J- if -"i ff V -I ft 'Sys. THE NfWS AND O LSKr.VFH, Till- 14 ij TlO't LIKET" bestfi:;eshi:;gles D!i THE OEGLIJiE Tfcs Market Closed Bare t ly Steady MiJe frota select North Carolina Lonj Leaf Fine PRICES RIGHT 6 T0 15 FOISTS 1MB' lV. A. MYATT i . (Wm &at Mart' a Bxrert RALEIGH, N. C Jaaary-Ft.r wry I-I; tku)- Usees. Iti: hUrrfe-Airl. April iw I l-i; Mar-Jane J 41; Juae-J-lO I-,! 4J; July. Aug wet 7.41 1 " ran r 4 to t istat ! iuvvv That Sta"ae. Oorari twadjr M 4 Uaet Cakera Tbaa JExantnl. sad Kcarwai ef kvlUag a miiiMi.q W vii.feiij t run. 1 1 cau. r.:it:i Mwti tui iiihhi, Utr ir inMri, aat UM tax AaeJa uw rebsra, Xathtec to MfaUra rVartaai Sew Ofir sag Beraaue Hea'J sasj FTV-r U. (By tas Associated Presa) New tack, Oct. t While more or Irregular, the rottoa - market - frWa Tar nuwaaarw Mtagta tag tHee AoVaat-i al tvrw at Acveaajalba) twethr alea-v. New York. OX I The eelURg ef storks, whka ttsraed price eWwa aaree tU. reetatrated la part a tretitig at contentment ever the extent f the advance already achieved, ead the prorUs accrued an 1 la aart a sale-; ? "?,',0" JI T '""T. ncceeaplieh further advance Evl- racjr today and cloaed bar,!, stcajy. , awakened a. 7a 12 I. ,B V blf ' aa being harmed br It active aontai being xn-, 1K. , .,k., . v iu iHfinia anar ue rHWM ftguree ef yeeWrday. - TM market opeaed steady at decline at 4 d I J paint tn response to lower cbla r than egpected and a renewal ef tha selling movement noted toward the cliaa yaatrrday. AJ from tha ca blaa, havr. thrra aremad nuthlnf la tha ar tu aCranKthaa baartah ' avatlmanL nlfnnii arra ratsarkably aU ,abaurb4 by eonttitHrd outalda kuyliif oa aupport tram trada auurraa. and ahortlx aftrr tho call prlca flrm d up on roV(rnn by raeat iwllara; commlaalon baura tuiyinf and tn lyn pat by wth a lata rally In Uvrrpool. Trail Inf 1rain vrv active aa prtrra advanced, and durtiiK tka mtdrtla of tha day artlva montha anld aoma Ktnt factor la chat-king tba oraaa lard effort to ()irthr tha rlat 3 aturka Uaht la throw a on tha revival la I tha band Biarkrt aa well aa oa tha ieventa that preceded It by the autav i tH-a of new rapttat tan e. which hav j beea made up by the Journal ef t'oro ! merca. For tba third quarter of tha ! prraent year, )uat ended, thta cowpMa- I on ahoae new bond taaued o a par value of tt4 44J 00 ThLa rom parea fl?.lT,w In tha acennd quarter and M1S.1H.II0 la the ftrat quarter, maklnv an Krce.ate for the flrat half year far beyond any prece dent In the hlatury of the New York money market. Moreover, that pr dlaloua aeml-annual output waa a cul CIH$AYJ;3S CEFJLHTL1EKT . wtH relia eVpaaata a ab aata t 95 Habal.