4 -V . ' A l&eOaiy laily Is Norts tam; Thai Hal C- ' "". 15.C35 t t r VB8CB1BEB, EALriar, i, ::;-tih for .. mmm v m a i i i ii W . ah, 1 1 i n v Mir ti yo n jo T)AY, IIAKCII J3..13H; .. . ' ; i .... 1-IIICE 5 CK2TTS r i , jf - . . First D:c C:ni?:::n Reports ail Enthusiastic Lunchccn riccilr.j: Shc;r a Total of $16?640 ; : . FI::d fcr ths Building OTCH Til CIS CLCGK - ,. . ,. .. f . . . V . -.OSEEDUn i " ' ". " tdl ttro Deehtful, LwM.-beo to ' Working Campaign Fotre-Asnldat Greet Applause- Fledca Are ,'An iKtunred The Coot for Standard fur Vemiantklp Octwcta rose of Pivtclo Leaders Carey . Hunter ml W. H. VruiUoMMi Attract Great AttAtUon, vYbll the force of Coat pany J, Captain Z. V. Jadd, Lead to pledge of Uw THu Bwtoeoi Me Committee TWa . ; Aiteraooa't Lvacbeooi ll EipecteJ ' to . Brtag rorth ot!-. o-"-- ei Bit la tlie 1- ituvu J' -:' They're oltt ? ;; :; V ; And they. re ruaniuK om!J . Ob dy'a run nd ewr one-taurU 'tea 4)ttanc .W l6,M RaJili ST. U. C. A. covered. -v V i-'.'.!'- Ma dart running- ahad and th '. (printer aiter lunda tn M ! th 4aaa W tha goal SJ ' :V ' ; Record lor M Brat day ahow tn racing to rana lunoa (lva l,tt la ; Umi s- 4 j' ; . j 5 , 1wnty teama In tba aca to aea which nall l-cl. . and , tha ' rtvainr ' jump t th m..mi.'tnr ot eonwat ta ' t r ; y- ' i. ' ' " ' ' Iivmou i- .er C. J. IHmtM lb ICt.tena Comtoitta la tha l4 tr a ' hklr'i brtaum ever team leaoer W. .0. WUI.amaon. - 8prlntln cliwe after these, ta lea in Captain fc. V. Judd o( - Compaay 1 or tha Yn Men a Uaal- sea tomm.tte, and T-am Captain K. , & Crotr f Company H, Cloa behind ) ' thete ara -lNvialoB' Leader John Pullen and Team Captain V. J. Lee. a With barely tha whieper f the eon- teat to the men and women of Kaieigh .tha gooaly aura ot m.140 haa com 'the nrst day from Iti aidlns m the ht lor i I, M. C i. bulldin her. -.Ta number 1, 2. t are In thenwelve i m meant, for they are thoee that ar ealled whenever a contest beffma and ' " the tAg dropa for U itart. Tha teal '! ulna daya ahead. f - , The First Day'a Urarbeo. . ; Tha report ot tha flrrt day'a rrotreaa maue at !. jresie.aay attfrnoon 'at the Worker Luncheon given In Metropolitan Hall by the frlday Luncheon Comm. tee, with Mm. John 'B. Kenny ea chairman, aaalatod by Mr of Raleigh' charming matron 'and matdena who added to tha entha Xattle tprit of the occadon. It waa '. a aaJaty and delightful event about a big buiineea pro poet t Ion and tha two ilbowed for flnrt place In Importanco, Metropolitan Hall looked , Ilk Modern Kret-claaa cafe In the arrange. Kent of tha 12 table, and I k pollt l convention In the banners which Indicated the tables for each division Md team and general chairman. On aide of the ball war tha It toblea of General Chairman Dr. H. A- Royaler of the-Toung Mmt'a vast- Comm ttee with . Companies at eh of 10 table presided overby Company Cnptalna. On th other aide t the 11 tables of Oenem.1 Chair man N. B. Broughton of the Cltlsen .ommitte- wtth alvllona at each ot table prenlded over by div sioa tead '". On the stage the ladle of the ""May Luncheon were, at work, whit others flitted from Ubla ta Uble aenr Int a lunch tliat . wm? a delight ; All aye went ta tha flrat tabl to near U opening gun of tha report, and as Mr. Pullea moot uletlr said, "r ive subacrlpUona, 11125" there cam a round of big applause in which ail joined. Next called waa Leader Carey . "Not quite ready- h answered, TI era sun avaoing up iigure. - us wm Peed over, and other reports war made with appiaua after ecb report, "Leador W. H. Williamson was called, and tb responaaa eamei .Ten subscriptions, ILSKS." The pplaoae soared at thin and thor were happy smiles among Mr. Williamson' wrkra, - ' - la a moment there waa tha secotd call for a report tram Loader Carer 4, uuniar, ana he responded: ' "Nino subscription, lim." At this there was more appiaua... Hi worker naa led by lis. "Say, Mr. Carroll,'' called out Direct or wailama- "Oet ut tha ban Bar." Mr. Hunter did not know It was coming. His I the banner tabl Each day tha leading team ot , each section a'ta a banner.' And the standard . waa carried to