V i v 1 :.L o 1 Em. iu. f I - t . , ' IS.t.. ) t , muim L. Will - i , Si V: ! ) s iiiii i Jews and Circmfoini x S - voi.u.mj: :,o. f us. sui r ;e ri:nnuAKV li, ion ruicr: a cknts Far Hcschir3 '-Princi J P " " wo-. -4 'I TICKETS EG SERVICES ireart Also HoMs n.t a fctata iw IUktliig tlt hlaa of Crow m Trafcia Within the Ktate Is Mot aa OustrsM-tloa) to Internal Psvsi- imi Taiuou Borons (saw Dls- mhfd' other Imp act at ihwWo . (By tha AMocUtad pr.) , i Washington, U. C. Feb. tt. Not to-at. ha aa juaay. far-reaching rlaclple relating to tnteratat com tnerva apea approved by th Bupreme t'oort el tha. United flats M Wrer tntabllsbed In It ,dcUiona today h unquestioned law of the lpd. D . tkdona-oa a cumber of other difficult Questions war. naounced- Per ha pa tit moat Important ot tha question of Interstate commerce decided waai f That Ih pasaenger haa no right to bur ticket with ervtc, sdvertlslng, teles,' ar property, nor can las rail read company buy aervlc, advertis ing, releases, or property with trsjisr bortatloa. Tbla decision wag an inter. lrtatloo by tha court of the Hepburn law of Io. Tha case Involved a large number of contract bd M the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville . ltallrosd Company and various pub- '. Usher ' r - , In another can tha court held:' Vitiate Hay .Itcgulats Jalaa aat Jwa.-. ; That a 8tat law rlatlrf tha tl -TDf crewt Tin train within tha State 1 toot an obatructton to tnteratat com irrc. but Is rattier enacted la aid of . Mratate commarce, and may b paMd by a State for tha public woJtt. Tb ao-calll, "lull crcwact" wa , anactud by the Arkaniiaa Lcflalaturo U lit!, muA prnviUed M a ainer. a flrrman,- a condiftor and three ' hrkmrn on all rallroada In th State of flfiy mllee in lKth on traina of wore than tacnty-flv rare. . The ottlclaJa ot the Utate brougtit ao. Hon to recover the penultlct provided Mik in tha Statute. The Chicago, Rock ltland and Vanltlc Hallway Company, In aaawer attacked the constitutionality t the art, principally on the ground that It wai an unlawful attempt to 1-efulate Inuratate cfimmerce. The Su- preaiu Court ot Arkanaaa upheld the -tonetllutloiiallty of tha law ' Amontr ofhei oueatloni decided by the court were: Ttamr ratlwsTrerstem mir 6TWi rape reRulation aa an Inatrument of 3uirUile commerce lacauM one- of lm runetltncnt part la a wharfage company and lt domtutlnr power ,rer the wharfnge company renta In r the fact that It is a holdlnf com- vany;- . ' . IlcculaUott of Rates. ThHt the tnteratata Commerce Com tiilwlnn doee not poeaeea the power to rluce a rate u.1ut and uniraaon- riultalile under aoiue olrcoumetancee, an In caaea where railroad Induce hlpen to enter a 4 Held by offering tea aa low aa to b remunerative and inter Inrreaea the rate. No Bar to Ihunaajv, The court furthermore decided aa cnntltuttonal d Htate statute providing hat no contract of relief, benefit or Inanranc should be a bar to the right ( a railroad employe engaged in the Mratlnn to eecure dnmge-on account 'f Injurtea received In courea of .Ms eiiipUyment, Th mayor and several .. iut,.ilnMi f t'lar t'wrtwr, 'KsMcy'wwr' held In contcmpt, but excuacd from punlihment with the payment of coeie. uecauae they destroyed - th subject tc:c:1tc:l'cuev:ot;:5 I'AmO am it.au or ri.At-n: OVLJUUbl JII.K hi ITKHTV TSO.X ACiAI.NhT tiu:si,mo?r xrriaE.UiUi ATivirr or uov. i.umi't to tt urmcAJj r (By the Aoi;1iild I'reea.) I'rking, I U. to. Thrre a notice. able eriuuy on the part f the CM bM ovruiiiunt may the prd of the plasue, aud aanltaxy mura are llng airlcily enforced In all the towns where a f.w weoka the dlarue waa allowed full a lug, un hampered. Inairuvtlona have been laaued that every Vllluge burn It dead. The panla and lar of the plague have ovarrldiian the I'hlneee tiperatltioo agaluat cremation of tha bodia of the vlcllma, and now almoat dally the torch I applied to pllea of hardly con structed co nine, among which are often aen bodlea wrapped only In (broods. la tho (own of Kwang-Changtia, aner tha Hanchurtan IUllar, where tha dally death Hat haa numbered a hundred or more, ataaked men go about with lid and pick up the bodies lying In the street, whert they have