horea and Instead of bullying th Insurants, It tempt ing them back by ottering them a hare In the aory flesh pota of gyp." . . SFXTESCED TO TWO TEARS. John nobeow Dcu IP ITobaon IVu III Wife rwaiaiiy. 4 t . f 1.1 to Newt end Obaerver I Na.hiila. fUpt. II John Hobeoa waa sentenced to the roa.lt for two tr bv Recorder Aotln for a 1n- ""'n aei " - - beat h"r tit. The ttlmony and the i Pfranre ef the . arrd and lrilnre.1 mnrg the spectJetnr st the trial. joe enn t Ar.nr"m:n. .VcfTO I l kerf t In Htnrn for Ws Jv. Injl.n A"U.HU-e. i ,(r:i (. Ni an 1 infTf I Kmtm. rt ft J"e fJfrt. e l tired. er'd re T"1iTly Chief retire PTUt"t fr the W.hirti tnn S'l'h'rl1 !ee ()r-o 1 wnrit4 for tha thoot'r'S; of S"hr rre pnd -n J'lmint firn '''" tht he - la eolf d'n. th1 1 'nint w ! veering on bim'wf'h knife. Director ef S,yiard. v!tt rr I . 1 1 At tdr's j - r f the - I K fm, t'lll'l ( t fK tc4r4 In AVf g f SS 1 I I mi"y VVtf'fe. 1 " INCOMlPETtNCV fjw rt TOH LI "' 1 1 -jtf -JsHSEL- O 1 WHAT, NO ONE TO MEET MET COLD REtTCPTIOJr, A5iD TO THIXK THAT DEAR MOTLEY AND MARY A?TV MtOMISED TILT I WOCIJ) BE RECEIVED WITH ol'EX AR3IS THIS TEiR." THE DEMOCRATS OPFX AT OAK GROVE WITH EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD ATTEX D AN CE WILL COXDUCT HOT CAMPAIGN. . . (Special to News and Observer.) Durham, 6ept II. Th Democratic campaign In th county waa opened Thursday nlgbt of thla week In Oak Grov township with Chairman H. A. Kouahee - and County Attorney W. J. Brogdua making addresses.-. , , The attendunc wa exceptionally good, thi' young lawyer 'think and a good club, of active young Democrat, with enough mature ones to make It a wisely governed body, wa formed. W'hll th meeting waan't on In which the traanta of tha party name HP and shad tear, tha apeakers were well pleased with th meeting and had mora than they expected... Crjutjty Chairman Fouuhe la plan ning to have a most vigorous cam paign, with .th Jmany jnJieraavaiU able. It I hla derir fa hav soma body bar every week, soma celebrity of the Democracy, and Major Charles M. Ktedmaa, Democratic nomine for Congress, against David H. lilalr, will be here Thursday night. September :th. He will speok In the court hones. It is th hope of th Democracy to have Oovernor Ulenn. Attorney Gen eral Iilckett and perhaps Cyrus B Watson. . ,. Chairman R. O. Kvrft, ef the senatorial campaign, la working on his dataa and will be ready to mak an nouncement In a few days, Mr. Everett will himself take hand in th speakings and will go into th four counties that represent this district. Chairman Eller will send some orator her also and Victor R. Bryant and member of tn Durham bar will assist In tha canvas. Solici tor Gattls will make but few speeches and mar come her for on of them. The Reptbllran are ttlll a trifle subsequent as, to making their an nouncements, and thee don't hope to nave nair o manv address mad. David H. Blair will be her and no bigger speaker haa - yet been an nounced, t f rr of cities l BALTIMORE! TARES SEYETmi PLACE, GITTSO WAT FOR - CLEVELAND, WniCIt ITSO etrrn. . By th Aaaoclated Press. ) Washington, D, C, Sept II Popu latlons statistic for th following Cities were mad puMIn today Norfolk. 7.4il. Increase It.Hil, or st.i per cent over zi in ItOt. Portsmonth. 11.1 , Increase, It T. or par cent ove 17,117 la 1IM Radford. 