f 1 e i t i t i t i r ill I' iiUilLl ii.;U Li u .i'zt:m:i L4Ln(j uLii is.; . i . I l t MEETIKS !iGlES.illS AJiY CANDIDATE This at Republican Under Ccrrcnt Feeling A : a . t j. ir v - 4 -f I Speaking at Cary f:r Edward M.Sh-ird ' t.frr4.-rt-M tt5J ta t" t Ll l. ; r t r(M-u-i '" 1 ' i H io:cus jn. I ST!i$75,0Q0.00 Biscay 111 Our wmdou Today j"" j '-ry w-..i'- Cj : ;l r I 1 ' ,i' if i - t I, ..J!.: "; " 1 s ... Wl t ' ' ' i i t ' !,.:- i ' J ' . I r o i v it ,1 3, If . r t 1 ! ... t - Mi I. 1 4 'i I , ! '1! ! ; I. " I.! n1) "'i'.l 1 . . . T : ' nf ..Hs ...i . i , ' f: il SiS I A V n.U 1V tlw cm. la rw f JUcv i Uw aiMl Fart y tW Wck , Wak cm)) n4 auuMUaf of truoi fcwa, far ta j k h4 M UttU kelp tin Md wik tuunt. 17 f ho rrva Thrr tny r. avarhr half t .a.ai. 4liii t th rtt-e aVa,; '"' v wltuiioDal amvBOmmt, that .ut thu- wivi art nam rrvaa mm ufim ibi .acBi , . - ' -' J" .1 ' . that II kua aiva aa4 la cluikl W fWa this iakff auAa a a aM -. tri Th. arro aa rrtinly la aillilHtiAK laa i aalaaa a. . k . .. ; , ' ' . fiiinl Kvtiu b i I, n eaadltijklM orato. thlr lum-a. aa. tk. ac .r .ka MM. ka 11 a Hf Ihara war. . K puhlloana r .M,ai rtiu kin HWa UrraaN ba4 "UH .trluion of tha airrtia aa that , g wia at laa ' f a Kaaubllran aha, afkao U4 rtf that tha iiwhri oar poor aaJ th rnthuaiwin llitl. aaJJ ha atahaj fhclr erowd had a tkr lika Vr. Sikta ta frl thrtr rcrd At rrankHn ftvclnct la Swift Crak yatrila lha hma of Kraratt Itank. randldala for traaaurar tha rnuih adtarttaed mvattng aa aata axirthy ' raaon of tha ttaaaanca of four l-mocrata and four Rapuh Ucana. I actual count, and hy tha couraa Oix, l ! by tha aakara to Mtaatatc th aaua and dtaraaa hocua Onaa mainly Thy ancouraod tha ra audWnra t a-irlrtf that W. O. Ormanla. former auirlntandat ot - - - . wncrraa 11 la a Biaurr u: i.imraow knowladfa that Mr. Oaaianta raalUad ai.zav a yaar. Th Radical randldalaa war out In full forra. la tha plac of O IVnt Alfnrrt. who flaw lha Coop, waa R. L Hnydi-r. now put up for tha cnata. t). U. Ellar. for tha Nona. Jack Hardin for clerk of court, Errt Vanka for trcaaurrr. and ("art It Honaycutt for rrflatcr of dda. ara In tha runlng Mill. Tha Cary maat log aaa hald ia Harrtaoa a HaU. and prraldad orrr by W. M. King, wha Introduced each apaakar la tola beat go-to-mtlng mannar . Aa yat ad lcaa aa to whara tha nVI1n anthu- ' HaaU acurd a hall for their audi anca hav not bara raolvad. Much haa baan heard of lata about dlagruntlad fVmorrata who would coma to tha aid of tha Republican local ticket, hut ao far It la hellerad that Republlcaaa. aapadally aa their meeting baa reoalvad but Utile an courageaifrnt from thla aource At rVanklln the call waa laaued for a maaa maatfhg, to which dlaaatlafled liemocrata wara cordially Intltad. No alarm by tjaaneorau, howtver. la fait over thla more, for the raaaon that In tha diacaaalona In that vldnita of the apeahera and thatr laauea ' .greed that the preaent tkket la tha -wealrert alnc ttiat which, la mamor- alla day, carried tha nam of Jim .llarrl for tha legiatatur. The netvlaca ware cloaed with tha handing out of a arandaloua article attacking Mr. N. n. Broughton. Mora ,t head i Byeech and th Rrfiubll. an "Jilatform. IN TIIK SlI'MFMF, COITIT. aac Ih-ing Argurd n Aipral Itoaa tlie Hfth lMelrk-i , Appeal! from th Fifth Dlotrlct were argued yesterday In the Supreme .Court an follow: Chadhourn 8h. Door and Lumber X'o, v. f". R. Parker at al. appellanta; from