THK NKWfl AND OrttHVEn. Wf DNKSD A.T. JUI.V .-.It'll The News and Observer I iif li Ct:sn fri!ttfcf Ccxpsj goaarati miiWA th IMS ai W (M f full Auodttcd IVMt Report. . aurnu rwtn IMIIMMIM Ml Eawr4 a, f it K. C a Thodor Parker ) n tn higner mraj oir ' A I.AATISU MoMMRirT. fn f t kt mm iii puhiia iir hi Kiwih Carolina m the. I(u fteinusl J rulMwi, Dm Cow mleeioaer af Agrlrellar, who, until ilwM W thai efltt, U4 a hi farm l (he Tedkla Valley, la tka dhv kherg af hi utt M CMnMbwlMM of Agrloulwr Mr, returaun bwiwM well acquainted with Ih eed al Ih Ptate aad atiarwee that th' tu m4 af a arauul la tha healthy meuntaia eounlrr. ltt Urge arre. war ba jeuili whP tladd It ul4 reeelv a practical adecatloa la a turn bom. T aemr mirk a chool, Mr. Faiieraon In hi vll tav apiehdi farm la th Yadkin Valley. ad hi laat wlah haa bw reapeeteii,, JeMa. has tn as Id In the preee abotl Ihla benefaction and how la aebool ta be In rondurlad I la location llaa apart from th (antral Una at travel and few wrllara have vlsllad It. t tha l" of tha recenl iwIm af tha IHala Pre 'onvantlon at lnolr, Mr J"i A touloana. Ion lllur f l Ihirhara I Ann ..rvlelt.d ihla IIHIa known Inelitu- aa luuk danger In the fere unal1(in na wro fr aun a alary rjrv""-! - ,;,;;,H;::r1;;,l):1h: fifend. ef reur wa good nama, lh' location, tha spirit of II- Inalltutlnn. courage lhat ran fa-a a iiri full of,Bd eP,rmnliy ihr for tuwllag and of eraaa--r. of ln Inatllutlon wh.ra pnMlhllillaa m "Vr-f-;: tJll o. I'-narloua of ha raauK. yat'afr. Rublnaon'a artlela la faarUaa aim I ii,,.,,,, .u.r. liaaarwooa, N ".. July I "Thiri- la mil In lha workl a tallr mora vain In wlioar Imiioni lh lirlilil atri mal " Havi-ri inllr from ln.iir. al Ih' of th. Illua Klilf. I" a atran-h f v.ijiv. four fr flva mlli In (ni. l.,.nUilni on lha Infant hi al.-ra Iha Yadkin rlvar, thai la a il luiaanua bit of aranary known "Hriy Val lr" 1 di-rlvad Ita nama In anta ballum rt) from 'ha barn' a of nalalibarhuiiil blrkaiiriK "'i'1 f"a. and har all ilwali In iaari-ful bar tnony and rmmon lntraat f broth arly Inva n i-llbar aid "f ibia val-l lay tha mountalna rlaa ami fall In wavy, (ilrturaaqua out Una. rugaad and wild ' Tha fi'rm a abarp rnuiraat lo l.k luili' nlcltir nf natura In th I a wwitht' iha waaiawapaa )alllvll,. ,.ow i, . B .p..t typlral aaul M saw wa pllf lor blal to bL,,f p,ae. Tha aunllaht iwnn to II TtaT tianiiajdj aaw rrowilcd "ji lovinfir oa in nua ana I alaB4n Uncle Walt The Poet Philosopher H tMea la IrHaaai, at1 antrow la tuVa, tuft artatatec mm had . rr4 a ra: ha Utt u m or aa to park TOT J forwaar, aaat ataa It at aaapi m vlt4 af fa. Aawl It. ana la raorwlnc. arant off artnmnt warntaC, aa4 a4aaa4 Wy tiaait . taraaal Ma baai "d fa waa tha rhaUmm at fooaai af pla itrl aarnlau wba bM itrtr aar. aaawia wHk all kind a4lr aa4 aualaanaa auuia. And widow ara fham In rich cold Thr YadlilB rlar fraah from Ita blrthplar on Oraan Mountain, aparklaa. dan'-aa and alnn lovfullr on IU atv to tha Ihmbhlni aca. Th aranary dowa thla allay I wildly baautlftil and outrlvaia any- thlni aan in Uwluarland Tha raat tichkag 4 avphaaa at arytM all fuln, f ,u ntur In nulat rapoaa at UMitnurhaa on Ilk pnatrv iinin.i llawral tiloaaom primp Itiair prany era- lh4a oownVT Vokm wha alwaja a plawala' t" rajarrac a M aBoa aa4 bradiai tt gaUr UU au law body rraaa. Oh, M tha law an oa a f"l with a waapoa, ajaat burr hhat drvl aad with rhalaal Ka laaatbya Broatwi M arrma th iXwiw la tralldlM lo ewrp Mat wtih bralna. tOaallat IN, by Oaata Matthaw XOKTH CAHIHilN. UKTTIIfa hada and eo4urttlnl amlla at thair own baauty. raflariad In tha mlrrnrllka ..r.f whlla tha ataltlv traaa. Ilk military aant nal upon the inoiintaln far and tiair. aap ovar aarri otnr a naaoa inn nn a'a'-am- r provala "f tha rb-h-bbiomina aranory blow tham Thla Happy Vallav la fraah. (ra nature In hr lovallaat mood, avar ra1y to h"M awaat ron varaa with Iha haart whoaa i honla ara tunad In aympathv Bavarat Una old-tlm Boutharn homaa ara arallarail alonx Iha valli-y at Intarval homaa In whlrh tha moat ganaroua chacr itlauanaad wlih tha laraaat hnapitnliiv. may alwaya ba found Among thrav tin old boma ataada might ba mantlonert tha nolra, th Jnncae and many othara I could manllnn If apaia parmlttad, I daalra to paak nmra aapa.lally of "Palmyra." iha lintrcMi-ad of tha Honorable Rnmut'l Taa;rrwood Pattaraon -a aplamllil tvpa of Norlh lory) fraahly 4aa'rala4. anada, a II war, a yic of UHaayltoa fc surway af a wwid " ateion f iiaa'uraaaa aad aaanty '-hiaio.i la th boy, wbalavar hi 'oinll'lon la Mm, wha la bar lva th ahaar I ravtva kopa and Hfhl Iha lamp af a