TIIE.WE.THE.l lYeaterdty.t r p. aa. Wee eee, S eaee. M iiwi limt 1 1 1 ipH mn ear M km . vl IL: -r.t Leads MlNrtlli '.'; , ,V0LXaiI;N0.7. National Interest Centers in Evidence "That . Goes :to Grand Jury To-day DEVELOPMENTS IN THE DYNAMITING CONSPIRACY tMdeac Gathered Br DetecOm, - lawyers, AeoMnUuris aaJ Other Who Bars Boea tonspxllaa- It Dw in Last Week, Will B Itemed Over to Gru Jury For Fwil lMwtMMtoa to Detcraaia Who I timUtr Ottter Tbaa tha HoXumiu at (By the Associated Prm.) . . ladlaaapolla, Vnd, pec XI. Na-tloa-wlde toteyest will centra her tomorrow whn the wk'a work by detective, attorney and accountants who have oomna4 evideuoe alloc ,4 ta ehow the complicity of ethore than tka McNamam brother ta a dyne tniUag oonaptxacy will be turned over la tka Federal (rand Jury for formal Uvoetigatlou. Letter and record! of the Interna tional AaaoelaUon of Bridge and Structural Iron Werkara have been abatractad and checked against tote meat of Ortlo B. McManlgaJ, con fessed dynamiter In, the eta ploy of Uoha J. McNamara. the uonvloted aeemtery-treaaurer of the a nctation. Thla clean of evidence la to be delved Into to fathom charge of a plot, with Ita esal In Indianapolis, by which, k sordine te the National K rectors' Variation, explosives In the laat five year aM earrled Into aeventeen State in violation of Federal regula tion and by which about one hun dred atructume have been partly r wholly wrecked, the Lio Angeles Tlmoa building being only one of them, Secrecy of PeMharallaaa. Cheat precaution have been taken ie Insure eocrocy to the detlberatlona In the graad Jry room. Onarde nave Wi placed at the doom and all eut tider Including witnesses ta ha eall . . rd. are to bo kept the entire length "r tte"utral baiMlDt" or" almost b city block away from the bureaus. District Attorney Chart W. Mil nous . , . ler Indicated it waa not expected the grand Jury would complete Ita work before the end of January. Mr. Mil ler waa much Interested la the re port from Los Angeles that he waa In be aaatated hare later by Oecar law ler. who ha been participating In the prosecution of the McNamara brother, but he declined to comment on It. - Herbert S. Hecarsy secretary of the Iron Workers AaaoclaUoo, returned today from ML. loula, where. It waa reported, he had conferred with Presldant Frank M. Ryan, liorktn declared Ryan went to Chicago and Hid ha would return here tomorrow. The) Fln4 V Itwemn'e Almoat the llrat wltneaaee to railed. It waa learned, would be tenogaphera who were employed by Vrmra wlin an n'tle nf final of the union. Then rvtctenre gathered by agent of the National Krartora AaeoctaUon, a defenalv or ganlaatloa of own ahop". contract anra; papera aefsed In a raid an the Iron Workera' Aeemlatlon headquar tera or voluntarily turned over by the nfflclala, and detailed ronfeeatona of the McNamarna to he aubmltted. Vary wltneaaca frnm the cltloa where there have osploetuna hav been sub poenaed. Proarcetc All fat Urn Order Froat Waehlnguia. Washington, lec. It. A Vigorous Investigation and prosecution ef alM connected with the alleged dynamite , reaaplra'ry Is the emphatic Injunctiea from the Departmsat of Justice direct ed te iHetrlct Attorney Miller, under which he will conduct the rederal grand jury Inquiry beginning at la- Ian polls tomorrow. Hstrict Attorney McCormlck. of Ia Angeles, who has been here sev eral weeks conferriu with ofOclala of the liepariment left tonight for New Torn, on a jnlminn connected I'h the Ooerament's Invretlgatioa. -offhlaia. however, decline to discuaa the trip In detail. Attorney Ueneral Wk-kersham, through Assistant Attorney Oeneral llsrr. la personally directing the Uo aramant'a couree. The fcnejulry Is hd oa tare Federal statutes, sad If aa accumulation ef onVnsr can he proved under ens or both of then lava against those rearMtnathle