a tS4 WATHJt For Forth CwoUm: Rala Tarad; Wednesday HJftjM. 4 fin: tow. at degrees: nrvdpil 1 tlwuT Inch. I 'OLXCVII. NO. 101. .. 0 ETFR. : I jw , . jr h : ir(TEGBITY AIID 1 InUII I I I 1WIHI ML.., pUILIM IIHillLU! News, sad Gfsefvo : DOUBLE THI LATioa or ah OTHER ITOBTH CARO Lllf A DAILY, IULEIGII, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 1T, 1913. PRICE 5 CENTS r SE PRESIDENT PICKS SUMMER CAPITOL IN NEW H AMPSHIRE; K.vC WILL LIVE -OX "NOVELISTS ESTATE DUUINT.IIOT MONTHS V' . V.' ' 'V - - .. .'I " ' ' . ' - - CRETARY 1 flfel Be Given Office in Prefer ence to Partisans Without Better Qualifications After Stormy Busiriss" Meeting That Results in Partial Vic tory For Mrs. Story I0D11NEX1 iP 1 km Baracas Elect State Officers and Philatheas Will Do So at Today's Sessions THE PRESIDENT'S ATTITUDE I NOTABLE WOMEN PRESENT j E. W. -TATUM , PRESIDENT .Not That lie Is (king. to Ignore j The '-Daughters Urged to Apply Day- of . Inspirational Addresses! Recommendations of Senators and Representatives . Principles of Their Revolutionary Ancestors to Modern Problems and Round Table Talks Among I I -eaters and Members (By H. K. C. BRYANT.) - (By the Associated Press.) ' i ' Washington. I). .'.. Aprtl 14. Dale- Vf - igatei to the Continental Congress of . ; ilh Daughters of the American Itevo- liiti.iti u.-Hl..h Kirun it. tv.ntv-MH'imd T . I . . . . .. 1 ! annual wiwon nere luuay, win ww "' coined 'lo Washington - by - Preeident : Wilmm in hi tirt public address .' sl;tce hi Inauguration. Adureeaes of welcome also were made by Secretary Htatw-firyaii and the Krem h ambassa " dor. M. .luwrand. Hoth the Presi dent and Secretary Bryan told the Jaughler that it was their duty to . apply th principle or mitir revoiu luuiac; lems. The afternoon session, given oter ' to addresses of welcome, cam after a atonny buslnoss meet Inn which re- suited ill - partial. viotoryT forthe rk, rfifof the i:an- 9 . . . . . , '' ; .f ::r-"" ; I '.. . , I iTlHrri-y-mTTiHi n i n i U.f..A.,.l.A..lk!.-.!.A :,..,.:.. J.I.. .'.L "Z. 1. , .:. . ft'TV. of W Yll .. ... ,... : I : i 1 8 pec la I to Newa and i br er. Charlotte. April II. Durham Kt the next Btate Baraca-Phllathea Con vention, the determination of the dele gate from this city making Itaelf felt from before the time the convention convened -tha Durham folaa begun their work on the tralna conijnn Into Charlotte. 'The only other town to make a atrona; bid waa KalelRh, bttt the (lecinlun waa Durham' from the flrit. Thi af'.ern.ion the Baracaa rlerted their Htate officer, i hmi.lnK the fol lowltiii: President E. W. Tatum. of Salla bury. ' Vlre-Prealdenta Dr. Oorje K. pr.il- ; Vlre-Prealdenta Pr. .Kor K. I peace and Uiar . Dehhla, omia:r1rt: Fh .1. Bohanti. uf ' IheTnanalun aland wit Durham: f. M. , Harwell.' Wlnaton- Salem; -. 1. Maxwell, of Aahrville Beffetary and TreaaureY IC. A. Bland. -of Haletnlw , - - Ese-ritW rmrfiijie Dr.f. A ' . H. Tfetft;7)f OWmfr1TOxrnertYtrH 4 - - ewaa-J ' ySHv-- Jit l-Tfi It --ii jrr-f i Il-e.- Ii T rf i , e, I . - f v . - TV I I fevll5t'. JJ EFFORTSTOPUT vTCATTtTAND SHEEP ON FREE LIST FftIL Democratic House Caucus Votes Down Amend ments AGAINST CHANGE IN BILL Wilson... Relieves the Tariff Hit . Mt fts t'leneral . Ajiproval oi 5 The tiiuntry T llarinkriMlen. near oriit-h. X. H. 