been placed by relatives. Tho sleds tranaport thro to th west gate, and .from there they are removed in carta to the cremation ground a. X eorreapondent who vlalted Hu fau, which la thirty miles north ot Harbin, found that town sorely al-llh-ted. For many weeks the gover nor, wKh th cuitomery fatalism, wag Indifferent to tha awful work of the plague. Ha has now been suddenly roused Into activity, and, clad In mak and bandages, personally superintends th cremation of tha accumulated bodies. Jn on village near by, where formerly seventy .penpl lived, there r now thirty-four, th other thirty- al having died front tha plague and been cremated. MISEEL'DSTIIE nil FILICUSTE Tho O.T.nitus War Clai.7.3 Dill Pc SENATE E!LL SU3STIT0TE Hi lloM Wll VmU Out All the IVwwuai HpoUatJiiag Claim fend U Xary Yard Otrrtlme Claim- Nu Jttarl llp Ttiat tho Mraswtw Kill Bo Arrptc4 by i) aVsabw-Two. Tbarda Itale Invoked to kill ths IVlbuMer. Washington," D. Kab. . Kiri- boatertng tn ho lower branm of roil- grg during tbla session beramo a thing of tho bast today when th Houao voted largo majority for a rule, which, when Invoked by a two thirds voto aa to My pending me are, forthwith redtiood the time of de bat to forty gnlaut) and cuts off all amtndmeata, ' Th rul waa immediately Invoked gainst tho flilbuMer a tha omnibus war claims b.U Snd that m-aeure a Huuae ubatltt for a 8mat bill wag paaaed la ahort order, i he lloua bill cuts out all of tho French spoli ation and th navy . yard oKt.'rUm claim. Ther I not a great deal ot hop that! It will bo aocepted by th fcWnat. Characterised aa a "gag" bj xun of Its opponents, th rule adopt ed today can only b brought lot jr ahea two-tbtrd of th Hous ilr ,C And wen thea th paeeus of a bill under tb suspension provid ed for can only bo accomplished by Tth ACCJDETT a jKSt ASIUMlow majority to invok U rui. )M i - I lteniot rau objected to tbla and the W3 STRUCK W W 1 1 r 1 f " - hill IIS L1DHE UflBET FDI' mm C; Icgishtivs IIS L. .313 IE!? iii,' .nil Ut (Hlu-r .ilke AdJrcas ng, AaanmbUid - ApttroprtaUua ? AMIity of tha f tXxaMtlit ikkr et I 1; tio CnlverWlty, 1 Observer.) , Tha" vj mtlng Committee en 1 eolf aa unanl i largest prac. for tho Btat vlalt Ao Chapel ! TTUi-TrV O RIBS BUOKKf AXT OTIIfcllVt IKE BIHTI9E0 BHE Vill i RfcXW.K. , (Special td Kew anA Ohecrver.) Aahevtll. Feb. 1 0.Vra. Q. P. Car ter, who live In wst AshevlII. aar-j bership of th House, and rould ther. rowly escaped death this morning, at T:tl, at th Smith's bridge crossing. 8h was struck by th engine Of a pas. senger train and dragged for som dis tance, Th railway people's watch man notified her that a freight had paaaed and that passenger waa ap proaching. ' Sorn bystanders ' claim sh did not hav notice. Two rib wero broken and sh was painfully bruised. Hhe will recover. Nelson Griffin and another nerr Aauad Campbell, tws Ashevllle negroe. who were In Houth Carolina last week, narrow escaped being lynched a perpetrators of some ot th crime about Greenville. Urlfiin. a light colored negro, resembling a itago, had gun to attend to soma buslnesa. As they were boarding a train at KAsley they war suspected and sur rounded by a mob. Th sheriff came to their rearae, put them In jail 'and detained them for a while, , Griffin got Mr. Milliard her to vouch for him they returned here today. ' BVRLET tobacco growers. Vote t' nan Into sljr for a Tut-Oaf Bnlkned That Xlght-IUillng Will y By th Associated Press.) Lexington, Ky., Feb. SO Contrary fo expectations, tha convention of the Burlcy tobacco growers. In sexalon her today, voted unanimously for a "cut-out." practically every delegat to the ma'etlng bore"iptructlohs to'liurport the movement 5 ;, Th amount of th acreage that can two-third BrovlKlon wag inserted. ' In orglng th adoption of h rule la tb Hous th Democratic leader pointed out that thai provision was Buttle lent safeguard and that tho minority party would always be tn a position to mus ter tmre tnaa one-ttilrd f tho tnoav fnre defeat any undealrabl maasura Through thl power ot veto, H waa further atated ih Democrats war In a position to- demand that appropria tion bills called up under th rulo b bat In satisfactory