New Hanover. Argued by Oavla Davla for plaintiff; 8. M. Empl for defendant appellanta ' W. P. Pickett and wlf v. A. V. U Railroad Co.. annallanl' fraam I.,.J lln Argued by Rountre a- Carr for luamuna; nana uatna and H. U tevcn for defendant. H P. Taylor, appellant, v. John T Riley al; from Pender. Argued by ji. 1 mevens ana k. k. Bryan for -jMawvun; uao. -Kountr and J. T Bland and Herbert HcClammy for , various derendantg. T. J. Newaome T. W. V. Telegraph ''.. anneltallt' fmm BaMnu. a a a - . ... . ... .w Arium . by Oeo. B. Butler and J, n v. . jilalntlffi R. C. Stroft and A. 8. Bar- nam lor oaiennant. . In th c of a. E. Hawk, appellant, y .elf ia I Jim Nap Cn knm - count-, th court announced that tha Pition lor certiorari had been rafuaad ainu lav appeal uiamiaaeo. Mr. Onorii SiuintFaa ar trui. . . . ' .. . . 1TUIUII1I ton, ia in tha city In attendance on .i in aeaaion or tiu court. Gveraor to Hickory. Governor T. W. Kttchln Uft last hlght for Hickory, wher ti wlU to day mak an address at a Democratic Governor Kltchln was to have ,' apokeu at Llncolnton yeaterdav, but remained here beonuaa of Dr IHt. . funeraL lila appointment was filUd oy ur. A;iyo rv. Hoey, of IShelby. Martin Rv Rlv Malmata "Martin county will Uila year rive 11 uauai uamocratic ma)orlty." aald tiherlff J. C. Crawford, wha waa hare last nignt. .- "Tha Democracy la all right and tk majority will be a big one, . How's ThU? V effc Cm Rnadrad IMkut aar fcr aa nw 1 'rr ikal aaaaet ka aaraa by Baui . . r i.CrKrrmco,T. Wa. to aaamant. bat kaaaa T J. im 111 bat it tod nMmrm kaa e-rmr - . riii Mi aa BuMfMka tvaaaaruena a4 kmiaaau ana w carry n an aMmivna amda wy km ktm. aAXtfmo. KiNNiaa haa'iw, iKimai lirTiMa TnM 01 ttanaCalarr CTf a U'a ,itaaHr. artlx klirnir ttn tha hkioa aaat ntiaaoia aurlaaa m It aim. l-attBMiniaa awt fraa foot Jk li.HU tuuui i ua (A , ......... ..,-.....-.,... ... r.iwa. r'rnmwf, raroa. riraiioa. county achoola. did l.r lio or MttjTliara ara la tha Intrrmadlata claam, a 1 nrk arhli-li rt . .w .a tfaaaa- .a . j 1 1 . . CAT IT EEXj . . . 'I to Ri!?;h r rwrwem mmt l" MfMVM. R1 H,rit.l M Back a vWnc BM, U lft4 lk ttt nrt UQ..U .a- .ut. - . ., . . Tk fim katMtal aaa k.'a IM. Jfca a aaa la Ittt, b Irua - , R1 H T) ai..ia-i a w a a a a... . .. ro, r,na yara. Ka aaaaj i.imi.u ....a k - ta aukh(t iwnn aaa thra na . ... IWM N1 VMf Ml If IkM 1.-11 . . . . laek a aclraaid ataa ay dcHl aild a aw a4 air-to-aata . T nrar, aa4 laha.il ana aa I k.t.itl of today la tha r- ka t. - - - k.u , - f"'-"""'"l.y .I" ( mmw-m ar mm lupmmrnQi UkM f hit. H.luHHtMldlMl Ik iKian mw.nt . i-w . 1 ni a Rivni 1 ii , that la 11 im ntlt b( t krra frm th Vlrtlnlh aaapltal al t , iik-hiauma ariak . .l-.jij ...i KarhMtoad artth a erWadld raputatioa. tea aha haa arai NMUhtatBad at Wan Kal 11 H-ni a yaar ago. taara urara. Saw thara r Tha nuraaa " nava coma ara all a aiahtaaa. Tmim imfm V. a fraaa aM part of thia Htata and from Vlrtinia and t..rh farollaa. and ia of thm ha during tha yaar. kwaan 1 1 , n n a..... I . . w . , I a. tha otr and la ar1 parta at thai,r."n Mr. IHt hlmaaf to eonalder tHala. Thrra la a thraa-yaar cauraa tk" homlnatloa for Oovarnor. bat ha for auraaa. Ttia anior claaa la to gradual In klav Dit, and 4 11. . b. Hi mamhars ara Mra Marr and M atowa. Himntona. IVaraoa. Rraitoa. w. 'Mi ia iDf junior. 