for the crimes. N-ag terms of Imprisonment ran be imposed. The maximum pen- J altr for violation te rsttuJ.. W-A v.iten .uvt 'rMi'ffeT W'JfJW-eA'af rmitwlu . It eltkuijtafmt. hi th "penllautlery and a lins nt fl.tllt. The law by which It Is hoped to reach all who may have Inspired or directed tho outre see makes It a crime lor Iwe or more persona to conspire le break a Federal law This impose . , a maximum penalty of ta years Im prisonment and 1 1 . fine. me ef both of thee laws would apply I treey III! shipment ef explosive Prosecutions la other State waer building hava been wrevhed by dy namite during the past few year are likely, H I declared' here. I grew art ef the Indlsnanolia Inquiry. Yea Mao Are, .ad Far ADrged Thrfl. ' he Hebe ry. Dee. It. Charged with th theft ef a valuable gianwt. J. - B. Orer. a .young whits ana hilling trnr fharhMI. was arrested In Sal Isherr 1st laat night by Ieputlea W. I. Pekinese aad M. U Julian, ef Bewaa rounty. The erveat ra made St the renwat ef a Charlotte Bdr , wh make I he rhart that aha wa robbed nt th dlamoed. Oray waa ler ale d tn a haws near th Ssllshury wseiii r gist to end Waa held here until the Metkleakurf guUerlUes v..vViO.J.'v 1 1 GIFIFiO:,!;ilERT Splendid Monument to Heroic Women of Confederacy to Stand In Capitol Square ' . THE SITE IS OPPOSITE s STATE'S NEW BUILDING If Win Typify the Lor of Thai Gal- kuat CoeJedcrate Vrdetaa , liar Hie Maea, Far the Ctmfcdrrary aad For Ilea Kce Weaaea of Xorth Caro Hiw, Declared by Coioaet Bora aa Have Bara nircaasr aoUUer Taaa the Men" It Win aland a a Tribute at One of the Braveat ea the Brave and the State Till Ag nsnad the Noble 8ce)tlape4 WaMl ImeparM Ik Inspired by the. highest . ntoUrca. making the gift with all tb modeaty which la his great characteristic. Hon. Ashley Home; of Clayton, pay splendid tribute to th North Caro lina Women of the Confederacy by providing the meaaa for the erection hi Raleigh of a monument which la to atand In commemoration of their hive for the Southland aad ef the heroism in the days of the Civil War which tried the aoula of the men at the front and of" the women who guarded the heart asto nee. The monument to thee glorious ejomou of North Carolina la to be erected on the ground surrounding the State Capitol, directly eppooMe the new 8tate building which la now being erected under direction af a commission of which Colonel Horn la the chairman. Among hla Intimate friends It baa been known for month that Colonel Home had decided te erect a memorial to the North Caro lina Waien of the Confederacy, aad the recent announcement that ha had glvea 1MM for the purpoea gave t all ta wuta gift, aa action which ha won for him aiabala cms Out uanalaa e tbe sea. , Cilonef Home ' Ha ' reSju"ealed Car) J. Bryan Oriaaea, Secretary of to assist him In selecting a suitable deetga for the monument aad te take charge for him of Ita erection. The matter of a sit for the memorial waa yesterday presented to the Board of Public Bulldinga 0 rounds and It authorised Colonel Grimes to select the alta. The loo, tlon choaen la a spot half way be tween the Fayettevtlle street entrance to the Capitol and the corner of Halle- bury aad Morgan street, aad the monument will ha In a place espe cially appropriate, aa It will be im mediately In front of the main en trance of the great new Mate build ing. which building Itself Is la a way a monument to Mr. Home's breadth of vision and love of hla State. In a letter to Colonel Q rimes Colonel Home expresses the aenUmej that act us tee him In thla d tribute tc the uonicu of Ills utiie eutr, as follows: "I hare beea ttdakiag for a mag build a aad I for f that th woaara t aiy atas did carrytaeg food aad rtothlag. aad hatag la lml.1i I (Conilaaad from Pag Twe-1 OLEMII'S Sanaa's taaftsxaata Mnssmi ai I betas a anWier at Ler Arasy 1 