away ttj M ( Ths m 1 r- 1 j 15.513 ntk aaas a. RALEIGH, X. C THCT.SDAY !:ORXIXO, SE1TEMKEII 19 10 I'BICE 5 CENTS V w I o Leads all NoailhCaroliinia Dailies in News aediQ.irculatioini nOOSEVELT STILL ES GOWCITlOa Ills Osn'Stimscrrllanied . for Governor TEE OTHER PLIITIS Ue Mat Made Xp By Ikwae-tolt, Sea tur Root and ThHr JMlc. UVat Through Without a ItilH-ftM Infcmcl WUI Stump tb Mat Fur tl TV kot Tlw Ckw of C uotrs ttn Found Uie RooevHt Fgrre tn . Complete Uaavvj of Sliaatloa, , (By tb Associated Prm) arstoga, N. T, Sept It Ths F. J"M'.' n. ette .coAVcBllaa... Uktajttn-, It it tuoilnated Henry L Stlmaon, of New fork, a lu candidate for Oo ermir. Ths nnmlniuloa of Mr. itlmsoa was' en more victory for CoL Tbeo lur Rotevylt. who personally 14 the Siiht for the nomination of hi can didate, rmpljtVC tht unbroken set-tos of triumphs trtim the moment th consenting wa called lo order yester day aficrnoon vptll Ks final adjourn- - The remainder of the Bute ticket ' follow: t-'ur Lieutnant-Ooernor---Edwr4 S. hurlli" k. For becretary of (Hate tiamuel & Koenig (renominated) - For rital Comptroller Jaraee Thompson. For tttt Treasurer Thorn. T. Fennejl. .- For rHat Engineer Frank M. Wil liams (renominated.) , I' or Attorney General Edward R. O.V-illry. (renominated.) - for. A5oclMe Judge of th Court of M'i Irvin U. Vanu, trenoail nstra ) . . i . The vote tor governor stood m fol ' lows: ' . - , i Ui j I K.lmeon, Ml: Wtn. S. Ben-.tu,,- of New-Vork, 1431 - Thome H. 1li. uf Kochreter Ji Jairni B. Mr- l.iiii, i'f Al'ranv, II, Hratterlnc. II .ii. iU t thla aurnln;,h and eoaatniltly keep la. tout h y Co1. H....wvi rt. Rnmtor Koot and wtb the National Confren.o of Cato- tn ir i. wr-m .nrourn ni.,K0 Charttle. Th rnromlneea all! a hlth - With the oUon of thevgraw an a nlan of atnd to ... 'ri'.in!n-r)in fr novrrnor and comp troller, there wer no ronteeta i Kepr'rn1tlv Ut-nnetV who ha rrn ontlu-tlnc the only eyrn cara pr.lgn f'ir the nomination tor Gover--r, kiH p the rt."it to th end, and Ma periWocy and hi trenirth with the Niw Vurk dtl'-extlon. threatened thin fteruion lo break th slat. It la nndcrKtood that Col. Itooerlt will tump the Htate for th ticket lie It rvli'irti'd to hav tald today that be nould. At tht i e of the convention. Jam? 8. Wadeaorth, Jr., epeaker of the aermblf for five year, announce hie vltVrwl mm the leUlature. lie H till determination waa reach ed some time ao and waa du en tirety tn hi pereonal view, a to the lonath of limn a member ehould bold thut Important and difficult office. Mr. Wiidr-worth would not r that Ma rtlrement u du to th victory of the pnipreniitve. , (Continued on p two. KDEY MADE THE SPEECH I II I.K , tlOVERXOIfa APPO!ST Slr XT AN! MI) IT SO M'fXL TlirilK tHA. DISAfPOIXT-MKXT.-AND UK . WAS WX)M; Foil GOTTRXOR, MlOVIDMJ 1DtKE t-RAIO DOKSXT WANT Cufdul In Ne and Oberver.l Uncolnton. Sept .!!. About J cltixrni fattKiri-il hre today t bear Governor Kltchln. who wa unfortu tite!y deta'ntd In Ralegh on account of the death of ftiile Auditor Dixon. Hon. C. R. Hoey. of Shelby, at the r mtft of the State Iemwratlc Execu tive Committee, filled the appointment and mude on of th beet peechpt becrd here tor eome Urn.' It wa a lirllllnnt effort ri'id aroused much en thui.i!ism. Hon. A." I Qulckcl, who Inirodmfd the eieaker, expressed the 1im t that there were number' fol Un'Vilnton folli who would' be glad to vote lor Mr. Hoey for Governor ".il.iu tbe nonr future while Um-oln-t r tt county te for Locke Cralsr. Kw.. If lie want the nonilnattoit, but In the oi 1 r. ion of your correspondent the i-oun'y wi.nld be Just aa (olid for Mr. Jl ity ir Mr, CThik falls to enter the Mi'P. , ' ii M k H T1C CIA II. iitou I-iiiiit, !,iuln County )r- (.Wlir." ti'Mt. , -1 i i 1 (,) N'. h nod Observer.) P.