1 , , - SECTION ONE PAGES 1 TO rim sum yro DOUSIS TBS LATIOR O OTHER WORTH CAKO. UK A DAUT. I I AHI VOU km N0. 88. RLEIGH,Nr(!v, SUNDAY- M01NINGr MARCH 30,-1913.- PRICE 5 CENTS BLUETS SELEGTIOH According joMJIdJUfiwiyis Main Qualification faf . Position - BORN IN THR STATE us-.- Ny BISHOP CHESHIRE APPEALS FOR OHIO :Asks That Church Remember Those Who Suffer Now NEAR-HOMICIDE DR. PITTENGER INTERESTED t.Was Ui$ Old Home and Suffering Comei Direct to Him Will Make Trip to Zanesville r A 000000000000000000 O o O To the Dloorfe of North Carolina: O O The csf from I ha (thin Vallav O jO pierces fur heart. Let us help O pren. J ttenger, Ral, O and administer O funds sent to him. O .1 - . ' i : ; I jL I '. J A t The HrvJ Tn l O elgh. wUr -eeetvs O. without coat W ... "M gives - tmlr O ouiclnV" O , jo.iiUgtp vOOOOOO Emory McNeill Probably Fatal ly Wounded Shot by Barfield Prevatt, Who Makes His Escape and Is Pursued by Posse . f tUcil to Newg and Observer.) Lumberton, March I. Within I few yard of the town hall. tonight about 10 o'clock, Barfield Prevatt allot and seriously, if not fatally, woundd Emery McNeill. Prevatt was aald to be drunk, while McNeill appeared to be . perfectly sober. four or (lie ahota were fired, but only one look effect, It entering the face and coming out throo"- the top of the head. ' McNeill Wa Hurried to the hos- L,:" i Xfpltal,-where fur .;physichtui nttenrted i ,ve JJ him. Lit tie hope Pt recovery I enter- T CHESHIRE. ooqfoooooooo The work of rating fund to aid the storm itrlcken West la being push ed in many ways. frhe churches, In dividual and maAr enterprises are taking part In the tor of .relief. -. Bishop Joseph llount Cheshire, of the North CarolinaEMocese, has Issued a call to atl the mlmbers of the Dio cese. Besides thlslrall ha has written to the rectors In vsjrtous parishes ask ing them te raqoeat offering on Hun- day morning tor tbk relief of the flood -sufferers and to sod tho -money by O than O hoaea O met I il JIVU. f - frevatt made his escape liilf aipoane -Is la pursuit. The ch use of the trouble has not been learned. Both men are Khlte.JHtJseJllJiaa a. family. -' 000000000000000300 o o O CXJMMISHION X)RM , O O A UXI Bl lLDElt. O 0 --s O O What HappuiM In tireraaboro Is O O ( onuiHHUhid to All Who Would O O ri Kuliirh Co Forward. 0 O To the i-Lior: I beg to state in O O regard to Vlie working of the O O- commission THfm of aavernment O O Jn Ureensbonljgsafc.aiLjins more O rector of the Chi-ch of the Oood ,.i. ... Iw. Plttenger, at (the services in tha.iO aiderma 1- 'woo Hnepnerel Cntrcn thta morning, O about wtll aak for Oontrtkutlons. This will i O responsl aiso e aoaeta xner rnurcnea today and the funds Will In hurried to the region (Ir. rit- mguine 0 4s now ainiost sickca- O .think, aLlh .old. UBThpl O or nandiing the city's w sorely etrlrken Ma f ' tenger'g heme), r or ten yeans, ' Dr. Ptttenrer Wle. He haatoept - tne MtuanoB T0e)JC . waa ones . leenal se icea. He ! grams frdbi lanesvllle lst.leare 'ran act i y jloea la Beei l work, for there will be ; i oiiicfc of thltHiei'saait after the flootla aa. 1aL& .1.. . . . , . s. Bail His Position retaryjn of Next to Sec- Vssistant Secretary -Pip; Importance T . Y . ,By H. f. C, HltTANT.) Washington, March 29. The ap pointment of Commander Victor Blue, to the position of chief of the bureau of navigation the most Important bu reau in the navy, is causing much fav orable, comment. Mr.-Blue Has won his rank by real servloe. Secretary Daniels mndo a popular selection. - Although Commander Blue Is cred ited; to South Carolina, he is a native -of -North t'srcilina Hla-patenis jnoy- l ta to tiie I'aimetto. state arier ne was born. Victor Blue was born ta'Richmond county (now Scotland), Jieoember J. IS (15. He Is a brother of Burgeon General Rupert Blue, of the United Slates public health service. John Gilchrist Blue, father of Vic tor Blue, married Miss Annie Evans, a daughter of General William Evans, of Marlon, Houth Carolina. He waa a member of the North Carolina Legls. iatureat-th1)egtnritngf thr X-'rrti-War and afterwards served as a lieu tenant of Company F. Seventh North -trolinsr-Hegliirentr-tmrfedcrate - army. He was In Pickett division r srr- . 