aid Observer The Only Daily in KortH Carotin That Hat Om 1 5.000 Samscjuaiu J 3'. grate VOLUME XCX. KO. 147 BAL1EIOII, N. (1, FRIDAY, MA 12, 1911 LAWYERS EHGAGEO ADJUSTING RIGHTS OF IHSURBECTOS Uncle Sam's Agent's Reefing Off the Red Tape at Washington RIGHT TO CROSS BOH FfiQM EL PASO TO JUAREZ CHEN 10 ALL COMERS IstcrnaUonal Lawyer of ho Depart mcvta of State, War and Justice, at WaJdiliigton Dettrmlulnc the Appli cation of the Lavw of 21 atlon to tho YlcUsrtow llwiMm ar "Ilsreoln UonM" a They Ax Mm rre. onently Berag Termed Wow Col. MMTO'a Action rptaid. But iin Wood Now Order Free Pspisage Acroa Intmnriurnl line of All Pcreona Not Beartn; Anna or Chr Ttnc Supplies Reach Regard rapture ot "International Port of Eutry" a Hunietlaiag of Great ITwrtical Benefit and Already Are Atnvi vekiptnenta .. Agsjnt De- (BnernUy In Mexican ImorosjUo. (By the AaaoaUtad Press.) Washington. IX C, May lL Offi cials In Washington were tod en grossed In oonsMsring questions of International w relating to rights ot lnaurrectlOBleU to aecure food and Dtbr supplies from neutral territory; the extent ta which the r'edeiai au thorities can go in controlling the ex portation of arm and munitions of war to Mexico, and what authority army officers may legally exarclae In raetricllns the movement of clrll Ihiii and eoldlera and rebeli on the border. The War Lxiartjuienl aluply abid ed by lie ortclnai ordera to the milita ry rommaJidere to execute neutreilty Uwi ae they underelood thera. Actually there wae no ri question before ttie dniiarUnenta alttr the le gal adviser ot the insurrectionary nt here had been told by the treae uty department Uiat the uade rela tione vlerB El I'aao and Juares might proceed aa heretofore. Thua ' at ieat iooo lucpiiea and roerctuui dtee might be carried acroa'tha Mn according to the usual practice. .No attempt was made to decide as to admisalou of arms as that question had not been ralsod. Probably It wm not be until an attempt 1. actually n.ade to carry au lnvoli-e of rifle. ' and ammunition through the can custom house. . I Amen-, ipuelu. tiun at Annapolis. In answer to complaints to tha ; An lntertl Incident of the Wsr Hepartment of the severe moss- of the Tar llee, parly a v.-H h ures adopted by the American mill- , the torpedo boat Bdl. naiiir'l sfl.T tar commanders to prevent shipping! the gallant ensign, which I. m. in supplies across the line, aa wen as : tloned at the Naal Ai-ademv crossing ol non-com' slants I'ol. btee- , training boat for the miilshii incn action at El i'aeo was upheld" 0po-IUon to lYrr WihiI. aa fully within his Instructions. He! Mnt of the North famllim .leii-ca-had only required that all supplies lor j in Is opposed to free wool, thonuli Juarea, be cleared through the Kl ! ,h members nr not no apart us m Paso custom bouse, ai In normal , would auppoae. neprcnenuttve tlmea i Kltehln Is a strong beln-wr In fr.e Communhatlon He-eaUhlialied. Wuo1 " matter of principle, tin. I .ill - Major 'ttetvere -ffw rSwe MA ttt. trtr whsr h wtu i tary commanders to permit the tree rls-ht, hut the Indications ere ttut the pa.sage across the International line ; Imocrsts of the House are acinic to of all persons, Americans or Mexicans i st"t together on the subject "f ,nl without arms and not carrying sup- j Tn chances all favor the adfptlin "f WHe- i 'he sliding scale which I. sn ultimate Ambassador Wilson