( V T Osly Dally U Krtk CtrolU TM & i5,c:3 gtaunftlftCftf. Leaiols all North CaoltaaDaLiiesitf New! , ... - - ... - . ' .kalzigii, jr. a, tiiuksday jioimxa, February o, ion PRICE 3 CENT S FEOGY SETS FORTH HI OF SOUTH lli7Sp5s&:t3 tha" Utah Senator's Amsndnsnt MM in have r;:::E cf it FAL1QUS "SUGAR TRUST' LETTER Thcnus Ri!:y Charged : ; With Filching It i Booth Would PrrZer tho Defeat of Ute ' ; TWJoioi CiJliaf For the. Electioft .. ft lb Cubed Sum Senator by lirt Vine f tKji nmii. if I. rae- rbw 'Amendmrat to ITjko Control of kucfc" JJerthm taUie Hands of ' IVwigrtce..: f -7' .--V4--PV;' . ' Bt AsavcJftUd J: t.'aaaii;irc"'Te1lThi oath would prefer the defeat of tb rejolutJoa alHhg for the flection of tht , United State 8ntor by dlrec Vet of th people to It passage. It mended -A Senator .Sutherland, of t'tah, ha proposed, o is to plat . control of such election la the band f Congress. .80 declared Senator Percy, of Ittlsslsjlppl, In a speech to- - Mr.' Pew addrataed himself Mrtu. i vgly to . Ih ; - consideration of T&ft Sutherland amendment He contend ed that In tb prevision of the Con tltuilon. giving ConirreM supervision tirrr the-election of Senator th pow or of eettlrol la enly formal. It could eittnd only to legislature and not to tint ordinary voter, 'Krcllng hla light of fraocht in caM of popular itailtii o( r- Senator. A it now and It b an emergent power tft be Vred by Congress only in can of th failure ot a stnlalitra -ta aoV- " "Tet."' (aid tba MlMtmlppI Bona. r, "by (he knray of aenatorlal ).ft it hat been Jron-muted Into ana of the thief bulwark at tb govern garni' ' - ,.-.rt .-(.. ' Tbe cptanr' of tit S.Uterlftnd amrnomeut would lv tho 'tlonal . ttoverantnt """I control over tb Urtwr end mliM be so employed, o reeull In the appointment o( euper Msor of li;tlona, wljlch wou'4 b meat objertivnablv. the hntor maio Ulned. He'declarea. that (w -i-pt dur!n- the X4 year from 11 to 114 wbea le tl)n lawa wr r aoriMt to to protect th" uro vote la the rtouthern Btate bad the na tional) power of uperrlatoa been In. oked in th matter of th lortVm t.r member of tb Houa of Ropro-aeeiatlv. -Neeer la all that tint M ther a day when 4 lie general weltar wotild GOLlPLAiilT FROM: . flEl'IRSfjPSRI Tlta lefeae VU1 Not Ver Hut tu i letter and CMhrr Conndemlal Mat ter Had Vttm CopW aad Sold to Hmfflo-H Boo(ht to Prore.Ttiat ! Bllry't AffUlathnu Whb tlwo Mag. . iuln Waa Kiiwa.-i.;': 'f!)-'H Vv'' .i (By th Aaoclat4 Pre.) '. "augar trurt", letter of Attorn ey-0n- aral Wlckeriham to District Attorney Wtv.4a wnlcb Ifr.JtVlekerahatn wrot that "Retia tor Hoot ha aent m tb proof of a petition lgnr by Bower, MllUurn and Outhri in uport of their contention that the (tatut of itmlta. tlona baa' run in favor f UessrsPar. eons, Klstel and Ilarned," came up la court today for more publicity." Tho. B. Riley, one ft epeclal agent for th Interatatd Comraerc Commlailon, and later employed by Jh ITnlted State District Attorney her, waa placed on trial, charged with niching tb letter from, Dktriot Attorney Wl' dk, oopjing It uO eeiriug tb copy to Hampton' Magazine during tho ab enc of Mr, wiaa la I'rane Th defense did not' attempt to de ny that the letter and ether coud. dentlal matter had .bi'en-copied -and void td Ilampion'a .ntagacla and the Coemopolltan. lnatead, It nought to prove that Hltey'a aftUiatlons with th Envies Appropriations to North Carolina ' ' maaaslne were known to hi employ era, that b had Boen given free ao eeaa to the book of the American Hugar funning Company In the