daaiur aad auanipllaM ainihlii la Iha warld. Mk aiaa of laalf. na laalaiiaa. A VoUIrt of landar a- waa badly" traat4 br hla aarmt and finally hrawa Ufoa tha world with hau In hi brt wall-algk amvtbarad. Hla Impraaalona war that lh world waa aaalnat him, and ba waa dally aiaallag bia Haart aaalaat all inaaklnd aad tba (liar larla. i aaeaa that uplift yiumanlly -baaomlnd a varllabla Jahmaaliia. Wlthaul a panay, wlthaul Warm-kaartad friaada. k waa ladarad ta antr thla ai'hool and off rad tba ppuriunlly to work hla way (hrouaa. Thai apand a haw and haavaaly vialoa ta hla aeui, aa mlrafulaua aa tba ana Kaul aaw, Tba aalaef opportunity awua- wida apa and ba bah aid a saw world a world of luvallnaaa, baauty and uaafulaaaa b eavar draamad of aud that bay la tralulni for tha ministry, aad If ha la aurd la dsatlnad ta ba a man of nawat aad uaafulaaaa. Thla avbaal la la ckaila of a earn mltla from tha Aahavlll dlwaaa. Ilav. Malrolm Tailor la baadroaaiar nf lty A. 8 Iwraa la tha aria, alpal. Tba poatoiflia Uaaarwood, thua boaortnt- tha donor. Mr. II. I I'attaraon, by taklna hla mlddla warn. Tha uaai a'holaatle yaar Iha arhuol had boardara, with a numbar of day aaholara. A man of yaar of aca rtda down from tha dlatant moua lalna dally and la bar drtnkla from Ihla aduaatlanal fountain and tranathnln lilmaalf for Iha drc roiillloU of llf . Ho fh work (oaa. Tha aa4 thai Mr I'altaraon haa aowa bloaaomlna and ripanlnf Into a fhirlou fruition Mr! My! What an opportunity to bruadan and airanatban Ihla achool. Il nda tha Mldaa touch of aom phnanthropic hand or many of tham to anlara Ita capacity and aateixt It aaafulnaaa. It nda arouaad In trat In Ita work and th. maana to maaa it wnat it anouid bo a iiaaini to lb rtalng gnrtlna of all caaaa Tha rtrh boy ran pay hla way bui bar aa will laarn tha iraon or oonomy and thrift Tha poor boy ran work on Iha farm anil rarrv hlm- clf through and all mat. aturly and climb tha laddar of aalf uiproxamant In a awaat-aplrltad rommunlty, far from tha alluramant. tI and buatla of iha rrowdad -ltla I am told tha work la rarrlad on vary much aa Mr. Pattaraon wlahad. What a laatlna nionumant to hla mam ory would It ba If thla Induatrtal achoo waa qu.ppad with funda to arapt mora bulldlny. aitn raw ad vanlata and poali It forward In Ita (raat work anil aaianalvn flald for uaafulnaaa. tt'h.m haart will npan to th ba ut l. of Happy Vallav In thla work? Whoaa hand will plant mora roaaa thr and thua kaap fraah and aran tha niamory of oiia of tha baat and moat uaaful attlaana Caldwall county var produced, and through lurnad lhl aW upaa Iha l"o4 It4a af popularity, Thay aaaka ta b4 tbaataatval faMaud, a4 H tbay bad ta 4 rtala ptr taandaaea wa ta oealiaaa tba aoiaty Vay laid dawa at tfc laat aaaafa It la a matt for rrt that Ibay 414 not ram la a firm tut la lit raduclloa and c4im1 prlvllaa aad -UoaabBj aa tbay aaam4 thaa. ' Tba ftrat btaak waa wha aVaatar Irlatow wba had baa lalln with what waa rardd a broad aUU aaaablp, aacrUlrad or )aopr4ia4 Iha blaatloa af Hanatora b tba j. pla by latraduslaf a aat iloiial aaaand aaaal I tha Hauaa Mil to ait ha atara by tba paupi It ba ba frly ahargad that b waa lodu4 t do thla la 4afrara to tb big a g'o ut la hUaaaa. hut wbaUvwr Iha molly r waa a aop baikward. Col llar a, Wblrh lanl b rhar4 with va tint ef actional kaaa aad whlah haa baa warm In prala af tha Inaurganta, thua rafara t Urtalow'a mlatak: "It la unfvrtunai. Initaad, for Man alor ttrlaaow that hla nama la a liar h- ad to an amaadmaul wharh carrla una bach to Iha day of raouatrt'Ua and tb bloody ahlrt. Thai "I'ncta Joa" f 'aaiaaa ahauld gal on hla faat In rdr la hurl woraoat rhatorin at tba atoulh la parfai'lly In karpin. a waa tba darldlng tui of ' Jim" hbai. man, but Mr. Hrwiua might bay baa aapaotad to ho mora oanr.aa af mind. Tb country daalraa lh dlrai't U otloa of Hanatora. H rar talbly do not daalra any rwturn to Northern auapUlon and narrow naaa toward tha ftouth "( It I to b hoped bafor th Ranata adjourn that thaaa laeurgent will aaa thalr mlatak and that Mr. Hrla tow and hi aaaoclalea will aorept tha llouaa bill and thua not kill ha auc tion of Banatora by tha popl. Thay hava ao far not only ndangrerf Ita paaaag through Oongrraa by anirnil Ing tha llouaa bill, but hava llkawuva endangered Ita ratlflrattoa by Inject ing a aactlonal gumtlon that rid Jeopardise Ita ratification by tha av- ral Btataa. The moat rogrettabia thing about It la that Hanatora. like Mr, Hr'.atow, who rrally wth Bana tora to ba alerted by iha people, are pulling rheetnula out of tha ftre for the Roota and Bmoou and lodgr who