t5tQdlng ( tht Clubi AjMtaritaM laaagaa, riuba. wa I' fnilit on 77 PUREST. IEI6 Will 0 nrit II it .iitlaualahut O 1 Mew Vura 4 II e,eelial a i a a I II Chleaga II 1 Clraiaa4 IT II Waablngtogj ., ,, 17 10 M. teUU I II rrtro!cuw Jelly fllf HITTING STREAK 1 X. DETROIT WHIPS THE ATHLETICS And Widens tha Breach Between the Two Ameri can Leaders LEAD Of CUBS INCREASED tlilravgo leefeeU Mroofcljn and riiiU drlptOa lavaa (InrlmiMl. While Hw gorfc IdM la th Ptrauw Thai III Um Tf lcw that Two leMtrr and Um PtrillWw Are. Noae In Sex. ml I1w turn, and IWiarea f (Im Mm Played B7 thr Two Major Icwguea. Anil the Ty I'ol'li marhln acted per fectly" -Yeaterday the Topnotchere of the American league were confronted by the Philadelphia Athletic, the nl taam tint fir haa miTniffl thm It Bull ltmlt It. Philadelphia a That iiinkf the H'lif for th eea aon read ltroit Won ;.' loai .4 Athl.tl.a W..11 4 l.t .' And that 1 the pl"r of th da. pra l 1- m 1 1 , lor there la not anolh.r team In ih mfrii 4n League that la within 1' per ' ent the Topnot.h rf The Nallonal Cuba defeated Hrook hn and mocd up a pen. although al ready In flr-i pl.c, while tin tie be t , the New Yrk otanta and th I'hllltc "a hikt-ti by the latter win ning and the funur hmg in game,, with the reeult that I h- Naiiona) Jua. ker. are In aeci.nd place today The Pirate, an playing a atrong linir nowda and ar making It In tercatlng for th three )ti.at above them The ii and f.atur. 'if yeter- da a game follow N STION l, 1,1. Hil'F. Plilim-n Trim rlniHnnaU. Philadelphia Pa Julv II - Phlla dlph1a eiuuly dfntd Cincinnati to. da. 1 Z lo Th home tram knt'ke,l Pnmh off the rubber In four Innlnga by piling up fourtern hlta and ten rura off turn. 'I ho ,-..- I! H K f k " Ii-r 1 1 1 "On II0M1 fill Philadelphia i;tH"i' i; 17 j Itaf.rics Smith. Jmil and Mrlz-Nn. (holder- ah 1 Hnoln Tim l '.' I t'mp.r liia!r u)m Una llrraih Out of linxiklyn. Hr.i.khn N .I'll II CtiMt" took the first Him of ihe -ri.a here today. to ;. In a hattle that evenlv f.nieh up t th- fifth when th PrnnalMi d"fene hr"ke nj' Two errora and io hup l-i In three run, and the leaajue le'i tera add-d to niore ii- the nlnlh on a triile ly H l1! I m merman and a home run hy Io- I The acore RUE ht. afn . im (..i" nnv -( : i Brook hn . i no ' 1 " " ? Hatterie Hrowi .r.d Ar.her. llar irer and F.rv In Ttm.. 1 I'm. plri-F. Jnhnaione and Kason. Plralr X'-r WlHnw on Giant. New York. July 11 The Pirate hamm-ied out all nort of hits off the e Yurk pit her toda nnd had a winning lend at th- end f the "Ulh fnnfig A'aaner Uihon and Knd trraaa en-h n:ile four hit and the game contained (Jiree home runa two trlntea md Mvn to-haggera. The i ore R H F. Plttahurf . . ;i S S1I -is 1 New York . lnflfi;0- 4 11 S rattere tsjfcnr'hiu Kerrv and Glh mn: Wllme. Am lYanilall, Myera an A Wiifon Time, ; hour" I'm plr, O'Day and Frary AMKRic i.n'xr.rK. Srnatnrn int in Rurlo yea. rievelund Ohio. Julv II -tleve-land won the first of the aeriea from Waahlneton 2 tn I hnnehln hlta In the rU and third Innlnga Hmhen - hit with a haMed hall and fnre.d to retire Fa)knh. rg elTertie throughout The sx ore: R H E rlovelnd lninnonn ? 