a? ware aad aaraac th work1 I sBuuhuauasausBuauaBBBua ' HOf. ASM14CT BOB IK. ) pteUagkldwd Bsrik CaraSslaa. Who Ha Ueaa $lod a Krem CaiPolSea RALEIGH. N. C SE AGIST - L t i ; - . Guilty - in in . Confession C 'i. Mmister,With Be ' r Mice Wminis It? R!0US EXPLOSIONS 5 SAFFLED AUTHORITIES Mr, issurke W. Brewft, Feiaatily aa Arasy Uaauaakt, W ho Waa Ceeart nisrtlsli i. Arnaatd a Test lean y Ftenhaid by lanfrsalnn ef Private MsraaeJ QeJrk Ouaccrnlag Eapaa aioa at Fort Rllry Who Brewer la.' (By aha Asaoclaled Presa.) Junction City. Kama, Dee, II Rev. Ch arise M. Brewer, formerly a chap lain I the United aftatsa army, now a pastor of a Baptist church In Oiuatee, Oklaboata, ha been accused, in confeaalo by private Michael Quirk. of ImpliraUon la a mysterious eeriea of explosions which have baffled anil- nary authorities at Fort Riley for au aaootha, raited ntate Commission Chi here today stated that Brewer had been arrested at iJuuates aad waa be. Ing held for Called Stales marahala. Mrs, Anna Jordan, of Kansas City, alee Implicated la Quirk's eonfeaaiona. waa arrested today ks Kansas City. feli-twiog a tslegraa ta the police. Quirk in hi cowfesaton, which was made to CoL aUt IX Hayle. Siath Field Artillery, comaaaadant at Fort Riley, aald be blew up Use bridge across the Kaw River, June S4th last and the cavalry stable June Stta, when tl cavalry horse were buraodrto death. Ha aald alee that he blew up the wa ter mala which supplies th post with water. Quirk declared he eomiaitbsd th crime at the haatlgatlea of who sought reveage beoauaa he had been eeurt-martlalsd aad dlamlsasd LfroM tho ervea for, conduct uabe mmg an ir thi a genuejnaa. Mrs, Abb Jordaa. Implicated by Quirk, la the wife of a convict ta th I Federal psnltentlanr at Fort Learoa worth." She waa arriatid aeraswysMl month ago for aiding her huebaad te escape from th guardhouse, where he waa confine aa a charge ef steal ing. He waa recaptured and neat to the Federal penitentiary. Mr. Jordan Quh-k. In hla confession, alleged he met the former chaplain and Mrs. Jordan la aa automobile oa the read hetweea Jsnetto City and Fort Riley. Be said Brewer told blm they were oa the way ta , blew . up th bridge, and aehed blm to go aloag. Quirk said be pieced the ei piastre. Quirk had beea la th guardhausi on susplcloa af cwaaeetloa with ta r plosions for nearly a menth. Laat night he sent far Colonel Hoyle aad nuide lbs oo nf essaoa. Kiploetoaa aad Are here within six irntha have destroyed Oovarameat ' Dronertv valued at liaa aaa. 1 It waa aid at the poet todav that n tme been Implirsted and that i more arrests will fallow. i Brewer wa bora la Alabama 14 years age. He became r hap lain In the Catted States army la l7. He la married aad he ha several chil dren. Rrewer waa chaplain ef the Kith Field Artllkery. stationed ai Kort Riley nnttl ho- waa dlamlsasd tmm h ammw 1 L. - (CoaUaasd aa fag Nine.) I BallSes THURSDAY MORNING, STATE FISHEWalEn MEET AT TJEIV BERfJ OrganizatiorflffectetLWithA. W. Graham of Oxford, Pres ident of Convention 1 DECREASE IN INDUSTRY - IN LAST FEW YEARS at Wcdcaaa By Mr. B. A. Xaaav aad Bmpnnsi by ' T. W. Mam bam, of Cltsahrt atr Jwdge Gewhaaa'g Speeds a Aflerpt aaoa Followed By Address Fish Commiaalonrr Lea, of Vb-glnla aad Br. afoore, af tb tallad Statsa of nineties Rticiaitlua at Uka aab, Etc (Special to Newa tad Observer.) New Bern, Dee, It. Thla saeralng the North Carolina flahertea Caarew Hon mat In thla oity with reyreasata tlvea from all over this stata, aad s paeuuly th eastern part of th State, Mr. R. A. Nunn, la the abeeaee of the Mayor, la a few word made th address of welrom In behalf of" the city of Now Bern. Representative T. W. Mark ham, of Elisabeth City, responded te the ad dress of welcome had touched upon the Importance of th convention. Dr. Joaeph Hyde Pratt tbea sug gested that