TUT. OXLY PATLT XQRT7T CATIOI.,1 ' ' "HIAT IT AS OTTTT. i"5,6oaPTrr,SCTni? 177.1 ( WEATHER Xerth raeeliaei rrV eWj fair Baiaieai See der KMlttH MtoMt . teed mt P " Cniw V0L.XCII. NO. 95 BALEIGH, K. SATTJBDAY HORSINQ, SEPTEMBEn- 23, 1911 PiaCE5CENT3 TJ COST OF LIVING i8(io ifciPllOGIiy Foodstuffs That Might ,.-.. Have Been Affected By Canadian Reciprocity RISEN 11 . . - THE SUPPLY V neat Led tins Advance, Followed By I'luur Miller Ignored Their lTrtlu Pelt Unu and Adjusted 11m lr Quotations To Mure Advanced I'lgurrei Breakfast Food Consumer . Will V the HlfilirV Prkes, A (MU at Once Abu rlt the ffcct Of the Canadian Vote, Wheat at Dululh Cut tight CenU Bushel More Vmcrdii) Than Day Before . aul Maximum Not Vet Beached, ' Mcls and LardJNot Vet Affected, Ekcrpt By Small Rle sympathy With Grain Advam-re, By the Associated-Press.) Chief so. Sept. IS Foodstuffs which' might Have beei. affected by an Influx of Canadiaa produeta had Lauiier and hi government net bean defatted In Ctenada yesterday, tom sharply In price In all American supply eeatera today. Wheat led the advance and we fol lowed lata In th day by flour, whan millers lgoorsd thatr pMVteu price lima and adjusts their quotations to figure are commensurate with tb advanced coat af th train. staple., -, I p Gore PrVe of Breakfast roods Oats, too, felt tha affect of the Canadian vote ad aa a result con sumers may expect eoon to pay In creased prices for breakfast foods. The Initial meal of tha day, In fact, eeetns destined to bear the brunt of tits her living costs within the next few months, aa It Beaded only today de velopment la tha treat ' pits to add fore to lb recent jVaaces In eof lea and sugar Vhe consumers toast and biscuit, wheat cakes and porridge It Is probable will but add to the woe of tha housekeeper. Orett Advaac ra Wheat The greatest advanc In wheat dar ing the day was recorded at Duluth, There trader were paying as high aa g rente a bushel more for the grain than they did before reciprocity was rejected. Mlnaeapetl. fhe greatest milling tenter of tha country, ehowed a max imum act edveace ef aix cent Increase of a leas sanest tons I char acter were recorded at Kansas City. . Leu is. Omaha aad Chk-sgo. im mense stock of grain In the elevator of this city scted aa n check to ea ter advance bar aad brokers on tha IV.ard of Trad bought wheat for a tout three rent more a bushel than thv bed paid yesterday. Tha Chica go market was the lowest t lh Im portant grata center. Maakssaaa ha Yea Rewched. It b by ae means cerula that to days advance la the prlr ef wheat and allied foodstuff ladlcet that tb maximum has been reached. Oa Of the meat prominent wheat trad- of hlcaao advssed th opinion that prtng wheat, tha grad need most ex teaietr lee flee iloef. I da t tn rree la rest II reate a boehel. Map era Into the Ore A an, A farther Mew I ooaeumer at tee at certain rtaaa, easy result wbe naleter have stsdted th sHoaUoa ta the barter ntareeta. tm sen ua it er the price advanced aa mack a eeat. Thle, II nttalned, prob ably will neea mcr eased cost ef mate rial to brewers, aad th smaller steed ber may again become pop- Uar wtlh eaUMehrte. ad IH Hni Yes b tu n tM M pet., tt-i.y: ih.yM'bTShy. at erf symyethy with grsNkC Re. elerety. aceeriag s exeeeta. had a gtrwrt effect "I meet predeet sad Ha defeat Ml likely te add t the et ef lafg, be-ew d hem, (resiOaee ea Pes EWht. rotTHnt UlitHlinrrrny nuui rKi'ai.t Btrta, Pt4 the Baaaiuei'e yeeew aad a.