ITOt WEATHER. Pi North Carolina : Fair KunJayy Mundwr - fatn4 warmer. " em sieo . yoserver Donble The Circ- of Any Other : Carolina Dally j TOLrXOVU, NO. 123. . ..,. A - PI ml HrutililliV - x iiniii in miroTinii Yitf . Iillri IV llllr.Mlllli jf . IJUH IU yULU I IUI1 ? ' IP IN RAlillGH, N. C, SUKDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1913. 14. i.u-v- .-J 4-- PRICE. (S cm Jfr'publicans. May Rally Kiiough Democrats , to . -Force- Oral -Hearings! CI PROPOSED Chairman SliumoM and Finance Consideration to Suggestion ' to Amend Tariff Bill Ko as to Au tborlze Secretary of the Treasury v to Proclaim Valuation on IniKrt. rian Suggested y Denlson and Curtis. '- '- . -,- ,..-': ''' . . AVasliingtou, May 10. Chairman Simmons, of the Finance committee, we merit lu au amendment to the tar iff. IF1U Suggested tlHllt.V ly .-Assistant Attnrney-lieuerul Iicuison nud Assist- Hit-Secretaryof-th Treasury 'uct ISr to authorize -the SoxTotary-ef; the Treusury to pnslujin valuations oil Imports. It Is cIhIiimsI this would pre vent uup!rvalwiibjtpi--uiulnwid-eou;. fitsinli resulting from fluctuating for-elKh-inarketr values and ail -valorem WILSON HAS TALK WITH UNDERWOOD Ci cnrral "Sittiat ioir-arrd Prw "pect of (um-ni'V. legislation snuixTs Disrisspn The President Particularly Inter ested in the Organisation of the Committees of the House Anx ious Jo Learn the Completion of the Democratic Hide of Kan-laic and Currency Com mil tee. Washington. May lit President Wil son tmlny . discussed ; with Majority Lender I'lipVrwood thw general situa tion In Congress and the pnwie-t for currency legislation, which the Presi dent Is anxious to liftvo passed at this session, if Kisslble. The President wus purlicului'ly interested in the organ ization of the committees of the House, lie was aiulotis to lea in the complex ion, of tile I'ciniK rath vhle of the Hank liiK and Currency eouiuiittee whk'h tlie WnynTtntHMi-aint-couimiteeaWliiit a coiiiiuitiee on .minlttH' Jir " fli IVmocratkrcaUcnK, In iio pniiailng to elwt. - MrTt'liih'nrn)d told the- Pmtltleiit that Heiireeiitatlve Carter tilu. of I ratea. . , .fter the di!jai'lmeut ulln-iuls lmd (xilailied tlieir irnnnel Hiiiciiilnicnt to the Htuator tmlay, he dei-hircd it a worthy rooal and that It would re ceive the lupKt' thoroiufh coiisricleriH-lon by Hie liiuiKtee. The pla-il Hivmed to liitu to ln of clllrf value n iu nlwo .1 ute jireveirtiie if f rami nh: the ar.t of -to iay". .'The1 lilll km It Is,-' wiHl'Cliaifinun SiimiKHis, ' -Jwi-S' funny " Kit fci.'" iignliist yuiiri'rvatiiiiliiAis, hut llu- r IhwiiI ' -the..ivr.'ijii:y ofljlic "'rreasiir.v to iirtnTK'ri"'iin!iiv" in the Aiiicrifuit uiiirket woifld lie mi ml- llitioiiHl -lie'k. II wmiW-itHSiver the ir1tMiml idiJw-ifriSiiWiuSlltW'a'Rrill" nd valorehi "tariff "liysleniTJie HnSt-TH-tioii will ln (jiven the -nioKt serious ' """I'l'TUti"!! " T. P. t'S MEET NEXT WILSON AND BRYAN AT ROCKY MOUNT WILL JELEGRAPH aai imlian laiiiiaaii State A ss ciaoirKH(loi,sej4 Efforts to Secure Equip able .Freight Kates A( 1 A1NST ""Tl PPJ K(J. K. , U Clinard of Wliustou-Salem . FJei ted l"reldent Other Offlcent Elected -DelcKateH Kleeted to At tcad X-tlonal Convention at ltich mond Committer Named to At tend Freight Rate .Meeting. Tin- tin 1 1 will he taken Ui hy the 101111111111 next Week. CliairiiMin -Cji-tlern-iMHl, of the AVayH mid .Means com niltti, atiw.wna cntimrfteiV liy Mr. Iieo isoii, und .Mr CurtlH. cojiTCftT ovkb riniLic ItiMBixusr'": Chief intereMt lir the tariff now lies In the context over the inettkHHf lie hearing ireclillutel t.y hd'iiator Penroiie. There la u MiwHhlllly the Ke ' IhiIiIIciiiim may rally enoiih i. iihtiiII( -HiilMHirt to (heir ilan t defent the ma jorlty rty In, itx turlff program at thia iuiM-tureL-tfuch a develoiPUienLliiI- (Inilhtedly wmild n-sult In fliiwIiuHp 'coiixldcrutton of the iiienitfe In flie Semite. That id the I tefiiocrutlc chief ubjcetlon to pnlilli' heariim, - 1Uav-fHl-4hat-4ii4ovUitfL-woiilil-4Ju! reniilt In lililteriiil .iiflenitliMiH of tlie liifl and that the country i entitled to this new- law iih nikiu as It poKMhly can Im iwado renily for "tlie Htiiliilo ImhiM z: Scnatoi's liiiiKili'ir aiiifriiiirnton.