THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8; 1912. J Hi I,, t i ;r4- i 4 : ''i V:?; ill STICK PROBE DEEP IfllDTPl Democratic Members of House Committee on Expenditures Adopt This Course TIm- Morula Kverfladra Land Matur to Hr Thoroughly Investigated toaroaitiew C'omllatvd The rv 'tirmtanor In CniM-rtlon W illi ae Which Ik-qulrv ll M-Cah. and Wilson lyw Suusih oi- lH-n- . Ing Truthfulness of 4"hsr"r. Oiy tho Ass". ! ;t t i j Washington. l-Vt.. J. Thi.i'aTu it j of tin- charges that gov enimcnt rpuru "ii I'lornta Kvii Kl. (!( hinds were suppr. i by oftl iala of tho I irtim in of Agricul ture at tip. Inm .i'. .- of I in.l npi-riilH-tura and linn 'l i .uinn m t 111110 rs svere llcmi--(l I iif of contro version in i'hh . i t 1 1 . i..n. ile ttrmlfi' d 1 1 1--it l "1.(v I v Hi" l(cni(i. i ratio ihouib. i "f lb. use Com mittee "M Lp-ti htur-c In the Ie p.-irtmrnl of Asm ultuie. After a out,;, i.m. I :. if s- ntativ )!, of I n H . . . 'hiiiiinii ct the fitimUlo'. d the formal order, Inquiry u-uild 1"' executed at a mcclliiK ! Hi- full cinimHI"" to morrow. I The ci. 111. i i.-c I,.. ilcUrmlijcil . Hi. v. nr.- i li -'ini..1.iiji'( In noi- . t0 lion wi'h Mil" ( I- ihut n4-d trior- 'ugh li.-. 'it. in. hi." cinl ( lo '.irel vv- already hall di (idoil li jl.i i. a. .iiic if Mm liint 'S' K 1 ' WriKlH. the hli-f .llaln i.go ciil. . I i.f Hii State of Florida, l.irim rly . n ni:Uio-r in ih-- drainage .iiu-iop, nli . in. nl" .iiari. a ngains: 1 Is fiiniii r ,ij li" fTitt'in in In Hi? .Icpt Ti iin hi . which resulted in lhi;lr mantis il I t1 o.iturdiv l. i.nlcr of - i retarv Wils-n.' In. ill Khii-iI ImilL'ht l.y Koll- ii ir M i ' i.. i.f Ih. I K'l.iiirlini lit of .Xk-riciili i.n- m'Ii lln of S". -irl irv Will... II dot l.H that lll.l h-lires en. lint Iiic department ar unirue, ..nil ih ii "tlic cfT- it in In emir, h the rotary of ,i,-i ! ultiii'i mil full." I h. Mum. . I l ,11 111' II. II .'Ml IH Vll! Ic tll I ii I'd r mriil ... tHiutin. wh( 'i i itn-'SM tt'MfV i ii ! ( "ininitl.c tn I.. II, I.f III III li. i,,y ill" I lei hii-( in i un I Hiit norro w . i atlga -u li nepa of Ih- f AkiIi iiltuic, Mr. A ili". u .is Mrxl In apur In Tin- (us.' ,11'uiiini lr. t. r ti ii. . iii l.. ' i iiciticer l. and Ills Ma- y'. lid Hi If I Ih.- ilr .1 xinlanl, A. 1 1 Mm tllpinliwc.l 'ti i Ii oflilli. IlllatUill of I'.lla" i pi lUi'd nl tlieol ttl Ine heal -i.l '. la. s ll'i il. Iclided h'-iK iinr .l i i iiunm I In i '.li'' IIL'. llclltv K I i.l i in- !! Miin.ill i l-.l turn tin i hi 'i in tluv 1 'cliarl ilii lil nf iii iaft i , to i - mic the Millie Aurli'iiliun a i- l.lllollH V ktll Ih 1 I 'l.irlil'i I Hal i aaea. v,. K p. , .led tween h.n:it..i and Nathan I' hail mail Mi The Senator l- :i i .iiiferciico hv 1 otn an I V'letclier I'.ry hi. of I lurid i. and inf, 1 ly in I lie day. cnlle'l up ill tin- I; -pre-.(ii i i.i" i a inn ii of .Mo 'ii n v- il her i f Ml. pi. 'helll -in :i 't.ere Koll.-I I r.Md In : Im hi if I r,.-ik H.l il I. i .ii-iin nl, I- I I at tin- Iii c I,. I'l ol .M'i',,1' l h;... nil pr I'l'lp i Kn out i ' ii. ri.. ..I I i fl'ilemelit ap-i- W llm.ll, lollow a. . olii -Hlllell Sl.lte N III IT! nlatl' e I lii '. i-n Ho- K -I . It IS sought ! ii ihe bVi rdury wed a i In nlur i f -.1 in i n prepared ii 1 1. li, i-tlirntlors i.i a c.iipplele rr - Wol'r. lil- h tin i c m Ihe t:vr-il-i mi retary did -liar allil I i pot ' Lie I., ple.iae the lo nil.' operatl: Mr i 'I rk Hia i. r Hoiiehl 'o fll-null, laaal of M- aars. ' . ilr.ilii.ikT.i -i. Mm.. In aliov. hot - land ape. nlalora '. leineniH ii-- i.i. '1-1. i. h ( iilill"' ei h.lH that Hi. '..i-A-:rii nit ni '- 'i-pii ii .i i. i . ui ,i ., ', I ' tl WP 11(1 (lei I'u . I rl of th-,,- purtio. nt v lde. ' in I r.-s'.r.l . hiii:i. i. i.i , 'll'l I'l i iii. ; . "Til " thai it . ; ftr.. nr.. . . W J!v '1' ' . 1 ! i:. 'i a ih ii h ih M.'i. h f..r I . t . tl 'li. i ii i i 1 1 n i i'.ii I ii 'i I I.. e, i i ;'.!.. !.. 1 r VI I i i .1 k .- . rr..ri l " i i i r '! Att I. iiH nt . . im l i. luiM-.l . ii i i the "ik i..iic in ii.-t ..niv vv . re In. t rikh! .nut Mr KllloH . nl 1 1 'le III ' t II, ll- ll .'I Hi. ii; f "i i li. i I !.-- p. im Ly tin Put Mi i -tltf (tloh. I .1. VI I l!l- 1 . . Ii.ini;. ..f Mi. fan 111.. ear. .' Ill I "I .It ... I'- I lie Si . I "ll . . lol I lie I Hull! Itl- I ll'l III.. .1.11. II th VI i iTht I II . , i vi rh u ! li I- I i a. r-- I ib - i i irv , f im. nl. I ,1 . iil'i. .1 ,.il -iin' h. k ii-.a lt-e i. In h i In ti i oi,i iiiuiii i s N..I III' Bi'foniltS Well .- 'lied Ihe persons ,- oillils, telling ' ll I Weill. r.' el c - i'-l I'll, v adnill i" . il. .1 In Ir tin - IT' sell 1 1 I . . ' ll 'II.' I ! Ii id mil) dill ih I.l. lain. I'll Ih. ! Ilink. !(,. I ''... p. ri. -i ' 111. '1,1 V 1.-1 II II' I h-i .li.l t lo ih- I Wft I 1 t II i n. o 11 I 'r hi. I. Or. V 1 i He ilia. n . t Ti ii.