oppoae th election of Banatora by tha people. Th action of th Inaurganta haa alao been d.lappolntlng In thalr at titude on the reciprocity treaty. It la clear that Mr Taft. having 1 .1 out by declaring Iha Payna-AUIrlch !, aad if ha bad at baa la fvr af Iha daclamilp. af IU pWtforr faf fr lumber, n waa huj dut la prlnf ! hilnortiy revert and mak g pghl tb Ibaar lh Pava(Ua. Ia af doing that, ha l4 wllb tha ajiambarg f that ommllta froia aarh af h Hata hi a Wnaalmou r- rt ta favwr af lh plalforaa, J II aa adapted, and. la aemma with very, ikr mam bar af lb NaiWoal I anu rati runilon, voted for'h a4optlag af that platform. Thla balag true, h waa mora bound by ft tnaa aay other man la North Carolina. If h 414 not ik it, ba had tha epper taalty to fight It o th hoar af lb alloa, falling to do lhat, It aa hla duty ta aupport it until another National Caeatloa, whaa, of coura. ha would bav Iha right lo aah to aanand ar baage II. Aa a matter of faat. Mr. BDar 414 aot aaawma ta annul th platform, During h rampalaa a former news paper man and a aplendid genllamaa ho wii than to lh lumbar bualnaa waa aagagad by Hlala f'hairman Kllar to prepare a eupplentent which waa aent out by a numiier of papora In tha tat during aha campaign Thlag. llrnian had haa'd om nbleeilen t tha lumlH-r plank, and doubtleaa, be ing In h lumbar hualnea, waa him elf oppoaed to th declaration of tha platform He rr roneoualy thought It aaa prtfpar for him to put In tha aup plameni a alalemanl arxrut the lum ber martar thai aaa not oonalatant wllh th lumbar declaration Ha had no rarthlv right to do It, and yet ha did It Hh the br( motive In th world It may ha changad a few votaa in North Carolina, but, em bodied a II waa In tha long artl-l In tb larii- aupph-mant. We never baanl anl"u) in North Carolina re fer t. It until It waa brought out aa a raeain h North Carolina Demo cratic ni-mbero of M4 la IU MIIW pay hr la aaw keee4 It 11.11 Hj P aefe, a Ibiraae t ". Ja flay, lua lawaablp tha a4 hj a waa ad at IIM Pe awr and ta irtlinruK Towaablp It I aaaaaaii on Iha avaraa af 111 Pr acr gdr. Oewar, lh Ceaaty Aaaaar, ylatiad ry twa hip la lh uaty, h want pereua ally wllh lh aaaaaaur n4 put la any full 4 aa lb road, aaw th land, oafrr4 with tb 'aaaaaaur nd ol4 tham and aiplalaed lb w to thai aifq tba rull U thai nearly vary tewnahlp aaaeaior uadartook t Pal tha, property aa tba tea Itet at uch a laarnaa aa lb eoualy aa- eaor thought Iha law required aad a Monday th whole county board nantmoualy approved Iha rporV Tber ware aa wrangllnga and a dbkarlnga, only aaa ar two minor romplelata, which war wllh drawn up on aiplanatlen. and lh people ef Jobnaoa Cauaty ara wt enly ' fled but ar proud lhat thalr aaeeee ar and th County Aef and Keuaty Board of Ee.uallatton hava mad a uch an Incraaa In Iha value of thalr property. Thla I creditable lo lh rounly and enow a aplrit of an 4avor to llv up lo th new law that aheuld govern lh officer f v ry county In North Carolina Kaap your ay on Johnetnn county WORK, Knit THE HOARD. DESTRUCTIVE FinE " III SALISBURY , - Hrtofore when the lai aaaeeaora had the county commissioner had empltd their work of tas a- mnl there waa no review and no righting Iha mletakaa Th new law ihange ihla and if Inaqualltlaa eilat j ward, and on Wunada all Losses SutUtned Amount to About $35,0 00, With Partial Insurance (Mpeclal la Nawa and Dbeerver.) haliawury, July ll-Oae of lh wort fire for year la haluebury ecerre4 early thla mora lag whaa a to-atorf brick building owned by Mla Kllaaa bh Hedrlrk, and ocoupled by J Kl4 man bona, riothlrra. waa guileo by Bra. anUIIIng a o of forty ihoueaad dollara. A Hat of the loaeea Inrlud J p-eldman atoch. Ie.a. wllh Inaur anr,.tl.i Ary Wra , damage I hardware .toak by wecer. J.. Mlaa Kllaabelh lledrtck, building !.(. la aura ma II,; V. Wallace i damage lo elothtnt ateck by water. The fire, which waa dla.overd by a policeman at two o clock, a ;n .. aa of unknown wlgln. bul la looughl to have bean rauaed by vlectrtr n lra. APTP31 TWKI.VK YfcAH. Mr . K Paacu k MHarn la Wllaono had MKaabm Awtla),ntl K nmlna of HI laapartrd l,r- WlJon. July II A tweha yeor agjo Mr and Mra J K Peacock lf Wllxm county and located al Pomnaro. ria m July third Mra. Peacock waa ci d lo har It will be becauae tha Wtala Board of ruallaallon doaa not do Ita duly Har la work for Iha Pitt County Hoard aa euggaeted In th I'Ht Coun ty New ''We hava not aan Iha tas booka, th. man. and " " . v" , It'll llll tllff Ul'1 ll ' i ii ----- I1 iloral Iirmocrailc platform whan tha 'to b Bomeilme th Hater will pra- Pna Aldrlch Tariff bill waa under I