O7 . .j .- v,. -' , O Tat Oelj Dr7 b rlk (mi : . . Tea Ma Sat 15.1 1) tz. , a 1 all Nof tlh Carolina Bailies fa News aod GircMatioini ' volu:::: xci, xo. 27 KALE-GII, -X. C, SATURDAY 11011X1X0, DECEMBER ,17, 1010 TRICE 3 CENTS J: CD .hist . ''Chirc-wd With Using ths ' Hails to Defraud .v J i 1 Abow k Towm la rtauuqrlvanta ami Jftw 4rr--Anion the More - luijxirUiJt Defiadaatt ia the Chat" I af SImm Stores Syndicate, lh Plw f, Uotgtits 0mpwiy am tha Ctar. -' apondew Imtltnte t Xawrtcw ; .k Arrau Ored by roetmat Oe--WU HMcltcmA. - . aft- ;- ' (By the Associated Press.) Philadelphia, Fa-. Dec. II.' Nine tee trruU were mad today In town la PoniuyivinLa and New Jersey !a tha government's erosade agitnst par eon, accused erf using; tba mailt to defraud. I Tha erresto wara made : by "pttttaj Inspectors and all tha defend, ants wara given bearings before V. & 'tommlaalvners and held tit ball, for trial, or for' further heartsge oa rhaxaaa'of "ualpf tb nalla to de- -fraud"' 'i t, . .-' z, . . . - . " A in one tha mora tra porta at defend ar with the raratu af their bearings. fulkwi Chain Shoe 8tores Byndlcate Lotil 2 Ittoa, president,; 1-htla.f. And raw C Patterson, 'flrat vice-president, ' also president Escalator Triut Company, of FblUs.; JCdgar Pohllg. osooad .vie. ' jtrrldut " and , treoeorer; Oeo. H. Brooke, (bird vloe-preaidtin,' Phlla. - Each as add ia 1 1,101 ball for a further rtcnrltig. with mlnal capital of .MOO.Oie, Tba ,T corporation ia aald to have hep , ;tnizi by Drew. . . . i RO.U) 1X KKCOVCBT. Jf' '. K. 8uiul k. Mrmbordai't of j' "idaUlura, ' louh fwlMM br Mir S.ke-tienni la Dear Charmed Lite. Weldon. Dao. 11,-Rev. P. N. BUIb- bftt k. mambar-alccf to tha Houm from Halitai county in tha naxt Uanaral AmrmMy. ia aloiy, raoovarlnc from tha flacta of corroalva aubltmate, a. doadiy poiaon ha tuak by- mistake a faw day ago. For two daye hl Ufa hang In tha balance while Me fimlly ptaiUlclan. Or. tiraan, and two trained nuraea worked on him. It waa elosa run with the doctor and be came out ju a traction arte a. It appeara that Mr. BUI n bark beare r charmed Ufa. "He went through the tour yeera or. tna war batwean tna Htatre and waa In active eery Ice up to tne time ne laid down arm at Appo matos. vurma Uia war ha bad oral cloaa calla. Onoa, while aeleen. with a apade for a.plllowt a buUat lrora tha enemy bedded Into the apde unaer ma head, and In the aeven daya' ncht around Hlchmond. ha had holie not in hie hit. and elothlni. but ee- eapaa without a aoratch. The moet ' inlraculoua v ' eacape ' waa hi the ' ueachaa, when the enemy threw aa - inunenM bomb within a few teet of him. Tba bomb exploded ith terrlno force, tearing up tne earth, bursting the drum in bla ear. nd IneUntlr kllUna a 10m rada by bla akle who pitched forward. acaain tr. BiaiDback a. arm. Soma yrara later. while farmlne In Brunawtck county. Va.. be took two gralna of morphine by mlaUke or quinine, ana lor dire H was x peetd that be would Oley ant u Ihla oay aia tamuy pnysldaa la -that coun ty. Dr. J, H. J ones, eaya It waa simply a miracle that bla Ufa araa v4 M K appeara that ha will be raadr io answer tne roll call when the Oen rai Aaaemoiy meets In Halxlch la January, and when there la any quae hub ior at Data, ae win beaulck u Uke the floor for what he bellevee to be for the beet Intereet of his Mtate, lus wiiiiiy , ana nie consutuency. . f 1IABD.W001 rACTOK. enterprbw for WUm.act on WU ploy one Uaoxlrrd Nm. (KperUtt to Kewa and Ulmnw.) v Wi!mlntoB. Dee. II. Kr. Ancus