. . r ji Tag WsUTHJL, The Only Duly la Norta Cutalioa That Hu Ovsr ,1 5.00 0 bvmscMiMttM , mm fair tanMq ; a ad huntlay; light xartabi ' wis!. ; , High Icsapcrataxrei. tit towel kmpfniiifft M; pr dpttattoa, tarlM. Hue i erven0. .e,.l .'I rr rAM'Wr. - , . r - , "-"Jt-I miCB S CENTS TOLUME XCI, HO. 148 nALEian, n. a. sAttntDAY, mat is, itm fit ' n Ifc if LEAVES TAFrS CH1ET Only Democratic Member Resigns Peremptorily And In the Official Letters Which Passed Be tween Mr. Dickinson and President Taft No Intimation Is Given Which Would Disclose the Cause Slin if NEW YQHK TO FILL POSITION ! TH.- oflU-e Will Vii for HrrrnU V.vau If (Mlmnoii Awpw w piliitcr Wai (tiim liepulilicaii Nomiiirv tor ttotrrno-Wirt Hmd I Veil Humura of FMctlim Prtwveu Hm IiMirtiiMBl of RUIe ad War, anl Mr. Tfl uMwIe Tuwards SlH-lr llmul. In IM-ltnf Wllii Uw lrtUn Ttlbl IMt-kioiioii tnn llim- aiMl Will Probably Make a Matrtwtit Sou Tlie AppolnUmttt nt a w AuUaet TVImuitt at New rk Aruuim Mik H iIIUoal Talk xiorj lom-rvoiuc yrvf lofmHUU Inline I p ) tlie tVt.ln ( Bt thr Aaaurtatad Prc I H ahlBgton, D. C. May 11. erre 1r of War Ja-oh MnUavoi-k Wrkln n. of Ttunnaan., tba l)cmoratlit wit.f of 'f'rldiit caXInnl. rma realfnxd llanry U HUm.on. if fcew Vorh, rntly d.fad Rnpubll hii candidate for covcrnor of that Slate liaa bnn ilvrn the war portfolio. Thin Nmiouni'oment w ml- at tho hit Hnuk tunlaht and m-i-aalunrd grat aurprtif In Ihv liltira ( achaiiRPd litwf'fii ilif 'rldcnt aiid Mr IX. hln.on. no iavon otliir than that of prenalug I'l-lviitc HrYMlit la ftveD for tbe aen-re-t.r n r'tirf nirnt. I In- Frcatilrnt will confxr with Mr. Mimon In Naw York tomorrow or t- indas, lut the iipw arrlar' of war vill not li aworn In until the return f th- Prc.ldent to the capital on Monday. lihkliUMin liVkTr. for llomr In Te- Mr 1I klnaon will no to hi. Ten- .Hiv honiB Immediately upon the j ( ampbell and N M Iwren . e uuaimcaUuB of kla auooeaaor He ea- I a latg audl.rn e attended l.e ! ota to devote hta ttntlon to buel- ! meeting in the court home al nnnn li-aa and will not return to the prao- land lietene-d to apeerhee br Th Pr.tt. I I'.e of law. Id which he waa engaged (teorge ' TtnyaiL K U Phllllpa nd vhen I'realdent Taft appointed him j Joe. a WUIIame. The epemkert pre hcretary of War In March, lit He' tiled the varloua phaaee 'd 1 the aecond member of Mr. Taft.1ro.ai work from practical rorertnic uoinri ui rrure to rivaie uxa, aerre tnr of the Interior Balllngrr harlng arvered hie runnex'tluii with the Prewl H ni . oiflcial family only a few montht . ra .VwaMaat Tuanaiii I'. K. at New Vark. coincident wttli th. announcement "J Mr Uleklbaoa'a retirement rame that nf th apnotntm.nt of (' ft Mll linarioii. ol Herklaoer. N. T . to he aa al.tant Irnaaurtr of the United HLatee at New York. Mr. Btlmaoo we the Koeeelt randldat. for governor, while Mr. MHIlDfton waa a former member of tha Houa. from the nth New Turk diet riot. and la a clnae frtend or Ic-Prewiaeat Hherman and nlher kadera nf th. old guard la th fun, having aueerwded Mr. Hherman In tha House when the latter betni vtee-preaMewt