: r THE" WEATHER Fr North Carolina: Ctuady. followed bjr shower iml taaadeswtoran Friday. BlKhmt. SI: lorn l; 1espttloa t Mm u Jnie news .y, :,-v Mfl observer DOITS LS TSS CXtC3 unow OF AIH OTHER lTORTH CAKO UKA DAILY. t i VOL XCVII. NO. 92. MLEIGH, n; C, FRIDAY MORNING, APftH. 4, 1913. PRICE 5 CENTS 0 ENABLE MEH OF MODERATE MEANS TD SERVE ABROAD Matter of Increasing Salaries of United States Ambassa dors Is a Live Question BRYAN FLOOD TO CONFER - fJcConibsJ asu$ 100.000 JBut lies i- -tales ..About GoingtoFraiKe Because of the Expense I B H. K. C. BRTAXT. cTashington. April 3. A poll of the Temocrata o,f Congress Is ein taken with a view of. ascertaining the senti ment for or against Increasing the salaries of tlie United States ambas drsiiatbst men of J).ll,tJr, serve. Three propositions are con-' sidersd: First, for the grovernment to psy the rental on homes for ambassa dors; sei-ond, to build homes for them, and third, to increase their salaries. William KMcCbmbs conferred wtt1. members of the House and Senate last week when here to aee If anything In the way of financial help can be expo-ted front .th ra session of t 'nntrrmmM SSJk V - it i understood that Mr.McCombs . f Ji ' aee4l4lMm, nient to the dipt, ftt -"tpost '' Pari. he will have to upend about 125,000 or 110,000 over snd above his sajary t I1T..00. In four years. It Is estl. mated,- hta little fortune would be " gone, and he would have to return to - ihe practice of law .to make a living; Mr. McCombs has hestuted about excepting; ' the smbaseadorshlp to Prance, for no other reason that he doernot feel able to take It. , " Walter H. Page cannot keep up the pace set by Whltelgw Reid. who paid sss.voe rem innuwiy. ji n.i j 117. Ms was just a drop in the bucket; ' . If Mr. Page should follow his lead, he -would run out of funds In on year. .... Secrtjr. Bryan of the Stat De partment, and Representative Flood, of the Hwm Cemraitte on PoT-ign ;., ar gfQipgr -S-eeujIer on the md- rmmm? or introducing sr-fciil to en- able mea of moderate- means to go sbroad. A bill may be Introduced Tim weelr. - RPTTRW FROM NORTH CAROLINA. Representative W. C. I In ley of iregon and W. I Hall, of lV Forest Service, have Just returned fr. n a trip to the mountain of Korth Carolina, where tbev went to look over the Bllt- -"mfi! Taresnr-Tifsi Aslieillk. Neither Mr. Hitwley nor- Mr.- Hall would confirm the story that the gov ,'. ernment is going to purchase under I lie Weeks law, the Ptsa-ah forest, but both waroBdellghtea" wTTh Thecbnnt ry. Mr-Hawiey is a- member ot 4ha3az a 'w Miw 7 T APPEALS PETADVI E ICE FROM GRAVE PETITIONS COURT TARIFFSITUATIOIi In Financial Rehabilitation of The City . : NECESSITATED BY FLOODS President Wilson Receives Tek ; gram From John H. Patterson. Treasury Dept. Watching lllTF the Xssolated--Iriis.) Washington, April 3. President Wilson was appealed to today to lend the expert advice of the Federal gov ernment In the financial rehabilita tion, of .Dayton, Ohio, necessitated by the devastating floods. ' - , John H. Patterson., chairman of Dayton's relief committee, telegraph ed the president as follows: . , "Dayton's fiuunclal Institutions sug gest you send a representative to Day ton to consult with end advise them of financial matters." "- Acting Secretary Williams, f the Treasury department, to whom the question was referred, asked Mr. Tat tersnn fer a prompt report with par-Ik-ular of the subjects upon which the city desired Federal advice. , -Th Treasury, d epartme nt Is . cl osel y watching the financial situation In the flooded districts. The sub-treasury at Cincinnati has practically exhaust ed Its supply of one, two and Ave dol lar bills. " --J1- - . AIKOW'DAX.M. Mrs. Heinze Dies Begging That Record Be Expunged OF-THE DIVORCE DECREE Supreme Gwrt of New York Yil1 Be' Besought to Restore Cop- . per Kings Wife ' ' SHIFT5T0SEIIATE ;;0RKAHEAD MUCH President's Task 1o Bring Sen ate, Houi aid His Own ' Vievnt filo Harmony SOME CHAFES NECESSARY sV 1 w- .It . ft. v piled iiiiVt,;'tas chsnged conamons mun-riuy " tonight. Although the weather change naturally woulil enny with It a nega live outlook for the welfare' of the . nnilifldence seems to have : r.. ..... ho nu "Ki'n t an, i bajy wln tn support or tne poi sprung up '"'T,r p.V.f hw tkJ-ma4uiUjrh9 have worked hardest to ptevent Csl ro destruction, tnat appearea m - Day after dsx the residents have watched the floodater climb o the guage until tonight It stood "h1 abovs S4.. The old record was M.0B. WORK OF HH0 FHUITERB DIF. . HCI J.T. ----- - Memphis. TennV. April High ... hMtina rain made worn tor tha Ooottr fighters ehwur the s uwlppl river tonight difficult but "n lesa .Oie disturbance is proloAged which.1 not anticipated, those direct ing: the light d not beUev the mse uuences win ne senou. RIVKR 8TKADIXY FAU.IXO. Loulsvtlle. Ky.. April 3 Though there Is a large volnme of water flow ing under the three bridges across tne )hT6-TWeT-t-ths--plr-ratfl S'J fall since the crest poased yesterday morning has been steady, though slow. Tonight, with a stage ot 44.3 feet In the 'anal at o'clock, the river 1. . . h in. nisrn nearly one iooi iu" v1"" ' - (,- the Associated l'rcss. -v-New ork April 3. The court that parted K. Augustus Heinle, the copper king, and his wife, Bernlce, will be besought to restore her to . him In death. - Jt was Mrs, Heliue'S d1tig wish that this be done, for the sake of her child. Her lawyer, Benjamin F. Bpellmann, besan preparation of a remarkable petition today, a few hours after his lllent's -death, to ex punge the record of tie-interlocutory decree already granted. "I hav always loved you, FriU: I have always hoped something would happen to bring you back to me" the dying woman's words of recon ciliation with her husbgmi; the death bed scene; her tears and embrace; his assurances of love; his promise to trv to fulfill her last wish all these will be written 'Into the Jurisprudence of the Htate, together with the testi mony, under oath -of Mrs. Helnxe's mother, her sister, and the nurses1 who stood near by. Never before has the Supreme Court of, New York been- petitioned to ex punge . the record of a divorce by a voice from the grave, j . Had she lived It would liave been 4i mii.i her hODolmit something wou!dv"trmg' aliii'ur W Tscfme ttslivTily-pnatpotW- laaing in. nn:u aecree wmcn , migni have been entered Inst month. 8he Leaders Dex had only until April l'i to decide whether, the decree- would be taken. Again and' again she told ma: 'Wait, Senate Leaders ueciare it lmpos- sibk to Pail Bill Containing;! Free WoJ 3md Sugar ; . - - -.- (By the lasociated Preas.) Washington, April 33. Completion nt the new tariff revision bill, the character of tka duty to be levied upon sugar, and the extent to which President W'ilsea wlH give the sup port ot tlve administration to the com pleted measure, depended tonight upon the success that might attend efforts of the lesldrnt to reach an agreement with Hemae tariff leader. The tariff situation shifted to the Sen ate today with the prospect of much work ahead of tli Chiaf KxecuUve lo smooth over disputed points, and to bring the Senates the "House, and his own views lntd lisrmony before the new bHl Is brought out to the gate of the public, t- . Senators Hlmtnom. Ptone. and Hoke 8mlth. all members of tlis Finsnce Committee, .ltad a ldngieonferenee MSUttSiiUjn-pisViui'.. conference had een lii Vert' wly"i 'ISfalWry fwlliw fawiaKi mmnv- . Kweepttas; laavaf msoc. A sweepHuT eam-ajsr of the Bensle has been undertaken to deternjjne Jnsi how fsr Democratk) members of that JOJINTiELLLTFLOOD 1IER0rKEPT0UTSIDE -r WORLD INFORMED 10 V DAYTON CALAMITY MRS U T tween my husband snd me. To take It would tear my soul from Its body.' "During the last minutes of her life she repeated over and over again the request that the record be ex punged. 