-ft. i, t niuht an en- 'r ni.-tlri)f i-.f 1 emncrntt ton fr.. 'in t wi.s bohi in the for th of form- "ll.T. I- t - h i , i - 11 . i -I i "' ' ' CATHOLICS START MTIOH-VIDEHflVE An Organization for Pro tection cf Girls C0I3UITTEE II DfEBT EITT The Vet Aiaaaai Oiftreme) of Cm oOc Cliarttk nrld M aebtero. hi Brooh to ft Cto and ki Coot. Mend UUrhljr forrewraJDeia. Katca Are Wetreaare; bj Uke Preei. dmt. aa4 Tkrlr TTork Coaaaweukrd Other Matter CoVfcfpd by Uw Coaforemcav - (Br th Aaaorlated Praa.) . 4 "WahlrirOTr. c;Pt It Wat la considered to the nort aneceea. ful coareaUoa of it kind eter aeU aader th aoplr of th Catholle churtk In America came t aa eod today ha Preatdent Taft (mmi. ed th efforta of th lt lecata to ta firet annua eonferene Catbolle cbarltlea and wlahed thera attccoa la their Nttloa-wtd aioveeneiit.' 1 roilowlaf Ue tploatof aeaaloa of th coaferoac th deUcatea went to th eaat room at th Whit Booae and listened a 1th InUreat to Ui laud atory renarka of th PreaWeov Juot before adjournment, th con ferenc ent the (ulletn Mblecram to Pop Hu X: 'Th National Confereoc of Caiho ac Charltlr convened In th taino Uo t'nlveraity of Amerka, foe th as aietance of oar poor brethren, a your apootolle bteealac their labor.' tin f the tnnat Important aHioi of th confer cm u a doclatoa to appoint a conraituee la eerjr city la th I'nlted htatea which wtU form a network ter th eoantrr far the; protetluo of alrta. Then romml'iM will be rotpied or rrpreentatiTea ofTk- ari all (a I noil, Womea Charity orcanl-f1" Miiona in eaca ctty, and win work to- diecover lh local eondltlona la aarh Oty: rcnatruct a general piu uf pre venllv work: co-prt with other attend worklny alone almllar linr and will develop a policy dMged to H"t th problem effm-tirery. Th confernnc decided farther to develop 8t Ellaabeth' ttiloa. which la compoaed of Catholic wtna'a o deUea, and which waa irruliej at a convention of tha , Vincent de Paul Boctty at Richmond, two year aro, Hlitht Rev. Mirr. D. J. UrMahon. of New York tlty. and Bee. lr. wu llam J. Kerby. of th Catholic Vnlver lty of Amertcav were anoolnted a nlT, L l'Ji. ------ .., -. ... m rauvn Vi iu. nonai conference of charttlaa and th commute wtU conalder th qaatton oi cnaniting iu nam to th Federation or t a'hoiio Women'a fkxaaiaa. Th clottn aomlon cf tha confer enca dlwueaed tha ootinn r -rw- unoueBcy." Judaa Ulchaal f. Olrte of the municipal court of Chk-aau. cited home eondltlona. environment. Income anif' dronkeanea a noma of th source of delinquency, and ad- led the boycott of th merchant trine who doe not pay bit em ploye a fair war and th manufac turer who profit bv aaderpaJd labor. the MXTAV opnn,r ih OIUXTKD AT WUITE HOI SE. The IIMplrKt Monarch. F.itan! Ills liKll-h Vorafmlary la Uta tircct ' tug. (By th Aeaorlated Presa ) Waehlnrton. D. C, Uept II. The Rulten of Btilu met hi old friend "Unv." Taft In th Oren Room of th Whit Hnuae tht afternoon and he completely exhausted hi Knglleh vocabulary In greeting him. "Hod d'ye do. Olad U meet you," ext:l aimed the Rulttui. a he made hie moot profound bow to tho Preel dent Who ttepped forward and grasp ed th monarch warmly by the hand. For