v,ri' " wn,n "" M B'r' Properly laat re- that waa mortal of Ihla good woman aa laid to raat In tha famllv puryine ground al Hock Itldga in thla muniv waa .n bar forty-ninth )r Kb laavea a orrowlng husband, two l.rotrw-ra and lo slaters Mrs. Peabock waa a davnin Moravian hav. ing olnad lhat church eli te llng ad'i iaid at iha Balem r-mala Hamlnarv. Ur .nli Ura Pacnck ara pleasantly usa ware not bound by the Na-gwM, 0n half of what It ought r,mfmbrf br numrou frtanda In Wlleon county Mr Peacock will re main In our mldat about a weeV af- I underatand that th xr. ahlch h will take ha k with him household ffcia of on ef the beat I , i Mr Biwra" Iha avmpa- There ara. of course. Imocrate In , furolshrd home In tireenulie la Hat - ,hy of our p,p, thi Stat who do not favor a tariff ad at 1360 only Now wa hull an Idia I a -a- that whan we llatd our hnuaennin ftie Old RHlahle Biro, goods nt ?nn , tie t , war practicing i aalatnn News coiiaarvallam. and wc hava hardly lie- i We do not pretand to know any- aun to furn ah our home, out nn nhini about nrnltt .iioev oui w- Deaien lh real aatata, when they go ta aall property haa a way of saying ta tha prcupectlv cuatomer, "Buy land. If you buy anything els there1 late can ba rnor. of It. hoi If Pattaraon -a tvpa ' ... iCrolln ninnhond and ahoiie m'mort hay laad. you have bought aomathlng , h ,hrina m tha haart of hi that la tapl The lord lan't making countrymen harp and throughout tha any mora land. There Is no mora land ' v ",lr estate in . ' . ,,,, Happy ullav ;: uno acroa. io thr d;o- today than thare waa . million 'ra I ,.,", A,hUia i i. ,c, . m agu. Tharrfora if you buy land, you dust rial school for hova h.'hcr rich have g t enmethlng that la ataple andior poor t.n thl aataia moat han ti ll I. ih. l,..i .. a.11""" " no""-, "uin in Bikaa. aurrountllnaa All ona wllh it It eerms that thi Is not alwata true.' delight and ,n 1ml.- i hil l Thar had been no boundary Unas of tliillford county I'hl n,a In tha tn; froi twenty yvara. nml )at In lstiH, whan N Auditor Ablxitt got io work on tha ui books of CiiiJIford county, he fouinl that there were 1 1.1:7 acraa of land In that county lhat had not bean put on the tx liat. Therefore, the authorllias o. lhat county for tnurpoa of tm a'ton had made U.l!7 acraa of land tare waa puhllahaU In Ttvw Nnv and labaarcr Bunday that County Aaees aor K. H. tiower. of Jobnaton tounty, who ha. gtcn aixty full dnv to driving dViT JoluuMon t-nuntv hioI gielptng to iii the land by Mewing It, had l uinil that. tbouKh thrn h.t bean no rlmnKi In the ImniuUrv !n of Juhitaton miiiilj aonicl-ol had made 14. ai-r.-a of new 1 uil since tha last aaeneament. At 1-aa I , be put that much more lend on the than on th.r,. iai vi.ti If tha HiitliorttittM of r countia Would do (hair ilu'l and put l! Ill' land on Im u b -oki. .ii. i Miou.ii not be dlrhctill t- l", t'O' immln r -f acres of limd in ccr . nnt vsunitl be tttatiioiiirv . lor in.-i- n. nr liin.l made cpt n"w 'n.l th-n a. f.-w acre on ih" a.-asi, I... th- .1' 'i:n of the aanJ. If wa Mir In two . . rn . , j '.r i i. Carol inn in the three v . .hk .i I ! ad 27.0CO acre ..f l.nul - ti 'tie tin books, how mm h in. .re lati.t in ih other. nlntv -eighi i"uiri., are ak . pmg taJ.ition In how in. my .'.-rr count as th- ao hot t:- ilisc.oer ad new land an I put it on tha ti book th;a year' It wo-il I lo interest in if the coutyv ;iv-ui in avcty count) would make a eiatement ah. . Ii.g bat hs bean .t"na In ih. d!- tt-Ctloll. Tba f 'iininrnenl.! mmlm of he law 'sir ulcre iiin nt allenuni non lae.las." whb h 1 1 mo-luted meana "so use o.r own n not t Injure etmthrra pn. ertv ' i the b.mla of tha contention RKaltist the truis. Noboily obje. t when a big factor) maks t.lg morp by wise mithoit. Ii Is only when by combination nnd monopoly or otherwise li ua' Ita property to In jure others that It become a menac to tb country. colonial style !th two ulnga Th harm of on. a da- scribed It. II in o. h a filandlv look- house " AnK.'l have out Ita doot main a tune t-efnre 'W It ha h.en at w lib thla Institution which la Ih child of m. Br.,n. n.-'o.."