i i i L..J !U I bUu.U. i I W lull ..(. t.rtlS P.ff'l!: !. a, , Tn ii i mr r. - r i ' "' h . III I ILL I 'Jit I I i i " k I ' i III if . I T r . I I I WU. 1 la bed I We it I U leallUle L. ki U I W W J ' ! "Ul'l elerp HI i ,!, , j the uiurtili.f eoul.l feel ! a In i rl f w w I ...! t t ! Tithing , is DlicirsxcJ in . ' Yi!mIn3t:n Heeling IME-S:! CAUSE Wasaavn'a MlM4auwf ledo la He Im Hr N;, m4 Tbr War Mm lt-r' Mac Tola ! HrweWrie Vat- foe- MA F a Barest WHJ Ito awaits lend " Him." ' (gpscisl to Kvwi end Gtiearver.l j Wilmington, X. C March SAv-The pecond Oar af the reaves Ilea af the Womaa' Missionary Union af Um Baa, I tat chore hew el tb Bute opened a, rier somewhat unfavorable ctreum. etanc as to th luikir, but tn aplt .f this, preatioaUy ail of tha dates! were la attendance at lha opening ee. eion. Thl baa bees B tiuny day with tba delegates, bat tb work Unnerve: will not be nulla a etreaueue aa tb flerr.'Ko w ill a devoted to pleasure the vurttora to be entertained at WrlghtaMHe Weach. The morning Breston waa opened with a prayer aervkre ted hy Mlaa Hack, ih presiding rr. At tba rluaa of this devotional meet ng. recommen- mad, r r another an a botue )!..,) I .lMiarlll, III. h I look. I fit I. he a pfn ation 1 bal l" Mtr1 I' f Ih.iii. W ni, of t i.xh t nirdb -taaa In i bonM." llltr ItuMlla, Wo'tncll. Mia. 1 kr la m 'Jual aa fou4" litadklna. Inalal w bavlna I loud a. ' Itat II Mr la uattal Mlil4 form of rba.aUl4 Ublaia aalia4 ktataalata, , kUfarvl lixaa .. .. ., ,. ,,. IMH baaaaf Vbal IUal4 , II17 Kiaaawa raa4 ., ,. . !! UtilMa, Mra. Vnaa't Ih-baal, fblaa at w Taui ..".; .. ',;7.'. Tkla aat aataaal aa ala4 kf Iba fat lavlaa argaalaalluaai Waaaxa'a Mlaataaar. bacU ..tUXTtlt faakf WtBH'l avitUary ,. ulmU aaabaaaaa.. ,.-.., v. .. .. ilJMM rl AabaaaaiUra., ., ,,, .! galila Mra. Uraaa .1 .. aUM Tatal ,v ,t , .VJ.fH.ia CITIZENS UNITED FOB Y. U. . C. K FOR RALEIGH (CoatUaad front Tata Oaa.) hM furnlabad tba dalUHovia rapaat. "If tha ma of Raialab will to l hair duly half aa wall M tba foa4 aromati, rou am not only raiaa your ll,at, but tiaa.ttt if you iab to, for tha rartlaaj ol t T. M. C. A. baJUIaa. Thla la a womaa'a Oght. for lha woman of ttir foBimunlty ara primarily t taraatad t tba waltara af Ita youm manhood. , "Wtvaa. maka oor husband to 'nn qruii Mirri i.... lliJ 4tySM adopts by a aaanlmoua vala, tbaaa I ,.''d JK' k b,.h4.wMl" rarommaadailona parumin to thai '" Ood-apaad in tbalr worn durtoB tha ruwing yr. Tba "h' hdartakln. '-In u ra far matrhww4 will ba lobi L'nta , tbJbaa wa bava not paid Mlm.- and tba union will put fartb ?"0 "" " Itorta to rataa tha aum rf SIMM x1 . "M tha faraa af tbaaa ilur ni tha yrar i Writatlra man 1 11 that Italalgb Tha moat inlaraatlaf quaatu.ii of th tU V har duty In thla raapaet. aa aha morning araa on aa thai if llthlBg,,"" ,w,r har mattara." which waa li trod or ad tn an amcaad. '" rrltchard maatarful addraaa ngi atroag papar, by Mra r. K. Ma.i Tha Conaanrallon af Manhood. " aoa. of ( harlot la. Tha pt-aaaiatloa ' naard wKh. plaaaura and proflt f.f thla papar waa pracaded and fol. U braaant; In It wara br aught aut luwad by aarnaat prayac. A moUM '' Importaal facU and many Balp. WM earn ad that tha papar ba publlah ,lyl laona wara drawn, ad In tha Biblical Racardar '.. Atkkry. Mint Howling, of Haugamont raad I Modarn Yaung Man' Chrla. b vary intaraatlng papar an "How to Won AaauciaUoa and I La Accmapllab lva a Huocaaalul Hand In tha Caun. "anta,' aa tha aubject of a profit Iry." Mlaa Mary Co alao mda a addra by Mr. H A. Acklry, fluta talk on tba aubjact Mra. J D. Hart, M. f. A. Ki-ratary for Virginia, Pf Hickory, mada a Ulk an tha tm-ho followad Judga lrttcbtrd. partaaca of vanaty la tba maatlnga. I Mr. A-key dararad that It waa a dlf. Mrs. k)aatay. of Moaraa, praaaatad l"ult taak to cover tha ground that h it vary flna papar on Paraonal narvtca iuWct Involvad. but that tha buainaaa lor tha Boya " " hd a light to know bather tha Tha noon devotional maatlng waa T. M. f. A. bad baan a auccaaa or a td by Mlaa Yiung, of Maradlth Col- 'fallura. Ha darlarad that tha T. M. ga. A- had bablnd