Informed the i declaration In faor of free wool. That State Ltepartmeiit of a gathering last thers will b a duty of aonm kind on night at the American Embassy toirw wo' certain, many of th Mexico City of the representatives of ' lmocrau taking this view because tlreat Mriraln, France. Italy. Belgium. I o' tha revenue Involved. opsin andetiennany. the purpose be- , ins io aarre upon measures of safety for Ike embassies and foreign rsai denls of the capital In case of a eeige. The tnsurrectos are preparing to reap the Inunena practical benaflu which they believe are bound to ac-"1 me through the possession of an lm pmant interaatlonai port of entry. Mchra laatocn Hunse Agents. ' Ws shall Immediately appoint cus tom house agenu Uiat will collect duties, and who for that purpoee will Inspect all merchandise coming through porta In our possession." said Jose YsscoBcelus, ths Insurrecto rep resentative here tonight. "To avoid damag to public Interests ws will recognise Invoices signed by consuls of ths Dlai government until our own consuls have been appointed and take office. In this way business trans actions will go ahead even though we do not get a formal recognition out of officers. The (act thst their service will have to be utilised by all shippers i will establish a de facto situation that probably will lead to formal recogni tion by foreign governments " Tart nt th IMton tared (rwdw' Mres. By Asaoclsted Press ) New York. Mar 11 President Tuft has aanoaneed bis Inlentioa of being present at the banquef to be tendered the dele sales of th Cotton Heed m Quae ere' Association bjr the New "rb Predttc F.tchange next month. The occasion Is th annual eon rent Ion f tha aasaeaallnn and jwrd of te ielesratea ere expected from all part of U stout. COULD NOT ELECT PRESIDENT PROTEM Insuraents Prevent f lection of Galling PASSING OF 0l0 ; 2il0 Democrat Voted for naooa and Ptoar Inemimta Refuard to Buppurt Oal llnger and VoHd for Clapp Hn nilllerrnc rSxperleoro for "Hcculare" Nortli CJamanlane Honored llth Anntnnary of pcath of latfa Worth Bagpy 'Hie Trip to Annap olla and Other Incident Wool and Soger. By THOMAS J. l'ENCOE. Waehlngton, D. C May 11. ror the Bret time In fifteen year the old guard ta not In control of the Senate. Today what la left of (he old Aid rich machine floundered around Ilk a rodderiees ehip In a deeperate effort to elect Senator Ualllngor. of pew Hampshire, a stalwart and stand -pat-tar, to the poaitioD of president pro tem of the Benate and talleiL The Ltemoorata lined up aollaly for Senator Bacon, of Georgia, while the balanoe of power was melded by four Insurgent senators. laJlleUa. of Wis consin; Brlstow, of kaniuu; Polndex- ter, of Waehlngton, uixl Uranna, of ' North Leltota, who Totvd fur Hen&tor Clapp, or Minnesota, a leading pro gressive Republican. Heven ballots were taken without a change lu the situation, and it Is now realized that the Republicans ran never elect Senator Qalllnger to the position. H was a humiliating experience for the heretofore proud regular Repub licans, who hare run the Senate Jutt aa they pleased and without consulta tloa with anybody. The Democrats seemed to enjoy the situation even mors than the Insurgent Republicans, who broke over the traces and pre vented election of Senator OaUlnger, The result today shows thU the real Insurgents and the Democrat ran run the Senate and enact