atrltaili, a prominent bualnsaa man 01 Uaorfla. has aMvd the plant of the a.war Lomr loaipeey and will MrMorria. r tills: Harry P. ptartna, th-run city, K. j.. waived a benrlod aad hlt ta f tt hU arh for truu Afford n te Potl Jmpior tor , , t!0, h bat a PtiM hiitr-f MvnUy i wm eaMtis4 t fi.ewd.eee, it staa aavwrttead that It waa aet40llablnc retail atoree kn large rule; taet II ' . was purchasing shn, laotoriee at bar . ' ain ptva sail Ihafta company waa able aa do bostneao ctMapty by aliml. tuning aniddl at a. rlae rietahta GOnFEREHGE FOR geo:;cil retires pehlieoi PEACE War Scares Inspired by Armament Contractors THE EUBOEn CE IT RLL Editor Dlrat, of the London EconontUsi' . Speaks of tha Abaard.tr af BraaU ; Bnyma; DfMiduaaghta to Protect U elf pom ArfttnUna, and Deciaraa Jbmi Of Rialry Btwee Use Valt. ' ed Sutea and Jafwn la Ctaabinut Jm paa trader Load a Tmneav vYblle Armaaseol CxpeauUtarea Aiao Were Vmklsf tbe rmajat lra of Great prltaia and Our ma ay. , . ' ' (By the Aaaociaied Preaa.) " Waahiig.on, D. Dee. The war aoaraa are - largely inspired b "armament cootrictoia who ultimately would drag various eountriea wta the bankiuptay court." as charged by KOCXD8 OCT TEX YEROS KER V. ! ICE M aVpERIOR COCBT eTDGE Ri-hournoxs or apprecta. . TION TRCaTEE- APPOINTED - WUJai P.U'KH OF RjxiaVER.' .' "Special to Kewa and Observer.) AatteHt, Deo. li. Before adjOura. big the Superior eourt today Judge Council appointed Erwla Kluder aa truatee of tba Bmlth eeute p.operty and reutired him to give tsO.eee bond-- Vonimtiaioner'W. O; "VTB.UOO, wba has managed affaire during the long It u nation over tha old concrete hotel. m discharged at hi own re qutet. !; ... - Judge'l'ouocll today reuaded out tea years' ervtee aa Superior court Judge and retiree te private life. He made a fine Impression in Aahevlila. and during the past aU months at tended to a large amount of bualnaae aa loth the criminal and civil aide of the docket, including two men found guilty of Bret degree murder, whom he sentenced to , tha death chair. The Aahevllle bar adopted resolutions of appreciation, for bla ability aa a Judge, but courtly te Its members, praising bla toarnlng aa a lawyer and oongrat o luting, btin upon bla eminent reputa tion ao JiiKtly earned. ' Application was - mad today to placa the t'antoa Vindicator, a weekly paper of Canton, la the hands of a receiver and to perfect a reonrantia- tlm of the company. 11. K. Walter inrniDDmnn IU ULLLUimilUII rtne'Hc.g .it Conipa'ay tlobeiifn TnBTf 't loto'k hard-wood factory, t the machinery having alrdr arrived. ud the wrk of Installation will beetla at ence. Varloua hard-wood products 111 be manufactured, but tihe prim pai pr.Miu. t, pa -age for the expirtiraiie. ? Ihe new plant wtll amnio about one bundrtd men. and work le to be gin aet aa eooei as the anaehlaery can be put into place. It kr believed that thle factory will pave tbe way for alher hard-wood IndnatrVra. for Wll- I oenpaay advertlaed and ewed the m'ngtoa has advantage not offered b sails tr giving away aad sailing loiaiMnr towna la the State where a a eouitiei a hew Jersey arnica the a"1 eatarprtasa ef this nature vTetamnt alleges are practically eenams. I ofirad. Conrad Lota aad m n.lem bmaham. oteWere of tha Cvr reapnnne isaiilute of America at e. anion, l.e each for further heaAtna, t a braaaiaatloa has no voanectloa with lae tnte.netlwael i.oreanndeao ehaale. VMued Lota and Ringhaat are re epertivety tha precdaot. aecreiary sad reere aad naanaaer ef tae