1 am convinced that there must be some method for the great chancellor to reach out and destroy or seal those records." Mrs. HMnie's body was sent this afternoon to Toledo, Ohio, for burial. 1 m One of Her Air-Cruisers Lands on1 French Soil mafK. to normal long the rtv tional Forest Reservation Commission. The Forest Reservation Committee Is now composed - of fh- foliowlng- nunta.i'vnuiii; . necrvinrieti ine, ui . .--Frtn -rhr Intertorr Hmtston, -AgricuHre.r 0l.LtuE rnUr tOOUrV - and Oarrison, of War: Senators Hmith. . , u 1 1 itit efJiarj-Und and Uallingej- of Newt AUMI I b IntMt-MlsU riampsnire, ana Hepreseniaiives ie conditio. r "P'o'y . r"urn,nB ."WAS LOST IN THE CLOUDS" i the river imm. --s f Oeoraria aad Hawley of. Oregon. "MrrHawley was the only member of I . - .ST 1V ; 7 i z - the commission who could accompany llr. Hail on his North Carolina trip. - Fstntiassj nrH axexeery. - "It la not only proper that the gov ernment should buy Ptagah forest. If the price is reasonable, but a neces sity." said Mr. Hawley today. - "The, roads In the mountain coun try where I traveled are laid nut well. The timber about Asheville Is fine and the soil well adapted to the growth f forests. .1 observed a fine stand of limber on the Yanderbllt place, snd l 'Is wseibie." " ' ' liSTlsh In rials. " Mr. Hawley waa latiah in his praise of the. bio- poplars, he saw in North Csrollna. tie thinks the Douglas fir will grow about Ptagah. There are between 75.900 and 0.000 seres p( land In the Plsgah for-. NEW DEVELOPMENTAL ENTERPRISES REPORTED Half a Doccn North Carolina CohceriM f Tbte t Im Mentioned ta Mannfac tarrtw Record. lipecial to News and Observer.) Baltimore. April l. Among the . litany southern industrial and other ievelopmentaj enterprise reported In this week's Issue of the Manufacturers' He. ord are following: Southern Aluminum Co., Whitney, N. . Is reported to have begun con- tructlon of dsm on Yadkin liver; to he 1.000 feet long-, 150 feet or more - high, to develop 4S.A0d horsepower for aluminum msnufscture; reported cost of hydro-eleclrlc development. $2, tiOO.OrtO: contract has been awarded for 300,000 barrels of , cement for dam ; ronstroyotion. Whilhead Hosiery Miluf Co. Bur- ' llngton. N. CM plans to erect additional - mill building. 110 by 0 feet and to In stsll several hundred machines for Iviiittlng hosiery: building and ntachin- err reported cost about 75,000. . . Safety Ink Co., Wilmington, X...C. wsa incorporated with capital stock of 310.000, and will establish plant to manufacture typewriter rtbbons. etc. Thrift Manufacturing Co., Charlotte, X. C, was incorporated with capital stock of f iO.000 to manufacture cot Jon goods. " Gaston Creamery C Stanler, N. C, was ln-orporated with capital stock Of tSO.000 to establish creamery. Fayettevllle Steam Laundry ' Co., Fayettevllle, NVC.. was Incorporated with capital stock of 350.000. r"' F.TAL FIRE IV PITTSBinc. Pttsburg. Pa..' April J Charles Kornocramp. a watchman, was killed, four policemen and six firemen werv i hurt, and property valued at $72,000 . was destroyed when the plant of th Wood and Lloyd Company, niomi- f anl u racs-af - glass . honst . supplies, bnrned on the soath side today. The flre-resuned front a (as explosion In b of the buildings, j. .. t- Prof. w. KnhM. TpIIh Story of How His Home mwm rrrrr . the lnndrymn H fshot. 1 l ' i (My the Associated- Press.) St. Paul. Minn.. Aprif r. JWfTtW Parade Grounds and Is Seized Amid Excitement, , i r - tit 'U-4Jti-$& A I SENTENCE THREE SERVITU E In Her Dramatic Closing Ad dress for Herself She Is u Wildly Cheered "I WILL REFUSE TO EATI" "I Will Come Out of rj&aon Dcac( orjMive at the Earliest Pi5ry - ible Moment!" , ... .. John Ucll. Dayton. ., '.April 3.Kvery great crisis, they ', dexelops Its hero some man who stands out above his fellows for tho consplcuousnees of his bravery or his devotion to duty In the hour of greatest-need. The great flood which swept oVer Dayton lust week