3L ' ''V, 4 , 1. '.-.. : r ,r J; 1,1 i REAR ADMIRAL AND SIRS. VICTOR BLUE, BALKAN ALLIES PYTHiANSTOftID nrrVTHf Dnmc nc n nnn ciitc pf m u mi Mm cCTTg. aera-hmd O Ith 11? time, WM m caiiuun iu u mini , - . - n I .T &! - i-ai- m .. t J . vii uicducu uuouuii riuiu muiui udiuiiiict t - 'Uunieueraio vcicr WOMEKS INTEREST One of Features . for Education in Sc ERENCES oTCuTtfetfiflce i 5 WOMEN'S COftff i 4 Thyf ,aT ' Will Be Held X Connection With' Genera! cXference First of Held in South Wasjren'a Interests' ar to recerve a) larger shara of UfenUoa at th hajada of th 8eteenth Conference for Kdu-,' cation In th South, which maata at Richmond, Vs., April II to II. than ' baa ever beea acceraed then br Mf similar bodf In tha history of ti history :- of tha - country. - This an-L-nouncesnent wis mada today by Dr.) Albert P. Bourlaod. executive seers-' tary .of tha conference. In Issuing the completed program for At women's sub-conf erenoes which are to ba helil In connection with th general eonfer- . ence. - These gatherings are th Flrt Conference an the Education of Worn-, u In tha Country; and tha annual' esslon of tH Prald(it of fttate Col. leges for Women, th Houth ern Asso-. elation of Collag Women, th Laaaiia t et flouthata Wma Writer, and tha Conference of mat Organiser o t School - Improvement- and - of - tHrU' Vemonatrntloa Work. . ; I "Of thasa oonferetteea, aald Dr, Bnuriand, "that which deal wttn tha -education of wo mew ta the iouatrr. . ha tha largest significance. It I Ilk j wis lh first of tM kind that baa vr been held In the South,", . , for failure to per- O O form a (Jfcajavaould seldom be O O placed upon anions In particular, O O and. If so, the ilea was that one's O Awn 1 1 a.,,l4t tint h nua. t IttO Into 18. O lected. in ordet to give gratuitous 0 reUr at Zanes. O aervlc to theJ city, and wa had O rioae touch with t all the other ills to which an Im- O wnnen mere to o practicable rjhtem of so-called O a ui w nicn iis . w government auMeot,- O O The city's bislness Is now coa- O erlng his per. expecting tele. and h's purpose tonight If he 11 give hi - I i of aaVtf nave atietiee, t Etprea Ccsmnaay' tfettv Th Bout hern Express company- of fer It help free in. service for the stricken district. Mr! J. J. Bowen, of bla city, agent for the Mouthern Ex press company, gave) out th follow ing: O ducted as la aiat of any of our O O successful cori orations, by men O O who ar paid lo stay on tha job 0 O and do aothink else. They hold O O a puhllo meeting every day at O O heif-Dast twolaifd eaoh 'ot the O WOTM-M comjnlBonenr ttH erts:n w apecuio auueaiior wmcn no anvv responsible, BW O he alone la helft O expenses of th Th Bout and Its oonnat'tTons fwlU carry free, piesa tumpanrto to a large but contributions, o ae.n nus'luppITH not exceeding one hundred pound In weight for tuc Hood euftVera In the weet. when ad dressed toesawsakssaV authoujao or organised relMVesalssT At the church this morning and evening the offerings wlU be' for -Mid paehawi'sO jrood yarlna; tntth tast-tww rear 0 !Uouffe sngeefO raugbt the worst of the flood. He la bored there as rector before commg O er than beforeiand the wast and O O loss, directly ind Indirectly, are 0 O practically nothing, wherw-under 0 O previous condlti O We have pavej O than In all out O We have adde O our water syst O ably have th O certainly as g O 20-acr park. O of the courthouse, which ias lived inona UH . paopla-jrho havel Mdrturi -of -a-veiii--inaU 0 O amount of mo O tention, -added here and hae a wife and child burled Ln-tn th mt vallTe -tnthat section O in xni jtiii, e in sppeaiuig iu ine,Q n 0ne-i-ear-humane heart of Raleigh to help and . n .h . iiv It necessary, he will teva tB ,a,nay"pr o -modern-st-he. I w , ii ii 1 1 1 1 n u. - 4 O t he s nt tqUHtet O rate Is Identic two to visit hlsoid home., Friday h addressed a . letter to : the Deople. and. said among ether! city are no great- O one they amounted 0 unknown amount, v more streets with 0 previous history. 