die. krtot attorney' office, and that In n rJ, "tbl- matter of tmg publlctty to- the euirar InveHtlKaikin,". a hla eounwl put It "waa kawn to ftller upiTlor aud nore of ! to tb go" rument. . , ; ; . , - . . Dtotrtfit AKnrney XVti testified Un der croeeveiaialnatlon that he knew when he employed Riley that RUey had furnlahed Information to W.. R. Heaiat prior to lv. wfilrn Mr. Hitt , "forwardd to tbe attorney general and 0n which proceeding wer ktarted agalnat om . rallroatli lor rebating." . . -i . frank lrtheUwr4 stenoarapher to Mr. Wise tn !. teeime mat nr. TO-EtO'ffllfflTS SeuMur fiailaghcr Cannot Vndmtaad tlliy Tar lied Me tTbrowgh and ttie Measfttea for Hla Nat) Got tost bt tbe Kbunel-rBroaiiclousl rbt Tnr lied Drlrxation High Corupriiiteot iXNiKrtw-ltinal , Anpor. tioninent Bill, If It oew . jTbrougb -HoUee at Sl. Will B Talked to Dratb ba firaai, , r k By THOMAS I. PENCE. Washington. . D. C,.. Feb. . -Tb spectacle was presented In the Senate today f a Xew England Senator, who la leader la th TtepubUraa. party. eoldlng that body because a Southern Stat Has fared better in th matter of a certain -claas of appropriations than tb Ktate from which be balla. Senator, Oulllnier. of New Hamfl' hire, waa the complaining Senator, and. althouah he had no word to pay against .North Carolina, be could not understand why The Tar Heel State I able to secure so many appropriation rrom t'ontree for the erection of monumeut. . t 1 The matter was precipitated when Senator Overman called up th bill appropriating 3,oo for tb ro tlon -of mo)roent to derreral Na thanael dreetie and the Revolutionary heroe under hint at Oullford Court Houa batti. aroiwvd, --q'he tneasirre cam from . til House ,. so that a Chang in th phraseology of a minor amendment could be concurred In. Senator Overman, who Is the author of th measure, bad nu difltoulty In havln this don. . But Senator Gal' linger mad the Incident tbe occasion for tinbiwomtng noma of th tbliuni that be had on bis mtne , Tu New lumiehlre Seaater said: - Ther t ft onwhat tngiilar eIN cunwtanre connected with th matter of erect hi monuments to th great h.e beVrrromoied b, etrlWn, Sw Wtb. sugar trurt letter fJ t!:.ltft?-tl- ?f that n took the le.r Heferrlng to , the errort or twenty vran ace to tas th rorte blU. Mr Perry declared that legislation along the Uae h contemplated weuld bare ree'ilted In rhaos. where with the Pouthern State eft to their own lvw of goemment there had been continued prosperity for both, white nd black. "I llev.H be said, "that those o-.ra Jg.i hr n never to retrn end yet we od warrant for -ppre-Ijeeinjon tn th threat of th Senator irora ?few Tor Olr. lefewi insijjiuat. senator voting for tb resolution would fet th rull of th negro ot lb tb doubtlul Stsiea 4v-tndt- ata desire to enrrr favor with that vote aad It may afford ft urfl- lent Inreaftv to twmpt to conUol election." While, however, be ronaldered that th day a ir oi.mn. "j - , .A, WOOD PULP AfiD - PAPER CLAUSE Mostly Where Cotton Was Taken by Govirnment TOOK, A SFiHITEO FIGHT Mr. Mann, ftf HHno, Ge4 Qult lit ktrton Over 'tho IMactisHion of tlte AmrtKlnXrot . Otltrr Objectionable Word t tb) Sootii Are Cnt Owt of sjio Mooa Dili, for tbe CodlHcftlkwi . at 4b. liftww Bctattngr tlie Judl clary--Otber '"Objecttonable Lan guagft to Quakrr of pennaytvanla Cnt Out. . 