legislation they desire, If they will only do oo. It Is up to Mr., latrollette and "la cohorts to make good when sn effort Is put forth to get the House free list and Other tariff reduction measures be fore the Senate for action Votes of Both Tar Hurts Ctrontrd. Whlls Senator Overman was absent from the rlty on business his vole counted, for he had a 1H. pair with Benttor Perkins, ( Kepublicau of i'hI ifornls, who otherwise would hne voted for Senator Gaillnger. Senator Klmmons, or course, oted for Kenaiof Bacon liouorod Tlilrt-ulh Aiuilversar) of Itaatli of Knslgn ial-) This was the thirteenth anniw fury of the death of the late VVurth H,iKie who was killed" off 'ardemt. abnar.l the Wtnslow, and a nunihrr of N.irth c aro"n,n m'n' ,u Aiinapolu piaieu ilnwers In I i m , i . r,, t w "l ta -aTal A.a.l.-iny I., the eu et the neinnry of the only naval uin.-er ii" "I nl "' 01 waI sl'-1 " , m" Jioe who went frooi here u Annl"'" Mr. Adel.M. Sm, ' 'tarn . . Jwi thel were ""'in viuiiii I'liiiKiiins 0f ihf Revolution, who are att.nil iiK Will Cert Ko Kimi In Hl. Representative Pou haa sukc'1 rot to be made a member of the House committee to Investigate the sugar ' trust He aaalaterl Uer,ee.aniatlm 1 Hsrdwlck In drawlne the resolution : t Investigation, ktlon. and think, that h mla-ht be mkl k .. having already mad hi. mind I Mors than this. Mr. Pou us verv buv ' ana says ha cannot give to the work or investigating the sugar trust the time to which that Important under taking is properly entitled. sunn r rs... . 1 ' srrer tjermm oi l cm- porarv lmuii. . . .. lwy inrewidlng ODIrer of Scnste Washington. D. c.. May 11. The Intapaclty of th Republican parly In the Senate to control a caucus edict without the aid of the prorres "'? ,"i"rated In the 8snat today, when after more than two hours df effort snd as a result of .even oaiiots tn rlenal failed to elect gen "or flslllnger, ef Ksw Hampshire, as president pro temsora to succeed Senstor rry. of Maine. Mr. Fry- recent reeignetlon was bssed on poor heslth. Today's deadlock wss due tn the opposition of ths progressive Re. publlcsns, five ef whom voted agslnsf and three of whom were paired against Mr Qalllnger. Finally the Henats adjourned until Unn tar on . motion of Mr. La FoMette. I Senstor Cullom, as the fhaliirin o' e Republican csueua. plsred Senator i th Oaltlnger In Itomlnallflh: Mr. Wartlll: chairman of the Dsmocratla csucua nominated Mr. Paeon, of Oeerrla. and . , f c , l . , . ... . . . . . nr. las r ..iiiie nominateo sir. Itepp. ConUnued ea l ag Tw4 SCENES IN AND ABOUT WAREZ SINCE ' TTv T v ' jjp tin. ifxni-wi GEN. MADERO MNOMCS THE APPOINTMENT OF Peace Predicted to Come Within the Next 2i Hours-.Personnel of CaWncf.-- Hcad quarters Established at Juarez, Which is Selected as the National Capital of the Provisional Government Conditions At the New Capital of Mexico and Development in txtenso-Who the Maw Cabinet Officers Are and What Their Duties at the Start Are Defined to Be.