several minute they talked oyer Old time thrminh an Interpreter, of rouree. Th Bultan baa hlirh admlra-1 Hon for the President, hevlng met Mm rereral time while Mr, Taft wa Oov-j emor of the Philippine. Th Snlmn waa accompanied to the Whit Hou be hi brother and Mi ttaff. who arej with hlrn on hi tour through thir! ci-ofitry. . . . , ., . The party an Introduced to th rreident by Col. Hueh. I Pro ft. who wae once Amerlrn (iovernor of Bulu. After leavln the White Hnuae the Sultan paid hi reeneete to Mat. Gen ere! Wood, Chief of Ptstf. of the Army. Fnrller In the day he had vllrted the Washington monument rtHTLATiox op crrirs. Crnmi.e Bureau ;Itp Ont rnrtlier IfeTrea. (Py the Acsot-iared Preen. I Wmhlnrtnn. I- C. Rent. C-n kirn flKiirea for Ktrhmond. .. rtven,'h out bv the Bureau of Cenn tn trht i th General A-.mWy frf.m tt, a t give thai, rlty a population of 137.;. ! pUf. Two term, from Halifax and This le hn Inorei" of 11.171 or e9l(on from Ur..'.-. e after returning per rent over 1MV whfn the city's o that rlc. v, , rved, .nl because population was S9. ' iof hia Jelouev, Ms wlf asked . dl- Rnm. C.; . lS.e9, eomptred wltri'vorce. Tl.'s wn r ranted bv th Oen 7,?1 In I0. eml A seem t 'v f 1J1, nid t), a r. Ppr'nli.eld, O , S$,JSI, sn lyreaa , markablo tf n ;t about I' w he was of 11.0H4 or fl.I per cent ovr JJ,.la "oi tn mn. the J.. ln, ti,, J207S an tncrie r.f t. ' 1 i i or !1 I per cent over In f, St It (ft. n loi i r 31 p,-r rent over 3 .'! t fj.5. sn In r c"r.t over - ; ti " ' 1 I .4. pn I. t VV 1 i t Sly Fox Has NO-PLACE fOR. TRAITORS 1 FORTUNE IH TEXAS North Carolinian Dies There Vorth Over Million TRYING TO LOCATE; KIN of ttotara rotter Who Iwt firaavUla Cownty ara VurUn Lake nrmeera Kxptofrnr Old Harorda, In . arrrlewlBft Otd Inhabltaata and Tracing Vp liawaj IVcwarndaata and Memrrat of KJn Thti Carra, OathtKa had BuaKU, of Durham, and Tay . ' lotra. BaUocaa and Ftaalrra, of (iraa vllJe. ara the Keartat Kin. -(Special to New and ObMnrar.) Parhaai, Sept. St. -Editor Jim Rob- ineoa. whe baa retired from Dewe papar woVk, acvertheleea, acoop tb world an th following ttorr: , Tha atadlng of printed circular by a law firm In HrMavlil. Hnuth rr. to Durham. QranvlU. and HaU- fax eouatlea aaklng Information . ona carnlng th t Robert Potter, who I aaid ta bav left In Tezaa a fortune te xc of a million, haa tlrrd up th relative of th 8 exan-Carollalan and promiaea to b aa item of big nwpper lntert- - Tb beat information concerning Ihl litigation ta grow out of th dis covery, m that Mr. Potter left Gran ville county about 113-17 and went tij Texaa. Tb revelation regarding his fortune ha been lately mad. Law yer, representing all Interested, thoae of relative and collateral bcir., of Mr. iottr, ar now exploring old record. Interviewing lb oldest inhabi tant and working like beaver tracing th lineal dcadant and "nearest of kin." Th North Carolina-Tpxan appear lo hv grown rich by nurohaalng property on which were natural gaa and oil wells. For a time It haa been Smpoaelbl to find out Jurt what that property has been. Certain it wa that It baa been a dormant reality most of th time, nothing Indicating what nature of wealth th old ga thman had over wbk h to et th rela tives of half a dosen counties so curi ous and anxious. Th tract of wild land In either JerTeron or Marshall counties, bought by Mr. Potter at tracted no attention until rtewntly, when the oil wells and gaa wer found. A pip line from adorning