Lrree paaoeace laetiiuia ui Amrt t. ia. snnal Mispeciore alW-e thai thle c-oa-r-ro pracMtee rhMa m hl4 -hoo( aio tfn.a and wrote to Iheut statiag that leir uaej had boesv rvvaa,aMM) ae inMot per mm ana ante lament m ia a a. ui ia tnatitana en area . a lit roa.se of at Nwrikui aan tta faeatty at ftae erJeee toe lit te. ii wee aaia tbeie aaa ae) lereiy art ana hat there Ware M.eee etedeeita eateleea aa lae Bajuaa ot Ihe eeeieera. lhe arieaia M at aak. wee, aeaee4 bf te ra.ianH.mwwai, w he has ed s-oal wa.aer.are at wuea oa tha are located Mr. McNeil! baa secured options oa large budla of timber lead aad will have no dlnVuHy la retting raw ma larial for MiaW e years to rent. BAXKlJw HARD HIT. rnvata Bank laila la Opm rfcaaea, I oUnwhag VaUare ag Tohaa re tnraa. 4Py the Aaxv-Uled Prees ) laavllla. Va Dm. II Pollowlag 'be aaaoaararaeM ef the Inaolveary of Ihe utaertlo-Meade Tobera t'aea My. Ihe area ef iahaaoa aad rbaifc rt IvaU taakara, csaiaaaad a Chaa. I. Hullaad and Kdmtiad H Meade. lalM Ic open Ha doe laday The tufo.-i enanpaar la aald to bm eae ef the be"k S teraee. debtor The bant hae a haul I litres n e. F4ia Ha l"ial I a Mime are catt. naed at ,m w ta lite e ITrancIa W. Hirst, editor f tha London aacceeded by Horace Bentei ai Economist in aa address bafora the International Conference of tha Amer can aocle.y tor Judicial getuemenl at Intent at. onal Dleputaa tonUht ' He chsraetanaed aa auaa.il tba pur ehaae o Dreauaaugnte i.y siraail "to pioiact Itaelf agauful eVrgentina,'" and aetlared tbat tne rivaiiy De.weea Ja pan aad the United Btatea waa eruah li. g tne people of Japen unuer a load of taxea ahile ai in anient expenditure! a ieu er wrecking tne hoaaoea of Great Britain and U arm any. , Ihe Supreme Court e. the United Cta,u aa aaakgiaia to tna pmpxeed arbitral court, waa often cited ia the discussions of tha conference. AnUrrw 4. A.onuague, termer uovcraoe of Vtr- rtme, rrtarsctertred th t'nlted State 7; 7, eg oa auprtma .our aa an Court, afltlo bla lea. laeaaral dipre(ltloa of tha dl action of the stockholders, and be will bs mada tern, orary receiver, - ' j ' , a em e 4T7,OOA BALE" GIK!fED BETWEEN DECEMBER 1 AKD IS IMICA T.05IS rOR CROP CNDER 8t.MOIlEPORT BT STATKli. Py the Associated Frees.) Memphis. Tenn., ec. II According U the report of the National dinners' .Assoclauun Twin City Royally Enter tains tits Visitors (no counsai 01 tne nonoia ana wee ; urn he did not propose to let his r ht hand know what bla left hand ., at tha same time he bad 4itt- rood 1 Bishop Rondthaler aa his rlabt, which would guard blm from mlechie' - In thle ve'n ha went oa to any that , he and if r. Reynolds had atart.4 out 1 twenty ream ago ta retorm two tniags, Iho Southern Railroad aad tha Amer- Iran Torarco Company, aad though their were tut .1 it u D.vn.M. I la the inside and ha waa en the out- FovfVrf o C'nwnm'.ii. , eide. ufwi a wwillillll.ee IU Mr. W. C. Dowd. of the Charlotte PRAISE- FOa-CDL: FRIES GKAMPGLARK Id THEWAYHESTANDS Kr. Dowd," yo were Uying off elty Ncwe. aald that rVlnaton-alem had teen keeping nllenca hi envn or eight lafcguagea slnea the caaaaa bureau bad be-n eendlng out their reports, bat he ew that W.natea-Salem had got abnaf f tha crusua by the publ shod 'direc tory at ha aide of bla plate ahaajnK B civic patriots. Fifteen yeara ago I waa here," aald D. Douh, "you were laying off clti ikjta In tha raaitln. anil eh filn! In. Waa tba rHirrlag Ad-icco to town by the street car. now by Soma" of Ttooaa' J. Cl,d h,t nandeoine res dencee cov..r I nun j yreuivi inai in . I Ijadlow, Chaire; few more yeara the moet optlmUuc Tha Mean Waa a TwnptiRp; Ocm, But the Feature , dreaeea Made rwat itt Col, mew of the Board of Trade, Was International l-win.