-- oow.... Indualry through tha coming gener ations, aid ha poor; help th weak enacted " wished to retrle hlma.lf purify and glnrlfv th atrong. and ) and aelzad upon the reciprocity treaty make th peculiar blaaalnga of 'Happy tQ frlrnd, ,lh ,h, who 0p. Vallav" flow tbrnueh Iha eoiithlnd ; Ilk. a refreshing river giving jov i ,h f hinr ,r'ff ,nr- and gladaesa to heart that only need dentally, the President wasn't both tha touch nf Ita benign Influence. I rr4 becauaa he mw lhat tha treaty Thl. la mil a paid a rllcla Th. Inaurganta mmiagera of the achool do not know li la written Hoi l do It In the In-' ho are not loved at tha White I llouaa. f ihev had bean wise. lh. y uld have all voted for it and said: on lumber, bul when tha Democratic National Convention, by a unanimous vol promlred tha penpl to take tha tariff off nf lumber, thin no declara tion In any supplement laeued by th. Ktai Democratic. Committee or by tha State Chairman or by tha management of any literary bureau or anyihlng elm could change lhat promte It la remarkable lhat anybody supposes that a lampatgn eupplement declara tion could annul the eolemn pledge a gentleman told ua aliout the cae , wtllln. In eav t his much for tha atork we have Just mentioned why. our fi, rt, livers the goods consclenc eaaed off at once and , ara now about lo regret that we did rot swear the whole of our stuff wasn't worth III 00 and take It aa an ( exemption " ADVERTISING TALK8. writtin bt WII J.I AM C. niEEMAN. I rwivpl a letter froui ilr. Krcali-ru k KJwnl McKay from I Dean mucn nifini m , , ., f th. National Iemocratlc Conv'.n. Ih. rrl..r r lhe annolntment of a N-atUe rfcwiuv. nn i lion Mr Rlmmnna will hav to eek ' memln-r of th North Carolina Cor-,gffr klld half ownnr of ' J lie N'anL. dirl" ((itliTOnv ill whlCU IIOV P.IW R1) I,. TRAVIS. There has been much interest In tereat of education and In the hop . that It will result tn giving this In stitution a new financial Impetus The t preae of the fit at a would do a mo-t I laudable act by copying thl article or alluding tn thr facta aa aet forth, and give wide publicity to the great and grand work thla splendid achool ' la doing thk rorvntY iiisai"Pintp?t i?J TIIF. lKt IM.KT. I One yaar ago the country reaounde.l wllh pralae of the Kepubllcan Inur gent Senator beiau-n It believed they were leaning n light to free the coun try from partner-hiji In legislation with ' the InlereKta" They made a notable fight Hgumat th Payne-Ald-rlch tariff act and their rpeex'hea did much (o expose the tnluultle of thai ' bill of ahomlnai lonf " They re- "N'o come on. Mr Taft. a betier rraaon for hla position. pcartlon Commlaslon to fill the va- The bulk of the Iemorrata nf North i ancy cauaed by the death of Mr Carolina aland on lhe Democratic i Henry c Hrow n. and yesterday af r. National platform The rldlculoua noon tha announcement waa nml" icllm lhat a paragraph In a literary thst (Jovernc.r KltchiTi had appoln'ed eupplement annulled Iha platform to thla important position Hon. K I, . .. a i-..-- riaoga is regarneo aa mm aoaurn in tin i n m. "i oi""- give the people the reduttion In lh ,hu Paragraph contributed lo tha elec. bin wife, .Mis BlaJK-lm lung, u ularnnj;. 11 in SatUe Mr. Mt-KiT wnrlp- tn artu'lp ilinii tijKniivrl in the "l'leit IntoliifrWpW It tJi tariff provided In the Houw bill.' If the Inaurganta had pursued that coura. they would have bean ha.l. d by many as lhe hop of the coun try Aa it Is, while they have not sunk to tha level of the Stand Pat hepubllcan Henatora. they have ad- jtlnn of any Democratic candidate. ,e!bed of Ui dramatic tlfrtnint. aiwI Oil mnt of pmiMarty Mr TmvlB U m-n wH hnrtwn a. - A avltk a la ratal ("A 1 1 am I fl t aa fl ' throughout the Plate He la a lawy.T Oil Una KllliJWt tll WflU. Of ability and of fine udgmenl. a j ' $ J nail llljV iTl IiaXtfTSph man held In high regard In his sect. on w,.(n, t inia", it, riir To UV8 that and throughout In North Carolina vartlsa themselvea as being blinded showed thst n some counties the by the ant.'iuated and imot out township and county ajuiesaor had worn KepublWan gold brick that been both conscientious and else nnd leven Great AmeriainM imeo tfSfir MUter, ha, slaaja altaehed maw Imporlsnre I- lhe sebr Ba. "Of all aarakera there It a m, wkleh i mmiulnl. la a hlgbar araa, the leeai aail raieraaea af mankla " The eai aa Obaerrae ha taksa thl, charmed asaakar. aa ha were lale Mertee aa taetetr ef abjeata herlr. el e,en, kegllg eaek Sa4ej ceMlaeiB awrtag lh week. Ill JlllV of I fell.-r .l " il.i v n i I. 'to .1 not..! .Iuhi h go. (Ik thi ta poKeesi'a is l books hi mom v la mi,. e i 1 1 vat o-il . io . i Ml J(H i. K4M kKFFUJTR. ke u t . V.i .I 'lni Ii H .1 He . to ll -t m.m In t he i of lhe v "ro I s . i-ti'iirv t'r.'i'. i to nimarir for a. Lak Miore and a dc.en of ihe other big railroad com pan I. o, ,,f lhe i-oojhtry. l he Hockafeller Income la so large that John D. could, out of u. huy con tro of on great aysteui. Ukr the I n .urn man) and I nlon Pacllle, every year arid never it is "ithi touch a penny of his prim ipal Hla Ulet .lirtlcultv Miat :. ... ,,i.e .. ki-.