developed Its hero In the person of John Bell, telephone operator. For one entire week when the ca lamity was at Its height -Hell slept on street, keeping ilovernor Cox iu the state hwusr at "Columbus, as well as the rest of the outside world, In touch with the situation, directing, the ef forts of -the' linemen who were trying to, rehabilitate the telephone system; advising and helping the military men who ran to hlln with their problems: aSNistlng the fire department In Its ef forts to . find' gasoline engines and l.nmps with which to pump out the flooded i.aseirienta; supervising; oy nis an' average of three hpirs out f 24. 1 siytgestlons. the distribution f relief IIi& n v food was s . nr.-m una s iloing aiinoni mer.yininaj; - . .T-r . .....j.. ,iT - (By tho Associated PremT london. April 3. Mrs, WnrtnellneJ Pankhurst, the leader of fhei tntlttantf - suffragettes, was today found gtrilty? and1 sentenced to three years penal, - sennudo at tne uid Bauer Session on the charge of Inciting; persons tt commit damage. The trtalraautrsd) two days. , TtH Jurjr added to verdlot e guilty a strong' rscommendatloa to A mercy, and when the Judge pronouns J ed the heavy sentence of three yearsJ the crowd of women In the court- room rose in angry protest. - . As Mrs. I'ankhurst stood Up In thai . prisoner's enclosure, her sympathiser ' cheered wildly snd then filed out efl court, singing "March On! Mareld on!" to the tuns of the "MaraolH lsJss.' . i . decision to put raw wool on -the free list, and the throat of free auaar bare stirred up the OesnorratU: forces of the Senate ta such an extent that members of the Tlnanca Committee told the Preaidaat tonight soma impor tant change would have to be mad hi the present -draft of the bill, if It tm to meet with a cordial reorptois when It reaches, the Sonata. ThS Presldexjt-alsp IMr Senator niurhas of Ne 1 sumitei af the iJBiiinn flu sw i'k ssisl vii car Olson, formerly of the 1 niversity of Minnesota, who sdmltted he shot and killed Clyde ti. Darling, a laun drvman. for wrecking his home, took the witness stand this evening, and ohh.ri audibly as the relations be tween Mrs. Olson and Darling were wrung from htnr " - The courtroom was crowded, snd many wept with the defendsnt, who presented the picture; of a broken eplrited man. Mrs. Olson burled her face In her hsnds and wept softly throughout her hiishH nd's tesumony, "My wife confessed to me that there had been Illicit relations between her' aelf and Darling, and I warned him to keep away from my hme,'.'Olson testified. "He continued to come, de spile the warning, ami finally succeed ed In tearing down the happiness, of the home. "The night ef the shooting I wss alOne. said the witness. --"I heard a- noise and went to the .kitchen to In vestigate. I saw a man standing in- isionlst. snd atenasar John W. .kern. the Democratic lea tier of the Senate. His confereaee with Senator Kern, which, followed that wlih ineinoets of the Finance Committee, is understood to have given the President a fairly accurate idea of the senUment prevail ing ta the Senate over the proposed free w.ool and reduned sugar duUea, and ever the sweeping reductions in other rates that have been determined fwpon by the- House -Committee on Ways and .Means. - Completed by Hoaee Comenlttne. Today's developments included the practical Completion of the bill by the Houas Ways and Means -Committee, along theHnee aareed to with the President It a ppeared "fitnjrreTtatn tonight that either sugar duty would be compromised at 1 cent per pound. Lnjnii tin i rem. ii .Military i oe entirely inonsneo m tnree yes or tnat there should be a gradual reduction of I per -cent per year from the existing dutr. until It had 1 disappeared. j The Senate leaders havrTnadoTr ciear mat it would no impossible, t psss a bill carrying bath free wool an free sugar. . The Senate leadera did not resi h, any general agreement with the Preel (Conttmieil