4 few dara aao ' lhara wara aa - , rrowoing aomawhat. it ran be accom modated The pat lan ta have coma, not only from many parts of North Carolina, bat from several other "tatea. Each atoath there haw been from it t i charity patienta a greet deal of what Is known as char ity surgery haa been dona, and the wrgatms who do thla and tha phyal ciana. who do the medlraj work in tne charttv eartla hawa ika annMiaiiM and the thanks of tha hospital staff and th general public as well. Tk members of th Raleigh Academy of Medicine aire the!, eervlcee free to th c,ln paiienia, not. only at thla hoapl. tal. but at t Agnea. wher negro patient are cared for under contract with the city. It mar b said her, and aald truly, that the surgery at th Rax Is of ao high a class that It attract attention la manv fttataa Thara at-. ..... Hospitals thaa Res, but non ....... a. a v oeuer. it is very aaf to say this. What has been dona haa rout much money and there ta vat n ji-u of something tike M.ttt. And yet me noapiui will ara Ion haia In ha enlarged. Its patronage 1 growing ao rapiaiy tnat another such enlarge ment la aeea to be, a near-necessity. Th butldtng waa specially construct- ra wiin a view to Burn an ritenslon. All the hospital la lnt-restlnf, but What a nlctura la tha aa.il ..- naai- children! U It ara aix bda. and now threa little boyg wceapy half of the. Happy little felloew are these on re twerlnt from typhoid fever, the other ' apwaiTOB. ine mtm irom a broken lea. TVka mrm ik- a.a. and the privilege of this dear IHtle wain ia private, snn sirs Joaeohua Tlanl-la arKO furtli-H-H I I- - ----- - - 11., an 1" r niiji j ot her Htthj daughter Adelaide Worth, looka after it and maintains it. with loving; csr. This room la A!led vp all the while, mainly with charity M tlenta. Tealerday afternwm and last rren Ing. tha Raleish nannta akAarait th.!. hearty intereat in Reg by their pre anca. thalr kind WAMi a. a il. gifts of mo.- and of various needed amenra. nur ana Sunshine girls, mada tha vtaitors feel at home and ther wart shown over the building. Thar was never a visitor of them all who failed to feet and to express a pride la thl invaluable hospital. WEATHTR 1 THE COTTOJf BELT. Brl m p. m. TventTrapiitr1 Refloat t ',rHJrJ hy the Loral Offlfw tj, g, h Weather ruareaa. , , ... , , ? Tha onlv rain reported was light ho wars at Ahtlaaa , mmA ."... . Christ I. Te.. Mobllaa Ala- and A.ha. tdlla. N. C. Tha temperatures have - a aaam over " Borthewstern portion and the mailnni. HMa Of tha laaMI m. Ik. nu . a. . 1. Thunderstorma oreurred la southern Aaa as win -a , , , - Ept local cloudiness at a few sta tions th weather waa reported (atv rally clear aver tha belt at I p. in rifui krunn, talMa al ti r. U. t Temperattlra. si a mTtosa AsheV'lla . . T II 7 .14 Atlanta.. - . Chaneatoti Knoxvm Norfolk a 7 Raleigh . . Waahtngtoa .(I -it Xesrw ta ro l-owr Yrau-a. Sheriff J. C Crawford, of Warn a eoonty. yaaterday hrousht to, the HUt a Piiaoa IJoyil Oilaa. a negro, aentenced to four years for burglary In the second d-araa ti:i . cauyht at Paratora. N. T.. kr.,,,.1.1 i North Carolina an ruui.uu. -...a a.,.. Ihist been tried at th tsrm of court ia Martin county, , j . and la th Junior. 