- ajaarteaiy. avtac i. U. Pat Comf. Firm Mzneu Si'.eiCumr.leeU , S R. HOlDt f. a ThO"AS, Silesm I ff of Shbks VPCHURCH. Silesmn. i. C I C liUS. rn&nt. 1 1. M'jmr. usitr MR. FARRIER U you buy your New Buggy from me thil fill I will guarantee that you get both QUALITY and DURABILITY. My.Buggits have style and run SO easy. JOHN W.' EVANS' SON Cor. Morgan and Blount Sts., Raleigh, N. C. The COMMERCIAL NA TIONAL BANK v RALEIGH. N. a Ci;J vi tsfa, IVAV.Z:) Checking accounts for any amount-'" Certificate of Deposit ybear leg 4 from date. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. "Savings Department i compounded 'quarterly. Foreign exchange payable anywhere in the world. OFFICERS ' B. . rHM IX. reeJdtl I r MIVIX.teKaa. A. -V IH-.MI-xiN h-l-rea. a (ku, CmJutt, i. i THUM .s. halreaaa of IVmrJ. Hr Matter KiMfh, (r Cat-AaJtaa... CO. Waatara... aa a Cakaae X. w CM. at. a at-P.. U:N CCA'. t L ... H Cat raal 4 lra. kra . II . M . a tm i . U 4 Haa Tt. i am 3 era.. .Ltla aaa... M I ae pU at ! Shea aeaat... U a. fariac br aa aid COOPER'S , RALEIGH, N. C. MONUMENTS Cat. aaaUera. tm Matd.. Caa 6aa Car Via.... ar aeatkera . , da aid.... ItrS Teaa-Ca.... . U Tea. Far Z i... - :h!WT;j. ::.-n5 "ru mination of a flood of laeuea for tha DM.war.4 rlatoMH Tat 4c I 4 -,a . . t .. .".I T.. .;:;: I P"cedln year Jilch reached . tot.l u. 4 lu. Urtad , 4a pld it.-, hi.i. ::v .iLr" ',;,' u..to.i. u u hnwn th.t u n Caiict. for January. 1.(1 7!!! heavier poiaibrv a. a reAttt of real-! J ' tp U) VT,. and ia Ct-aaait,.. tJ-J- 5V" ' J"d"r Wh " tomnhtl. pur.-h-.aea. Irrla.tion p-... ' 1 11 tha demand fa.tm out.Me rourcea ap-, . h.r .,-,ri. Th. Hi. -.. -kPa U. . atae... .. Beared to he leaa n.-tlve. Thta en- ,. ,h. ,. , ,h. ...nr.lv of. Oea. Cactrtc.... aVa da at.... tered for new Inveetment I. aeen. I. (1 . M . Clw . Ke raurd a renewal i.r.eelllnc for .,, in.Mim,nl i. w.n UL K.r. Or. atd. 1J. . Ctak Caa reaction by UhI trader, and tha mar-1 ,hrr,for, tl) hav, cached a very Unr. i St. K Or. ctt.. M i ta-Car. Cae C a , ri wier in me oav eaewu in to ao.Mll . ... .p.,Ii nr.icee. of diaeetli.n i IU r. tea : Wabaak a.lb.e- ! kHa ..m. nn In tha meantime which I um.uI.b. i. M tl haa r.-.lnccd tha lanre h"l.llni left 49 pt4 H ttaatald s I on the han.le of underwrltera In tn i.c Hareaatar. . . .. eaaiaoaaa Et ;l glut of new offerlnit early In tha i ... Ulllla oBl u tt . laUa la ahlpmenta , atocka 17.S4t Koeln Rrro. aalea l.ihi. ra, 1 1- - ; .. .hipmenu 229: atocki ; t Uuote: B. I ; II. 14; V. l; . K. J: , H. ju. 1. 6 ;., K. 4S: M. Ili. N. ; W Tan Wlmlnirton N C. 0,1 5 S; rlta turpentine -ttrady. TJ; reiai i :'u a'fca H.aln ateady. J.JS; receipt! '.ar rele. Tar firm. S 10 recelpta. 2 t ar r.-la the prtvloua low point with quent fluctuatlona nervoua and the cloaa within a pdlnt or two of tha low- art. Weather nett'a attracted com paratively little attention and report, ude and : turjientlne firm. 4 recelpta, Jt ham-, from tha Houth n. tn apot market eondlltona were more or leaa con flicting. ut beyond the decline of 1-lc. at navannah, there wxa nothltm j buyer., to Indicate any actual prr.aure of pot Cotton, and other Southern mar kata ofll lally reported variy acre Unchanged to t-4c hliher. Recalpta at the port. todw. 8l.U0 bale analnat la.l week ani 7.m last year, for the week, 1:5.. 