'orniali, N. !.. April li.'ln Hht- , river anl 1 in the midat of a heM. IHIll'-lt the noveltat. hear Woodruw WltHon will eniabliah th tlv ' I'e rnixh ill.iae. tne io iiki lakendetl on tha .betiatlftil lOll-acie wwm-n lorest or k hh.i jWne. ; miinr way- i- -(,.r, u- country et tata of Wlnaton l niirr nniu. i .r Aimm ' the l'rei.leiit a lM.niilptton of "."00. but the IiiHuk here. Preeident ; neiahlHirn Till lw Kenyon I'ox. NVr- of i.loiilt nearly. ilmlM'a tbi tiiHii It.tpKooil. Marleld I'ur'nh. nuinli.T In aiimmer. ...mn... ..rvllu) He ha. leaaed the viM'"in1 Irh. Aiiitm M. i -w ineo.r. t.. inree mnea u. uie jummer capital. He baa Iraaed tne !,. ani, w,hrn ,.rrh. aouth. will be the eat of th- xSv- building for the coming wawin. n j Th, lp pretty. but not pre- ullve offl. er during I he minnier. I h aeclueiou will ""provide) the dlreil . t'eiittini. h i of lri-k. two s n ' - iNwIofflre- and telegraph l:'lior. of Deace and uuiati . in heiabtand iiiiitHina tbirtv r-i:.r. thl.x little loan wtll lie er.'.arue I to ty-tlv vard , o., 'he I'onnei tii tit WW tt''f iroailwav lead to Ita rear entrnnce. FTil'llHimal lotHff-- '(. inpunyinx the 'relcr arrival. imn fur the appointment of the col lateral committee of rewreaentativea . of each of the candidate for preal- 4 dent general, to paa upon the txating , of i onlKted dleratloii. i Amoug the notable women .whoV -tnipted' bora at the at ternooa- meet - ' in were: Mr. W ocxlrow .Wllaon and Mr. Thoma R. Maraliall. Mr. Wil liam .1 Ko-an, Mr. A. 8. Biirleaon. Mr., Frank I in Iji tie. . Mine, t'hlmla, wff W'the Japaneae ambaaeador, and A I Lm I . .1. .. 1 1 u .- llummtinil . .-.. ..... UliferrocT Dropped ...iILt.TT. . - " ij Factional difference were put aaidt .uotlcy toward eonr ieamen--antt-pa.: toaage. ' j ' "- ' i 'oejeireper correeponflent & T;i Vlaxre -tldit Vr. WUaoiT. jrolug 9 -aaj-Jure MomawJiatUeai aenator v,"- and Tepreaeatativea. " Thai Uoe Hot ' Weem to be hla attitude. 7 1 The preeident haa marie It plain ' hat he la not going to appoint tnon to offioe unleaa they axe tit. Men of C haracter. Integrity, and ability will given office tripreferenoe to parti -aajna without the better quallncationa. Jolitlrlana of the ward-heeler type r eed not apply If the preeident knowe heir real position back vhnmr. 1 Woe be' unto I he aenator or ton - Arcuman 'ho cornea forward with a . tmn of fiueetionable cliaractor. The president doea not hesitate to amxiint men who have, been a tittle iv tie lr in .their nartt Ji page and John, Skelton WUtama ,.e exaniole but . . backward-looking men. although they have been PartV nrkra for years, may fall under ni ...... j,r4,wk . Mwana jxTniaater at Baltimore over iuia l. Kawllna Inat week. Two niembere ff the House of Representative tn- iL.iin. lavtterrv. the Pro- Iieniocra-ti 1 annolmeil ! concerned apeak ere. Paratdent WHon-aaW' he-did-not know that H waa neceaaary to welcome the members jet Ibe THiughtera of the Kevolulioav tWeehlnVtOB a UU.'K.lirJ mt elTeot. aireaoy was Their own city. He. commended their society for the plendid work it waa doing In com memotatlug the attainment of Ameri can liberty. "We reward organbuUlon like this," he said, aa part of the nations lobe of memory. They remind as of the thing that have gone by and of the stan dard to which we muat conform. If w would be true and loyal Ameri can. .' . ' I would not iiiicle. tke. at any rate in a single, improvised address, set Ml) the canon of Americanism. Ameri canism i now of so muny varieties among the ladles that 1 am not an aure of niy atandards on that side of tils House; and therefore. I tread very gingerly when I try to set up Stan. d,ird th-re, But this I know., that no far a our national, election are concerned: so far aa thone things a wblch we hold aaoreq In the pant.. o far as those thing go live up to ana o of Wilmington; J.