land haa been laid across this property, th rec ords hav made It clear that Robert Potter owned the land and the kin peopl hav the r cm to mak war for It Th Carra. Outhrir., and Bussells of Durham eoutity, and th Taylor. IJul-i locks and Kraiier of Granville, ere the Beareet relailvea of Mrs. Potter who ta now livlri?. Th merit of the eae may Weil he established hy these becauee there ar torners and other In th family quit able to work it out People who knew ttobert Potter say that be waa a m.i of markedly dis tinct character, llm life wa a daring one and hie otT-hund biographer says of htm tbut he aaa Ineanely pealous of his w:fe. Two children cam of the union, but both, a boy and a girl, died before they married, lie lived ,n Halifax c intv. and wept to memner ot.t" trtnunai tu t give '1 n.l.Uon 1 rm ( t, he toOllf i 1 be ' i I w . r l v nt t..',l i. tb how i -tt K t be vv vrr. rv bo; to T-t ''it Is 4 I In a d 1 4 1 I r ; n v tie l .1 AWAITING HEIRS aeaa.aaB-BBaa. -.-. Fooled People His Last Time Ft a 1 CHAHSED VITH URGENT MA CHARGES HIS . XXTTIEVT wrrH ' 8Tn.vLr(; tis joint k-uded (am grAXTrnr or .WHISKKT DISOOVtRKD. (Spoeial to Newa and Obaerver ) Durham. Bept t dergeaat J. R. Pendergrast this morning arrested Harry Kirk, a young whit man charged with th larceny of til from Ma unci. Th boy apent th night with hi klnaman at th pump house several mllta from tb city and ram to Durham to go off oa th train o. I tenelbly to Richmond. 11 waa ar- reatad at W'eat Durham. Th tiacl ay that when he wont to bod. the hlgbl before, h had lit ta his pocket and hi belief was that tb boy got up during th night, knowing of th money la h inma s pock eta, and took It , When f--nd ihe youngster had 111 la bl pooXet' , ' lie wa held lor court. It waa th complaint ef th boy1 unci that caued hi arrests Th casa against hlra ta en tiiat Judge B)'ke cannot handle. A long auapctd place, but too Smoothly conducted to warrant Vie arrest oi tn owner, wa raided th morning and Nathan Johnson .taken for retailing. Th plac adjoin tha Murray hotel, and It haa bean a very eulet and orderly Joint It la Only twenty-five yards from th poUc- headquarters and therefor forced to b respected t th law and Ita officers. - When in 'joint was arohd. thor war found eleven gallon of boot, which were carefully cloned la by kega Two four gallon kg and tb remainder la jugs, mad up tha assets of th house. Ther were 100 bottle about, In dlcatlv of tha Sinew of war. But for all that, there had never bean anything appearing wrong enough to Juetify'an arrest Truth ta. In offi cers suspected th plac without caus and detective tendencle alon gave them, right to watch. Tha whiskey 1 believed to b blockade, and It I thought that nearly all that la epoe her tn great quantities, la handled that way. It may develop something oa tn trial berora tn recorder. Th firm of flwaln and Wllev. leaf dealer of Danville, who failed yester day, haa purchased considerable to bacco from W. L. Umstead and W. T. Carrtngtoa, but th failure occurred before th tobacco waa delivered. Th amount involved I said ta b 1260,000. and tha quantity sold them by th Durham men about 169. 