'Ti'' (By th Associated Press.) Washington, D, C, Feb. I. Ha v ing succeeded lt week in striking the word "war of th rebellion" from one sertion of th Moon Mil for th codi Canadian Treaty Provis ion Suits Publishers 'HI THEVIEWSQF UR.NQRRI5 Tbe Chairman of the AmcVaa Xeww paper FublWters AasociaUo) Will Appear Before, the Way and Mem Committee Today on tbe Caaadiasi " IteclpriN'itjr Agreniutii, And Will "Trgo Tlt tiio Woid Pulp and Paper I'roYlsion Itninaln A Ttley .iw. l'y the Associated Pre.) Washington. D. C. Kb. I John Non-U, halnnan of the paper om-mltt.- of the American Newspaper I'tibliHhira' Association, will appear tomorrow Itefnr Di. ur.. u . ' s .UU HQSUV or tne House of Repre- lacta and Ogurea In I i- i hi u i i -r? - flit 1!1 I! 1 ommittRM s'-nt.itive with - HON. W. C. SEWL.VJID. Liculenmit Governor,' XUto lee"ver"tb HtftM Setwtc lilts , NOT LEWiS WEST rossm;. c.imi!F, toe xixino CILVKFD ; XST9 bWAMP., tiRra:E ; covntt; bit i3 1 ; 1'Koves sot to' be the mvh- DF3tl OV nraHTY Mt MrtMVD. (Special to'Sew Pd Observer.) rarmvllle; rha negro who at supposed t be Wwlg W est, the slaver of Oeorte HumfuriL-of WU- soldier of the Reveliitltm. This il... ...- ..j .... ..v.. - - eras Ik. .1.1 hill l .w. I ... r .i,.!-"" vvun.,. -- ' . 11 , , , . ' Wilson. Pitt, oreene and Uenoir nav lf'u'":.!'0 bVarchlng th. wam.a of Oreen. passed six or seven bills to erect mon ument to tieneral Stark and General Miller, but they seem to get loot some where.. However, North Carolina war turn up with favorabl actloh. rounfy waa rantured at Maury at It 'clock today. Th negro I now In th Oreen county latL aud It has been nroved new that he la hot West Tba cuse he gave fortryln to evade TBRT EXTRA tm S.IS THAT UK W IUi CA1X IT ir A VOTK 14 NOT PERM IT TED IX BOTH MOt 8KB FOR RATIHCATION OF CANADIAN TBEATT COAKIyiTR MINT IN , JIX)P.RDT. . . , ; . By THOMAS J. PENCU. ' Washington. D. fen. 8. Presi dent Ta ft told irverybedr who went tv Ui White Iioe today that be would call an extra session of Coaxes if n vote is not permitted In bo'h D ram; he nation of laws relating t the Judl- "'',l,"rl " ln '"ctmiit, without the nary and aubstttwlng th word. -civil l.'fl?. ' . war," Southern oiembera of tb Houn i reciprocity agreement Mr. Norria I of Representatives amplified that work j 1,1 r"J tonight emphatically that I today by .trtklng out the objectionable 1, !m l"PWl word "reberHorV In several oth.r visfons admitted of douhr,i i..., pretutioi, aa to their moaning. II .Kpr...u the opinion, moreover, that tlio HKrwment verbatim aa It stand would I ratlflo,! by ,h Uouv, l .t least two-thirds majority Mr Norria said bis statement lu th. coinmittee tvouM . ,now lb- rt cJprl oeweflt of ,h, paper cla.. and ,.t.d that he wouM "Wound nullify th, lretty b Mrmi the par el " He would show he said, that that clau aa expAZt ZhVI'. "t"M the oTdy b supplied to American paper mill and b, which the !ndutrT "1 protected from dlvwrtn u? cJt The degree to wnlch ths udmlnl troUon will use iu behalf f actment of the treaty It. "utmost X fort to bring .hott, rha, Uy joncarrsnt lewtlatioo- a promtaed U th agreement, waa puZ t day m report, brought from the W hit. - m, ! chapters and changing the language to I either "civil war" or "to the forces an government of the Confederate States," as proper reading ot the measure re quired. Th Southern member also assist ed Representative Hutler. ot Pennsyl vania,' In securing an amendment t the bill by striking out the provlelon that "voluntary r-eldence of sny such person In any place, where, at sny time during sm h residence, the rebel force or organisation held way shall le prima facie evidence that uch per-' son Old glv aid and comfort to said rebellion and to