Leader Hunter table, on it being: h Wa Are ltl t'. "What is the total for the Citizens Committee V asked Director vviliiami. "Forty-all subscriptions and 17m, nswered Interstate Secretary Hunt ington, . ' "And that a a pretty good tart" Tha appiaua climbed up in not at thla. . Tba Btulacaa taido of It, That waa the setting to the lunch eon aid. The business part was ta the report card gathered by the com. pany and division heads from their forcea, and In the big Dally Report Hoard with spaces ruled off to show the work of each subscription force In the flehL this wa presided over by Director--William, ' WbnV, o tn ladder.. With marking bruett in hAtid) put In tha ".cures of the any. As each Captain or Leader reported, there was .npuiuiie, a storru ot this tor the big fl g ii re reports, and a cyclone when the day's total of $11,140 waa announced. The satins; part of the meeting came first, and there waa the chatter about the tables, which tofd that the nearly two hundred men present were having a, good time. A more charming co terie of ladle (erring luncheon' can hardly be Imagined, and as tha lunch, eon- went on there waa a -chane to gianc nt the placard about the room, and to draw Inspiration from toes and from the good thinr on the ta ble. Her were soma of th thlnn placards:.' ..-..;: . mm THE START FOR A RALEIGH Y. RL C A. BUILDING Speculations on Succcs-I sorto Aldrich S on the placards: ... ... a . e ", -.i ... RALEIGH NEEDS IT. EVURTPODT SOMETHING EVERT DAT. ' " . , ..- a ....,.e,v.j EVERT LITTLtS BrT '- ADDED TO WHAT TOU HAVB MAKES JUST A IJTTLB BIT - ' MORE. : s s . ' ' V s !. THE Pr-R THAT QET8 - - ' THB HONET - i - r:vJ ' ,- - NEVER HANOS AROUND - THE rVB. - ' .' ' ; .c -'it ' W - ,'' And Jfow tl Report. . Lunchnon Bt an end. there came tha time of Interest to see what wa (Continued on Pg Five.) THE CEMTII! IIP T CLOCK 7 II AT SHOWS CON TRID U7IOSS Dlnpoaitioa of tenntor Appear to Bo to End One-Mas Iicaderalilp I nrcenta Hiddlng' BalstK-e of Power WW Iuflaror Sr lection of Hw Be Bubliraa Leader -RCgslart Can Vv . eompllab Kotblnc Wltlioat Them Demorratie Minority .Seeds Strotagl Ma for Leader. ; (BT T. . PENCE.) i Waahlngton, D. C March 14, Wha Will succeed Senator Aldrich U th Republican leader In tn bnat whom w 11 the Dentucrul put to tha front, ow Utat' they hav mad such largo gains In tha n.mijrhlu of that body that they arc talkid s m -jttrl-ling It wlti.n th next two yrl These ar uetiota lrequently heard .n Waahlnfton. and III im a ifim.n ed some tint, within the next two week at ctucusea to be held by aen ators belonging, to jb two polUital partlea. . . t-, it 1 generally recognised that on man leaacrshlp is at aa end among the Republicana of the fieuate, and that a coterie of Senator will titke en the mantle ao long and success fully worn by former Senator Aidr.ch. 'iho Democrats of tha Senate do not ilk one man leadership. They d tr ier In this respect with their party brethren to' the llue, 'Democratic Laaerahlp m the- Senate haa been nominal and not actual for a great many yea.s, and it does not appear that ths precedent will, be shattered at the-coming suasion. Although the regular, and Insur gent Republicana have agreed to ant together In the orKHtili.ul.iiy ot th.-r-ew Senate and share illki the re aponalbll ty of naming the rnmmif tees, there 1 little rn common between the two (xctlona polHk-allf speakltui, mul It la not generally expectml thit their working arrenifew n: w II tun tinun for .Any groat lentrth uf time. Not talltig :nto. consideration the Ri-iiat vacancle from New Turk, Iowa and Celorndo, where the leglnature Sre deaillmkert, the Iipinocratp w!!l outnumber the regular RepuMtcs r w th tlilrte eserclelng the balance of the por on all qiitlin( of leRtnlation. The tiumler of Democratic senator will be forty, while ths regular Repnbll cans will be able to muater only a total Of 16 Vote. When the three -mcanoes la the Donate are fitted, there will I i Dmnor' and fur len inmirfenui in the Kenan. The thirteen lnurg. nt, who will will be H'-eraMy treated In tha matter of coimr H signnrnta, they hav decided to cni. t the Republican Sen ate' caucus that will be called together during t' j- tf-k of April teurth. While th , ai-e willing enouffh to par- tl, .:.,, - tt,e rKular in the organ. 