mutttrxr mmwa ":at3asars'vii 1 t1 (1 f LNl Hail In Sn.lH (.rlli. That Haa 0e 15,003 U -lor ,ly (.,! j .:, ; nl ,l ri.l.l. i' i .--U y 1 o f , V . I Slhril. a" voLur.i: xc :;o. ir Leads IF 11 Overwhelmed Old Guard by 125 Majority f.S TELIPBHIHY WM Vie E.lWlMit I "Dhled- and ;ioHt Over bfYuto, Itomliullug 'Newspsprr Men of III PredlrfJon KiHMtator and Delegate Warmly Applaud Ilia Declaration for Direct primary .l'laiik Bitterly Assails "Ilacs." "' ' . . (By th Associated Prw.) t-'araloga, K. t Bepl. 17. Colon) Theodora Roosevelt rod to-day on th top wav of victory, defeating Ylc- . president Hhermaa for temporary -Tna-iTrmtn or ine nfpuoucira max vra ventlon and bowling over the old iruard In tba first engagement of a eerie of conflicts that are to coma. - . Colonel Roosevelt was. In hla ele menu After ha had named the mem bera of the three Important commit tees and th convention had sdjourn vd to inert to-morrow, - tba Colonel ......,. .1 V. naa-tnnnjt WMaM and r. mil ked: "I said fraasle,' yon may re- chii, you niuv quote me. v VVon by majority of 125. dent said h would beat hla opponent tn a fraxxle. Ther were 1,911 votes cast in the convention, of which Col- Kosevelt received , ana vice-rresi-deix Bherman received 44.. thia elect ing the leader of the progressives by a majority ot .;oi. nooseveiv u nt vote Nr. Sherman voted for John Doe," and two of th New York county deleaiUea did not respond t their names when called. CoU Roose velt spoke feelngly of what President Taft had accomplished In hi adminis tration, anytng that the law passed re flected credit upon alt who contributed to putting thenv in their present shape upon the stat'.Ke books; they represent an earnest of the achievement which "In y to 'tome and -the beneficence and far-reuchini,- Importance for the whole people, a measure of credit which is ritihH.v due to the eonirrei. niui to our !ls, upright an dwln e itthed iTesitltirt, . W'iUlaw.. Howard Taft. :.' ' Applwd Direct rrlmary. Th speciHt.Ts and mny of ih del- ecatea warmly applauded the dectar - atlon of Col. Roosevelt for a dirert . primary plank. - t:ol. Rooeovelt bitterly lled the ' "bosfen," delarlnt that "the dlffer enre between a bos and a leader I " thft the leader lead and the boas drive. The difference I that the lead r holds his place by Brlns; tha coa aclence and apreallnr to th reason of his followers and that the boss holds hi place by crookd and tinderhand manipulation." Thunders of applause srreeted the Colonel as ha was escorted to the speaker' stand by Vice-President " Sherman and Cornellii V. Collin, and It was sometime befor h could proceed with his speech. , Thankln; th delete for the hoa or they had conferred on him. th Colonel caud the rreatest enthusi asm when he suld "you shall not hav raus now or hereafter to regret what you hav done," Acrimonious Hiveciho. ' It was a day of oratory: It was a day of hitter and acrlmonlbua speech . With the ojientnc of the conten tion State Chairman Woodruff denned th position of the Old Ourd and announced thnt Me. Bherman hud beej selected for tpmporary chairman. And then the retl flht we on. Cot Abra. htm Orutr, of New Tork City, had h. ea selected to Are th verbsl shot f the OM (Juaril. and his peech atteck In th former President, which .wa -a bitter arrslsnment. was ofti-n broken Ml drowned by hlsse and Jeera. No on enioyed Gruber speoeh more thsn Col. Roosevelt, ho chuckled repeatedly. Ore the pandemonium became so (rreat that Col. Roosevelt Wpe.i to his f't and asked for a full limrlne for th menkef. " t'nniptroller V llliBm A Prendr9t , of New York t'lty was the champion cf th ProtTMve fsht nd mad warm and spirited rfp'y to the Old Guard' mislauaht. rrrml for hu-owe. ' The convention had been well pre psrrd for the outcome. of the mnit f r temporary chalrmsn; WiMtam Varees. Jr., leader of the OH Utinrd fnrees. 