in- the two appoint -rweirr tlHi WaahtlMttna fwtntd frwi for aowrulallon aad many poll t lot an thought they taw ther eta th It rat atep of the aemlntet ration to straighten out the tangled Iketa of Nw Tork poll t. JmTnjnioH two Tatfl UM I tare Maaaoaj. N. eeJert waa m4 br Um PreMdent tn roaceaJ th aaUefaetlon with which yl.wad the appwlntajiat ei Mr tttlnvoti Not .air baa b the highest perwonal regard far th Incoming member of hla Cabtnet, bat k. k wall aware thai th. appointment will bo acceptable te a larsr factioa of th liepubllcaa partr la h Tera. While the erlertlon f Mr. mimana wwa male after anly a few tan roaaideratlow. rrator Hoot and other leader, were ..resulted and gaa M their B,waJllWd approval nrmmr ptrtaadeat Ri but there Is no ajatana. bat that h. moat approve the aaanlaa t. aoch aa Imporlaat aeet of a wvaa far e-b.ni he worked to"th and nadl la th rwcnt gerernnrahlB campaign Th pnaltlna ef ant treasurer at Kew Tnrk whbaat haw been gtrwai e the Wherwiaa lkarnew Weedruff fac lies, while aof a. rmponant a. that aveai the h .i is. tt -Pars-w a f ac ttwa. te believed hor. Is be a m.v In th direrttn ef poarw that will waat fee snack In lb fat ore mend of tae fy easdeet war. alewaed tonight ova. the politleal Out look I SHrfNclatly Wsokleigloa lonlght dex raawd with rel the ftslf nation of tb. Peetsury of War. I eel V-iwI'r a, the, were thaas wb. fnaa-l rxher reej tha. tkat sytvew la hta r4-e. Mr. tMyklranw as a PeWMeeal 1 1 preoewee ha lb PaUast ef a He.s-ll-raa Prwetdew. Mta net fceeej btoked ae with far, by awa. f Mr Taft p.ltllr.1 adrtawrg wb. wer. s tb. t,raon that the nflVr. sf aerewtary of tt ar. aawwht be be)a hr , se wt tioattawew fa Bf Ta.) IS CEfJTRAL HIGHWAY Big' Meeting Held Yes terday in Smithfield IRE TWO RIVRL ROUTES llandnumr Hrwptton Uim t Ven- . ml HiKhMVjr fart) W bK-k PvmmA (.rral KanhiaCaain and Aasaraaoaa ! Tlatl Jiimhi (ounljr Will D. Ila ! I'an tn tit (inuatrucaliwi of lb tirrml PnUih- lli(Uwa) iSptM-ial to New. and Obarvar.) Snnthavid. May U The peopia .f I the rival as tiom of Johnaton county i who are aftvr th frntral litjrfairay nun r h to'lay In fuU foro. to meet th. m-out party and vtrfa taatr i.hii.. f ir iwiii- m wwim aivnv i 4h rmitr at flr'Mrah. naty I b) Hiitt iHim and alao by the pao- j pie of t lton hy tiiat tow a. Tk. cout party arrtrrd lwr- at 11:10, ac- ( rompanlrii t two oar from tiolda boio. witu iior(a t Koyall. Charlea Ivaay, V T Yrlvrrton. H. A. Plka. ! jj u Wuud. John SUujthter toil U M Mu-naua aa uwort prtj la I ha out party u In Piatt. State Oeol- ,...1.1 LJ LJ . .. . , ,4 .. i . In! llih) William ljnn. ( ar I- ret truatce. Uuurne t . Hoill, Uan Irutlec. J A. Mlliarua. Johnalon truttee. and It U rhlllli. of T tlrenslKiro Neae A delratlon of thirty bualnena men from her met the cout party at 1'rlnretoii thia mornma' and cscorttMl them Into toiaa There were nine local ram, carrylnf thie ; delegation, tlunclng to th followln centlemon. who act-ompaJiled them H I Klllnaton J ' Standi, K V Ward. l)r N T Holland J A l amp I hell I u Wnlvarton lr U A. Mun. tlnn to th. beneficent