on Page Two.) -nt" nf tjaMohi He 'iitoir WifdTtwsftnwnWyrg,etJ a his I wish to call any wltnesseeTh-hei T switchboard In the flooded nt the-- 4vuanttt4 rsl superiors "WHO. M E? ' SAY COLONEL WATTS -knewr-tli"lVwarTVro( executive. I far from the matter beore the courts thtt-thoJm1gecensured-hTr Mrs. Pankhurst denied any mall pr r n iTn n 1 1 r i r p p utUIIUn-JRIVItDbr-4 BOYLAIJ IS DEAD An Interesting Study In Human Wadesboro ..Newspaper Man 5Doh.'u Know j Reactioiiaryj Froml Va for Year a Meinlief Boanl of .Trtite'e of School for Blind, Progressive Democrat Demo- r crat ts a Democrat" ind,tod Citizen D " tb it - rrfr rtHVArt1 1 Wsshinstoh. April 4.--C..I.-A Wstts. under fire, la an Interesting study In human Pesh. "Mr. Kd. .1. Jusili;a h sttui ked ou with gloves off snd lodged a chsrg of conaejJUlim..SSJlnst you. Mr. vwnin; 1 clous Incitement. "Neither I nor the other mllltsnc suffragettes are wicked or naitcJous.t she said. "Women are not tried b their peers, and these trials sra siv example of what women are suffering in order to obtain their rights. Per sons liy, I have had to surrender a large part of my income In order to be free to participate In the suffrage movement." . .. i speaking- with much feeling, Mrs. Pankhurst- fiercely rritlr-iaed mn-lawa.-aad i-svJd ,4kat tliav divorce .law kmS, wag solflfient toitmtitr a revo lution by the wrnnen. f ... .. Will Rrfnso to FJit. In Impassioned tones she d"lar- 'd: - ' 'i ' - 'Wlialever niay Ie tiiy sentence, I will not submit. Prom the very moment-1 leave the court I will refuse to eat. I will 'come out of prleon ... desd or sliv-st Ihe esrllso't posslblo moment." ' - - 3nntt,eTnnih4i tmmm tiling up; tnht - Senator from Ire.lell was ssked "Who, me-? !Jes. Mr, Wills, jo; atta'ked." "Called me a reactionary?" . ."yes. or something as had ". -"I have- nothing to say- n..'h cfi .m.i-ii.i tii N'l aTr-BTnrTWfiri'n er. F .... , . . i.,m,. ii ine jurv mat mis. I'nonniir!. p HiicwiiT Wadn.ro. April l..Unie '.', .,jmi ,lltl hsrt Hoylin, editor and owner or the Mee- ; ,nrit,d to tne perpetration of illegal singer and. Intelligencer, died here t acts.. ' l hla morning after an illness of three Mrs. J'ankhurst almost Iwoke down . ,. ... . . ., ,., .nri when' the tury pronounced its verdict. months. , He hau)ieen -utiaeii '"'..,,. ,1. -., IV,. , what have yoir io y"slour'UT"TnrHv;rneTrtn"e."anS monla developed, and his weakened 'If it is Impossible to find it dlf- ty-1- m7."Thr,,,.n condition .tiiutiT m.l Wlllntss4 tli at- ' feren: verdict. 1 want to say to .yon oil are th- ll'j??l4T--T-j.v,r,--trtf)w ' yonf-TlMty -a,TT-frtto irfrTt-m tmrftftth citizens to do whs t yon osit year, having been norn May ', ns. ,,, ,n , thla state of af- He-was a native of AVartesfcnro. hilt i fairs." Hhe. then repeated her determine ' mover! tHMnru lin a young man -i By the Associated 'preae" I.unevllle, France. April 1. one of the great German Zeppelin air-cruisers landed on hYench territory' todsy coining down on the military parade grounds here at mid-day, while a brlg ude of French riflemen were drilling. It was seized by the French author- -Utles, . -s cox Oermsn ofllcers slighted from the gondola and ex pained to lirlg-i(ii"r-Jeneriil Antlde Leon lsont Ins. " 'Ohr It's you- yon.J he said, and took steps toward me. I had my re volver and fired twice in rapid succes sion. A second later I saw the wreck er of my home throw his arms Into the air and fall limply to the floor." J. D. NUTT SUCCEEDED . BY W. W. WILLSON that 4 he motor of thcaltshlp hadLde- .,, . e icivpru n , Inhabitants of the esslern frontier regions of France have been much eg Itated the lat few weeks over re ports that German dlrigblea had been observed or heard nlshtly hovering over the forts. But the stories, like those of l4 rhsntom Airship of Eng land, never were properly substan tiated. The ranking German officer said ttiey had departed " from' Frledriell- shafon, on