00O. Messrs. Carrtngtoa and Umstead hM been among their steadiest Dat rons, but not having delivered latest sal they ara unhurt by th crash. Th Danvtll men wer among th biggest dealer who did btisinesa m that city, FOR 6EIXINO BOOZE. ' John T. Farmer, a Toting White Man. Hound Over for Blltu to Ocorpo Mayo, a Neigro-JlTie) Negro, Mh r-rocurea trto -Jun-e" toy a White Man. Allowed to bo on III Vtn onal Iteoogiitxanoe. (Rpeclsi to Newa and 0rver.i ' Wilson. Bept. II. John T. Farmer, a young whit man was np before Mayor Brlgg thl morning on th tcharg of retailing. Oeore Stays and lien Wonten two old negro men who bav repeatedly been In court for dispensing the ardent wer wit- neeses In th case. George swore positively that he pur chased the liquor from Farmer for a white gentleman, and both were re quired to give bond for their annear snce at the December term of Wilson Superior Court It waa a hard matter to get "Wooten rfo tAlk, but when th Mayor ordered hlrn locked up. he an swered the questions put to him. DEATH OF MIIS. W, A. fiH.VY. Kuoomiif to An AJttaok of TV!li --. (Hpeclnl to News and Observer.) Wadeehoro. Pept IS. Mrs. W, A. fJrav dld yesterday aftur an Illness of about two months, from pellupra. Fho is survived by her husband snd two rnuoren, one a son and the other a daui-btor. The fnnernl scrv!.'. , wre conducted hf hr p at or, Rev. J. II. Vfuf, at the Uray burying groiin-1 at lu O'clock this nior-iti;. of l 1 "i. I :n si of nt S 1. ' r f 11- 'i i mi a v ho r v titi ' i 1:, I 1 b-r fl T 'V m d t ,. t t limnv PTinTrn nn wunaoiHnitiu uii BIG POWER PLANT Terminal Facilities Also Secured Are THE l!.TERURBA RAILWAY Trollry Una From Qiwenvllle, S. C, Via Charlotto and Greensboro to Parbam-aad Inevitably so RaMgh ad Pcrhap to Deep Water la th M Ao Kpev-wlalioa About Big Project of (! Houlhem rower tkmtpany :): . . .. Il At DJtEW JOI JIFJI. Greensboro, Sept H. McaUoa wa mada last week of tha final decision of th Southern Power Company to build on of it two auxiliary power plant here, on' property purchased om Urn sgo,' and from which is now distributed lu current over th eHf. Th" work Of excavatln. th. eight arr reservoir wll commence Wednesday, and th contract for th construction of th Immense building """"f w nous ins oollera, etc. required for a 10.000 horaa.nnw lectrlc fore, will commeno a ontt a all th plana and specification for th building ar In hand, and th contract mads. This plant will Involve in expenuitur or 1300,000. Another strong Unk In th SAM t ! rn Power Company a chela of Inter state, Inter-urban railway develop- iirni, i mm ureenviiie, o. c, via Char lott and Greensboro to Durham and inevitably to Raleigh, we forged Bat urday, when ax-Sherlff Jam, v jr. dan, mad a deal for th John U Klnf property, fronting on Kortn . ureen treat, and transferred It to th com Pr. Th consideration Is hot yet known, but It 1 paid that III. OS win closely ' approxlmata- th purchase prlc. Thl . fivr-acra. plot. whll practically in tha heart of tha rlty oa th block divided only by Green street from th black on which .1 lo cated th city hall, and only on block intra am street, only baa a frontag on' Green' street th balance oi tha land not yet hating. been, opened up with trett . ; .. Thl location la absolutely Ideal for th railway central peasfenxer nd freight sutloos, and will no doubt b utilised for that purpose, sine it Is not needed for any other purpose Is Indlspenslble for terminal freight and passenger facilities and , admirably adapted for thos use. . Th- announcement In tb Charlotte paper Saturday that th Inter-But Inter-Urban Transportation Company would Us 110 miles of th track and rail of th Seaboard Air Lin rail. ruao irora nutnerioraton to Monro. Imply mean that at least twa vewra of work In