soaps. , That th new rule was not intended wholly as "steam roller," but aa a means of ending useless filibuster, waa demonstrated withlo a very few hour after It adoption. Th Hous resumed consideration of th Naval Appropriation bill under th ordinary rule More than two hours wero spent m gnera oieuais-owa inrn mi n.t. f. frlanila. no meana of tng of tha bill for amendment under the flvo-mlnut rul was begun- Th naval bill, a reported from th committee call for tho repeal of tb elirht-tiour claus In th building of batleahip and other naval vessels at private yards. Jt also provide ror two battleship. It wa not believed by those In chart ol in, measuro uai th two batUeshlp program oouid mus ter a two-third vote. .? TKOTjHAKEIr"fmaKK V w.roy n.rllLe Pledged to the movement Is dnubt laa ! a lsle--lwfejrsj"-thO'Bsi., nounrted, but before rnandat had ""riWrof ilm iti lorVniittdtt or re-bearlng. t. , - Itimn llim-iiil rui m Inr 1 "1 The famwu boycott case, brought in He ncj courts br. tho Buck's Wove , ud Ha nice . Company, of St. Louis, against the American Foderatlon of Jbor, was formally dlamissnd. . - The ofllclala of the American Kaval tore Company wer granted a re view of their conviction of alleged vlo. "atlons of the hlLirman r Anti-Trust Law.-, y,:,. .-. j. , . .... ' To Review Case. Of the men concerned In the court's Jtion. SiM-ncer P. hotter, chairman or the lioMrd 1(f iirei'tor of the com pany. 1 under -Mntcnce to nerve thre hinnth In Jail nnd to pay a fine of '.. while J. V. Cooper Myers, rlce pfld.nt' of the enmpany, Is under . sentence to serve th earn lencjh of "fne In Jail and to 9y lliw 'if -.6s, Edmund S1.. Nash., president, s fined 3.0 George Meade .rdmn, trmurer, tS.OOO. ondt'rrl fn'ler, manager of the Jacksonville ,'1 branch of the company, $.uvO. ii decision 0 the rourt to review !"J! wnvk-ilon is a step In one ot the r"1 sfiectHcular proeecutlmi ever snoan under the Sherman aiitl-triist W.. For the first time "inch hav 'ni hfore the court to have set """' sentence nf Imprisonment f"r sileged vidatlins of the nntlf trust 1 r the Isnd. . . ; , .- TRintTK I K KM ATE. ' ," IitogKw ProivoiuKwl on lte itstor . lsnl snd M I 'lccy. l)lnai..n, 1. C, reh. i Th "te tndsv hanl cuioelt prtt. rouin,d -inri tt of tit mem John W. IUtnlol of Virirliila. and emucl J MfL'nrtV. ' Ivi'im Mnaton Murtln. Lodge. MunrT. Runt. wlriw.firnTnTmg-,gntt"yH'atinyp.T ' lut to ,.ni.tof imnlct, 'The Mr- 'Illnfr. F,t,.i.;r. fc'moot, Noln nd "boroton enoe of the Burlcy Tobacco Society. A oommuplcatloa-.a aeut ts -too older .M.nlHtlAn u-Wlntf ft tn rait pah. ventj Jtwmtam lnetuAyJ ... . . . . V j. A Mif Btngl thai in . mra n rXxputo Retetlvw to Fkvoo Work It Is tud Ttiat Maclklnlsu and Black smiths til Walk ot Also. (By tho Associated Pres. Cleveland. ., Feb. Tha strike of the boiler-makers In tho shops of th New Tork Ontral line which began todar. has th sympathy of the ma chinists and blacksmiths employed la the ahoos. according to th ofrluiaU of th boiler-makers' union nd with tn a few day. It I ehttmed that over SJIOQ, machinists and blacksmith will walk out In sympathy. " Vlce-Ptwaldent Weyand, of th In ternational Brotherhood of Boiler makers and Bhlpbullders, who la In charge i of the trike. claims Hiaf about eight hunilred boiler-maker and help, gsfesaswib, gaaW-'-u'Tlkaigt JalitoavaMW. disputed by tha; railroad ofdclala who Indiana and Ohio to endorse, today's rote, - ..,"- ' '- . The result of th meeting wa re gsrded In worn quarters as preaagln: , ,, J. vi, h agreement with the mnlon and- we are almllttr disorders as report hitherto .,.,. iA tWk " said Vloa-Prasl-rmoMvA ahow that th tobacco grow-. ,n WotigM st'cg. saia ic-rTi- turned to work, and that in-most ot th ahop th majority of striker war promptly replaced with non-union men. "New Tork Central violated It received show that the tobacco grow ers generally are Inclined to the belief that a crop should be raised thl year nd'iione in ItlZ.J ..,:" i CinA TIELBS TO RC8SIV 'f Rnwdan Mlnlxtrr at Peking fpreeara Sartrocton at China's Rnlr. , '' (By th Associated Press Washington, ivCVFeb. JO. The Chinese legation here received a cabin today from tho ChltifcM foreign