'vutuni i i um St'tmto. th I'urg-nt have let th tact be known that thrr wtH not b bound by cttucua action on matter of legislation In which prin ciple I Involved. - For that reason the oaycus w.ll hardly be called to gether igaln after . the. organisation of th 8enat b perfected. In fact the insurgent Republican ar already planning to act with th Democrats for ths adoption of th resolution looking to the election of senator "fhy popular vote Just as soon a their caucus is over, la -numerous mailer of legislation tha insurgent plan t join hand, with the Democrats-. Deprived of n Minority of the mem ber.hip or the Senate, tha regular Re publicans can ' acoompllah rtothlng without th support of tb Insurgents. Tb a means the elimination of ono man leadership. There will be leaders of the two wings of the Republican party la th Senate, For the regulars, Sen ators Murray Crane and Henry-Cabot Lodge, or Mas.: Eilhu Root, of New Tork; Bolte Penrose, of Penn., th new chairman of th Finance Commit tee, and Putherland. of Utah, will hare a controll ng Voice, wh le La Follette, of Wis., Borah, of Idaho and Cum mins, ot Iowa, will tak the lead for the Insurgent. .... , . - .. 'THe caucus of Republican senator will not he called to meet until alter April fourth "when the question of leadership will bo reflected in the Committee on Commit tees, that la to be chosen. The committee on Commit tees, which 'will make committee algnment. will be named by the chair man of ths caucus, who, following a precedent or long standing in tb Ken TWO VICTIMS OF -LAMP EXPLOSION Tragic i Deaths at Olive Branch;- Union County i ',-''---mmmmmm JIT EATHE SPLEHOID LECTURE Delivered by Dr.- Henry -Van Dyke, of Princeton CULTURE UNO PATfllQTISM RIQ GflEEflSBflROTOOK Then lncrea&ed$65,000 Y. H.;C; A. Fund' Th Gifted Poet, Preacher and Teacher J)ellgbU Ula UcWrcrs With the Ftrt of His Bert of Three Lecture, the General 6ub)oct of Interest kt Poetry and urv vj;.. Chapel Hill, March t. Dr. Henry Van Dyk. professor of Xngl h UUra- tur at Princeton, university, and who s prominently mentioned aa successor to Gov. Woodrow Wilson as president of Princeton, delivered th first of tha McNalr lecture of 1111 at the univer sity here ton.ght, "Culture) and Patrl. otlsm" waa ths subject of hU, the first of th series, of thre lectures which.. a to dlrvr her, tb gen eral subject of which la "Poetry and Lit." . - ". . In Introducing Dr. Van Dyks, Presi dent Venable declared that It would be assumption on h.a part to attempt to characterise Dr. Van Dyk to a Southern audience. j Dr. Van Dyk expressed pleasure at lieing at tha Intellectual center ot North Carolina and at addressing an auditnee at the oldest, In point of serv J, ot th state unlversit.es of Amei lea. Dr. Van Dyk rebelled at those mod ernists who placs reason supreme on tb throne and regard men aa a log ical machine. Tne naval and military superiority of Japan over Russia he attributed to depth of patriotism ot Japan ana It wa this feeling that gave th victory to toe little brown men. .his sentence Struck th key not of hi address. , Dr. Van Dyk Is a small man In tatur, but the beauty el hie talk and OF ITS Mlea Baaoon and Davit., While ktaitdlng ta Front of Mirror to Ar range Hair, Ai Saturate! iviih oil From KxploUcd Lamp snj t rappxd In Flamea Burn Prote taut. language nuicklyvovercame this dM-j Cllltt stfatndaB. BBftrl Am tilgwlr A dKaa saak.. s mm naa . HUwar W tin II law aWf aaVfj. Or .ht own poetry" was beautiful and couched In such splendid language that it waa aUmou tmpoibi to distinguish between, his words and those ot tha English and American poets whom he a felicitously quoted. Borne of the feature of his lectur were aa follows: ' ,. lh aim of poetry is to Impart pleas ure through the imagination. But this pleasure is not a mere amusement it la a vital joy, which enlarges the thoughts and deepen the emotions, and so ennoble the life of