- f. -Kerry,-of -Hal-1 eiah! A. B. Rmoot. of Hdluhuiv: aleo the state officer. The Philatheas expect to elect their officers tomorrow morning, holding consultation with tht In view thl evening. . - ' v -: TbeVhllaUsraaV . ' This mutating the Philatheas a sembled ut 9: SO. After devotional ex erciaex, Hiss Mottle N. Lyon, of U ford. Elate preeident. made an appro priate address, emphaaUlhg the pur pose of the urgunluitloB. ' Mi Vir gtula 4'llnid iwTmiilted th treasurer' report. . Mlgs Flossie- Byrd, of Oreennbore, general aecretary, then made ap ad-dreaa,- In which -she- summarised 4h achlevemaatai altalaed by the Phi- lath m ffl MM IWUBLE-TRKGEDil N "(By te Asuoclated rreei.) Wsahlngton. I. C. April 14. Persistent-efforta ,to)ut cattle and itlieifp on the free Hat." to cut the duly 011 swine and to otherwise alter the Ways and Mean committee tariff re- vlaroTmitwefeTiTelift ratlo - caucus of the , House today, The Democratic leadership fight foi the bill as report, was piloted bi itepresentatlve burton' Harrison, ol New York, in the absence of Itepre aentnttve I'nderwood, the majority leader, a im t 111. on the Senate side of I'ongrea the tsrlff revisionist were inactive. The agrlcultursl schedule we be- tntiaw caucus aH-thw-i noon, aitd there were some llvelv speeches. --'Many of. the new member of the House accounted their' view. iut each time there was a teat, the uiioiiufe. w overwhelmingly u- 111191 A. f AV iivia ... Cleveland Prince Shoots Mfs. But Habeas Corpus Proceed- May Lomax Qead and . v . ings Have Been Instituted . Commits Suicide Bailey is Ready M Knt.fr Batk CALLED TO SEE HER loriniltl-rThe-Statev'tnist j pKennsvf" lit. Cattle and sheep now are du tiable al ten per cent and swine at '. $1.50 a head. s' Representative' Baker, of ttillfor- ' nla; Huaseli. of Mlnsourl, and other, urgod Hlnt free c.tll. .Iiu-lana, t ' ihortlv- nfler oVJock.. E rievelandi ""'"l letroy the -rattle '"raising In- " -Prime, "a prominent young business :'usfrj ift lirTr ' atafes.riReprenent-"""' ' 1 man of thi cltv, accompanied by a i "v""' Klnkead. ' of New Joraey, and . oiing lady. viltd the tlnldaboroHoa- ''urley. of. MasgachttNetts, contended .' pilal. where Air. May D. farter lavliw'1L-i:!t!ewuM make"a" broader ' max whs a patient, anil snot ner nean 1 -" .nopiv ior ine independent pacaer a against the so-called beef trust. furler'i affair ciexteil j senwatton in thi viiiny. , - Nortir:u nkitniT. iiihlatifiro, April 14 --Thi morning; eftt'Twmrrw- f Kathtee Ware. jf Ashevllle. Montwomer Ala April 1. ot. ( on "How the Junior May Sue- 1 "ffT'l' ,.J spoke ceed,''. and gave practical suggeations for the younger Philatheas, based on her own experience. Mrs. K. M. I'owning of Fayette vllle. spoka on. "A dticcessful Preei dent and Well-Hounded .rlecretary." following these taka were tliree-mln. ute diacuaalon of topic of personal application by membera from all over the State. ... The BarsMa. , . State President berry opened the session of the Baracaa at I. SO.' After devotional aervlrea, the reports of the secretary and treasurer were sub mitted. A round-table discussion .fol lowed, rotating to class problems. "How a Busy Baraca May Study the Bible." was th subject of Rsv. W. A. i In her room. She was undergoing KDaTICIUTeDfftl-trM'n,,,l for a rpralned ankle, the 111 rHMCWI 0 nUUW j iult of analmimoblle accldenTT SooiLJif ierlli lwo enteredJlri roum, (be ynung lady wsa ' ljimaa a .. . o.r.... 1v.11.., .. m,,mell, b .Prime. ae.vlna oTJ7n,.7,cr'S?'l 'o.i"e7'TrM.i,m,r wfeted teMe a rd s,tat -Argwmentr Ueiireeiiiatlve fUlim-., Jerlared thkt -the I nlled State might Soo ceH lo be an exporter' of food u uiiH that we intend Worthy of. there I only one canon of 'Second Presbyterian church Americanism.' And the real, constant f were two strtng addresses. 