board Hating that the Ruaxi&n minister at ! pekW had ' wspreaaed satisfaction with tha content of China's reply to the n-jte Issued bv ffusala reiiietftig corhpllance with the treaty of 1111. Th auhstane of the Chinese reply, to th Affect thst China had declared her willingness to comply with th treaty, was cabled here, with th ad ditional Information that the Russian minister regarded the assurances of th Chinee foreign board as covering the . vartoua . points In diapute. The legation here was Inclined to bellev that this would terminate the appre hension that rntsht have arisen over the Issuance of the Rueatnn note. It wa pointed out that from advices re ceived here the entire sffslr M act rearded at Peking with tha serioue nea which some pres dispatches hat Indicated. ' . Trinity tho Winner " Durham. Kfb. In the most ex citing beHket-bsIl! game of the sea nn Trtn'ty 'feetwt-iw'VtTtvwMty-wf fi.insee h"r vonlsht. score ti to !. The feature wem the plsvlng of r p Itrtnn fnVTrtnlty snd -1cedon for Teiiiieaeea. , dent Weyand tonlaht. . Today walk-out grew out of a dis pute between th boiler-makers and tha railroad company relative to piece work. ' j ' ' KLKS CAHSITAB. President Taft Will I roes tlie BottOal to Mart tit IVatlvttir .- (By tho Aea'M-lated Preaa) "Washington, 1. C, pvb. 58 Preal dent , Tft will press a button at tha Whit House at midnight Wdnenjlay and thus formally open the Elks Car nival at Honolulu. Th Postal Tele graph Cable Company will co-operate with the Commercial Pacific table Company in making -tip the circuit that will curry the electric signal from the executive mansion to Honolulu, A direct wire will run from the Whit Houae ty Ks.fi Fram-isoo, wher con nect Inu ulll be' made lth the cean cable. Wbes the President presses the button the apark will hght p a clock at Honolulu. Thla will b the sltnal for the opening of the carnival it ! P. m. Fchruary ft, which corre sponds with lt:S a, m., Washington time, February Jl. v Pa.ownger Mat ion at Shelby. 77peciar tft Keng'iind Observer!) Phelhr. Feb. S9. Work on the n pasaensf r atatlon to 1 Ouilt by th J ra..board A. I r J i ii r.b JIJLljejwi. M. aouo. The mnteriMl ia nlrendy errtvlng. en-1 no time win b hwt in putting up the building. w-Mch ts to 'Cost sbnut tt 0 ' nlrmaa Dim llnnlitt of l. tlto Btdettla, 1 la fiorrard I M ill B Oovvy t but to. Thai ' A lTri,Wut Vcu greoj of St If -II. : . (pcll to X-r-Chapel lilll. I . cotrhn.tt of the : Education i rr i mouaiy In favor llrabl approptin Ctilverslty dur.i'S Hill today. Tb oommltit. man UpalaUour. . erta, of Buoc. Tyroll, and i i . Grange, arrived 1 Durham at lv.19 ahow a over the h ihe building and various departm At lt:I ci. n i bled th gtud.ag 1 Qerrard Ball In i" Itnrs an opportun ' , varsity's grte( put It. Mr. Aru.i th senior euae. !. man of th aiuJr' mad, a sberl Th plea he bad l ' that f a big bof all hia . cloth. thta ho ptt-d t t ik. uuilant IumIv hundred ttea were md rg np ia lr der to b preaent at tin exertiae. Mr. Bpalnhour mu'lo a pleaaant talk and wouad p by er ' that h was full eoe need wtr a great as they had been described. Th ajoesiktu Which th Legislature will hav to consider will not bo how much tho University need but haw much th 8tato can afford to give It at this time. Mr. Bpainhour expressed himself as being very much la sympathy with t he Ideal ot self help which th t'nlveralty held UP- H told from th egperlence of om a his friends th telling vaiu of having to work far ta aduratlon. Thta wa strongly brought to his mind h said by th as of a boy who had one attended hi academy in Morganum Ps4 of Chair irka, Mr. Uob lr, MaJett, of r, Jo h neon, of mi pal HUl from in. They wer and tnapected . j'raent of th Yenabl aasem . strong. In t4 give th vlo i are th 'Cnl--moot." , preldent of rx-orfldo chatr vcrnment body. s...rt yreJcom. had wtsjroww sa example or hall In which assembled. A EMM anc Senato Committee Makes Amount $150,000 , V THE TEXTILE EXPERTS 1S0:I',TI.IKS 11 ACtIUINU TO III IKGPlll.TlC 7 (T) 1lO?T ISf UXH TttX II MONTH THE VXITW XTAlia v;ux BK rxuAum it war WITH hOMK OTIIiat iXrXTRT. (My th Associated Press) Wsahlngtan, V. C. ra. t. Kep reaenutlv liobsun, ot