- th. 'because it Waa eaHrd uin to 13 eOBlp,, dlOerences tetareta, Wyerelf e . Xh -4- are! la It per e (Winston-Salem Journal If th.) Over tit mea of every business and profession. InUreeted In the culmina tion of the Winston-Seism Southbound Railroad, sat down last night to a celebration banquet ia the Palm Room of the Blntendorf Hotel, and though the menu was of the moet excellent character, the feature of the evening waa the thoughtful remarks that fell from tha Hps of the men experienced In railroad building anj management end the great municipal executives and business enea who about a gad welcome at the completion of a pro- ect which haj been the dream of the peat II yeara. Col. J. L. Ludlow, president of the Board of Trade, waa chairman and toaetmaater, and he very uniquely planned his program as though It were the schedule of a railroad sys tem, and the epeechee took the place ef stopping placee all along tba Una, and aa the read la considered aa being built practically from Roanoks , to rtnibaiaa eha aataral sweweo 'Were 1th ll el balea n tart IW ' ay wnicn ia oimmuub up -tBnree vt the ml'i'iie eiet to the , ... . 1 M.. J". tim hurwWa, ; sT-t. 'V, Jon.. a. w vmutt eieeefc. Uve-af the Nrrt.ia anl waetern rau- Select Committees- HI- V StEBlE i I ' - lr i The) Democratlo Mdnbrr of tba Hoaae Sent Ont Call for a Ceucaa. January lth, of the ' Democratlo Meinbnrshlp of the Xext Hoaww. The Caucus M IO Sett the Waye and Means Cotnmvttra and the Rales Committee). rstiaeng will nnd in lnton-8aicin a cil) they never dreamed of, and rs a r:ttsen of your a ater city. I re'oloe ai t'ie growth and proeperlty romlntt te y mr community." Col, P. H.-Fries aa the "ret prcsl dirt and practical Instigator In the I'Ulldlns of tha Mouthhound was culled upon and responded n a few eenu n--s 1 enatlve Champ Clark that ahowed how cloae Its completion statement tonight outlining hie lay to hi heart, but h. refi... torm . ,h. " U Tf Z pl" (By the Associated Press. I Washington, D. C Dec. If. Reprr. gave ant it ll t . that the crop 1 p.. e an) ,4 per rent -fce , Rl I a . t . n .r ... . i. ary. af the Iowa etate Umvaraty, Whal . .. J ... L.t aaid avlaiioa was a asw means of de- ,M mianlot b ct.n.plrui by Jan. ,nti . a h. arat valias up-a etroylng mea by overhead attach, the ' , The rapnrt ty wutea was- is ing the erssnlaer ot the arhaeule, InUad citiea ate being as mora km- Atabama. 1 lit is; Arkansas. 7t-land he vary bappliy give hie Views Wtna. . 'Mli Louisiana. I.lll: Mlaalaelppi, The permanent eourt af arbitral t i.Ma; North Carolina. IM.eV Jaatlca, the parpsee al wblcb m m okubum,. 111. eel; Soalb Carol na. muna from lavasloa taaa the aacoast aa.. a-iorida aa ess, i - t a..'. ,.,n the fature oi tne road laat eon nerta tne t S grees noniser, tola an impurusnt whole. He atated tbat but hula more than a year ago he etaod with Mr. T. M. Kmereea. preelueni ef ba Atlaatlo t oast L.aa apoa the platiorm of the paim hwa, aad with Mr. H. K rWa, told of tba puna made to build tha road Me told ef the long Jours) lakes by autoineblle over tne ground beieoa now le set strong bend f ateel. and eklle tba celebration la g.x tag oa the mamer ass have not been working aad spen.il ng soo. j trnm eeansaebl, but aerauae they ej believe Ine read the prarUcal artery ( rem to err from the bus to the cea i.r ol rveamerra le eeiu .m. wrase Mr. Jehsfos re Urrset to PraslSaat Hm aa ta aaaa h had eoikes ab aad aay. aa thioush lb herfekk aad vVeaaara aad the Allaa.br t,as4 Ukre aad luraaeS the eiaea of ear. Tba real credit for 1 .Andy Ph oak, I he cM.pietd isi,rve t4 tm S'-e adtreea appear 1 air. l ikes sad tae she aaaa 4 el- eiaty Sepea aluaathr la put Into en ect, received favorable -aad aafa v arable I r eat seen t by variuua apeak ere af the day. Mr. HI ret, the Englteb repreeenta tlve at Ihe enafereare roeameated upon the danger af having tha eoart "too jadUMal,' arglng that diplomacy be mlaeled with juaike for the ga eral eaiaatactloa af alL Mr. Hirst read a letter from Lord Lorebur. Lord High Chaaceltor af aagasna. who wrote: "I aved not tell ye bow dp aad sincere la my sympathy with aay movement te fen hey Ihe Judicial willeeaeat of IntsraeUoriel dispute. It la the boa ad taa latae aaa w4i ha reaUse-t f that I am roaHdeet aneiaer or later. And lua U ce.aee the world alll. with avatttae re eaeasber the swaialaed ederta at the Amen, aa geaateai ia euad eauea aad aid Ireasur Iheat ajaoog the toCtleet r sees vara ml 1 ttieee: Teaaaassa, III.!, Tew, I. MUM. Varloaa, ll.lle. Total. ii.tiT.eei KILLED THJUI AKDT mmia. A MAJT HtaE HOME WAS BOTTOMED To HE arARTlSRCRa OM.X tYM PAIOJI MJoUTtr IltRT ttc. rrimrii os irwitr mtiit h Of POCTHERX. -Sed M.lal Krs, 0B4 Ohaervar Aahevllle, 1m ei s year, waea aatreea apnea aVartaabwrg. waa laeuatly kil- eept the aredlt for the road and bla t-ioring words were "The saddest tu.,. In my whole life was when I had to glvt up the Roanoke and Southern. It n pi ed tiam me, as It were, but I rejoice to see this road completed anl tnougn l know where I uugn. ii. rn myself n connection w.th It. I prefer to see him placed who to worth ier than 1." Maor Joel H. Cutchla showed that the growth of Roanoke from a few hundred prop I to a city of 1 6,0 tie was due to the establishment of the bead- gunners of the Norfolk and Westorn Kiillroad and the runnlngg of thai rued through the city, and he thought YYtnston-rJalem had an even greatn ft- lira. Bishop Rondthaler In reeponaa lo Ihe call of tha toaatmaater amphaeised the welcome la the v el tors: " have bwea looking you over while ait:ln nere with a grat deel of Interest, th elder mea are at their best aad 4 j ymmgae are el.mhlng a ta lava he a me tl.e older men have attained. I have tnought of all that you are and ad , ou are coming ta be, now that ihu nrw road , s apewlag ap for you. I iMleve you are all llvmi lor th hiah . an1 thsre la In. I f ho-a anjl trrr.'.ll, an - I --wleev with . U as-i heart the hliselnrs apoa yea VI Out father aad Our tlod." - ' t'aptala r. C Kobhlna, of Lexing ton, who waa railed span ae tit god father of the tew road, aald la aavwer that It see aa undeserved eompllraeal. aa be led h.s btarere through a matse of theuihui which he bad dreamed af In tonnert.on with Ihe ceaeummatloa ef tha arhema. Mr. R. M. Patterson, of the Oomnser. del Club of Albemarle, briefly re counted tha opportunities tha atuaene of this town hoped lo realise from the opening oftbe boelhbound, and aeetal a bringing a larger decree ef com mercial prosperity ta both. Ksv T. v.. Cnambliea. of Wadea bore. sp raking In a very happy vea Ihres eowa tna gauatlet to Wtastan aalaea. aad aald that h etood far the prsspervy aad growth mt Wadesbora. aad vrinstoa-Saieat aad aald that though at was aa y a d rears na the part af esaae af tha clilseaa