8"?..li. l;riUhd , M"!,or'".! ! nve thousand dollars w."U ot J"1: Workl stock of the bsnk of sort of a personal discussion as held by the 1'hllatheaa followed.. , Tonight at the union meeting at the there Oneal today honotjafl requisition for the removal to 'Vorth, Carolina of rc X. 8mlth. of Blrimngham. who is cused of making a .false statement be-: fore the. North Carolina Corporation Commlasion, Aimed with the re.iul-' sttlon.. Police officer J. A. Bailey, oft Raleigh, left here tonight for Blfming- ham to carry Smith to llalelgh. I ' Late today, however. Smith's cottn- ael Instituted habeas corpilLprpceed- j Ings In Birmingham, which will be heard at 1 1 o'clock tomorrow. Pend- j Ing the atBposhiort of the pedlngs. j Rmlth -cannot be rarhoved. Smith I accnaed of hav I nit sworn raiseiy mat of the capital Macclesfield ho been paid In cfth.' nient a Keult of Int.. Kik Willi Man ami Other file Argentine Republic: wlth a od.niU 4ue oC eul S:,so a agwlnet Si 0v..e In the I'nited Slates exported tnor tlina five time. a. much h.i pistol nhot rang out In the room and i and meet product a - 1 ha I'nli.., ' Ihroual, th hall, and when the tr-Slatea and that tsrlff protection in tied floor nure and other hurried to j America could only Illicit tha "trut." wit 11 Mr. I.oinat. atidAardly bad she i complied with the requeat when two , H, Hie AiMted Pre 1 HoloSboro, April 14 Prompted It Is aileae.l. by ,ea,iouv. t'lex-eland Prince, a well-to-do farmer of Wayne county., toilny .-t.t to the Ooldatxro HoHiaJ ip'iuitv.i for. ..n being shown the rnum of Mm May f arter Umnx. i.t.ie.i, ttrew a piatnl, and the wene they found Mr. xmax dead ! with a plutol liot through the head. 1 and Prince writhing in onconaciou . nee. from like ht. xejf-Inflicted, Immediately after ahootlng Mrs. Irfi . max-. H.-r death ,wa instant, j In time past. Prince and Mr. 1,0 ; max had been often een iHlklng to ; gether. but few. If any. gave it rl , nus thought; aul.einently Prince, alut four moiilha ago, went West n-r'ni.'.,. narner, or I ex. a niemb-r of the Way and Mean com mittee, Ul cattle last year raised a tariff reenue of It.KIMI.ooii. and thai the rae hud been lo wdjusted In this bill that it wotil.l raise 500,000 the tlrt jesr Representative'' Klnkead. of ' New Jersey, forced a roll-call, the first -vnc I he, hill ha been before the catena and the free cattle amend- of American politics i to ' .nVuV... i the K. naui In-Mary bring It buck so that It will square .rd'ommeUed Sw "ttaa with the jumtard up t the hrt did not look good to Wilson but when the revolution wa fought out Hwann old The Vongresamen were and an Independent nation was ea - Swarded " " ; t.,hli.hed In America. Prealeiit" Wilson 1 going to have' "We eabllhe.l an Independent na the final say: he haa no Used rule In I tloa In order that men might enjoy tllu. with conaresamen. The naia new kind of happiness and,, a. new V .; " . ........ i u . ...r.r..i nrn. I kind of dianntty. that 1 ea of meedU.s ou President Cleveian.i Iter, a K. PhlTllpa, of Oxford, spoke on "The Pastor and hla Class." going into the " relationship and ahowlng what could lie done In cooperative work entered Into in earnest. Miss Henrietta Heron, of Elgin, III., vice president wf th world-wide movement, spoke on "last's Oet it Straight;" her earnest appeal show ing mat sns bad done au sod prumsl "it 4. - t kind which a hen he rwapetrts every othertn. Htcbr beln to her bearer In their ilou'ed the man and woman inaiviuuantv as neietroru to do this. r . .