tbe peraona enguged therein." This provision occurred In the chap ters relating to rules of evidence be tor th eaurt of claims These rule feeolr. tliat any person prosecuting a claim growing out of the civil itr bail prove their loyalty to the I'oloo and that they gave no aid or comfort te th t'ontederate fnrcee. Mr. Butler stated trust there V rim iototnr 7J , SlftfVbVdoV Tn tba at -b. waa afraid 1 am not going to piny tn nog in tn, hi, r..ika rih can.' mang-r in this matter, hut I do hone h'lr .iiLj,'" " that North Carolina will doslst from ' ' ' K?" JTT!r .r .. Into room which be shared with Klleii and laid It On bis deal., after ward stepping out of . the room for gva mlnutee. When he came back b iMttncg that Htley aald to htm: "That's a pretty good letter. In't M?" He bad seen Hlley eopyrnc the min ute f the board of director of th sugar company daring offlc hour, h swore, od hv waa positive that h ho had seen J. H". W. Crim. a as sistant dlatrU t attorn.y. In th sam room here th letter ws. dictating letters about the sugsr t'ust maga- further Importunities until . New Hampshire ha had aom little recog nition." ' That was a fine tribute to thoee Wilson. FebT I The negro arrest ed at Hookerton tht afternoon give Abet Williams ss hi name, and Salls bnrv hla home: ear he waa In tb on the rattllcatlon of the Canudian re-! liprocItT treaty. To one ot his Vis- many Quaker families and nthem a. . V , . I . . I . 1 1 1 H rMnilM I.. .ni.lhu...l.,r ...... rfif. h mr m m . . L iters Jr. mi inn n- iiift ,,, nrl ., ... ...rm, lnr iTeeiaem mill tii Uemocrata Wouia mil out amenv - wii'ii mr i iwiitu - i-unvene tne new CnncrMs consider Th, Mill iriUIV V mw-WW - - - . . member of the North C.rolln dele-' neignnornooo wnere i a o w .. . ..i... .k. i,... in mu4n. vtsltlng hi cousin He dmls that he ttdsoB C. Wetllver. who wrot tb rttcl tn which the Wlckersham let ter waa reproduced, testlneel that had been recommended to BlUy aa ft man with Information about th sugar trust by ha 8- Marbls. an attorney for th Interstate Commerce Corn-misison. Cneeba tm tifc ewd ti flrrrn ry sMrtr.l pertr wnt1 tinderttVe to en-, two magssln to rutty and endorsed a. KedcraJ law for th control of rtl electbm. nevrtnei n was tiat much cviva cuW net be menleed. t Tshlug tip the Sutherland amend mat. Mr. Percy said: . . Th etleneloa of th Fedwsl pe r e oiiewred by the Sutherland tmendment, M a prtc greeter than tv Houtb hl.wHimg to pef '", 'h r.cbt of le-lng Henator by direr .e ... . ' Tho addfUoft't -b aidme -"tVrrfre. pM Inevltebly result In the dWeet el tb ro!uto. ' . lit conclusion Mr. Percy d'-;lrd ibt tb HAoth reeogaiew n , br him were shown The eaaw was d)orfted VBtlJ te morrw. . ' ' ' , , AX HjUPEMEXT. Two Popular Vouftg People f Hotw viU t. a Married at W (watds). ftWIera. : tSiMdal to Xsfts and Oh-erver ) Wlnatotl-Silem. Feb. Mr. J. R. rerfue.ni and. JU tiareUOww ft Tf rotrg pople. ( H.ainnke. V.. l"ped to Wlneton-ltetn today ed wr ir-T!d hl fernn. Dr. H, A. Hr.in. wtr if -h rrt Bnlt ipproprlation for th monuments at ullford Court House, King' Moun tain and Moore's Creek liatUsoeids. Tb Oullford Court House monu ment bill ( now ready for the Prest dent' signature. Aa soon aa Mr. Tafl return from his Went em trip he will be asked by Senator Overman to sign th bill with pea to b given to Ui. OuTHord association. prof. R. I Flowers, of Trinity Col lege, is her tor the purpoa of in viting tb President to attend the commencement at Trinity CulU-ge-.Th Invitation will probably b xjutftded