0 to and improved O nruntll we prob- O best in the State, 0 od aa any. The O kvlthln six blocks 0 y and proper at- 0 t teast 175.000.00 O -thtngs.1 'I wish to make a special request In behalf of the inhabitants of the strick en city of Zanesville, where the situa tion is appalling. - 'Thecltv is located right at the con fluence or two nvers, me utnini ana M'eJftVbUlli jn 0 months new and O --htmse. thereby O vacate some of O ones.- The -tax O I ly the same as it O mo Va xo the pr i O' was befors. Tha.asMHSvd values 0 O have not been tnaterlally changed O O except where lew buildings have O O come Into exisfenco, but the taxes O O have been collected for a very O O much smaller! expense than be- O O Tore; in fact! the commissions O tlon nf the two streams the bluffs come to the water's edge, and the valley Is - verv narrow, so that there is formed a V!nd of gorg which cause the water to collect and overflow. t.iirm. a residence of nearly ten Vaara in Zaneajjllft l aa rector of St. dames' church) I witnessed the flood f 1M. which .at that time, waa the worst ever known. The water at that time came within two blocks of the r-nriTTTaTnfow -ts reported -10 ie fifteen deeo In the City Hall. The news Import Is thst 160 lives nav neen io and that 1,0( people are homeless. "I Intend to leave for Zanesville Sunday night to render what assistance 1 can, and will be glad to receive and pplv where most needed any contri butions the good people, cf this city may see m tr otter. Rsiewh IVoiilc I ncay Raleigh people have been waiting dvs to hear something from their kin 4n-hle-bt -the- wire brlng hack Bo messages. There Is complete de- snnralwatlon the system , lohn r. Hoot, with the C. P. Gill company, has relative out ther but telegrams to them have not ueen answered. J. R. O Donnell has Mends In Day ton. He' ta with the National Cash Register company, whose headquar ter are In Dayton, but Mr. OTionnell Is no) In the city and there is no news . from there except at th office where telegrams -rrqin Dayton suggest aid for the people. Capt. J. w. Keyes, of th Norfolk inros Boil thei J Indlanapnlla but hears nothing from them.. He thinks they are all right PENDER STRAWBERRY CROP- ISIDAMAGED ijiriy Berriea Cat Kbnrt U to S3 Per rp. By Cold and Rain Frost and Cold llama ar Vrij Track. '(tpectal to News and Observer.) . Rocky Point March . Heavy 1 Croat last night and the cold wave and , recent heavy rain hav cut off the V ' Mrawherry crop In thta section. It Is estimated from tl to It per cent This - . relate esperiallv to the early berries, ; which constitute th money-making ( part at th crop. Some fields of snap 1 ' bean are entirely killed. Other less I exposed are ttnhnrt All cucumbers I that ar ap are killed. Beet and let . tare are vnhort Garden peasiwere not t yet In etoom. hoar they ar not hurt. fi - - IrUh pots toss ar Handing th cold vWell and . appear -unhurt. Peaches, "pear nd phi ma seem not to hav lea damsgsd. "-; ! lous tax collector. O O now pay the Full salury of one O O commissioner, who by giving his O O full time to i ie city Is able to O O Juokjftr a large amountof O O other business In addition to col- O O lecting taxes; in fact, he doe 0 O probably Bve or six times as 0 O much work a the tux collector O O used to do. i'hat' we formerly O O paid the watei commissioner.' we O O now pay to the commissioner O O Who- look aft r all street and O O street work ai d seweia. aa well O O as th waterw rk. , 0 O The purchas a for the city ar O O made In a systlmaUd and proper O O manner, wherel. Before each de- O O partment madeliu ewn purchase O O at such piiceef as a hHp-haxard O O method happeiid to obtain. Th O O bookkeeping 1st