4.tl, aa compared wWtl 144 in lie. Norfolk counrr, V., It.744.aa com pared with lt,70 In 100. Ha t'more. whlrb waa (jrth city In fhe Cn'ted Plete In point of popula-; t!" In 10, haa teat br position In the cuntry's great dttea, aceerdtng lo today's reno'is 'a!ift,a, snd now becom the ' h rlty. hsvlng In the est tn yr bn eotstiipped by (-)-velsnd. whlcb ts-k-, sixth plae. Paltlmnre's r"t '! - !- Is new tit.- 4l ss ftnp'.l Cleveland' lift IIS Th. V Unl Ht grew t T ter cent er In r ' the pest ten j- ' if In ! a prtfulstlfn cf i 44 pr cTit In ! The pnpMl'" ti 14. an ln"-i.. pr rent e c ; 1 rnr'i!l!"n (p ' , - -: ' a m ' p-.i . - 14 US. er 1 1 t ; In H" t-- 41 (?. during hing btd !. and. whlrh had l ui la 1. rrw d--ad Just swdd. f . , ennn. lie.. 1 f 1M21, or 1 1 1 wltrt I4.lt! in - of be f !'"W-:;!- ;! wr , o ln'r-e rf et er IMIII , - ! -,.,. t f -t -tr It Ml is , er 14 1 i 1 - $ fe f' - ' lit" THIS IS GETTIXO rMHRRASSIXCJ S OF STATE III SESSION Given Welcome to City of Wjnston-Salem ADDRESSES ; ftfiE ClaW clerk Holllday, of Offioa af Second AaalMtant PoetmaMer-Gcn-eral on Postal Kavtnga Danka, Etc, and Posurffloa Inspertor Bulla oa "How Ota tt Isxceaea Us - Em - - rteocy t)f tb Postal 8rYvrV Special to New and Obaerver.) Wlnsion-Balem. Sept. S3. The opening session of tb fourth annual meeting of th Stat Association of Post mutters was called to order bv President Keynolda at eleven o'clock today. Mayor O. B. Eaton delivered POSTMASTER an address of welcome In behalf of ; Roosevelt's field marshal; Repreeen th city and Mr. W. D. Jackson wel-iutjve Basaett and DnlghU Navat corned them on behalf f th board of , nfflrer F. H. 3. Krarh, of Brooklyn, trsd and th Toung Men Bualnree Herbert Parson, and Mr. Or taenia Association. About 7 postmaster are j wltl f ,0 garatoga In th morning. In attendance. Mr. R. D. Ikouguu. of . ol. Roosevelt decided to go early Oreensboro, responded to the address Monday morning, of welcome and paid a tribute te the l M .n,, Uk of ,B, Btal progressrvenees of thla city. The , .,jpsanshtp today and the nam of speaker called attention to th fact . Mr coiiln waa prevented to CoL that North Carolina Is awakening t" (:,ev.lt aa successor to Timothy L. Ita orportunltle and that aH ef the , woodruff. In oaa the Roosevelt Urger towns are being permeated with ; forc, are able to nam th new a -pirit f progreastveneaa. He CoL Root velt declined preaaed himself aa being thoronch y I to nprtm oto prefreiue bat It I in .ympathy with tha Tarlon. ways f j ur.roud Mr ColUn will have ad v.rtl.lna - North Carolina cltlea. mpport Mr. Orlacom Is not "W ar combining the bent Southern inidJ,- for qusjit.ee wnn a spirit ot progressive- nes which will mean much lo th d velopment of th State.' declared the speaker. he association wlQ tomorrow elect officers and decide upon th next con tention city. InvKattona ht.v already been etxended from Oreensboro, Ahe ville and Wilmington. Tha featur of thla afternoon' ses sion waa tha address by Chief Clerk J. W. Holllday, of the Second Asttet ant Postmanter-Oeneral' office and by Postofftc Intpector J, W. Iiulht.