-d Twom (leg. iPr t t4 rveaa I Wetter. a. es 1 1 MrjrrWt ter it Wet-et Mew Je 1. IteewMtve std tt year. il PeoirVe Peit. eetwlf te be eeveeieew. wee neH epMl tbetr eea wn!. B4 a set eeMi4 the tie ttl Ike teitver ef EerwextV. blM tkwew mnt. The eeeeeg wee T the girt S w"e. W K.ewwite wh sMen'e bee l.alkiM w yen a ef aimas elu tatt.ee eeee W4V tfc-M . a. t f-tel wa teH a 1a"Wtiat- i TbO mmmm-m WeeffVt home h tm a te-e sed E Me be ! e k) arrMied. I' ei 'het rfci a bflt It. He 4eee ee evN. kw ae nitwM fm ee-'" -eee 1 see tMt weSi-n"" s'e bee at tv.. e"' M be e-" pe4 p. ee4 e-rT l If tee e e n ' i"-t 4 tl.. t et ee M lr.e s a--- . T1'! ft H--e e-e bee Meaea . AfTrW. w a mm m Kiaaw. CANADIAN PAPERS EXPLAIN ELECTION Different Versions of the .. -. Cause of Defeat of the Reciprocity Party THE FEAR DF ANNEXATION That Buffa boo rnqurstlonably ' a Largely Coutriboting Factor OUier lira son Advanced Are Disagree, nieut With Naval and Transporta tion roUcfe of the Laurie Govern ment, fear of Graft, the Dream of an "Imperishable Canada," Euv-lfca-dcti Ilrglme Oatlook. (By th Associated Press.) Montreal, Sept. 13. That popu lar post-election pusxls, "how did It happen ?" has faacinated all Canada todsy. "Reciprocity Is repudiated," states an evening paper In three-inch type, beneath which, in a cartoon headed "Th Archangel Chain th Destroyer," a figure of "Antl-recl-prorlty forces," with the drawn aword of "loyalty," enchains th prostrate 'reciprocity" with a chain of votea. . For An ImpcrislMblc Canada, "Yesterday's victory was not a tri umph of any political party," aa edi torial declare. "It was won by a patriotic coalition of Conservatives and Liberals determined that ' th dream of a great Imperishable Canada should not be dispelled." Home of the Kewspaprr Cartoons. Another paper, diaplsylng the sev ered heads of the eight defeated Laurler Ministers, Insists that th time had come for a change in govern ment, lest th controlling party be come, even against it will. Intrenched in graft. Fear of annexation, disagreement with the government's naval and transportation policies, tod an anx iety lest the principle of national de velopment be abandoned are th tether aaelgned eatae tor the cheese which gives the tmrdea Conservatives a majority of at least 41 In tha aew Houae ef Commons. .' r CompbHeneas ef I "owe of Hew JSor. eat Kegrtmev The Harden regime will be Inau gurated with even more completeness of power than la indicated by the mer statement of majority. Of .the 111 conservative eeate but en ai held by a nationalist. The name of th vic torious leader aad tha defeated one hsv not been snore oa the popular tongue today than has that of Presi dent Tart, wimt. If ear, effect the result would have oa his polttJceJ career, or en that of his party, was murk discussed. That hie own ofn etally quoted words to which were as signed meantnga he has said were un intended, have been come ef (he most potent weapons against reciprocity, hi generally conceded. The "parting ef th wars e-syaaermtts with th "eeveranr of4rltlsh lies" wrought much detraction - to tee Laurler force. ' Indaetrtel Hoiraa wtrong-. Pansdlsn milling