reamlta when completed No Bner or m-"- deter mined aodlence haa greeod the scout party at any point on the tr , than the one today al fwntthfaeM Tn peo ple her. ar. catching -the fever Mr Walton, talka about la hta speeches, and they are going to build r d A larwe number of icnili wr added to the oonntv aseH-lati "i t..1a after th feaklng , ITewtdeni r ner make. It a point at all metinsw to emphaata. th Import wn -e of strong and aggressslve orgmnlatln Vme I thing Ilk. fifty new members were ( added here today j A pkeasanf faarnr of the rvpitallty shown th. scout nwrtr here todar "w a luncheon aerisd on the fo,rt bnoee ' SMnar. by the -ood karftew of rhiuth- neiu. conawina; or meo cnica-n SthTeE nZei abouYThT. S'rfu rituena lingered about the toew.a w .. rm i j nan on me " ' ' (ContlnsMd oa Paa Two axaasasaBBassaawaasssaasaBSBSssBxsBssBBaBBSBssaa 1 TARHEEL LUMBER BEFORE CONGRESS Interest Will Be Heard bi Sen ate finance Committee if Meeting Wednesday B UrOlXl v ashlnatoa, ft f Mar II. - TS. lumber lntrets fa North and "ovth faro Una ar. to hav. a haarmg before lb aeaate rtwe-ace Cfamrtte Wed aesaay su-art. whea tbwy will gtve tbe "eaiiaa that lead thaws te sopoa tks Cknadaaa rsclpraeWy trwafr W. U Rower and Mr Tens rwe of tho largest 1 asa bar , eodwror In Karth Carwllwa, ar. per. and kave irraogwd for tb. kearlsisl today Th rinanco Cosnaafnso will reeort th treaty to the" PeSaai, wlthwwt ye. dlra, bwt the'maorny of tb aae-n ef tb. Siesk) ar favwewbl to n, and ranltraHAaj kt tortdbs to reaaalt All ef tks AVvoat. fjisaaunla, wrttk aesal Wr r w eptliwa, will fvrer the treaty. Th kit Bwrwt wtfl cewte nor Misled tamthw tha treaty gad lb farabra frso-t) pcji. JOHNSTON Vith Their Capital at t eawaasawas. m0mmmlBmtmtmmmmm-imm m mmmmmmmmmmmMmmiKmmimmii'm'mmm'mmm''' I 1 I ' J I I 1 ' a w ' ' : '.' . it .:. ' I ' f ' ": ' I I .fi Pff 4. ' ; vet Juarea, Max.. May 1! With their capital oatabltalied her. tht town that waa e irn ImonaJ oapllaJ of Mil I. o during th. aruggle that reaulupd In ihe overthrow of Km per or Maximilian neHrly half n century ago. thr In aurgrnta are plannlDc an advance Hk- natlnnHl capital, the 'lty of Mciico. unlewi 1'rcaldcnt Iaai rcigna and o paea the way for peace While ni'-rc federal troop have hcen ordered to thle viclnitv. tt l not believed that any determined effort will he mle In Ihe government to retake Juarel ' lew of the t a o i npitaU of Ihe repii lie are ehown herewith, while the third pn ture ehowe Inaiirgent aharpahootera on the hill .uiroundlng JtiHrea. from which point ther picked off many of IMar no'rtlt-ra. II will be noticed that aeveral of the- ahgrpfhooter are American. DflZ WILL NOT Minister of Finance Makes the Declaration, and He Adds That The President of Mexico Is Still Awaiting a Reply to His Inquiry Upon Whaf Terms the Rebels Expect Him to Announce His Willingness to Retire at Once Dili Will Mot Risk Turning Orer His Country to i Rtlgn ol Inarch y or Chaos By Resigning No leas Vofcns-Olher Official Utterances by Member Diaz's Cabinet Highly Important at This Time. -To Welcome Reyes ( By th. Ani aatad Proaa. ) Mexico CMr. May IX. Oerteral Iaas will aot keaew thm prwaldeory whti. th tmmp kt la ta ar.aswt atal. of aa- h ..