-pi lie. k of ii I. i... . , ii.. -,, ..t the tool ; 1 1 ii,. ill. man ee .! Vi Cock. f,.- I. I v aa I.. ii -i ...v .. Stale but hi n be wa v '. , i i, a faiuiiv set. t I In '!,, ..y.l , m in I has oil) tb ii b. ,t- i ,. . . i .! the gro- . ' i tuino a at i aooi,' ,.ilary of IS iv. el. He eal' !. .- Mat rated his coitilil... a: .i. M . !.. ' r oi Uvs than tvv t lr, fioin Ma t,-,,. s. atari be w a- .Kh.i" "i.l I h i.. . .. i In th Ki i ui"' ' .1 . . . ' i - oi t time rvv..... ! . .. , ....... 11.000 not .in ..i " to 1 1 a like ..'io .j- .:'h . .-, ii,. i,. enK'iged It the .r...hi iitii, n '.aainaes. Th. n ' an.e it,. f ..pport unity ' u. i! " -v . ' , .,, TittinvUI. ' ' W i.. : : partner th i' m .! i ... 'i : ',. . mi .,, of petro- e'ltii lh' . a: . Mr Rocke feller i i ,. ii tuiii and hla I' i'Uo i ..i, . , ,,, uhln year the I .' .....v amounted t ' II. f 1 . 1 i ' .. the business v i ' : n. al an extent M it... k.; - . 1,1 out all his er i'. . i .. . ,, i , ,lra fjHa entire ' i't i ' '. . e . ... constructing i ' no i .,. .,. i . hi Works at N. w v ; i, , "i . . ..-a aliortly aftef ,ii U . .;.):.. ... i in, m las than t'-n ' i" ii... ! ,-i, S' .ndard Oil t'aim- Income today Is tha moat coio-aal In Iha world. It Is more ihan twice as large aa that of all the crowned head of Kuropa comhlnaai lj La thirtv flv limca aa great aa that of the King "f England, and five tune as great as farmer that of the t" ,.f liuau, the richest ruler of any nat on A recent h I--n m : t that iha Rockefeller income la at 1 ..- r l.'u', a second. Mi 4 :. a minute. 17 4;'0 Ov an hour, urn iiv us a ,iav ii. ;m fv 7 4 5 a Weeh iin.l 1; , non mill a vear. With ever) II. h ..f the clock there dropa Into the 1: .,'kef,-:ier strong box more than 12 Itealsllesa, 1 1 k a .Niagara. m.nev poura toward J 'hn li Rnokefell Did ha not p. i would over a h ' I in dlfflcultv aectna i,. a farmer . nalper by putting a tsrlff on wheat and torn, and have leaed the.r support upon that gol.l brick theory. Tie country ha.i thought the Insure' i" had gradunte.l out ,,f Kepubllcan i;., d llrlck inH'Miun-lup Into a larg'i and clear! Mi-mlii ahlp. The dappolntmert thai they either -ti l lielleve tlo. farmers can again he fooled by oft. mi(r thvm a gold I't iv or are In lh- i-..nds of Intellei s.. I ). tioti to r latter dav tHnff w.'iahtp of a vv . i.n hloi The 1 li- ,1 K. tits, put n'l i h gh f- deetnl have nhown that th- - f. et are of c!a. ai -I that lnate.i i ' 'he to staicmati-hip of laat ve- ttiev are playing -..I time Kcpuhlt-j.n d-eptlon of the farm. : a on the tr.f v r mu-t not. howev.r. be too t.n upon theni Tli-i were lirouKtii ,i i-i a I'ttrtv th ,i trained Ita mem!..-, t'mt lhe i.rosper t of the cn'"r -1 - i - I W i"'n ,i t gh tariff, and f-.-imh n saw a 1 1 1 1 n r ot light Is-' vear. th. , ha-o i. I .'I been able i - i :-. . perior I C-.a false tfsiti i v.. ni imbibed 'n 'heir youth. !, an it is that an Insurgent atlll twlt-v . that the prote. to... told Brb-k he ps the It is even aadder to .- a I'l'tiin. mil .-eiial accept Uie f. rah nd lall loan and worth p the ul., The luauric in ia revert! rg t.. M ,.hi false id" s, the larmiKirat lp ait.n na against light and knowledge JOHNSTOX tXH'XTY ., . rWAMPIJT lie ita naa , ... i i . i printed In vaetarday's n m . U). K(. 'yU nilglll I (TIM W n v er about the ssaess t v ,-,..n."..,vit,a mltn VOI1 aa t tXt for oni Oi Vollf senioiy oi ..(Mill ' oio.m.w, -. i-- , - the Henale of 1 H 9 and eeveral tlnua ,Hily ellHts. Till' point . lllkke 's'nee; the chairman of lhe Board of jj1((t jj a I1H,nar(vr who W ill Wrrrtor. of the 8t.te'. Pr.aon .1 " .j. i n time, a member of the, .....K . x- li.vv lliemocrat.c Esacuilv. C j.nmiiten j lt lliotl - M AK r A .V Hl-V snd the County Chairman of the KST ANI N ALIANT tr i Democratic party for llallfan. He r l""C)IvI TO i I V K HIS TA been one of the active forces In the lTIfMVc .rtl.". ; M 11 IS' and fi- tH I.DX T ( IINGE TH: PI J'.Ivt.K- h In thr Senate veMer running debate beiee.n In let- -dav in lh i- ontlet.-i for It. it Senator --'ininiona and other Senator. ' tin Hla greatest the North Carolina aenlnr Senator waa oe to nno i ti.ien. u Into whl. h to inn, the monev fl -naior atrs, mniana. If lh- dailv -i,.-..nie w. re pan I t.. Mr ""V hi f iver, d a duty on lu nber In Rockefeller In l?0 rold pCei th,-v ( ,.i,Si.,a h.n he failed lo do au In would tnher I, it'- ,..,,- than 1 sua lh of which ha These, piol one on top ,.r tn of,.