-ken he grst took charae of - reepect niawn; w ner n ig not will-1 jk . pleas! lie musical, urosrain waa the White House lie Ignored l'etn-Jng to draw distinction hejrfeen rendf red. special solo numbers being ratlc congressmen when he thought classes; where he Is not willing to shut' Interspersed with congregational slng li proper to do o. But. the late Siv-j the dwr -of privilege In th face of 1 ln. ator Iievld Bennett Hill, of New Tork, j anyone. j lie biggest Sunday parade sVer seen would not let some oi Air. ieiemo m .n. i. .1. ninuur en lormeo a, o Clock yeneraay artsrnoon py l.( Barscs and Philathea membera, headed by the only Be race band In extateneet fur. nil. bed Jy Baliabury. and with the Ba racas was Marshall A. Hudson, of Mv m.H.,11. ... throue-h ilie Senate. 1 measured iiy trie dignity or the tra WUHanf B Hornl.lower and Wheeler j ditlona which yon are organised to II Peckham both of whom were ap-1 matnuin. Therefore th American pointed to the Supreme Pourf bench Revolution la worth remembering be- .nil a-are not connrme.t by cause It la one of the few struggles in the Senate: Mr. Hill deftated them. - the history of the world which waa racuea. N. T., president of the world The aenator who fights saainst a i entirely deemed- to the establishment , wide Rsracs-Phllalhea union and ..nneAi.ation has areat welaht. ! of human liberty." founder of the first Haraca cl.aa " Tne auaitnnom tne aradees .. i. or uieir wv, snu cms ouiiuiug Was filed to overflowing for the first time since the Cratg-Kltchin campalgw of i. s.ens to a.ovO people hearing There, o PrograAi ninsiiyd. Peeairient Wilson., has not he ha done enough I MOBTH i'ARtH.IX. DK.l.KGATt'JJ. 1 1 - weunred any program as to eopoim-, . n i r..ul make congressmen n?J!!r I Br H. I- CX RRT.tXT.) " making -terrniimnau..n i n ashlnaton.-It. .- Anrll 14 The 1 must oe someioi .a more . . vrth t'arolln deleKaSe to the Con dorsement behind a man. f ,n. A ,, ., -n 0artered Most of the DeiiMK-ratw nr - ,..lrlh th Nm, ki.i.i,. .a itn ew rt uiara. i oey are suppon . Ing Mrs. John Van Tandingham. of t ; Charlotte, for vlca-pre.dent-gent raj. i ne ucieaaies nere (ouay are: Air. ngham, Mrs. r. U Keesler, Miller. Mrs, John M. Scott, I,... lhat Sir. Wilson Is fair. do not think that he will damn r.er.nn until he hears both sides. Th. tale-bearer must be able eupport tils tale with evlden.-e before ne I, will o t the White House. . ; fn " : "Nothing bm th truth endures.' . Mr the address of the hour, delivered by Dr. Sparks White Melton, of Norfolk, whose inagnlflcerit voice adequately filled the edifice with a ringing oall to arms tor active Christianity. Mr. Hudson wn heard by aa lot trer.ae audience at the First Baptist churcliat 2:K,.. Roarlnnlng with the germ 1oes of th Baraca movement, he traced It growth, mentioning the fart inai .-vonn t aronna alone has 1,877 ..ir mi- nennn. aoo people rorgot it. , nif lit wa rejected 73 to U2- ri r.i irn.i iw,. m-uu a n .. ... . shot her .l.a.i. then turned the weapon Thur.,, ,,, h. Mr. '" ' '.',r..,,W'" ' T upon iirn.. ir inl blew out til own In the Iqtter' automolille. left the cltv aiti' un.iic.folle ...oiJh. ."i brain. t-gethcr .me "Joy ride." and l-rtdaTThe--fluty on awln'e from fl.te to T - ' ' , . 1 morning. the wrecked autoihoblle was cei.i a head - ? motion b ftewr. Mr. l...c ... ... th-.ho-p,,.. re-.,.,ud u the r,.a4 n..r th. para- .iXl TX. , ' - " , . - 1 1 rr ... u. r mp nnvn. in While Indftirtite report have been received by the Corporation Comn.l slon. In which other stock I repr-' .Continued on Page rive.) SECRETARY DANIELS "a HAVING SOME LUCK Twltty, Jlr. C. W. Tlllett. j ,urh .iassea. exi eeding Vrt. .'