-Quardlnq Against Attack By Federals to Retake the Place, -Easy Victory ot Rebel Believti to Hate Been Due Largely to Disloyalty of Federal Troops MIEKO APPOIYTS HIS t'ArUrT. Ry the AwM-ialcd ITcen.l Juarea, Mexico. May . Willi .uari ami all ll at attire or rilli-e nmtniuulhm anil machine gtiiM in l' ImumI of the Mexican revolUnN, this relaH eiulT. t'la) tunml Ui the taali of forming llie.r itmcmmesi. Tl'y gtherd fr tlw llrm llnic In IIm ir sitoiM eaHta. wlihli tonlgl't raphlh Im-icnii In nstutise a psa. rful aHtat t. Tu appulaUiM-nt of the fnllimliijc iinnherw of he trovle lonal csblnra wa sunomicesl : Muilxtrr of tVMsrlga RelaUona lr. aiH-x tnimee ( Mnaniv tiwetavo A. Madewo. War Venuuitano Brwliia. Inlerlor- K. txnisHlei) tHsraa. lestfae Joaci M. Ilnp hasm. Private hea-rrtary to Pmlriemt Matler" Juan Ksia Ihs Stsrona. PKKHIUKN'T MAKKKO'H HKAIXJl ARTKKV tien. Madcro lian etahllsil h liesilusriera In the) onr-tnry iiiuiwliial hiiikllog a-roMs tltn Mrect fnm the hlg cliunh which was tile khm of tlw nereent nclill"K. and Hmvc iluiing tlic morning the lnsonrcto i lilrftaiii miisrrtl ulih hl hdcr, ami Mrr (Mire trit swd Hranlf-.- who sxsXsit sn srr-rirvwev' flw- wesgsaUaUeisks- for itraif, and Irr. aeques Uonirs, ciinHdenimi agrnt of Uu rmota tki"lats at Washington, and tlieir cliM-f ps-sice eo'iiiiiilrnner, wlio were at tle Madrro hcsulquartiYa. PKACE PRFTnTEI WTTHI! ITrW MtlRK IKK RH. Tlicre was an stiMleri-arrcnt of feeling among tlw l-i"rlons hs Marrectiia tonight Hist peace wmild In slg hetore snHlsr St iHiors I tad psusand and that rrprestjiutlvra of the Dlai and Madeew gsteinirmits wiiuld again bearranged for tiif atying "" i arm In Mrxk-O. Jt" M' Mv 11 Mexico's provlslosal government, composed of! insurrectionist, became an eetati- i Hehed faft today with ths naming of cabinet, aa anno uneta atwve, by Francisco I Madero, Jr.. prorlslonsl president, and w ith ths satabllshmaM f a capltsl in the captured elty ef Juarea. where Oeneral Navarro and his Federal troops are held arlbonoJ 1 Hit tee of the Nne Secretary of War (arran renew III have charge of railway and. e- ,,. tn. neat act wss tn graph, ms nrwt act wa tof grant permission lor ine repair wi inn ssex Ico Northwestern Railroad, Men Im- medlstelv began repairing ta road bed south of Jusres. linnxalee (larsa will have charge of the mall service. f Secretary of the Treasury Madero will direct th sffslrs f ft, ouatom house. f ' liwiirrcrtos Benantlng a IHectnllneal Armj. f J That the Inaurreetn amy more then an srmed mob wesyhawn today In the shseDce of gerssrsl looting and intoxication and lh urknM with which the shsttered ettyiwat cleared or us asu eon w..WBwi., Tn e ro bar go against visitor Wu rama ved during the dir. and 4lgh4-eer leM.MMiea In thousands peered aro ths bridge from El Psso. f Otllf orraetbtiat'eian'j.f - iin, were report d, and thertlPant by th Irwurrectos themselves. bu hv Insatia ble curio hunter, one L.f skn in. ncophaiitlr displayed tajjjn Paao two AND MADERO'S CELEBRATED "BLUE WHISTLER" CANilON Mf -' . ' .'i .f 1,. -"; 0 p silver candle.!!, k. t church In whl. h II.. t n fr..m the big !' H.-rn ! made a (l-,.-intc Mun.l Uuardlng Against A' by riders. 4 sverlooking k fr..m C.I. arolng from ITle liieixt aertjs a the aesxslUtlity ' ot nbgo, reported tltjh wVh a farce. The serial leaders will ltMilge their j t plan tn this Tf, , il 1 ui It 1. tnowii that nrtiris Iron s-'Uth In fully guarded sg.ilo-' Juar" tonight t .V larger part of Madero. orlsM-n '"' of l.4 mn. augmented i """1 e ore of volunteer., who .lut.t.a the day eu. listed under the hmn.' of the victori ous rebel army, and " srmed wlih captured rifles Now that th h 'f Jusre h. been fought end n"" ',"n ,h lhur recto leaders sr.