Alabama, pi fsrsnllally! referring to Japan, de Clarod In th lloua todsy that Ih United htate might b involved la war within tea months. Mr. Ilohaon declared: "Ton can count on tb Anger of your two hand th number uf month befor th United buiiae would hav a war oa Its Aands. Thl nation I not going to prepar. and the day Is coming wha It will b si tuck by a nation that la prepared." "Is Was a vtalbl certainty T" asked Mr. M. K. Ihiacoll, of Now Tork, Ta, and not very far on. "In vnl of war between Russia and China., would not Japan b forced to Intervene and would not tho lnter--f rat uf th United Htate compel our In A&lltlo to Rlih OuV II. of Coa curd, Mr. J, M, HiMsan, uf (.reran boro, U Appointed, Giving Has Tar Honl (Hat) Both Appointments Whlsnr at WsatiingVHi In Aa KrTort to savo III Scalp. THOMAJt 1. VKSVK. Washington, P. C, Feb. 30 Th I Intervention, by rm or othrwlr c..f Commit... on Agriculture .-; -MV'llo"bn 'r.pired- that wh.. Ru day voted to Increase the approprla- I ,nvw,,d Manchuria and oocopled tin for dralnago iavasugatlnu by th port Arthur, America protested and Dralnago Bureau ot the Department t cel on Buaslg to .vacuals, and sent . . .,.... ,,,, American consuls, but we did not Agriculturo U04.MO to Ilte.OOO. ! hBVe mny th fein Both Senator Blmmone and Over-1 ll(f Kuaela laughed la our faco and man appeared befor the committee 1 - had to top our consuls In Japan ad mad .trong plM In behalf of thl. ! aotioh. They dlacossad th need of i ,,,, f lh. Atlsantlo ocean or tho Pa- in. :- nr. Ilobson said, "w are going MtendJng th gcop of th Investiga tion and their vain to North Caro lina aad other Ota lea of the Mouth aa well. Henstor Blmmon declared that next to tho good road vocation, drnln g I th most Important befor Con gress t the people of the Houth. Th Korth Carolina Henators ro-operated with Henator Foster. f Ioulsiana, who has taken th lead In thl matter. They Will fight for th retention of thl moat important appropriation in th. bill when It come before the Beii- at. Ten varg ago Bcnator Him mens and e. ho said, wa tRspreicnl alive : Bmall and Thomag started this lunar . dralnaa muv ment before Congreas and officials of h government here. They bay kept It up-ver since, and .degerv much of the credit for ihe suocea that ht about to b realised. North Carolina will get two ap pointment instead of 'on In th vtnt .4 ..bat ---1 Jlos!iy'J bureau of manufacturer, under th appropriation Just made by Congtaas, authorising th employment of ex perts to investigate textile condition In tha markets of the world, Thl 'An uw was phoned to tho Junior Tar Heel senator tonight by Becretar) Nagle, of th. department of labor and commerce, Mr. Nagle Informed Ben. ator Overman tliat be would appoint both Balph Ode!!, of Concord, and J. M. House, f Greensboro, oa th re. suit of the Increased appropriation to find eurselve at a remarkably early Ktuii.. of war absolutely holpioss." ii.e Hous had under consideration ihr naval appropriations bill, and Mr. Hii"-n waa speaking of th noeaaalty of Ilia United Htate adopting a da feiuive military policy. THE HONDURAN SITUATION UHS. KITES STILL SUVE ID Indefinite Rumors Are Still Afloat IH DELICATE CON A gala Month, and it I THK HPKA!&- CON FF.BJCSCH EX-A PKfTEI TO BFI!t TODAY BAVILA rkaov TO REKIGX "TOXILM 11IJU BE R1TIHFTFD WITH NOTHING TUAX PIUSIDKNCT (iES. ROSALE8 v.. (By th Asaoclatod Pre.) . : Puertj Cortrs, Honduras, Feb, I. Via wirelesa to. New OrMans, Fb. II. Thomag C. Dawson, special repr sentatlt of til t'nltad State, appoint ed to attond th peace conference on board tha 1'nited Htate gunboat Ta coraa, between th representatives of President Da villa and Oen. Manuel Bonllla, provisional president, arrived Mrs. Hayes Will Mother M Hi, ' lVsnght sy hotna That This Mhy Have bVmeMljiig to Do With Bhaa lac tlto ferdlct A Trip to MjtUs Besvoh, B. C. It ta Also AJIrgsa, Figaro ta lb TJOJs--Mra. Hayfa Matrwiont at florowcr-g Uarti4.;.a.. tfpecial to New aad ObaorvoT.) ' , Whiuvfll, Fab. t.Xw aad oo certatn thaurie la th. Hay oaa. aa ' It la now called, oontlnn to ho sprung' The defeadaat, Mr lUyea, whp killed yung Floyd, a pharmacist, at slottnt Tsbor. on th night of Fskrwaty 4th. remains calm aad yollotd. 