construction of trackae-e between Greenville and Oreenaboro. and all months between Greenville and Charlotte ara eliminated. This. of course, give a tremendoua sil van tar to Charlotta and land lying on that rout. ; . Thla advantage, while great In th particular section where the Seaboard Air Una covers, will be greater at terminal points, where H he no outlet, uch point being Lexington. new Houthbound, really Norfolk and Western In - new competition with Southern and Norfolk and Western monopoly at Wlnton-Salem. .' It generally .understood that th tvortoiK ana wcejern is a yn- onym, or an alias, for the South ern Rallwuy Interests, barked by Morgan, -with' s ' allied Interests, Just enoush to escape the Hhernian Inw, th Norfolk Southern In the et. being a Rockefeller or Ktandurd Oil fluvelopment snd holding, .while th rrrat Heubonrd sS'iitem controlled by I iii and ths unnumbered millions of t'i Dukes la being throttled In the t.-rrt'ory east of Raleigh anj south of V , bm. - It li no flry tnle nor is It a preillo- Hon - ! cm nothing thi-t it la miide. - tint i-,,rt living In ttiiitiy meal rtls d ! trirt i I i ,..-n ItaletRh and d-ep wa'.er ' 't i in tct .!. ehera the tiesbixird Air ir '..,., draw trnile, end where i n i ( i. fi . ..rii. tle Alleniln Coast I.'n. ' Jtr-e f "V" ' i hern and other n road ' .... i oa I'eg Xtifeajj, PAIL IIGS 01 i THE WHITE HOUSEI ! Taft and Cabinet Sound no Joyful Notes AUBUED. IT -SmUTIOajFiXDS OJLRK OUTlfiOX Wtini he Coaar end to 11 Appevraar of Aiimdaala, a a F.ner fM(bbed HnM-; raa Cwngyesj asm a CaB foe tfre.' . tTjhg lor Hrtp. ratrwaav. Tttlnc Burvauvoi henith Alarasrd Owe Bttaauo k . Mia make, Merfdgaav By THOMAS ECK vraahiagtoa. D. 8pt : Th President I back la U White 1 1, .a for the Brat time alive h left Ituh. ngtoa Immediately fullewina tv ad- Journment ef Coagrvaa In tie early summer. 11 has aa his ho (ueeta, Heeretary of la th laterlor lounger and all the membera of hi rabiart. Ith tb axceptloa of r rrury of Uar iMcklnson. who la jumping la th Orteat Th atmoepher around "nit nouaor ks te revere of cheerful. Vtsit!nr sut-wi.lii. who com and go, glv th aj pearaar f sttendanu at a funeral. Not a joyful aot ha been uttered at the Kxec tl Mansion atnee th r turn or Mr. Taft ta Washington. labinet etfl cer and vldtor talk as uttw a poe slbl about xltlng p utical eondl tlona. One and awhiie Republi can tateema will command irniient courage to Uke a crack at Theodora Rooaevelt bat all eoavereatwm men lably to th wM aorwolad raa. - ' rluaton that Ih Kepubllcaa party M wnnoui nop in in rornmr .1. rto r In the future, for that matter. ? c,m to Washfrigtnn for cheer A number of alarmed and frighten- doomed to dlppolnlmnw d ringremn- hav mad (heir wyl" he picked u the Washlngtun to tha WhJU House during th pastj8'"' this afternoon, one of th strong few day. Among th aumber were PwhllewB paper in th sntlr Senator Cuiila. of Kaasas; Reprwen- il'nUrd States he read th fnllowlna latlv Smith, of Mlehlgaa. and a half Hlatch from Saratoga. New' Tors! dogen ethers. They cam for blu. W 4 tiiff roreeeiadet,! it.