060 hale. t'nt S,6J hut week, and 41H.42T teat year. ToHay'a re celpta t New Orl.ana. i.Vl balea, Bfaln.t 10,08 laat year. "7"4nt cloacfl quint; mid, upland 14.10; mid. null, a 4, ,15. Bale none. ruture opened iteally ajidXjJoaad han.la of underwrltera In tha of new offerlnit. early In the i year. Pealef. In bonda have come to ; the underwriter, to replenish their uppllca and .nvlni hanka and In vestment In.tltutlona have hecoma Thl heiprut procesa na. none to the root of tne recent nim culflea and the most favorable augu ries are drawn from It. 1st- Fa pee. . v . lat, faa leaa Caa ml I7 It ILIrk.... n laraaala isa.. Kiiaaar4 UM.... Oirrago Craia. ChlcaRo. III. tH-t 5 Bi buylnit rushed up the price of wheat t.Htay A The fear thit premature revival larne part of the purvhe:n w.ia In tha atiM-k market will Interfera with lrredltet to a prominent local specula- barely steady. Open. Xov, Dao. Marl Apr. May June July ...-.U4.0' ,,, H.ll Hlith. 14 00 14.32 IS8 Low., 4lo. 1115- 11 II .i !o. .v.n 14 1 .'. 14.31 14.4 I4 i . ..... 14.32. 14.20 ,. .. 14.40 14.it 14. SJ 04 14 11 14 18 1 4. -H 14.31 J 31 14 It 14.34 itit f trfi.tt. vt'.rv.a KtIlT-4 Port Mimea .. tialecalon.- ...... Kew orteana., MotHte....,. . ftavan.eti...'.,. t hsrle4.mu.... a llmlnffun Ii.fff.tls ........ , Ilstilnion- New Vurk aston . l'Usl!.M... Interior Movemeal Uuiu.)U...... Aiieulia ........... - WemHiw M. Im.iI. r ..., t'itu-hinatl .Hn, Uiile H.wk. . Louln 1U ....... Toae Mlddllnn1 quiet needy steady ull u-e.lr qolei st.'sur a.m., 0W .MUfet noady steartr tca.ly steaiir steady tulet lillll I4 iftiw IIS II II H IIS 14 lit 14 14 It I 14 14 1 14 II II M MS' I4S ITS IS Receipts l4t 1171 tin IMM law fest !tl iron Mil 1711 the orderly readjustment pf the need ed flnanclnit by bond Issue haa aa Influnce In re'tralnlnsr the stock mar-1 ket. The revolution In P-irfiKil wa of minor effect on the day'a market Expectation of a poor ahowtnir to he mHdo by next Mo4ay" report of Oc. tober llrat unfilled tonnage orders of tha fnlted HUtea Vteel Corporation welched on aentiment. The tone of the coppers waa better In tha belief that curtailed production last month will mk 4. better showtne; In Jh f drthcomlng .' copper prt.flucera' re. porta. . f Time money was reported slightly easier In tone, but toreirn exchanta was stronir and rash continues to no sot from New Tor to tha Interior. , ItonfH-weTei 4tevy.-,-Total aalea, par value. I2.044.000.' U. 8. Bonda -war unchanged oa call. V Total aale for the day. 4H. 0 ahare., Includln: flortf. 600; A I". I. 100; P. and O.. M00; L. and N.. 400; N. and W 1.000; Readlh:. 18.400; Rlosa, 1.H00; Hnuthern Railway. 1JD0; Pnlon Pacific. JH.SOO. If. 8. Steel, 107, 700; Virginia Carolina Chemical, ,. 