lake Costsnce, st 0:40 Of the Intention to Recognize the Chinese Republic saw s man sinnoinn in- , -. - ... side Ihe door, and I recognised Darl-7 ' , " "'rl""'" 'r.. Rah'igh Mann BeisHsi s KaVie Itepnty tirsnd ttian.fl lor, Knights of Pyth ias. VUw Wilmington Man. Who licturnM to Drug ItustiMFSnv.....,.,,.,,,,. apeclal to News and Observer.! Wilmington, -April - S. James D. N'utt, who for the pHSt nine yesrs has been State- deputy grand chancellor. Knights of Pythias, traveling the en tire Htate In the interest of the order, has resigned his position In order to return to the drug business. . Mis res ignation has been reluctantly accepted by Col. Walker Taylor, of this city, grand chancellor, and William Wood' row Wlllaon, of Raleigh, has been ap-' pointed as his successor, the change to take effect April 10. Mr. Nutt goes with W. C. Mnnds, a Market Street druggist.- CH IKC.K.D WITM AHKAI'IjT. ' S ' - ' John Mclwn Pined f Id.'And Butler Hpivog Given Road Sentence. Durham, April 3. Joe Jackson, John McLean sod Butler HpK-ey, three operatives of the West Durham mills, were tried this morning on a charge of assaulting Roy Wllkerson, another West Durham man, with Intent to kill. McLean waa fined 110, Splvey re leased, and Jackson was sent to ths roads for fire months. The case grew put of the assault of Wllkerson shout a week ago, when ihd three lnen pass ed by bis home and raised a disturb ed". ",(,.' : they had crossed the French fron tier. " 1 - Such crowds of Frenoh people col lected during the Interrogation aad the excitement grew so Intense that the commandant . found It neeeeaary to call out a battalion of infantry to keep the populace at It distance. " News of the descent of the. Oerman military dirigible waa telegraphed to the nilnlstry of war at Parts, and Eu gene Kttlene. minister of war, ordered It to bVseixed. -J 8KEV MAErVF.RISG. Vesuul. France, April a. An im mense dirigible balloon which ap peared to be a German Zeppelin air ship was Sean today by a number of French officers-maneuvering at sons on bosrd. IWHAKTROI H TORNADO. .' i Ky Ihe Associated Press.) Sturgeon, Mo.. April 3. William Mathls, 17 years old. a retired farmer, was killed, his wife Mary and h's daughter Ruth, 34 yesrs old. were l-robably fstally Injured and IE other persons were less seriously v t to ony by a tornado that passed within a ... Diwiflcwii, iwvmj .nouses f. BRYAN NOTIFIES THEDIPL01TS s nntr. r, . -- . . m-s- i sv iu u t rno nPr rtfnTPnrn m won ti - . . ..ntrs.e. t .in , miii ipurno'il tli. tniiitlnr htmlnM Witn .about Davidson college, when It.- en-1 Ills brother. W I Bo,1.n. the pr..-,P ' 'n' . ' mlt .m- t.red. there, shortly after . president prietor or tne Aionroe inqmirr -Vervdeiif tn a it "m- -mr Bit . Wilson left. He was telling .,, VV.I- runs, Io V; I wan to aee the wion of liiUi counr , son. of Morganlon. how he ItK-d Day- Wfibft2 try enfrsnchlsed. i want to live un-, luenn. although he did not remain pspei l'bliHhed '..n. J',h" t ,h..h- hwn j,,. i wM, Uk . Formally Proposes-That-All Other Government Do So on Same Day, April 8 there long. Io you think you are going to be appointed tolector of the Western dis trict. Mr. Watts? H-vern! people chsrge you w hh being a resctlonary Democrat." "Who, me" yeg, you." i "I never voted any but ilf KK-l.tr I emocratlc ticket. Have been a life long iH-niorrst.. Fought lor the t mocracy all my day. Don't know re actionary fron progressive M-intcrat. Democrat is a Di-nincrat." "Vnu are still In the race; "Who. ine'.'" ' "Yes. you." "Course. 