- tOBlaht by "UM-94 Tve 7 lu also said rhaat IMaa stood ready to Stat In asor. axtpUeit terms than taoo. eosaaUaea hs haa rajoant mant feeto. If airissary, asa attltade with rsfarwwc t. has istli iaL Th. Prasldarit. h said, ha.i ie niaadwd te know froea kl opponents the term tn wTik-h they expert him to aanonnc. has willing, sag to readers, and ks waasjnaj a rapt? from thorn. Tk 1 - - - awe harwriftM ar leeS , aajaday waa In good faith and with " lb. deatre to th tntemts nf ha) country. Mr. Iraaatoar oxOd. Twer. , . waa ao mMarfaa. . ... . . , He Id say dowa th. reins ef gov t woe ho ewMild do so with out danger that anarchy or rhan. avlaht follow has art tow Mtnfcwsr IJsaaat.ar snada than ax plaMtbena ta a I ! aax atatlT. of the aswortatsd PTws aa awavenarWtng the tferenttons of tho odwilnUSratlna an ger th earcwawstaaeia that appaar at tho aiauL Mo aWtwred that fnl towlasj th. Isiawar of tha PTeaddeeit wtantfewra and Ho releetl.m by th fwsolotbinxtg a anas sag waa sent o wdo r-wwJaA. tha gnrasnswr peace taptawsatatt.a aaklng that Ms. dero and kla fr-nowwr. state In exartly what taraao txsof gsli ed th. an- woaiw siaat that wttusat so rsta t Oewersl fawa a .Vd explain, send Mr teaoa'oar. prseeaety what be aasaat or hla npuwwnn. wImhi hrt i in I is .1st Vhaa that ko ran a. so wttkjowt error th. sargvarrr t. Juarez, Insurgents : fppe t&jtoptureiik if RESIGN PRESIDENCY DURING PRESENT STATE OF UNREST anar hy." sh.. that mil the explanation would ii.. hidden meaning was Intended Thlj mnuiar i to the wording de aired to the rebela should ha v. been In Wader . hands for at Waal thr. . -P ' tonight oo rly pad r.lu,,,ed Jung. Carbajal -sill wait in Kl fao .!r or two loasTwr. under inetru' tlons an I transmit any further proposal lh rehcla may d atra to make What wa. to he the next t to be taken ly the government appeared to , hinge on the recelpl 'r non-rseoipt of la further prop-sal from th reovla- tlnniats Nothing further was t o begun hr government otTlceT In this direction of pea-e r. n'-rence. IVri.Mi nt t . H UI HHp Madevn. Th decision .. th- Amerteaa l- . Mnni.nL to o erwm.nl to u. rn lt srme anil am munllon t . r m . xtealco theonal Ho aular channels . ,r(1, n r. ally . mpltfy Madero'a , task of armirs Hi '" ru"a whom he . . ... l I,, thoueanda to als , ltsMwrd oa b- l-r ."! "'k"" to i the capital. rmer Oovemor What the r t 1 tteves would c-e minister rooht r was eppoa! t the prellmln') ... ihe roiintry. the .to Ha civmlrag ref.lutlonists In h usee precdlnat .r'ttartnna aa "In- the actual ea looting Into ,tr tt"on a new po litical el tende! ta lent. plicate It Tn v,epiwae iicreo. Wh.n Hri" I'" ww perhono. the m"i p"Pul"' me r.p.biir h. - -r IXrvld p"bV...bKw; e7.. aheewd Ks heen id peealaUon ...w, .. Plan, were w Bial government are standing th.tr fteyetetaa ittM dbstaaca. each waiting for the ..tr- poo hi nrral L to mah. th. arwt move dekegat. will "" Tha pravkatwa.1 m.l b, Uk- klm so th capital . . , , pna salon of lb. ru.toena hmi. TK. war d.rt,,, lo4aJ rorelvod . 