done In -a- better O O manner and thl books are regu- O O Inrly audited aid a statement of O O th city' eondlfon and airalr la O O .published In CIS rewspspers at O I. , v a rormeriy v rest on the city's O fie amount ob- O Bve months will O Uy tho salary of O Isslonor. O company of North .Carolina volunteer Ui tho war or 1S1I. The Blues are of Bcotoh decent and have lived in Noth Carolina sine th early part of th eighteenth century. There are now. In Scotland county, several well-known families of Blues. John and Angus Blue ar wll-t-do cotton farmers. ' "In 1170 .Tofihn31VcnirBTue,atW of Victor Blue, moved to Marion, where hi wife', people lived, and It waa from South Carolina that Cobs' mander Blue won aa appointment to ths Naval Acamv - by oooiBeUti si animation ta US I, graduating frona tka tnartlatlerf ltlU.i-.s.ir,'J!l . October 17,1m, Commander 9hM married Eleanor root ntuart, oi Morrlstown, N. J., daughter of John Stuart, and grand-daughter of General David Stuart, of Detroit Mrs, Stuart, mother- of Mrs. Blue, was Louise Foots, a daughter of John T. Foots, onBorristowhTiormany; or tbcm natl. Her maternal ancestor were Kewtuoky people. Inrliidlnt4h-Wgrda. and Taylors, of Newport. Commander. Blue's father waa on Wade Hampton's start as colonel, and became a member of tha famous Wal luce House, whloh ousted the carpet baggers. He was a member of th Judiciary committee. - To Garcta'a jCam iVta'tVa flMnrl in n ?Msat 4 groat Powar 'tmvaoBBraanded that the Balkan war jceaaa, the nghUng oonilnues.. Th Allies; taking heart by success, received the ultimatums po litely and reply that they agree, with thee in principle but cannot accept an me anna O regular Interval O obtained no Int O deposits, but O talned each twi O now more than O one of the oomi O Without golnglnto fucther de- 0 O tails. I will alnlply state that O O there Is nothing t condemn, hut O O everything to com O mission form O Nothing less tha O practically all of O rttisens would eve Otw It to th' old end, th com- O government O the death of O ur intelligent O ause us lo re O ndltlons. and Ofej- Victor H)luir-is-TttTtthe--ntsn-'whTj carried the famous tneesage to (Jsrcla but did ho to tiarcia'a camp on oho of his scouting tour which revealed the presence of Cervera'a fleut in the har bor at Santiago. Tho -present -prest- dent-elect of Cuba, Senor Menocal, wa at camp and fitted young Blue out with a mule and a guide. This was on ! the-second occasion and the most dan4 geroua of. the two. Th purpose was to take a prepared chart and dot down the position of the ships of Carvers, as Sampson was planning a night attack with torpedo boata ------ . ( Blue had found on th first scout ing that the Merrtmac, sunk by Hob sou, had not blocked th harbor.) Blue and guides crawled in between the Spanish trenches, about a mil apart, and after getting behind them, went on to tha bay. a distance of aev- eral mile. At tlmea be was near enough to hear the Spanish soldiers talking in the trenches. The trip M made in the day time. Through ev eral open places he craweld through grass waist high,. sutTerlng an attaok of heat prostration, from which, how ever he soon recovered." -j He spent an hour on . Jhlgh hill overlooking tne nay in locating tno ships, of which ther were the armor ed cruisers. Cristobal r Colon, Maria Maria Teresa, Oquendo and Vises ya. and th two destroyers, Pluton ami Kuror. He had passed trenches manned by Spanish .soldiers to the westward, and the foot of tha hill Just below his point of observation there waa.a gacruwin of bOO Spanish soldiers. The six Cuban soldiers with him, at guides, were extremely anxious to take a pot shut or two at these Spaniards, and it wa with difficulty that Blue restrained, them. Several, times he had to snatch away their gun to pre vent this suicidal rashness. . Th success of his enterprise hinged about a rather amusing episode. Menocal had sent him to Colonel Cehreco, in command of a Cuban bat talion