the convention organ la aad elect onVera Mr. Oeo. IT. Ire nominated Judge A. W. Orahana, of Oxford, for chalnaaa. Judge Oraham Wa unanimously elected. la a abort speech he thanked th convention for the honor and atated that he felt a great Interest in th Impartaaa ef tb Industry for which th eonvMtiea Is called. . ' Dr. PraU.mada a talk aad aa told af hew the ash aad oyster Industry I decreased la the laat few rear He aald that 'other States had rem- died that trouble and that thla Stt ronKfuo so 'it- 'the -men interested would get together and pull together. Mr. W. McDonald LM, Flah and Oyster Commissioner of the Stat ef Virginia, made a meet excellent talk aad told f the progress hi State ha beea making la thla tadnatry. Dr. H. M. Moore, of th United Slats Bare of Flaharlaa, at Wash lagtoa, D. C., who ha served with th Flah Commission appointed by the Legislature of ttol. In Improving the conditions In tht. Ktatei mad a meet Interesting talk. He told of sim ilar conditions that formerly existed la Louisiana Tonight another Interesting aeaslna im held at the courthouse, after which the visitors were tendered a re ception by the Chamber of Commerce at the Blka Club. ELECT DEMOCRATS Both U. S. Senators From New State Will Take Seats on Democratic Side 1 DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR TO PRESIDE IN CAPITOL leaJslMum Bill He flimnrratlc By Tase Fuuithe Majority, Accnrdlng ' Freaisil Indkwiloaa Wear Sena tor Will Be Henry t Aahwrst and A. Henitli Newly Csaa Is Onrge W. Bsat, While fh tsnue tVmai ' an Rail From FksawU aad HI Maate la HaynVe. AI a DeesM-vot (Hy the Associated Pre) ' Fboenlx. Art., Ic 1 1 Th bam i ne me-mBer T th ftem hf WeflJ sawtattvsev aT geeea a. -H rapltul at Phoenix and, linlee present Indlcalliin are materially changed, will make a clean sweep of th Stale ticket, aa a result of th first Stat election. ' The legislature, from pre Bent Imll catlona, will bo more than three fourth Itvmocrate, lamring th elee lion of Hear F. Ashurst, of preecott, and Mark A. Smith, ef Tucann, to the I'ntted "Hates Senate. Carl Itayden. ef I'hnenll. waa elect ed te Cewgrwa Oeorgs W. P. Hunt, ef (Hob, we elected governor. There ta but one rhaiM that clean eweep will not be ta Democratic, por llo r thla eledio, aa that I for! the fflra ef Secretary ef State. C level sad. Hepabllean. I rwaalng atrwngly aad may rot dafet Oaaaiae, ef Pheears. far thl place. Iiewteetaue State l'halrenaa J. tl. Slrdn Issued statement tonight elelmlng the e lectio of the Demo cratic candid tea by marlUe mn tag fronTl I IM to l.M. He ale claimed every ewunly In tho Stau exeept t would retam Dewii rule m)nrsie Apache aad lima am eaacede by tle Hepublhoa Wv aenall maairiSsa "TH ARIZONA VOTERS eep is Bm le News DECEMBER 14, 1911. :.FI,I First of Big Three Oays Con vention Began Work at Wil son Yesterday THE GATES AJAR FOR A VERY WARM WELCOME Every Kosae Opea te Greet ta Grant Buaabar af Drergaaw ArrtviaC tb Atesad Aaaual Stat MaatLay af Marth Carooaa Mviatoa at IWussr Vnloa EasouSr Held For aecret Work Addroaa at Dr. E. U. Moor Fsa ttrr at tbs Day. t (SpeoUl to Nawa aad Obeerver.) Wlawa, Dec II. The bar are down, th gnttg are opea aad ery dxr In Wilson ataada aktr for to raoepUoa of the Ultera af the soli wh com to participate la aad to do everything that within theat Mat to advaac agriculture aad xaak th annual Stat Conventtoa ef (he Farm erf Ualoa ef North Carolina which convened bam thla morning for a thro day session th graadeM ef all graad evenU that tsar been palled oS la Eastern Carolina this ar. - Krery train coming tat Wtlsna thla morning brought deksgate from township aad eounty uaieas from every section of Easter aad Western Catvtlnai and all county roads and by-path were thronged with "the salt of the earth" the tlilera ef the soil who feed and clothe the nation