1 While nothing definite sis been gtva outi numerous and indsOnit ruanora ar till afloat. " Alturar Kew Maaa, The attorney on tthr aid do aot prooae to ahow their hands to th oppoalng stda A trip t. Myrtl Beach. B. C w understand, will Agur prominently la th killing, aad may develop motlv. A Mra Hay will again becomg a mother In lg months, this may hav something to do with shaping th vsr- diet. Th nerv ah display.' con- sldering her delkat cojidiB jqos.t vvaurnui. obtained by him In the Semite for the at thin port today from Puerto Bar ns parents, few friends, no mean of support beyond th fact that th man to who th county had bound htm had permitted htra to tak hi time and at tend Mr, Bpalnhoars school. Mad that tlmo this boy ha worked hi wy through a Wstrn wnlversHy.be- coms for a tlms a professor in ons oi th largest college la Ohio and is now editor of on ot th largest dally news peers IA Tsxaa rur. Robert said that tha R0 young men aascmbted In th.chp was the most Inspiring sight h had witnessed In ton year. Ho adjured tho young men of North Carolina to stay hi the Btats after they had obtained their education. He pledged hi gupport for an appropriation which srouUl be as large aa the condition . of the Btat Treaaury would permit. , Mr. Majetu aald that h wa ture that tb present legislature , would evince ao disposition to crlpplo. : The I'nlveralty of North Carolina, h aald. ha accomplished, mora toward raising the standard of rittxenahlp In th HUl thaa- a th. lastltuUoa In- lt-bor4 dera Tb standard or th University man, he aald, U hot only high tn scholarship, - but ht-- morality "To hava boea a stuaaut of tha L'ujvorslty," he said. ls to hav thimara of a gentleman.- H pledged his Unbiased - "ltd 'CO'tiwjefftTott' swpioi t'TOf 'f iwreaaeo equipment for the instituuon. nut re mtns hla-awdieweox hat hro wwr. othen SUt InstltuUon that had claims almost aa pressing a those of the plant atChapl Hill. Mr. Johnson, was too much at bom among th mea with whom ha had been tn college to , tnaka them a speech, b said. - ,'- . . Ia ctoBfng. Dr. Vetiabla made g few remark about the degro to which gelf help. waa practiced among Uni versity students, over one-nan ar. fit her partly or wholly auppnrtlng themselves during th college year or are borrowing th money on which to epm har...-'. .. . . . Gne-third of the men ar farmers' sona, although practically every bust nes In th Htate haa It full quota of representatives. At the conclusion, the entire stud ent body stood and aang the alma mater hymn, "Hall lo th Brightest Swr of AIL" t3VsliISKEY DEALERS FlfED foreign work, and which lteurcnta. tlv Webb ao successfully h-ld In the lloua. Th position art yitiillHr to the one held hy Wi A. '(iranum iark, of RalHgh, befor h went v Ith tha tariff board. It Is rather uihihiihI that on Htate should get in n am h One positions that pay good salnrUt and tho expense of trlpa t th elgn countries of the world rlos, Maximo Boaale, who will rep resent th Davllls, government has ar rived. T r- The conference probably will begin Tueaday morning. Nothing authentic concerning th proposals that will be f..-- ! made can yt b learned. 'ten, onnia oeciares ths revolution Having originated and ohtaliifd the appropriation for a nnmiH-r of yearn Henator Overman was extended thj cnmpl'ment of making both Hi.pol.it- menu hy Kecretary Nagle will contintio if he Is not permitted to (leaiime tn ' preslderycy. Although avowedly Bonllla's personal frtena, Roartie. declares that rather than C- ccpt ftnnllla as the national head, -lis Postmaster WslSer. of Ixinaton. : ' nnd the four other liberal leaders In herr trying to' save hr offft'lal mralp ; the country will fight 'to th bitter and.' wh-.ch is about to be taken from him j Davllla, has seen the handwriting on aa the result of th recomnifnilmlon tho wall and announces that lie I of th Republican referees and t'halr- I ready to aaslgn the presidency to any man Morehead hat the.jolr be given man aatlfacty both to Honduras and to R. F. Conrad. Walser Is going rtt- ( to the I'nlted Btatea. rcct to th Poatmaater Orneral. but ' RduIm. mora aoMUr hn Alr.lnm. hi