- .patroaag or .any old thing thrown their way wauld b grately apprecl- ated. Representative gmlth confided to those with whom he talked that he Is In a Mat of alarm with regard th situation In Michigan. There hss been no more ronalatvntly Renubitcaa m ine nation man uicnigaa. and when Republican leader glv evidence of weakening there. Democrats oufht not to be without hope tn any State in the union Mr. Smith thinks that Representative Den by of the first Michigan district la In grav danger of defeat He also frankly admits that th situstton I anything but a pleasing one for him In hi district th alxih. Michigan ha had thirteen Republican congressman . for many rr past, and well informed Demo crat nave hardly expected that a Break could be made In tha deteaa - won. tnereiure. in new that Mr. Smith carried to tha Whit House. lurnisneo additbrnal evidence that thra in Hen. Nearly J00 men uemocranc majority In tha at Houa will h overwhelming. On feature of th situation la Michigan that la alarming to Mr. Smith b th fact that Repreaentativo Denby, of that State, who la a mem ber of th Bellinger Ilnchot investi gating committee, has aot only an nounced that h will vote for th vin dication of Mr. Balllnser, but that a Will vote for th re-electloa of Speak er Cannon If returned to the House. While Michigan s - a good Republi can Stat. Mr. Smith la of th optatoa that ther la a limit to humane en durance, and that tha people will Jbalk at th Impudent praise of Balltnger end Cannon being Indulged In by Denby. He told friends here that Denby'a ooure not only threatened hi defeat, but that of other Repub lican congressmen aa wait On thing mad certain sine th return of th President la that Secre tary Oalllnger will not be retired from office. Friends of th adminis tration had hoped that Balltnger would ee that he la Injuring the Pres ident politically By Continuing In th cabinet, and that he would voluntarily resign,- but they did not know their man. Ralllnger think he la aa rood aa Aldiich, Wlokeraham or any part of the administration outfit sad hs is tmermined to slay, unless he la kick ed out. ' PTesldsnt Taft be let it be known that he will not ask for Bal - llngera reslgnsUon. There I, mch eurslng her among; dmlniatrattoa Reouhllcan beiaus of . th. ot. nc and perversity of HalHnger. action of the President In standing by Secretary H.lllnger mean, that h wUI refuse th claim of Cliff ebaw tor instatement as a nraclMn. attorney In th Intertor and mh.r h-.u.,.-..'. mvm of the government that Mr. ' Shaw waa debarred from prctlc 4n th. department, after his removal from otflc, along with Giffotd Pinchot .!: ? - gallon Jn Congress snugnt to hav corrected thl tnluetlc don Mr. Hhaw, who is a son of Major John IX j Hhs.w. Th President rsgvd and i fumed when the request whs callelj to his attention, but later promised to I consider Mr. rihaw s request when a : reached a decision in the controversy i pending between Bellinger and PI a-! chut Halllnger has sworn fhit Jdr. - By Hie Aawwiated Pren. Hhaw shall never practice in the de-1 Rome, Wept II. It is considered Pftrtment aa long aa he I secretary I oertain at the Vatican that th Pupa of th interior. Mr. Taft haMnf i will hold a consistory about the itiid stded with hi secretary of tho In-idle of November. There are many terlnr. It look Ilk Mr. f.hsw, who Is now residing In tli west, will lo bis demand for Justice and riht His defrst will be enly temporary. Nine teen and twelve Is only two years the Interior will trrct the wrong ' done the North Carolir atterrer. who , Mgr. Oraaito I'l .lelmonte. Pui i ws removed from uftlro alula with Nuncfo at Vb nna: Mgr. Amlette, fi fTnrj I im hot for protecting the In- ! Ar. bblehop of I'r; Katiier ('ninU-r, tereita "f th people and fatthfuUyt rnerl 'of the Domini nn, ii fi!3 Imrrinif the duties of bis