- -Ther nrst named epsse oa "Poets I Havings Banks. Parrel Poet and Transporta tion of th Malta. " while the latter dis cussed "How Can We Increase the1 Efficiency of the Pnetal Service r "ON EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE. A, U Stern PTwcrd hi Jail hi Drfaah of IVmd. (Special W New and OHeerver.) New Bern. Sept. Mr. A. L Sterns, a loeal Ineerance atrnt wasitec, placed In jail In default et bond aw th charge ef mbeealment. It I ehsrged that Stern wba had a half la. terst In a moving picture shew at Kln- trn. dltnosed of th enterprise and lauea to turn over io nu psnner tn amount due him. FELL I-ROM ItllHH RfXiF Mr. Walter Mril Rflreivea ralnfal Injuries. ('peelal to New end OSserr-r Warrenton. N- C fpt. 11 Walter Muftlan. sn ef our eft-rrwti- end worthy youaa seen, w hremtht lo his bowe yesterday frnon upn, a srt-hr. having recs vry p!n- ; ftU but though not n'ar,!y sri"-i I In Juries, a th riilt ef a fad j from the povh ref of Mr. Thnree in Uttleton. pn whwh be was wn'k- Me w vnrkl.ii wr tf. e1 end lnin M tin-, j'imiH n4 ri. k. Irr rtn M ft tr r - lnt-ir pr;nelpl) In k snltie 1 f t i Mr. I Tank H.v'T i )"t . i . i'ii-i s ft F---t r ' --i f-r.-m hm h' ' ' ' ef ' r , k tr. th U I I In ; .Kr h it ere rr fi',rs,,io m9 t" h n : ! " - . - w r. TO RECEIVE BCCtl A COXST.IXt OR JO SARATGeO TODAY FORCES ARE THE ROOSCVin.T JIBILAXT AXI EXPECT TO HAVE THIXtiS ITS OWN fK, (By th AsH'ialed Preaa. New York, Sept. S3. Tha pr-con-ventlon flght between the Republican "Old OuardV and the Progressives virtually closed today. After a day of confereaeea with politician frost va rious parts ot th State. CnJ. Itooea veH said that the chance for vic tory were even better -than yesterday, when he predicted that th progrc atvea would hav a majority of at least 10 delegate at th Saratoga convention next week. He had re ceived assurance of support, h said, f several new quarter today.. Col. Kooeevelt spent otnetlm In going over th draft of a platform with John A. SUdcher and James H, Reynolds she are working with ths understanding that nothing definite will be decided upon until after the up-State delegate have been contult- d t Hararoga: Ther waa soma Ulk I of candidate for Oovernor but noth , Ing la th nature of aa agreement i w aa reached. Col. Roosevelt said Wiu ; selection of eandidatea ntuat be lest '. entirely te th delegate aa a whole. Th Roosevelt force will move on Saratoga tomorrow. Fred Orslner, Repuhllraa leader of Brie county; into T. Wannard C. V. Cnlllna. SUt Hunartntendent of Ptlmnna and Cid ... nat . eaBd1d-.. tar ,ht m.. i chairmanship, and would not accept I It," he said. THE PABE-PARKER DEBATE THE DEMOCRATIO 0ONGRISMAN MAKES CiOOD AND EXFLODIM TIIE INNFENDOES OF HIS OP. FOSENT, ' Br ALVIN MORTON. Rockingham, awpt. ll.-Hoa. R. N. Page. C'ingf issima front tb Seventh district, and hla Repablieaa op ponent, Mr. J. i. Parkef, mat tn joint discus sion la th Courthouse her todsy. A boat rltltea of Richmond coun ty witnessed tha ei aehlng ef tha lat Tb speeches were identical la tin of argument with thne heretofor made. Of the effort ef Mr. Parker, that reporter I frank lo confess, thl exclaste ef the perwneialttle In'eeted. It wa abort tha averag Republlran speech, bet these and the emphatic manner la which the were met. led to aa deetrfv a detest SS 1 kr ever witnessed. In the fret htf of his pe-h. th Repuhllren a-a1led the rererd of the Ienrratle nartv and defended that of the ether party, p.rttr'ar1y with reference I the tariff bill; th latter half he devoted t Mr. Pare person, 1 Iv. whoen he a-raed ef having botirht Me fret Bom I n tlon elsht year aco, ef havtn Intirotdated with hla fortune tbe In'eigent young mea of tH dl- trirt whe west Id bae ta receive theiwted'm. nomination, end by hnwrndn, of