task appears to be a honelr one, for right now Morehead, et al. afrcm tt be pulling down nearly all appoint ments In North Carolina. Dick Hackett, grand maater of the Masons of North Carolina, and Pruf C. M. 8. Noble are here attending a centennial celebration of tho Mi- aoaa-ot , th national- capttnl, Mr. Hackett was at ths House today shuk- jlng. hands with his old colleagucii. The honorable Dick says It look . mlf.My good. tA... Je. the Democrats . In th enjoyment of power and pre-1 tig. ; . TEVVERKEE rsF.M THE KTATTTK THAT WOLDrNG .'Ar ' FEDF31AL l.U'KNSK IS PRIMA FACIE EVI DFXCK OF cnW OF B13XI!Q I.IQIOH. (Ry th Associated Press.ll fliattanonpra, Tenn.. Feb, - ja. Fifty-two whlakey dealer lltd te cntly under the Instruction of Judg McHevn,.,; that th holding of a Federal l)c-na was prim facia ''art- cases an.1 wvre Aoed i and costs with SB t" rch Inth workhouse. The wor'sl n. Mntenc was sua. pcndd t'4 1'ii good behavior. declare that the country will run red with blood If Oen. Chrlsmas and his army attempt to penetrate Into tbo In terior. However, Christmas declare that ha can easily advance upon the capital with little opposition If the I'nlted Btate and Great-Britain will keep their l hand, oft. Much bad.faU ing agalnat the Lnlted Btatea xlst umong th revolutionists because that government intervened. CALL FROM hALVATIOX ARMY. fX)R EXTEXDFJ TRAIN BERilCE. Corporatioa Commlwdoa Hears Argn ntrnts on Gwldsboro Wlimlngtou Train. . Ooldsboro, Feh. !. The Htate cor poration commission convened In this city at noon today as' a court of in quiry to give the people of thl city and along the line of "the Atlantic Coast Railway, between her. and Wil mington, a hearing on the matter of additional and greatly needed passen ger facilities between her and Wil mington, Th people asking for th train wer. represented by Meesre. Matt Al len and John U l4tnrton, ot th Goldsboro bar, and J. O. Carr, of the Wilmington bar, and tin t'oast Lin by Chief Attorney Klleatt. Th whole south end of this comity and large delegations between her and Wilmington wer n attendantw at tho ' meeting . and everybody Is in favor of the train, Many prominent bu nes men were examined, all if whom pointed nut the nereentty of the new train, and if Indicator. count for anything. It now looka a If ih people, will w n out. for when th commission adjourned 1st this after noon th only defensive arrument ty produced by Chler Attorney f.inott ws In regard to the schedule. The train desired by the people Is the on which arrive tn tintr clty at ;19 o'clock from Norfolk, th peo nle want ns said train tn be extended to Wilmington, returning to this city th next morning. y ' CuiumaiMlc . Evnisltoe. BrHh and Ahout 100 Oftlccrs Visit Prewtdent (By the Associated Preaa) Washington, D. C. Feb. JQ.Com mnnder Evangelln Booth, head of th Halvatlon Army In the United Btatea. and about 100 other onicer ot the organization who ar here ror a con ference on the worn 6f the army, were received by President Taft at the White House today. In a brief speech he commended the work the army ii doing, and said that both he and Mr. Taft wer In heaitv evmpathy with It. ARCniK ( McLFVJI ARRESTED. One of the Nrgrocn n the Hons of Mry-Youn WlKti Deputy Mum ford Waa Killed. (ctpecta! to New and Obserrer.) Wilson, Feb. 10. Deputy HherHf Howunt M. Howe arrested Archie Mc. Leau thl morning In the pit et th fertlll.r plant naur hers. He offered no resistance. He admij being in the house of Mary Yuune at the time Deputy Mumford wka killed. He will b put through tlfe third degree. ,Dcth of Mr. 4Y M. Bnrke. A aurpriae In the form of letter from W. A. Bhlpman. a lawyer of Luaii barton. Miss., wa sprung In th Hayea oue this morning. While he waa not an Interested cltlsen the keynote of his letter waa that Mrs. Hayes, forming hi opinion from th evidence' in th local Mews-Reporter, we thoroughly Justified in Kllimg Floyd aad tnstad ot being held without . hail should go Scott fro and glean another aniomaUa platoL He denoucea tha vldeno is flimsy. A letter from Rev. &, Lacy Hogu. pastor of th First Baptist church ci Cherleston, 8. C, highly commends young Floyd, who was shot by Mrs. Hayes