af Vtad-e hate enaie lhaught that tha ksdina cveaaiually la Ansoa couaiy auupi aa day surpass th lastoe-aatsea sag J s 4 aaa sed ew psea ta war. My paraoa,- eald Mr Hearst, -w that Ihe evlta see dsnes-r er asaetaatly aMftiet aad ebaag as at aaeaae teals Ma II tnd,. eew a aear WMMta. aa Ihe hfar,.h si... iarsgh. ef the aeeaisera. Marsh pssa. a ee. ! referred te the aseeaet pasisek wse anehtly la.ared. It it- ' aera air, rnea e4 gwa ap ar that a aan, ml hr aaaaie -a k- we a sae-.h aad a b-H I w ..m.m. . V" JT, " ! vCl ZZ. r"l ' " w.ieias ihe railway tracka wh.. ' -' rzT;r jttzrrzr.zz.Z' .vcrr:.::; r::?, , .asesaw.a aeag the . l2 .L" ltZTZ T - fcMI-Ml a r-.r-d M eM wtth fn., j baa. aa eg a.4 -. the Thenr -,a-. whh-b are eaU to CTw tail? Vera" L d .in 1L 'irlsl S '- h. tea.-, ah.f "h eeaJaTrni tt " tb. t av.va he fca eeveeal PHhea. er e- 1 . ?" a I.I fr S rVnj ,M ml Ih. treatleT ' . - a-riM to bare aettod lh. th4 rfetlll.-Il IT ! t-.e . haiti- r., m4mmm .nmm.pimt p, -e-a - ia. - ''"-"- ri LTal. rJr.rrl. . . p f aaaa. free pedcv , trwia. toS eaaJda hefar h.,k ' '4 - ' assy l in a as a ii ..i a e ayse,7T-TT. ' " " ' s tst. U b f . - w a . -u.a m .. p. sm e s-e taiaw. h.a- we-i.s. aSMeatth, .rteMsw a. I ItTuTa ZeVaa a-T17Il "- a - C'-l .,, . , - ., . ...... .a See re-e-a p. ,a.-sr:.:r-.;. ws2r-" J"--" - EASDITS E D 0? Ci SE Mr" 'led IIHinl1ejl. las' . 1 . M f Me4l . vwl IM a..-. '",UMU MULU til LligiUUI ,4 M ka, . e..h. It ex, ! h 1a be far, Caea ef Me Ut) I hr d 4ea eaa at e e-; iM late a . Se4 mHm lae iurm as the nroanaciiu 12 t. a th Democratic House of Representa tives In th next Congress. He pro claims himself in favor of the ap pointment of committees of the Rons by a committee rather than by tha cpeaaer; and he states his belief that the tariff should be revised, scheduto oy at-nsuule, rather than In one single bill. These ta n .uh ..... w t lark, are the ones upon w'nleh ha k. been continually tmportuaes m.i... some tutnnint. lit II Heait Out. The Demo at c mtmbere of the House .ent out , call today fora raa" membership o( the nt House of ttetr rs.e..utlvefc Mr. Clark . eletement le both an explanation of the call for that caucus and a declaration af bla r?b. h5S '?rr Th. caucus WlJJaUaav.ajai aal- c.,.niitt-a and a rules omralt- eejaimltnas ef seven. We. Cl ifk b- 'r st there commlttee should 1.1".'?"'''"'''' to a l-t I he ether aerrmltl., 0f th0 nu - .. .Tyitrie of lam t ... ..... at f 'A tsrKf T"'ml ! t'-k ln hi, .V-i aeTa V ..V Lon B eneraf bill, sod revteloa by aenarate bills for aep srat -hedules That M a m.tu-r. not Individ. brt'u 1 '""r ,h rh'm ' aeparsta blila lor -,mist, schedule,, Uk hg tha Ihe moat abanrlaiM -Prhia 1,1 certain rasea ' " a lar. particular "Tea raa earn daa aad sat ihe'""1 nHii. Ht. leaturx rlr.t "v rij ii.irjt.. Itema " Ih. l.m.nt rferre that What--'' laea.r.,1.., upaB, , hcr,lf cmprehnelve e .thst hl.h prw.ded the framlns ef tha laytie AMrtrh las sill he had by tha n"1 " 'nmrnlttes. The aaaumptins. rnaing ogt of lnraoc, certain quanera,rays Mr 1 l.k That r-reeld.np'Tsft or Senator ummln. nr aurher Re--ubl.r,,, k., e.-ris.4e s.ethln, sew '""-" v the aepsrsla u hdl. ar . sr-parroita -M.Htr uf f,V.-tla(r 1 'wneieHtees, Mr I lar. !., i,M ( j,,,. U in f.,r t le.itln, ,n ,h, ,., i "iir memler-ajrt H. I ( pl.t tr that hi effort toe th er h b.a ii, laretj to ihe uhIB.