-oi - IrfiiiUiana, are om-iiI,v in lavur r I he lanrliitf!'. ftcmilor Mui'lUie and others have expri-MiHl themselves favorable to "tUcui; but the lcHiiKTatlirtcadrrs nv-o-rl they will have cimimh voles. In il -f a t the Penrirsc uiiiemliiicnt when it inneti ' lin Tiii'mhi v.' 'J lie lilll. Mien s ULii..i"iU ally referred to tin- Finance eoiiilnjlh'e. ft l MKM KM V. NT T Ml K'S" " CHKFK ACAHIMV THIS WKKK Itcv. J. 8.' Snydi-r to I'reacli Com. - iiiewewent hwmoii ToCay tr. '. U. Itynt to Ocliur Literary Ad lreM lliurwluy. . lliiie'a Creek, Mar in - Biiie'n Creek Academy, of which' iiev.. J. A. Campbell ia princial. ia the only ttecondary ailiool in the Slate with an enrolliueut of 500, IteKan i'H cotiimeiicement season ton I k 1' wlUi excrciitt'Si by the primary deiiart nient and the Washington society. The final, eiercisea mill take place Thiirjiday nielit. ' wuen an oiieretta. "Pauline." bV 'he ndvanred vocal rlaaa, will be followed by the award-f Inn or prues, niedaln and diploma, and Hie valedictory aildrem . by W. Arthur Motkhu. of Wake coiintv. Uev. Joel ti. Sulder, pastor of the Plrsi Kaptlat eliurch of Fayettevilte. will preaeiii the ' conimenetnient ser mon tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Thl will be followed li.v air address to the Sunday school normal craduatwi at 4 oYlock tomorrow afternooH. Hvv; C. WByrd. I. of (ireona Imro will deliver the literary address "Thursday ar ira. ni., following the cnntet for orator'a medal by J. V. 'ohnaon and W. C. Downnc, of Cum berland county: V. K. Mitchell, of Wake: .1. U Powers, of Kolieson: I.ayton McOoiijian, of Hoke.' and K. "A." Lutta, of firanvllle. Thnmday at 2 p. m. the'follow. iiiK yoiinir men will contest for the ri'tlaimcra niedal: Churleg H. Whte, M. P. Mullard. t'harlea .1. l-lwtwood, K. S. MHHte.n, Fod Alvin Morria, A. KUtyir l.vneli, Walter Simmons Phil liB and H. K. White. Uraduatinii clasa exerefsea will fake plaiw the name afternoon. The rlass has kr-ty-Miree memliera. - '. The only exerclaea on Wednesday are 4hoie by the Athenian tgirla') ocioty at nlKbt. TO.IXVITE (WVKnNOIt CltAlO. ... , w k. llehderaonvllle, ' MaV 10. At the meeting of the Patton Memorial Hospital Association with . Mrs. ('. ,E, Wllaon Thursday afternoon plani cre dlscsi.ed wito rcforonce to lay ing the cornerstone and dedicating tlio hospital now under construction. It was decided to invite Gov. Locke Craig to deliver nn addrcwi for the IH't tslllll. . - , Mittlt4ii.. runkhiji ri'iiminiii) IiiwiiImt or the Pniikliiir mid Currency eouiuiittee Of the Inst I louse, would Ih- aclecteil hs clialriiiiin. Iteprosenfnlivc, tllass wus chairuiiui 11 of the sut-comuiltlce on I!ankin( and Currency whiili uaide nn ext(MIveJjiestlatloii last session of cutTela yTSSi iuincitsuiw. with tair tiiiilar -tttHilliiii to the-so-called Aid- rWi-ettevetfl vjiJiui endorseil' by- tfie Ntt .fylie I Iiinse7r.nkftiir mid CiirrertcylRBcnrqvnable woiitiiiif slioulil Is- ihvid.d uhii tisT0"'1 Rarolit, ,. . . ie follow I ul' er siKin us jm ssiiiM' so nji'iiiis'is limy ijeyni work on a eiirri-iicy bill to briMiirhl In sisiiitiftevtlic limisc ri-suijiea oc tive w'sloiiTifrlyxiiFnumJI ' Tim eouiin'ittee has Ishmi telilntively selected' 1"V Mr. " coinliilttee mdleilKiies (otl the lianies ni'c still; snlOts b;shTniiji'1fiire-"tiimlly ii iiik Ml I it i I. As uiiw- shnpi'd up. !hci' members w4wn vxv a u thLLcu ui uattefe in the hist CniitH'o w ill rcnuilu: Itepri-senialivi: lihiss. Vlii.'iiila,a-ha.iii. man: Korbly. Indlnim; I'.ilJcy, Ohiii : N'celey, Kausiis: -Hyrno. Sottth Cait 1 1 nil ; Prowo, West Vlriciuia: and ios slhly Stephens, . VI IssisKippi, licuiisTats, and California, mid (iiicnisey. Maine.' U''piililli;H(S. f lU'prescntatlve Tullsiiti of iliiryhiiid.' prefer to renuilu ur the Xaval Affairs rather thau sin rl liitlmt jissldiiinent fr u pla-e on the Itankiiis mid t'nrnnn y uml Taylor, of Alabtiluu. prert-rs the, ,l!i.veis mid li:r- 4mr iimnltnc,- W.lillu tifhusjf, ,Mrsslssliid. Is