'havln eerly In th dsv c--r. lifl the elerti"n rf Hooeeveit. Tit rolLH tO"k whRt 'n..t n Inc-r-rn'nible tipi". ni nesrlv four hniir bud p! t'om tbe t'trie of the open- W heforei H''le Wo. trvT f '-flrti'iors'-fl ''; ' l;i .-eilt the i hni. of th" eon- .' ::,,n for tenipr-rv rhnirmxo Tte Virtorv f.f Colore! poo.evelt la the :rt'W of ro dd rt ep r. tr ..Heerten the ol J r l, for t.,1 thir fht on ine f n ,nr bn the rror..ue 1 r. .lotions wheeehr C- f... . ..!,. i, H be roi.cJe tv r" i . i- -i sch port""1 ""1 t - ' In b nsolfl It ft- .'imap r . k .n. '.,. "ute f"v i . s Sneaker Ws-'t"" ' I .. re opiot i .jrt'", ;r V ' e. t .. - . rf ("1 s - - ef Col. IK IES TOP all NorthCaroHinia Dailies 10 COVER 8,010 Bl Ml SERVICE Iffi AH Assistant Postmas ters to b8 Protected THE GHDER COKES TODAY TtU Was Ixxlded on by the president t Meeting of the Cabinet ItesomiM'dalo) at Ptwtnkasu' CTM-raj Hltohoork, M ho Aim Reo- omnirnds That Second and Third CtajM . roatinaaten Be ! SlmiUarly Treated. . ;. . t : (By th Aaaoclated Prs ) Washington. D C. Sept II. A a first result of th cabinet sessions. which ar In program at th .Whit ltte, H-rM" rrnouweed today ttutt President Taft would las us, probably tomorrow, an order, placing approx imately 3,000 aaaltuot postmasters In th I'nlted 8tat under th protec tion of th civil service law and taking them entirely out of politics.' It is also said that the President would recommend this fall that all second asd third class postmasters b placed under civil aerrk rules. - - By th order to b issued tomorrow aom 7.1 Jl assistant postmasters will b affected. If th recommend lona as to second and third class pott masters are- adopt I W Conrress, T.- 1 additional postmaster will be placed under eml service regulation. Poctmsster General Hitchcock mads th reef mmendallons to President Taft, both as to th assistant post masters and to tbe officials of second and third class. It i a par ef th postmaster general's scheme to - put th postal establishment en a bust nea basts and to aaaa It aeir-aup- porttn.- - ; Estimate from th various depart ments for th coming flaral year oc cupied the attention of the cabinet today, Mr. Taft'a iivlers also went ever wit Ik hint Ike speeua he-ts to deliver st the banquet ef tha Xational League of JtepubUcan clubs in New York on Saturday night This is -peeled to be the President's final po litical nttrnpe ef the present cam paign. It will - tell among other things the various fodalative recom mendations he will make to Congress St 1' coming session. - - XEGRU HAS IIS.VPPKAKEI. His Family ftrtieve llelsa Tlrtlm of t'nn Play 1'jwrlneer Myers telling All Hlgln. . . . 8pfrtal to Kewa and Observer.) Rocky Mount, ftept T.