tomorrow. There M a Certainty that th bid t keep the membership of the House t 1. which wnold rste North rar ellna to l-we a member of Cuuara, ran be defeated In tb Howe. ek far, only three Reuublrn bv promised to bolt thHr ram us 'aclioa, and if every member of the House Is present the votes of thlrty-U Repuoticans will be needed In edition to the vote of the Democrat. Tb three North Carolina emiigrsernei. More baad. fwwle end Orent. WITT etril with the Democrat to tht matter. Congreeaman Hob far I one of the manager la the fig I te lure me the mem W th man chased Tuesday night by tb poene and that be had the time- of hi life. He I now in the Wilson Jail, suspected of being one .f th gang who enf red Wilson o Feb ruary 1 with th notorious outlaw Lewi Weet C UUTIT l ltT AHOUMIFD. Ctaea Aire) Trewf-rved to the Dfotrtr (trmrta-Change Ma.le ha todiHr. tto) of fws lt4lnc te JadMWy ttyaftrea of the toftutry. , By Ao. lated Press -Washington. D C Feb. . After slmnet a year of dwultory eonatdara- , .re I little room for do,,,,, ,ht ..uwron who ! r" dJourn without haii- . 1 1 a run!., ... M .w i i Did ummm . - '"."."i ru ,w- ii, nwu.iiriiiiipiii r ni imj I, nil i. - -..iii, j the ronfediTile; " Ihemselve. If they were calle I to- roroee niaintained bradiiurter .ledr'"' ' "raorainary session to gether In special sneslnn for the pur- ttysourg. They objected ti. th Ian- '"1 airesh. Hse ofHreVistng tbe tariff The b-mo- guage in th law which made It a-ar trats. oa the other hand, are houlnit 'hat they were dlaloval to t h t'nlon rhat the President will give tle-ru the 'implybecause their pl:i. . of rvmil.-m . i ame wlttun the war sone Kepreeentative Oil It- Jumo of Kentucky, seoonded Mr. Puller's nmendment In ft rtve minutes' speech uhlch called out applause, tin a '.'a ..nd nay vote the ainendmcut adopted 111 to 7. " Tb Hoiis also adopted, af'er a p!rltd light, aa amendment offered the opportunity of putting up t-. the ltepubltcan Senate ss well us h.nixplf a number of embarrassing uriff pr.p..l tions, Cowh. .galftH Our s-.pk In th House todnv. durlna th. 'n slderatlon Of tbe bill w . ...ttrr Hie laws relative to the JudlcUrt tbei , v.B a stirring Incident in cotintction u-tth a praraph In the bill ,l-nlin th the loyalty of Southern peopu. aim may have rlajms aitaln! thr govern ment for property deeroed or ui flacated. Beeldenc In the Hotit i- n msde prima facie evidence in t'l. Mil .of dtsloyalty te th. I'nion Krpte senutlve ttatlrr, of I'i-iiw" Ivai-u. a RepuMtcsh Congressmnn. l l th biht asamat th provision In -luMtlon He spoke eloquently, and on hi- nioMon the objectionable tatngung e lot ill ther. if h. llevee Hn riu moved will ait up.ii the .r. ipro.-iry matter In he roreninaf ,lu i . . . ''' P-vlew and Th. ''": , " WftMIJs-Hl rv diepo-ltlon , k,,D ,, " l sid upon eg that Mr Tfi k ' I'' .pen, I OMtfr. fHW.r.l.lj , ,h ,(1 ' re l n l.e,ea,, f, , .rj y Ind.ca.ion no f ,r,,4,u . J1M,', the Hou,e I, ,.. ,.w r helming Mr Hartlett. of Georgia, removing , bTvhrth.r .h . J .'! r, . 'he bar of th. MatUt of limitations otuo.eH -"l"" rd,rSv imn, ,-l.ln,. w.de s.aln.t the e.rn. 2?P .!d .,0. '"''""t :i I- M. men. f HM,.!... .... ' J.. " "r"r"V tcth'S to . . e-i laoopuun try th Senate tj!;en under the ahandon.4 nnn!j . ,..,.fitJ .