said to Im-sIhiisI. for a place oti the tiiKsl UoaiLs i'liiniii'tlei.' (Special to News and Obnerverrlr" f Oreenaboro May- 10. The eon ventionof the North -Tafolm-Trv- eiera' Protective AnBoclation, be to re adjourning thta afternoon (elected Korky Mount aa the nojit place ot auetiuai aaalon. In vitutlons 'were extended from Aaheville and Wil mington. Ofticera were elected aa follow: PreHldent, K. 1.. Clinard, Win- Hton-Salem; first vice-president. A. S. Byrd. Charlotte: second vice-prea- ldenUJLi..iL FliwaTdfeH illLlouut ; miTa viceweBUieni, rt. j. Uurlium: aerretary and treaburer, t C. Mclean. llreensboro. . Ulrectora, K.-Is. .Carler, OreeliB boro ; ti WV M eXa i ftfreeasboro W. H. Ll-a. tireenaboro; t K. ForU- hamr High Point. " i. - J:- Norniau.l Wiiuton-Saloui; U. C. Crutchtield, W i imton-ha leni . Kirteen delegates were olio aelect ed attend the nafional convention to be held In Itictmiond June jt-K. The convention resolved to co-operate wi thrall other atsi-'ooUtioiiH in aecuriug JegiklaUve action aKauiit tpe tppian.evil. A rewiutUm ' strouply Qoilorsiuv t was auoitiii, and the followniK were appointed to at tend the freight rate conrerencer'-at KalelKh May 16: ' (. II. Ireland,. (l-ritenaboro: J. At- Views of Administration aTrOhjir-tioTiirof ffapq- 11(S(, ( jovt.i.nim.jit PJtOT EST 38 FILE!) Secretary of State Ilryan Itecelves From Amlwissador Cliinda the Xnte Containing His Government's - Coulentioas . Ilidds ..Conference With tlie President ami Tliea -gal AVIUM-hej JPi'ie dir. '- ' - - Wash Iniit onTMay in.- SivrcTn ry Itry an loiiiuht fuuihOiil a message to Oovernor Jidnisim. of t'a'lll'ornia. se tiiiit forth mirinewtutions of the Jap aiiese troveriuuent mill views of the nil uiliiintratioii iicri' as to what was nui slilwi.Hlr.f;fllsriiiiiiiator- in the aiitl tdrbitt7t.irrejrTitirr TOssedtiyn'itllfrwi islature and now awiiitlugf-action hy tla' (ptveriMir. 1 Mr. Itrjan toiiferred willl Preshlent 'thW)irntr1roitriii-4e tit 4eiuiLth foiiiiiil protest 4ilisl by Ainluissadoi: ( I'lilliilrtTrwarTpirlUcil-the-Set-reary &3trJGliPi.-ik. FLOOD OF LETTERS REACHES EBBTID E Protest,-, FKtm Insurance ( 'oiiijKiiiie.s Against In conip Ti.x.Provision CASE DISI Justice Hotter Dismisses l UIiIILU Ul ALE UKCOME MUTLTAL Coiiipanlen-That lretend Mu tual ltniiie liut 'Keserve" ltulkxof Funds ItalM-d the Howl ' Iteully Mutual Companies Kxempt. "PrivileRe" Is Hard at Work to , Save Itself. - -Wa-hliii Ion; r fT"Vt lttlOYnH I . C May Hi.. I.elllM! Inspired by Insurance nuiipiiiiies nil over tin- coiinliy whi;ll have Iss-n nhii' ttjHM-t!'H tHMtiitoi'M and iDnitreswiia'U for wis'ks, have iilsint reaelnsl the ebb tide now, and l last ap Is tadlfll lli rtsled towanl the Senate, aide. -The lio!e IHueeeillliB WHS a protest BKilillst tlie 'provision hi the Income: Meet ion of fTirTtei no. r.i t i.-OUOawlilcli' iltilrcs iiiMH'iiin e ionipanles to pay an iin-oine t:u. CoinpUliies iloliu business )iuliTn strlcily mutual plan are ex (in7'tTlti'uiirThe iu. --UCil)im I inuw Ironi the culllplilili's should fin tne a MOiiuiiiidealloli to tiov enmr .It'hnsoih- but tlie nature of it was I'd dlselowsl. . Mr. Ilryan ald the tutvsaiic would Uot be sent tonight. He Koluildy will ,jtiifer' with ilie-President tomorrow Jiefore ilisputvhinn lt; Sir. .Pry . WtmHniiHilieil wilh 4he ij, wu. '..w..i.uv.iii.ii ii ii'ii..u- llf the i nlilen-ni .- w 4h riiaio:'itfl -V" . ' . " . " ttlilcli pretend to do n liitltlliil lillstlM'Sw." but whii-h In reti 111 v "reserve iiioit than firev-pa.v buck to- pnlliy- liolileri- lu the shut' of dividends. These com imiiics call themselves ''niiltiinl." "prof- it-f buring" and tlie like, They do sj't iislilo-njiiirl oribcir eauiint; to U sent to tx.lirv liolilers ai a dmiicnd. but Uii y JAMES CHAPPELL ii Poth Cast s A ijainsLVoi i Drill,' ClelJir 111(5 ( i;0Vl) IMiKSKXT Vlipir erdisCr-An non heed Friends , Applaud Many Chaiaitei' Wit newses ScssMin - Held in - I'olicr Court Hooiu anil Lasts Over Three .' Hours. ' kii Tay roTr wiiinitiRtonsiucorgRra. Kdwards. Kockj .Mount. " 1'ixlerwisMl and fits rtie vaTtons-eontHUttees-ijwade' ex celleHtr reporiaiz: Bhowing progm laonit-aU Jiuea. during the past year and an increase of forty per cent in membership. Durins the year near- ii5iWim.' uvu ibiu va have- been beru in accident benctita. "PAUASITIC IWSKASFS.M CtlMMITTKK MKKTISti. There will is- a mcetiin: of tin1 In dies if tlie general coininitlis' of the AsMts-iilled t 'jia I'll les. 