10 2 Washington nnti ool (100 ! r 0 Fatterlra: Falltenlxrg and Fisher: - FREE CATARRH CURE ailBBiwy a inn lar i in t wraw iwra Iba Ble4 real Breath. Kaiawaiag aad atitlag Iteae Aarag Br tta Vac. Hawking Routing, i'nnl Hre?th. dig- Varaea ef yellow matter permanently ed by taking Internally llotanlr Itlood Hltlai IB B B I. Tkenaanda ofulterera aara tried B. B. B. whert all elaa filled ad Werw eared to atay riired. OATiRRH IH NOT OKI.Y r.Ar,KI 4T'. bat It eauaea vlrerntloaa. deatk and deear o( baaea. kllla ambltloa, oftaa eaaaea biaa of. (ppetlla and reaebea te getiaral dehlllty. Mine and Inaanlty. It needi at rentlna at ac Cure It by taking Metwata Blad Balaa fat.. M. B 1. It la a ajulei. raillrat peraianeat rnr heeaaae It rlda ike arataaa af th aolana gtraia tbat eaaa ratarrk. Al tae a a me tin Bleed Balaa H, B. M tarlAea lb blood, due away :tk atwrr aeaiptoiB el eatarrh. B. B. B. M4i a l'aeag load af warai. rick pur lil4 direct t tae oaralyiad neraea. and lu affeeted by ratarrbal potaon, glalag mlr-J aa-i rea(rk )" where It la need ed. r-4 la tbla war making a aerfeet, leafing eapa af eatarrh la all It forma. pproriaTH .e he einra-w. ft rUR TBIrS BOTTI.H. with' dlrertloe let tee e-e. kAMPtKK F.XT FltKB by wr'tM IHwad laalaa fe.. Atlaara Da. ta- e-rhe year trwakl lad fee aaedlcaJ adrte irea. , , f Haghaa, Walaar mn4 HnrT Tin. I I. I mplrw, Kvana aa WuJIa. HagtitOaai l rrm H. ijoaiia. HI. Loula, Julr 11-Hltllni Uaa od ftrwlt a4 4pa""iuua momanlJ Naw Vara woa tn flra gma of tha wlaa iaaar I la 1- Warhup ara ( lat llta la all but lata Innltiga Hai II l K kow.Tark ..,.IH 1 Ml. LauU tiS lilt -1 I J Uatlarlaa: Marhup and Mlair; I'ua II. !k and (laraa. Tim 1 hnun Ifmplrca, O lnuahha and Cuiinnlly. ffetrott Ttorwa KliimwH Aihkdi Tlxtt 1YMi (eiKial aw Ml Mamng. Oatrnlt. Mlih. July II -Coming up undar a ala-run hnOKp today. ! trolt waa but ona run behind when tha Ighth Inning oponad Tha Tlgrra then alarlad a rally, furned Cuomlia out of tha bit and mada aeran runa, winning. II to I The a or. R II K I'hllailalphla . n4A"IO - 14 I Detroit IDA 120 17 111 I Itattarlea I'niiniha Plank am Ijapp. Hurnmrra. ''uvlnatniv Ijifltta and Mlan g Tim'. ! 2t I'mplrr. Itii'tm and Perrlna (ranar-rV( IMe foe llranraira. Chlragu. III. July II -4'hlcagn and Itiaiion brika even t'Klav. the former winning the flrat game, 4 tn 0. by roiipllng two hlta with two errora anil hit hy plti hed ball, and Hoatin win. nlng the aeomd to 4. by hunching hit off Rakar The a ore flrat game F II K hliagn Ii0 (' lf(i i. -ton oto non not 0 I S Hniterlea Whit- nnd Hulllvan ; Wod and Carrlgan Tune. 1 10 I'mplrea. Kgan and Khrrldnn Summary Le&gnt Cmes Natlmial Iutue. At New Vi.rV PHtahurg II. New York 4 At UrookUn r'hlrugn . Hrooklyn I A t Hoaton - "St liula liorton (no game, trgln w-re k I A! Philadelphia i iniinnatl I. Philadelphia 11 AnufVaua I ". At i'!eeland Washington 1. (TeTeland I At laetroll- Philidrlphla I. Ietrolt 14. At St I,oul New York I, Ht Ijoull I At hHago-- Flrat game Bonton I; Chicago 4: e ond game: Hoaton I. Ch.cago 4. Anx-rVan Aawa-UUun. At Rt. Paul 8t Paul ; Kanaaa City S '(If) In nlngr) At Indlaiiapolla lndlampnlla I: Colorhbug I. At Mlnneapolla Minneapolla I; Mllwul" At Toledo Toledo 4. IiulavlU I (II Innlnga) biatrrn Ijra,fiie. At Toronto Toronto Montreal, wet ground. At Newark Newark Prnvldenee I At Jeraey City Jersey i'!tv 2. Baltimore 1 At ito.