100. - f, nouns. rwta mi. are. eia.. Ml RalolKli Cotton Ycetcrday. (Reported dally by Parker Bro. . Cotton Merchant. ) r.acrlpta. fig lml,. - (ik!.1 mitlillit.ir, is S-Hc. Wrlct mlddllnir, 13 l-lo. ' a1""". 1 Sew Orlcaa Cotton. N4W Orleans, La, Oct. t.-t-gpot cot ton steady, nnchanged; middling 1. ?; aalea on tha spot iti bale; to arrlva lot. ' Cableiframa from Uverpool .which read. '"Consider ; lock-out settled," stimulated buylnit and around the middle f tha mornln tha mora ac- tlv months wer 4 to 6 points over yesterday's close. On this advance offerings from satlafled longs became very heavy and It was tha gossip of kka market that the leading bull In- terarta Uiemaalvns war taking profit on a larftfl scale. The selling con. tinued right until noon, when prices wera four to ten point under yeatar. day's close. Dears were encour tared hy the letter from Mlslsslp.pi stat in that ginning waa much heavier than expected In man district, and the soiling- at time wa agnresslv. cotton future 'i.iaeit tcdy at s net dec tn of I tu 10 point. ' - - t losing bids: October li.: Novem- 13.Hr!; lecetnlee la2f Jn.n..arv S ms . MiS 1er 14 04; . 14 45. hp-sj March 14 14; May 14.35; July UVtUtlKiE- I'OTTOX. v'c lYN-e 4ren Point , . , - H'ghcr. .... " hlither; Ameri can mldd in, fir. 132; good, middling : m...nm,g T.,t. ,I)W m,llg- -or ' . '""'T - 7 ;l0; "-dlor-..OS. The sal... 0r th, dl(v WJr root ....c, ,., wnicn sou were for s..M-ul.t- ...... t,...r, ana inrhtded 5.10 American. Iteceipta t7.(K, lm) , eluding H.SilO American ruiurea Opened qtilrt nn,j ami cl"d ateaily. iiit..tr j tin ..mmwr i ti l j; - C. g. refSire., e ref Ss eanp 4 Ss rag....; fsls ceo pea. setereg. 1M 4o B teas u alita-Caallsta. WS r. Ar1 WIS Amer. 1'elATalct mi Anr.Tob. .... W 4 I KS Arm. Ca4... 1 4tea.gea ..., 4 . 4 e e. 0a A. CL.4 MS l.tO.4 0S 4elVe tS B. 4 O. g. W. SS- B. T.cv. 4....... OS Ca.otaa.t....t4r Ca.Itbttt.. Cea. K, K. N. 1. , ga.ta.. ...... .rBS C. 4 0. 4Wj......MS 4e4ifet. W. I MS Ckl.4. Altoaluj.. B.B.4Q1I4.... MS . 4 gea. 4 07 CM. Mil k St r. gea IVk c. g.i.r.m. 4........... 4eCol.0s , C. B. !.!. . Cal. la. 6 set A, Cat Mid. 4..., CaL4Hoatk'B4s.,ll 0.4 H.cr. 4.... It D.4RI0r.4..U 4 ref 5.. MS Dist.Ba.....e..M T4 ' Erie grtar lie 4. IIS 4 gea s ttS trie ev set A.. 14 darl. .......... s Caa.aUaa.av. 0a..lus IU. tea. lat rat 4 lr 4111a Chat t... II Aav Ceppar...... 4S Ak AST. Abl beet Sogtl AavCaa-ptd... A at. Car r. MS IIS 4S Htca ly v.inl.