which had not for two years been out of touch with the Spanish army. He had naa a ngnt tnat very day and Blue snw a number of wound- O while stating this, lmay as well O O stat also that Gredhsboro prob- O O ably had as good or Abetter local O O government than anyVtther town O O In the fltRt4V'K"V though O O good coBstmratlvely, tt-Waa poor O O enough to - be condemned and 0 O consigned to th scrap heap. O O ' Wi saf further, that because 0 O of a letter system, the same me O O will fester holler service than O O under looseTHielhods. O O I certaiqjf wish you every sue. O O cess In rtur undertaking, and 0 O 'with' kindest -personal regards. T 0 O beg to reValn. (f , 0 O . - ToulJwlruly. " 0 O R. C. HOOD. O O ,' Greensboro, March II. ' ' O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ap. . When A AI.ARM. BIT VO FIHE, -The- Raleigh Fir Department waa called out last night to bog JNa 14. corner Salisbury and Lenoir streets. but upon th arrival or company No. 1 th flame. If nerehanc there had ken air, had ntlrsly diaappaar, t1 Commander cad Mra Brag hav a he made known his mission Cebreco cursed and swore and bedamraed If he would risk his men in any such hazardous enterprise. When he fin ished his tirade, and cooled off, ho Invited Blue to alight from hi mule and hav a cup of coffee. , While this Was being made,. Blue pulled out a bottle of whiskey, which th surgeon had given him to take along for medi cal purpose (and ther ar snake in Cuba too). Colonel -Cebreco' eyes fairly danced when Blue asked him If he would not drink to Cuba Libre. Blue poured tVbreco'a tumbler fall of th sparkling beverage while h put but a spoonful In hi own glass. Again he proposed a toast to "Cuba and th United States, allies against th ty ranny of Spain." Cebreco needed ani other tumbler full to do Justice to thl sentiment and by thta time ha was asking Blue what he could 'do for htm. Blue, asked for on guide who knew th lay of th land and Csbreoo said that by all that was holy It should not be less than a sergeant and fly men ,..-,..,.?....... --Mmwwl-f !...-. SFr I I'nl tin llliil.rfiiiil lm ill ! AND FIGHTING CONTINUES Although the Powers Have .Com. mandcH That War Shan Cease, t Ruisaeak link the concert of the 1'awers remains as Strong only as It Taket link, and since Russia cannot bo, expected to use her arm-" navy against her Slav brethren to loosen their grip on ft- - Turk, th iiiuteeniiigs-ngyg-ttn r reduced to-a dJilmatlo debate.. The Allies have accepted ' the Powers' peace terms as "a basis of negotia tions," but ciing to thslr determination tQiexact an .Indemnity--and -ref use - ttr muzzle their guns until tho Turks ac cept their temia Their exoerlence of the last armistice.-, thejr declare, was thalTurkelucii- it mr4y.-tgain time. - Col. Walker Taylor Issuei Gill to j NAMED - Subordinate Lodges of State J r CAMP8tEWARr For Contributions (Special to News and Observer.) - ' Wilmington, March Is. Acting ap. on Instructions from. Thomas J. Car Una. of Macon. Qa.. auuremo chancel lor Katghta ot I'ythiaa, Capt Thomas JJ. -Mearee. of tbl cstjr, oupeesn maa- ter ot excheuiief, tonight transmitted by telegraph tin of .Pythian funds to th order of James W. Walker, grand chancellor, Cleveland. Ohio, for the re lief of tho flood sufferer. Captain Meares was asked by Mr, Oatllng to go to Ohio, but he Is unable to go. Mr. Carling has called for assistance fir nheftiMid; "sufferers from" the"dlf- ferent domains, the funds to be trsns- - Th spectacle of the six rreat Tow ers wtwiOflsl-lia-ba-tjaianjC-un lis lUcrtJ; ! nultttiihroyyhJlia-SiiieWa maater" of excneiiucr. In response to a message received from Mr. Carling, Col. Walk d Eastern question is matched by the equally' strange HpeVtiu-le of the Bal kan ratals dfylnahnrMvnhl.e-TaYW North Carolina, tonight Issued a clr cular to the subordinate lodge throughout the Slate, asking for con tributions and directing thuj they be sent to Captain Mesrea - Committees 