-. i. ml red the I a. wh' ' he iln-iul-i! their ry .INiiitaseil I. vl'.la!oi of he fa- ts and n to the At- f ISIOISMll I 'I'l t'ieni, Mlol h. lie r I in olvi .( s. i.1 I'dpi rs Hi hi! p Plenty of Proof Irom l'eoH. im hm.w I Visru Raleigh Itlon-. The gre.iiisi ak. pile can hardly fall In he convinced hy ..vldeiue Ilk.- this. I II IS llllpoasll'le to IT-illl. o Li tter1 l.riaif nt merii it, an Ihe '.sllmotiy of liatdenu. ,,f Itilelgh. ..f p-upie who an lie seen al any time Head the toilowlng rasa of it . 1 .Mrs. I.. II. Kini. r.l t c.iharrua ft.. Italeigb. N c. say I uldl) o-nflrm the slati inert I save in Jan uary. 101, telling of my eMr.m,c with, Ikali i Kidney Fills I take thin remedy occasionally when mv hid nevs bother nn and I alwava g. t re. Ilr I. At one time I s iffered Inteiiaelv Irom dull lull lie mrnaa the small of n,y berk and I knew that thla trouble was caueed by my kidneys, for the eirellona were unnatural. I used one l'( of I Gain's Kidney pills, c.buuned Irom the llobbltt-Wynne Isj-ug fo. mow the llalloway Irrug Co.) and thla was sufttclent la remove my aches nnd (.sine and rest are ma le good health." lor sale by all dealers. I'rtr 1 Tlite. Foater-klllhura Co, Huffalo, ' New Tork. sole agents for the United btiitea. Hemernher the name IV-an e end Ube no olhtr. ARE YOUR KIDI1EYS WEA?llLOIieK Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It ' Nature warm ry btn th track of haaltb U not clear. Kidney and. bladder, trouble compel you to pant nUT often during the day and (et up many times during the nlghti l iihwlthy kidneay cnunr lumbafo, rheu ma1int, raturrh .of -the bladder, pain or duU ittw heatla'rh fr1nlgiMtiVnain1iik'T you may have a aaHuw romplexlon. puffy or 1 .il. ilri.a uiidor the py. eomctlmes feel as tiioiiKh you hud heart troulilo. nmy hav plenty of, umbUloii but no atrcngth, Ri't k a ii it liias floah. If tich rondllloiiR are prinlttil lo ron tirui. iwrloms rraiilfi are anre to follow; Criiriit'a illiwiite, the Vi-ry worat form of hlJ ! y trnulil". may t".il upon you. l"rralnT if KUInry IHarauwi. .Mont people iit not realize, the alarming n- rci.tH' and renin rk ihle prevalency of kidney illKc iK.-. Willi.- klilin y iltwirdera ur- th moid. 'iimiimi (IIhuiu. b that prevull, they aro it I -n-.iMt the Iiihi !( oiriiUeil l.y iK.Ucrit nnl isit'lufiK. -alio innlent tlienixelr Willi ilmKirlnK Um- iflrtto. while the iirljcliuil iIIm-m-. cniiKlanl !v uiidcrmiiK X Hie rttem. ir yon f. l that yoni l.luneyii ui" the cmiiw i.f yo'm atekneni or rim mmn conilltlon, l ifin 'kii.K l'r. Klliin r")t fiiin"ll""t. the Krem kidney, ll er old lilndd. r r- iiiedy, beeaiiw an noon .in your kldn-jn iinl.ruve, they will help tin iither orKiiim to health If on ure (iln iilv comliired that Pamp l!iot H hit you need, you run liiri hiie the flfty-eeiil utnl oii.-diilliir Mic Imttleu i t nil ilniK atnrex. lon't inuke miy mimnke Inn remember Hi" name, Ir. Kilmer'r .-'v..iini liooi, and thn adureM 111 tinfu. t .t . n V , nhlch you will find on rery hotile. Saiiiple rWittlc Krnl Free. I DITOIll l. yri Tii prnvd th you may ha.e n wtinple iMittle and u h hi nt ..liHolntely free ! mall. The honk i l ctK i received irom no .1 huh n limt I In- remedy tlv y needed ,Th value no well known that our r Ii r hie ddresH lr Kilmer a, .".. hinghani ton. .n. .. no unre to any von n-au thm generoua olt. r in tho llul. lgh luil) Ni a and um ever. The genu Inciiewi nf thin o'fer la Kimrunti-etl. ivrnev-C.nneral for certlllrntlon to tlm c nin t atlornev for prom " nt.on and f..r Mich othei iicuon ua the Attorney i;. neral might ! iti proper. ''I he ilcpalto elit ( oillti" the fullei-' In , lcuion i f thla matter and ha ri uly 1" present to the lneailgtlng ; i on, mill... ai ., i neni s notl. . h,,h .-iiariy shos thn. .he id ih ae.-r.-t.iry haa Im-. ii . otisl-tcni throughout "(f Ihu time has oonie when gov ernment employes may procure men to prepare falee account 4 to secure in, no n ftoin the Kim t iiiMont. with out fen i- ol or tirnaeeinlon fur their acta, that fait la unknown In ihe lcp,riiiieht of Acili-ultiin " The ilmm.' agalnat the dlanilaw I men Is that the) inla.:plieil an up lt ton. ongreaa appropriated a lump um for the dralmiKe and it -riKHtlon dHlalotia of th I lepurtment of Agriculture. The heads of Itiiha illusions divide it equally III I'l'l tin- ImilnaKo 1 i laluli lent the Irri gation l'l Irion some of U iiin-xpend- I appriiprlniloii and r.iiKineor 10II1 ott dlacovered anon afterward that lie as mi. IIKi'l shoit for eninplc ti..n of work under way in .North Carolina ami other Hut. a. Hather than han the work Mop. Itlieua In those Stalea Interested In the i onipletlon of the piolecta ad vanceil the money .ind later Were arrted on the pav roll as employi s under the appropriation for the next M il With the moiii v thus aeciiiiil ' the nidi who advanced tho nioo -v were reimbursed. Kormer I aparineiit Kngli.ei-r Wright, now In Klorldi. nn.le the ( hurgea a few week ago l M'Mtl l on iii mi nit. Lr. i. I Hill I ARK , 'Spe.