snd Industrial tocks generally were strong today. itb considerable gains la several in- staacea The fables showing tha vote by provinces afforded Interesting study for the poll lb-Ian today. It was noted that the conservative gams ta tha maritime provinces wer evn to th rrrern meat's three la th grain growing and western province th government tncrea Hs represent Hon by bat one. while the oppoalttoa cured foar new seat. Th l most pepakte provinces showed th moot serious government disaffection The opposition gained It to th govern meat I In Ontario, and It to la Quebec. Deferred elections ha four dtetrlrts are expected t reeult ta foar Ceneervattv galas experience show, tag that s4er each condition a ma torHy of the electorate prefer tbHr representative seated a the aide ef tb party In power . htm erne tV4wtag Prvsnw-r. Th Borden part will on tab the rein ef govemraeeit. That Wt Wilfred Leurw will allow no te hnl cam tee t delay th opening ef th teelftb parlhaaeent la certain. Tdsy Re weal to Ottawa from Qaehe", a here kest nhftrt he received th atory te earW Weefs,Welkl the proyar arranaemeeta ef th large afalr aklrl have aa Ine beee, endev bw roatrtl. That hm rrbmg nrurs end strong pirwaaMty will be mleaed ta peblte eWaire at eeeteJn. The IJberal r eeerrth th Pretetee get eat a IIMl abort ef a aa taal raleml y Mai CODBT L'lRTliL " ICCUITS CUPT. UhDEfiS eMBeaswanewnajkagg) tmT Atrnu kt nmiTB nr- -IT.5TI.T TTlir AT rOHT CA0- rn mTMi rtvnituujc Mtitotr. W-ie.t-e'-ei ft r, a-?! f A w4-e-w rertee4 e P"t t aeweT M I' , r fimm tn lakrte riiWe t eted atee Afwy t,m laf'e'w et tbe as. M. L Ie4ae. ( neei Artiiieey I WM, tM wee irfcM la tht mt leel wee 4.f e eewe. eerliel. ,e4 wh k eeee-! bte se-r te liht s eee St re m we ee wtb a. v m t v i-. - rr eeee keree ef ta e'ee. rfcie ef nrtci . s.ee e i i . . e-. i, ikfwv f-M eeiaetw I reeerrarwe, ke efitd. ( N. , . . ..- v ' i - j t V V .115 -4 It . ... ' I ievesairia'---a4i 'J X 8VGAK HtCkr K(Jv Making tm ADDITIONAL PR RAIoIKO J- Kew York, ttept. Th sugar t rouumg in, guveruaieov vw vieeue w s imiee weienu, ' w now saia o D making a profit of IZOt.Ote a day o ver and above tte profit at th be ginning of July, whan th price of sugar wee Increased. , Aaotler quarter of a cent a pound haa just been add ed to the wholesale price, avhlch will lncraas the eddltional proflta. On 1 ulv 1 the Dries was ddvaioed. Cal culating the actual working daya ftjnm July I to September II at seventy, 1 tn naomonai pronis or in irun in i nat snort time haver anovated to $14,000,000. Lat June 30 the trust wss r barging 4 1-4 eentt a pound. Assuming that today It is obtaining o aly 4 Tt cnu, which It oetenUtioualy advertises, the difference between th oae two figure hi I cents a pound, or M0 a ton of 1,000 pounds. The trua t sells 1.000 tons of sugar every work ing1 day e( the week. Consequently t he additional proOt ta the trust on Its own flgurss Is 1200,000 a day. Wash Ington B. Thomas, head of. the trust. Is reticent as to' tha immediate plan g of the sugar people. LAWYER. SHOT AT THE BRICKLAYER Candidate for, Political Office Pulls Gun on Man .Who Disputed Him ' (By the Associated Frees ) Washlngtog, D. C , Sept II. James E. Clements, candidate for common wealth attorney of Alexandria county, Virginia, wax jailed today after he red