4J, , rr. it. ftrw lat dvieeo that 1 i rwa- !rcn.. Tariffs will he exacted as Ms Ms band hwitT-to wee, plan , her.tofoea, swt th. f.eds will b. ad Mat aa tsnmedoN "tea Tor- u proiaanrto th. rovwlatlea. Capifal:;of'- Mexico. trflil ftlWTfW'i'f aa, rernn. Th. repri. received today ar that Mom and hla army Is now so hear that hie attack at any time erlll le no surprlw It la feared that unls tleneral Ia')o-ro. In command of the small body of IfVdarauv tociep eiMfvf'-e-menta the cltv will fall To escape the battle, niant fitnilhea ar. fleeing from the city and to pru tevt ao far as poaathle fhelr property no rt hanta ar. said lo be barricading tholr plieies of bualnis Heports from th caplts! of z, teews ar. that lN.neeptl.in lie 1 ro ha hewn taken hv th- rebel, that K--m- brer.te ajratn l lieing alt Ued. snd that th. s m rrt"r "f lb. Htate ii.o. ordered the I cal auth..rltlee ..f Plnu and "lo talent" to ahumlon the Ml lagea I.e. nui"- ' th,. Inability i.f th" govwrnnient to c,r, ,,,.), ihcm pr,,t,.. Hon IrUK;nre. IN nil), t ll . I-HOI Hlll M t,n K(IAT ( Hv .. a Juarea. Nt. v Mi I -go el i miettl of st.ile n.de i T," b0'- ' sailor, today that as bellered. t'hlhoafn.a o. he ad mm Mer. I t I'r and Maairlpal nfn. er Th. establtehmeni ' vartoir place. In north" Installation f , fe nooning of rallwar and t. ta gvwng oa raoldlr un.h th- .1 I now of prortslanal President .n o mauiero, dr. and ni 1 ri r.. i "-.an owning wa none i.uiav ny 1,.. rcr:. "-.I."" O-M U pi VVda-dleVV b.am more pmnoun. 1 Th. ' Federal government ,1 th.. or .. TritT TDlihMllDIlIC Hi I imuVVu Hllltf d Through Secretary Of State Knox, The President Authorizes Ambassador to Mexico Wilson to -"Officially Deny All Foolish Stories" of ' , : " -4- .. Probable Intervention by the " United States Government. OASIS TEMPLE OF Turkish Christians Gath er at New Bern MASONS OF HIGH DEGREE A tireatt lay long, to He Iitnewibrred By the llrdrr Hw-ergattooa of hnJchu. IVmiilar l-Yoni Yartoaa Cllica AtU-od r"or tKr SdlaVaUosi of Public tle "Irrwh Mcaf Kortrr. Ferforni a fw Mild htuat Uors3oua l"arwlv Kv-KKn Al Klka 0b Today'a rrogram aa iTevorwd Hy the Me. Item Maaa Hay ttr the CaiiK-t. (SpociaU U Nva and Obatrvst.) Wrweri. N. u. May II Today as a day that will long exist In lb memory of hundreds of Mystic Shrln ers In thla litate and especially th. local members of that organUatlua. Thia morning a special train arrived from the west lth a large number of1 the vlaltlng meinlx-ra on biard ami ' the train (rum Wilmington ale 1 brought In a number of brethren whwt hud i me over in acarch of the Oaata A delegation from- the local lodge met th. visitor at th. depot and ea- or tod them to Ht. warla Hall wher. they were mad to feel-to-hum" by rw rv member of the lodge I.Ian ir at the Jimneir tTM l, uu. Vfier a short ret the novice, ware ailed befor the nolle, and th. l.ii program w hi h consisted of rolling peanuts around the block with a crowbar; staining of shoes to th. urn. unt of 12. tt, the counting of a i.st.ei if peas, and a number