'rues.hiy . mi iflii Hi; it ILji'cliM k. at Siiperiulehdclit Kfe (lieOM.n's iillii-i'. over the city market. All ineinls-rs "are. uiKisI o be .pre cut. Will Im Subject for IlKcnssloii Itf Medical .Men at Tarhoro Tueslay. Wilaou, May 10. trv-M.-Jd ball ba. Kerretary-treaaurer of the Fourth Umlnc.t Medical Koctoty of North laroltna. furnishes Hi-rollom procram of the quarterly , ineelinx U)ieh eld 1 ll ll?e -awiileem p le hail in Tarboro btrJIarlS?55 "Hiagnoa'ia of Parasitic Diseases," "Sprue aDd. Amebiasis," by Iff. 'I' L. (iinn. tioldiiboro. - -- - "Seiiuellae ot Hookworm Dis ease," by nr. John A. rerrell, ital- .. rpirSiti e'kih'lMaeS iefT1 li "IK. James J. Philips, Tafboro. "Tape-worm libjease," by Ir. CJ. S. ( olelliaH , K" l, .- - ., . . . "ltouiidwiiriu I liseaae," by. Or. K t:. Moore. Wilson. -- t ltu:;u p. in. "Collation ' at Hie Masonic Temple Jlall. TWELVE MORE SUBSCfilPTION CERTIFICATES ARE Ul . . ,. , i I NT EH EST IN HV'ILDiN(i NEWS AND OHSEHVEH'S HE- (i hows a m:u tW() weeks - ON E FIHM TAK EH S E( ( )Nl) ( 'EHTIFK'ATE PHOMINENT MEN bFHSC 'KIBE TO-SII E I' ll EH I) PLAN. . : - ; ' Twelve, subscription certificates were taken hy twelve well known North Carolinians yesterday, some of these coming from other states to go into The News and Observer under th-Shepherd plan, Thla was one of the two big days of the campaign which grew out of the desire of The News anil Ob server's fellow townsman, H. Uro'vn Shepherd, In see the paper emerae quickly from- itt rulna ;Tfce--re sponie of North Carolina citixena, Mattered everywhere, has been ro gratiyfing to the paper which hits hoped that it Alls the placVi In tbe State that those subscribing to It have1ndicateiftt-oe. The morning after tho Are. Mr. Shepherd Issued a statement in which he declared that he desired, not to moke a donation, but an In-, vestment, and wnt hla hundred dol lars to o into the rebuilding wlih tbe suggestion that the papr bo sent him aa Interest on hla mosey. "I consler it g perfectly good Hivest ment," Mr. Shepherd said, and he laid down the plan which he Invlt f( other North Carolinians to ac cept. Thev have done so In a gratifying: Iv nroniot way. Two weeks from the Are, more eertillcates were taM en yesterday tnan nan own aona on, a eingle day during the past ee. Toese have been eongresa men. manufacturer, shippers, law yers, doctor and other professional men. From Alex. Sprunt and 8on of Wilmington, came the second certificate yesterday and a banker of Richmond Joina the list. TDe subscription certificate plan i a ten-year invent ment, .which is to say that after paying in tho luu tlie subscriber holding the fiUU eer ttticate receives his paper for ten years and always carries the label In advance. After ten years It may be surrendered or transferred and the Investor gets back hla flOU. Ten subscription is xtt a year, the legal rate of mtcrest. 'sat - The Xews and t Ibsen er appre ciates the lnternr lust N'orttl Caro bnlaus in the Bute andsttteOiaye ihterested themselves In this prop osition which they have untaiingiy recommended to others as a good business deal and a splendid invest ment in a Xorth Carolina Institutum: And"he chief ot-4Pe-a'peTt!Baa4te dared it Ins ilesire to make the in vestnient as good as any other .yiaih' In a North ( urollua Institution, and this the paper has beeu always, a North Carolina concern. It will al waya be so. . The following tiamea WeremAit in yrsierJay as siibsuriptiou purcnuHers: J. - K. KANKIX. Asli.-l1lili:.'