1C ing"Si at Work Secur- Re-union iption k. Being Pushed (Special tc New and Obarvor ) - hattanoo4TiUi lUrch IS. Chattanooga hag decided to raise from JSO.OOe to 171,000 for entertainment of th reunion of Confederate veter ans to bo held hero May 17-11. Com mittees are at work securing cash' and subscriptions from th business men and concern of I ho city and com, mOnTIy. ' .nefia""TnTeTureTr without delay. ' " HliK e the formal organltation nearly two month ago, th reunion work ha been' lyished with energy by thrifty committees. The 'camp for th ret- r r.aj)haa .ben aalsrt ad .and-naoMd. E: SIX MOfJTHSTERM Rate of Rural Illiteracy Twice the Urban Rate I -atl of Educational Opportun ities in Rural Districts Make --.. SKCRjrtXllY GARIUKOW - iu:ititTH cjMrno$. ' I By the Associated Press ) Washlngttuv March tl. Pres- tdrnt Wilson received with much 4 4- gratification tonight assuring v 4 telegrams from his representa- sv tl. Krrstnrv Gnrrlann at Imv. - -dun, and other in the flood dls--XTL! High' Rate' in IEpST tricte of Ohio. Tho secretary . said tha flood at Dayton had sub. ",ded ,hB local relief ays.... .,,tr M. R c. bkVA.T.) tern waa most excellent, every Waatungtou. D. C, March 21. Not one needing . lothea, medicine or ! immigration, but the lack of educa- food being supplied, and no one ,tona, opportunities in rural dlstrlcta. was In any p. sit on of peril. lis thfi, responsible for the relatively stated that less than 10 bodies ;llif,h. rat. of illiteracy In tha L'nlted t .h,rdJrn '.T, ; fa1. " b' rvd iStites. codlng to bulletin br A. the estimated of 60 waa entirely ... MlnRh, pt th, bureau of educa- 7 100 7 , tlon. Tho rate of rural Illiteracy is ' ' t m.,t,.m ,..Kun rain AmM1i1 m th fa, that approximately!, three-fourth of th Immigrants ar In the cities.. Still i more significant is a comparison be- nnrmnrdlT nr a sssm a : iween cniiurrn u..rn in uui rnca u tnallvo parent The Illiteracy among Agrh-ultusftl ('oinmlwJmer of South-1 native-born children of native parent- Mafre Ores n I m at New Orleans, i more man uini nmrs m- rni EvcrXstate Hciircmto. - - -a- among native children or,, foreign f ... parentage," says Mr. Monahan. "large- - Mr W. A. Graham, state coin-'s- on account of th lack of oppnr mlselier of airrlciiltiire, has returned iui, for education in rural Amert frons'ew Orleans, where on last Wed- ca -C .. nes.ly he was eUv ted president of the i-he bulletin Is of special value at Asf lattiri of Agricultural Commls-tihi. itni. herause it Is a brief, clear. slonlrs of the Southern (State. H. A.!.,se.atlonal statement of the rural- Cobl, commlsslotier of Alnhama, wsa,.rhool nrobiem. It does not atemvt elecl-d vlce-prenldenl and J. W. Now. . .i,s over unpleasant facts. II manl of 'Kentucky, was elected secre-i full recognition to the' positive. tarjvl sdirie that has been raids In many Tht .association or commissioner ;rnrar-?riiitrirts and to Aiprovement med on Wednesday when very; nuw unlT way but In general find i itat was irin'ii.eu iii t" conditions far from satigignnry. T MAJGRAHAfflLECtED mm innnnilTIAII 'tween cniiurru uurn in tnia wuuiiy Ur AdoUvlATION iof .Ioreignvparenta.l.lh thuse, burn of Tl will b In Jackson I'nrlt. a splendid location near' tho business section of the city. Th camp can be reached by three stret er . Uneretr-of which wilt operate special schedule to ae-ron-uniodats the veterans. it la -plan-ned to hav a street car pas th camp every minute. L.llv.nMjltJinm4.ami. Stewart" In honor of the tale UeB. A. P. Stewart, the renowned Confederate chieftain. Tent and col to tho num ber ot 1.400 and 10,000 respectively, hava boon secured from the United State war department fur the ramp. The l'nlted Confederals Veterans' Reunion association of Chattanooga has bn Incorporated tinder tho laws of Tennessee to handle the reunion work. An executive committee was appointed under tho authority of the association to direct all of it busi ness. W. EBrookv a local manufac