-.f MS , 71 4S II lot Mer Marlaa U 'aps4a... MS d4H MS Ka C. go. let la. lis Ukabr4at4 V Ml MS LAN. la. e....Ms Ma Baa. 4 Tax. 11 ........., eges. .., Vlo. Pac. 4 Nit.Rj.of it. in K.t.Caa. gea. t H i eeb. .... MS N T.N HAUsrt- . ford ee. 4a rfS S.4 W. let cea 4 M dtev.tt KtS Sot. Par.. ..,.,. wi del Jls Ore (it U 4s...,. lis Ptna.et.IHs..,. Ms leeoa. aa..... tH Baadtag gsa. is.. M kl. L. 4 iu. as (ra 4egea. As...,. Ifs it.U4a.ir. II tea. 4a......... s ItAgTT 1st gfd 4 IIS 8. A. U dj rMS tor who had onered a short line of several mill on bushels a few weeks ago. Bears took fright, and there wna a strong etna at a net advu.ice of 1 1-4 to 1 1-lc Meet quotation. showed a rise. too. in all other lead ing stnples corn 1-1 to t-ttl-: ta 1-4 1 i .4. and provisions 7 1-2 New York Prodi New York. Oct. I.-PI steady and mora active . Rya flour steady. f Kuckaheat flour steady Buckwheat quiet, ' t'nrtimeal quiet. Parley steadier. Wheat firm; No. J red, 1 "4 elevn toi and 103 1-4 f . b. tkfloit Pti- ture clod at I 1-! not nd.....-- Do-; crmkr. I OC 1-2, May. til l a. ( Com. firmer; No. t. 10 1-4 elevator. I V... . 4 ...J ,i . - . S dlan grave were unearthed and u lot of honca bead and pieces of i U pots were taken out The exca'atu-n v. a. i only .three feet deep at th. point I where the grave were found Blackburn Krtum to ol.lalw.nia. I Boon Itemn. rHi . Kx-COngreaaman Ula- khurn. who ; haa spent the moat of th- summer I with relatives and friend-. In Watau ga county, left lat week tor Mn home at Tulaa. Oklahoma, w liere he will take an active part In the remulnltiK week of the campaign E. C. DCNCAN. Preadent WM H WILLIAMSON. Vie. Pre WM a MtAKC Jr. Cashier. W. P. CTLEY, Second Vk.-Prea S J HINSDALE. Ass. Cashier. CAPITAL, $100,000.00 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH, N. C WANTS YOUR BUSINESS Commercial and Savings Accounts Solicited 4(fo CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ISSUED SOTlt i: TO CW-'IMTOKH. Having (juallll. d aa udniiiil-.trnt.ira to Htt'il 1-lc Antriea lpealug U.weM Oatng a heat , lr'. !T MS MSaS May MIS W. IMS . ! f or a ler . , WWaS 4S sWs j Ha iS MS MSiaS Otui I lee. XS gfS MS i . iy AVSeS MS MS P.wk j Jan. 17 M 17 CP t7 JIS May II M II CIS 17 t Lara Jan. MB MM II May Wli MU MlfS Kbort Rib Jan. I S I M I BS May I &S IMS ISS ( lik ago Caah Grain. Chicago. III., fVt. S. Cl.we. Wheat' No, 2 red It 1-4 VII 1-4; No 2 hard , it 7-ei to: No. s hard !. . ! 1 Northern 1 11 til 14. No. S Northern1 1 0 112; No. 3 Northern l,0f 1 11. No. Z spring 104 1.0S. No I sfinhj 15 91 t; Velvet Chaff Iurura U3. Cora No I tt l-4t?SS 1-4: No. 2 wh!te SJ 1-451 1-4; No. vellow iSl 5-4 f 5! 1-2: No I 51 1-I1 3-4. sralNn. I white 51 1-44) SS 1.4; Na t MW1yellow tl J-lfrS?; No. 4 i r-a 51 1-4; No. 4 white tl l-4t51 5-4; No. 4 yellow tt l-4rtl 1-1. Oats -No. S 32 1-4; No. 3 white 14 -4t3i 1-2; No. 1 white ll 12 2-4; No. 4 31 1-lflJJ 2-1: Stand ard 34 0 34 1-2 b. afloat. Futures closed it l - fle- cllne to 1-t advance. Ie.-emler 51 5-t: May. 41 1-1. Oata steady. Futures closed at 1-4 ! to l-2c net advance October II 1-t; i December. S 1-4; Map, 41 Bcf .steady, lyird firmer. Tallow rlrm. B'Win quiet. Turpentine firm. Tlk. 4tey ' Molasse steady. Raw sugar steady; refined quiet. Coffee future closed steady nt a net gain of t to 11 point. Spot steady. Wo No. T. llc.l 8e.ntoa.No. 4. 