it thraa ganarttloaa Wllmlagton, March IS. Tha work ol aaoraaa, and In no raaa had it baaa of tha T. W. C. A. waa tha flrat thing known to fall. "I coma bafora yau tftkan op at tha afternoon aaaalon and tonight." ha declared, "w.th no finely, the addraaa of welcome to t hie confer-pua theorlea. but with conrreta a-nea waa auib b Mlaa Aemea Carr. at facta.' the Wilmington T. W. C. A. Conference 'be apeakar then went 00 la ahow waa led by Mra. i If. KHIlan. of New ha" tha Y. M. C. A. ttnda la bring ton. aha eallad an Mlaa Ram Dowd, af logether the veHoua aecta, many of harlotu, who told a vary tateraetlnf which bava a i let ad alnct tha Reform, way of tha epleodld work (Ming done Uon. Tha T. M. C. A. aUnda tor hr on. of tha beat T. W. C. A. In the un.ty, brotherhood and cooperation.' "ate at tha rrltrhard Memorial Mr. Ackley then Uild how many of tba 'hareh. Charlotte Mra. J. J. LiewgMln treat world mavetnenta bad baen f boat h port, read a paper o "How, brought nboat by the Y. U. C. A. Ha the Y. W. C, Adevelopa tha aplrltual life of lu membera, followad hy a talk on the Importance of holding tnung women a prayer meetlngw. Mra. Kllllaa read a paper prepared by Mrs 1 I. Merrill of ftwan Ouarter. on tba work on Hyde county. Mlaa Bar-1 church, tending to bring all denomina ihe Or roll, of Meredith College, told! tlona Into a aplrtt of co-operation for l.at a. lining dne In Meredith to, the further eatenaion of the Kingdom JWB l , M 'WV IU. tilt tllUV ! coming" emid tha epeaker, ''when tbe church wl itand aa a unit. aa a". I H II. Ill I i.i lua n a t ' a V. hfl r. , vte a ,4 . latiac ' ua a a'"a.r ) aid to maiia tu 1 hara la in I. 1 t J ' r I'l. t 1. l.. a a A, i I . u. t. I. t H. a. L. m a J a reterrad to tba Laman'a Mbvameot tba Ktadaut Valunteer Movement nod other ageafllea that tend toward and bava aa their object tha e'vangeUam of tha world. Ha decUred that tha Y. M C. A. waa tha ftrong right arm of tbe yung women tvt Chrtetlan tialn work Phe apoke of the Y. W C. A. OTganl- wtion In tha college where the giriai Mr. Ackley then told how the T M ilo real trnlning In Chrlittan work lead. C A. bad been lnatrumernv In reach Ing niratlnis and nrklng public talk! and f.ravera The report on ,Y. W. C A. work waa read by Mlaa Carrie itroughton, of Raleigh, and adopted by the hody Mlw Betta read tha report on for alKn mlaelona urging tha Importance of foreign mtralona and th need of In rreaelng their glfte to tha work. A feature of the afternoon waa the nddreaa of Rev. R W. Ppllman. on The pert n tend en ti way of getting mawlona Into tha Hunday ahool" Thla addraaa waa exceedingly practical eplcy and tntereatlrig He aaid the Ing man and commanding illuatlona that could not bava been reached and commanded otherwise, lie referred to th fact that It ha aided mission arlea in foreign fields to reach the lit erati and how it has reached students, railroad men. Mr. Ackley then gave concrete Illus trations of what the Y. M. C. A. haa accorApllsliad a other cities bow In s certain city UT.iOo was raised for the erection of a new building and the mambrrshlp was Increased from no to 1.200 This set the city to work nd created a new public aplrtt. In xuperlnaendent ahould have a program i six years over 11.000,000 had been and pot tn It something about mla- j spent in other public Improvements elono He also spoke ery Interest-' and It alt started with tha Y. M. C. Ingly and helpfaiiv shout the work of a campaign. ha teacher In mission work nni placed The speaker then referred to Lynch. empha-t. on getting the studant to burg, which raised $100,000 for gtve himself rather than his money Y. M. C A. bulldlnx, then concluded la not only In conversion but in service, raisa more for an addition t the Dulld A mam meetlnx for young women ing. He the. referred to tha great In and children as held at f o'clock, rvense in the material growth of tha rondm-tad bv Mri Brtgga This meet-1 Y. M. C. A., but stated that the educa tng mn well atfnded and was greMly j tlonal and religious growth had been rn'oyed and htsrMy profitable. To- j much greater. Tha Y. M. C. A . he right another large congregation w declared, haa a bigger propoa tlon to trenerit when I. T B. Ray. of Rich- confront than do tha public schools, mrmd. told of a "trip tb Brazil and "We must double our energies to help Arxentlne." and Rer. . 