th back bo as of th country apoa whom all depend. At th trains war oomroltleea from the Chamber of Commerce wh met the delegates and pinned e th lap 41 of their coat eouvealr badge at handsome design button about the Mao af a aiiver dollar with baby blue ribbon stramaraaround tht foataf edge of which th word. Wll- toa. North Carolina,- are inscribed Ir bold black type: ta th centre of ench button a eotten bale appears. WKsr wM" to tart a kkrgtnhem leaf In the natural color of the golden weed; on the streamers are the fol lowing word la bronaa letters: 'The Iowa To Tie To Annual Meeting Farnaufif late la WUeoa, waer Worth Wine Beciankw. 111." Many automobile worn brought Into requisition to convey th dele-gatea-to th kospltaut home that they had been aaalgaad to by th Chamber of Commerc, and guide asm stationed along th principal street to snllghtaa tbea asking 1 at Information and to pilot them te any point their fancy might dictate. And light here your "Unci Bob" will take occuinn to state that when thla old town makes up It pile to d a certain thing that earns thing Is den 4a apple pie order, or act at (Continued troni Pag Seven.) CAUSING CONCERN Tremendous Appropriations in "Dollar-a-Day Measure Knocks Out Other Proposed Appropriations (By F. H. MrGOWA.) Waahingtoa. Dec. it. "Have I he democrats In the lleuss thrown the fi In the nre?" A careful poll of some of th beet posted member mad today rg.u-d-li.g In tote of last night on the d jliar s day pension bill, which will root th Government something Ilk aeven-ty-flv million of dollar a year hereafter, in aildltloa tn the amount already going for thla purpose, brought out the Information that public building appropriation h probably been knocked into a cocked hot; river and harbor appropriations ruined, and little chance left to secure the adoption of other local appropria tion measure calling for outlay of money herearter. Iteing aireauy heavily overburdened, th people will l&tlt .' :m x (. 4irCtlnr,rYlrii tAgit. AfMtg tiu reantry. Maay lmcmte who ap poaed the meeaur worn a worried look today when eeked what th re cult ef voting thla enormou lucre In tb public expenrilturea would be, summing up lb alluaflon many of them tak th position that It will now b useless fe try In pass either a puhlte buildlaf sr river and har bor bill now ad thees two measures am th aaekbAB of th South In ternal Improvaaaeate, tat Ion a to what kind of a eoastit. Una Arieooa should hav." Mr. Mird- no aald. "and while thev voted to eliminate tha recall frma th roustl tut ion aa they wm oblige t do In srdsr to gala ajaishoad. they shewed that the recall would b placed hack In the rnnetitatln a seea as H pe. sll ly could be doa. a, retiiry llayea ef the Bepubllraa that Commltte conceded vtelnry 4 the remocmts, rlaimlug however, thet Cleveland eilll bad a rhaac to in. He nma from Una of th thlrteea emintle em o.mplet and It may be towaucTuw befom ta exact t aa STATE fklEETINC OF ers union PENS! BILL IS aed. Circnilatioe PROTEST AGAIIJST' . UriFAIRFREIGHt Southern. Furniture Manufac turers Complain of Unjust Railroad Rates ' BEFORE INTER-STATE - COMMERCE COMMISSION Nortk Tarokaa cava TeB the Row Vbrgiula CUiea ace ta Shin Ooaat Statm Throat tka hVierthcru. B Tl O, K. A aad tMfcor lavroUgattoa la D (By THOMAS i. PEXflu) Waahingtoa. Dae, IS. Alleging un fair treatment la (hipping rate t th PartflR Coast State, and that Vir ginia dtlea are being gtven.. aa ad vantage ever them, many furniture manufacturing eencern la North Car olina, operating under th name of the Bouthara Furniture Maaufarrurera (AasoclaOeQ, today Tiled complaint with th lateretats Commerc Com mission egpfrf the Southern null way, th O 0.. the N. W . and practically all the railroads in the far west The beadquarter af th association ay at High Fvlnt N. C- aad It I claimed