1 tin going tu i .in M out; I have many Indorsements. Von i never went to Iwldsnn. did yor?. Jlrn Wirson was there with- me J- Thst wss all .Mr. W:.tls would Sparry W. Ileum the Intelllgen.er, and coriibiiii'il the tan. Since that time he has been an active publisher of the town p.ipei. Tie waa rerog- nixed as one of the best newspaper the desperate remedy other women! have taken and I will keep It up at) long as 1 hsve sn ounce of atrength.i "I IMibrrstci? Broke, the, Iw." 1 deilberstely l.reka the law., not. - in ih. wiuto ai.rl ana t..rf liyincaiiy ana noi eaiouooiuiy, our prosident of the State Press A anuria- j for a set and serious purpose. I hen-! lion He 111. - est Iv ballet a this lg tba only way. ' - In l04 Im was a delegate to the "Tills movement will go on whet he; National Democratic Convention, and 1 1 live or die. These women will go on) was chalrni.in of the emocrallc exe- I until women have obtained the com iithe lommiiice of Anson for many nmn rights of tMilsenshlp throughout the civilized woria.- . Justice. Lush ssid; I yesrM i He had been for u uiiinber of years - i h tiiemlirr of the board of trustees 1 oi the State School for the llllnd at Itul. Igh. Mr, iloylin was married In lit to '. I must pass ft. severe sentence en, vou. If ymi would only reajtso tha wrong you are doing and use your ln fluent In the right direction, I woull MIks Delu'ke Blnlr, of Monroe, and of i be the firm to use my best endeavor thl milon It. II . It. L., Frsnk Paul Jvlin I'arks.'and Jtinies (I. Boylln. Jr.-. survive In 1 1IH4 he was married to i.meaa sr. .inw -' i-oim.-b ..,. mih. i.ijir.ie Aniens ingrsm, aaugnier tenons one. . ! stir up the coiitroveisv s.iiiiejiinre. I nf the late Judge Md'orkle, of New-' - "KlisrocI Outrage!" r : ho news at this end of the nue will ton. To ihem were liorn tmo daugli- . Immediately the sentence of thre. to swure a mitigation of your sent-i ence. f cannot and T will not regarlJ vnnr crime as trivial. It la a mosa ;run out,- great height m-er the department of Ihe Haute Salone, near the Franco- German frontier. It had seven per-T Posal for a concerted recognition as an ': (By the Associated Press.) Washington, 1. C,-April g.-Secre-- tary Bryan haa formally notified ail diplomatic representative hereof the iBtentton of the tmtted SUtea to recog-! nlxe the new Chinese republKt On April, I. the meeting day of the Assembly . and has fornully proposed that ail other governments recognise the new republic In concert on that day. Secretary Bryan's not was deliv ered to some of the foreign diplomats yesterdsy and to the remainder of the corps today, teach waa enjoined to secrecy that a formal announcement might be made from the White House flrat, President Wilson's statement is expected at any time. Diplomatists hare regard lbs pro. Mr. Watts Is salting putimiiiv, Tiop- ring that the worst lias passed. I PEACE DOvFaBOUTTO LAND IN MEXICO? ters, Hestiy and Harriet Hoylin. Two; years fell from th judge's lips, the brothers aim. siirvlv e. They are W. .1. women In the court room broke out lk Hoylin.. of Nashville. Tenn., and II C a chorus of "shsme:" and "outrsg-e:'! Hoylin of l.uinlierton. t With Mrs. Psnkhurst's defiance Os action that will dear away any sore aess thst may hsve been created by what was called a breach of diplomacy recently when the White House an nouncement regarding the six powej: loan was published her before th foreign governments Interested had been notified. : WATCHWORD FOR FRlfEKS. were demolished by the wind. XHOONKR SINK. liedoctkm uf t otto Acreage. More. Oraia, Hay and Us Stork l By 'the Associated Press. J " Newport News. Vs.. April S.N'ews of the sinking of the 7 three-masted American schooner Samuel T, Beach am and rescue of her captain, crew and one passenger by the British sfeaftieri"Therdord"te Ttrtnsga hnr day reached here today with the Ijir rloaga'a arrvsf ' F . . v ', ; ' ,-, i .. . -' ( By the Assoolated Press. I JA Atlanta. Ga . April 3. "Passive l 4imlssion revolution, or a cur by e ojution. were oeciarea to th only Alternatives open to th farmer. In an address here today by Lurlan M. Rhode, president of the Tenneas Farmers' Colon, before the Georgia division of th . National Farmers' Union. ' . th reduction of th cotton acreage and mere grtiin. bay aad or stock." t.curral Hiicrta Agrees to Naming of Pedro lMcursln aa Proihthmal PmS.lcnl to hallsfjr .il I'siilons. (Uy th AiMicialed Press. El Paso.