-hil t.i New. a u I (inserter 1 i- ..-1 -U..1 Ne. k. feb 7 1'nn. rnl eiea '.. .oer t he remain, nf Cie Lite V K. Ill'lliril . re beld III III. It:. ll'l .-bnr-'B) ' h liU puller. Ilev ll I. I'.'ii.i'. li.- i i-lioowhig h ii i'lhje t A 1'ilnie hi lrnel ' Ml I'uwer npidie l,e'lniil.i if the tarter of Ibis good liulilliii; I.l life up ii B beautiful euaiil- In In ,1 t..i,i. 1 !hi .el i'l.- '' i-. i nt Ihe lln' IUI eeinelerv l., . m tienl -li ,.n r i.f inliulr'i ..' fiu n. I- LBl1ie"'.l tn iiar in a ! i. irie. I . .tui I ntliin ...iee.1 I'n l,ni. ef lil- I iiMnl nn I ..I. ;,.. ..!. ..It. .il 111' Hi." nUeu l.e til. ac ii-t...ia", i. il.n.l le-forc hi- ,li-- 1 I v.-ling men III tin MKi'l.iV h..n (mil, ll f I belli I.i Ihe l. l ' ami Piiiirlii 1 I I lie in I., live til.' letlei ami purer m l i i.i,.r life llnii i"i ndgbl k'lu'lfy IiH i. i.l ami r'a. a rrwanl. a pil.eie-. h . I" ill ,(,,,' :l ehnuie 1 mi! Hindi- with Iclnl i i. I In I llj ti.-Hli I' ' liurlnit the i.-fele oter tlia remain 4 nf U.I-. pur. ii I v I Mi'l I - T nc il a wi-. i .iiiir Hwi'i: I-miiI if ill I v I.i- favurlle 1,1. iiv ' I l.rull .il , I..B..I Msl.l ' .tl,i i I; J.-ii. I! In V.t Ihntli I.. I le " ami Ml - Kolherlee I nt. -It -n .- ! eiillllfnPr :,ii.l -ii.-i.. ' Hunieiim,. Well I nder-lan.t " I lie .i.'llrn .NlllM(i,rer w.-fe .eleclrt frnai hi- !.- et ..oi'iff ta-'U ai f.illcaa 1. llar-.-n . I berry J A Pin nun. II v li...r. aIi'- W Inn.n. I, .1 l'.l. r lli't-li .1 ,lil,.-l H A luiUli I lie lielinrsri palll.. nl-irs vierr Ih.-Hen nl f aii.iiii .f Ihe llnptl-' iloireb I' I' Slilrliin S 11 .l.e. VVek .1 l Vlnllen. ' 1" IliirtiiUgha 11 C Jn-er Willi" Pr..f i ' w wli-mi. aa r .Vacm imw Sd'le-I Tim- i. awiit or- ..r ihe Male rs .-t pri.lllll'.nl .nil-. f llnllf.H .mill tv ti fl - .--ii i la rtilreti ,.ae of a, . 'bii-I e. k s nins! ..puiai aiol perhni s i.,i Im.l men Mi IIH',h.r. teatr- Uldn.l wi.l.o, tan , hll.tieii. s rtaiifc-ati-r and a fn. I - rnsil and tne .l.lrr. I.nt ef v tl-'ltl Hi. Iii Harnelt ennnn I'ea.e tj hli Iml b .Mowed he 111.111. T , ' MONEY TRUST TO DC IMVrOTIf ITCn DC llaVtO I lUrt I tU . DECLARES CAUCUS titlnueil fmrn I'age t tilii'.g iiitativi action tn the not lcr niih.' ii con-ulting his colleague on the i ooimltlee. others who de . I.ired th. y "would not put on the I'.rvan joke" were KepreeenlatlveS HteM-na. of Mississippi, tllaaa, of Vlt glnl v. and llarner, of Tenns. ullle Jamos of Kentucky, ftenator elect and longtime friend of Mr. Mry iiii, w-va Mr ll.nry'a chl.f lieutenant In the debate and followed Mr. I'ndee w ond tn, closing tho die. iiealon. Ile urged the necessity of a special In vestigation Ut.HT TMHr n HK THIO IM.HAtMn M ItSTITlTi:. I.adger Not INresrnl aatt Mr. lVllila Nes-rsaaarily Ataareit. iHpcrial to News and obeerri-r ) Washington. 1 C. feb. 7 Bight memlairs of Ihe North Carolina dele gation voted for the I ndorweuod sule stltute twaulutlun In the raucua to night. Owderr did not attend, and l km bin. mhe. It le skIJ. waa arbetl uled lo neaasenl the reelulkin offered by t'n.lerw.aml had h.-en railed lo Sod land .Nek by the lllnrss ef his child. ( MKILMECS SWAIRP.ROOT REMEDY. i .ft hte KnHM te Wei levmo lr fteli f tniM, aj im i MS kr 1M 9 My Tkla .t4- 1r Anita LlaUe a..) I r ky I I 'iwa, lM. I m k.aBMdt W mm, rat Otp oi.f; ay Wli IIAMTUA. tt. . SoldbytlllMuggiMa. 7" oiidirtnl iiorUii of 8Mmp-Uoit , of .ilnalil ilioirmatlon. both iit.-ur.s ni.niy of ih- Ihouwinds who found So imp-l' to tua Hint vueeem of Kwa nip-1 iont lo be idiiMil to sun! for a nam pi. laittle. Wake County Medical Society ' ' wj Tonight and Citizens Invited Tiler, wlil lie a Ill.etltlK nf tne U.ike rmintv .M Hoclely In the I'liamlier of 1'onitnir.c, ThurMil.iy. I hruary k. at I i-clock. Th. ..11 I- a lu-eii Isnii d hv I r. Alhi-rt And. r Mon. prehld.-nt of tin- miMili ..I ( el". Th- frill IV. II'K progrnm will l e p: - S lit .1 llieeiv of ll.'ullll liK Iir. T. M .Ionian l-oail. I of I I ir .1 'I ellcjiletnli ' Vital HlatlMl. a- J W f'..i l y i'lil.'ic Health In ll. latl.ii, to nbool 1 Life lr K ' Juild. This proerini ) ils wiih .. inMi. riueatmn thai la a m ltel of vii i. in. -I I'lTtiinci . nd tiy mi means ret t-'il to Ihe medn.-'t The Wak County .l-dh ul Sodety will. 'h - -fore lie ..Bd to bile pr.-aeiit all irt- . rented . Illell that li .'l llicl-ll il "o L.H -"il this meet Ine RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT Luncheon Tonight at Yarbor ough at Which Time Move- i iii:ii n. i - u.j I IIICIIl 1 III DC LdUIIUIieU This ev Wl.l I.i .1 ning at 6:30 am heon give vv lib h time 0 i l - k th. re 1 at the V. li the Mm and I boi ough . Kellglon 1'oiwanl Moveiin t.i will ho ti-rinallv laiilnheil In Ihls cdv. This inovi-nienl will P- laumhiii hy th.