-, ot tie eta.; .;;!d:,w.wr,,t,,' M,,-r,"" 'I cotton tkn tv th aTiib-rnmatnf I rtw. . ...... ----- i g m iirw- B wi vnifh r- . ... . Ihisiwbleh be nt.r tnM . nmendment Mr Mann, of Illinois, vug. be devoted, it la said nractir.li, .1 tested that th. Democrats f the I tlrery to the advocacy Zl ft recrlL Mouse might Just as .U brio In ejc4tr rreem.nt II. ei..n. mn , prent It Th- preei. lid ild During th. i.nsideratlon of .Inn tkm li..V lh. mill . . ... - . . I.. . - J . .... . . . ' " v.'n out uj i "ra- .,..r,.., , .nieiKim.iii, pro- u.; ai wore upon tlielr preDeratlsa providing tot th. odltteaU hw gT9tmn0m fowles was the i,l m. m lolng for th. repayment of rh. If admlnletrstlnn SenatoV. had env Uw relating to the yudlcbiry Tm it f ,n Snrik Cajolm d-lesaii-Hi t'n tas. amounting to .un.thlng llk.douht al.o.,1 th. attitude Bf Pr .-Ideal of the coo. I ry. lu the ft-le. the bll ,h() ,strtj ,h (h ,,,.. ..ie. Mr flark. of rlortd. Taft tomard the f.n.dlan rprwetVy niM-elv re-en,.t ,, The .pproprutbm for the ( h.-l-'tte de.-U.red he proposed to offer uch ftn greem.a, It wa. r.m..v when ftew . .T . If iuTI. 1 !t.7oT rnlni wm.h rVea ii-.rm.n h ol .n -mendmsnt the pr..rr time. Mr Crane .ml Carter returned te e. . rfteTaor,! of !L tVltll sened In the urgH y rtetb.e,,. y bill i. Mann said the proper time h. I if,"" r.p.toi ..nla, frm . ronfee.neft T.,-- dThT?.e, .rLtt. ebU )-operdy. It ha. l-eeo . .ub,l-t of M..d end thst l.t.r .ch n vmeod. I Ub U.. Pre4n af th. Whw. umZ ,lr mJLiftl rome cincern In w.nf.rrt. end tor meot woutd not be In nrd.r. Mr Clark I 'V""' Tn m '-"" ohlch II.. Ren KhMt an ttf.tr ..we trans terreft, to ...... , ... ..,. a. ..ia .... . ji storm Srou.hi n,... n . liar It waa irH-nii emona m , ',.. , w u . i -J i. ,..,,na9n. w. tbe-l'telilit r-nurt Th ronenlldati'-n provMnn was tb. baste f the-oh wrtou. -contr.versy I In eoonectrnft lth today' ennetdcra- '"" "'" .u. w. kill bereblp Cf th tiottsa to 41t. and : as s .- 1 of itei vote. tn b. put t the llouar f n K .1 ftia! 4 T".. rminl, will ol .fit eu.nm ta repeal tne nw" ,-rm lo j(o.r,0.. rnday. Wieodment t th t5o-tltutmw -a- id lbt evch ft eeurse wtom, be nderuk by twt sectiow of tH ronntry. , . W411W1BD STtK ItnOtDFRA. rtsttfy OMMeact for ftate ftf I !. ef arrest, lepxlal t New nd tieerveM TUehn. d. Ta- Fb. A At a sp. ctal - m of tbe eerkbe!dr the fetal-nerd Air Ijr.s. held hw yea wy ratified and asvrwve.1 the ewt tract ei-aled by the railway eees Panr'nideT autbortr-, ef the pcrg of HrwetAre with B'alr . 1 Vg, Theleran Co . swd Mtddeerf, Ui.bwi ("e . tor focnt ef rs-ew- t n v.. feora the railway core- peer tl t. par v-arni. ef tne thT s rfoirg sang.. k-aa, u-m.4 end uabl rd rr- Dewtb of WillatM Wsliac Meore. (Speei.1 Jo Jfewn nd Observef ) AhlM... Feb.. t. William WaJ. htce Mwor. years of , and a hrether u-4aw dndg $ D MntT T. dt this morning, following failing health, for aewte year. - lie wa for he is very doubtful of a tot eg Sfubllcana remain away from Dm Capttol. iloaev.r, I her. I an worry hoit th. ultlmat. y-aeaag. of U bill. ecaose H cen e defeated In th Seaata. wh.r. a number ef Heei. top. are committed te talk H te death If It strike at (he representa tion ot thtr nete T V.. kin. ...mil, ..la .. J t i nj mar ne am. to put threyah I ' """i a toie on th. legUlatlo like that when you Demo. ' aareement at the pre-nt arnttun w rrat nave cntrji bf the Hasan MC"'" -" "m rr m ... tvow -wvfj never get it through whtl t'eialrrw be'reil ha CbwMew ( "Wbt don t )nu try it. new Is th time' ... . . " . " ,"T4''nt made pla'a tra "eeeion mmmi linniei.i.lv .r. ! adjournment -n il.r-h 4 Cve-tei a i east tpm-nt. ma-rut V in oee ( TValsi MHrtt tprMUne) V ftee-o lwn'e-mp 4 jtasnbrr. IV, MeryhteMl llertttwi lap-t Xovew. t" offer th. sm.ndhtent 4. Ii lit. Ha, Hi Ton 4a , 1 l"be' thai the n'rr fnerallr ""'j favored the adnptinn nf . rerlprnrwl L'y the Aasocl.Ld ITew, ) Tb. "Ma, Ha s" a er, gl,wB m,ih a t LT u rt ".IiTiii i. ... .k U,, Panioiore. M4. r-K .