oMca, I'slber Lhrla, UUraiisu vt tb i'.fEiUnued oa I'g fc';x,) . jesn, ... :MM10SI!i At Washington No Doubt For Aid and Counsel It A Hi Ho a Kal a -r-! ... . ... BrtaC B to Uw ralthral" of h Kaar lie Will Can nm Taft Today 11 Called Trwtentay. Rwl tWdal 'he llYHIeae ..Read Dm rrwatttac m rVnea w Tarfc, heex Aatoat RepohUoauw, Urimlf ti raaatmoeM. ' " . "T (BT THUMAS t, PIACTE.) Washington, D. sept !. R. publlcaa Mate Chairman Merehpad, wh la is Haehington. waa a cailr at tb White Houao to lay. bat failed to seo the President. He exoecla to aall j Main tomorrow At the ttme of tha North Carolina congress man' arri val. Mr Taft waa buay talking to AnhbUhup Irakand, th Catholic pr lat. who letter to "Dear Maria. which wre mad publte last week, aiad Mr km.v.ii ...n. -r - ---. wa aifajwaysrw ty. The mission thai be. .,. u. Morehead to Washington at this time baa kot Ma disclosed, hut It win probably result in a plea for aid and advic in th North Carolina cam- halga. It haa beea uggeMd that possibly Chairman Morehead la naeavortng to cancel the ngagment made for ta two uawrtr political Jonah, th tee.pretder af the Tailed state " ad toagreasman MrKifllai. who ar. uader eagagement to addree Voril. ; v ainiina Ksnumicans ir M. vi jcwi the sam being th w. U kaowa ( MlUi-al mnifr, N. O. Messenger! "I i b" fonad one IUtmbikwa of l"lnWie ht tbe Mam mvewikm rtnalira ilM' hoti" let a loon ,hl orlicf. Ibst thr Repahlhaa raa i rmrrf th Stale. The drsnalv la uaw. Mr Morehead has tended In a poll tJcal morg'ie so far as Republican poliUctnns are concerned, and It will bo a sal storr that he will Uke back to th "faithful- h, the 8tat. J j OCEAX RKI WITH niH. A MilHow nan a Hair of Fat-Back FMl tanght at Beaufort. gpelal to New snd Olwerver.I T Beaufort Sept. II. A million and a half fat-back fish wer 1 here today and fishermen who mu I tonignt reported that a far they ey could reach the ocean wa ara employed tn catching them. Tha properly called Menhaden, ar not fit for food, but ar dried (t manufactured Into olla and guano. TIFT CIIET liiT it GO OVER ESTTMATKS FOR SET ERAL ' EXEtTTJTB DEPART ME.VT9 DRAFT OP; POST.Ui BANK REGrLATIOXS KCBMIT ' TED. ;, . ' " . y . (Rr tb Associated Press.) " Waahtngtba. Sept II President Tart and his adviser put In a good day' work today on th estimate for th several executive departmenU to be ubmltted to Congress at tho ap proaching session. Acting SecreUry of . War Oliver and Major Oeneral Wood, , Chief of RUB of th Ary. went over th War Department esti mates with th cabinet A tenutlv drn or th posut bank ragulatlona en which th trustee bJW been hard ' t work, was submitted to th Presl- pPr,u"', M "u" . "',!'l" art.,.B: -.1 . V , IV. T.hJ ?' ?.p Be. nouM1 th Whit l L T m"c" ork T m'n"l11b?.lon.? tM """V HJ at JVZa ""J S re-if" J?" ff .on,ld"r neI w,." ,n" ,ncr roa lnw. arrangemenu lor a vaca- a wiii brecwiied!v" :"v;rv!. "rr w v.;' : . w , w , r it. , , , . "T vaiiT-rai win uijvri 1 " r ' u tovirTv . tl?V !r,?. V! ill t?.',:T Lrf''' tiZ::';7ZX hundred tdeTega,:. o tho Catholic Charities Conference and to greet hia old friend, th Sultan of iSulu. ' tTXSISTt)RY IS XOVtaiUKB. , Many Vaiwatirs la tlir t anllnalsto Thoas Who May lt r xaluxt vai-sncte In the Csrditiulute and thosen most likely to receive th red bat are believed to be Mgr. Uisletl. Papal Majordoma; Mgr. Lungarl of the Holy oiflfe; fr. t'ulstlnl. ere tary of the Cono-infv of i oiu:i-v .Ti tlon; Mgr. Belle 1'atrisr, h of lj.i.un: