Wr a . . " a a . a a : . 3 jl - a a, - a. a ft - J W, t"-4 a 1 a. 4 : aw.2.v-ea. t-r isfnf 1:1 kaRJ. . rar e T 4je44 t i. A tarsw IMS a jt. --W,-:- he e..tve4 I a tl &e est bega ea rg ta '3 e A!i there ta re rrl t- ri-i? e ; -e4 beter t."eae ta tecr- k.e 4rf the g-rei f.-od pwui O1- fetal ar.er tuck a, prwa a ( eeurg -k0 wer The ecaaea. aad there war aaaay of them at ery sep threti w hK h AsdHi paed t lb ya.ec ef th .m4 "They have - ts aa 1 ttve Tartar wud "a:! the eniiavaU. Jk'ot iJ3 ri B he (Mill ta lh a kni ftnere N poaatb'y the Blftt have tr j reaerwa, " veweniay a earner pig go came tn th city bnrtei a note Sr.eg nt R was Bog t M given . that relnforreeBMra an4 imfhiAiii were soow t WW. TV he they en (ered th palace guards aat at th toot ex. b great staircase, still a daty, but too weak to stand. Wltn ete kind thea era arl ilui. K.IK and, wttk the other supported their ; drooping WUt They B either slept ! or draaaivd. aat tr.rl to k uii ! laaanalbia la ararvthtna; thy mi; paid attBttn a thoa who nn : tha ttrmr. At tha J fa a af thli 1 r! rraaa mood a -warrior arm4 frura I aaaJ tn foot: Ma a1.4 kM. , Ma kand a4 turned aim rrrs arxw thvm. Tllav antarwi tha riM h. bf. a targ . aarvlnr aa a rap- rwn. soiaiara. arrant caa- Warara, arratarta, huntamao, ana ! ethar ratalnra m - - - f- ) lata sf m iraat Pollna nobla war! aataa apoa aar arranfod alone ! tha lda at tha room; all rrlm. fannt liatWoa Marvin r1 Tr ),. .w f axflnrulahed eaadUa In tha room I ana inouii ina roornma had now fullr bmkra, two all 11 burned in huaa. ranniaarirRa. nearly n till aa a mn, atandinc to tha mlddi of tha apart-nant. rirtalhr hla CAndactreaa brought him ftr mom In rWch tla (Uuichter fif tha rorrade awaliod htm T dlaa burned Hi tha room and a lamp flowed hjefora a ami heM ij t here atiww! a wAmati wKa eAmji n hava frosen or to hava turned to atone in in a mian or some movement It eemed a If her form had tough t to aniin toward Kim k.n Kt ..,.4 denlr heeoma MtivMll intn mwjt motion. TTilg wai the charming; jrlddjr atrl whom be InmmJt fx tr4e ' BOW la tha full imloiuaant n k.. charm a woman ennobled by suffer ng. Mar great pallor did not leenrn her wonderful beauty. Andrtl Mood motlonleaa before her. "I have bo! power to thank you," ha aald at lnUl In a tremuloua olce, "Ood hlmaelf will reward m: not T. a week woman." The Tartar woman cut Bp om or m pread wMc h Atidrll had brooght aad placed ft m a golden Plata before bee mui nliina . I "M mother.' aald the jirl. "and ray father?" I have taken tkem un. returned tha aeryant. 'and the volyode win mm in person to thank the Bnifrnt" Andrtl wktched tha girl break r4 with inerpreawbi celieht but rtmm- berlnir the man who had died in eiii-h agony In the etreet, he rtayed her hand, warning her that too much TOOfl after enrh m nMln-.ul r. . A..T m M r - t I a t t ak. JkkAMa t- rii.j j ' .... V -I M 'Mill ihsv a child j "Tei i )! fVrtn drffor yeu, ne aald. -command m. Noth ing elea In the world matter an I ri ha of eerrlce to you.' Loalng rontrol of hlmaelf, be made Basalonate ap peal to her nd a declaration of hie I lova. Bhe listened with growing emarrment and then, throwing a handkerchief over her fac. gave way ered herself ah bemoaned her fat wnirn nag oaat ner love upon Strang. r a n A an aamw tin l.itl . . brother and my country to me? Our country Is the on our epirtt longs ior; me one wnirn is aeareet