f SECTION ONE FAG ESI TO 12 mm3 rwiifcTai in ii c VOL XCVHL Nd. 82. v RALEIGH, N. C; TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 14, 1913. PRICE, 5 CENT3. GREATEST STATE FAIR; IS from Occoneeche ram not ntrd for premium. - W. A. , Slmpktns, Rltgh, K. C, prolific -cotton display. THE STATE, EXPECTANT, AWAITS JtJSIrAROlM)iTHErCORNER J3EEI'GJEGREAT-STATE"FAIR j. r. izor-.'-xbcx, wC.atiWu,.?iw.SU.. .. .A 3 a: merit Is Prepared To Make Definite Annouhce- ! jnent as To Unprecedented Attractions BIGGER, BETTER' AND MORE . i VARIED THAN EVER, SAY OFFICIALS ; Not a Single Department in Which the Showing Does Not I Eclipse Anything That Has Been Shown Previously Building, Plant .Enlarged; by I the. Addition of Three I New Stock Buildings Eighteen Acres of Ground ' Added With a New Entrance and Roadway Many I Interesting. Contests. . ? J" i;' ,r. With'- still -alrnosT a week ' in which to complete, the arrange 'ments for.5 the. North , Carolina State Fair,' the management al- ready has it preparationsso-wettj - in hand that It feelsrsafe in promls- ing the.people of North Carolina - -the greatest and most varied ex : hibition .that has ever been shown in the history of the North Caro ; lina Agricultural society. . - "There Is not a single depart ; ment of the Fair, " said Col, J. E i Pogue, secretary of the Fair, "in which the exhibits will not be '.larger than ever before, and I am ' entirely warranted In assuring the ( ; people ; that Jhey will -find . the ; state Fair this year the most com- --plctfr-amd-adcquatc portrayaf-of f Carolina's resources and ln i lustricsW an sorts that it has ever VOL',' : -.'.. , j. EnlgrgeJ Plant ' - v The '.building plant has been rr iubstantially increased" since last ' year,T three new live stock build . (ngs with every modern convex ience and built on the most ap ""I. proved plans having been erected. lThesheep and swine building has been ; provBed with a concrete , 4 floor, which Is a decided Improve - ment. City water is provided In abundance for the stock. ' " -' ' Eighteen acres of new ground in the-west side of the grounds ave been added, and I new en- I :' . ....... t ..:.;.:,vf i to V r !' . " ' .''"V- . " . .'' . f '....: M m m in trance for vehicles only provided for the JHillsboro street side. This eliminates ,the crossing . of the street car tracks and is a tig gain in fnnvenience. There are new drivewats and hitching places and other, additional advantages pro vided with the aim of adding to the convenience and comfort of exhibitors " and the ' general pub lic -.. ' T',- After Monday,; drays and de livery wagons will be required to go to the north gate, turning to the right at the West Raleigh drug store at end of the Cameron Park property, - Thepublic Is re spectfully urged by the Fair man igemsflt to use 'Morgan street as much as possltrte, also , West I' ;''J '. '- Some SUte Fair Jones street.' fn.' order to tighten tratuc on Hillsboro street- This latter street inside and outside tjie streets,' however. Jus been oiled and will be in as 'good tondition as possible. : , " " Apicultural Exhlbiti. The .agricultural ; exhibits . this yettr will be such as to make loyal sons of the State rejoice with pride aMhls-fortfon-ot Ihe-State's -resources. They will show.the Stale to be a great producer of practi cally all kinds of agricultural and horticultural products. Some of the exhibitors and their exhibits will be : ' - - - " . Magnificent agricultural display jnMMsaBaAaaiati tarma and apple. J.