-he.ter - Kjr! g.ime Horheater 7; Buffalo n See,.n.l game Buffalo 10. Koch eater .' Snrtithmi Ieatnie. At Birmingham Blrmlnahnm : Nw Orleana I. At Atlanta Atlanta . Memphla I At Montgon er M.nts..mer 1 Mobile " ( 1 2 In- ninga t At Naahvllle Nitfhylll. I ''h.ntannnga 1 (Called ! end nf let'.-- .Urknea I I Koulh AUantlr rmrtr. At Columbia 1 Columbia I: Columhua 0 i At Charleaton Charleaton 5: Jaeksnm ill 1 At Saftannnh ayannah Maron 4 At Auguata Auguata 4; Albany 1 f arilina .Aaaortatton. At Oreenabnro (;reenborn 1. Anderaon 4 At Spar'anburg Ppartanhirrg 4; Wlnelon-Salrm 3 At Oreenvllle Oreenrllle 10; Charlotte I. VHTlnUl Ijeagoo. At Roanoke - Hosnoke 4: Richmond 5 At Lynchburg ' Lynchburg-Petersburg (no game; wet ground ) At Danville Danville-Norfolk (rain.) TliV-walrr Ijeanroe. At Ellrabeth City Klltaheth City 2 ; Portimouth 2 Innlnga. darkneea ) At Old Point ld Point 4; Norfolk I. At Suffolk Huff oik 7: Newport News 0 (9 elm nnr vih, M nrrAKims (lean and Nnappr ( ;ame Wan Kol hy All. (Special to New and ibaerver i Elm City. N. C.. July II tovera of the prt wltneraed her today th rleaneal nd anappleat game of the aeaaon. when Kim City defated Whit ker, (he enr being I to 1 Whlta kera (tarled the fun with a fan-out. The reat of the team aeema to hav caught th fever, for Brlnkley did hlmeelf proud, atrlklng out eleven Farklejiv for tha vlaltore followed a cloe eennd wJth a record of five. The game looked quite prnfeaalonal, Kim City acorlng ona In th. third nd WJaltakera one In tha alith- "Bo" Bowen cornea to th reecu of hi boy In the eighth, bringing In two map wtlh ona of hi famoua two haggeraj Wataon. for the vleltora. drive on to rntr nd make, thre hagw. but too lata: th mlachlef I don. nd Brlnkley fan them they com. i The tacor: R H T. Kim Cltr I 1 WhlUker 1 4 I Batteriea: Brtnkley and Bailey: Bnrkley and Atklnann. Vmplre, E. C. Wli)td. The man who want gooJ hvet will not ow bad aeed. Ram Horn. 111 , it ia wuaianva Kinanaf to bulldog g taetii. Bam I HqraV Valluaaal aarMi, Oubo. , lat V I' Ckloaa II II tl fhliaiielphUi II to in.' New Vork II II ' Flttabura , II II Ml IH. loula ,,. ., ii II ClnotnnaU II 4.'!. Urouklya IT IT ii Hvatogj II II .'- ewOaana Imiw nun. Vn, le al, r l Naw Orlean 41 IT l0 Manlgonirrr 41 V! I lllrmlnghara 81 17 I I I j (haliaa.anga 17 Mi Saahvtlla II " 4. Meltiptlla . 4 I Mobile U 41 4. 'a . Atlanta I 41 l7 IbMlth AlJaMilar league (lul.a I'niumbla . . Mar on . . . . t'ottimbu Hayannah Albany . . . . Jarkannvllla Auguala . . . i hdMealnn Won. l.at P II I) 12 II I I T I " 7 I 1 0 ' It I IS I n a 11 1 'af"Un AaanclaUian. I II a Won l-oal P ' I Winat .i, Halrm ....44 :l .117 Ureenabiirv ...... I l'"l ) 'hr 11 31 4 r. I lire. n llr , JU 4 -' 4 Mpartmihurg t S7 4?i And. r... ii . . J7 II 41.'. . TtuVwairr Uague Knrntul Hriiea lul.a Won Loat P I' KMraba-ih. ''liy 4 1 "" Norfolk .... 