-lnc th wreck at Klrod.. about ten days ago, r.nrlneer William Meyera has been In th Atlantic t oast Line Relief Hos pital at Mouth Rocky Mount, having suffered a broken leg In the acdJent A report of his condition today, and recently. Is to th effect that he I getting alon; a nicely as might b askad and that an Improvement Is gradually being noted. - The. newt of his Improvement will b wek-omed by friends In this city and over the line of he compiler It will be remem bered that Knrtneer Meyers ws In jured on (Sunday night, the eighteenth Instant, by. his engine splitting a switch snd colliding with several box rare In n siding at Elrwd. Th en gineer s log was broken by flying tiro Iters. Tha police of the city hev been sskej to assist th family in find ing Norman Whitley, o. well-to-do colored employ ef the Atlantic roast Une, who dbwppeored Trors his hm on Happy Ml'". Monday ntxht. September 1- th night of railroad payday, and ha not been Been nor heard of slace. The nesre was mid dle aged and was thought well of by the whit race, as well as bv his own. II held a good position with th rail road eompany and foe the lark ef eny reason why he should runaway, the members ef hla family an friends believe thst he hss been a victim ef foul plav. thnugh tha polce can find no evidence of uch. Th negro went le his home on Happy HHI on th night of th dt named and after leaving with til we a mjtor part f the moaee Juet paid him by b railroad rampsnv. he told her thst he j ws going to Prank Davis, nearbv, snd psy his house rant, having rented the hotte that he occupied fr.m this n an The neere doln't return In - ' hours v a F-nrrh was started 1, ,t kj fuunj th h sever reach ed th hme of h" I"' nesrre. and be has not teen seen nor berj of ime. H bad ei-vot eiitni r wn ,inhr on bis per at tne t'.me ,of h. tntstertoo ;"''!'"'': r.or, T mav rrnt. IWt n. F. 'If"-e CWref twk at l.rerpviiie. I .r to Nl fl ft-eervee ) tjr.rnville. !!-. If r H,,., . Kee r'-- I ri n '! ' r-t 'f it t r he i I si tt - , l -rn I I I f"e Ibe re -1 -r t ?-r- rh-fh In t "r !U l s a-i - r-tee ae.-l i. r-nt-t t v t " ' " A t I i I . . - -. .r 1 ; a i , f f n- ' f t , " . . I ; t - a i f , . t ' ' ' r ,,- t I " ' t . - . ; ! e S ri , h ; . i"! I . ; - -, " n t - - , , (-,-... itAixicJii,, n. c. wi:dnj:hi)AY .moi.nino, SEPTEMnnn 2$, 1010 H Is not sraesdo of how Urgw a vote tlx Wans Radical tkkM will poll, but wliMhcr Chantkier Clande can hold the bunch, together till ejection day. He will be Unt busy filling and refilling gnv. U. Rent Alford bsyt Uig come down,' and other are declining, too, i , " YJISCEY VOtES FOR BONDS f lofl.noo FOR AID IS CONSTRUC TION OP THE BLACK MOtSTAIX RAILROAD THE HOWLAXD PROPOSmOJf. h- V tPpechu to Kew and. Observer.) Aahcvllls, Hept J7. News reached .here today that Yancey county on Saturday voted 1100.000 In bond to aid la the construction of th iliac k Mountain Railroad from Woonford, en tha C Cv and 'O throogh flurnsvlll to Case River, a d stance of fifteen lies. The work: of construction Is to begin at one and the bonds a to become available in part as trre sections ars completed... Ths Yancey bond election has stimulated hopes of thoas who desire to tha rail road from Ashevtlle to th C. C. and O.. and R. 8. Howtand. of tha Ashe vtlle and Essf Tennessee,". Issued a statement today aaylng that If Madi son and Buncombe counties" Would rot a small bond Issue h would put his Mn to the Yancey county line . snd thst the other road had promised ito meet him at Ivy Gap. fro" Wen jvervllle, the present terminus of th : A. snd E. T. to Ivy Gap, !a a. d'stance 'of nineteen miles. It now looks a If !Aahvill will soon realire a road In that section, a Ashevllle peopl n becomlnr alarmed to . action by the great falling on of Yancey trad. .1 xr'm