. A. Durham. Mrs. It. I Qlb. : on,-7Mrst.-t,Pt1 C. John'ton, Mrs. 11. A. I,' " Mr. Mnlop Liddell, Mr. : (Continued on Page Twn.i classes, the Thllatheas. Hudson also spoke of the fame sented as having been sold in Korsytli and IiaVie countle. there little nen since Sunday. W. it. Tarver hs not I been arrested. The story tht the genernl .outiiie!1 had len taken while on hi way I" Kalelgh w too good to he true. !t waa ent here fnmi apparently g I source thst he was enroute to North Carolina and preparing to give him self up when taken at Augusta. lter tt waa found out tharbl attorney Iwni come here, but not the client. That there are twenty and p-rhn. more, -coininunllle In which theee bank were In actual process of ,.r ganisatlun is believed Itrmty by lie bank examiner and by the Corpora tlon Oootmusrion. TweU-e place h'- been heard from. Something like 4,g Is reported to have been rH!ed besides the note that have been dis counted. But-tha Corporation Con-; mission caught on before the work had ;( ,,), ,,, progreaeeu rar. ; : "r'jeeeded AatlMWlly." ,Bnt for the fact that the bank examiner, were r oh th spot, no niiiti can gums what amount of m!iy would have been, made by thew men In at or eight month. - Smart a the organisers were, tl.cv were nasty on the law. They were too busy organising to read.,-They kne that there Is a Isw reimlrlog ban examinations every "year; They oid not know that ku examiner might examine everv time necessity ileum nii ed it. And when Mr. H. A. llubbaro went to one of the lumks he wa told vert nlalnlv that "he was exceeding the authority" given him by the State nigi.i. sine.-while- i.iil..i....l,l itdiim . " I3" tn the-ho-pital- for n,ir.- An- Httemptto raise thw propose-- wTih. Pii "e "and' ..tloVi. site wa t he'T 'Tiie'ioi' t ' . . ' ' 1 "B barley- mads by the Heme- . r- 1 loiani I run e i .till In ing. but i crata from Wlsconaln anil Ul.nuu. w,f..f.eV.tithern. Railway baggage-;iH-..ng.-ltts. and there , no hope.' fori was also unsuVcol. -ma.ter. in.l I'on.lii. id u 'millinery hi recovery- . i The Ian nghl of the dav wa or Wore" M .;..l.1lH.r All II,.. 'totrtlM , ?uTl,'i? i"""'' '"f : rjee Reprewntatlve iji-aro, 'of lul-- re tnore or h-e pr. .,.,. art. iheiem 1 ...rfered an amendment to In- more or lew pr..iiiii.-n, ami ihe'sere from promlent faniMIe. OSCAR UIMDERWQQD POMONA MILLS CONFINED II BED NOT IROYI Result of Attack of Acute In- About Proposed Reduction on digestion Cotton Goods iitt Slightly . l!iiHfAC(l. jtt Xijrht !' I .vt Work -Tntlat- -s -- i.mdle, Ikini; ,d'lr and li;u i( X" P'f (niTcaseil. ilitiup; Wi.rk if i ;t jr,i,'fr NiintlMT - ' cresae th proposed duty of one cent : a pi. unii to a cent and a half a pound. -The amendment waa lost. Meets General Approval. - President Wilon believes the tar . iff bill meets the general approval :of the country;', that-no healthy bust. - inea will be interrupted and that . UvJille hi ni'.Lcase th coat of Jlv-" nlng will not be Immediately reduced. ; the consumer , will feel at once th 4-beiiem ul- a. reduction Ji. Uia.gugn ' duty. These viewa were expreeeed today by the l'reldent In tonferenne with rveral congressmen. He io said hs hoped te opii relprt! negotiations with yariou coiintrle as sMn aa tha tariff bill was passed. , DR. FRiEDMANNCALLS . AT THE WHITE HOUSE ml l.ivcs 4 iinlc 4 tieorgvt Washing- ion HiM-pltal Where Ha I noon late a ' Down Paiicnts May lradioa In Db.lTl.1. . H iVc A.Miateil l're. i Si.dMi.l l.f New and 'uberv . I I Ws.hiiiaion. April H. -l!eprent- i Ircciisboro. April M.