a revolver at Amoa Donaldson, a brick layer of Chsrryaale, Va., fol lowing a discussion of poittl-s In a local lunch room, was released on I&40 uunj wnignu Th ahot went wild. Dement face I two charge aaeauit with a deadly t Weapon. and carrying concealed 1 wiepone. uuth Clement ana ln- ey iMim inn ine wintr wMMim the political arvumenta. Matters be- cams warm when Donaldson aseerted that Mr. Dements - opponent, Craa dall Marker, would win the election "In a walk." . rtementa claims that He did not fire ntll Donsldson strwek him, and that he flred Into the air merely tn frighten hut assailant, flemeats reatdas In Al exandria eonnty. but maintains a law and real aetata office here. REYES URGES FOLLQiVERS ' HOT TO VOTE OCT. 1 MrilCAX. UVF. WlItE PR.CTI. CAIXY WITH DBA a jU CAXDI- date Kin pittiDE?(ct ; or MEXICO. ' -Mexico. CHy. Kept.: 11 Geetersl Itemant It yes practically withdrrw a a candidate foe President today. In a ptibllshed teiorvlew he said hs b., Ileved the 'eteottone weald be held tMnfcec I: ttat the eoeetry woe id o be at pear, thao theNvtle would Ill-eel and artred his follewer to s.ts leg ta the pMpvelr of th sleetleae. teg AU roenmlttee stated that Initial fey peeipoetsaeat were mrty terhal eel aa th reutt f p eonemeeit now witght be another civil war tn Meet. Petitions h 'deferring the ele. Iloee were peeeenid to th apeer eranrh by the Hevtets Sn U the lewer beaswh 4y 'the Revetatleewee, isM th pee ana neat eewtwitaetne e( ta leeitwr ef Aerw (sliftee, Ree pfttery Wes snvna far swetpeenet tn an Interview . erded Ft Heedl Vt Mettreee tdy. Oeeeeet Reve aaud that if be wefc4 Ut resect t " rt weald he ee eeary mewee le evetree lb .it ee. nf thte, est b ravg mwnrmu b bag lerteeti ef efHteeseemg te enweiry trmr. Me Ii e tire wise Here As a Pafhwet Madera, w eknia lb Iki,, steeee wws ewrd al ri pt t'n by t-eeh. bsa4 ertH mm a ef.iin ef ftiee f hte erfofte t eegeetee ,.(,( b'. At b time be 4M m fcme fWe ntt is eeksiii kaietety to e-t1 e, e a llrtliatti tATma. smm, W W . tmrn a s - T 'eaa.. 4 ' ,ot Vtk" 1 4 OITTH DAfjLT Wt ' . PRICEH ABOVE THOSE OF tXY- mC Wbkh yaj;ony1cted ecently of BIG MANOEAT GIRL Arrested uhnVohiin:Ar- ieged trBe His Wife Would't Press Charge . (By tha Asaecletsd rress.) Kw York, Sept. II. A man ef powerful phvelque, who aald h was Edgar It. thnith, t tninlng engineer, of Dee Moinee, Iowa, was a it eat ed to day on a ecarge of beating with his cans a baadsom young womsn wh eald she was his wtfs. The aibged ... .lml.Utl I. ...... b" ,he ming woman, who was als lurked up. refused to pre th charge ,B,(n,i talm. gnd the left tne court , , , I "' tt r PMfteea feet from the def the man attacked n photnarapher aiming hla camera at the pair The camera wsa broken aad Uk. photogra pher ess braleed sd bleeding whea his SMailapt fled. After a chase of half a block the tix-foter was re-ar rested and held la default of t&at ball for the Court of Special t-ian. The ysng womsa aacapod. The Ini tial. l ft II " foand In the prtvs- er (wt band caused several parsons go decUrle that rbe man's name eat aot Hmlth M was saldrthat he rsm from a wealthy Viratiala family. (rOV. ATCO TV ADlNtniH VTTt Sf or MACDX COI VTT. 4 An rtent tn which the people ef Pranann Manon county, are bxiklnx forward with a great deal of Interest aad antictpette je