sm'qkk; xo hbe," pot of Tar on (Ire Cause Vai I'eoiont nworhwl Society Meeting. Trinity College;- Durhum. fSept II. Considerable eicltement wa caused this afternoon bout 3:S0. .when a tart pot of tar being used In the con. truction of- th new hulltftng, and which wa being hented,. caught fire, giving out large volume of dn. black smok. However, no dsmag was done. It was soon extinguished by workmen thrownlng Bsnd, on th Came. Th fir dcpartmerrti . railed out. but was not needed a, th fir was out, befor the,' firemen arrived.- -. ' t", '" The Historical Poctety , of Trinity College held their f rt meeting of th year yesterday evening In the history room for the purpose of electing offi cer for the ensytrtg year, Th fol lowing men were elected: Pr. W. K. Poyd. pre1dent: J. H. Miller. Vice preeident: H. ft HnnleT. aecretnry and treasurer: K. t ts-lon. curator of th museum. There inllowed Th presentation of several hlstorteal doc ument. epe1aHv .concerning th early history of Trinity, Telle. Sev eral new member were then ttken In after which the meeting adjourned. AX rXf.IM: "KILLED." . perslUr Arc M-n Itarmew to Loco- nKHe on Nrnitl 5pr1n to Ne arid Observer I Pnencer. frt, 5 7 -Houthhoued pas- ' eelpger frsin V as several hours : Isle tn l"e't - ; v t r on htcht ' week ss a r".'t h p.rti!lar aocld .' In an attempt ! i . w the whistle a rri!r! w " blew eft and the) j fiiii steam ' A the bis eT'B-1 uprakers ttronlr nrx.l on athnli-s !tncve far not on the main Une snd ; ro-operatlon wuh sH tharUai le organ ' arn'hr enrtne !i n he sent eut toitJ(ina brlpg la the ,- train. . "" 1 rVt' !K 'IlF, TI,IJ. SI, IV-r-tite )ir-t,ats a ie, . ie(1 flipti StH t herg- 0-i'tt"-r. i rvf.,1' r ' h th' tn r H"" un snd r-:rr r,r ef r -tire, ef . J.eole, ' I T Ntntet - e tpeest a. t tl!ej States1 .td le r(t e , anneeahina ei If t -e ef t t' s wss -e nth-e . I" . p Ph a t v r i at P- 1 . st-1 ''-' J ' -, . i ' t ws In er. 4 i r.i t.f J COMING D O WN Scn from latest Burlesque, Th Wak Radical "Chanticleer.") BUTLER PAID THE FREIGHT But no Radical Would be Seen ' on Street With Him SoUcttor UatUS Won Oat and Batlrr Onmea Arroee Wrtli the Costs Be i Was Convlvtrd Ont of Libel and Pcsred to Face Anothor 3vt,? Br- ANDREW .JOTXERT i. Greensboro- Sept. St.-Th rumor yesterday i-' that F Butler had given Adams Signed written guar antee to pay the costs in both civil and erlmlnal ease on th Guilford county docket, was publicly verified, today. ' Although not so stating, Friday, when Butler's counsel denied knowl edge of previous prlvat arrangement for costs, , etc., Q 8. . Bradshaw, of counsel for Judge Adams, now makes public, a written,, snd slxn?d "allundle" contract In which Judge Robinson ' obligates, personally and professionally, to puy th costs, civil- and criminal. : . Senator Butler has shown so much acumen la getting possession of his party, and in being able to control its printed matter for his Raletgn publication, his friends in Grtensboro sre loud In his praise. And yet, not one of tbm. woulil be seen on the street, with. him, snd Mr. Morehesd's SUM rpubllcsn Headquarters, when asked If there was any new, stirring, napped out, . without provocation, "Wa haven't seen - Hutler -sine h came to Greensboro." cathoFigs' m mm NATIOXAL COXrEJlPtXCE DIS- crssr "the grtsnox prom EYP.RY ANGLE NATIONAL , rilFSlDENT KEVI'RK ON T1IK . MLOOX... . ..