4 2 H7 Hutfolk . . S f'"' New port ,wa .3 4 ' 1 l'rtm..utli 1 I J"" ' nld Point ; I 3.1 1 - -e- - M Hllaineto,, ien " to Aurora. ! i (K,.. lal to New and ol.e rver ) I Wllllnrnaion July 11 Aurora de jfinterj Wllllninaton h the aoore of jl to 1 f-'oittur.a of the game were I I II. e hitting of ll..ii. r and the peggltle I ot Thnmpaoti an.) th. all round good jwork of II Thompaon at ihlrd The I IH.inie wiia very ei.lth.K and waa nn- llii'l! a until Ihe li.at tn i n kip out Th. acute H M K t r .rn ri 1 nun (l"0 1 i i Wllluniiaton 1'" " "00 I - I l .tt.rle. II. .li.li ..n. Thomiw.m. H s 'rd and w. . ' Slruek mil h llol l ; hy Ward 4 STtUlY THK l IIKNOI N Fl l"Tie Telia u(1i'liie In Tllealeo li urrai Are a I.IIm-4. Huntlniiii.il, I. I J.o 1 1 Me nntinclng a movlng-pt' Hire Mm call ed The Story of the Nun " a libel upon the Catholic aleterhood and a menace to the niorala of Ihe imni: He Ian J .hn ( York of th.a yll lag-, made ehement proteat before an audience at the Hljou Theatre here Ihm night He declared that ihe poiure am iioi ,,nl uiiiruthful. nnd a tniarepre aentatlnn of ihe Ilyea of Ihe moat de- voted women the world ru r knew. but wa calculated t" Injure the nior I a In of the young and waa a dlagrace to the amuaement world The atory preaented hy the picture whi of a young girl forced to leae her home and take the vet! agnlnat h r will One part ihowed the girl In the att.re of a nun in a room with a man garbed an prleei In th.a acene the girl In a frenzy alened a crucifix and daahed It to the floor, where rt waa broken The mother ruipertor of the picture and other nuna were i all.l In nnd ahoan the reault of the .leac. . -ration The kt! waa then ahuwn tin (iprgoing trial and receding a aen-tenc-e to he entombed allye The pi. i- ure hnwa the irlrl being aali.il In and rawruer appearing to preyent lh tragedy "When I aw that " aalil Iiean York. "I almply had. na a matter of conclence, to rlae and apeok again! It " BI6 BARGAINS IN Lou-Cut Shoes For Men, women and Children, q Call and take a look at the Biggest Bargains Ever Offered in a MID-SUMMER SALE a m HERBERT ROSENTHAL The Shoe Fitter i9 Fiyettevllle St. Raleigh, N. C. Tel lle And be sure or the SAFEST Remedy A apodal, cuctlng pro- cm til r.tra iiitntlon make. VASEL1MI lUlutcly Hire krwi aio. i no rume box of tube protect! t i. . Yu irom namrirss al ru(iicuni Jciiici .w i(lcrcdM"jukt Sm?& Lt' S n"f Hint f 'imird lijr combl- natlou i'l Undrd pein (or every -dir III Tlwr AM LINt pecialllr Imludr: BaajaH Tinaaa u I 'ae. ruMiai o -aw.ua I Tyie. Calv aw m,L4 VaaaMi -a'taa raaaw .anw win. atallai Baal aa An naorlmmt of thrac rrmlie lorma jntia-ij hme mrdt- lUir hr e w lak.r. Taa Take Canvanlent ard keep tha Yah liuai dual aud gernit. cmtOMoutN Mr. c. ITI "I JSLAr Mr. and Mr$. Arthur Per ceval's Charred Bodies Found In Debris of Burned Home j (Mpeciul to Nea and ibaerver I I'rliiceum. N c. July 11 -The p 1 pl- of Prill, etop were tnrtle thia I morning to learn thl Mr Arthur IVrceyal a young farmer llvjng nar Pel.,,....,.., ,.a ki. ..n. i,.. i buin.il to ileath In th.