or ail Of Successful Shoemaking and Shoe Selling is the thousands of voluntary testimonials we receive from our customers, and our customers' customers who wear SMeld iBrand99 Shoes Hundreds of testimonials come to us daily from every section of the South Atlantic States where "Shield Drand" Shoes are sold and worn. rand" Shoes Fit Best and Wear Longest Because; every pair is made from the Best Material and by Skilled Shoemakers. A trial will convince YOU and make you a permanent friend , and customer of ''Shield Brand" Shoes. "Shield f I k ' V i $5OO;000 00 Stock Ready to Ship ; Mail orders shipped the day received. 21 salesmen now showing our now line of samples in their respective territories. A postal will hurry one of them to see you. M to M my aountryT That la you." Enough! Andri returned no more tn the cam a of the Cnaaacks. Even while he had been talking with the Tntvodea daughter a great commotion had arisen In the clty.-ln the dim light of the early morning reinforcements naa entered the city, bringing pro vielnna. In the camp of tha Zaporo ihtsna all was excitement and move ment. At ttrat bo ons could account for tha entrance of tha Pnliah re) lav ! tng ft'tve Into Duhno. But It turned tit that regiment posted before one of the gates had beea caught asleep after the heavy debauch nf the night before, aad had been slain or made prteonera, qnlckly and quietly, almost tn a man. In a surpiia attack en tha Pole. Many noble Cnaaacaa were bow frteonera In the city, and food was diatrthuted to all the Inhabitants and to the famished soldiers of the garrison. . During the morning, old ' Tjiras wsndered about looking for Andrt and wondering whst had be come nf him. A Jew, whom Taras hsd once beftiewded. and wh now followed the Coaaack army as a sutler, told him that be had seen his son. This ass ths story of tha Jew, Tsnkel: V"hen the relieving forr had entered the city Tankel had slipped In with them to collect some debt owing t him there. Befor he had left ths eltv he had run scroeo Andrtl. solen. e!Vv garbed, and armed as a foils noble, snd la command cf a hofly of Polish horse that h was ln1r,i tint tn the Tartar n"er of f ghttnr An. drll had said to htm- "Tsnkel. tell my father, tell my brother, tell the Coe serks sll. all the 7-spch.l. eyeryb.Mly. that wr father is tnne-et my father, nor my brotrer my brother, nor my comrades air comrade, and that I will f ght them all." Tare nearly hill ed the bearer of these evtt tiding, but when ha became rt'jner be remember. e1 )t the tiisht b",e he hA seen w"1ff t1irth the esmn tn ! ,,!, aame. It was not lbs , oi,in one mora n . ..-n, an- of a wimian, and ne ieu , Bm ,f nia mother, nor to name ot lh Tkel's wools were tm'h. . I h j-ountry. B"r ths nsms f Ms Tha f ihtlng arnd th beaeir-fl hrr,,h,K waa the name of th Pea KISER COMPANY "SHIELD BRAND" SHOE MAKERS ATLANTA, G A. ' coldly. Andril rasile b answer. "1 Mumouht." commanded Taraa, and Andril ebcyed. "To think that T rhould be uch a traitor, that yo should betray your faith! Donot move I ! w4ll hill you." Taraa Hepped bark a tv psce. and bronght hi. gun to hi sho,il,ler. Anrtiil stood at,,'... white a unao. n ur. no b-ram a mst'er of slmoot ,,"l'Tjtifu pole, "Id Bulb, Bred, him without our help, replied Bulhai "thee will be plenty of mourning and rejoicing for him. " Just thsn a Cos sack came riding hard In search of