-.w'. J H. KIKjKltTON. ntdd-sboro, : PRKSTON WflOUAI.L. Benson :" MISSNAXXIK BARXBU UK1UGS. Wilson. ' S. J. KVERETT. Greenville. KM! V.N 1) STR VI) VUCJs,, Rich mond. " " CHAS .1. PARKKR. RaleKh. WALTER F. WttOO.AJtO, Wilson. DR. A. W. C.OOWIX. Raleigli. - AUKX-SPRLXTN UONjJiVll mlngton. . - . Those responding to the elans of Dr. J. Y. Joyner were the folhjwing: COXGRESSMAX JOHN' H. SMALL WaKhlncton. : II. WrJACKStN., Rlchmond." tale ForT ri'ply' o. tUiv-t.HJoi'1" lirolMlblv' W ill liol le uinile by the I Wfitirrnieltt fttuiti otini- JiiL-iW er . iehii1 lii'lo l.ovi i iiur Johnson us to J i lielloii on Mie blllr. . TlieMlurt'rc.iJ.d In ullt- eitil er'le4 ioniliLiis tlinl Sts-retary Ui-yaiiwuullIut.tnTr emr to refer ;t1te 4111 liSik. Ij..tlie Lei Wbituier-lwsWUtiiL. 1 biLt Mvould lia-et the Jaliuiic-c olijistimis. There tnjL-gell frmtulorl beliiHt4iaf-ifte)J eniof Jolinsoii lit us-s either. In vebi tlie hill or rc.riiiiiii'in1TiirMllilnifions; Califorhin friend or the Federal ud UiliUstraUiuj will attempt to iuvoke the refeivndiiMl wltii the idefl" of billlify lug the luw tiuftt au eleetiotr can Is held. The tutenttf lieilit used 4" nliliitu u coioplete undersliiiiiliiig ilipbuiialie ;illjrbetwS'U .lnu and the 1'iiiled Siaiesr fierliafM 1- Iruuic u uety trentv eoverlug disputed iinls.- S.s'. reta rrTtrva n a nd-A isenmit Cliindth-Hie J.ipauesc AihIhissiiiIoi', were In confer- ttnoLan. earlyJioiir. . It ai .evident Ihaf there was tm dlsisilioif pedelay the iiitTtlnti and It ifpH'unsl ttt la- the intention of Secre tary Pr.vali- tii give; to the' .liipaiiesi' amtsissdor -a -priimtilatii nj ii"1 of whii t his government might exisi t the I'tiliisl Stales to do lllsiut the iMgislil lion Japan niishlcrs eft'enshc. WHAT CONfJHESS .. l)li YESTERDAY ay Lu,-- Day m nieeta Tuesday, Washington, t ongreaa; SKNATK: .Not ill session ; a-o. m. : .. Territories- coniuiillee continued iiks hPtnug-i ou Alaekau problem. HOISK: Met at noon. Majority leader Lliderwooil, Pro gressive Leader Murdock ami Mm onty 4,tnpf Maun coulerred on roiiiuiitte.. -appointments. Pesned bill to admit free of duty exhibits lor Kati tHego exposition. Hill appropriating Xtjno.ltoil for in.-. bire of clerks for the parcel post, v as passed. ite.resentative II. tilin Young. " wi it tu '"Jlieiiigaii dis'Titrrrjinnounc ed lua inteniion of resigning. Passed bill creating new district liidgeHhlp in Kastern District ot ''cniislnnia. Ad'errned at! 8:4u p Pi. u.t I h.vti mi t day. TAK HEELS AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL MtV. W. K. YKLVKHTO.V.) Wasllngtoj.Ji. c. May 1').--M4-Sb4pUiauof Raleigh; coiuhiIs sloner of labor and printing, whs here toay. mopping odver from his trip to Chicago, wlieru he Iran been rt tewdtng the meeting of the 1 lUeE uatioual Association of Labor Com niisisouefs and Factory Inspectors. Mr. Sbipmaii was iiimiIh Ilrft vlco prcHiileul "I the asKoriation. J. H. Itagland, of Avery county. Ktay Col. herv- R. R. Cotlen, cf Drucu, is ( HUM II III KH IX SAMPSON (Special to News and Observer. I ra.r-ifi.-sli.' JtUITU-. ilia ' . I "0 J1U- r.lll i)iiici ciiiliiii. iiii nun i...ii. ...i. ...n.. i... r... f. i a.. Olllll, f Illi:illill7 vj vew tf. i. ttt- trey In the arly nineties and pre seiitd by him to the llaptist denoni inatioh at Aulreyvlll". was burue.l to 'be ground Wedaefday afternooiw Most or the rhxrcli records, all tlie jSu inlay school records, and the Suo duy w'hool lioiar.v as destroyed. -A im IumjI building adjoiuing was Kaved. only by hard - work. The rburcn will. oL course, be -rebuilt. Tbu liulldlng was worth about f 1,000. (1,1'B MKETIXfi. The 2th Century Book club will meet with Mrs, Knlus Hunter on Ouesdsv afternoon nt- 4 o'clock. i . .kt: . "i ; c -x -nr. irr i iaiii' tin-jH slis l.tiohlers. ' TIm- isiIU'v boliler given ii .bite, jilt eiiuiluh to plslih tlie ililij(li.V.'s"sii-TiUMl iiiutual Jan These loiiipaiiies bule tii tlji pasV lasiii lurj.miate iu liinnv euses Jti'iMg tilt; en-airiltili llH"sloll tlvis "nln tuai'iifu M)ltilnl iiisliraiiee cmiipn niey.-tiiitt-is ItiMiiaiici! rtiiiutlilt'-j t tirii lug nil their prTTllls "hlli'k1 "In -tiey hotdPT-c'-ivho1 are lho-fti-stiMjthiildei of the cmiipauies; ure, cxHiipled from The two' cases against Janien ChappcU, soda.