- W. Perry, LrwooO, N, CL,p pla and farm product. J. IT Ratta Halalirh V C V kmIm. corn (th mu who ralaod lli buihi on on acr). . ., ' Arthur a Sharp?' Orcanaboro, N. C btc display farm products. ' John C Bharp. Grvenaboro, N. C, pl diaplay, (arm producta ' ;' i afanj Conteata.' ". v - Th contort fcatur of th Fain will b on of th creaUat Ther wttt be a corn club contest, men's corn and cotton contest, a"trla' tomato ciub con test, contest of growers, manufactur ers, and leaf dealers' tobacco contest Th exhibit and records In these con tests will be examined and traded by th Judges and th winners of the piiaea announced. Large additional special premiums will be given by the Board of Agricultur. Prof. C. B. WlUlams la th director In charge of this featar of th Fair. Thar win be a big display by the Land and Industrial Department of th Southern Railway which U ex- pected to prove one of the most Im preealv of all th exhibits at the Fair : - y , . , T. W. Wood ft Bon, of Richmond, wlU hava, tn the agricultural depart ment, an exhibit of field and garden aeeda' - J. U O'QuInn and R. fitetnmets, the well known Raleigh Arms, will have their, customary - One exhibits of plant, cut Oowera, ta ' AgricnhraTl)epaniitent. Yry complet and extensive wtl! be th exhibit of the Stat Agricultur al Department In fact It will be "tremendous,' said one of the Fair managere yesterday. Every sort of the product of the ".farm will b Shown, the principles and modus shown." Specimen from th inagnla- i ! Buildings. COMPREHENSIVE' In Succinct Form Tells Where in Coming Fair Will Be ' Greatest Yet GIVES BREEZY SUMARY OF- . ' VARIED ATTRACTIONS Third Pegiment Band Will Fur nish the Music , Double Parachute . Leaps. From an ; Immense Height Daman Troupe of German Acrobats Will Perform Marvelous Stunts.-- . . t: . In eucelnct torm and In spicy, read- able atyle. Secretary Pogu of the Stat Fair ha sent out a preliminary announcement of th principal events and attractions of th Fair -The Indications ar that this win be th greatest Fair and Expoaltion rer held in North Carolina. "Three new stock buildings, mod ern In every respect, and 6 x 160 feet each, have been built this year, ensuring adequate accommodations for . horses, cattle, sheep and swine.' About too head of livs-stock wlU be exhibited. Ther is great opportuni ty for stock raising in this Btate. and it is earnestly hoped that our farmers and breeders will look over these ex- hiWtsfuUy'Tiflsenaur-tipla corn, cotton, wneat, rye, tooacco and play of farm machinery and . labor saving device. Many counties will make exhibits, and some of our town wul make collective displays. "Eighteen acres of new ground have Men added wit a a new entrano and roadway, with ample parking places. eliminating th dangerous crowding and congestion or vehicles. "On of th most Interesting and in structive featurea win be th Better iU,&4JJa.i4.l..iiattjiiiu-4aSfc av prise. Practical Instruction as to th oar of bable will b given "Th racing will b unusually good. Many fast horse bav already been entered."' - "Th Third Regiment Band will f!r- Blah music. "Prof. Walter W. Raub and Mm. Lawrewe (Mrs. Itaub) will asoend each C y In two trtuioons aid by aide ard wa C"p Jn aouole paraohute ips from ImmoriM h!ht, 'ih Great Damp- :! Tr3 of tlewnan j Floral Hall North cent collections and ' experimental farms of th Agricultural department j will be shown. Ther will b much! prm'tlcal Instruction for farmers. lira.' Charles McKlmmon 1H de monstrate the work of th Olrls' To mato Canning Clubs. Mls Ward will demonstrate flretaia cookers for the benefit of the business, this demonstra tion also to be under th direction of the fitat Department of Agriculture. German Kali Works of New Torg and Atlanta, will be otie of the manofarturera of commercial fertili sers displaying In th agricultural de partment , " ' iv Farm Machinery. Th. collection -of farm machinery will be one of the crack feature f th Fair. Some of th exhibits will be:- - International Harvester - Co., run ning furrows with motor ploy and CContlnued on Pag Twelve) stunta on th trapes In front rot th Urand Htand each day. "Among the paid attraction '' ar th merry-go-round. Kerris-wheol, motordrome and Midway Bhowa, and Oklahoma Bill's Wild West Show. "laln'a