-Th. Fed-I rUie lnfnlon. M ''i "J .rsl geemd Iwry tut.y rWurwed m-1 -W. sr. glad lo have a e. f.- ' ' " 'h H"" M 4.- . ted Pee-. . i m. I meet. ...! inha t fHnn and h. .ni.n.. .. ini .i . ''- mai-.-ur spo inat in. Senate Washmttoft. D rt. I - Ce--' John W. Miller, of tbe b-aird ef lee. !,.- r.a,,ie4 Mr JameefTf ar . 'V.' ''"" " " a W -.Mnt.r.hlw .r Itl .. at mm i.h. M lmt.Br . nrlnl.r .km ...-' " Tn n., f the -file whleh ni-.t bnt Inr..' ind rerfu-e. r-- sit.lled tb kailoia awed la rbartes ) . ,m'x mtr.mm.eeft Uuwaeiiliia af g ,4UTe Detegw.aa. te t- Ctasr. jreewntfttloe. I en, of the .l-. bv ee,lB,T d-.rli.g th. cvaftl wxtenat ewe- ,h. nrr,w ,-Mn ; ""''J' ist htT' T..T"Z1 oi . aft i r 11 "w . Bnatitv n im u" rt uash fi i tti'or a . . . at , - - . . - - to coxf.t ii ni vruxmr. e m't iintr.oirnewd mra.ure ' he . - . . . . . .. ' ....... ni ,k iTMMj hMethftn. ' ftAft Iu at.M . . 1 mw w ineie, r,nH n ITveuest, " ",;,;- ' 7. " V" : . r' '' " : lt , . l"""'1" or lerM 0.1H that M'"'. Itetb.ra ao.1 Pel'., .r. !Tr,:r!! vM. ... n, . brei.tht on for .T-tu-i-hi . Ih. the bvard of eoi-r.,,. um.J t. " m ' h,,"r, to the agTeenM.n, ,.4 ... . - 1. . - V Il.a..u lr.m rwar s-w. eft TfthSft 11 rvu..t-. . Ik. laid tt svA...lau.J ft. M .-A ' rMfww, ' . . a fjn-4tinT ' . - . . , iH. n.w.rn. v wriiib , . . . ft)!. Itft Jf O a rroa. ,it gtl 1 Its, U aaaneetil. I Ma.laatr It at. mtrmm w t a. a..9iii.. , llZZt .lo!l.r t r w m"e ' end fb- .b!"V JTLf 7 T ' !?!m.!r.,, ' T"m " t Itll f , . r . -u. w 'r tha MecklniiHirg deiee.llA. - tr. , ' --" " " m " re.Te.er-w eo,.T. ptMtn-aster J. r. Sierr. Mr son-i Howse ef to. ;. ml Aasewibly .ew W rp' ". ile o.M Nief I .ee wir nf hetr rt lei loet l veace jr,iw .... (rTtFf f,, yTi,.r. 'W and h ia-.r..rw nMf vot, e-..e- f their r-W. and H t TO COl H DM.Rf I a renventk) W.n the tTalg-ani n'a ; . v tv..r. ., i...... to h... h. tlu mewih-.i,i. r.i , farther rharred that lb awlleta wawa Bght ws en, ged n.vee regslnM M. He'..,,,.,, w" 14, w. n M.- ' ,u ,h " ';f f -'sr r-,,-. i whh-h tb. Vee. were to t eM at j was a native ef Oeeenvltle, X. C- d 1, -g- A tjTi, K.e agr.1 nene4 hej tb f-M-e i Msiem-. s tM. Metii. had been pewvp-uet pew 1 snmarr'e! jt- rwma to fbarti't. fer tht. rt nfer-j . m T ' - , "rw. ana s-nn-nM with th yew. 1 eniwap.-a.t deer.ee ieee few the oe ef ss.kl'-g am-1 iisie M.ii".r..in,i, re F-p r"M ta. a.m. ef .n. ..pru.on .ate.4e tha te rno-e of th. pma-rewrtT. rX'Publle.M 'lit r.pteat . ae-rtrwtt.ir.1 staiea w4 th-gr.e. tl Ml name nl Ihew gen. toe. a... hi. 1.4 fV tewloie-J h Nnhh .oVett. th ih.ir t.lalt... with the While b eft t lw l wHer. lt lo -Her M --, hat. See. n-fVte.ll tbjeiwsei'ilweale treay tw-f.-cg t ow.. piM.ant ef let. t- caea. tbe en te 11 ' - - . ert th.te. in eupswrt ef st- HieiLIH M (....-te, , mlctMrat en rhas-l Hill. rh - t the Itllj e..... re. ..J r..... 1 ' i tn B-abevferd Ce4iew Cusawr n.Mrurr 4h trip ef .-v.. d.te- ; atvr .IlTwwL-.e . (''' th. Fre-d.t . peee- a'!jlh. I nH.eMir f f-rth -.r-lea who' v-.- -,,J. , vat. left Ch.e-4 Mil to ee..-e ,h. ,w,. ITf l trr JT rT ft Pr.'.ee rv efe. r-pt.fe. th. J ,1 """ fr ;er t.H Ih. I..I.J,. .:L. " .dwlnb-trate. S ha., w Iwiaer t thae. wi,, aMte4 aed'or th. t 11 m. .n, m.trh-wi.t-1 nlm m ft t si-Vte.. w tr eii-e-d refwi. .