- i bur. hes and the Young Men a I'hrlstlaii Association and il Is ix ei ted that ii large iiiioilu-r of peopl, vvlll la- pr a nt mi tbli. ,i" .i.,m I'll. I - will lie several .pe.ikers and tic. I tlllg Will he nVel 11. ielllv ul HII lot the and order nieeting i.t the court hour.- The f,ill,,ivinu in-,1- t.itl.iii tiaa lie -n iHBiitd: ' ate i-i.r4i.illy Invited (,. I... present ut a lull h-oii in the r lioroimh lintel, 1'harad.iv t-vitittit. I i lirmiry b. m ti :l o- k. h' ii the Men ami Uellnli n Forward nuoe llienl Will ) Inillli ll.-.l 111 ItalelKtl t'V Ih. i bnt'i hi-a and the Young .M. iis Christian Ass.e iat I. i, Th.-o will lie n n.-y aMk.-.l for. and tbe meeting will In no way iniril.-ie With I'llur ( llg igi lo. Ills I.n the i l i nliik "l'r. iv i urnestlv for 'his inciting r. M ll U.I., ' .loHKI'lll K I' t MI'LH. U F l'ilH(i I.F.o l iii:autt. ' N It I'll' 1 lillTiiN. t olilll.ltti- . IHrll YraVrFltlMY MOHMMi. Mix N.ara frrr IM.-.I al Her lloiiae bmi Kallahitrv K I reel. Mrs Nora I'errv wile of Mr. Wal t' r Ferry, died ycsi.-id o- morning at J ii'i Iik k al iici It i mi .No!i .-il-bury street title waa IS ires of agi and her death w is from iubarr.iulosls Hha la 'survived bv several children. I T1 hiirlal w ill take place this af- 1 tell noon at 1 n cliu k In the. City Cent-. A Home Recipe For Kemoving Wrinkles ii . v.. .. i I . i . 1 1 nun i.. mi ii a ..lumisi tfioii nail r Who will Idjaue the inoders woman for trying to baik as voung and l- .tractive as she reasonably ran? Why should she Im- pla. ml nt a dlsarivan- I tag.. In iSiimerous ways by weartiif . wrinkles, if she ran avoid these hate ful marks of advancing age? I Few women. In. sever, know what lo do to eff,H luaily rid thissatlvee of wrinkles or aagglnesav Neae ef the advarllard preparatlnas l salssfaiiory and a. oat of th. m are ery eipetialve. Hat a tery simple and hartmleaa heme remedy, whl. h any wotvuta ran make, will work wmndere w here all Ike pat ent preparations fall. lluy aa nance ef now dared teiellte at any drug store. Ltasxlve the wa! ouw-e la a half plat eat wtteh haaal and aae It as a wee Intlea. Thai rwa-wlts are iwaciieaiir laetwtawee. Marked Improve mast la netlred lest, ire.llelely after, the very Ural trsel. Wrinkles and Batting are rami leal i ii public question and the faer fela ee refreshed aaid mut-Hka, LAvi ArJD ORDER Great Mass-Meeting Tonight at the County Court house SEYERAL.W1U. l -. -., , . .-r - 7T rmA, rm ka a r i i mniL wi kkui iw i , The third day! aesalon of the Su. TW -Um la Bight O'riecfc-te mu4 j prma Cour, waa tak u t) the i lee BW MrgaauMd la O.der wor, 0f 8tUI louring tippeata from te Make fawaiH tl(M .AaalMt ih ' the First Uimrlct, and there were ev IkaeU at lWmm ka the li ! erat cases urmed. lafiiMil MeeUae The Marat Wvr ftaek Fraa All theirbee asaj trredt Will Be flwal as4 Take rwt. The Informal ateetlng toalsbt f th'!i j j and eitler forcee of tbe elij. brouKl - t e-ether by a popolar detfrmlnatlop t.. hi fuel- tUe liars. Is riperied to nil tkimf lu.u.e sml t t i tbe epy idiului ti-.u. a luursl support tbsl It tan :-ver had. ;rna-ng seniiuKnt agalurt tUe Md .4 Italeigb Is tin. ling eipresi. ; a strong warfare agjlnsl innral uuilt'ii i i e f there he any ga Htlren i, .; oip.euNt lo lillnd tUw. the Ira r IK 1" I- riiaBlted purHea Hading klm ami mik inn a coarert line of ihe iuM r-.- i oii.-s. W p. Matthews. U aullmr ti I--' He- di-eirine ikait tbe Mad tig.-r i- i '-il Institution and lie has Toliimr-i ' i-'ih. gut and Kld he will quit. The testae rnnVratanita tBat It hi' ' hard work before It. Tbe rinn m Ihe eitjr Is no child's play. Aaa lol ei. lorcetuent of tbe nw Im ibe army of iuc - I e a IMirt of Ihe lawless ligel Im- ao long glrea It sul.stsDtlal Iminuuitv In n i.ii'il'linieol U llb a ni lltsot I-hIv , f u " there m oat an operator of tbee ainr- le al liLlltutlnns who lll nut ilml ' i.-i-it ilefenilant agalast tlMm It has becoaie a l(uaii,.i Ii a.-' ' v ' e run wide open aud drlul'nw unlawful whiskey .tally has m. r. ...l.l and anblnablng. Tbe law ami -r ' '.-ague le be organlaeil tuaigbt i lb.- - -. plume nf Ike rhallenge srbi. b ihe i ' . ( nl situailoa baa ottered. It Is denlrnl l" , I make II as effective u pessllile. ll Is nut golug tn tie admhled Hu t !' law la belplesa. Tbe gdmlnlsiratiuti lix ) not liei-n abat It abonld hare laa. iietiinr has It had half the support It Imii 'I ' l.aie had. KverytMMly rellse tUsi. TIcm "In. tia-et tunlichl (uliig lo amki up for lla-lr Indlfferepc... 