- .t denng some what at the eeslne.s ef 'h- aptur of the city that't ainnwt im- pregnabl". With a Well ilnlle-l f"r e of rvg.i Isra. thoroughly ,i if.l llh nebl and mrichlne guns posted et .irateiral polnta the garrls .n was .tfoiirht and nulmaneured, ami surrender.-,! to a fnee e,f ln.llrTe.V s thst at the rnoet did not number m .r thin 0 or 7BS fighting men. ... An explanation mi found In the milhy,Uh tht .inlr" while othera, nu"I. " disarm- d oneely frsternlsed with the rebel. ;The Kedersl. sigiflv would not fight." epltomhvd b"":' I ur- i recte ranks, m m m w r a. m m. inv 4 -a. ITS SURRENDER - i- t -1 1 llHC rlAlM StRf tl TV2!... i'a.O- It Peace is Not Forthcoming Now on the Initiative ot the Federals "PresidenV Madero's Brother Says the Insurrecto Leader Will Be Marching Through Slrtets of Mexico With Body of 20.000 Revolutionists The Capture ot Mexico City Now the Ob'iective Point-Burying the Dead and Caring For the Wounded. --Rebel Leader Implored All Dayby Householders. I'l-Air. BY nKMtKN( K(lKBY MUM;. Sai. AnUMii.t. Trxa. Ma II. "l ulissi PmeUkwit Was isreslsrns and ' iniT l made at ota-e t-cn. IVanHw o I Msdnro. nis bmtlMr, sW of ' tlx- reioluiliMiar) imnciiM-nl Will be leading a'foriT of 10.000 men HirsMiirli the Mr., of Mexico t It) In lee tlisut a month. Ilile bi nu lille talk, li in tile military plan n iih'h he Ita nssxle.'' Till, ausuttaiit a made Imtc I ds hf Alfne Mwlero, rrsnllj a pi-ace rmbesir). SAYK 10.000 M(ltr W ll.l JOI IIKItl'li AILMY . Ihr Hlj of Mexi la die ohjectiie alnl." AUonni aall : My hr hIht as mon aa It I" drnnltrly determined l)Kfe sliail he no farther reu mnvrw will Mart Koiitil, gsulirrlng In IUm elllw as Itr icm. It planneil I" lake Torrsrin. Install a aarrtuMi svthI tli'H htd tttr ( III" huatma Tlttf t bo queeUon t lull lh IrwurrsM-tos can lake inery 1 hmn si they go and after 4 lillmn Ima. It will nr march Smith, con-rw-r. lallliia In (lie Inaurrertn iunmsnds fnam around Halilllo In llie nilnhit -uii and cImi-w la-re. Ixttig la-fnrr he appeara lHrre thn gau'v r Mexl tit), in) brwthcr'a srniy n Itc augnietitil to over mi ii." PKDlliT RFHIIK.STS. Dipl.'nuilic HcNjwsseentatlvew of (Hlier Van.i. at Mexloo Hy I alio In Tak iif Aithm. . '! th.- Aasia'tateil Pr. ss ) li.U'O City. May 11. A movement 'or Mic protectton of foreign residents In IH; . apttal. m th enrent that mob vlulei: Vfv ! the c the ,11 Ikrgcr nh.ol.t follow In the wske of .h... m.ivefiient throughout nit. aa lntltuteil today hy i.matlc rereeeiitatlves of the -nhe IT is pn.p"e.I shall ft a c conimitt'.e t . a plan for .elf heed lint e'U h colony mmlttee. nil of the K together to form iyf. nw In caae of The mov. men w Inliiated America,, Amlwaaador W ilson. lean of the ci.rpa At hi. invitation, the rnlnisters or Oreat Britain, and Belgium. caaree d Affaires "f ijernmnv. It.ilv. HpM.111 met and appointed a conimlfe. headed hv Minister i '! an y Colna-an: of Hpaln. to place the plan before the Mlnteter f Kwlrn Relathma of Mexico. Minuter I 'e lai Barra approved the plan a being poe bly a wise measure. Tiiere are 11 Nil forrlgner. In the capital, including l.0" American Minister ('slogan explained that th lentlnn of the diplomats was th Prote. tl.rn solely of the home, of their 'eepectlve rountryinen dnd that there was no Intention to attempt to protect other property of foreigners Ueremment offlcsirs, who early to day appeared greatly depressed hy the fail of Juarea. look a more hope