- ivach one tenth ,.f an in. h In thi, knesa " ""'"bar and In which he had woii'.l r .1. h seventi -tour feet t w . v "t"il in fav -r of the platform deela- Inch'W Into the a:r. the height if a gix story luilUlihi: Placed on a a. ale. the ,l,iv p,i? , r gold w-'U'd sho.v aivvofctht ,.f 711 ; I mini?, or niota than tiv,. tin,... h oivn weight 'He bai to hoi ;i r.i. i .t 1 ever) Week " on,, ni .1 II S.I..I In eVt'I.t 11 iv , - . h . and t'S t fact lunie - th. to- didn't i v tation f .r free lumber. Senator Slm ii. uie giv.. to theBenat a hi rin th..t prompted him to repudiate lhe 1.-. iirai'on, lhat In an article in the mpplemeiit to certain newpers In .rih i aniline. Chairman Kller had repi,iiate,i the Denver platform. As v matie- of fact. If Chairman F.ller have Inrreaaed the valuation the property 'n the county more than had ever before been put on the ta books It shnaed equally aa clesr that In ome townships In Wake cuntv and ,n eome counlle" In the Sta'e that o'f .-era had not been alert to pit the' I t. p. rtv on the tan list at Ha "ue value In accordance wllh the laa anl th-re',.re in those townah'i- and ti ta ne. enaary for the H -an) f Kquailsaiton to aaa lhat the pr p r'v I, Hated for taaatlon according ii ie as a mAtter of ) ,at, e to .'h-- '..wnnhipa snd countii A I the reports In Wake Cumtv were n ,t ready and therefore n., final rr -in ni can ba made upon them un ': ? ev nre ready for puti'i-- tntioec ' i- hut it l commonly reported that ,n . tie ,,r Un of the wealthu-.a- ton n. i- ,,f the county the propei-'v goes i -ti the tag book pr-o 'i-a:'v at the -am.- figure as four ears ago where i eierybodv knows thai property has ' r. ased In valuation In th. aa (own. -' p and -he Hoard of Eoualliallon ti f t' th. v re true to their otiths. " a- i h t -wnahip to ptrt their p'' -p.-fv i. tt.e tan Hat at the proper ' 1 -. . I - e 11. -lie lo do so Is to nlltl' P other ow-r,sbli in Wake county pay tv-a thst ought to be ah trad hi a i the townships The HiC'iii'-ni that ih ..iesment red ii'. d "n the Tu. k.-r Hu.lding n"'i was re.iili stunner to Ra- eh and th- people f Wka couh f or the r. nts on that property hav r- .i-. ,l In the pa f..ur veil and ir. ten, rai ..ptnbin In Ffale;gh"la that. I'"'' i l f !., -ins decreased, the aaa-m.-ni - km t,, nave ben increaaeai. There nm he ,,ih- r property that haa also i . , n a.. ie,,,.,i ,(,, ,lgrl( to t,, m.-rfasad Th- people ..f Ualelgh and Woke , , ,,, th, ,H,unIy A,. se-s -.r it,. I',,',,,, Auditor and the 'l'.mrd of -emtrrtssloners to see that al: propertv m the e,mtv la taxed at it true ui:,i, and that property In the everal townships u, eqiiajlievl fvir taxation- In Johns.n Cutm the county Tag Assessor d'd his dutv so ,u ,m Monday when the Hoard of Fquallaa lion met there were only , pry f,w eopie wno mane ubi.H-t.on lo tba Iiemocracy snd nas given sarnie m . . . , , ' ,h vcrtbw pxacllv what lie ha, he great value to the parte The appointment will be a mostjuill make- all lilt' IIUHIOV lifi ro gratlfvlng on to th many frian.t f nuirfH in thi wiirlil. aim the mere Mr Travis throughout the mate, mime ... i ...,,- .... It will be an added pleasure lo kniv v ; t i - ii . 1 that he ha. recovered from the e- hU.W.,1 in hnit-clw ver Injury he received last vear a nd j t hthtttrit- liVtt tjiat, It lilllfet l3 will at once take up the duties of iha , ajpustpv- win haw luerit. new position "vrn- w'ck throughout the In the HtBle Penata of 1 i ) Mr . in me mate saeniie a smut rnanv Trsvla was an Important factor In th - l legislation which rehabilitated the .dollars liave.K'i'n ballt in the State after It had bean under the, daily UtiW1Ja"r. ill thai various domination of the Republican. n Icitie- in whifh M iss RitlK llfte J Popullau. HI. Judgment and ear,,.--. J K,k ,.h prolitj! and .ntelllgent work lu that cs,in 1 1"" u' ' service In the enactment of the varl- if UbPeO tWi tours I f4illiviiltir that on law for the protection of :h 'a VWV rcmsidfTuhlo portion of thrall of tn Legialatur. waa of groat jS I j. yyQ T JfE TI K )I S A X L8 People of North Carolina H aa tn, ( 1)0UAKS .S.'KXT IX IX chalrman of tha Senate ( .mmitlc , that framed the Con-oitutuuml 1 KA AD KKIIMMt I - I HK Amendment and other constructlvu DAILY XEWSI'AT'EIIS and work of that period. He wa, riming, f,irthoT fact that thf OLD the ablest of the jeadera of tho ! KSiriOX'FI ' "HOT KIR' mocracy a. that moat Important "m I ' ' ' ' vr-runi. the States history, in hi :ui i.ivi.umvm.i i u diiiiuuu poelt on f high responsibility ha will , Oh WKIlIMr I H.hhh Al have opportunity to render .nrther V EI.TISEM F.XTS has Is?pn nue to the peopl of the Stale. . , . . u.fv. t m& iiiiuii ii i' 'iim ni'i. lit, nt t tin mi THK STATIC -H.lllM.N'8 8TATP , T will ponl TWKT, AS MITU !WKiT ("MONEY in thi dirwtion M hith- Basttrbr Harradcn compraeae, n World of truth In till sentence 'It it expiration that counts, not reallm tioa: pursuit, not a hlevenn-nt . uue-t. Pot conquest." ' Well. We've only Just beejun. The 'Pitt County "News ays: "if Raleigh keep oj doing thing, Tar har La will be prottd ef Ui'r capital iffty." . i o nation of II. HO". -, eg flguraiivclv . tt tel The business grew Rockefeller Hu "me i. proportions that In .iterate much in sai in' - . en ncri-sseo us is,''- in a 'ue ,n me lot i ,:,t i; . l . . . . a. i i. h.'