1 bey ii.. iml nasi' :.i bare nib d'sgTaief nl tbiiigi neii u- piiMMtr as Ihe recent Antl -H.iloon liiie nrenllon disclosed. ... mentai m - r' - "' '.' ''"' 'If r!::'V:rdr i. , the rSers of t held thl4 . renin si Ibe eoiiaii uurt liuiie pronpect i.f a ( inWil .idria-at.a do nut t-e darkness greater tin b..i- of light. Kbodv can adni'l i'h ii ilenree i.f credit t" hlmelf that a fs '.aalea uuemtura of ablnki-y iten ar More powerful tbau the, uf u.nri: iiiiinled men aaif wonien. Ii ha heii nt 'a fcliud obi why tbe few whl.ker men . mi eiiise s.i anncD terror TIm-v are er k iiilc-d Tkey dlBer l.u! link. w..rr i i ..ii. over tr'rlsllllea. work In . ouiert. h' e ii'i thing. boa. all ttnngv oi'lu II t binge for Ibetr own i.ulaet sake n I- -I. -k of ..rgaotrai ion Ihit hs nui'; bh many toares Impot.iii thla .-n i en Inibiorallty. 1 I lcii the great pnrr"ie of the erici'' . raition. It neede nuuirrt stni wurkr--. oarn aha ih uol ban- in aiaiul ei.ii.l' - : i.iHisly almie. Ind ff. r. me has r.atur.i y , led I lie (ifrtcers to Inertli HikIIiik u few I euulr li.. 1l row.- rUlit on I ami litre their nana I support In 1 1., nwrenient. tla ninitr. nnve eotic-unco iunr inf una in.i i.l.ty lartrrnlarly aVs'red Ibe lid n.'Wli. Hut It (In npeil a few days egu ami U'iii nijv iliisa' Thin ail many abort speech" t nl, In It i- net enomrh t nmlnng tbe tueMloe to he l.ll-lu.-M porelr. Men will en record Iiey norn ineir nnnr" I " ," ""'"J-. 7L. i aeuerally al erf In lea.ran.e ilitl,'- new renin iuterele.l in tbe i ifuri p. nmkr : : a!, mh m '.mi Inn n ll I. In I-- in ai h ihe mut far res-lilsg i.i.'TenieiH nl underisketi I'-nr yeari sir., .lie ilerlniolon of war wn mute The rtri alia k I- now ai'tiialty i.elim . nneit ll r Jn'n ... Wn.,ey re.-ely mrue-l BKSlnl Ingiiig "oiiward I hr .lui iiler-i" iin.e-- b nian meant i. move Tbe eii.atln.' - '.tier has no licence ta f-lnc I li , t ..ilr-li , '. mil i:i.rvn.... I- lnvll',1 i.iii Tl..- .nr IihU th y.Mnl niau a presence null It ta etr-d !hn . Hiwerflll Ml, nrgsiilzittloti m- l-e pie led. 1 gall, f, tn the eld ni . I t.i si.-1. Mta-b I'tne hn Ih.-ii losi I In re I- ic in 're for delay Tlie ti.air la illlll (ill.,, k ai'.l t place Hi- ...ain.y courlhmisa VARNER BOOSTS OSCAR UNDERWOOD i irit- : i'i. nin d from pag- iiumiiei nf i r- fesm'd I'liil.-rw nod .il urlh ir-illtia I'reillctlons ire to oh thai hi Iiiii.. the masks will la torn from p than one 1 n.lerwo.ul Imnnii r not that Harmon m.-n will eland r-ie. tied It is 111. acht prohllhle thai a few ii omm'Sii i a ai ill i-onv in. .. Ili.i inon in.n of th. lutllltv of their in.oniuer- .e Olpel them to !nt i the p i. w It h their v overn.-r f i hlo I t..i, niaii .n of layady wi-'.il laniiot much longer I ma. bin. iii. .i,- ..f Harm.. ii 1 sah I ,., rk fur tin I.i I iiiler- , .m eal th. I m.-ti. It la Fieri ah. re it Is beeomini: realiied 'hat In North Carolina and neighbor ing Wales, only desperate methods inn pre., nt delegations frmii going t . the lifftt itiiore colli flit Ion solid for Wilson are iocx. ef nlil.h !lu V ,n,.-t case la taken as on. . Ih:,' ih, t.i-ht will be imide three. . ..rtieie.i , i r. .iir-ri.ri er. il with the .Invirm r ' N. w J. n ) ng ilnst t he : ed. s.1 III.' If ,.,. oulH.nelil falls t.i unseal I ;oi i-. oi a St i-otiehold In the people ngerd, such aa he has III I North ('..lolliia another m.iv Koich his I. iici aiol charge into ihe fray t1h tin- h... of brinaiiir ntai lec. lo-el vol. us bih.IIb Tlirn, at the, last in the c,ikl enanremopt In Haiti- . Mint the ..I in. avmrdlnavlo tb illse- mails of Ih. ..b.' made aav ixrlillcal in thro-e all be gath ?t the feet of .ludaon ' r -a n him with the fore.- ist era ered Iroi'l Parte, .n m I noniliiiilur Hul ih. Th. I I .11 l'kan lose. Awrt. ' fallen! so fir." loan IimIbv SAi Washington "tot-rii. wi'htn and without North i 'a r, , 1 1 n h .. . .. ..-.)(, n-il f t Ka fa. -4 ' ' .......... ... ... - , that an att. mpt baa been made to Ioimi ilwm into deserting Governor Wilson tbrmuih amusing arcllonal feelluc. sinv the aloran. "The ttout h for s S- iith. -rner." snd have i-eme In the,! where thee believe the sud den Inv Icnrn tton ef the rndenroatd l-oom to ( ome from the same source as olhe i.ssMiilts on the New Jersey Fxei utlvr OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO tmi: mi rnst. ton it. m At o clock tonight there la SI lo be a maee meetikVaT i Ihe court house of Hakrlgh vHlaena who O stsnd for ohedlewce to leer. O , The meeting kg ta) wranxnlte a O . aaswwwai . w i sssaiewe. l Iters 7 will be abort asd asrartb-al d- O Kverv mea In Halalarai O V who Bianne for lav aaal order M O Invtted lo be io9ooooooooooooo9ooo1 la Any f,llI2fTrut MOWK'$U ttTTLt TABLETS PjejignniwajM, r Biexjie)g ASK AT AirYDRUQ MTQXM J -j ' J Third Days Session . of - Su-j , eafi attjm w . - w -ye iv-mr -ay. paei" nw' 1 1 1 1 ahvhiwi r The attorneya hre In attendanoej rre Xesers. W. ,M. Kond. Edenlon; A f. Mrlx-nn. Harry MrMullan and II. S. Wurrt. Washlngtou: J. C. 11. KhriiiK ii.n w A Worth. I. yti Meeklna. k. Wilson, E. V. Ayillett and JudKO Oeorire W. Ward, of Kllzabeth "ity A. I'. Godwin and U f Hmlth. Unuavllle; JinlK1' J- frank-ford Iltgga, luirham: A. S. Ifarnnrd, Aehevllle. 