11 1-4 to 12; mild coffee firm;. Cordova, 11 1-4 to M Potatoee steady; Southern wect, per Mil.. 1 00 to I t!. , Cfcihagen steady, unchanged. IViytut no. hanged. , Freight steady; cotton by steam to Uverpool, 20e. " Butter steady; creamery third to flrat. 22 'a II Cheese and ege. steady unchanged upon the estate of J T t'oiart deceas ed, late of Wake count. North Caro lina, this Is to nollf all person, hav ing claim Hgalnat the estate of the atltd deceased to exhll.lt them to the undersigned admlni.trators at their residences In Waku county on or be fore the 10th day of Berdembcr. 1011. Uce v. Ill he pleaded In bar of their recovery. All person. Indebt ed to a Id, estate will please mnko Im mediate aayment ThlaaSeptember 7. 1010. . A. 8 COZAHT., V . W. fl COZART. Administrator of J T. Coxart. R F D. 2. Morrlsvllle. H. C. H N. SIMMS. Attorney. , Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C ' t-t-1aw-tw. - EYE AIDS. . M ..IIS . IIS .Ml . MS MIS te.Pa.akta. la Pae.ee. 4a.. I 1st ref U, la By. a it gea. 4a.... ColPsa.. tr.ts sIK U 1st and f I Ms C.B. Bahbert.. Mrs V. tteal 2d 3a. Mis Vt.-Car. Cbees. 3 g WstMsklat.;. IMS vTtssak 1st ex. 4 MS IVssl. Mid. .... M W eat. IClee. cr. M lis M I , 47S Wla.Cee.4a... K.C. .....' 4 gfd...... Ijtrlede Gas..., U 4 K... Mln.sBt.U., M . MS Treasury KtalcnxntC Washington. D. P.. Oct. 5 The condition of the treasury t the l.e r mning of business today wg a fol low: Trawt FtuitK':. OoJd coin .'. .II7.47.RI Silver dolHr 414.377.000 SMver dollar of 1110 ... 3.542,000 Silver certificate out standing ..." 484,377.000 e" Oneral Komi. Standard sliver doiara In ' geVeral.fttnd t ,!.7t CurreVt llabllitle II.531. 3t Working balance In treas ury anVea 34.571,101 tn bank tn credit of treat- Making of high l grade Eyeglaaae j KHxlarlra and , grinding Preacrlp- , tlnn Lenaea our hobby. ' AdJustiiut I them axi-urately to IIm rye Is a Im portant s making tlicm. We are expert at both. Complete Optica) inaniifacrurlng plant on the premise. tiinrcvs moderate. j Rapport Optical Co. ' DIRHAM. Jf, C. gZ C1IAS. E. JOHNSON. President THE V. H. BRIGGS. Cashier. Raleigh Banking & Trust Go. 4 INTEREST PAID On Time Certificates of Deposit To those who desire it, we are pre pared to issue certificates of deposit bearing 4 interest from date of issue, CALL AT THE BANK. Clias, E. Johnson. Jaa. A. nrigg. W. A. IAuetian. 11. E. Norrla UIKIZCTORS. F. O. Moring. W. Ji. Jones. J. K. Clianibcrialn. 1. B. CruvtoVr. 4(fre,l Williams. Tlioa 8. ikenan. John W. Harden. -r k. liurfry. " 1 i ureref tne u. B. atv.vtjsx Chk-ago t attle. j Sulaaldlary silver coin-,, Js-.tll.lt Chicago. Oct. S. Cattle market It ! Minor coin . i 141.241 to tt higher than yesterday. Baevee, ! Total balance In general 4.7t to 1.00; Texas steers, t it to 5 45; funj . . . . .. . . 