K.v. i tec b n mflwaeed la big Conrree-jhe brhl te lh' country with fclra ' i -ral bfe by his ra lrosd lntreta and i from p'imanla Ih'rtv year aro, "it rfhr selfi'h mott'ea H eeplallyta thlev'ng Son ef ma. He hf (w.eted t kncfw what it cost his op-1 give a forty hnndred t ouaand dol- p"ent te bst t '" Morrleoa Isr In had monev. chess mney ' the convention ef 11. I no i4 money.. S'ow I went a I It r l the I-wwvrrat dr1d tbe I rMtit.nl la w.se ttensee Siva me rh,r. "1 i.hw-TK and breuhtjDrg rnv monev n.MT k dl rD ti t tfmm Vita tba aewerttnn thxt mm .r Aa run" It b-neeth g-e gtrwitr tf S-r 1 nn lo reel sn'h re-ttofv. ' ;'- . he ss'd thai It i c'jr TJ la onr to s- THE! CAUGHT X MM The Veat PockM Leelos CkKton Out by the Rrpubllcaa OonpasfinaJ Campaign OnnltUUea ' sod Ropro- ducrtt by t'- lUdioai Ormaa In Tlu , Mate Vpon Sr?ator Gotv'S Am.tal , I'rovca a Boomeranc In tha Slatrp TliruHt Tltat the Brilliant Sonator Made, and Whltrli Punctured the HadliwJ (anws to Us Quiet. (Br THOMAS J, PENCE.) Washington. D. C. Sspt II. Th Republlcane ot North Carolina did not know their man fchen thy hopped on Senator Uor. of Oklahoma, for wurdu that he uttered In criticism ot (lie Cleveland administration, aoroe fifteen eaia ago. Tha blind Senator is eatUy the moit gifted member of the Stun In colloquy. During; th tariff debute he gkuined uch Kepubllcana ha Urn no, Aidruh and Oalllnger to the great amusement of Senators, and before tliHt memurable discussion came to a clone, it waa dllTioult ! Indu. a ru puullcau Senator to take Hour Inly tha atfted blind SciiHtur was I in action. No man In the M-nate so jiompleteiy eapoaad the' Iniquities uf : lt'e i'ayne-Aldrlch tariff si iirduls. i Hut itt et hurk 1a ths unrv rMjs.1 hv Mtftiutur fliur Sa (r, uh.thur un Lahlopian can fchang his sputs? Th K publican in th Stat nre hurdly to i blamed lor publithlng the crlti clxm made year ago by Henator Uor of former Democrat. They simply reproduced a vest pocket leaflet mat 1 being circulated by tha Republican Congressional campaign committee. Tha Katonal Congressional committee haa published aa expensive paper of delicate green color in vest . pocket form, the statement attributed to Sen ator Oore belhg In It, and circulated aa a campaign document, it waa Intend ed that It should be given wide publi city wherever Senator Oore speaks la tha campaign, but th ooinmltt will probably recall tha little green veat pocket sheet after It learns tha effect Ita production mud when put before the people of North Carolina by Sena tor Oore. But what Senator Oore said of thl pleo- of literature circulated by the Republican Conitrpsslonal campaign committee la taim in comparison with what Senator Dulilver, of Iowa, the ableat Republican in 'he United States Senat at the prt-K- nt time, (aid vl.all the literature brlnx circulated by the self same oommltt. Her I Senator Dol Uvr precUv w.irds. uttered on th floor of the r in i p.l statea Senate. In criticism of tlm literatur sprung by th North Carolina Kapublloan. prior to Senator Jr appearaac In th Stat: "A CongTTSWIuiial ( aaiipalgn Cotnmluew, twvwlirl nter by a multi-mill Wxtalre proiiHKer of atrrrt car franrliisce, with a trcaa ur flUed with ruUen UKHsey, out of wltk-ti la flowing a choh-e a aortnsrat of vrat-tMM'krt tlbtwture, nintii af It bewrtUK the mark of tlte) bnrrwsj of nigratlng and . printing, and a ntuthly strnnm of