8. Emmett pastor, teacher, parent and scholar and Ftcphena returned mlwionary from to aolva the school-boy problem. If China told of China as I know it." ou solve tha school-boy problem lib rtalelRtu you will aolva the home, legla : lutlve and all other problems right." Mr. Ackler declared thst we should apleadld Keetarts. Tka rap.vrt r.f Mlaa El'tshath Bnitn. ; rorrepadtri( acrtsry. ahoared: Numlier "f 1-tt-rn and rrscts sant ont. HL4. total office eipeoae far the -nr. nrlodteg pottur. rent, telephone servloe, ate-H.grapbrr. )anltor, offlca tuppllee, prrt log and atatloearr. eteiie of annual meeting, etc.. 1 WVJ4; nw to-leties sdded tbla year, 147 Tbe treaaurera repnrt p re-anted by Mrs. he mora interested in our manhood than in our Pacific fort flcatlons or our "landing army. He then referred to Director Williams, declaring that "Ha getn results and Is going to have ro suite here; and unlaw you ara not Ilk other l 1 1 e, he will 'ba there with tha gooda.' You've got atlrred up In Ra v ioa 6 ,.i it..t H ai ; . .. . t e !' "' I r . i i i .-a a. i I I ' . I it t a Mailt lu ' .if.e J.I a to S" i.i' ij luity al iii,e lie n al.a i kuia. wtiiig men li9 i fine ir ftd aua pi ilr i tun a", af 'e u.frtij- too MUI "f "d M nr. da abtfold Uiaka ting fur iltlin.a ra aeiui.iul our l'a. ii work ba dona, but tha se.(JU i. 1 raiaad, and an a. lie Waa sua I . be praaent t ald h-S utile to lue n.',iiini, , Air, W. . . .,,,!., tha direct' ISa tasipnun, ai-oke on 1 bai 'I arm li'il.u.tr' i airipaiaa. Ha ald lha plan waa me ev.luiin of lha part a-a ara. a i.d bean Had aa aU kiii'ia of loans and H had baver failed vthaia H bad bees) prvueriy aat forth, la tla fliat plara It as tha T' M. '. A.' buina-s man a way to get results. There to nothing mrauloua about It. 1 i.era s no nolaa. U a a ayalatnatlc plan. It la tba doing tut of work In n ahort apace af lima. II la vary comprehensive). It esnbraoee very force It. at wlU cuter the ground thoroughly. Ita n b for everybody and everHK.dy on the )ob. Kvarylblag ki ayalaaisiK ally out lined aa ta aataila t.vmrf ona knoaai who bo la expewted to aea. conaequantly thare la no tost motion. Ihaa it la for a abort larsn. libllHy gora with It, Tba nawspev pars keep tba public Informed. Muoa meeUnae are held In the room each day where J0 men ara gathered. Here tba ruplrtin as gained. It started n movement of practical splrltualtt. af church apirltuanty. Tba aflact on the cwutsnuaiiy waa wboleeoana. Then ha spoke of tha bl products of tba canv pa.gn. wblcb L aald wertf grester than tba initial cb,et. - ' A good oraanuatlon. ha aald. Isad bean formed bora and ba believed, that tha money would be raised. How. ever, ha sa.d that It would not bo n snap. It would take hard work. Car talnly . tba , movement could not fall, hara. ooflslilerlng tha example that Humpler, a C had )us closed b ten days campaign, raising lltl.M. Ha then announced that the follow. Inn aubacrlt.tlona wbtch four gentle- had volunteerad, Mr. A. 1 Baker, I1.00S, Mr. C. J. Hunter, li.aaei sir. William. H. Wllllamaon. 1,M bad Mr. John T. Pullen. S1.M. Thla nsv noniucemeat wan greeted with a storm of applause. Wo believe that ngnt manes mujo-. That tha Ood of battle to with aa. The awing la tba right we ara hobad to win....