-i!". . ' Washington, Tj. C, Pept, : 7. Having Speclflcslly discussed charity from ractl.sll- Its every stifle KstlonaT ronferenc of t'a'.holie chart tie tonight considered th hrued gen eral question of social r(orra. Th prt'inrma in inn ome; iton wnitn iat a .K - . , . . . . . .... . both the clergy and the laity were"Ppt2.on1 l2:. .Z h p lined by esperlenced charity worker. i' IT. V t ,. ' . I j. i .2 - 1 , ",'" " " "'""" ' . -vf , fragment, probably was due to the ?h ' y t, 5 "JIT. h u 7fn- AdmlrsJ dchroeder In- th. very itev. Joseph Mr ""''I', t. B. Mfi mH tmt of the look, of New York, were the principal - f, , ,. . flrln, waa ummW U 1 ant 1 U h t. I iui.u n . the dependent 'env He, ,n,n,t ,f this,,,,,,, ,n4 virgin under Rear' A J -nil 1 X'".m'FnVFZ ? N.w'on. tailed from Hampton Head. . .'of porerty and of th most practical , . K Y . ,,, f,,r!nd effWtoi, means of r-Uleg th.,fu1, lnTk '' ,n m x,n f tnilcfienilen. . Ths I Atlvtvste ef tntsl ar.tnen irtrari to-lir. Tbe very lie -r J. (( llhn. M P., Null trl Prest- .int of the Catholic Toi nj. . i. .-..a a . of ii,e Inmatra tf ttt! en!l p"f tlsrtim were pot Ow-re by t tie m. If the tsllit.ttc thorrb) ) PI c I,, f .,1 ft ' f on t Itf t-oif-lt ot p tiw- i , be aeid, "poterty would be- nt ball." In I F.tTJI OI V. A. t.x'iilIAV. I a n.- r 1 (a N'f a Sit 1 -"rv' 1 j: . j. i.rt T Me. H. A it-. e t f : - ('',, -t t ': " -t-t pp-1 f a-t :v ee - l si v O fi - 1 a- i . - t . in News HOLLY CASE COimKBEDi? V. . t . . j- IS ADDITION TO Ml RDKR, THE . . UIUSB HH1 HSUS XBl-BlU. FOR ARSON WHISKEY CASK IN Bl PE1UOR COURT. (Special to News and Observer.) Wilmington, Sept. 17. -In the Supe rior court to-day th rase aganst J. C, Holly,' charged with the murder of young Edward Cromwell, who lost his lif ia th Rock Springs Motel flr. on i the morning of August 18th, was con tinued until the next term. A. U. Kl caud, sa., withdraw as counsel for the defendant, and Judge Whedbee asalgned three other lawyers to ap pear for him.-' Th attorneys aasigswd :t.:thted.- This afternoon th grand Jury re turned a true bill against Holly for arson. It being charged that he, after giving Cromwell poison, set firs to ths hotel to cover up ths exlms. Holly was proprietor of the hotel and held 12.600 Insurance on the life of Crom well, and also had hla hotel furniture and effects, most of which had been moved, heavily Insured. To-night k. M. Roderick, a young white men charged with Selling whis key, is being tried, th case coming up on appeal from the recorder's court, where the defendant was sentenced to six months on the roads. It was diffi cult to secure a Jury acceptable to th State. Jeff Lewis wa excused by Jud Whedbrc from Jurv eervics for the term because he said that h was so bitterly opposed to th enforcement of prohibition that he could not ren der a verdict of guilty, retard les of the evidence to rontrsry. Other were excused by counsel because they did not believe In the enforcement of the law. Court will adjourn either tonight or tomorrow mnrn'tne. THE ACCIDKXT ON GEORGIA Did Not Interfere With Starboard (ins Prsi ticc Mux!" of Gaa Blew Off. (By the Assoclsted Press.) Washington;' D. C, llcpt 17. When the port gun In th forward turret of the battleship Oeorgla exploded dur ing battle practice last Thursday the gun rrea- kept on firing the etarlioar l gun a though nothing had occurred. Mlnut details of the aeeldeM on this ship, which dot bed at Norfolk tndsy sr Just reschlnfe Washlnae.on, and In dlcat that It a even more remark thffJltl"MJ? ! nfl