ful view af tha situation tonight. Th .hang was baaed, perhaps on the reported renewal of negotiations of leaee wntrk. Minister Ie La Barra . ... , ,i ' , . i J'tares. May 11 The Madero had- ouanera wer heeieged all day by! householder and store heap- j "e e reasn isaeef so mumw if s 1 1:1' 'iihbt 1ill HIS CABINET flu in to r.suine punseseiiin of thir shstterid property, hot only In a, few wa such permission given, (.aartia at l:tcry rtulhriiig. iluarda were sun. mel at nearly 1rry building in the town to prevent looting and all Honor mippllee had been contles-ated .o an possible Druketi and hhukened walls and hloU of 1. 1. mil .l.irkcned by the I fierce sun toi l the torv of the bit- j "f the lat m, days of fighting mure eloquently than tho tongue of tin- ragged hut Ihoroughlj untied In- ' Surrect.. All the .lead wer. hurled tods, ami the wounded removed t temporary hospital., w here surg-..u of the lieu fr.iss wer bus) looking after ibem Number iif lecail and W ninled K Known. It Is difficult to estimate even np proilmntely the number of and wounded durtng the o .nya fighting An Associated I'res corresponilent I today saw 7 svderala wounded at the temporary ipiartera of the Ke.l ' 'ni. fifteen rebel, and Insurrecto wounded In a shot rl Idled store that , h.i.l been converted into a temporary ; nospiisu, wnue j others had leen M otnryed to th American side of th ! 1 river i i i I mm esrtimste m.ide hv e'ederai Liisonera snd st least Hily ware killed I Vib-rai lrtaeiera In 4.kI hfilrlta. Nearly ft.e hiimlred Federal prls- rs, disarmed hut not dleconaolal. are guardeid In the barrack Indeedi more than on of the prieonera n cluiling on who had lost hi left fore arm at I 'news tlrsa.le and who suf fered a bullet wound In th right arm yesterday, esvagely ei pressed Joy over the victory of "I did not esnt lo fight e Ith the Federals." said Hi little fJo with the enipty lee. "but I hey forced me Into the ranks My sympathies were sll with the insutrertiis " Tb today did honor to iCootlnued ea Fag Tw4 . iimirnim cviinn ' I II I IIH r V I uw i ii IbIiiiii uiiiuu r AT UltIG TOIj Church Building For Cit of Raleigh Is Proposed UTUEI TALK AllSSl" A Rosy nr Wast Fag tn Pamtaaf Three tassaonsj of tf Dey Addseant by Rrr. a U XUler Flsesraal DaftsU gate Prom TTiniaswsi I rmgram Oatvtrd Oas (Se by xDwxtaen Mess of tha licnnrnanalloss IsrOiesasai os? Ita4 Mgh Win Bnew m Ctodi WejgJ ship hi BrsTossa lajSat. II la smwisisjBgat (Special ta leww and Ohasi iaa. Wilmington, K. C, May 11. WrQs a busraeas sassfluu durtng tha mora-s Ing, when ssarVsua reports wwr reosre. ed and an address made, a mstsdnsj of the layman tn the afternoon for Dsn purpose of; discussing mlsatorvs, and . night sesarloB whan the topto snxdss const deration waa mi ity tha dele gabes to thft Synod havs pot In a basy day. Bpecsal order for the morning asaswlon was tha address by Rev. C. U Miller, of Hickory, fraternal dejegate from the Tanneasee Brood Jt seems that In years past ths 'North Carolina Synod and that of Tennessee occupied .overlapping terrfcory and at times there was considerable feeling between the two S) noda Rev. Mr. Miller spoke Of the co-operation and sympathy which has supplanted the old antagon ism. Intesreasilnax Rrikv He held up an Interesting relle. key made by n blacksmith to socials the disputed possession ot tha famdus old organ church when it was a