1.731 433 Western steers, 4.00 to tit; Mocker; , a a . and feeders, 1.44 to t.75; Cows and I , Vn. Y.ark Ih-v ikmmI. - heifers, I.2S to 4.44; calves, J.tt to ; New York. Oct. 5 The eottnn goods -- - , iprimarv market I eonalderahly firmer. Hog, receipts lt.404; market slowWiae print clotn yarA fotrtls hae been St advance; light, l.lt to 14; mixed. .el line more freely on a bail of I 1-t t.35. to 1.00; heavy, 05 to III;;,, g i.4o. for st l- Inch. tf. Un- oerwear ana noaiery are nrm ana quiet. A steady secretion nt business rough, 1.45 td I. SO; good to choice heavy. I.3a ts 1 1$; pig, t it to Hi; bulk of sale t St to I 7S. , tiheep market, sresdy; native, J.tt to 4.25;. western. 2.75 to 4.24; year ling. 4.5 to I II; lamha. native,. 4 51 to 7. 44; Western. 47t to 7 4. , New York tattle. New York. Oct. t Beeves: Steers 4 54trttt;1 bulla 2:0tjf4 7i; cows I H4J3 16. ,'." Calves: Veals I 00 4) ll.tt: culU 5 04 7.00; graaaers and fed ealves 4 tttt t.OOt Westerns 4 4049 7.14. 14hesp and lamha: Pheep 104 4 50; ; j.4 cuiia ivi.h; lamia s.Mi.it i-t culls t.44. Hoga: Htesdy at light 14501 50. la reponed in alike and rthbong. Dress good of the etanle nualltle are firmer. Vo Money.. " ; New -Ysrk, Wt. I Prime mercan tile paper, t 1-2 to 4 per cent Bterl Ing asf hanga strong with actual t.u sine- In bankers' Mils st 4I3.25W 4.13.44 for elxtT-day bills, nd t 4A4.54 for demand. Commercial bills. 411 1-1 tf 4 IS. Par silver, 13 7-1 Mexican dollara. 45, Money on call. stead) 1 1 1-t fit 7.1; ruling rate. S closing b.d, 2 1-t: offered al . Time .loan. easier' ttv Aava CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT STOKE. RALEIGH, N. C. STORE NEWS Dropilde Couches, 13.75, tl 25. Iron Bed and f'rlh. Mall Rack, 11.73, It. 71. Hldttboarda, .0t. tlO.OOi U2.B0. (Special price on sectional Book Ciisea. , BTOVB rEPARTMl:XT. Range with high Closet, tZO.OO. Heating Stove. T1UNK HKAliyCARTERS, Vase Lamp. II. do to 14.09. Hall lamps, Jl 10, t3.lt. Blngle Hreech I. Oun, t3.lt. . Doubl Breech L (June, 18.00. f Ulflea, 11 50, 12.50. s hllOKH A.XD 1IATB. -Tolft Beta with Slop ; Jar, H.fs, 15.00. tl.lt nafty Raaors for 7lo. -HI O8 AND MATTING. Fruit Jars and Jelly Tunmblrr. hgllh Baby Perambulator til t timCLEY'S THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE e The Only Best. Send for Booklet RANGE COMPARISON Can refer you to more than 50 users of this Range THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS BALK I (.11. X. C. THE BIG HARDWARE MEN COBB BROS. & COMPANY BROKERS Members of Hew York and Norfolk Cotton p.ichanwe. to ks, lloBdar firaln. Proylsdons. Private wire. Prompt attention to telegraphic od vhone order. Cottoa, 101 Plume Street HORFOLK, VIRGINIA. tOOTltlO; choice 4 1-4411-2 per rent: S-441 5 pee- cent! aig J-4. . ninety day. 4 month, 4 12 !aa!tlHrare l.ewlai PoJtlmore, Md . Oct. t Wheal ( . ?JOKFt)I.K rF.ANXT MAJIKET. 