juini i oil ii m iifei RMte9eta. The sn utile of the big twetve-lnch rifle blew off almost to ths turret open ing snd fragments are said to have That no one w hit by one of these 1 ress. Thus almoot all r under , tover when the evplneton occureed. The bsttleahtp Nehrs.ka. Is- ihmpshiiu: K rt bucans. Platform CintrC( t-l by the Progeee lva, . Concord. N II.. fept. 17, A olat- frra rtmi-trucletl by prosrresslve atem - bees ef the pertr was sdotHed unanl- monair at tne Kaptinnean stste . Cnder thtr" pes prrnry y Isw this ws the only work the eonvn1on had to do Tne, stratt'in of Prea.dent Tsf! wss which idmlp endoeeed to th evtent of a eotr im,n. datlon of "the HeptiMtesa arhieve - menta ef the last 'oe--,t wnd-r the t tesderahlp ef preel.tent Taft la rsrry- ilng eut In sorb a Ittf meatre thaj pfildee trtoe'irated by Theodore lw.e'L" The parr nominee f r ' Unvernor. PflHert P !'. ad1red ha rttfltoiii 'ti. a,v. n a r-re-1i orer by tf Joht , t '-a. nf nm,r nnnTT-nvi: iiijimw mntrn rerer. Are Cin", IoJ ,rr ItMi-f.rt. T', tire. ; t T th. A , ' t et I' .. , ti-t-f ? W!--, aMCircMation WRONG IMP?EbiitGAYNQR POSITIVELY AS TO TARIFF BOfiRQl NOT A GANDIDATE I Swamped With Requests From Manufacturers WHO ASK FOB HEARINGS The Situation Assumed Bart an io t That Chairman Emery fuad hSuutlcrs of the Bosrd Give Oat Statement The Function of Ue Boartl is u ntudr tlie Varloos IndustrHw WHIi lrw Towards .Developing Pacts Relative to Prodnctloa of Oumuodl. ties in Till and Other Coantrle. ( By the Associated Press I Washington. D. C Sept. !7 The jtttriff bard 1 twmntpd"wrrh re.j irjii' for hearings from manufacturers and j others who might be affected by a re Ul.lon of sny of the schedules the 1 present law In th last few d.t the I requests hv grow to such lolume that if he board war to grant them i nil now It could be busy a year with 1 out touching the tariff, j After th Chemical Manufacturing i Association sent an executive commit j tee to Washington to confer with the board, the Idea seemed to g,. out that tvsr tariff board was taking the place the ways and means mmmee oi ithe House, and that all h.. manufac- ' turlng interests ought to have agents j on hand. Th ltuatlo assume.! .uch an ss- pect that Chairman J K Kmery and Alvah It. Sanders, of th t.oar.1. after a conference today,, , e out this statement:" "The Impression sm to have gone out that the tariff hoard ts to hold formal hearings such as have In th past been held by committees of Con gress, for th purpose of taking testi mony bearing apoa tariff rates. This plan, will nut be adopted, at least not for ths present. - "The function of the board ts not leclslstlve. nor even Judicial. It ts simply o studv the various Industries of the country with a view towards developing facts relating to the pro - duction ef given commodities in the I'p to th present time the board ha been engaged mainly In formu lating general plan ef procedure, and these have now been advanced to a point where It may be stated, th board's Inquiries will shortly be prose cuted In the field. The dats gathered bxfii4-cui' -ll In due eours of time be rarrf illy analysed and con rldered by statisticians employed for that purpose In addition to th mat ter of costs. th' board expects to col lect other Important fscta relating to production, pr; and market condl tiona and h.n h!s Is finished ths re. suits Vl'l be summarised snd trans mitted to the I'r.eldcnt. "The only fornal conferences lhat