-mmi ot th ma rr.ta in th. llw ,B1 tn iht ra " 'he membats-eieee nou!4 s- -We, .ry oepartsaily IT snIS-sW,n lo be sialxtslswd Is e-lpr hmr h ' h lll f lb ateeahee " h "-. T"0 aaetoa. Mr t Lara a. re la.raal tha ar. . i ' ' a-wr4l HN I is kr.h ike as : , ,pv anKaXaLav The aer. hd hi H eed ball fv, t wt. . 'IZTiZ Ihe aeaaata aeaaaat a aiaaibe a. " eeaa SttoH, 151hl TZL. ZtZZJTTJ!??! " lieeea d ha I he fcaatsry asn J ' I ha) wlnse BIM l-va4 to sv i " ' en-, r.rr kunm It ran a kiv ts to. a. a is t a. e e Busies saw er, rersaesa aed - I - aaa g aeetel eae we tee e.a...,e rr rttrK. OftLAPfntl urjtTR:"! 1 frsea t a. .-,, w-sm. rat aaart ettttM, i s.-a ew --.- I aeja ae f- eMa ee rgaah 1 vet eaa t py a t-ei eg " " e - wwa mmm tss eaeeeaa esaaj I to l eaad a las ! ee '. a ear Aa kerwae pa Amaaasav - I . -T- .I ,,. ... . T Ma aa-4 aa a , i-iiraitW , , t a. Mm M t-asa rw-a a, a aa-..i . sr . . . . . . "a ' . w asee-ae ; a a. aajj aai . . . ... . 1 mmtmt at a. I . . . . , -We'eMl.Jte, tww ,s. aa. . ZZ ewsU af a r- ..llr ... . i e-a-a l ew ' , saa e r aJa- J. It raea . . J. ... .." . s geas. eaa la aaa q 1. I" 'J f h, Aa I tha aeihaa - sa.aa.-a a. a. ' a- - J! T- ineasa B..S aw . " 4 1 etareed to east Bsaau 1 aaeaa m e .. -e h,. J. rl.TJ rZLLT'T' ; bea-d w-; . . P-w aw . ' " "2-1 r- wt a Kaa.., toW 1 YT'.ljZ. 'ZJ-Z T . itaa. ! si a. a. - f ".. waa eies ' " "we s-ew-e aa) sax aa. Bartw a rta. . aewaeae 1 " - - i e Sewea4 . I..al... aa. a faa .. Ni I easaWta to ha l-a ee 1 swwawewar tewaj easiness rroaa aar aaiaat. sut will agbt ysa to a Satsh, bat H will a n aeswes sght. s wwa I ate y a tba back, bat wa aid agM yaw. aad I wara yaw," Jaetaje Bwasrif Latte. h Jwdaa Ntadaa Tvlae Waauea Wadaahwea. was arhedstag ler a rears, bal ha was eaabte to b ae-. est. M taaaar aa a- - : " i-a..rt wis relart t'ie ha h Mtowtor h,aw. a- 1 ha.-.ad by Meyar r. W. Da... i 'X.-eVwd. 2 is..tb eke. a-alag ta edeeaew a,h i.. k. .-JaT-T ; . tha ewtraaas af ae.s.sal ew4tii .... . wm" ' to Ih S.. M laraeaat mt ... j,, , a .aptiaVVaJ, . i ii a is .vaisa ass Ihe Mr aha ear aaee stole aepiad to I ha ,r. e4 the !' lajvatvwd ' The aawxhaswog rsllaey ate ta eevBa a- taw rsaiwsv at t reversal M.wa. sad e far aa s gwaa at ee trnm ml pesatata ha wewa S-. Ik a a-wa to etee a as waa. at, .a, ia a. a lae a" aad kt th. aSam. t. wars saa Iw i I ha th s "w, M aa bea red 1 tawre Sue sac aola. " Te ea-r-wa. hs Baser ww'4 im.kniu.il; Mve rertais lafiwat restveea" tf te wa ptsa ear a kertwa M aeeawMtie r (, I-s,arlat eawest ee erarir, kf law M-wa part W t ba ar las law a-a Ta w hwd the fen thai the s-kataL. "IW th . ta.r ireal m fa H, sa4 I ha a,. Saaweee al fa I a t-a r e ! flixbii. I vat "la the Baattor of stihu th ataata " seal ba alaad bw.aw aitkahv ral rstlws aeeem y -- m , r,j t - a awMl have (tswa ew. peassaat ,rth (a.,,, ( lanv r nt sad a aJS-aasrra V reeaaa t. I'M IwaweesMW eefe, w wtei-v s a k . ... aw. a aw, bw la, a taa W a Tw e-iaw af tw aea a r-aw ntV. . .n.,.. in. . Sm. tm.t fva. a w,a .n..-e a ra e. aa I a.,.M a tw r-V srwa ta. e e waeaa W' W. sraass " - " 'wa -- aa araa4 aaa , easts anet. w . . . .we. aae a "" " rwsw mm taa sssaa Paa I a.ejita to ssaa IVa -.. , t aatsw a. a ' ea- . vm.r ww aaa a ta ta laaweaa a teseol to ap w ai ee p., . . t aw easaar r ta eaa,.a, ,.....l ; a. .a a. I f. bwmw mt it, a-tna) Stria " rww i i .1... ad . I aa'v sw-aeta. iaaa Saa., f ewaaaag waa a aaWewl -ws to wa Ha a'. hw,"d ) I -m re 4 evwtto-w a.-.- tat aaea t aa sew aa taw . -a"4 a tv thae AeawMtwd tws t l1 few. - a,t, '"' P L laws. a - W fc St I a-,. lMtm. I'll e a a a, at twa - aal e-w- , , t. e, -a a ..w , ,v aj -a w v M - s.Maar nw -av va. " a a s " - i aw ' w r.;. ru tta a . u I e. a f ! a vtra tsa. .. fa, Btc-w,' e e ii -. n. w : V-- tel t - a- a, " a,w -. J W .irH rtwawl . 