-' - - . , Mr. rawee HunlM IVa-irfnHon. Mr. Carey J, Huffier followed Mr. Williams. H paid that, we Ameri can people beUeva la success. Tba popular man In the awn who eaa bring things lo paaw. Ha pointed to. tbe W ast, which does th ngs with a Man. That haa mada tha wlldemeaa to bloom In a few yeara. We admired Japan because of Ita wonderful de velopment. It haa developed aay of doing thing. Tha South la at tracting tha- area of th nation now. because It la bring ng things to paaa. We have demonstrated that we can do Thia tv-nariubla meeting means that 1 Yawag. wa ara doing tavnga la Raleigh. - it meavna that -wa are going to bava a Ht.M Y. M. C. A. building. Mr. Hunur then introduced U rW. JoUoa that lead tnia arucia. . . . Mr. Iaank-is K-srafca, ' - , 'Mr. oserhua Uaaiels. editor of tha Scwg and Otisrrvcr, Immediately sj-oae and moved that . the reeolut oa be adopted. It waa food that tha resolu tion ba adopted in thla hall. To great things, h aald, war bora la Metropolltaa kail, Tha Arat of theaa wag tha meeting to establish th A. M. College. Th people were united. Ha aaldthet ws do things la Rals gh whan tha people are united. Tha second grant thing waa whea tha Po pi came together on th proposition for aa and torlum aad tha auditorium la now belna- built. got togexner on It. we oataeusnaa a swssw- ir (tauieh; Hlaaer. Busier, vattar Rai elah. W have growa bigger aaa bua er and now wa ara taxing tna step to better Raleigh. What la needed In Raleigh is a. clearing nouse tor taa davaloDment of young men.' Th tabllahment if Ut I. a. t, a. win atreas-then very church in Raleigh. Ha aald thai ba lavorea ma aiogan. Italalab la Keaiiv " Kaie.ga la reaoy aad w ought to ga forward and build in. r m r. A. Now that Raleigh haa launched the movement wa should ha humiliated if w were to iaiu wa must do-H. Wa must put our ahold ara to tha wheal. (tahera SM'OCMl IMBOlBtJOIla. Tha resolutions wara alse eeconded ' I byMr. Ctarenc H. Poa, editor of tha Praaresslve t armer; ttar. w. mcv White D. D- for tha muistara er tn e.tge Dr. Wbltp belnji chairman af tha Raleigh Ministers- cnion; Alderman W ' A. Cooper.-for tha cfty Of Ralslgh; Mr. W. H. race, tor tn yeung men of tha cltv. Each of thee gentlemen piaagao their loyal support to tna movement- Dr. novate Boca. fir. Hubert Boyatar, president of th Raleigh Chamber of Commerce, upon be ng called on responded pneny. n aid that b had mad on speeen a month ago, and that. I ke th wis old awl, ha preferred to- sit sun ana listen. Ho aald that ha wanted to any bar tonight that be wa not present aa a professional man. nor aa a young man. nor aa an old man, but as a cm- sen of Raleigh. The noblest motive) ha sa d, waa the publto good, and that back of thl movement waa humanity, . t ; 11,. if l I I: I ; IIS. ' ' l i.Maa 1 A i 'ia , ' a. ( f following mount, rulaed sad dsrttig tbe year: fitvra Fnre4fB Miwinni. . . mute Mtnn Ileme MUsloni Inlsrtlle Training Hebax4 Wesley S. Jntien, trea.uret. abowed the elgh, and all you've got to do Is to "g ripeaaev uown alter I. Mr H. a nootTa Kpcech, IlimiS Mr. It. c. Hood, of Creensbobro. who , T.Tra a ; took sarh a prominent part In tha sac- . sieo m i ceaaful Y. M. C. A. campaign In that KtJ j city recently, a native of thia city and a special s-uee or tne evening, next spoke, makln a clear-cut speech that went home to the hearts of hie hear era The subject or his addraaa waa "Raleigh's Oreateat Need." In open. ln b stated jbat Raleigh waa th nomar or his boyhood: that he had lived at other places, but that Raleigh waa always bis home. For thla rea son he felt an unuaual Interest in get. tin a Y. M. C. A. for Ra'elgh. Ha referred to tha movement In Greens boroe how at first only three persona Two Sickly Children i - - - , Made Weil Hy Vino! Lrttca lT"m Cmicful Motlarra, N'aw Haven. Cnnn "My litLia elrl - i - - . - vl ,IVw m , ii... wiiir i ii i - iiBimni ever alnc her bfrth was frail and thourht that the movement could b MCKiy ana doming eewnea to ao ner any goon, until we into your coa over and Iron Ionic, Vlnil. Aa soon aa she commenced to take hr-rntUied an Im provement n her health a - nipr tr ance. Phe has now taken three bot tles of Vlnol and from thegiiojlJt, has slona her I can say It TlTITdo an" you claim tor It In building up and wtreagthenlng fraH and delicate chil dren." (Name furnished on request.) Another mother of Chicago, 111, writes: "My littla girl waa thm, run down and without any appetite. Vino! gava her a. good appetite, aha haa rosy cheeks and haa gained rapidly tn flesh and strength. i "I cannot say too much in prslee of Vlnol for delicate, ailing children." -, Wa aak very mother af a frail sick ly or ailing child In this vicinity to try VI mil on our agreement to return their money If it does not do all we rtalm. k'ing-Crwlt Irug Co R4J- Igb, N. C. carried through. Theaa formed a com. pany of twenty. These convinced to rber. who In turn convinced the city. The campalen wound un with 461 tub. eoribers, embracing men of all com. Plexiona H aald that tb Y. M. C. A, was ol enoiieh to embrace all men. He annke of It th nlv ln-tttuttoti wheteby men could he brought In aad made better. 