turer, was auuflnted oiialrman of this committee;' Z. C. Patten, Jr., Is vice chairman, T. R, Preston, treasurer, and Jame K. Klnlay, secretary. The executive connnltteo appointed thirty ub-commlttce to sjrial In tha work. Tha official program of th reunion ha not yet been rompletsd. It will provide, however, for th customary parade,: social , funcUpnjind jther entertainments. The hrst general mass meting to hear reports from tha various com mittee was held in the auditorium of th Chamber of Commerce Monday, March 17. This meeting was large ly attended and much enthusiasm prevailed; The rtuestton of - parades waa discussed at this meeting, and a very decided sentiment was shown for three separate parades, in place of on Inrge parade.- If this plan ta An ally adopted, there wtll be a parade of maids nf honor and kponaora. a par ade of Sous of Confederate veterans and one for the veterans of tha civil war. The question waa not finally i settled, however, at ths mass meeting. sorT gather which of commissioners and all AmV.iig the othcnhtngrMiMona me mucn entnuiam waa'Kan tnds ;:.'. 000 one-teacher school- manlfestVl In the work aa outlined to nouws In the I nlted Htates, of which be don v the association and thej5 (J0U ari. loK building still tn actlv purpose ry whicn it is organised. ! ., Although mora-than 10 per After the .Xao.xa'.o" th commla-! t.ent, . nf the children tn the l'nlted loners attendVl the opening of thej ,,.,. ,r. nroll.-d In country echooK Immigration snnaun or th inlted State on tho MiMktaippI river near New Orleans. It I singular that Majsaaham. the president, and II. A. Colb, the vice, president, were class mates at the I'M- J-wsttdof North Carolina andjtre both heartily in, acrurd with the pur poses of the new organisation. I he i oral aggregate attendance is only &1 per rent. The school buildings and grounds In most country districts are In a condition thai is only ap proached by "homes of the most shift less residents of the district," and the average- t4 her in theae one-teai her schools is of erv low grade. child. John Stuart Blue, who lr in t his tenth year. They - Uve at the Wyoming apartment ' ' Hmnrtlilng About Position. Chief of the bureau of navigation la Importance ranks next to that of; Deaths and Funerals ATTACKED SHERIFF AND - CURSED THE COURT ruperuit tn- News and (llnwvtf Kinston, .March IS. A lor no Prince, a Greene county -man, erased with drink and grief, attampted to whip his wife while waiting at the depot In Know Hill for the if-malns of his mother, who .had dlnd in this city. Bystanders prevented his mistreat ment, of the woman. When KtieTlrT William went to ar rest Prince, the enraged imm attack ed him with a knife. Inflicting a slight Injury on the hand. He was taken before a magistrate and lined. Prince cursed-the court and 'was Imprisoned for "contempt. - Ho was- released after an hour, but had to b remanded because of his violence. awm I'olumbua, MlsdsslpTdrwho- draw--up-' ine rrvirami 4. X. roue, president ea. th Normal and Industrial College at ' . araonaboro, M. C.t t. B. Johnoo. presldsnt of Wlathrop College, Rock of tho Htato College for Women at - . Parmvtllo, Va. Among the speakers arer Mis Leila Ar Russell and Miss - Mary E. Frayser, extension worker of Wlntrdop College. Miss Rhea C. Sciott. I who occupies a similar pnKio1n Tha i Slate Normal School of Harrisonburg, I Vs.; Mis Ella C. A g new. organiser ot 8 iris club In Virginia T. J. Coatea. . ; tat Bupsrvlsor of Hnrel Schools In Kentucky; R. J. Wllllngham. Wale, BupeHnteant of - Public lnatrwctlon Ot Alabama! Bvi lleJchardt, Btat Or- v., ganlser of Bchool Improvement t?1b of Arkansas; Miss Jennie B. Oray, IHs trlirt Supervisor of Rural Bchool of -Mt. Carmel, Va; Mis Husl V. Powell. Stat organiser of Ulrla' (,'luba nf. Mis.;. slsslppU-MIa Vfrglnla JViloore, Jut Organiser of Girls Clubs of Tennes- - e; Mra Charles P Weaver, State Or- ganlser of Olrur" Clubs of Kentucky;' Mr-Mr-Parka J'resldent of the Qeorgia Normal and Industrial SchooT ar Mil- e ledgevtlle; Mrs.