Taraa. Th Pelea have been rein forced," he cried. "We sr hard beset. The Cnaesrke sre aeeVlng for von t ; ,,r leaa inera. Tney aui stana inetrit gresad. but woaiu no all witnont htll i.g on. uw hs bad Into your ayes. I na uaeil foe reat and tn rahandaaa tha Tares and Ostsp spran- to hor-m butt wounds of Taraa. When Tares r. they bad not mad. their way eut of , , mbftm4 ,u ,h hspa-l, the weoda hen they saw that the . wh,B Tevkatca. the faithful follow. enemy s.ryonnn.n it es an in ,.. ihm ,. ground by of his faithful fol lower, and regained eonerlou-neae to And hlmaelf far away from the arena of the conflict. His reecuer was sit ting beld him. They wrr alone. Thus far hsd th Cossack hkr laaatsr n tha rod to th t'hrslne. riding hard upua aw. A pew army ef Earp ecoahtane saeembled and th Cwack sUrted out fee aa eipedithsa by sea. , Tw hundred bnau were basnrhed npoa the Inlewer an Asia Minor saw ths t'nseecks with their shaves ketiln and Ihelr .-a1p locks devwi her th-tlng shore to frs se4 sverd, whlke th turbana nf her aJahometan Inhaliltani era etrewa like Inawmeraht Aowers over hey bloodprlnkk-4 Held But Taras tank na part In M sti h ef th Esporoshlans and plotted revenge. - Another war S gainst the re lea dedared and an army of 11 C" nocks suddenly appeared upon the borders ef fnland. With Ihi arim role old Tares Path, mad yonrg gaka with th Mew af reaens - 11 la told tn the rhronli'le hew this great army mova4 na Inrlnclhle; haw weak wae tha mal bet man. Nikola) Pntes kr. scat against It: bow cities were forar: hie heart wa there ta Wfae-!Uken end whol regions laid waste Saw with b ana. He Would so etl"1". St b-ngth. the Sere (aaeark baa f . r r i w. i-i a th old msn stoog looking eowajThay werscaugni m a trap sso every- sn.$ ths Esporoshlsa army de- th steppeax eetensthly to bunt, i regiments beeireg . Mketal In tha an4 the r"!s man wt' Tn i ,h dead body f M s"n Ostsp whers spears snd swords gleamed, h eff h(, n4.,M but nbt b foond stnog wttb pi small tewa f loh-n Kedsced t sa. furore, ha-.s r.e.rd.d Andrtl as , ,.m. an 'Tsth-r! rlher! through the tr-a (tetap and Taras , wtah4 , H, .i,,.,,. in,mr, heed tn his band m-aelrg. "My ue. J treml lea, th pollah rwmmaader lo... one d "e1 and devoted rt--rh have " ort ' T" tried to fight their way thrnush to v.n4t ,4 Toyatr rerlipg the my son- At leet he cownI ewdsce It promheed nder ee'h that f ..It satta e.f ,,fn t,.h nid Tsrss snd with kll4 Taras n-dded. t-Shelr own Hoae. but the content was ; M8rt,ga tauM Taras. ralle htm I h.nger. whatever bsppepa- be ! fctti shoe Id he gtren ths Cneaares .-.,P th. f t a cP a-rmpathy I inkri down sorrowfully at his bJ'jsJ, thosth they fought Hk,,B l Kim on the esdd e sd. - will ge sed H"d at If be ati-ej the part ef the King asd v t i,. ,.,(1 MH hff -j oa give hm honor-tp.nd Owiap, oy.red wfh ""' h)m ,g B,whed e fr the Jd lva etlll I will go I e-! er-naeot fur sll pat ln)u-s: thai ,7WM. ;"l";; b.,H. - b sold, "that lha fo was fnallv errnm taken prla..n.e brought i-l hulia i saw " Wlthti. a wwek he foend 1 ,has should l be retsraed I ' '" ' ' "' , msv lof diehonor hs ,.1r nor the end Securely bo.m d. whti. Taraa wa , i.a.Vhtans. ' btmeetf In the ettv wf l.m.a Th , them and Sll their privileges r-a?ftrm- rf b,.,. ft, f.-,.