'aiii-a argued yesUfday are lis fol low: Al. W. BeriT. appellant, v. W. T. Im'Is it ill., from I'nauuotank; Inr J. K. Wilson. i:.. for plulmlff. No eoiinii.'-l contra J'. V Gregory, appellant, v. Ilannuh j I'innlx t nl., from tamilen: by J r. I'.. Khrlnuhaua for plaintiff: and Meiiara. J. K. Wilson, W. A. Worth. K. f. and J. r. illgKa for de fendants. H. E. Midgett . ('. 8. Venn, flan commissioner, appellant, from Dure; bv .Messrs. II. O. t'rlsp nnd K. K. Ayd lett for pl.ilntlff: and J. ('. ll. Khrlng liaos fur defendant State Hoard of Education v. Itoan-ok.- leBrtlroad nnd Lumber t'ompany. appellant from Wiiahlngton ; by W. .vl. Ilond. W. M- Kond, Jr.. and Ward .ml (irlrne. for ulnlntlff: and A. ). iav lor.l and rhnnll. Mi Lean and ile-, .Mullaii for defendants. j 1:. K. Flora, appellant, v. X. & H. 1:. (!. fix., from t'hrrituck: by Messrs. ' Ward and Grimes for plaintiff: and W. M. Bond. Ks., for defendant. Slate ex rel. H. K. MldRett. nppel- i lant. v. XV. it. Gray, from lnre; by Measrs. Crlap. Aydlett and Ehrlng- hnus for plaintiff; and Ward and irlmes und I). M. Htrliiglield for do- J. ndant. Joeepli Tarault. appellant, v. John ' Seip et al.. fropi Currituck: ley I'ruden arid I'ruden and P. I'.. Bheniierd for I'lnlntlff: und Messrs. Khrlmiaus and AyJIelt for defendant. E. W. Tilley, Who Killed Thos. Jolly in the Most Cold Blooded Manner in Surry County (.liciial to News and i ihaerv ci i Wlnaton-Salem. I'ch. 7 In tin Superior Court today. K. W. Tilley white man. HUl.mltted a vciflul murder III the second devree. ' i I Jud-e Iunlels sentenced the defend ' ant to the Htate I'rlson for tni"y i v ears. Tilley shot and kill. .1 I' .nt Thomas .loll-v nt the home of the ,'..r- mpr Hrt f. Ihe men had been .iriuklue uu.l Tlil, v slinl lolK uph IK'iii whilo C:i,.i .lolly was sltil.ig .-it a tahle. Ai co line to the evidence submitted at the I Tlllev, after th I sitting or h im ! he was dead w In Ing pi i 1 1 mi na ry h. arin ;. Mhooliug. left Jollv ik nr the tahle. and li found next morn- ACROSS THE SEAS FOR BUCK DUKE ff'tni AWV 'IH' ) I Vote himself to the extension of the business of Ihe Hrillh-merlcan To-! ; baci o Coiiipuiiy, Liinoi-il, w hich now1 I Ilea liriniip i n I'lun.i. India. Aus tralia Canada. South, Afro j, and: t 'ontlnetital Furope . j Mr lnike said that In- felt )hat ! 1 larger Held of activity ind usefulness ! awaited liltn In tin -American , Tobacco Compan) lie added that all! the companies tunned nut of the i American ToluiC. n Cuiipaov and the, obi r i ' -s w1, h dlstn- legrati u under urn i .1 in.- tr- ciih . mirt were in. in. ii organized . and vmliarked on their m paiate ia- reers. In expl.iiiail'.ii of tl mission ! the American Tuha' i Compa today to decline a dividend on Its' i iiiiiii'..i atin k. Mr. I'uk. sild In :uIiIb.(I that. In v Ii w of the large i .lyini-in. in cash wnnn trie . ompanv a' reienllv lieeii compelle-I to make, In th.- retirement of Its I ami for other purposea reuulr. d bv the court's ilei-rei . It would In vv." to' pi.y no dlv Id. n. I on Its ooitimo!' sto-k nt pn s. nt, and the dir. . tors had i oiu urred in thin opinion. HVNk III JONF.SHOHO t ldlkin. Hr,bn-i-.l Itr CoeiMaratton omniNlon and I lank Fxaailm-r llrown l In t liarge. Th. Fiiik of Juneslior". of Lee cn ml), was yesterday ordered closed bv Ihe C,,rM. ration Cominisaloii. Ihe same b Ing upon the report ot ' Htale Hank Fxamluer C V llrown, w ho bus Inv a stigated Iho aff airs of I the b.n.k. Kxamlner Urown will remain In charge of the bank until a h. anna and a receiver Is appointed it Is understood that a hearing will take plio e this afternoon at ahl. li time a receiver will he appointed Th, rioianti for the closing of this i bank la assigned to Impaired capital stork and had loans, but t is thought that ell stockholders are - i.te.-ivd. 'Ihe Hunk of has a capi tal stock of .0. with resources of ' .'.f .a I e posits siiMrr to check I f i'tt.eixi. Mr Jh U tlodfr.-y la pre si I dent and Xlr. A. W. Huntley, cashier I - s J alt rMttsrraln A rialaaaarllakM Ask for "IIORLIGK'S" T Drirhal Ml Rait-ha 8 MALTED MIL.. Tte FMd-iVfck for A3 Apt. Al iiaiaieaiisi ltsvlv mmA I taTe ; ' . . IMbaam, aaVBbrnl tltd WalliraTtf, s-a i .. . t- ' a-aoaj I BBV-ol Wllaaaa :ia,isinuiiM. eWmcam nonrii c vrcTcnnnv niiLnwiLuiLiiuni IN FOR 30 YEARS CLASS 111 APPLIED : DECENT POLITICS Lincoln Letters for Text-Book :.and Six Newspaper Report ers for Pupils " r-' THEODORE ROOSEVELT - r - - - Unculn'e ( unnVlrntial Letter to Jfwai, j , MtU-n In ItM, Quoted In I'ktenMil ' to the "PapUa," at the Cloae of the Heeding of Wtik-fc tbe INaadble neimhUoan oaelnee for Ptrsiltrent Again Reamrkrd: "Tbe PoJlUrlana . of Thoee Deya Had Mwti the hame -Start, of liMraia Aa We." Illy the Aaeooialed I'rca ' New York, Keb. 7. With the cor- . rt.apohdehco of Abraham