that balUburg." Lexington, Thomaavllle aad other town In North CaroUpa whore furniture la manu factured am discriminated against aad that pdQf erino i given a num ber of Virginia cttiaa. Th commission is asked to make thorough lovastigaUon of the enure attueUe aad te reader the aasocia tion such aid a Bay ba proper In the premises. The A ssni ell nd Waahingtoa,. Dee. II. Bxlatlng freight rate ea famitur frnm North Carolina aad South Cam II a points to Pacific. Coast terminal, ef II. T a hundred sound worn attacked be for the ' iataraufte Copirc i9J miaatoa today ay tn aoutnera rur nltum ataaufaoturera' Aasoolatian. Frdm Virginia point to Pacific Coast terminal the rate I I l.M and It la contended that the haul from Caro bna territory la shorter. Th complaint la directed against the Southern Railway and practically U af the trans-Coatlaoatal carriers. The eenimlaalon la asked to Ax a joint through rui aad to graat reparation en previous shipment. Inaaraat la the Matter at Darbaa. Durham. Deo, 11. The fact that the Durham aad southern is a local Irstltutloa as p revealed anybody taking thla matter up, but there la much delight here among merchant oxer pros pact of better rates. It has been known a long Urns that the Norfolk aad B'entern carried coal one hundred and ehrteen mile for h, ... t M-n ' fiitu ' (n. ..til'' (urtlfr to Kast Durham gsve the Durham and South Carolina road stxty-two cents. Coal dealers r great ly pleased. Th ritlaena gsnarally look open It aa on of the beat tillage ever hap pening hem and mean thousand of dollars to freight business and to the ultimate consumer. Xnrthera Hunter oa Their Priamc. i Mpeclal to Ken and ohaervrr.l Salisbury, N. C, Dec. II Northern huuter are no occupying their ta rlou hunting prraervea In Rowan and adjoining count! Among th"e already on th ground la Mr. K. I! ('nil, of Nw York, who h leased tt.tft aero In Howan. Iiavle and Iiavldaoa counties He ha optnnd ! headuuarter for the aeaaon at Jeru ealem. Davie county, whem a mod em little town Is being developed, good roads belli built, telephone be ing Installed and all possible modern coaveaieeva being made. Th horn of Mr. Phillip Ho were, oa of Rowan largest planters. Is aaothsr rendesvntie for tbs sportsmen aad It la reported that game la plentiful Fmarfc Belter-a eight fiea Ike De- H) th Aasoclated Prese. Pari Doc. II. Ueorgee Carnn- tier. the aeventeea-year-old I'rrnrh welter-weight champUin, won the de cision over Harry lie wis, the American pugilist and waller-weight champion f Kngmnd. In a I -round light at tb i U , . I - . t k 'k. w 1 ,mavm a . ui. -i est-. 1 Baaa to FadSn iswiiinswewjast aaisea M...uivfirn,.r. iuiBm$mirmmamvwmriinniKmfm.vmimif nf women In waning go ha. saw the contest and applauded th decision of th )da which wa unanlmnua tHirlhg tha early round t arpeatler had all the better of the bout. He. succeed eii In closing 1-ewla' eye, ami In Ih tenth round punished the American severely. After eowie stall ing. lwls cam up fresh for th fifteenth. He Jabbed Carpenller re peatedly, and bald hi own until the end, but the Frenchman bad shown better form throughout. Jack Johean, the world cham pion, waa present and waa introduce I the spectator Tho light we for stake of !.. of which II. went to th winner Jury to (let Case of Gtrta Twawy. Hew Turk. Deis II Th me f th State against IJIIIaa Oraham aad ktal Conrad ea th rharg of at tempting to marder W. ,K. I. Stoked ltlibly wilt a I Ih band af the Jury hy In mo new alght. Th raiting f Mm Stskeg a a attaaaa for th State came a a surprise thl after nsnej. to tho defense aad to ih spec tsteea. Her toslawsay, however, wa. PRICE 5 CENTS. COHfilllJS URGES SPEEDY AGTIOH ' : ' i ' On His Bill Providing for Re view of Court's Decree In Tobacco Trust Case WELFARE OF PEOPLE DEMANDS SPEEDY ACTION Decaaies That The MakMlty