.n ' nun. and ten v .irsi feller's chant. ea hue he-,, " r--pu.tiatel taa P"" i asaeMmenl and when the whole mat- hi ih. N;..,,r iKI Truat wasl h!a pile do.- .., ..-,, t., ,. n,i.n National d nventloa. h had no more , ,pr ana etplalned I,. theni and they forn e, an', , , ipitaiuiitlon of T ft -, I'pn anl-. of II'. i nun ,w ,..v,u t-ght to do ao thaa any mlniMer ofMm. ,aclly how it bad l.-a a j lining . ii.,,iie , ,v,e t'nlte.r Hta'. Chh aa,, I 'i.!ve-,,tv. i he I; ., M, ,., , Tfn ' ""imur dmita and m aitempttn fav,.r of or against anybody, thay In a iio'.-n1 to ,u oil property. Mr. Ciib ge. tin.l t h ,i ra ip.-t.tu. 1 repudiate a national Pledge of hla (did not pre their objections but iii" ii" o.vive ..tensive irneis oi , tioa ann religions ivui, In e, i.-r-r, stale! iron mines a number -.1 lev-,, pivlng on tba ilreat I.nkas. , ',-. t . ten thousand gVo. cry nor. a in il rt, rent parts of the coun trv. so much nf r-e. New York Centra, :h; h. , ..uld take aha.. lute control snd t mi the Vuntlerbills I i-i m a, tomorrow, an, I huia blocks of venn-il;! everv de- party would have had a binding ef-(were aatiafied. and th County Board John IV l(.akef.ll.r-t, ,wl. of ,half"1 Urn L ,TT"' K''U,,,,""'", "-" .p. domeltalant ,.t J..I-. . fvw HockaT Trm N'nlh 1 ro)laa. The only body ,. roved th. report of Mr R. ,),, many In '"et n a i-ip;nl m mrmaau l-n ui assaavir. anion increased th o- feUut. !)" k 11'." a till m nr. i' hla If He is I 11", ke', TOMORROW Tilt: VA MH JU1ILT 1XRII NU ' America wllhlpledgas Is th.- Stat Democratic Con-j 11 aaseesment of property from 7, : ..n nf WII-'veaHnn and th National tVmocratie ll.2 ta tl to Ul.sso S1 " .v.s born In . . .... , . pispa r la If or Democr (Sinvention Mr. Btramoaa waa a i being aa lacreaaa of It. St..; a J member ef th plalCorwi Cnmmltte ! Thi mean enor thaa trfe figure, for (of the National Democratic Coavea- jiba Und la the eoualy wbkh waa aaa- Th atatenient by Senator Simmons that tha State Democratic chairman of North Carolina, during the cam- prto. realizing that in thn thcatri ral ImaineM, as in oUht lino of ofciumtion. THE SCHEME OF palgn of 10 repudiated the IVmo- my jj 'JYE' ST .T PMEXTR cratlr Natl. -nal platform o lumber 1 il'v KSs" IS 1 replied t. in loduy's paper 1-y State ii'J' I lk..oo IO Chairmaa A H K.l.r j SIM PLY CASTING BREAD Mr. Ellari tatment doe not leave j UPON" THE WATERS." a itI upon which Senator atmmoni j Vhftl Mr. iloKav kyid I ve-re can gtand In hla contention that th ' . , . , .j ' . .iu.j I . , , .atsaor-iatod tocpflipr ie often talkprl Democratla chairman, of North Car- ... ollna wa untrue to th Hemocratlc tlio value of arlvertising pledge. (lislii"vtl tho mrthixU ernrjtved Tomorrow the 'ea and obarrver i by theatres and e always rVRreeJ will print the article relied upon b 'thiit. a theatre nmninp a iood pie Senator Blmmone Mr. Kller Inter-I ui l j:ii i :.i V ' V, , , iwouldnlwavs be fillnl wit)i a-v pretatlon of that article Is i lear and! ' .. ' ., , i . ki concluaiv evidence that North preoaUTo audience if the manage, T CaroThh te cnairman did not ment took the trntllilei to ptlt assume the right to gnnul the Na-! SOME HITJA-N" IXTEREST, tion.l declaration of th, party. If ! A, "WELL AS FACTS, in the d- 1 he had asaumed to do ao he would , ,; .r. none beyond hi. power. H. it. - mad no such attempt nnd no man I J am ff,IKl t( know Mr. Mr wha voted the Dernocrailc ticket In KV lie) A done thi on Ilia own 0- liat waa induced io do to by any pfHint and that hp ha, aucreeded. repudiation of the party pledgee. Every day brtnga a ship. Every ahlp bring a word, Well fur tho who hava no fear' Looking peaward. well assured That th word th vessel brings I th warn th- wish to hear. Em eraon. jTlio plan that he 1m. carried out ;o ioiMea.full v hold he adopted X ;)r theatres everywhere. fiTe-line thratre nnmlnwnpta havt little if any effer-x. i (To V -coutjnued.) , . ; 1 . - - ... .... -- . VI a .. . t

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