Lincoln aa n tet book ium! six newapuper re - porters n pupils. Col. Theodore Kooawvelt addtearid today what he j rolled his "first c hum In applied i decent politics." t'olonel Ilooaevelt preincea ma inia wun me aeciara- lion that he had tried to take l.ln- ioln'a letters na n guide for himself, I and he thought that excerpla from . ' n.itny of the marly red I'reaUlent'a I 'letters would ITirike pioper replies to i ijueatlona that ale being aeked him! i dully. ; one of Lincoln's letter especially-. Mr. Roosevelt thought, would apply! I to conditions today. Thla waa a I I letter written nt Hpringfleld on April . I , 10, lo K. -McNeil. The part i emphasized by Mr Itnoavvclt reads! ua follows: "1 huve made thla explanation to ou aa a friend; but 1 wish no plnnutlon made to our enemies. Whut they want Is a aqua,blde und a fuaa, und they cin have It if we plain, und they cannot have It If we. don't." Another missive read by Colonel Kosevelt waa Lincoln s ronlldentlal letter to A. Jotiaa, written on June i'l, 1S0. In part It Bald: "'And now a word of caution. Our adversaries think they can gain a point If they could openly force mo to deny the charge, bv which aome degree of offense would be given to the Americans. For this reason. It must publicly appear that I am pay ing bo attention to the charge.' "That reminds me of some more of my past answers," comiiienled Col onel Itoosevelt. "You may recollect that on several occasions I have sj.M that I had nothing to say. " 'If I were to labor a mimlh.' " he read from Lincoln's private and con fidential letter of October Z'. IH0. to Ui. I". I'rentlce. "'I could not express I my (oiincr. all . views and Intentions ! nior.- clearly mid strongly thun they are ( 'pressed In our platfurms and In mv manv spee' hes alee-Kh- in .--int i and before the public." colonel Itoosevelt Interrupt.'! tho rending ' h'Te to sav: "I am not stwaklng now of my Im i mediate prohleiiiH, but referring only y i to general polltii s." lie continued a " 'And now. my friend, do not ml -if : understand lac, 1 have not d ! that I will not he substantially v. In. you suggest. If I do filially abstain It will be because of appreiiensmn tnn: I' will do hum. For the good men of tbe South - and I regard the ma jority of ihem na ruch- I have no ob Jei tlon to repeat seventy and seven lines. Hit I hav - I ml men to d al with, both North and South, men vho ale eager for sometm ,g n-w upon which to base inlsn presentations, men who would like to frighten me. or nt least to fix upon me the character of timidity and i-Wnclpe. Th'-y would seine upon alums! any b iter I should write as being an 'awful coming down.' "I inlend koeplng my eye upon these gentlenlen and tn-t to unn-ees-iirlly put any weapons lu th"lr hands' " "The politicians of those days." Mr. Roosevelt wild In i losinv. ' hud much Ihe same sort of problems con Irontlng them ns vv n have today," LUTHERAN LAYMEN IN CONVENTION (i '0111111 .a d from page on. i of Mniii.ll. Id. of the born his auillem-e 'hi.'. With the power rntor. l'r. Long move! from IniiKhtrr and ap inos' tirofoiind silence -Htrlik. i conviction. plause to thi ol I'ollSi lelii i. Kvi ry 1 1 . I n gallons. Tin- Is It nglng In flele- otiv i nl Ion lodge, tho Lutheran cont of at ins. Is much in c lileiiic Twelve Slal.-s are t. pre sented u th registration books. A numhi r of large ilna u-al Ions nr.- ex pected mi Thursday ami Friday. I'lPtt ll.BOMi 0s-n to Ihcb watee.. Hallabiiry, F.-h 7. lielegates rep- ' resenting . v ery state In the Fnlon and luiininioti of Canada gatluridi li.-ie Una I'lern i for th- that Cnlienil l 1 1 lit lull of the l.lla ' i lu run Ijivioeti a Missionary Move- j inent. Ill mund numbers there ure i three thousand ministers and laymen : Present, forming what Is probably 1 the greatest and most Important it-, llgi.nis gathering u Kouihs-rn town has tier entertained. Governor Klt.-liiti welcomed the visitors and ' speakers of national repute In the . Lutheran Church filled out the pro- ' gram. l'r. U T. Horn, of I'hllndrl phis, Bddreswed the reinvention on 'The Awakening of the World." and Dr. J. Henry Harms, prosldent of Newberry t'ullt'p, H. t'., followed with nu Inspirational address on 'The I Hupreme optiortunltv of the Gener-i Mtlon." ft I. Ung. of Mansfield, j Ohio, closed the meeting tonight with , so s'hlriaa on: Insulritlon for Con-i Ulest " Fvery home In Hahsl.ury has Va n thrown open to Ihe visitors nnd ivi-ii then the accommodations .