- .fountain eh-rk - (Kenwood ".liarma'ryv urwfrMr. O (i. King Is proprietor, were Mia-minrdyestrrday-aftermon hv Ju the S.-L. Rotter. Cliappell was churged lw' selling tow pints ot llqonr-'to It; M. (ireeii, a detective In Thiemiiloyodhe Raleigh deter tlv.. agency, and the warrants were sworn out'agultisr liitu last Satur ay byd Mr. Ii. L. Davis, superintend ent of -the Xorth Carolina Anti-Sal-loon League. "Tfid rase was held in, tlie. police court room tu tin- munntipal build- in jBTiirsTTmTmiple of over, three hours, during which time tbe room was taxed to its ca pacity with frieiuis and apectmors woo-gallit'ieii to Ueaf -lau ev lUem.i' and eutconie. When Mr. Rotter an- MiAiuc4id-liis-Aiitu.tiU-tUi!rii- waau plutise and large number of the spectators rushed to shake hands with the hllppv voiiti Sd r u g Jiler k . t'liaptiell whs represented bv Artnls- trail Jones und Son and Jofrn W MliiMdale, Jr., city atlortiev, 11 C Itcckwilh, county (attorney, appeared tor tliet-ltiite. , ; -- Tlie " 'Statu. ..only .examined hrer lafivi'si-'s, Jf th 'prlnelptiF lart ot t'. ll''rrVThafiefaejfiiVi w-e"' I oiloit Smie n... ..a.:... irT' -i.;.i..,,.-. ........ in. imiii'ij ii'-ii'ri-- in e o ..inum h ot the trial Mr. Iteckwtll, stateil dial et of - Iis cJuiraeter v itnehW'S lor t.nen, Itev. .1. S r'armer wbh' mil ui the city, and If wou'd like to rend n ""letter trom him. The letter was, it'ifl, but not-ailuiltted as evidepim- ik the deletiilunt's attorneya; wantert BILLION OOLLA Si iicnit! Heinjj Work I'-pUuutl Comiuis of CoHgixss . .MAY INTIiODlJCK Plan IVrmils Oovrrnmeat tf Itlllltin IKdlai- of Bonds -tlie Several Staten Pay T' So Than in .V Tears li HjsKMe - Wflt Hare beeai Wit bout t ost to I ncleKatu I'njr OnljTTnterehir- v" By W. K. YKM KRTt . Waahlngton, 1. C, May billion dollar appropriation I'nited States government roa 1 building In the I'nlte.1 gran'e-1 during the last day ti lrd Congress or Jn lbs ea of the tiOli, would be a mac rrattrriiie-tolbftreouiitry i than it would to the tea i of the roads commiaslon a bv the tiiind Congress. ' T mission, s;ioinied nt the b of the agitation for federe good roa 1b, is shaping sou that-nre likely-te result in troiluctlmi in loth houses grsa wpliln the next nine ir. bill iibsolutcly- unique- la tbe ot the country. - , Senator Bliuraona. ot Nort linn, incorporated in recsa priu; ioniiiUjiroiaion for t Hon lolUffto lm siient In iug teihrul aid to rojid bu Tir of tne i-oimtry. fpffneixaliHr-4tna-heT teution on the jiurt of the f miners ol the pew turlff measure to lake nuy lit come tax from these mutual compa niiw. lint It. is the piirioe of Hie nd liillibtrutioiLto get nl -Jhe etiiiilngs thar are turned over to sits kliohlers under 1lie I'toiik of a ""pro tit -sharing" plan, und it is this purie Uml I lie Insurance .nuiipnlilji have la-en ilglil- tmw- , ; - i y . UittuJi'H Ulwlei'tvlili h tlw ew. toil will Iiiim- to fork oer' some of the stis'kbolders' melon to the (toveriiiueiit hiiv'e!"tHien-eiUuf -out- printiiL ii-tlej s to their (Billey iMihlers setllng foglh tin'' ."dangers" of this lisiniio prmlilini in the tarilf hill, 'ihiiv bine lui.-lnsed iulivetiletilly- written letM I" J'iU cre'Siiietrrl i 'iiv 1 1 ig-bia Hk-apaw- f or-Uie miiCTessiiieti's uml the (mlay liolih'rV tmniet Many tssfdi. -f'siled 4tMhe-tbt (ho e Us to these "lull I nil IV is.inpiiuies. have nihil llljjie b'lters nml s.Mil llieni l their eiuijjivKKiiieii. XalurallJ'. "the IuC-is-h will have little ucu'lll. ilne It is iippillelit Hint the lllsulilllie mill p;!Mie liae JiQt Beted hi gissl fiiilh. KiiiiiiiL' to gain iiiiylliing irom tne lower IJj'Mettii. hiMiiiiiiiee Hiple have tUiiiisi lo the Somile. kliiiwlltg lew irfjliesb -KuuuiirjLlJejij.ajiyMhio th;H tioilj. Efforts I here wilt "he re diMlbleil in. tlie uexl nioiilh. uml iiuh! (lie seiiabirs write long letters explain ing the difleitnnf Mttoeu real ami itliiliition liiuloiil coliiiitiie a great ninny-litiiu! cut pisiple w ill fii'l or fenilisl. .;' This lusiirani e ibslge L only one el Uiany subterfuges that spo-pil privil ege is employing these ibivs In hold what it has hitherto enjoyed iniiii i one plan. or another of Psillng the people. 