-lr houae dur I Ing the night ! The furm handa who had br.o ' working for him the dar liefor left ! thwn at the auppcr table early In the night, thla being the lat line they, were a en fUhe Near iilahhra. upon rlalig tlti tniorii'iiK noon ila nv( red tlut the huuee rcaa m'.Mdng and upon nm-ml-gntw.n f' .uii.l that th" charred re main of thi unfortunate ,1.uple were the only thingaoleft to t.il tin I coJ. It la auppuaed that the fit., I occurred about one u'rlock thia morn 1 11 K Mr perc married ti (luuglit.r of Mr H. W K.iuiundaon um I.e. em!., i and they were lulng alno at the tin . "f the a cc i . I lit Being a jo.oil.ir y oing couple there waa no r.iot. for foul play hji.I It la nuppoa.rl that the the occurred from a defective flue. FI HI CHAPEL IL 7 a vi n nir VTI III a? m , I I B B e t l a WMF aaaaaBaaal mm wm Bl rtl tk Mtr 1 1 ur FARMER AND WIPE BOTH INCINERATED , ll(T .art, y u t hy pitched ball - by Jonea : Two ban hit Itlay IN WHICH TIHM MM KH W IK Mil. Thr,,.,a champion Time of AND OTHKKS llUritD SIT- me 1 hour .in,! mlBina. I'm- Idea Caiee Stone " I t-ElVlI.V IX IIa.PlX(i 4HIX- 1 .. . . - I TtV)I, THK n..MKa Seahoar.1 Air lane tian( . I Norfolk. Va J'il! 11 J Waaler (HpeilnJ to Nea and Obwerrer I White gem ral Indi.atml an nt of th ! Chapel Hill. Juh II -By the iirompt 1 Knlmiii) Air Mne baa teaigned. effecH l",'',,""1 ",1,h,, npl. "be M, Au-,,, , , i,,im, , rattle mana- ( ha l Hill Klre i ,.ni inuy. a..n v.. uiiteei , , ,...., l,-.i Ore tlghtera fr.-i. in Hno.raer K. hl. rer of the International Ann, ulturaj lliw Clnaa. and t n. a Bra at th, t (. roriora1lnn wllh heljiiarter at At- veralty Power Plant, whh-b otherwla lnnta. Ha II will he anoeeded aa ! would have been iery aerlona. waa ,i,I,I.It general Induetrlal a n' the Sea-, I controlled nt :i Monday afternoon, and hoard bv J A Pride n a.'i"tant but little Ina. waa auatained. ! aeneiral frevaht agent at Atlanta The Ore originated on Hi out-l.la f , ' r"ww "-elrit ngem tb IoiII.IIiik in tlie ipuiue lank uaeil l. ,m itli Inleerally I'reaa to supply gaa fori I the preaaea when ei.-niia power la not h- laliuil.le from the i ier plant. The flnn.-a t lapread rniildly fnui the leak, entered the I comic hi tke en" i ri a or tb i.ui,iitin. 'ami from tlint i'..int apread over the til lable roof of le.iji "li'k'a. Hy the .,il, k liae of hoae fr.un linlranta aud the Ilia pump of rbe poner liouae lb flaiueH were 'Ctinfln! to ilie inner roof of the T.u. I.ln.g and th h.illera. 1uani.a. pumping en.iitea. and printing ouirtt were not damaged ri icetit allfhtly hr ani.r lu the prlntlni; r tl . e . nlfhough tlie en tire at,wk of pii,.r Iccl to he carried out. and ,rlnt,il . u,,n of varli.na I'nlveralty pllbllciltlotia were ,n ,r- ,.r lea aeurtere!. no tepe ana l,,l i,. tlie work of the fireaa wua reaninei tiiia mi.mlng The Ighta and wnter .niil are running na uanfll tiality, n i . , I t tit- tire am n a ratiae any dlatitrMnre In tha regular con ;duct of th Hiituiii.r ' hie.l. i The Inaa la twli.g lUM'rnlaed today and j I fairly covered l. li.auranre. For r.rpi.railoii t oanmlaakmer. (Concord Tribune.) f. (lovernor KIP bin ...aid not make a mora titling appointment to the va cancy on th corporation Commlnelon than tn name MJ II A. Iondon for It. Mr. lymdnn atood aecmd In the Htata