-tru Inj. J to Iho limit. KALEKalTB XKW THKTIU'. Airordlna to rumor the certainty of a new theatre for Raleigh la now practically aasnired and It Is only a matter of time before Ihe plans are perfected. It was reported yesterday that a pmialaeat mate beat neae InetlWtlo haa sss-Htned the obll ration or part obllsattoa for the erectlna ef lha theatre, i-atnee interested were '-aeea. but refused to give out any dew TW Have Kaiaaee. I Italeigh taore.1. No. . Brotherhneal . ai"tera a aa rsser-aaarera. at their iTueadsT mrnt fnreuna. voted ananl- measly lo hare a emoker an atett !eue MatU lo whlrh aa tavltartoa la aivea la ail whHe nalnters and peper. ha seers In fialelth nnd vVtnlty In gt lead. There will be aome aasod talks tasde by elwr-lent asnlon men frees all local onlone. and a feest of steod Cofiai JUTTONHOLEl TVy're C R. BOOXE. lap len Clothier. it IJrMlATtLwS M. p:fw AftAPrAU Por vaue Ua wllj MUUn.Cy rdbC OdJ nC Can Employ Detectives to Ferret Out Crimes as He May Choose Halds That t barter a Raleigh Bates Onr Aay aa4 All Ordlaeavea a ad That la ger ( hauls the Msyae Has Klgkl le Cnplsy Ihateillaea al Barb ( sal ead Far each Tlase aa He Nay Tblak Neteaaery. city Attorney WiU'am II. race holds that under tbe charter of Italeigb tbe M.inr Las' ibe right, iu seeking to ferret out riiuea. tn euiplnr detectives at such (est und for tneb time as lie may think necessary, tbat ordinances of tbe rlty wbe limit the smouut are rold aa tbey are lu ceiilr.iv. U.I..U of tor charter. Tbe poet Hon nr Mr. Pace Is tbat the Mayor need not wall fur aur authority from the Board of Aldermen to use funda lu the detection of crime, tint tuay act en bis own dls retlun. Tbe letter of City Attorney I'ace. In an swer to aa iuiiulry fiuai Ibis paper, 1-4 as foil iw-a : "I l.ave your faror of the liih inatant relative to the puwers ef the Maiur li use iimtiev P. etifuri-e ibe probihirloa law, (ieetpm W. Chapter li" nf the OrdltiBH-es vt the I'ltr of lljlelgb reads as fulivws: "W benever In the opinion of tha Mayor ll shall he necessary to employ a secret dete.-tire ibe Mayor shall ba power to ilu so Provided, tbnt no k-resier eiene than ! he in.tirred wituout a vide uf Ibe llnard "f AIOerni-D ' A urdlug In IbuWi'rdlnBni-e. tberefore, the Msyor li llnilted to tbe expaudllura of ltW. ihe next questlun la aa to IIm tsI d!ty ef thst ,.rdlnaiu-e Section IS of tbe Charter of tbe City of Kalrtfk reada as Icllnlla: "Tliat the Mayor of said rlty shall have full power and authority ta app -dut n il eiiiplui at the cost of the city and usaigi, them to special work, derectlreiij let ai cb i me aa shall appear uei-eesarr. "Of eonrae su ordinance which Is In rniKia ent tilth the charter la void aa c- 'liiuee can no chtinge or limit Ihe effect of tbe charter tbau a legiala H, e act . nn muddy or supersede a pro vialoii of llB ( isasiltiiiloii of tbe State. So r.n, ,,., wldib ahrtdgea tbe terms fxed by th rbarter or which - roofers ,ii. le, puiiers ii.i,n an iifffcer la votd. The same argument aoald beld true of en '.rdlnance which it-prlvee an oficer i If tita conferred upon hia by tbe charter. ni ihe Charter of Hie Cite of Kale g i the Mayor is author led to employ dete 1ve til il.e ciiat nf the city far aueb liua. a ahall appear necessary It would ap pear iheref .re. Ihs n attempt of 1 1. Ai.terniea by urdtnanee lo liiult the an tti.irltT tlun eonfeire'l upan tbe Msyor by naming tiie niailiiuini amount of th" ninn.-y which tbe Mayor is allowed to pay la In rlnlall .n of tbe (barter and there fare. void, as ll Is an attempt to nl.r Ihe rights given In the Mayer under the -loner "If this ordinance la mlit. as I think It la. then In uit op alon the Ma Tor ka ine right ta employ dele, lives at whatere coat mny tavm nr. esary nnd fur auck tlui. a ahull apiu.-ir neroit). "..ur4 terv ir' ' WM H PACE" FOR BIG ROAD MEET Wake County Good Roads As sociation Meets on Satur day, February 24 I 1 ae Wake County Good lloada Assocla ll, iu i alia 3 meeting of nil the good roe I ergiitiUatb ua In the county, the county 1 roinmtsftupers. r asi trnsteea and road ait- pertiitendent. I Matters of value fur the Interest i f i'l. in Wake cuuntv alii tie discussed a "' ii.-e ti I'l he addresva In men win dues- rnad .iiollil.iiis A full prut-raui s ' e i .er nitiiiiniicfHt llw committee of tlie asanrlatl-ui whe-h met resterdar and wheb Is prepsrirg tba loans la coiiniuaed of Ci.l Jissetih tl. Pogue, balrnitiu . it A tirlffln of Uetii1e!l: W. i,. CroWder of Csry ; c Minrkaa Came I run of Italeigb: K R Johnson, of Car. lena aid lr. J M Teoiilctna. of Csry. Special Bulletin as let r. Ke-ae t o p s .labelllie . Atlanta . . Ct-urhtoe finuxslllB .. I.yneht.urg . Norfolk . halelgk vv a-blngtnn Wythevllle . Hi if afiawTfFl at4Py. mtir H lafliii-awW JUY I MAYOR HKS POWER n a .s. 0 o M 5 ' 1 " l M t l o :t d as is e ns aa 4: u :i ai ;4 u a i 41 II aV VI I? " .1 .41 0 .rr. , THE yANDERBILT HOTEL 34oSSi E.wP.rkAv W W YOt( hum irjc. ki rsrer Mat fW fees.KV.OeaKY.KK t- H seal Peeeve, SWdaes. la Mad ef ve bsm asaj awBaafJefaJl SasaevHtJaL wkerlsS(J flM II frdB sa,.a Uffe-aXsA a H aavwlateasdea. CaTKaiaaS aKaTas-wsfJI ") asVasaasI -"" (Ss If swlkil. ti asat M If I 1 1 hi age m aa aftertarsiurhl.