11 aald that he knew I'slelrh ;tht ha wanted to Cnnerstu. lata tb cite as having th building already, at the plan waa not going to ii". Ha referred to a Greensboro mi a th rampa'rti la that mtr who in. terrer-ed 01) 'act bv e".t'ng that he wouin rttner put (le.oog n a mann. faCurln enterprise than n a T. M. C. A. Mr. Hood well renlled' that be. for atartlng. manufacturing enter, pets tt was mora Important to manti. ley -iiiv liien 11, laev lfia-e Dl mem, -A; Ha referred to he tnae'nlfWnt T. VLjf v. sv. oi i.ynrnourg. ana ot it won- There I no auch word aa falL hs aald written on th faced 'here tonight. Power Is written on th facet aefor me. Tha bl products, aa baa beea re. ferred to, he aald, were tb mora val uable part. Thl movement will r. juv.nate Raleigh. Credit la due to all. Aa presidsnt af tha chamber el aoa mere h extended thanks to Judge Prttchard. He aald that when a man occupying Tkla oxaHed position cornea to speak on -civic ritnteoumeaa tni. world la getting batter. H thanked th others. H closed by aay ng: "Look at th MI,oe an the board and than watch the clock." AdpteJ bv I nanlmosm Votex Mr. Thompaon then put th ejuestlon, and tha resolution were adopted by a unanimous vote. Worker tJIrea Instrnrtlon. , Director William then tailed the enliited worker to the front and gv Instructlong. . t. Tha worker will meet la the Metro polltaa Hall today at aovn to etart out on the campaign. Lanc-h at 1:S OCVxk. At 1:1 o'clock lunch will be served by th following ladleet Mra. John R Kenney, chairman; Mra. Crowell, Mra. 1. taader.. r 1 W, A. t- . H. r , A SV aW t . r, . W. ir. l. ....). A 4'aeUad Jm I. T. . f a - t, 1 A. I. K.lor a. y. a. nn m. T. W. aai. . i wiauei a t. fawner, J K teaag X. H, K. UM.r.,.4, A t. Y. i.aer. 4. Wa A. C'tw-iiae. Aknasde tA eaa, . ' A I. r. Crlakley. ' T. Alf Tk. a. tHeirt.a a, I. taeder. 1. It. biaf. ' f, H. M, Marth. t. I eblpnua. A rkaa. Vtnarta. . A Ctess Winter. I I. C U Kama f. i, $. Meckay. ' ' , A t: m, rarkar. -tf.k AreaAalL. ' Klrtil.a . t. tasder, J. O. Ban. A W. J. rerran. , m latia X. tesaer, W. . ataas X U r. febassa, t , a. W. C Adkiae. ' ' 4. WtH Weallcatt . A Jae. A Paeiiieea. .. .". . Ik J, iakaaam. 4 -T. M.- Reseathal. A . M. Begalaa: i A H- at iaaHa . I IA WaMsr Edwards. ' ' ' " 'PM.I. a.' ' 1 Lesser. W, H. wmitaa r laeepsw tksshns, ' a. m, i . twrswiiB, , A A W. II rearer. ' A W. 1. Ape-lawhlta, ' ' , ' . A Jake T. B. A Alex.' gtraaarb. A Im. tK Beam. W. w. a. wtlaoa. WiWIaa a. A LeeAer, le. IL Waataera. A t. W. Bailey. , , . , A h. I, Bea. ... ,, ; A Wta. tsoyla.-. ... Mvtasa tA L lewdec, t. bt Msryer. . A t. D. Boaabsll, i A Was. T. Jiardteg., t . A r. T. Darrtisg. i4v j A W. A Wltbeta.,. r ? , . A W. A. Faleae, .,-.-. ,. ' t. . B- Bagwert ' y A ae. tU Taaeorsal ....,. . I. C Blair. i' Al. t Aay.,;'J-.. v U. Kst Das a. ",s :r l , I i ,,.-, a l., I U ' - t tig g . ii. a I A -1.1,'at a .a A. ai.i at lt hi. liaa iiitl ..r..i- la ST cl .f I i.e -1 I f . t.- ;i . aii f 1. .hi I i els r au i A. an I Ua It. lo I -I .1 1, r l'-a publle lil bava an .. I -I1 . . y ,f Sea Ii g tba I'l.ile.lr ..' d'l atiinla, Thrra wul l aif.t i.ii.iv 1 tnaa In tt'a aroail at.il au.i.i.g tiieiii are le'iria of Ilia l.rM I. a iHtil ailieia In the tnajor hvi'i'i. I I. a lean ritll'l eiipottuiilty to a-a ti e big tos play and stioaij nut be tuiaaed. . , lafayetta CoUesa, of Paiiii') Ivaula, w u be hare tlatnlnr. laifayetie rat.k high With aU tha leading cl-l-a la athletes, and may ba de pended upon to put vv a good game. 1 ne jr bava played A. and al. for e.vrr yaara and have alaajs mad It rv tereatlng for the in. T keta oa sale at the Tucker bind ing fbarmacy. " "aa a '. ( MIHT BTAXO TRIM. V , Yuaalilnt Of Kervrtld adlctmenta la w Maes fiaaaislHs eg was Jordan, Mra. Jerman. MraralVAttt.4---lV6aa, U. oreaaen. McKimmon, Mrs. PerralL Mrs. Rob. arda Mrs. Pattle, Mrs. Poti. Mrs. J. a Grime. Mr. Julian Timberlska, Mtsa Johneoa. Met May Johnson, Mlaa rior ence Jones, Mlaa Covper, Miss Morda. cat Mlsa Root, Miss Heck, Mlaa Hay wood. Mist Dargan, Mlaa Moore, Mia Vase. ' ..: , . , .U tltlseas taaaaaltteaa of Oa Maadred. K. B. Brongbten, nenersl Citrate. 