of othajr iiints waa read to them Only the i M,vi ea were allowed to iurtlclpste la Uipm events and aa might be liuAg TiPil th-v a ere very much elated over thin fawirttlem thua shun n tbem bni h of the novice) was numbered and n4 I'otnpelled to comply with the inHtructions on th. program following his n i aider, and at 1 o clock they re ported at th headujuartere and be -KHn to carry out the duties alloted to them these were extremelr indl rioi.s ind evoked much, merriment from tmndrrdjt of tnlereated spe -t.lun w Uo Iwd heen tjuletly "tlpte'l or l. he on band and watch the fun. Magtilnceait and iOPrw larwO. At 3 80 the last novice had com- pl.trd the laak al luted to him and they returned to headquarters to make preparation for the parade w hich waa scheduled to b glv.u al 4 IT. l onstderable time was taken up In making nrsuaratlons for this event MYSTIC SHIIIS ! and It wa not until after o'olork br that rhi oreoua and srlntlllatlnT I fn1l Mie vww by Mat, larajari. galaxy of noblm and novice, wu glv-I , 1 sn the ord-r tn pr-H-eed. Tw. pwr-a.. ' w" Vpart.t Ut. today !. beu fo,wed. - frwot of th.iu ",' "'' ' "'" oujjiivlng th. , Il,,i,.i and ttver. thuuaaada at It'ontlnued on I'age Two.) BIG LOT LIQUOR IN PRIVATE HOME Police Raid Printe Residence In Ashevllle and $pize Two Thousand Gallons itipoclal lu New and observer. ) .Aaherllke, K. C. May 11. Homethlad f a a. rjatl'n waa ef.ted her. th. afternoon hl p.llc oltl'-ers went to the reeldoe of lllcka Mouthers on a prominent rassdenltaj strw and hri-iking In the door to the beeetneot . ' the house found arid seised about i sr. thouaard gallons of whiskey The ll.uor asa taken to pel too ,.l I'lit'in snd stnre-d It Is aj ierd rvat when th. ofnWra with their )(r entered 'he yard In tha rest-,in-e M -a atnitnerw sooght lo atop I hem by baatlng th. horaea ever th. The oftVere before going to the pt. e f i-red a warrant for aeoreh and Klittr and also Instruction from Jud(. Adama to break In and tak th. a . a. - . Ai o-. - He.. "f' ih w.h' pea-rimT 'nr was, low. ,rer. .me epitement on wa ree when th ; or waa huieo hi aod tor. 1 to the police ntalloa (Crotlttu4 oo Tww ASKS PROTEGTIQS OFiEUFEOPlE USD THEIR FROPEnn II Ordrra Amrwtmm Amhaaaa dor al Meadoo City to Cae tim laagmmg ol tka rnaddcaat Umj I sited Mala in Thfovrtni m Brilliant Bofaet, MM. d Hrava) Botk RmlaUoabaU and FMrrala AJlaRphrla Now Coatrnl tXamistrroa Atoac Mnxlraa Border, and the Musalloa fill Not Be Iala femd Witts Uoreraasrsit'. Oari la thai Hranrt, Not la Bo Krsrardd a. Bcmrtng I'pow RrnamlUoa By Tsy rie ham of Hrillgrrrsi7 of Inar rjroa Ttarar AgwoUat Porta of K. try lirait IUi la a OwaiTiOil rraa Ktrwtly aod Oay-0otian) Make, a De-sal and oa' Tafi Admlai. iralloa (oaaora-Blsui Aosrricauaa Killed (Hhrr Ueewuprornts of Impart aw ... . ). ; .. (By Aawodaled Tre.) Uaahtngton. May II. ThroLn Secretary of ftate Knox, President Taft today authorised American Am boaaador Henry Laune Wilson, at Me. too iity to deny In th moat posUlct terms. al foolish atorlea" of Inter vention In Mexico by th t'nlt.d Rut. Hecretgry Knox'i Ulegram