have been held t.v the board thus fsr have related simply to methodr of pro. reduce; th mstter of whether duties sre too high or too low not being un dey ojscursloa at all There Is nothln however. In ths board's plan ef procedure to prevent snynne entitled to s hearing from get ting it when the prourr. time come. Rut for th present st least th board and Its experts will he ton busv gather. In material snd assembling It for th Preeident to begin sm formal hear logs r to listen to sny argument for r agalnrt anT change la duttea. CONGRKSStON L CONTFST. Btth-Commlttr nt Virginia Mate Deea- evwiM temmttte nraAe Usrfe of Antlmrtty. Srec!sl to News and Observer.) Norfolk,. Vs.. Hept. 17 Pleading Isck of atithorlty. the sub-committee of the Btsls Democratic Committee, wn ita-sa,, rfwll ,-nn gresslnnsl prlmsrv election In the end dhrtrtct, today decided that It eowld not act ander the netttt-in filed by the eilbjena rommlttee. The latter sskett thst the rommlttee require both William A-Venn end llsrrv I Mir- nsrd ta file their rum pa! en expews serounts for e la this inveetiavtlns The twe rsn Hdetog rbtlm thst tl preeent rontcst I m part of the pel mry and thst they nnt trll what ttetr eteeasee are onul the Invrstigs tloa hss been etneled , eTATXK CTONFTWAM, JtrKWlf. ravelled em fhe tpfof f.eowwds at Cbarteetnei. n Vs. . ( Pv ths Asmrntel Pree, Chsrleefow, W. Vs., Kept. IT. A bmnse stVue of Ptonewail Jarksna wss seve'led t"dsy ea th ptste cap! o grpnM. by the Dsorhters f the Coefedeesrv Oen i-.w tt Ymteg. ef Ia...hrr1lt. Ky. Cnrrtmand- j Yoweg. r ef t He ieprtmeei r Trent V.. was tha rhlef epeeker The 1sit repreeeet, f!ir Jack. son with one hand eet hie renrti the e"vr gessp'ne ht tleld It I the '"te t be eret t.. the st 1 1 ' capital and hl ! about It feet h'rh i Yl ok In'aawl aeal - Pt- the Jwrl-M P- t Pe if-?t. K C. S-r-t, 17. SH,vea arm rarn d"t rrsv vsrd, st rpa and flM t!aeea. Sere m "r -w t pre nave r-n bv e''"rinc the tnlar4 t-a- P.l firitlr KMOtif ftaerletlntl vt'll a 1 I'' Pe- 't V " . Wit f-w y. ire arrltter 'r-m eaeSj end , - , ts three-qtfvnee ef a n- i- e-art. Tie t-f :T1 be ee-n fe f-a -.-t . . t ,r a. a i r-e-t rt 1 r-e p -t f- a l -(! -f e-ht M e-1- riUCK 5 CENTS Will Not Accept Nomi nation if Tendered A SUPPLEMENTAL LETTER Tlx- Mayor of New York Says Ha ' Could Not Abandon to Their Ffctg tlie hplemlld Men Whom llo Had Apitointed to office and Who Ars Working so Hani for Good Govern.' im-ut. Nor Could He A be u don the t People of New York After go BUorf a Service. (By the Associated Press.) New Vnrlr H (1 T.m. (Vl. " man.,,of New Tork. mad publlo to- day a latter from Mayor Gaynor. Mr. :" Creelman decided on this step bacaus ': he was convinced today that nothing; but this action would prvnt Mr. Gaynor'a nomination by th Demo cratic ptate Convention. Th letter, : which Is dated fit. James, September 26, and addressed to Mr. Creelman. says: "I am this day writing a letter to Chairman Mix. stating that I am not a candidate for nomination for gov crnor and refuse to become such. I do this to remove alt doubt on ths subject which may arise by reason of irresponsible statements which 1 am Informed are being circulated. No utterance of mine has put the matter In doubt. Boras hav said to me that the convention may nominate me, al though I am not a candidate. It seems to me thst it might appear vain or egotistical for ma to aroum la my letter to Mr. otx that the extraordi nary thing might