laaraallkt fs)Minc." These are not th word or a Demo crat, but of a Republican Hcnator Senator Dolllver waa rrfirrlna to Chairman McKlnlay, of. tho It. publi can Congressional Campaign t ommlt tee, when h spok of "a multi millionaire promoter of street car franchise. " Congrs man Murrheail la aa of the member of the Kiecu tlv Commute of .this compalgn committee. A former eltlsen of Raleigh, who still maintain hi voting residence In th capital of tha State, o n fronted today wtth a demand ("r tlie.eo Tha demand ' waa made apoa Robert Anderson, a mes-encr employed- at tb Whit House, who I a son ef Sampson Anderson, knoen to all th older population of Hel elgh aa a master tn the preparation ef barbecue and , Brudewlck slew, which he served to th leading m-n la public lit In th Stat. . Robert Anderson' special dut'M ar t .deliver th President' ma I. and he speed moot af hi time be tween the postoftlce and the x.u- tlva office at th. Whit. Ho. deraosi was ,n dnty at the exe,-jtlve office door at th. Whit. !I. J. A shM ka was ni.nuku K. . nen n was approariied ty little .old man, wtth hla battered rap between his snr,v.le.r ' r. II iM,l' th.i! MM'uiaJ?.tM lightly grasped trembling finger flate ah colored man. who does st ihe.Wblt Hons, lo restore to h m $4a.ia. which he claimed had been tsken from him. Plainly the t r old fellow waa a .tank, so manof .... tk.o . s,,. House in the expectation of havlrg their tmaainary trouble adjusted, Th visitor gav. his aaa aa Ben jamin Snyder, aged ft. lis should er were bowed, and b walked with tbe !tdin. suf fling step trfkt come from parrying a peddler eacg over enuntlee mile ef public road H wss scarcely Sv. fe-t tall, and his lona gray beard htm a Imik of "Hensey, he said, with the accent The- be told Int. gtnrr: r a rl'er I been ped 4 er f. ir-e in Rowmenb. new .11 er I . VESTAL ACQUITTED it Was a Compromise Only Two WltZMsne Weaw Ex ainlued When a CiauRaJoa Bex twera Attorney and Sollriatar R suite k- Agineaumt ar td Man' slaughter For Dr. Teatal and Aoa qulttal of Mrs. VeMtai. (By ANDREW JOYNKR.) Greensboro, Sept, it In th Su perior Count thla morning; th trial of Dr. W. I Vastai and lata wlfa. Fanny Vestal, for tha alleged murder of Bessie Tbomaasorv aa reeult of a, criminal operation perforroed oa her; at Vestal's home In High Joint July first, cam to a sudden termination) after testimony of two Stat witnesses, by announcement of Judge Bynum, of counsel for tha defendants, after a brief conference with the solicitor and. other counsel for the prosecution, that M had been agreed for th Jury to return a verdict of guilty of man slaughter aa to Dr. Vestal, and not guilty a to Mrs. Vestal. In another Indictment. where Dr. Vetal la charged with a criminal operation ot May Owen, a plea of guilty waa en tered, and Judgment auapended. After appeals for clemency had been made by Judge Bynum, Judgn Htrudwlck, Col. Weacott Roberson and Mr John T. Benbow, of counsel for defendants, and Insistence, for a sentence that would not only punish Dr. Vestal, but would act as deterrent to other phy slclana In North Carolina who might be guilty of the aam offense, Judg Lyon, after aaying It was tha worjt i case he had ever known of Ita kind, gave defendant the maximum punish ment of ten year at hard labor in the State's Prison. A caplua waa order, ed to Issue for tbe arrest of Levy Maynard. Indicted for murder In th . same