1 " " would oa a aatatak to (poll ' Ta ahow what a place th hoapltal I w,t P"hlng paraopal prefarnca. Vila It hiar ha aald that th aTraglW hop to chooM a candidal who nuirtiber'af pailenta haa baa a 10 A viu acceptabla to all had of few aa in I K .b ia . - aa.i DTjocratlc bDlnlon." - Ukt Tarlow Can.ti Uw fur tn. P CWW Marpaj ar Tka. taay In ad tin ft . . Py tut Amocu'.M rrM m. t.rt Uta r t4 H thwir roafvrvB? faishL flat fhlr- aiitt. bwt Mk. RU-tal Nirartioa. said b bnl that ka fan ad t h. tka "adarirar rot af frllD( i Hhf-rartt toar4 Edwarq K ff tr1i Mr. Kh.parn 1 ". Btata cnairmaa a MM what hta amtuda aa ea cnaia putt. lunan paitiniam .fr a.f a Halted criticism of Mr. ghepard al leged ronaarttoa with tha Amertcaa lurar Refining Company la ad-ta-iry li-fd capacity. ' - -. "I have heard that rHllrtaia " h. sr. mi, out aaa n ocfBrraa la you ! Mr. Blmaon hkmatlf la not lnvulnarabla la th ami apotT H Mrvvd In lha olBra of Kanator Hoot arhra tha MatrofHilttaa fltrval Rll piled Mr. TXi. "but haa ft sccarred ta whra th Metrottoltun Street Rallwae charter waa 4ra flA a Mr flhenard. or thoee who match mr mm. iiiu n 1 11 rail 1 a. ju rtr K Tor TiThT,iJld..ot"fa"ii to hear of thl 1 - ugMtd attack, and rrwntlr th rra I '"" hadquartar a atata- 1 mant dvlatina that tha atatanaaaB that Mr, Hhepard draw the sugar trust aeea is aosoiuteiy without foundation. 11 Srwn- th ttemaat aaya. by John K. Paraona la conjunction with " r bafora Mr. Phepard'a uartnershlo with Mr. Par. una commenced. Ms Drrtarra AbiMulcJy. Much preaure haa been brought to i - M I arllnu tthoil haajtaUon ana with- DI aualtriratloai. Chaa. F. Murphy raittrated tonight that ha had Bo randldata in right. Thla la a DamocraUty yar," ha (aid. "and It would ba a ntataka to ipoll " have no candidates," hs con tinued, "thers Is no candldatl In sight lo command ths situation. After the convention la aaa tad a..... knn to see the vsrloua leader and out of tnat aeries of meetings to brine a name I cjid preaent to tut convention.- ' ' i ror Dlrrrt Xomlnatlona. Tha Democratic league met tonight la the aanaca hotel and put Itself on record In favor of tha wlila-at it-na of direct nomination. James B, Hsvens and Rerman Rld der remain strong probabilities for the guhernatorlsl nomination; whll the boom of Martin H. Ollnn. of Al bany. Wha haa Kaaa aataanaai .1 - - --w -a ' . - n aaaara the oalesa'ea beaan ta aatha. m.iA. denhr sprang Into activity tonight when the hotel corridors were flood ed with literature describing his quat Iflcationa for tha otna. Th.a .. also soma talk of Justice Martin l Skeogn, of West Cheater County. ' Dck-gatra poor la. RVarv I rain ripaaiah 4 .1-.. ... i. th Democratic But convention this aiiernoon snu oy sundown th city waa !! with all th spectacular features nf tha "nlaht K-f a... night delegate, alternate and polit ical ramp follower are sleeping four In a room and two In a bad.- Many of them were lad to met t in lore and corridors. This was ths day the bands began to play Tammany." Lsadar Murphy had Slid: "I hava na eanrilitat. a. A I hav no opinion. Wait till th dels- fate arriv." Tammaay In FVirce, ' Norman B. Mack, of Buirulo. chair, man of th National Democratic: Com mittee, had aalrt- "r Mnmh k.. i.ij you that he Is wsiUng to learn what the delegates wish. He controls th situation. " Therefore, it waa with mors than th curiosity of a spectator that the flv Tammany special trains war awaited lata thla afternoon? In all, th Tammany representation her amount ta about t ana man i..i..ai. . -. - - ...