'iTlSjil-tssMueiJjil lhe Selialesilli olu III It tees now-"eiiie-ldcrtlig "the- tiiritf bill lis it ha come orer from Tie louse Is Immense - more Hum anyone who ths-s not sis' tin- dully slfillli oil tlie iim-iii Isms .of thesi. tt.mlnltti : eiin pussibly reutize. .Mcmlwrs of -to- wmmtiOees uw ilogged from hiorning ' unlit ' liitesal; flight. .Nol nil ossiilig Is ol erlisksl by the agents of " Privilege.'- Ml!. Ll'.fi'ii: I I' RECOVERED. " Wiishhigion, l. c.. May to. ' A. t'g;MI.:.itff .tt'" '"i'ty- one of Sen Hlor OlertnaU's ilplmllllees In .llllilp": lis. Is almost recovered from a sllk-lil ytioilw hti-ii wh t'i'f"l nsl in the X uvalTTi lipliuTI hmdi.' . " Atrr-Le-gelt was iiffis-tisl .lightly eilli wiK'o cel.- and was adviel lo undergo an is rrliuii. lie bus passed s li nil t :l 1 elHtjiiHiJjoii and leisseit Hie pliiiil TesTTl fcfrtVfftl the I eeptiill of Hii.iolll iletn-t. 'WlUi thai now reinu ul. there w ilhbe h" fm44ter,la Pi liis l atruint. nn i ;i;sirAsi: now UP TO -PRESIDENT Mr. UKoii Will Hear at II Oi lis k - MoadaV Those Who Wish lo S al - For the-Ageif Former Jtshuville Hanker. Hv W. KrTKLVFirroX.) WashingKin, l. C. .May lu, 1'eo Iiln who liesiro-to speak In behul' of W . k..a Ureese, Sr., the former Asheville banker, will bo heard by President Wilson Monday aoruinij at 1 1 o'clock. It in understood that the Depart mouT of J usllcn W1H make no rec ommendation in the mutter at all and that l there Is ay Interven tion In the ras It will have to come trom the President. I liti r iliuluc10 rrofS-exa mine -.Mr partner. - - 'roon- testimotiy wati--ln-BUb stiuice tlmt he lived In Kaletgh anrt Has been leie iieiirlv--two-rs:Wa4 fore coming" here-lived in irgins. First worked aacoiiduerof-Tit lli' employ of lh Carolitka LiKlit -anu Power Company for four inontbs and since bus been with the Italelth lie biTttve Agency. (n April 2 went lo Hr. Kings-drug store tu UP'tiwood and apiiroiicheil Cliippell. Asked nun if he could buy a- pint ol rye liquor. CllUppell replied thut ..'he bail iiotlnug but corn. Chuppell tiien - went inio a rear riKim snd irroiiit out irjdn' Tif .rnm 1fr a ttflsrf Ixittle, Paid i cents for it. There wias aio one in t he (.lore exceid t'biip peil and it was ahmil II n. m. Ulil not have an firescrip ion and lust axjke I' him for ti e liipmr. nn Airil ,'lii, two s nfterwards, (ireen went bacirto III!" store and this lime gi)T H iTtnr4iottteTrtTit tnrid-ChT,P,l- $ 1 for it. Il aRniir weir into the liiick room ii ad iiroogM the Itipior wraiip ed .up. Ilave never bought whiskey there before. H l.n n tlreeu-'was run nttig on tlie streir ear-wtw several men oiiih out of I he torc with Ifnnor T ireen wa.i crc'-s-examiue I by Mr, W. ll Jones and was first asked to ifiw. -lo. HinH i men us saw colli lug . out of thA. store with lupint (Ireen said 'the two me p. jere Wil liam King at, till. II. Wi'iUher.. tu rol" - to -"p4et4o4is said thut he Miev V eiilinT-.'i'.ot ilriiuli while ruiuiiiia on ibo rurs. but di'l 'hd" khoVThul bo is lies .tiTViug a f-'-nteiire in the State's prison tor Mlling hisown lallier. No, -lid not have unv ire HcriiiHuiiwlieii he went into Hint s store or. ul an" oilier time In n hi' was ask mI if he had lieepreij un In fit, e., trom a negro drug s (ire on v'ittniiiglou street on the liMh or .'lib, llns'ti said that bo Imilglit a miiI of r.i- from the negro drug store on April lis unon a prew rii- liJliW tltleil iv Jr,JolUI S McKee. r whs for hTcT. aiint and I r Mc Kee gale the- aunt the presi riplion at her home. She asked (ireen to get the Jiipior for her. Left the street car rouipativ at the tlnio ol he lavt.slrike and then went to worl; for tbe detective agency.' (Sets a day and expenses, (Ireen said a ilny or two hetore buy ing the liquor ltourk or b red ti i tit to Xii to KiiikV Mure in . CIciiwhiiI alld'lrv .to get some liquor. Mr ) nis illdu I env a wiird to liitu tilioiil ue t'n the liqtior Mr .Iomi Mien aaked him if Itoark diiln't li 11 hn that lin wnhii iT to ibVtrov "K7n" s ratididact ti.