1. Iet4rr, J. t. Pvltetv - v , H. A Boytter, Caaers Cksirsjaa. -v I. ftptsta. Ir. E, M. Broagbta.; ... ', 17. W. Codwliwp j , ,, . , , e. . ea. bhii . 'Ada. A- PerfOV"." A Chss. R Jobsasa, 3r 9. trrasi B. glwasea. v t. O. U Tlaao. - , . A Walter Darks. AW. . Lreai Jr.1 " 1A Wetter parA ft." '' reaasaay TA t Ckptsla. A Crew. 1 Albert I Cox. v . A Jt. S. Tewler, ; A A. I. IK Joke aaa. . A W. G, Hortee. '' "-.. ULK Blicer. ' T. Leele Di Waatbt. , A J. r. JerdtV A J. A. Beet, ' V 1A J, M. Maalt. Jr. r Cessasay tX " lu Csptala. W. H. rca. , A W. A Bsskhj. . , .,. A Bsbt. J. Wyttt ' tU f. IHtea. A . P. WUHeaiA s W. Paraua Betta , T. B. A Weabla .. A J. C. Alllaoa. l, t W. Brewer, W, Oa. gllg . ' 4aigBaa tk. . 1. Cpta1a, Y. J. Aaa, AW. . Btgiey. A J. Rafoe Hsater. 4. WtNer A Hastsr.. -A A D. W. .Center. , " A W. U Dowell. ' f . Battaa J. Baa, . 9. Y. Ck "farker. , . ., ICE Asderaen. 10. A U rntchett eeeapaar. 1. Ckptala. C. T. Measaagbaa. . AAA. gklaeer. . m A C. 'B. . Deasea, j . Ralph B. CotC,.,. IT,' L Oreea. A B. A Tomiltsoa. T. Joka O. Allee, , . A O. y. Tisaoea, It B. Ixckbirt . -1A T. T. Wellea. reaasaay P. ' A ft nta'a, F rearta . A. Cel. 1 Brfteee E. CalbrgtA ' A A J. Ad.ais. " IV, t Beeryer. A Batter Darheta. A Ktarcy W. Wide, J T, Boot. M. Cohere. A C. t. McIXiotlA A The. C Pmoa, - 1A at, TU Orso'rraa. . tasaaaay S 1. Csptajs 1. a Berry. 1. C. A. Jntisana. " A 3: C. Teiltaymnr' 4. Prsak , M. Jolly. i.. IV Horace' B. tHrwelL ' IK. (I. Bobertaoa. ' t A Bobert. Horto. A'Wsj. ' H. Bytitrdaea. . A A C, K MdJearfcy. Ceaisaay ff. 1. fsptatn. C. A. Purfey. 1 C A (teener. IP, H, Merrltt, . . B. U Walker. ' ' A A W, White A J. W. Kelleeg. A W, T, Rodder. ';rA A C. T. Albrlekt. A C O, Albfrglit " 1 - - f tpeJ7 I. 1 Csettfn. A Y. JsdA .; A T. H. Ctteert. 1 A A n. rrn, 4.J. J. Beveard, . UK,. T'aater. A PreA Iue. Threw Waa Xa erftoaj fW,d TorA. r.ie rork, March tl-Judge Noye of tbe fulled Clrrult Court Banded dowa decteloa this afternoon refue ls.! to Quaab the aooond 'cottoo pool" Indh tment aeatnst James A lattea, Kugent O. bvalea, prank H. Hayiv, Was. P. Brown and Col. Robert M Ihompeo. He sustained certain tech nical contentions sad dlsmlaaed ethers Tba Indictment charges conspiracy la reetraUot of Interetate trade in' oottoa oa which th defendants muat aland trial, . - Judge Noye ruled that tha corner. Um of a commodity In tba market doe aot sooatltats n violation of the Bber. arava aauVtruat law aoleaa It ran b ahow a that tha direct effect of tba so. called corner would bo ta rawtrala or abatrwet Interetate trafflc, Thla result weald be remote la the present caae, th aoatr ruled. a tba affect ef tha "corner" waa to atimulat trafflo and raise prices, although abnormally. The combination to control th market be termed "aegatlvely illegal without any pronioiiory st aisle, ana would be noes. lively unlawful la aay Mute having a statute against comers." Tbe aU legation .that the ereatlAB f th corner wa a violation of tb law la dismissed, the court holding that svea "if th oomblaatloa la uuestloa a violation. It ta so because it is aa taroluBUry restraint of trade. L a., It le a conaprracy enured Into by par. eon aot engaged In Interstate com merce!, wbicb -has tha effect of prevent ng persona irora rreelr agaarlna la B) - - - - - a, Ttft TkUng Weshington.i D. C klareh- tl President Taft haa written tha rniinw. log letter to Hooker T. Washington: me letter received by Booker Wash. Ingtoa waa written tn long aaad by Pre idem- Taft aad reads: TMy Dear Mr. Wesritogtoei I' ara greatly distressed