Convejitlon of 1'.n for thia poettlon, 1 Mr Avcock gett ng the nomination, i He I thoroughly iulppe-l. a man of , high character, thoroughly ronarlen 'tloiui. free from prejudice and tn every wiiy fitted for the pnaltlnn. Haw V.rk HXnra. Virginia aVglaaeafa (By th atan.ttd Prewa i Albany. N. V ''" A. J. (moot, and Mai i:W" WarBd. com mander and idlntant rreetlTely, of the H E Ie C.infederai veteran Aaaoeli Itloa of Aleiandrli. V earn to Albany itodor nd were lvn natody af tb hat I (1 Baa of tb getenteeatk Virginia rel imeat, wblcli hia b-i tWpaaeiloB ;of (hi Hint -ric tb dell War. Taa enloraVlll preaaaayed ( aarvla i.. n, tn. the regiment at rennloa. ito be fceld on th biilb-fleld tf Maaacaae ma 1 "I wa-Jnly'li. Ta ; eai.iare.1 :tl" Tweaty-aeeoad . X. falaakwr laaUatan la m N Pact i Nev Mm Lets Durham Down With 3 Hit i and Two Runs TODAY WITH IBflENION : Mi Hwaa k1 Una In lite I If i, fan-Mlnl llwl (aaM lnrliaiii Vtaa I nabir m t ana l.l .awiaj ( aJkai la aa-aeMk' j iu Allow Vl'llara u ( ai.'li 1alu 1 ho ten hlta all In Inn va t ll III at'.ry et,rdu) anil Hulli oi a, i,l . llo .vll I (u 1 A vefjr f .i.pli ai Ho Can.' the gala raxelpla g Hug to p Ihe rne . ea of lit v tall .fiat leajii an- p.nalile llieac U; 'fiie I ana don i kn . what I the) are inlaa dm It la tiu. tbe wl.l i not nee pr.feaatonal ball, but en 'thing ryin better. Tda I'.um VIII pin a tar' Vaun'l'r ha, a atrung team, with a good hili.iv an. I heat) hitting player A ape. lal 'train will In. lufi from Y".n.n,e f bringing In the baaeball inbuaiaata I from that art" Ion I ' Th Yi.i.ngat .1: tram will . of the faatert tea ma thai Ll. l(a ;; I team all! go agalnai. being . . c "! uf fu Ii men the two Wla' H '. the Iw.i Tut nera. Jim an1 i. Cu.terwuod ami Itidill. k, a f '-iner Wake 1'iir.at battery The a.-ond Inning waa P. !.erda). all hlta miilng fli Ihia taa been the feature of tn !...r plating in ever) game hate nhi. an ihrmeeltea able to aha ma 1 ' llol l.'l the ball at th right time, for eatia !. . Ii. ti nei'Mitry I'tley hit f o !" I Ilrockvtell aingl'd. an. I I i ! y . in to third. Itro, kwell walk. I .1 .mi ' .. ond. Chjinplon . learej i .'i i-.a i.i. a ainaahing diii- gooil f'. ''.r.e. II Ufa ,lliale. . II 1. 1.1. . k f olliw , m.i I !.l W.Lea.f.' on cal.h.ra eirc ell ..I w'.wh leaulla In ti' a. oiw.i i 'h.inipi on. Hllllnga and KUtdi. e H 1 e it. Ii added n' more it. the ii. id anl another In Ihe liffh l.uthama cine run i am i. t e fooith. ya a a.ngle. aa. rifl. e ri . -.nil error Pace, a new man, pit h d clai". I'M II for lulclgh, ah. wing that h lou Die it 'tola with Mm and can put th.-ri. .oer at th" llKht t rne He let the laurhajn loin, ii down with three hit two of ahic. came in th. name lnn:ng In the nr. inning Chump. on ae hU in the t. nie by a plti hed ball.' be'ntf unable to rejume hi poaitton. Hunter wua a- nt In The latter .n the aryenir. tlgured in a rather annatlnal pU. Jonef. for Durham, tried one out to left that waa eaail a lkre bngio Hunter dl.ln i think en Me . walked oyer th. fence a if there were I none, and ent the hall back In Hill ing, who relawd n to third, catching the runner on the elide Kuaner