- et;ing liquor froiti h .'in und flreen ;tnted Oil' Knsrk tUduol tell lilmitttHlmt m'-oiiI i,i Alter biiyinK the ti.oiiieK ol liquor took them ' Mr. Honrk nnd lie told ll'Ol take Ihi lu to li. I., is. Mr. Ilavis did nd k (ireen tomuke nn atttii.ivr. Went o tllen- wobil on i ti r j oi : TTFT i'gili aioT wnlkfd out theil (iri ihe Suth I pun Tif'lug ii.t, i it-; f Ii n'vrvi rTivr r r h argeil wlih any. ui'iii in. Ilarneu eiuintv he ssiil In- wits' . eiiargeif wlrb selling liiiinr mel suid that the charge wM)i nsvir pris'i for Irldl An I'nited Stales iiiyrsiiall v s-orvvd tile iiiiers llpllll li In; . bit Solh itor NorrN v ii 11 not i llo-r- lilm io In arrested lierause he -vns a witnesi Hoe-iN'itr4 4u Uua tu,ei-liir courJ. ugalutt uli'-gi-'d blind timers. . ,TI:e Ctisf. v, (Is tx irisierrml lo It tleigli, bill was" never Hied the two wil Hi nses"7igiiiti-f hitii denied thai lie was the right -tnan. Ye-., he beeu In Fairmont and riiYighl. Mime blind tigers there. Sain that he also TooKetrUoWtr The; niiu.le of a. pistol In thQ hands of I young lady. The young lady charged him (Cont In ued on Page Twui.) . utoi iught fro tiviiiK 1 10,'nno. to' one state group fnr experlniental ' the . State to nirVi'U donf union nt, ( (lull the money t al .-ill BilvantveoUsly. -half a million dollars from t eminent treasury in no little thfl-, aml nnn- of. It can epi to A'ucle &iin. The. ribnlt conirulsslon bas on a Plan wlitui seems to is probing at' every angle to ' If possilile, weak-stiots. Ti pwiiUiU iIih govern meat to billion dollars worm of Dm let the states pay the bond tlit in tldv jears the nt. issue will liavn been paid ba oil' a cent of low to the govc To llluslrate: Tbe state ivdv issue a million dollar of bonds drawing four per teres!. Instead of selling bonds- to- JudlvidnauLtbe bo sent To rhe- treasury Tbe ment issues :J ter cent bob ttve-state Ixinds U par siii the liohds sis enllateral for t In ij rest on the- state bond year will amount to 4M,0O pid to. the government." 1 on the (overnmeiit lionds ' :lo;niinr The titi.mja profi Ing to the gove.tTiment each j be compounded by turning into tlie pun base of Its o standing Imnds. When ! have been retired the Interes t.t.. ImuhIs. s. ill coming in, - ed toward the retirement O bun Is until they. too. are nn cat If: retired - The governni nnl nn'hins lbM Slatea b eothini! 4nra tho interest tbt lianl. Hie in'erebf inng ev throiitlt tlie principal, leavitv' eod-itf ilfixyears no bond m I .roiolH as a permanent ' inVtit. Caimble of KuUrsemeti ' The iilsti is capable of Infh larnnieiit, say Us advocatea. sljutea nutiiO'rsue the same I ward the counties as tne gov cutplti s wun tiut siaiea. i eas- the l.uger unit simply i;uker.1u the Mealier, using i it mage in interes' rates to the -principal of the bonds. . Tlie longrestiiotial mads r iiitti it; roimmsril of Senator man, -Swhiimiii. Peurow, Groi ea-Setiatnr lloiirne; Represe' Sliai klel'ord. Cordon. Lee, Austin nnd Cilllcuddy. Tbe sioti is siudyiiiK ' every syst Unuiiciiu and building roads to the world. Previous bilf tug fi'dersl aid to rond build I, .-nn: studied, and from to ui ln r'diittt in iossesslon of t. in if lee a . measure w ill be providing a system that can t H'. larseska the states Will I: And if the i-onuiiKtee find l;icj ui(lie uieTliod outllnet; tins i'Un "aet-uis most likely adopied. , ro,.r i rtrr?ntiyicx -t.lmd U . Misirs Succeed 1 Cniiimisiorer In New tlai to News and Ob W ilntingont. May It-Tbi of cniiiily i (tin iiiissiotier s In a fd s i(Ui yesterday aftrtn cid-d to nrcept tbe resign i of .lolm Van t. Metis aa . I.r of lW, lKard, "" teederc weeks ago. and the clerk of . rio' court haoiod In tan Llod' W. Moore, who ' Mtialilh'd and began his i(t l .dn Colonel .Metis resig cause hi business required of bis tinie. TlESIiAV. XT WKDXKi tliange in Time of .M.i-e4ia , ' venllua of Diocese of Xoc Una. Tarboro. My 10. The eonvention of the liloeese t Carolina will meet In church, Tarboro, on.Tuesd ing, 13th Inat., at 10 o'cl not on Wednerday, as baa i custom heretofore.

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