at ' aad the Want of Caa Srraa IntperaUie-ly Boaalre That tb Decree of la rallrd State Cfcroult Uavt haaO Be Be viewed By the Supreme Court of tb tailed State, ta Order la Kaow It Thla la All the AaU-Tmat lam WIN Do For th ropsr,- tBy the Aaaocteted Preas. Waahingtoa, Dec. II. Henater Cummina of Iowa, In a speech today urged speedy action on hla bill pro viding tor a review by the Supreme Court of the I'ntted Statue of th de cree ef th I'ntted State Circuit Court for th Southern District of New York sppmvtag the re-organisation of th American Tobacco Company. II aald that th welfar ef the people, the stability of business and th wants of Congress Imperatively-roauh-o that thla decree shall b re- viewed by the Supreme Court. In or der. that we may know whether tht derm la all that th anti-Trust law wUI do fr the people.'' I'ntil tht fact la determined, bs mid, the pres ent business uncertainly must con tinue. Mr. Cummins aald that notwlth- ataadlr.g the Sunremo Court's dect sloa dissolving the American Tobacco Company had been based on the fact that the tobacco business had been so largely controlled by ope company , t, th control ef the affairs of th oem say wa oeatlnuod largely In three , hvldiag poena n tea the Atnarloas Company, the P. Lorlilard Company aad the Uavett aad Myera Company owning 111 . of the entire t.JMAof4A IV.MIII.IIf. The same mea who owned in American Tobacco Company own these. Mtre companies aad own them la the same proportion that they w ed the . eld company." ha aald. "so that they will control th bualasas under the new arrangement as com pletely aa they controlled It under th old order, tf It waa unlawful for the men In concentrate the husl asaa en completely aa they did. It la giving tha people a stone Instead nf bread to permit the new order to con tinue. He declared that the ether eleven compaalaa were caned by the same people who. own the three, "so thet the only result achieved will ho to make the administration more Incon venient " Kxpreaslng regret th! th Mor nay ileneral had not eppeted from the Oc-ut Court' dectelon M' Cum mil". OmiiijcI thet r . i the Kuiireme Court of ih I. nlted States js Incapable o greeting an appeal In the has ace of a motion br the Attorney Dane re I llen'-e. the aeceeaily for legislation The ilrcutt '""ourt. ha mid. hd die reasrded and nulllhed Ih order nf th Hupreme Court, hut I' no app' la practicable the decree of the loaet court irivi nd s th fine! reut of the litlgitlon againet the lohairo truet. He tM-ietrl th.n h c.,nntn he1 a rirlit to the higher court opin ion. No action IjH" o , l lie hill GOLD III NEW YORK Ra1e;gh Insurance Man Spoke on Influence of Younger " Companies (kae nf the Sprahrv at lis IV lb As aasi t'oavmatow ? Ibr Uamialioa nf Ufa lateniw Fh Jd eui h S.slo al tho Metmpek. iftp.-!! to Nnii and vt 'been er.i New lork, Ie. II. Al the fifth annual eovtta of Ih Assoc kalis Carol I aa, preeldeut ef the American -r' Life Convention and first vh a-president and general manager of lha Jaf - , , f. r.n Standard Life Insumaoe Com pany, ef Raleigh. North Carotin, ad- Ih aasoetatioa en Th In- Buace of the Touagrr Coeapoalaa" Other sprahem am Ho. W. A. Day. president of th Kquitebl Lif Aa surancs Society, aad forms A eel stent Attomey-Oeaeral ef the Valted Stated under Preeldewt C leva Is ad; F. W. Poller, af Sp rtarWld, III, proaidaat National Coaveette of laaumaee Commlsateaem: U Ooldmaa. sf Terewta, Caaada. . representing tn Canadian Aaanclatlew ef Ufa I writer: Chart Jerome Edward, ex president National aesncUMeu f lite t'adei writer Now Tetki .Mow. Wil 11am H. Heaewhew Superinte! af taeuraace. New loft Mr. OoM la hla address dedned the, statu af Ih er.ge rompanlo Uamughou America their la aaa kk IM pvtH Hw H fim mm t4 la isUruuy rafuaad M XA S i) iH StTStfc . 4 . ; tCeaUaued fata Klsa4 fhuu