-. aiiviuiiina mounu to about t.tot men. Including iiaiwre., i ney Drought thick bank rolls and tha cafea anrf hni-u v. to look livelier the tnlnut they act foot lit town. . Wf With Rumors. -Tha dar waa rlfa with ruwr. ..kt.k shifted from hour to hour, and what seemed a strong candidacy on mn- '""i aorana to a piauainie possi bility In the neit None of th "poa- albilltlea" haa ralavarf hi. -a... a. . - aiiuni iw eorral delegates and the supporters of Representative Willlirm Suiter. Representatlv James 8. Havens and Thorn a 8. Osborne., former Mayor of Auburn, are working hard. nr. ueborne said that a careful can. vara had convinced him that he was .l was convention. -"' vunaiao, inrman K. Mack Daniel Cohslan. Norman 1C Mack together la Mr. Murphy's rooms. Mr. aauronv waa not aenauihia aA... . . sent out Mr. Cohalan to talk for him. -viu in candidate hafrom up th State or from the Greater CltyT' Mr. Cohalan waa asked. "I think ha aittl aa.a.JI C.V.I. quickly. vv ibi "You stm ask me who will ba th candidate," ha continued, That'g a. question of tha eld d!s nnotion between an and may," "Haa Mr. Murphy mada up h i Rtlnd? 'Mr. Munohv haa an ' ahauilni-ia pen mind." ,. 'Then he does not aaa ahaaa v- l going to get off T" ' Hi does not." ... I'arkev Arrive. John B. Rtanchfleld. fnrm.a .TnAa. Alton B. Tarker. who v7ill ba tan. porary chalrmsn of the convention and Jamea C. Khaahan -r- . other Important arrival today. One Important development In th lata afternoon that nnniri i ...i. mated in It ultimata poaaibiiitle, was pnaitlve affirmation from both sides that negotiations r on foot bctwern Vi'm. ltand'-lph lleaiHt and leader Wurphv. That la. It was anld. I;. irt ha Intimaled that hi waa wiUUiif to The Largest and Most Elegant Collection Ever Exhibited in the StntP TODAY ONLY . . V Special inducements to .purchasers for cash. You are invited to call and aL. f -il f' . . rrf a -. umn wuuuier you ouy or not ine opportunity of your life to select just the stone you want at a great saving. TOLLY FAYETTE V1LLE STREET I support for Ooverlnor'slthsr Justice utrsi-4 of th But Suprema Court or Martin II, Olynn, former Btat comptroller. Aa Opes aoT IVar Cnaveatkm. Members of tha New Turk taeagve or uemocratte clubs artsr listening to addresses by Representative Rutser and Thomas M. Osborne today unani mously adopted a reeolutloa calling for "aa open and free convention; tha nomination of clean and hont men and a tried and true Democrat wha will stand for progressiva de mocracy and demand equal rights for aU and special , privileges to none; a candidate who v. ill unit tha ale menu of tha .Uemwratle, party and command the support of tha Inde pendent Republicans of th eiata." Resolutions sudoral ng Congressmaa Sulsar for toreroer war adopted by a rising vote. . WheJlred Oat Take Horaford's Arid Phoaphata It vitalises ths hervee and aaslats tha dlgaaiion refreahaa and In vigor atea the sntlr syatem. aaa . i i y. IUhA'-Holtond. V, ' ' ' ' ' . a - 14 1 a " ' Testerday evening at the horn at Mr. Ia C Covlturtop. of this city, a qulst but pretty home wedding was solemnised, tha contracting parties be ing Mlsa Kilts Holland, of Roanoke. Virginia, and Mr. Joseph A. Rahn. of Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. I. M. fittinger, rector or the Church of th Oood Shepherd, performing the cere mony. ' Only th family and few Intimate friends of tha brtda wer present at th wedding, and th young eoupla left on thn evening train tor their future bom In Columbia, South Carolina. Mlsa HollsnJ. who It a daughter of th lata Dr. Nswtoh Holland, and Mrs. Agnes Holland, of Kalem, Vir ginia, and a neic of Pr. Oeorg Hol land. 1st president of Newberry Col-. lege. Newberry, it C., haa made Ral eigh or home, for -tha last two or three months having been th guest of her sister Mrs. I E. Covington. Mr-.