- Texas. April 3. To satisfy all f'SiRin the Mexican mclec, General Hiierla hits agreed to the naming of Ivdro lecurnlu as provis ional president, Mid advices -received here today directly from the national capital. ieciirn!ii would serve out the uni'ompleted term of the lain Pres. lOent Madero, Aa lnlnlHtor of e.le rlor relations in Msilern's former cab inet, Lascuraln Is entitled to aeree as nesf in line, in view of the umlis of Madero and Vtce-Prpsident Suarex. The Huerta cabinet would be retained my the compromise. - This arrangement, it Is said, has t Cemetery.' oeea . imxalou.nHuuoiiaiisig Tile surviving sisters are Mr M 1. Rose, of Wadsbore: Mr. 'aroline Knight, of liuihitni, and Mrs. F.. D. Hohinaoii, nf Jacksonville. FIs. Mr. lloyltn was a successful news-; paper man and a true cttlaen. lie was always loyal to the loniocratlc parly and did great service sith his. paper and his personal effort n In main taining good government. Ills paper as always a business enterprise, and he never allowed Ii to be . used forj any purpose stive tu cotntnon good. He wss a good-natured man, and to (Continued on Page Two.) N.C.NEWS AT 1 THE CAPITAL (By H. E. C. BRVAXT.) Wa.lilngtoii, D. C. April 3 A. 11. iRoyden, of Salisbury, la in the cv quarrel with him whs almost-an lni-:w,,h tt P?r ,y ,of ll'!li"u7' .,n"uf"r; uoBMlbllliv li hel.i no n,oit,. t turers who do noi wsut the tarlif heart toward any one, but-lived at rmov'd ,rPnl their products peace with ail the world. Though his . 1 going t- win ot In th rijtlit death was expected, neas of It came ss a distinct shock to the town this morning, for lie' was a friend to all who knew liinj- The funeral lll be conducted from the residence 4omorrow at S o'clock, end the burial will be in Kust View THAI f.WH .VFJ4NI-X WRECKKD. now fighting the Huerta government In Northern Mexico. It Is declared I that Governor Carranxa, of ( oiiliuila, t liv (lie Associated ress.) haa agreed and that the Honors insur- ' Koslon, April l. It was snnounc rectionists will fall In line. "1ed toduv tlitit the vessel which John 1 j F. Thayer, of this city, sent from rLAGLKR' f.RJ-UTI.Y IMPRoVI I). Nome. Alaska, threo years ago to ob- ' ' lain zoological snd botanical spool- By the Associated Press. ' meiisln the Arilc aiid sub-Arti.- re- tvest rsim Hcat n, ria., April z. Th condition nf Henry M-. Flagler. Who has been 111 st his home here for for collector of Ihe Western district," said Mr. Hoydon, today. "I did not come here to sue anybody about the Job. I brought some friends to In troduce them to Senator Overman and other Congressmen." Mr. Boyden did not discuss hit cso dldacy with anyone. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blair, of Troy,-wsrereretodaT--fl-h4-way-4Mu. froiu.Panama. They had a dellghtfnl trip t the canal sone. Dr. F. O. Williams, a negro 'leader, t ot Salisbury, who la ar candidate or minister to Liberia, called on Senator Overman today. T. B... Ward, of Rocky Mount, has come to Washington, to accept a po- sev.eral weeks, was reported greatly laaproved today. Air. Flagler took some nourishment ' today, and his fi-ild.grshpeflll Jfer his recovery condition today as favorable. gloiis. has been wrecked on the SI- sltlon under Senator Simmons. berlan coast. Captain Keren, leader J. .' Redmon.' candidate for th of the expedition, sent the news In a postofflc at Marshall. Is here. fe.is.igft to Mr; Thayer, but added thst Heorelary twnlela-wtrrTeturir-tOii sll the material obtained was saved ; city tomorrow. . - ... ' snd cached In Siberia, . Mr. Thayer Representative Pag went to the will place some of the specimens In wntte House touay to inanu tne rrsi- Hia physicians are said"To r.'garj tjpilils"'prlvatemuem 'ndirlv-tlte4de. lee appointing: his brother. Wa others to Harvard Vnlversltj. jter H. Psge. ambassador Is Kii(laud.