- p'rupomd twe llndstWMod u.niatji!i!lrma.-v,.i.9U e . X. . II W . -m a. nA 11 A Tiat I lillt- . ..... . . - o, me ... .,r --s.h.0, ov ,e naiionai. .-ongre.-, may . l,,lmHtin. of Berlin, who declared mittee -siHi .eii.M ram Poor lea.ier. woi r ing other mill ow n r hi k he hud discovered a cure for tubercu w ia n. mined to hi bed today a. the orlli Curuiitia. and otlier -tiot.""f , i"i. brought his visit to the capital U th Associated Press.) " Washington;- tt. April 14. ir, K their sister by ((. Mr. or result of au snack of acute 4n.llg.-- ,he coniitn, bi not th. Ii na ! !? " "... "V " condition wa only slightly I mlll. li. atcd -.two t of I ZS&A Improved loniaht, but he announced - OreenatHtrn, m Pomona vlllake; . i soluntei-r patient with hi vaccine. That conviction grew when- Mr. Hub-1 over- ptweai of -M 4hyaicJaB that ..hea ' n ever hu-id ul Pomona there I The clinic ws witnessed by Secretary osrd picked up tne wnoie in ni'i .,,U he .1 the capilol ss usual lo- ",r 'nriii. . It t. naieisn.' -. .. ., I ll.r,.l hail not "ce in course and carried I Mh.- been operiitii.il iPorrw A niiinlHT of build-1 III yau. Aselstant Secretary Osborn, the ..f const met Ion; ; tu-i uisn ambunsudor. the 8wiss mlnls-- it I ; contra i f..r ..x nice tenement have i ter and several t Ailed States army and Hen That Lays 1 1 Eggs a Week iKpeclta totVews and Observer.! m. yv-"""-". : 'ikiiK""- P"' , .V.I'rtca,jl ( alllc. INsaltry. and Cats lnrrcelig Sua. ben. Aroend Wngk- 4ak htnr the Heswt of I he Xavj tJccwpk-d It. - in. it. n t" BKYAT. Washington. April 4.Tha3Cwr ". , '- ' . , "Tn?wln'rstorr ""r Ownexl by J. X. Prhw. a Wayisr Coaa. Secretary of Uve Navy ,lNeV,, f wnsietwHae Been So Indns. Iiad one airesa oi a a nn aner-sj;u i . . i t-i.. Sine IVbruarr I nther ever since the day he .. sworeSk , "m rorrr : .. v . . . . . - x. in. tie was .ne. .i.r a w. iy bit appointment to the Cabinet let , he couio not onu enuoe.. arouna ami nunty farmer, ha a gallina open spw. 'r '"" ? ",mp cuTli1"' " n" hlch lay en. Senator Newland. helped him out , eur . k rui,r Th. by le..ing to him "Single (u." an -Ir"" , lndttrl, fowrJto estate of ln acres, on the of wroaram ene day ind ? tn. the city. The .ontraot for "Single produce "fx" Oak" provided tlist Mr. Daniels have "t w"I"t,,ly .:" f . wTL!. th. use of old Wool, i black rJiHMm whit cow. and si thicken, andihavw double o1, "j ' keen Tabby, an aged bHndle cat. The : unusually hard shell. The hen nest leTJ. waa -igwed wd,th. Danlelaes Is In a MWXtor-J moved in. Since, the cf.W ha prmluced : nome ana o. v-,.. '. c1f: th' rwt-wew ttttetwr-we-th te .see ghat. jMothetJowl f -eqnented 'hens' a brood nf e7veen blddlea and. -it i!rtisevg tf" . .-vortn aroniia as a churcli-aolna ' l""n '"on..., ...n "r I b..i.r.l ii.-wruinit nis strengtn . ",....- ...... t .. . .um.i - . State known throughout Christendom T P0,l, " " "n' "them to the, Ms B,.r, ,j,e larttf measure. ,l lncients tune .fut bean .cum-- During the tlay Dr. Friedman, Ijiat night the Philatheas were adl! of the State Trust Company Vrwt,rtaV tl, ,,t in .trenuou dav plcted. " . i oiled at the W hit House and Preai- dreeeed by Prenident Hudson his ad Tn cimmirslon make no ...m eel. j tb M.m,.r, .au. u working l I staled that the management of dent Wilson told him he earnestly hop dress being essentially the same ment of the ac that it believes it ha uti(l, Mfl, r , i..ek. Mewcnltobed the mills l t.ow