to Mr. j Ikton. which also la to b. mad. pub lic In Mexloo, waa asnt following aeaslon of th. Oabtnx at which th Mexican tangle took up much of th time It reade: " You are authorised ofBcla'.ly to d ay. through th. local preaa audi other wise, aa under Instructions t. do so, all foolish atoiios of Intervention, thaa which nothing could be further from the Intentions of th government ol tha I'nlted St a tee whk-h haa the aln ceret friendship for Mexloo and th Mexican peopia, t. whom It hope will soon return tha blessing of peace, which Is not concerned with Mexico's Internal political affairs and which de mands nothing but Ihe reapoct aad protection of American Ufa and prop, erty In the neighboring repuhllc. Yea will use the language of thla Inatrac. tin BHIlgrsiaacw of InaurreKio. Not Has. ocnlsrd. lxillmat. commerce betwaen th 1 rilled Mtata. and the border town of Mexico I the hsnd. of Inaurrecto will not be Interfered with by fh American gOTrnmrnl Th Intricate problem of Interna tional law analog from the) Mexlrsn horde lt nation wu dbx uwied by tha t'ahlnri today and th general policy waa laid down that there would b no I Interruption of trade which did not I violate the neutralHy of th. Polled Interruption of trade which dt.l Htatee No ahlpmenl which seems t relate to . military sxpeditlon or en- terpriae. foe'ared oa American soil, r111 be permitted to cross Into Max- ' " epecip general tool- referred lo. ...I,) at. tins that thla government's c,nre h-ad no bearing upon tb. aues ii..n .' the f-uugnltinn of h. bolllger rmi "f ihe Insurrecpaj. HUipped ot ' all technlcmltffea the roveramont'i pol I. j s'mptr means that de facto con trol f th. iruurre.'tia In the port of ' .ritry ehirh they o,cupy I pracilnally recognised r-r romnierclal pafpoas. i on.v , Hnoevwslhtllfy of Amerbaa ttdlestort of raamwax. The auction of preserving the nu- ' tr.llti of th. I'ntted Utatea la plai-ed larreir In the hand of th. I'nlted eiatee c. Hector nf raatosna along th. ...r i.r Tbey must pass npon tha le-.llt of all shipments. t"el. ftteever as tnstrui ted by Recretary of War Mcklasnn today to permit ahlpmtnta f all character which latea through ba i imussa haass at Kl Paso to !. J U a ret t'amgreaa TeeaasasMb to law Ahnot RitMaan- of t meet. -saw Th killing and woi.r.il'ng ef Ameri cana echoed In t ongrMe today when rew.l'ifl'ift were latmduced by Kepre- eentatlr rrwler. of llltnote. aakrng the secretary of war for hntorrpattea ronrerwlng the deaths nf Am.rt.wa c ttl sens within i miles of tha Meil-, 'caa border as a reenlt of the re volu tion, and providing for .lection sf ' special committee of aeven mem bee 1 of the Homo ' lo Inmilre Into tb . wnvn.ilnerii1 kilting of thexe cltlaen and tbe damn lo American proper j ty on the order I Both reawlu'inns wer referred to i the Kules Committee. . H issiliosa. (bpt.ee PVv.ae.lra T brwn of PI- bucalco, lo tho rial 1 mile, from I km. Tarosro boo been cap tared by lit I eevwlatleoket arooedIM I roost ved by tho Ptwt. Ipertoafit to. I Osr fioea roearol Lswsln I Coathxosd oa l"wg Two-g ' et ffT.J w -,o-c w