1" -r.i r . " " ' - V lw. W W a.va rw t.a y"-t wa S.w Te - fw -a gwe evaseh ewd a W wa. ewa to as SSI eag T -' . --aa ri -a fw-w e ! the aa "a a Tk a. rt rttM. if e aM-es a wjw ha a we re aa " . , a . a. t iw ew a -a a -a a-a ta a in wJw-s k w'hw aa rwi-w aw to w wta. p. a-.-, j.,, a-a-aa. e a, ra-wa t I rm.aai , '. aw rw S a a-a f w..... a. . i . - ae e. et- a,-s ... a r --a. aaa -i '""'"" -w . i. i tu,tt a V r ... w -.- . w - .-- w a a . -aa w. a-. --. a , - a a- , ,.a,i f! Ill nt a. ipv. a...... r- ed la r a- a -a S "I h ta vaati'lwa m " f taw. ., t .win s, r, i tasaaf at aa aata aa ' ! e eeaas awn . . Va , p aaaw. toa eat. I ( raaa eaa wtw awe Va- lae a a ttow , t a emu er-aai wt a a. a, ! t J I sa. - , a l taa ba-e IVa ei Lia aa a ! - - e aeawav isa mm a .a eteuar aaaw I a rr a wr rvsan aaa . S'U'Wa taw ra .a I eaas .an rat. j' -im j I . a -a- aaa- wa w. eie 9 1 ' t j .M l-at h tt wt( raet I i San-'a. W ! l.wt, a 1 w a ' ,wat v ' W at". , 4m, e aaa B'..wie m tsTTTei ttit arrn Tall eM a, 1 a...,, .a. : Fto ta.we.ata seat tike ta.V Ii ta Saeasrsaa me trnm, es tw law rv . t t lM f aasfw., I, pa, tVttaaas. IVaa ef s Www i w aa. f ' F --d Prae I e-.... pJa-s Ih eaw. ,,,., , i we ... I - Tha ws-a ra 4 nKfaw- fwaww - Caawaa, -., Mere a tstaan. mt rWkaa -. a ,aa--a . ,a ..a-xs-eea toe eae. sw.a s fl a r-w-e- ,-aa-!w I a-al I .wew Ih) pawna lwa .u.. s a a.a.-a ear tti I awl aa .i awa a.. ' He tw a.,.., . a -..w f W at... -a aa - ta w a. w w . t at -a. -a w - .It wa -4 s w-afa if -ws at a a. C ..t w-aa W a -w a e -:- a - . r . -. I e-tw -,1aa w't w w 4 w a t ' - - ft a -fca- w w -a atl ,aa a a " . f- .-a a -a- a , w we -- a-. wr aa a. f-a... (I.rv. W h,,,,,.,,, ...,-. r la .f ' -. . - r . a- aa a-. . , .- ., . ar t. . , I - , . , , , - . v r r-w T" -, ( n. - . , ( araart aa l.tt.a Ha a-w. f waa. w im Sa-t v , aw e-T ee- t. .a. Way f-ara tt ta W -)'lii ."t I e-1 a I ww ta ta.tia.iaa mt mm t tw . eat aa) eaa M fwaaa-ai aaa I raa ata-a ta aat a v-t a) .am i. t. a W taw-aa aa nwae faa raa sat i - kawt, tat, a a mi i tu 111 ui ae, t a . aaa et w a . aea tt-aaa-'' S -a- , ta, w-taw aa ta mm .! t t. .a . t w a -.-a a- at I Saw r -a a a. a a at a aaaa ta ta'ta a t - t a r-a wax ttta rta) af a a4 a- a aw a l a slat f-f. sad taata aa Sa'd tf tw ri aa . in a tsaaa fee SWaaWa Sat aaa w - -Wat a y-tawM.a we-a h. aeaaw a a,, M ra4 "- . P '" d to g-a to a-tasrs ear twwaaae w-att, eat t-w hta-t eaaal At II ta at t-a. i ,i mm-mm ekaawaV ea4 a aa. war taa ! to S tww -aaajsa aaa toS - i e a " as fa-aa raj.-.-. ,!. a a ; Jrat ea ti-.V. - - -w-a a..5 aaw -a rriat.tn. -,. , Wa ' - "a a- H al mm a. . . a a aa. (4-at aaa-T et t W.f -w ; t i ttta.ai w saw IV aV ?- ' la.- ea-a e-W I'- wg at-nw ta . : a-a al a- aa. . a tM. I i i. l aa ta tWa) ,ta. tawat- fraaa fcfWtata as -. a . yaw a-aaaa t , aa- v. a aa tW rawtaa tw i.a ?w earta-V a.a fa9a. taw ,-aT ..4 arf a, r-. ear- j i--t eve ' - .a ta- r- .i hi j -a e"ai a aaa -a t a r.a. f a- I t , , , m. e-a rwt W ta V --s a , -- a, a t W Wi .... i 1 .m t-aM t . t - -a t . ' at a-, . a -.t k...'V a taa . . a a. I t,l y w aawt aa ta a.4 w a -- t a .-a e- t i a. -j... ra tm ii e a; aar V -w a--:- S't . aa ar taw - w...-t iw m-a a t is -a a-aa tt taa-, a ,t TVt .Aaatta.. W i ,--,. " e waa-. -av- IV S p , - , ,. J.a. ,, pVaBwa) at ajfm , p- ... . w a a a r v.. -a t-. - ta, a. : a- f laa mmt taail il