- Rahn. who Is an A. B. of Ro anoke Collega, Salem, Va., being first honor man In his class, la connected with th Weighing and Inspection Bureau of th Southern Railroad at Columbia. Hs la son ot Dr, Rahn Of Charleston, B.C. ' Mlsa Holland was given away by her brother. Mr. 8. H. Holland. , '-.j-V tandidaia for Auditor. : Special to News and Observer.) Fkyettsvllle, Bept !. -Well under way is ' movement started her yea tarday to Secure for Major E. J. Hale, of Faytevllle, th appointment to th office of state Auditor, made va cant by the death of Dr. B. P, Dixon, as a result of a meeting of a number of Major Hale's enthusiastic friends hold yesterday afternoon .after It Ae ea m known that b would be a can didate for th place, Tha movement Is well .organised ahd an active cam paign In his behalf wilt ba waged if necessary. ROOSEVELT STILL RIDES CON VENTION (Continued from pag on.) i' ' I II ii .. Th close ot ths convention found ths Roosevelt forces In complete mastery of the situation. Following the nrat rout of the organisation came Colonel Roosevelt's dramatic and sue- ceasfut hattla for the adoption of the platform of th progremives, and his final victory In the nomination of Mr. Stimson. By ths tlms the vote was tnkea the strength of the organisa tion had been dissipated badly. Hav ing no candtdats for whom to make a determined light, the orzanixatlon threw th bulk of Its vote to Mr. Bennett New fttato Committee. ' i Just before the Convention adjourn. ed the new State committee was an nounced. The list contained several new names and It was aosumed thnt th progreasives would have control, turning over to the Hooacveit forces the party machinery of the State, t'harrmn Timothy , Woodruff, who failed of re-election In his own dl trct was elected from the Second-Dis trict, The . election .t a chairman from he progTeaelves la place of Mr. Woodruff Is expected. . 52$ cf t;:e r:r:u:;;:j cf t;:e d. s. live In rural dlatrlr-tn remote from tihtalritina or rim atnr.i ani ik... Srs oh"(fMl to depend ion i-r. r.j.i,i- ry meo'cines to a verv sreat extent. To tha wnm-n In n.u i.i., tMndpit.l reme-iiaa a. I.ydi K. ri..k- nam a e-Tioa i ofrpooTwi cot, Na n boon and a 1 t . i ... lo i. .v-,1Jr tt.iit It bn cured "lonri ' it n n of : 1 c ..d f,n o r rco 'y. -TOTIE TSWSL1Y CO. 1 I . SI I 1 ,,1 ALBERT STEVEfiS KILLED His Body Was Horribly Mia gled ' IntRunawiy . .Vifitirot Oii-arrrd Late Twnnlay Af e"oo o (jarnrw RBul Whew Mr. ht-tW.jjuif, tVcama FrigfcMBM! at a raaalng AatosnoMl and Drag. f4 Him Two and Half MtV-a Af ter It Had Recti Throw oa the lowblo.Tr. "v Tha mules that ha waa drlvtaa Ka. coming frightened' by a paaaiaa auto mobile, and dashing off at a break- nec tpecda. throwing Jk.lm.tut on the double-tree and dragging bus about tu miles and a half. Mr. Albert 8tevens -who , resided about , fifteen ttllea from Raleigh, hi Johnston coun ty, waa fatally Injured Tueedsy after noon and died at tbe office of Dr. Buffalo at Gamer it 1 11 a'clork. Mr. Stevens had been to Raialah with 4 load of cotton and waa re turning home lata la tha lllaraa When ha reached a point Ih tha rad near air. w, H. Wilder horaa, his mule) became fiiahlened kflfl Pstn tir two and