man. This Is a real and Inestimable service which poetry ' renders to tho world. The measure of a man'a worth I not hi money, but the wealth of his mind and heart. These lectures are to speak of three of the ways In which the poets have enriched the Inner life of matt kind. Walter ttcott has spoken with scorn of the man "with soul so dead" that he has no love for his native land. No less contemptible 1 the country with the cold heart which has no poetry to praise her heruea and encourage her patriot. Every great , race In the I world ha expressed Its memories and hope in poetry. If America should bevotna a land althout poets she would lake her place with 'the meaner na tlnna. No amount of material riches ate, will be th. Republican senator wlth the longest service to Ms credit. Benntor Frye, of Maine, 1i the dean, but by reason of Impaired health, he will step said. . .Senator Cullom, of Illinois, vno ta next in una, may. de cline the honor for a similar ressoA. ana In thuff vent Boneter (J Hinder, of New Ilnnipahlre, will be, the caucus chairman. , , . ', ' . , : The Committee W. , Committee, which is nine in nurr her, will practio ally -enmanlxe.the Senate. There la om talk-of .Increasing the member ship to eleven. It la admitted that th Insurgents, who had two ef their num ber Burah and Plmn, on tha old com mittee, will be given. Increased repre sentation.. Tbe.'ommlilee on 'Jmmlt t ea, as constituted , during the -est Semite, was -com posed of Heuators Al lr ch. Ken, McCumbsr, Crane, Flint Kutherlend, CurtU, Borah and Dixon Tivraieinlrs uf the old committee, Mfr, Aldrich. Kean and Hint, ar no longer members of the Henate. . it l not to be aaoumed that Jill the old member ef the . committee will a re-elected. The personnel Will r"t largely lth the chairman of the - ru. ; , - Th IfemocruU of the Penst ex fwt have ilKlr-iKiiniin a jl Ineurgeut JlepubUcan" M"r "." convene In eg. rn aeira on. i nj on nn urgMnixe aa Ho the Kepuhltcana of the Menate. The Ic-morrat !ct the rha rman of their eatictn,, who become the chairman of the steering Commlllw, which names th. minority membemhlp of the com mi!eifc - With the chirmnnh p of th rmii-ii sgne th nilnortty h-a ler lilp in the Senater-ijt It te s well know hr that th Democrat of the wield the balaace of power, and who. h,e ha only iwm BI l-ad- vo tee will be deceive In matter. or , i-hlp f..r a numlMr of year past, lerlflallon are Uorah. of idah; "a,"r Merry, of Miss., wbo la suc liourne, of Oregon: l!rutew, of Kan. ' - Jehn Hliarp Wllliame, was sas; Brown, of Nebraska; Clap p. r.f H" li"t U mwratle mlne-lty h-ader. sliniiee.ii", Crawford, .f H-otn t. ! " f t rhown eiler omll kma: Cummins, of Iowa; 1' xn. -f H''"r ' crir In lh Penst-t had Montana. Uronna, of North I"k.ta: "''n i i i-h 1 by tne IjegiaPature of M A'uu' Indicates 516,610 jt Kol'etk-, ,.f Vleronln; pnlnl-t'or, of Wah'rcfon: Townn-nd. of .! h lgan, and Wort . nf alidiripa. The Insurgerii An not t- ve thetr party rrruloriiy queett.m1, 4ml avin received sJur m th they Special to th News and observer. ) Wadaeboro, March I lt night at the. bom of Mr. K rntchard, at Olive L ranch. Union county, where ther Wa gathering ' youn peo ple. Hiss 'Grace Bmo-om. aged IT, daughter -of . Mr li T. Bau- com, and Miss Wilms Ink aged 21. At D ... ' , - llnl.U .. . " , ' ' I wo ii M atone for her poverty of spirit W",M" "1 ' n-"wu Her alaa would oiilv ncraaaa tha ex. Tbe Sam Wa Late1 ' Isjcraaand . Nearly $70,000 and th) vTrfc ( Erertlua of the Rulldlng Is Cotot 'tm ' The Dennttrnl Strnrtnr to bo Ready for Oocupancy on tba First, ot July. ., . : v t 4 ' ' til . . (RV ANDREW JOYNEB.) 1 Greensboro, N. C.. March It.