approaching annual rni"S ef the t'hartea I. Hnb Inena ( amp "f Confederate Vrleran. whkih iii 'ah piece on SUytem tier Jth. There will t-e bg Mreot rsde, ta be -parttrtpeled la by tha velarana, th a, h-l rhlldft n of the eiiaty and many rmminent rltlaena a Ae rlaio'Mtr program I being pre fr4 .! e-"erno ' tttarlee R Ayrn,k ett1 deliver th adree ef th day. " Pctel. PHifl t'u 1 1 tr I VESUVIAN nEGIOF. Hear Loss of Life and Enormous Damage to Property 50 Killed l p tb Aa-nrtated P I ttt (...e and accompanied by a All.ir. f rata rated threHt l 4ay Ter t Y1ea eewto-n. reastac a heavy - f b'a end ewewtee gamer b peeperty. tt hi elmsed reel "fv perwes wee kHted. w bit e,he " ee t sasaeatod, M lev f erte are aMe- Ma gee weHevw te ree been l a svnk. It a a. a yrwIMt ee yet t i ') tn. n we) kMFtr 11 te-b"e " r-te see twrke pat- are .' tlM. afe mrt M t el tr lttti- ejats Willi GUILFORD'S SHAFT TO Daufjhtfirs 6i Confederacy Take Steps to Have De- i- r" '-,Y;' a'1 "" : ; signs Prepared at Once Jdr. Vt eetgard Carried Over KtrrK of Itond 1-Voin tireensboro Via RciU- ' vlllo to monevllWs and Then,- Be torned to New York Cam City Han Kew Motor Patrol Wagu Method! Pastor Arrange ft? Visit f Big Balvatlon Army IlevhsUea, (Special to? News and Observer ) Oreensboro, Sept. J J The Ouiltord Chapter Daughter of the Confederacy. decided yesterday afternoon .to hay the werk of preparing del(-ns for th proponed monument to the Confeder oldlerx ol .liuilfQ.nl xsuptx. corn?. menoed at once, and at no very dis tant date ths monument will grace Court Square. Other countlee have preceded (iuilford In this matter, but tha Daughters are 'determined that the county will not very much longer be left behind In Its recognition of the heroee of the Lost Causa. Ths Daugh tors also decided to make a personal appeal to th veterans of tha county to. prepare data ot their part In the Civil War, so rhat many stories. reminiscence snd bits of history may be D reserved before they are forever oat. A large number of delegate wer elected to the Htate convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy, which will b held in Wlnston-Halera October X5-I7, snd to the general conAj vetatton to be held In Ktchmond No vember Ml. UlhMea Toor Pathfinder. Mr. A. U Weatgard, the pathfinder of tha (Hidden tour, arrived from Jacksonville. Pa., able morning at o'clock, and today wn carried over the rstretch ot road running frea rtre-ennbom via ilefasvtMe' to fclowe tfUe, 'where It teach the Nations! Highway." Mr. Weatgard stopped) off here en his return tour for tha ex pre purees fef looking over Mhl route. This morning h and several Oreensboro people went In automo bilea ever the route and ret anted, at Westgard expressed himself as pleseed trhh the road, but could not asy what would b don by th tour teta. At II o'clock today an Informal reception as held In the rooms of the Merchants aad Manufacturers' . Club for Mr. Weatgard. and a number of the member had th privilege of meeting hlra. This aftarnoon ha re sumed his Journey to Nsw York, r New Motttr I-ntrol Wagm. The new motor patrol nagon for the tlreenabore Police !-iartment hae arrived and w ill he put In use In a few daya. Tble Is a child of the proarrasslveness of rommlealon govern, meat. Naturally mach tniere( le felt la the honkwaon by those who fr qneat tha municipal oiirl So doabt If the atfirers attempt tn bring In a prisoner , bw wwbui giving him h rid through th streets of th etty in th motor car the defendant w (Continued. on Page Klght.) , AVrmtlAJf KMPKIIOR WHO PA( Km AX I I'UIINtJ. ' , alMILAR Tt) THAT or 110. Vienna, Kept. I! The sged Em peror r rani la Joseph appears to be faetng en uprtstnw similar to that ted by Loula Koeawth. the great Hun garian patriot. In lt, when franct Joaeph bad been bot a few month upon, the throne. Much rioting ha occurred .In Hudapt and In many Maassrian towna the anreet has manlfeeted tteelf In arw of open re volt satinet the suthoelty of th gnvemmest la Vienna all pie huetaeee in the wiranfen dletr have k n rhwed The rlty look like an1 armed rmt th rtreeta Cjetng patrne4 by nim irwp. , tv I FEDERAGY .w-.r:- V i .X I -yU-tfJ le-! I ' I I ' I hwd t . O I ' J J! . -s ee t ASSflSSIIl'STKfTO- STILL IN PROGRESS : a . ' Second Day's Evidence In CaseofNegroVho Mur dered Chief of Police j A VERDICT THIS MORNING Sheriff Grawfot Tell He He lYsand Mrad, Ball XKeesed, With Ctothen lie Had im RMnovrd Wet With PrvetHratioa In Another II Wss Shotrn the Negre Had m Urn? Distance) Imasndlateiy Afte th Asgaaslnatlon Ft I4rit -OonT. Wlnaton Defended Prisoner. (KpecUl to Nswo and Observer.) WUllamston, Dept. II. Upon t sumlnf the session of ' the .Martin county Superior Court this 'morning the remaining evidence in the cans ef H 4at v. Brad -Bagly fot-Hlfl murder of Chief of Polio W, IV White, of Willigmston, wa taken Th game Intsnss Interest was Bin-, played during the day as was shown yseterday.- and every ear waa eagerly listening 'to the cat In which the Wtlliamajod people are o 'greatly tn tereetsd, Sheriff J. C. Crawford Wag th flrat witness to testify this morning. Ha stated that hs wss oa Main sir sot whsn he heerd the Bring of A gun. and he Inunsdlatsly went to the aceae of action, where he heard screams ef distress! that he went running- down th at r set with several others, and that in about thirty minutes aftsr th shootlna- h. with Mr. Slngletom th mansgsr of th electric light plant, went to try to find a trace of the guilty party. Be traced track at the Intsrsectlon of Usln and Walls street. finer W.tf. -I r. n the nld railroad bed. Then he snd the maiV who waa I with him found the similar tracks up the ra timed, past the electric light .lint. jrotng ln.lbe JirecUornfWanh. ingtoa atreei. . ' Bow the WterltT Iwanel the ltaonew. They went to the house of the ac cuser snd Bnertft Crawford found the man partly undressed he having plac ed the clothes la Which he was dressed In an adjoining room. Aad ths4 ctothee were wet. aa It one bad tt-on In a rain, too wet for one to have perspired that mucin. He took the clothing end the shoes aad wsnt back to the place wiscrs h had touna tne track and fitted th shoes Into those track. ' Tn v re waa a peculiarity about tha tracks, aa If they were msd by shoe which seemed to hsve been badiy worn, snd th sole ot one of them wad partly oft. lis arrested Brad Itagley when h we at ths house enoken of anil curried him at ones to the Jail, Brad asking no questions as to why he wss srreeted. After the arrest Sheriff Crawford, with a aum lier of other gentlemen, found the gua which had been uaed. tt having bv-en fnrown nesr the