a half miUa t hft a aaai. ing off at a dash th mule struck a leiepuone pole. Which caused Mr. Stevens to fall from the wsg oa the double-tree His right foot' ws caught., while his head waa dragging the ground during th time in which It took the frightened animal ta run the distance mentioned. Reaching a aide road and crossing tta railroad track, tha trtulea turn ed towards tha hnuaa af jam. n;.. lock.. When they reached the house ine7 -rn merely walking and tamed Into the yard, rofna amiml aw- . When tha back yard was reached the wagon was mrown against the atde of th houae and the tongue broke, freeing th mules. A roeaaenger waa sent for Dr. Buf falo, a- ho areiva-l . aw- a - . - aa ana had live injured man moved to hla home, wher ha niawt at a.ta -i a. - - .... a vim-a, his right side having been hasten to a puip. me nair was torn from tbe back of his boad. Ikan i-.. - i. hole In his rtufht hip and tha right ieg was oroaen just a Nova tha ank'e. Mr. Stevens only lived long enough after regaining eonsdonanaaa a i.u his name .and that his mules were frightened by an automobile It is not known who was driving th ma chine that frightened th mulea. ' Death of Son of Mr. . C Prortor. f Special to News and Observer Rocky Mount Rept. It. After a brief lllnea With atlnhlfcaa. W .-a.. .... . ia viKni vaar-old son of Mr J t a-a.a.. ..a , - a iuri Ulan on yesterday morning about eleven wi-i'M-R m me noma or the family about, eight miles from this city In N'aah rountv. Tha fi.. i a..,- this afternoon from th home, after wnicn tne remains Were interred in th fsmiiv burying ground near the horn.- The haraaaaut tcvaral sisters and brothers surviv. There seems to be aa unusual prev alence f diphtheria in this family as two rases wer last week discovered almost at tne nm. time. A six-year- i old Jlaurhter of Mr. Proctor ts ew- i tremly III just at present with, the disease, i JTE Ot'rt All. lr:i.. a-..-.-. Dim IH-i IV OK t75.0M) WOltnt OK D1AMOM.S. JIOIJLV VVNi , TirE LO RIMER ILEARIXG. State female IIoMUw R-x-ood Witneaa for r-natr Irtmer. (By tha Associated Press ) Cblcaro III. Rani a .. - ator IJ. W 1 il ll la ... of the It Democrat who helped elect ...... ovnmrr inula states ser.atnr took tha itncs sUnd todar haf ,ra th lasrimcr lnvest.t!on rowtntt:- nd ieatined that after he hd voted for Lorimer be received tjioo. ,,i tht he -supnoerd tha money wn.i rail because of his vote." ' ADimrss nv dr. ron at. rn-!.l. r.t of V Hie. IXnv foil,.,, 0- , ""'ii M"'i.kT i .r..a';l. C' ll-ll I ittmiUu 1 . r. in " i . Tnntl tt. ;t i , ' i'"r'-n i hl- ifii.n, n.ic wn,l ''"v st t'-e Appalar. t-- ' It. W 1 l'oeat I ) i 1 of t V'l Fir,l i-.o , nr.. ia 9 oioo-a t - '.'-'"a ( fhor- i. Bill IV RmilaUt a ay Control f n traia-riMM ivmrflt twinif I"ass- rw fty Omvrnttoa. tRy the Associated Preeal Mooile. AUW, Sept., II After a Plrtted faht Velrtav anal fnataa fwsged by ram ml loners from New Torfc. MasMchueetts, Louisiana, and ! South Carolina, opposing tha measure oetora in National Insurance Com' i mlaalonar rnni ant Ik. Kill fa .. lalatlen and control of all fraternal neaeot audaue waa passed thla after noon. .