at your misfortune, and 1 hasten to writ you of my sym pathy, my hop that you win soon re caver from the Wound Inflicted by aa Insane, suaplcloo or vicious character and of my confidence la your integrity anil tRes-atttv Af ehaeaWee emit in vn..e ' ' Vl l'rht aaafulaeaa to poor race and t I all the neonle of thla count rv nt would bo a nation's lot tt 'thla entoward Incident In ear way Impaired your treat power for good In th o luttoa of ana of th moat dlrtrut prob. ssma aeiora aa. . . .. . , . want you to know that yoor friends are standing by you la every trial, and that 1 ant proud to subscribe myself a oaa. - "WM. H, TAFT e i J e . -a f i Ail a i - .-.i 1 e v V iititttlttlOMItiMII i III . i t i mem sHititimmuM Ii -1 i CLGU3 12 ic:: tCoiiiiiiued from I'uae Una) r,i r tthe tlaottanu. U ..rum dleiiuMud, wbe-bl' Jii l l the pubiie spirit. 1 a s naked i,at wu ,J iTtl Anxious I 'or Aiil'Ht. Ceaas Uiandea. lirt., lr, n I1) Vis i fsxi. March II. Hunig action by Ilia hiaia, lrparlment at "iVa.li ..igtog toaard lha protecilon of Ani-r. I' ana la Jell hrs ta eaxatly awallid l y the " pilaiiiera. Of th etevantet a prlaonrre claaaed aa Inauna. toa, two are Hernial, one is an Italian and fourteen tav tbeg are cltlsena of lha I nlted Hlaica. The men are appre. beualve; they wll be kept In Jail Ind.f Initely and will tut hav trials until alter tba war. Ail apeaia to the Kederal officer tjf lha name and addreaaaa of lha men have thm fruitless. It le said thst a we.k ago e : ll representative "' Sent by t'oi. Cueller to Mexico City and that a aootl aa conditions permit the prisoner wl ba marched to Chihua hua City to bo triad for sedition. Two Americana rea-ently etarted on foot fcr lbs Called Htates tn behalf of tha pris oners. Kedaral soldiers daatroyed the frtet mill at Coionla Juares a few miles west of her. It ws the only mill .n this region, ,whh baa about all hun dred American Mormons. The soldiers sent from Casaa Urandes Were buttered beeaua of a report that Insurrectos had procured food at the Vormoa col ony. ; Onl To Be, If fihoC J, luarea; Mil. March It U. A Con tur Adwarda tonight said ha had re calved no report giving a Hat of the name of tha American prisoners at Caaaa Orands. Hla only instructions from Washington, be said, were to In. Viatate whether the man had bean shot'' He bad received assurances that the men were . alive and would have fab trials. Caaaa Orandaa to about ltd miles southwest of Huarex, and tt cat off from direct communication. IeiaaBtotir Modlfkw Ktatcvnenua. Mexico City, Mexico, March 1110. aaere Minister Umaatnur today aent to the Associated Press a tetter, ta which he commented on the Interview with him. published today, and modi fied a few af th eutementa made therela. ; ; ' ut ;.i h, ' . J He aay ha refused to talk about the plan of the government, stating that as minister of finance It waa not fitting tor him to make declaration on thla subject, and also that he lacked the authorisation to do to. "If. la the eon. venation," be aay. 1 referred to tbe desirability of reform lner our electoral legtalatloa. It Waa one of the various meaeurea which. In iny opinion. It wonld b advteubl to adopt, and not as on of th thing that is at present being considered by the government." Mr. TJmantour dented that he spoke of antagonism between the people and the admlnlstmtltan. and lack of accord feetwee tie reversing element bod tb governed, adding: I linn a i l-:. a f 'vv h " " the alleged bagidiT IWna !,,. It,. rrUal. o4 eoaceeaui.: that Ilia gMkeimoent Waa dkaaZ. . m I ...i.l .t... '.""a ... . . ...aa uiare agd Ml lle,.,tu.l, m,. ' tb than,, e R.ake tlirm been am ine aa I ki.w. and that the UM.....,n r. bad kg g,,, fciTJ of a military character." " IVI. U..n Along th Bordre rraalillu, .ex., klsrcb Jl-Th.i . eon.panr t M.xu,aq raralea from Ttkl bra.eg.d garrin bt "OJInags, k7. on a s. auiii.g eipedition, ' ,r-vl .1 nltad Mate, soil, bs b,M to Capt. V. Illlams. of troop ' U avslry, a Cumrnsad of the' fe hid. htates trooiie watloliad at n...T, .ia u mi. i. .... "apie,- report - Aocii forms n ts. iK-.pt.id William Is lnv..tl.,i7i "Z report l:n!., dotes or , . rliralea. baarla. . croaaed Ih rlv-r weal, or Oliriig. Zi tr.v.Ud over Valla elaT,wiu2 for ae.er.l mil.