-.rr th. t w-t fr-e. Il . .T rria. tb n-rite ef -" hr re-ie te priM ed d.flTev taiH .r. ka..e te have been m tb " ' preeenbed r-n. CI1L P5D urcTto. it.uMi frn w orr th. "ir- ' ' ' ,n" """1 i isl ta S'ew and Ohserrer y at rvo twna m th. t- !t that th. el- j I rww V-ewe rvieweettem. Mtl4 C !!-. Feh t Tb ,rf..en.a hr re, o,.,m.,,.t. fr.e w.B. "T ' t- l M.mmeeoen."l vet-t.e sf Retber.!,,. hy t Ig'a are t. M. th fd Coivr. will t.a face We t-1 t.i-r te ee hong foe ; -j- anneal wfovoa wilt h. pre,-hy ea.n.nt 'cr-en-een-n'. Th .iai I ifcr per. tt 11". m P lateihesh. ef Win. I he It, ne. iir ef whN-h w! I 1 '....: le. i..eeeT iirew w. I e fr 'i" ft a e rr,.ea c. (a. talt.bwi t Tow.hlp tlsM. te Tete p., r D WMliam P few, ef st rr 1 h- i. eh.rp dtt.-;a Bwat tana. fw ftaiteewdl i f .gr iein. e.d th. eiae-ht dde he , th. b-e4 l-. faH.I , e4 oiar''e '.P.T. I ihe..ihr, ef 'Ctm. J . ... w aa. o - aaii.t-.-r, j,i,h, I.-TV Sew) j " ' Hw.ft . vbo, " r, he f rti"io e ' tigered fWbwl ttaweger, - . kHe, e- a SP---.1 . et'MI le ' r art (Hrwevert 1 n- ai ! Ve.g a-i ' a.r-..f k k. t- 1 n fS-.,u-T tc. .!;, ei ! v t ew -Weit. Feb t ri. tb-' miahnM. '"1 Te ftm kl"h It-! e fhe pc -v-'-". ' ..eg ';.tw Ae.o ha erM Use a..- ? feser A.-l a heM e . ih. e ..j';a la .g...... mt Ti" "r the e.-int;..t - tn -. eT . t --. S, ,-tvM ..f I - . n( . Ka.ha, .-. t. re'e A. t'i.n-r, ! elerttee e f-e f. I..t . , et-rra... f..,m s.H.-rrtW -. D ew e.'. fhr l. wh C , i.i'm i-yv I ,-, I V. I. K.u,.,t tk, wt h. ear- I rtreni.r'M. ! h IV-tM H .'4 Inil-e-a. vr f- .. .... r a (.,. . , (. .-rt C Me4 Oi ln.'ti. rwf"',-, .-,. . ,- -e en- ea I. taelg m4 the Jeet.if''i trar-j.' - ' "---- r.e fee i. e.ae vrh ''' 7' i " " ' f r - t r. t. 1 ... - ---------- - - N.pla Fh D.d t '- i C!4. h f-t'-h "haceltie af h. i . ..tir. "d h- Meet. . ta ; -, w. na r,if.tt ef h re.i(S I -" , tr-.tr-a Ih.t he hi l.(n, m, e-.i-1 , t , ..t ttep-rt. r la eer. '"i.'lew l!eetr, tha eVett tk.t Ire .tts-. mt . fewe. ae. t imw a.d that h e-i. r tu m ... lp,M.f Wht-h w.iit iy t.ea hee tw refw I. t- ' ' J.eee F-. Hat. ir , fha lhaa-ra me.r ..i-.e-.t r-nt, .1.. at aa aa tha. ha.tat ,t Thoeaaa Par'.ee rv hafnr. ran th. H.ew'-'i'.a cnm,t-. t e-e ar cempe'ge d-- rwed ea Al- ethe. tWwdlV br ' i at e. flntu, t seifae.rat ara.v. .Ha la t lasnbh f t.na a '!' t. IM the Thaae. ft t u e-" a teea. I t--. ..,, tt rh : !.. , ,.. Or.ll. ..e , ... . i e . . .? r' " . i.. jh. retail -.ia e 't 't r- tht thaw a e-a that I he. a wwa mm . Ma.i. . t. he uwd n th. etwi nh th t t,l..hw ese .k!ev.n. r n. .. . 4 ; Nl tw -a... ft hwwe. m r.r raae, be d d net e. avtrw Th'rre.hl te New tat nwe- fgeaae te a4 f the ewerfid -t. ef let. elaae ef t ramhaewt eterht St.iry. FM t e .i"g tr,,r rbeaw ,'saeaj. a4 rw W.wt la, iha w.r ,h ' IV Fe-.e,- m e .1. i... - . a. me. r.ear ' b d'hena ?,b lHt. ha b"4 i fc,Ba.rT . Tber ta rrtae. ane . ww gt.h.rA , Urt e.aht ih vv t ..'- - ,af phi! Vny. Thtetr ... r.nt ' atrart t felV In V ea lre t He tawiwal Fra. 1 af the !",.".. a. -a tnl )nt, he., aftb BOtnW ha l,. ttew ',, X J. t at-, lit-. 1 tk t'ntt Ilfd I. aetv. T ! reaeata' 'e rt swraewl Mt -?.-- Marllw wa. te r1 fMftt. lW w a-a.-r ether, la ha ' lK Weea hr . SB Wlh Iha) f ,n tt h.a riaiwl eu. ttti ewwt. eaa ha eama... t-a t.-w tt . a a few eae-r. it.r '-e lemsera . er t m tw ta. .... lt- h. a .. a. atM V hiiWa K rmr if a. r'rttf.!. a a e aa-aait ra.. -ritt eri iw lh. a4lh f fc. . -a fe WI It... w.ea ta r. mmH ha haaa haaw K ta r ' , t v -ea.i. th ea-- l.te. ah.a ihJ ba'b-tab reiiewe raja-. far 1" .' fi I. tb ,".! ty eaa Of tha .

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