- Hetty S. Browns. teacher -Of the experimental f arm, school. Rock Hill, a 0.: J,V. McCon- nail, president of th State Normal ana i Industrial Bchool at Abingdon, Va.:i Mr. Mary C Roark. Dean of tha Woaaan'a - Department of., th . fltal Normal follsas at Richmond, va.; if Cook, "president of th State Normal -College st Hattlesburg. Mlsa: and J lisa B. Burruss, preeident of tho mat Normal College at Harrlsburg. V a, Tha -main Question .to come Jefora th Conference of tho Presidents of State Colleges for Women I "'Howl Can tho Women- on th Karma bo - Beached and Trafhod 'YwrTlMe liira- WorkT" Th conferwnc I In charge; of H. U Whitfield, of Columbus, Miss J chairman; and J. X. Foust of Oreeos- . boro, N. C, secretary. The Routhern Aasociaaon or uonega Women will aonatdor th toplo. "TheJ. . Standards ot Southern Secondary School and Collegoa" Mlsa May tnaneld Keller, of Haitlmor. Ml, as president of th association, will preside. Miss KUsanetn A. t Olion. u.iuik V f la rretsrr lAwnsn Abbott a New Tork editor, will adj dreas the Soothern College Woraon mi . "Keata In the Kltrhon." i . . Id-j sili ' 3 ;i MRS. fAR1S8A RRIDCFnM. After i illness of the past three secretary and assistant secretary of j months, Mv Nart-Jsaa Bridirvrs, widow th navy, la fact. In th absence of lot. tho Lit A Samuel Brldger. died at th two civil officers the chief of the4: o'clockVeeterday mofmlng at her bureau of navigation la acting secre- J lax homo on Tfarth ast street at th ary . , . . , aia J I.yara Pr I n , sW-lthtj . , . . AXXtTAtVKLKlTION OF OFrTCKRS. Th annusLjiisiiSkaa of the Woman's Club, at whffh titna th election of of ficer will like piaro and the old offi cer will mVk their reports, will held at 4 oVnck Thursday afternoon In tha club iVm on South (Salisbury street This nnkaMiig wIIIJm the most Important of thaytai1 ltd 'ery club member 1 urgently requested to b 'present. 1 ;, ; ' "" i Tha proceeding of th Loaa-M efj Southern Women Writers will ho dH reeled by the league' president, MreJ ltut ledge Bmltn, or uooaviiio, -xwnnos-s see. and by It secretary. Mr. Ida Clyde Clark, of Nashville, Tenn. Tha conference or atate oraanrs of School Improvement and Agents ofi Girls' 1 lemonstrauon wont win ais- Ctiss the question, now waa inw uirsi ; Club Work b Made a Part of th Work of the Rural Hcnoolsr Miss) Susie V. Powell, of Jsckson, Mlsa., I rhalrmnii of th conferwne. aad Mlsai Virginia P. Moore, of Nashville, Ten-j nessee, Is sei-retary - ' .. Dlcuston at ail women ronrer-, sncss are to oe neia to a tew imssisi length, th meetings consisting laxgalv of mi interchang ot xpsrlence and" . Ideas. - e si s i GOOD REGISTRATIONS" REPORTED YESTERDAY Several Hundred ow Kunea Added and IVrsik Show Largo Interest in Tito KspuUoo. ' Though none of th registrar in th-lght potllng place of th city " could give exact figures, the reglstra- tlons In every precinct were very satisfactory and more than ISO names were put on th books. The highest numner wei to 7 ana the lowest to 15. Throughout the reglstraUon period therjn had , been no very striking interest shown In registration but th number who wnt up yesterday and nan instr names on th books waa most gratitying. In th various wards there ra, registered mote than 100 colored men. Thy ar divided well. Ther' 1 no way of telling how many will bo . subjected to chaUeng. - -r- - - -f Th advocat of th eomm lesion fotm were highly pleaasd last nignt. They had met th anonymou etrcu.. lar giving an alleged return of Wil mington to ths commissloa-form of government Opponents of th torn mission form hav advised that this circular be withdrawn. It ban don harm because It hasn't th slightest -foundation for "trtiUca -' - " Tha commission form advocates de clared last hlght that th majority for th ehang to commission government will ranf from ta TO, v 1 ' V

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