out ) The game mi called in the aeyrnth Inning in order to allow Ilurham U) catch tr.elr train. . II HHM AH II H P A K. a p .arrow r f . f. . AllKler, . Hurley I f. Sp. nce, . J..ne". -I-. p . Hoy I. . Th..ni;if. 1 o I'.e par M. I ..i, ,!.!. a 1 1 T !., Kill 1 14 ii.H AIJ It. II PO K. l'i . Mm. M :l t i .. . i. .in I ,!.. It'll.!: P... . Muo. f W I f I II. r. f n, 1 I. . l i i n n i l i " i u 'j i ii T : i. . II Si .it.. to Innlnga Jl. If F. Inirham 0 J00 0 : : Hal. 1Kb Dil 011 I 11 1 Batteriea I'oe. Jonra and Upen.e; IN e P:,ldlck Htnick out by Po J, by Jonea J. I.y I'm. I'.hj.. on balla off Jone e naaaa la.iaan am an iieiaa r i . i a-.-r iy ( :. i v "Ax;. x iSZmm ' ' iaalawaaaaiaiaf l ixoiaiaia. m aewafl mtm. wa thaawwk faaa f eaaal anaeMn. a.eaaawawiiiwilaa.t'.aal fawa. 0aa. (J)aawy ff)e.w-a feww ! - "- aL ai raufwIL if H j aa aaawMTal auiaa ew aaar af aww. Italrigli. 9a, 11 t-iuewK f or G0SSARDS is They lace In front PhyilcUns recommend them Prices S3.50 to $8.50 C B. ALA SPIRITE Prices 50 cents to $3.50 , P. N. with Cork Protected Clasps Price $1.00 TH0S. A. PARTIN CO. Ladiet' FurnUhings and Noveltiea. 131 Fayetteville St RALEIGH, N. & MASTER S KEY IS 0ST nino; nnuMXa ok hook MIAMI! OK (IIM.III.w. VI T41I tl) WITH HUKM HLKIt YH.I- UV3.I-HIMT THK -UASTKH" HET HOIJiKK KM I II IMI. (By the Aaivv laied IT) ) Waahlngton Julv II Tb Maatrr Key to all the door lo. k in the Houae 1 nine building ha lii I. at or etolen (irtU'lal are much liaiuried. guar.lt Something New HrCr:,IF.S niuiapd wiUi BRASS BOXS a whel which iiujkiv puitv ni mi i nc; gjuj adilx lonjp'r lifw to the wtrasr. 8 our rifY Ml... in YKIiICLKS AND HAJIXESS. j Barber & Towler i The Vehicle and Harness Men. . Raleigh, N. C lki Mew Iki Firsi Showing of New Fall Merchandise The demand waa so great we ordered out our early purchases and are showing a complete line of Dress Ginghams, Percales, Cambrics, Val and Baby Irish Lace in Matched Sets, Embroideries, Flounc ings, All-over Laces, All-over Embroideries, Calicos, Pacific Foulards, Poplins, Mercerized Voile, LaBelfc, Marquisette, white goods and Woolens, consisting ot Serges, Batiste, etc. Write or phone for samples. HUNTER-RAND COMPANY B2The New Pictorial Patterns are ready. Wather bu 3BUJS U MOORE. ! 'r. "5 wwa Rajotgh od TMnhjaa thaoVio-arrr nedtanwUr uxl rnhfktt tad ayotetil have been doubled and order fat M ira vigilance hav bea given After I o'clock al night na parana ran enter th building without th written order nf member of Coa gra Peraona found In Ih. kulldlruj after lhai hour, or attempting la ia- unieaa known to tha guard, Ml he d.talneal until their Identity an. pi.aem are explained. Horn of th chairman and man, hna of th. apeclal Inveatlgatlllg com mltl.-e, which meet thertj regard tha) affair ar algnin. ant. but claim t haa """ u-p1. .n- Th. p-ro-1 IMiawrwanni 1.1 ine eaauner ekr mnna riinimaa every ofllc In (ha tralldlnT. unieaa caught by Oi guard. The man who fall Into th habit of pulling hi head Into th Hon' mouth, la going to hav hi krath n. g Interfere!, with ionr or tataf. Kam i Horn. reau Chtptf Ma .D vDm - i if'a TburaJajr; lUjbt vaurlabla HaVaa vTajfJaUaJ' x