-... . Thia la the Arst time after fifteen year effort that th N. T. H. and the A- I". A. and th Insurance commla- alooars hava hares abl to get togethar a ip port at a bill. The bl'l aa as provae , today contains all the cre- visions srred upon at ths conference Bfid Between th laaurance commis- ivaera aad fraternal organlsationa at aew I org laat June. At the Now York conference the Madera Wood men of America' put forward aa a bsatt for legislation; the uylpclples of valuation aad puUicity coupled with inaadatory requirements that so cieties showing impairment should be esmpelled ta rre Bam. -r r v . ' rcVRiTX TIME 15 BHIUN. IBy ths Associated Prem.) Rerun. Sept tt "Suppress tls- turoanvea without mercy." were Po lice Commissioner Voa Jagow'a orders today. Th polios followed out their Instructions to the letter. Thev rod aowB ana sxorea merclleaaly a nre ever a small group of people had gathered la the- district of Moablt For two days thla district ha been the arena of riots, the lik of which hava not been wltneseed tn Berlin for nufny a day. Hundred of persons nv neon Injured and verltabl pitch ed battle between strikers, their sympathiser and tha police hav oc curred. SMS OTR An, PAf:R TWO, m. iww niftriw op :s.fKn woiitii OK DIA!HOS D8. JOLLV WlXXt JEWELKT CO. JohmnnUa Book Osb. ' . Tha Johnsonlaa Book Club will meet with, Mra. A. B. Andrews. 4 Of N. Blount tc. this afternoon (Thursday) at t.9. . - . , v Saxatog, N. T.. Sept JIWllllsm Rarnea, Jr.. of Albany, who led the fight of the did Guard against Col. Roosevelt said tonight; "Tha ticket Is nominated and I am for th ticket That Is axiomatic. It ta the party government , I shall sup port tha nomnees of the convention and hop for the best I expect thtt harmony will prevail In th party." Ayers Pills ' Gentle ; ) ".,'c : it : RALEIGH, N. C. : i DEMOCRATIC SPBES Tha following win address tha peo ple of North Carotina at tha times and places named: Uov . W. tV. JUWiln. Hickory. Sept. tt. . Concord. Sept It, Albemarle. Oct 1. . , Graham Oct . KrankUnlon, Ot tth. . Wllaon. Oct. Ith. - ' Kettator K Ml Slmmooa. ' Ksnansvili. Oct S. Comfort Oct t. OauJ Kltchla, New Bethel. Oct ttha - Horklngham. Oct 7th. Cleveland, Oct Ith. F- J, .JusllcA, -Mt Airy. Sopt tt tnlght). Rocky 8pring Oct Ith. ... T. W, Ihett , Dickens' Store. Wainua- ' e. Jlth. " F" Iotat.B. OctTlst , , Wilkesboro, Oct. Id. I-snolr, October 4th. t - Morganton. Oct tth. i Shelby. Oct tth Bight). - . Concord. Oct Tth, Thomasvllle. Oct tth. t. W. Blcy. , rslaon. svpt t (night). ! , . Clinton. Thursday, Sept lltb. Red Oak. Oct U. . A. L. Brmika. Lrxington, Oct 1 (night). amcron Miirrtsoa. Mocklle, Oct td. I. Rryaa Grimes. Ftatesvtlle. Saptember tlth. (Night.) Newton, September ITth. -. Lenoir, September ith. Connelly Springs, September tth. Marlon, September Jlth. (Night) C W, T111tt Winston, September 21th. Mocksvlll, Oct. Id. i -i- r- it. .iimew,--- T-rr- Ptonavllle. Ocf. llth. ' Msdlson, October II.- (Night pries, October tl. Leaksvllle. October II. (Night.) Itndolh Duffy, Comfort Oct. . . ; I Oyda It" IToey. .N , Llncolnton, Sept. j. . ... A. H. Dx kcry. .' - Jacksonville. October 3. ' I Ksvernor It. ft. (ilenn. ' Bethlehem, October Uth. Reldsville, Oct, 13th (night)-. " Concord, Oct Itth. A ah eboro. Oct. 1 6 th. ' Wilton, pet. ITth. .Durham, Oct. ITth (night). Hlllsboro, Oct. lath. , A. It. EM.KR, V Chmn. Dem. state Eg. Com. W. E, BROCK, Secrstary. Foot Troubles? Tell Them to us Remsdylng them I our rptcU ally. AU lasts and sues, a thor ough knowledge of foot fitting nd men's yamilri-ments ars rs tronsiblo for our stcia In tijia deportment. Vnor "!v;f.-.rt 1 ii-iired If ynj i - -- a fair of J c!) Ve .1 th 13.09 look. it.'i ... , - : .