fencs which connect th lands of Wheeler Martin and Mra. Chios Lanier. Ths gun had been shot ssd wss entirely empty. Mr. Htng tn reiterated the evidence given, by (I her Iff Crawford. Mr. J. U itodard wa called to th land to testify aa to whether that gua produced was thst of Head Hagiey. but he did not do so. saying he could not Identify It exactly. lt said that be had known Bagley to hav n gun wblo.'v ha aald had been pawaod With Mm for one dollar and a half. II. p. (iodwln, mayor of Williams ton, teetlned that Brad Bagley had been arrete snd brought before him by Chief Whlt on the chsree of aell- ine lluuor. and this was a strong point i. m,,.. ...tut,,! r..e ih. mntiv. r ih, crime, and believed to be the only itw.it, J 11 Thomss sslii 'thst soon afler I teg lev was arrested he went te hint for s pint of whiskey, and during tree conversation, be naked him If t were ht In tmuiile. and Brad eald, "Ye. Mr. While eavesdropped SO, and Mr rimlth betratN), snd 1 be d d lf"I am not going to kill llt'tn both befere t'hrlstms iMkm tilade. a negro, teetlfled that be was with Hrad n the night of th shooting, and he bed been aeked by Brad l-i so down tn Mr Itobereoa'a, wh-re n e mm, met 'auEjgtfbim ga-ie-V-U4 V''lt--W-4l.'' " ,l'"o, s' when Hrsd told him that he better go on. that ha had anen tn do. ehlb h. kad foravetten when he w at Mr nveoe' Tob I'lirvst s I Cm and fellow prteoner of Hagley, teetlfled thst h heard lUrler tell e''k Blgra. a negro, who was ntt the miieide of the )s!l. I tell Buck aiauabter to eome in rowrt and leettfy fat ha saw a msd rnn:n ky hte hmiee Immed af ly after to hooting. Which le sa entirely dtfTeeent dieerlina from the war tb defend, get did ran. The Ptste rlneed Be teetlmosf gee. Ing th mernlnc eeeeloa and la that erterwnon tb srrt nt was brun. T gefetnnt's attorney, tloverwor Wtatn. d'd B"t fer any ltlnon. Mr. A. It Iweila a Wlliiaeaetea aftnmev. whn he i railed ee, to. a-th-r with Mr. WPeeler Partla and Mr llveeej A Crllchr. to aaaeet fa. Ilrttny a u.brrk la the t""Mlina. soke rt H hsj er'endid'y yr I ret hla glereee, gWMnt wttb I , mtlT. threat ef rceeee snd eei. eaeM-aa ef f erme He retwe4 rthfiiy the rvldene snd mate a jspieedi't eWnet J Mr Prre A tttcbr t'V e load He reeleee-t tb nMey. r4 ,lbe etetote r'Utfn to murder snd ; yeentet the ef the eeee ai le. (dir Mr. e,'er Mr''e f.i!f-e, ( a line ef armat hlre wa (eo-ft fttrl Wtnetrto, ftr We defe, ke leteeeet'Bt y of b' k'- f t Wit. I r ik Jsu4.a fag I DOT TALK WITH PARTY LEADERS President Tsft ; Gtthsrs Republican Lexers cf - lllintIs'T35th:r - imtm jlujed with the EXTBEr:mrs; Dectareg He it Ohaj ef tmUJaam , the-Ilond" T0flm,mA , They Are tlin Bcal - Who ftOiagaj Stcg) Str nxkff Mot by ricVs-rbe' TntrntOmH SFnd ' tn a Very avadoan Mood Phi I Tentnrday Wag the) Meat I Xeerir Inwjbeon . hi Mr. Tnffg ! Talked Abow vtsloa ef Itellrand and i H trelaUc Affectinc . of Common OasTicr, Eta.