3lla.MtPaa.gM, IMS gin. CL tees Oil IIS I XI. Bus. 4 Tex-... MS , 1 nominal; pet contract IT 1-4. H) I t orn nun: apot is. tints sieaay; ise s Whit 37; No. 1 mixed It. nominal. Rye quiet; No. t Western domestle IMS, . 14 fd......ll 54S Ms 7l7t. Cum nccI oil New York. OA t The Vol Inn geed oil market was trmef en earte ar- Asatilde A L.r II Aawrlcaa Ice.... II j UlMoarl Pa.. Asa. Uaaeet Oil. II Xst blsralt. .. Asv laeesxettra. 17 i Xatloaal Le4... IIS i Ing fr Western and fotithera acronrl Aj. 4.4 Bat..... MS, Pal Bja Mex. 1 a I hut In th afternoon lonam reached S. I.Ceeteal.... lnsl'or profits and value eae4 off. !.-. k trrflclal wholesale quotation. ' - The prices are strictly wholesale f tob lots snd car lota) and represent prk-ea on actual sales yesterday. Peanut. lsunrh Fancy ................ Strictly prime ,. Machine picked Ppanuut pnuta. t"-r bu lsJ l Jatjl ll.lt j THE SUCCESSFUL BANKS. . .... . . . , . i . 3 . Capital, Surplus and Profits . , CI iticb iterB bas tm EARNED IN ADDtTlCN TO CIVICEHQS PAID, teliri to man to . , Total Resources 4 gfd., ...... HIS Am. gtatl Psea . M -Asm. Sutat Rat., .ttSM la Tel. 4 Tel.. I Aa. T.a. iifa.... Sis Ass. W seise W Aaae'a Mia.Ce... m At- Bisoa ....M4 , t M A C L Ill Ml) Was l.'.h a l , M biw.- K. Traa It t .... ... fa.ilt Itt I... I ..iu..,. t4 nu.r A io7.trv Mu.s.xt 457,597.75 242,597.75 500,000.00 2,300,070.71 K .LOU M'M us I ln 7 Poln. decline to 3 points ad- . !t.4W...... M )""" October t 45 141. NnvrmUr (' " 1 ... v ... . ; em .er i ,iu i Jan uary 7.1447.51: Fehruary T 55 j 7 tl Prime em.le Itiett; do. summer j vellow I .15 ft I to. d" Winter yell.ew . I I fl i 1 1 00; do. lutnnirr white I 4 nt 11 00. ,N. America. .... tf Nee. Pe.... Ul . I'lrlO MaU II Tana IBS ISople's Caa. IMS r.cc tt. l. ... it rtttabarg Caal... ff I'm. Sieel t ar. . II a full. Palace Car. tu lull kteel Sprls it He. ill.., lit . ll.piil.il. Steal... Ji 4 .( l t Uuii . M K.'puhlkan t a.i.ll.lat Krvrttth reMitorinl 1.1 -trie ffiwlal t" New and Otorn - Naahvltl. N. C, t t. I Tl put'l'ran Hnstirisl convention evlti !" t. ronsleling of Seaal M Charteaton. 8. C 1 let. 5 Twrpen tine firm, tl 1-1 ls.Miin fl'm iji.r.t-r A. I' t t, i j is: p. t er e.. 1 : is 1 fl 1 s H. 1 I ?n J . i ; K . 11 . M I ..; i 7 v w. ; . c- A ....h ti 5 T Nh ;and Frank tin. ro.-t here a I tils rce. than i deieta lreent HImsoi I'api. of I and VNhitkr. ef Vout.i!v.l ro.-.i at- -I itizens National Bank Solicits COMMERCIAL BUSINESS, ' I Checking Accounts, etc. Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Co. . - Tays 6n Deposits, U compounded Quarterly IshI nn t.ntvea Img f h m flirsTintT isai hm m4 htultl.ein tl. t,tf Tg ,ttl! 1 1 lt.t lolii f(f leposits, nearly TWO MILLION DOLLARS, remain with us because we supply the wants of our depositors. PERSONAL CALLS OR CORRESPONDENCE INVITED .i-1 r

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