-hi h . ot.t romp; , pr tt -Ther T ' fcttd ha lay secalos, on . to ,een,Ul, what Jew. Tsnkel. I Wed th-ee. l p.m ed go peace wws sssde, 7 -hV s thaTiTtV " iw'nw' i w' "v ' ' ' -'. i ' - - "'wae le't ef th lea., k army. j cht Tare sntiaM o,rt laeket sgrved Pnt there was see re ten el tj th I tH.H ro'fr ,.M h:s ffa.' 1 " ' "' - ' ' I" Ftevlou t the la-t battle before : w1,!V. V r-- "ho .el a-- roo-t I.:..', r, :C !.,,... I 1 Ih.lno .wd had e.we ta the o d..-ttee the oM tVasaeb. drng j, , p.a a This wss Tsrae le :h f . 1 r" r ! I1 l - n - , ilill-'' a ! r ' . - - ' - - ' ' " ha 1 Tlis l!anhv;ss!:rn Ebv:::r c; Mill Co, k Cod sd GcTcrtnirr.t fear! ccrrcratica, irnis at Tclrdo, 0., VX V.-: n, ()., end :tv.H:':':;"Tf-lrfrretu3t:.-:t! 7 yc TS erk 1'ift that S a'roog bdy ef larlara had atl'k. the e',k Set r.rrd off Into rsr'irlti. s.1 h of t ard l't ti-.ee a bat rM kllld Si ha I tfce aroiy h. na be-k a . tw Tif'n ad ha had hint ea a IJ"mm raual. , l9Ta a paeHtfal af Tht reaeh'd the r.h.h ranHaV. J h-ad aed rr 4 e't aod eerr devl-. wae t loetedl ti by Tankel te get the fe'hee as tate lew wth hie ea. who ati at' ta yeafl. Int. aa !- he -!' t rn'h h a 'p?a!s-4 C'r t In tc c -1 a- h ifi " h n p Seat ha " -e he lo-'d n tf s ha4 ,rt't ef t fe llf'ift r e 1 f 'we a t , , -- h I 'si rf1 a ! a - t n ? - n ! a h a 1 , ,,,. i v- . a t ft-a ee-t i'i P'it Taraa aeaee saw fa - -e (!a aaa'o ae"l be saw h'rn ted et t eaa- ''-n eelr a aa r'as a 'e h-t ha eye.aea f at r" htm to (Ha ..-..,-e yea y-'a ta Ike r tte gelm ell f eaaarS -a'Nat fra leaa wi'ii-qt a S t I 1- ee- e-'" w H ' at--- -a , i - - . . aa , era I a. a - e h -e 1 a 1 itee e y -. -at y eae rroan eia Truet eo the y-T-'lah geee, 4 BO ewh WeeeSelah S 4 W ae th, ea(eieeal ae- re-ta-v fraaie4 1 Ti'as the se rt f-w hiat to e"sei the hwaa al'ew h' aa -d ef lwoa-'?a eeel, aemfce W ta t-'o I ka a reM a4 thew the te t (! hm 'T r-a e- t !ed ha tt eg t hta aa fVWaaa. e-a. ef yaj arala ta v- k s eW ' Sk tha-h aTt e4 - era avea HW vn.Jrr a h--ra -aM4a Ol S - heae a- a r'a day' a a it - . i - I seal . ...j a tea year".. . a e-a, t a - I T"" pulling his rap down over his brw, he struck his horee with his whip and a aa off across the rountry. followed h bt4 wiole raarmnent and many nther i neeark horee and fnot. ho Tsrss plsrad h.a Inns hand, making ralda wtih hta regiment a I over pniand He burhed atghtMri loans and nearly forty rhurrhfs and reached Crarow Me killed tnany nnhie aad pltinJered the rt-het and the fined caaliea. Bnthlsg wss the rdr of Tsrss. nnsi y the pnhah government sent h Isrgs forea aeatttst kim so drove him kw-h to the banks nf ths lTileea.r Me , took relus a Ilk hs s In "tained esatl 11 tti,. t light bis wsy thrssgh te the gtappaa and weuid . ha, s-H-eeeded bed ha aat haa aid. danty tn ths midst o hla Sight : pack P a pip be bad drwpped. h'S i taeeaaral le eompSnWHt la e"T ' campa'gw, 1 t lt thoo rl i he my pipe" he r-to sad Wt does t raarse ft A band f Is-1 -e r"rwidat hlfh Stf e aa) BP hro, ahaa t'". "The re ka eanghf" ta -vain did Teres tee aa a-ae Ihea ,, , "itd age" he rrled. "aig ssa ' 4 ithe Svlt rWeh -Pt-' Tbey bwaad Three ta a wearby ye i Sad. pg fas' iwit k"V, kaae4 : hiaa ave S, tee ae ha e"w4 sreak h daelej ead faa taj hi MM- St . he yeeyhaavie-t wt'h hi d'-g e -1 " Ta . ate W1I awaa Hao n.f gka I s-aa ew S)eaJa ati a-t t--a i en:! ae he re t arrt IV !i;l aaat .ay ta Ja " rtf ntt n. r ct (1. 'it iii t funn t it(rtim,ifir!iatrii v 1 . C " T

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