adding duo new e.l hi - vaurlne would prove success thst of th. .n.rnoon saved the depfTnH of th.e whs- psl- ... r ' , , ..h-,,-.,.!. .mi rarlv this ptple. a spla.her and other 1m-1 ful. After the clinic he saw Senator Miss Henrietta Heron, of Klein 111 ToMa the t. oar- y ""-"a p ...e on "The Crisis of the T..n. . three nerore tne rru.i c..ioi.ojr ,.r. apokeT MuXrlXTs-nri "TLUk '" "d dent of the world-wl.l. union, gave i "WK 'n her attehtlon I o work amotis vooa glHs. . . Mf'XDRT tlVlI. BIWfc Hla nelahbora bear witueh to J) exjtrardlnarv record or ts a Helntmlsjced In Hoewe a Prokm-w tlon of Parmer ItrganlaaUnas, , - I By the Assoclnted Press. ) Washington. D. C.. April 14. Pro vldlng that a certain 304,OO of it Washington. ! N. ( NEVS"AT' ' THE CAPITAL (By H. t- C. BntVAXT.i RinrttliiK he sunere.l tne attach 01:1'""'""" ' me mm wmco win m-f uti, . . i etineswe. son n-iiusni acute indigesilon'. He was verv 111 for crease the iiillte cuoaclty and give i Hughes, of New Jersey, at hi hotel, s tin..', but r;illi"l lfoi Ibe fa mil) work to oulto nntnlier of additional )ie waa assured by Senator Hughe ' could .'t a plebeian. Later, his phy- people The, dcriuretl purpose or thCj that an el'ort w ould be made lo per- ..irtnn- fd-Fd- Uim- out u. leavK.hi. null in-ngement . r to make the mills' i ."is n, to prailc :p the DlHtrlct of today,. end pot nlm oij. a ItHUtU at i iihii one oi ue oe., in in: COlunibla ano II possioie nrougnoui ! slouth for its employe Mr. t h.i. r....l Slept most ol to T ZTZTWi m n a m e m e. das- and Ml much rrfrcshed tunlKht. 1 O 0000000000000 00 0 : if O the cpunlry. lytal shall hot he ised for Sherman i tor K....M. Sli.imons went raw proserutloD of farmer co-oper- ' Hern tonight to Vo f.ar l f'lt f'.r Ilia pr.Hiipt recov er!, but. it l naid. he i very much la ne'e of complete rest. 'k-' ' W OK1.F4NS Tt) KDI. IH - ' IMf Rlt'A. C. April 14 to New attend the murriii( , " tlve orga!ilxatlons labor unions., the' of bi dmighter. . ' - ' . . A'r, ,",, umlrv cM appropriation bill was r,; J. A. flartner. of Hi.ieavl b; 1,. I-., - 't,, iJiiV whv he Introuce todev from th- o f C,- Uvill. of lloore; Jmlge- Wa er l;. ' ' ,,,r, sum House. Former President T.ft vetoed i Xoll. of l.aurli.lmrg. o-l 1. Mias of, '-ou-i- port and Hoi Ut U ln rwn.T"mi J JX'eftUir.av ea ' ' ' V . it o . C. ItkUTM Vl.Tt:ilS : O O '--r- - O 0 Wahlngio-i, D. C April 1 ! - 0 Mb-r Cliarle VI. SU.li.uin. rep- ft reeentativ of the r'lftu district, O Own In the following nointna- O O linn to I he PoMniantcr General n O today; . . . "O' THE DAY IN CONGRESS "Meet Tuesday, at the bill because of that proviso. hlch he charavtnrlMd as "chut legislation of the most vicious sort,'' The bill al so carries appropriations for various branches of the government totalling t. ... ... : - . - . ( ' J,Ralelghv call tu. Hi...i.r to Walter H. Tgne. sr;,.: ti.ro Ayr-. Rosotio snd other clt- b'doTto KngUnd. 'w". VU "t will b. port, of II. Th. m ateam ya"r . - ...i..ht. bw. itm.te.ler of the n. w service sill from vn. . v.".-'" - 'yai. njiMMW.rw .:,vr,.. iliy the Asoclato Pr.g.) hsuales Not in session. I, OHO. J , ' O Robert . Uulloway, for Win- -J llouae! '",'' ' ' O ton-Slein; John T. Oliver, for 6! Wet al noon and adjourned at 1J:I O Iteidsvilte; .4. .1). Osborne, for O p. m. until noon Thursday. O viord; i. U. Bowsn, for Wea 0 lemocratlo caucus on tariff bill. - - O iMirham; and F. 1.. Williams, 0 Ueprrsentatlv. Morgar. Introduced for Uurliaaion r- , , O bill to abolish secret eaucusscs, l O , O mk It unlawful to bind a leriitor OOqooaoBPDii 01 ie yeigjsaau. j-- w