rase, but who has not yet been spprehcmleil At least twenty witnesses for the prosecution were iiworn after the Jury had been empanelled to try tbe rase, several being physicians of High Point and Qreenxboro. M hn the announce ment waa made by Judae Bynum and th trial wa terminated, only two witnesses hail been eiamlned, Mr. Thomasson. of Htat,ville. father of the dead girl, and Mrs In, or. or High Point, who nurssd her ut Dr Vestal's house where th operation was per formed and who waa present at her death. air. Thomasson stated that ho lat saw his daughter alive at hi horn In Statesville on Sunday, June ?Hth. i tin sne waa in sxcsiient neaitn, mi far as he knew, and there was no evi dence of trouble of any kind, an I he waa totally Ignorant of (he object or necessity for bar going to Hlvh Point, exrept on a social visit. That he nest saw her lying dead In an un dertaker's establishment In High Point th following Sunday, July Ird. He we n4 cross-examined, Mrs Dorr teetlfled that aha was a nurse and ' woman of all work." That 1-evy Maynard ensaged her to go to Dr. Veetsls' houss and nurse a girl who was there sick She went there Friday, and waa ahowa up stair br Mrs. Vestal to a room where Beetle Thoinason and May Owen were. There were two beds, each girl oc cupying one. Mra Vestal pointed her lo Hesaie, and said shs was ths on that Maynard wanted her to nurse. Dr. Vestal at the time waa lying on a loung In hla office down stairs. The girl, when naked how she felt, re plied she wa feeling very well, but was vary sore, as tha reault of ur gery performed by tha physician. Bed linen waa bloody, requiting frequent changing Kvary attention waa given j the girl, wet cloth and bendagee and j other remedies being used to allay 1 twelllng. pain and Increasing nausea. : The girl became so sick by Saturday 1 afternoon. Dr. Vestal at thai time bo- Ing Incapable ef coming up stairs, Mrs. Veetal sent for Dr. WiighlawlU who arrived at live, and upon examl- n"on Peni -. "t e'Jeu "era 1 M" TT'"'.!"' . ' St? M! , b'-nd he p." About wildnlghl. eh In nsvine raximm - i Ing been deltiinu for several bear. Mra. Vee- rorae Bp stair. 1 mm, and do something. Dr. Vestal rnme. I rm "iiT l"B- " . IT" . .k- . claimed. 'Poor thing, .he Is ' ebout gona- She died al en o'clock. hue Dr. tal was sitting by. oa ehjeetlen by tha defense,' tb witness waa an permitted to state njlhln th girt toid her akent th circumstance f ber llmeaa, aad tha peratlen. beraas. neither ef defend ants wrr present at th time. There we barely aay rrosa exami nation f lb. witness by th defense, except shaw that vry attention waa given to her, and that before she becam dellrWwe. and her ceeesniea critical, the ether g;rt May Owen, a a removed to another room, t C wesjeeenlee) Se ttkmwewt. At this point. Mr. Thorn aeon, coun sel fr the proseftlon. and eninn for defends at held a brief eenOreace, At Its eonclurlen. Judee Pvnom, ad- 'sl"t I coert. st.tnel mat to itave further eoneumptno ef time It i had bees theuahl best by sll for Dr. ! Veetal to eaves' Ibal tb Jury eVrutl i rsrd a v.rrt ef gnif.y ef wian- r t 1 - tn 1- ro.mt-y. 1t.ay make a band slswhter. as to h'ra ana not g . '.y nt 4 I - tT-s.,i i ,ii h I 1 : t ers V , asiof ds "w:ck: fcok down my atga te hi wire. !!. 4 . r r sy J'ars. 4 to lag E gittJt (Coanued a Pag Six,) 1 ICentlnud a Fag Frra4

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