baa Of contention between tha Synods. Ha ssud ss a si ef the North enroll Synod, he had grows to lerw that at Tansnaass. Him addraas wan-rery hs Urestlag- pr. 1ism Speaka. RST. Wf R. HiHK staaiaat r,t i. hoard et pubUoatlon made a report of the work being- done. Ho stated that during the year a new printing plant had been opened at Columbia, H. C And that together with the former publication building made a property for which an offer of eighty thou eand bad been refused. Credit for this work, he said, should go to In. N. H. (iioeler, manager and editor ot tha Lutheran Church Visitor. Report of the executive cummtttes showed U had atx churches under ltd oare. (tinrrh for RsJeth Proposed. Investigation haa been made at Ra leigh by the eynodlral missionary. Rev. J U Morgan, with a view to saw tabllshlng a church In that city It 14 proposed that tbe place of residence of Mr. Morgan be moved to Raleigh sq that ha may develop the work In that Held. Rev. A. O. Volgt. doaa ot the Theo logical Seminary, spoke In behalf of tha Institution ba represents, and said ths past year had been the best of the Institution. Tb next session of the seminary will open In the now stone building bow In course of oonstructioa at ('olissabia, a C. At ths sassloa tonight an hstsrajt Ing address) was made by Rare. J. l Morgan, of MooreavUle, and one by Rev. B. a Holland, of O range bsrs H O. president of ths Board of Pot eign Mlsalona, on tha rabfeet. "Our Mlasioa Pleld at Home and Our Ml sl.n Field Abroad." iritereeting loarrea and I Wilmington. N. c May 1 1. One st th most Imports at and inUrosdasT features of the prsatant issalnii of th H)-nl was the laymen' mooting the afternoon from t to I o'clock In T-l tber Memorial Hall. Great til LSI sag was shown In tha work being don by, th laymen's Missionary Movement and the sddi issue wwre Itstansd to with the rloseet atteotloa. The following program was oaserhWt out Opening rernarks by Chadtwsaa 1. Bsnson Scriptural Banding .Ion Vi-sm. Address Tayusrs JsTbaslooarp movement lu tne enrten stsktssn llev i: n. rronk. of Colnmhta, a O. (general rVK-retary of th L X M. Address "What Buslnaso Ha a Business Man With Missions " C. W. Polvugt. of Wilmington. Addre. "Wist Ar tha Lstywiaa of V. c Synod Doing for MtaratoMT" . Jam P Conk, of Concord. Address "What Can tho Lavwaen of Nf. C Synod Do for Missions 7" J Horn Smith, of Liberty. AddreM "Varae nf iAymen Move, nient In General" M'. v?. Koch. Wll-mine-ton. Addre-"Our Opportirrrlty of th Hour" -Dr Coetnr, of Charlotta Following th regular address there wa a general dlcusslon that was participated In by s number of thee present snd some most excellent smr gestl.ins msde. The sddr.sses war tntarspsrssd with music by a splendid mala quar tette Tins Burlington While fUhhntia tSpecisI to New and Observer ) Burlington, May II The W. C T. X'. held Its regular monthly meeting In the hom of Mr R. M. Morrow, on Front street. Th tnpie for t cusvton ws Hslth and Heredity." Th main feature of th meeting ws an addro bv Pr W. r. fstafrord nf this rlty, on "Hsallh and Heredity" This ws very fine and wa thoroughly enjoyed by all praesiit The round table dtsrusstoa follow ing the address was lotwreorlag sod helpful. This meeting ema to have awakened general Interest la that ltw portent department Work, af. tag, W.C.T. U. 1 ; f

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