on th night of February tth. He aa a Robert Floyd waa an earn a. I Christian, on who Christianity was put into work ft waa tb host youug man he had ever known. Another letter from th fathar of Mr. Hayes starew that she fg hnt eighteen yeers old, and not twenty, J' some fiapera give it. There Is a report that th fia will probably bo transferred to Bladen county, owing to public aentlmant W trust, however, Judge Cook will allow no such reflection on Columbus coun ty, as there is no necessity for It. Bond Re Jo ted. A to Nell Hayea and hi brother. Lloyd, being let out on :all. w war reliably Informed today that bonds war Sent ta from Ml Tabor, btit were -not acaepted and wr. returned to be Justified. However, It doe not em Likely that they will get out. t i i e o v J " ), : f- - w niGH BCMOOL DEBATK. iiiii (ft pec la l to News and Observer.) ' Maxtm, Feb. Mr. J. M. Burka ged it. waa burled at Oak Grove cent, etery her yesterdav. hsvlnr died Bat. urday after a Hmg.lllne. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Mr. Meridian, tb Bsntlat minister, and dr.' Hill the Presbyterian pstar. Mr. Burk w-a Th case against Mrs. Rosa D. Hayes, husband, aad son for the murder of Dr. Robert M. Floyd will come up In Columbus Superior court next Monday, unlea It I postponed. Kb a in no condition to rviuala In Jail and unless she 1 triod ball will probably b given In her case. Mr. 8. K. Boney. who waa present-at th preliminary hearing, write at lngtliTO to the News and Courier of the caso. II says: A IsUie Inddent, "Th writer of this srtlole ts not a tentlmentoi person at all. nor does ha " . endeavor to 'read into' events and In dilsata sliat a nutmal panoa- souU.'--i . deny existed. But at th hearing ' . . Tuesday, on UtUe occurrence etruek tsmnKS,.. him, maybo at the "wrong' moment and maybe at the 'right' moment. His , , i eyes Weren't crossed and his Imagina tion did not have wings. It was dur- . t Ing the speech of Attorney Lyon for ; tho Htate. Possibly Mr. Lyon waa souudlng the keynote of th proaoow- ( tlon; poealbly h wssnt. B that as It may. He waa condemning th cow--, ardlce of a man who would uao 1 1 another peraon aa a tool to execut his ' . r diabolical purpose. In ringing dv- - f . nunciation be arraigned Neal Hay . for such an act, applying 'mlserabln coward.' 'less than a man' and euch i "' .V like fplthets at . which Mr. Hayoa moved nervnnaly in her- iet ht her I husband's right, and her- left hand atnie soruy to ine arm or nis cnair ana her eye a sought his fare. It waa buk momentary, the hand fell hack In her , lap and th etpreiMton orl. her ff . changMl.,. To what?. Her th in- ; : Inscrutable workings ot a . woman s V mind forbid an answer. Was tt dls- : . appointment? 'The writer wlnhes . he knew. Anyhow, the change was not1', to, a t.righter or more happy vein of thought, for why th cloud that shad. ' owed her countenance and the slight drooping ot the mouth? It waa for but a moment, and then her attention waa centered In the further word of th attorney." ..;,...' . , '-r . , Mr. 'Haves la g sister of ex-Repre-; entstlve Harreleon.- member of th LegtHtatur from Columbu - county, and he waa with lief at (be prelimin ary hearing. Of Mr. Hayes, In Jail at .Whltevllle ror th murder of Dr. ' : ' 1 j NIctiL Miildlea.Jt. Feb. f. The Inter high for many year a eucceneful mnvliaiit ner.-,- uui mi'.ui iwu xnm ogo, ne wai"j.ii t.. ,.i . ..n, ... . tfalts amt nmciirweg iirnairrn j e ir -T ,..,u..i-. wiiltevllltt Sewv Reporter, save; V. . Meet at MJWlx, Wlw-sila lsm nd was never bl to return toj watiM some time In the sit- . " . ... ting room, or the Jun befor Mrs. irim w r I'm" in t"e, Pjiy.'a. nii.iahed U.f , "Vivnr and I'fll. fi v,,.. ..ni KTuiuia; ni;n'iiu. ft leave a widow and two-children., a girl, Blanche, about 14 yenrs otd. and a n. ir M. llurH. i? about IS years Old. .. - i .. v - 1 '.. '. '-' - - ' Mlddlea.-x h!i;h achool will be held at Middles x Academy Wednestlsy night, Fsbruary 11, - Th p"ubll ia sordini ly Invited.. ' .. pearea. i nere' onterea t lie . floor a young woman,' preceded ' by Jailer Hplvey. and others, who would hav attracted attention in any aasembl). (Continued on Tago Thra)