- Thro) years ago many cltlaena of Greenbdro met together and nought by a compact organisation and by serious effort,' to organize. a Young Men s Christian Aa- ' aociatlon baaed on a guarante that a suitable build ng would to rota4, Ther waa no lack of sarnsst 'fIort, but th Bret plan fell through, It waa) recognixed by all that with splendid boliulngs and organ .nation In . Char lotto, Aahevllle, Winston, Durham and W.imington, It wa a dally and con sunt reproach td Oracnsboro that la ' ail its iorward publlo spirited, move nieuts, the young men and ' youth of -the city, and numberless syanattr passing through her galea, had no re sort of the kind, where, under good Influences, aecommoaationa could b found equal to those suppl ed by com -mercial hope of ga.n, MUn unaer bad mvlronmeiit, if not actually bad influ. encea. j But a year ago a systematic effort was made to aeour funaa with whlclt . to purchase a lot and erect a buiiuma; with the result that a lu-day campaign was atarted to raise taMuO. la just ' seven days the money waa pteoged and later contr. buttons swelled thw amount to nearly liti.uo. A most eiig.bi and convenient lot waa purchaaeu at the corner of urn ' and sycamore streets, only on block: west ot Main tret, 'diagonally front ' me corner on wmcn tne siateiy kilk lamp. Mia Baucom and M'k, Dal- bad gone Into room wun another youug lady and were atandtng befuce the mir ror t arrange their hair Mis Buu oom took up th lamp to move it and It exploded n her hand saturating, the clot bee of both young ladle Wild oil which -Immediately caught on fire. They -inhaled the Ovum and both of them dk-d this morning about -o-v.-n o'clock. ' The 'averment will take ila'e at Oil' Branch church tomorrow at 1 o'clock- Mlea Bsocom Is a niece of jritwi-rt H. E. and P. U Allen, of .Wadesboro. tent of her Inalgnlficance. Patrltolam is the eaprit do corps of a peopha It enable them to think and feel and art together. Poetry Is man hint; musk? for the spirit of men. Th flrat service which poetry ran. ders to patriotism Is to personify th country to the imagination. AM those Imaginative) figures Albion. Scotia, Gsllia. Oermanla. Columbia which typify noble lands, are the creations of poetry. Our own national hymn, writ ten In Nsw Knglsnd, Is now too nar row In Its Imagery. It needs n wider cpe to express the Southland and the Weeewnd, gl the h-i1tl and tCont'nued on Pace Three.) of the Uulllurd hotel building. ' The buUdmg oemmitta ha : been careiul at every step, not tak. ng hast tor tear of mUtai a or waste, recog. a.slng the fact th t In sue ban under, taking, to build t ' ' '.e, and to build wuh ly an- . ovhooved them ta exercise cs .,u, economy and care.1 The very best architect wer en gaged, and the contract was let w.tii absolute protection ha the building hould be ereced according to the de slgna and ipeciflcatlona. 1h structure 1h now well under way. the walla bninsj nearly to the second story, with assur. atioe of cumplttlon on or before July L, Hulkling a Uoautiful One. With tliia'l gives a good picture uf thu building aa It will stand com pleted and lullowing Is a detailed de. scr ption klntlly furnished by Hecretary Msrt.n. who. In addition to lookiag alter association work, haa his office) on the lot where th- work ie going ot and hourly supervisee, operations. 1 he plana represent the latest and best In association building, and thy ar complete and cooveo.em in vem detail. In the opinion of expert, thla build. Ing combine more practical point of merit and represents more advantage, oua outlay of money than any plant built fur a like amount It represent a new style of architecture, typical of the American character, strong and massive In It general outline, void ef useless ornamentation, simple, yet dig; nlfled. The main entrance I en Greet street and provide easy access to the building. A yon enter the lobby you will bt) Impressed with Its generous proper tion and the air ot cheerfulnea and good-fel'owahlp displayed In It every line. All the activities ot the assocla tlon center at this point, and so com plete ha been the arrangement thai when necessary one man can super vise the entire building. To the right Is the large game rooms on toe ieii me resume room and (Continued on Pag Five.) k v. . ", l il. which In'llcBtea the Impnrt a o-.. r a,, iwrnocra attach to party I, - ft k . oft of party 1der la now ' ' ' ib attention of Senate Dent- l ' -ud' o F FIt,) -y- iCRn Nsnoiio-s mrarni r. n. c, a. bcilm. sow rono. erected as iucsult or St, uAfs - C-ASlPAiUXw. .. . ,