- m "nary - - . . . Iv wm rear of ta. pualtion. HeVM-.J a... aaa a. amln. a... r . - - ' urn. laiaua Insurgents' In rommsnd of the Mexican grrWa by tha Amerkaa commander. tt,.,Z rtnaatng of armed men would be ra. garde.1 as a boaiil ad, Relatione between American .i Mexlcaa cuatoma officers are da ly ha coming lea harmonloua Bef'.r. tk. capture of the Rio Grande f.,rd Ojlnaa-a by the Insurgents. ,hr waa designated by tbe Mexican . care aa the point of entry, not prrmit. ting exportation er Importation at good at aay other point Aft-r ike Insurrectos captured the ford the Mexican officer eoutht to open u- w, .wa- wiiaTKaii eta toma ofnerrs' Ins sted thst the fori alon could be Used. Sine then gea. darmee wba attempted to croas u nver a. ainer point Were diearrnei eaterday bullets, aald to come fraet Msxlcsa Federal rtflee, fell anion i detachment of United Stales aoidin Whether the rlng wa intentienil ka "- "-ei uvwniiwiai. , r rva arllC4u soldier were killed early today when the Insurgents opened Are oa com pany of Federate cut off from the ma'a garrison at the Canada rsn"h, mil from OJlnaga. OTSJf MIUTABY OUMPttY AdJuUnt-Oenerxl Ltiater gave m. tic yesterday that a mtlltarv cst pany offered from Dunn had fcen w repted aa Company M. Second Infan try, to Btl the vacancy .esusad by tk. dropping of the Wadeaaoro ceinuaar. Thare are It names oe the appurt tlon role, aad th efflcers augrtd are Captain IX C Parker,. Pirn Lea tenant J. M. Ktley. gocond Ueitenuf A. M. UoUlngswortA . ' . - pbilaUkea Mnreing. fha Phllathr Club ,of, JM'titoa Street Methodist Church will bold t buslneas meeting' at f i this evetilnt In the class room. , AM nember rt urged to be present. BILLED J)T BOILER CXPL06IOX. Mr. Bud Lowdcr. eat A!beanar4A Blowa euty or My tee ra Atr. Special to News and Observer, i Albemarle. March 11. Bud Latwilea-. It year old, waa the victim of a boiler xp('oa lata yesterday afteraooa. and aiea last night The accident occurred at Mr. Lowder'a aaw milt. about Ave mllea sooth of hero, Several other were slightly Injured by the explosion. It la reported that when th explo sion occurred. Mr. Low dec waa blown nfty or alaty feet away, with on arm almost completely turn off. . He was alao badly acalded and received aa ugly wound on the head. Mr. Lewder HVed here, where he res liked, being a well-to-do ma a. He leave a wire aad aeevral children. ! 4.B, ' ' -" - ": C Harvard College Lswresce Mentlae Bcb'eei I C.P.E. BURGWYN CHw and ydaaaU Baglaaer ' MT baa Bteeet . aUttoead.' ta. Blvera aad barter leiprered. Wbsrves ssd tsrealaala camatracted. Witr-kawers dereleped. Railroads built Water-werk trerwd. Bsparta ea propertlee. gewer aya teme deslgaeA Clear Water ltratloa. BAOlO fXJIIiL" thatla ' Lw& Urcnq Cdfft (VL & CttmCoMiaOBty, CrtjTia 3 1 ;: iC WM. A YABaTBB ' : . ORIOTJf ASt V. IAAJIU TANNER PAINT AND OIL CO- OtomtT AMD tAHUt B AlBT-MAAKBg BtMtBM ' Please Do Not be Misled hy a Firm of Simiitr Ntmj p. a box m . . ; t iuchuond, va. good mvis i We are pleased' to announce that w are now Intuiled in our n' guartera la th "Shepherd Dull ding." , Our etock la abeolutely freaii and new, and we are much better prepared ie serve yo, than ever before. Coat to ses us r writ (of anything you erlih la the art lint 1 ELLINGTON'S; ART STORE iv.-, . RALEIGH, .-..;.,:.'?'- ' -t ' .Caa.eejr a. - - , ' 1 Oibtala. It. IlnaentbsL t. W'bi. y. Weat - AH. J. Bereer 4. Bugen Annt-n ter. A . I. Jnaaea. f A Joka W. litti'i'il. Jr. - t. Oe. C. It'll. BAH. Aijrlnr'.i. A A M. Masplg. ' i . Ml H C. -Jeaaa. iTe at wave m W-DtrlAr--r.li.lia.-1 r. meher 1n f"ta citnam. U.5 Department of iculturti' ;v. VT5ATIlEn BUI1EAU - IBLUSLIfOORE. Ctupt " T ' .Aeaat.- - - afj v . AM.,' . , a-""y p.iie, V J Q a. ma aTl W ' f Santa Pslcf 'h. Wet. VJll.efVwn.Jir. !U7l"P!W,,M U d vlHoilr rsir rrlilay and Mo.r.Uy: warmex fjul .Nortlx roinn-.alr Viily and Sturd,f warmer hamnUiyj moifnuto varii. io wlo'la trwmlng "" "A