-" ;. (By the jtgnodntod IVenV.) " Paorla. IIL. . Sept - II. Prssdnl Taft had a bert-te- hart talk kern with the leadet ef the different Re publican fwntlooe In HHntHs; kls do fined hi statu as to prorresslvenee, pleaded guflty to being a very poor politician, acknowledged again thai KM ambition tad lain In the direction of the office of Chief luetic rather than tb presidency, admitted that he undoubtedly had made ' many mis takes, but asserted that aa President he bad tried te do what he thought ta be right . , J " Whet th futsr field for htm he dtd'aot know; he would go ahead, da ing th beat h could. Hot an Kxtreaslst,! ' Mf. Taft declared he waa not allied , with the extrembna 'of ' hla party, either conservatives er pmgresslvea, hut had tried ta tsk a natddle ground between th two, "But w m Idd le-af-the-road people believe we are the real progreeelvea." aid th President, "because you da not make progress la great etrtdee you mak It step by step.' In a HrCloa Mood. Th President waa In a serious mood. Hs dochu-cd that While It might not if ' so for a tlms, ths people In the end would distinguish between "fact and ftftloa," and would reoorjmts ths dlf , fsrenc between eubstsnc la progreae and platform declaration written fet oampalga purpose only. Mom Mgnlmwnt btee Yea. Tha speech made by the President ass the moat sianitioent and Interest ing of his trip thus fsr. He Mil era dowacast by the -rsai ot we rec iprocity agreement In Canada, but his only reference , to that eubject wss made earlier in the day when he addmaaed the workwtgmao In a locsl manufacturing establishment, where farming Implements are made, Hrlcrewce to IVfr4 ef Rc1peortty. -I wsa sorry te hear that in Can ada they do not car to hav eloaer commercial relations with we," h uld. -if reciprocity had - keen adopted we could have gotten ewr agricultural ImplemenU Into Canada 1 at s .ubetantlal decrease. out a vn.b ii ran sei irvnR. I tyeatoe 'lbeo at I Jiwrtieoa. I Th President' political speecn 'folloaed a luncheon given In hb hemr by the ReeUblkiaa aiala asv tral I'noimHtee, atteaoea oy eii party lea.lera. including nenater Cwl nm snd l.leutenenl Governor Oete ,y OnNernor Ieaeen was unable to priwenl. because of his broken leg The leaders present vied with each other In pledging their wpport to the rreetdent and predicted that be vHiuld be re-nnmlntd and re- .i-,t..l fharle H. ventiamsew. ei !,.unpv a ,f,.mleel member ot the i rjifel I'omrcHte. earn aa vm EAGTII I---. mwla.'l-Pi Keoknk 't '" , .iMH-red f"T Ten, inree iot im. lto..Telt aad one ror ei"i-r .- rollette. He added that he blbve4 bis poll aerurately represented the Tleee of llllnnt Hepttbllcana. e Hreriy CaMoen lewea Taft, aenstnr Clbm gav a m er lee Inllmat talk f hie aeeoriatbm with and kr fr Prtdnt Taft. He eald that with the Chlcas eoaveHa not Ms weeks e-ey In !, Mr. Tart had told Mm thst If Chief Jnetire r.llee rm, he Inluced tn re. I re he weald pr.tr that hoee to all ether Mr Taft tbn pleaded eullty te th Indf tmeat cften latd arataet kiwi thst ke knew aihl of poii'lce snd ww a eery rr pHtcto. "Hut." eald th pr eldest. -ss my dee frleed wtr ( ott. m ear, my sn.bltbv tar I sw enilt.'e diiTerent direction aad lied .nrxd Chtrf J t am wet gtvte ve aad that I ra awe fm the aenme'ia fey the peeel leeicv. bet lb fan ta that It wes aot tn the He wbb-k) bed marked rut. bet elnt a-d g.ttter Int tb bsbt I dtd the bt ei4. end. betnr e,e-td I lb v Ike ittrnre f the preeln-y 1ft eeetatn ler'vt thai I bd gt ered ftm fit t'--l.l etixeKw. 1t ere I made r'-' we Wbrtate I ehelt entlee '- foe t.ern te rke m The beef I k- -4,id Tt be a.-. tia tr,inB,.a ae fat I t'll y-

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