happen. I therefore write this supplemental letter to yoa to take to Rochester and how, so ss to prevent my nomination if it should appear to be Imminent. "Make it plain. If nominated, t will decline to accept. I could not aban don to their fat ths splendid men' whom I hav appointed to office and who are working so hard for good government, nor could I abandon the people of New Tork after o short service. You msy make this letter public or In advance of going to Roch-' ester If In vour Judgment you should think the situation calls ror It. But do not do to unless it is plsinly neces sary Every honest man will under stand mi" WANTOD MiR Ml RDFJL Victim of Martvlins WtiMtend Died la ' teoMebom It Sunday Negro CMOWt a IVn of Twenty Pig. Sixteen of? Whkil Have Been Located by Depu ty Kherih! of W lln. etc. trtpeclsl to News snd Observer.) Wilson, Bept. IT. Lest Hunday Poa lice Chief O. A. Glover, of Wilson, wag notified by the Ooldshuro authorities to be on the lookout for Marcellua Wlnstaad. Lsst week. In OoldboroJ Wlnstead shot a negro, snd on last Hunday the man died. , Wilson Is the bom ot Wlnstead. and It ia saf to! ay our vigilant nolle will hav hlmi In the tolls before long. George More, who has time and again been convicted for retailing, entil who has. en account of hla extremal old age, been given a soft snsa around the courthouse as a "trusty," la In trouble again the aunt old charge "Jet er 'rommerdatln' white getnmenst wld a dram to cut de cobweb outen dev frosts" George admits his aunt snd save he purchased the stuff from a white man bv the name of Farmer.! who rase will be heard Wednesdsft morning. Hayes Watson, the Begto who la, now under two bonds and In tail. charged with the theft of two hogs. surehr believes la '"raising" hogs, Ifl hot "hominy," After ths arrest and Incarceration nt th "meat raiser., mine host R. B. Crawford, ef the Kew Prise Hotel, thought possibly hsj might be the coon who emptied hlay pen Inst April taking; awsy nineteen' heed of blooded shote. Deputy Oeorgej Mum ford waa detailed ea the esse andl soon he located sixteen ef th "squeal- era" in different pen. Peek, ef the "trunters" located wss eold by th man now In Jail, and It I eg to him te prove wher he "raised" the pork trs. e aaaasSJssfcaggass-snsss HOMICIDE CASK IN HAYWOOr. lave tattna and Win hi ar ' Ar ralgwed for TrinL , ' fdpecta! to News snd Observer.) A'rrneerllle. flept IT Pv Putt" nd Will Hill, charged with th murde nf fle Thurmat n at Rig Creek, were arreiene-d tn court to-day and mm- ,,,,, t M t.mnmw. ; ,1tm w)1, m,k, . Kr,, fn, ,R, rnntlnuance of trial Theist owe flghfj till the Febritse- tee i ef ennrt. It M ss I thst th killing ef fieors Therm tj was one ef th moat stroelnvt rmir- eIrsa ever eesnet . n.ynrf reuntr n Th f.f Gi itted In the bound e Tha r-aae ef Cri"S tlrim rhare- -a hh hitiina Will Humphrey, at 'Qiilnlandtown. has Keen set ftr tornora ' 'r.m. venlr ef Jl has been ri i Twd- BRANDT aniX. CA PTCRri. gnrrtd fuetrtb end De-wty Make Psht. f Sperlal to Xewa tr1 4w-rer I te.-itr. Prt 17 etatuTday mi1-! .Fhef-.ff i. M fm'th snd !-pty f-.,r; e rama npoet S ban.iv t -f ia j eeat.'n Peer o!lt"svi!)e - i (pttr t the elirti ete t" t. mxr e-n, ,r I bre.tgM It te P"n. Ta s..t r -' ef s Wr-den bf t-t t hi j it ! w- V-t '. l ws a e- t! l-it s-rar"et f e rji tl t-- " t --"-' - 1 r-- erw- M "4 t-er s.r-jr t n ef ear i '.. t ,. tt f,.,i a- - h t-oais da earr f-t f ItimVer darrj is ,-ra . . ,