Firework Company of New Tork will put on for four night. Oc tober 21-34, their tremendous spw. lecj. ine 'UUI uays ot Fompell." This 1 grand, beyond dercrlptlon. Th ancient city with Its towers and tem pi la seen before the sum-tutor with t heople aiigjagediaa grn -pro-ceHion and ceremony befor the doors of the pagan temple, introducing th entrancingly beautiful Fir Ballet, th UcldMi font Ballet (from the London Crystal Falac:e) superb and sensation al aerial and acrobatlo specialties. Flower Girls, Dancis dirls, Roman Senators, Priests. Guards, Gladiators, Incnna- and Flame Bnarera in all two hundred and nfty performers, gorgeously ooatumtd. Hudderily In th midnt of th revelry tho mighty Ve suvius, with a deafening roar, hurla forth flames, burning lava and ashea, and th one proud city la buried for ever. - -v- "Th gloom and awe of th seen of destruction will be lightened by a raagnineeni ainpiay or fireworks, aet piecea of exauhiit delirn. fire-flowers. dranrona, snakes, rockets and bomba Mueio by I'ain'a Pompeilan Military FIXE racing ton THE KTATE FAIR, "Many Fruit Ilorse Have Been Enter- Th racing at th State Fslr will be as usual on of the most alluring features. A Fair without racing would be to thousands' of people no Fair at all. ; Out of deference to the many who enjoy racing management of th State Fair always arrangea a fine rac ing prmrram and this year .will be no exception. "The racing will be un usually good.-many fast horses have ."fheen entered " Secretary Joseph EL Pogu aaya In his official announce ment about th Fair, The event will be: ,r - .v ,v . Tucoday, October St. - -::J4 Trot (closed), . , .. ,. . .liOO 2:11 Pace..... . . . . . .. )to WediuMday, October M. rree-for all Trot and Pace.. ..ftOt 11:1 irot .. .. ,r. ,.110 h ' Thursday. (Xtober ta. t:it Pace (closed).. ...... . .$50 J:22 Trot.. . , .j .-.."....$ Frldnv. October 24. i . .! "rulea to -govern, with auted exoeptlona Hopples allowed. Colored drivers barred. Race, mil heats t In I. to end with the fifth heat, unless two or m nui mw mrm uwm iur nrsi money; tn suv.ce. horaes so tied shall can. tlnu in th rac until soma on hunt ha won three heats. All horse to stay in nv neaia unlea arawn or dis tanced. -No bora can win more than ona inonev. F.ntrariiv I im, rmi purs ana pet nt aor "tonal from In ease two or more horses ar enter ed from tie nam stable in th same claas, full pea cent entrance .1 charged on only on iiome, and for each' additional horn the entrance Will be 1 per oent. But full t per cent will b charged each starter. Right I reaervea to change me nraer of thia program and to declare oft on account of bad weather. Ail entries will be MiiiM(ii aualant. miiv I(vM. ed (0 per oentr SI pereent, IK par c-nt, 1" J"r miin. a.m.uc i.,-r Tue- av. ('iMot.nr 14th, ojotda made rest .?: t n-srii t. Carolina State Fair. OF STATE FAIR Depicting "The Last Days of Pompeii" It VViil Be Elabo r rate Spectacles BASED ON HISTORICAL ; TRAGEDY OF THE NAME Exquisite Music and . Dancing r and Many Local Features Which Transport Spectator ' to Ancient' City Distant Thunder; Warns of the Ap- Broaching Catastroohe. .; . i -: V The Greet Raleigh Stat Fair U to i celcbratu.l this year In a truly royal vie, - B-!"J'i tb many attractive lata! ft;iiurs fuer la to be a inagni- floent . fireworks specUcIs depleting "Th Last bay of PompcU" by th Pala'a Fireworks Company of Amer ica. This la possibly the moat pro gresslv feature of th fair, for It 1 beyond question th most Impressive end elaborate open air entertainment that human Ingenuity ha thua far bea abiaeto Invent Th spectacle I baaed upon the historical tragedy from which It Is named and an accurate Idea of .Roman 1U. costumes and peo ple of th era la presented. This Hsompany ha many special produc tions and moat of them ar baaed upon some Important historical fact. Thi on which w ar to witness, how ever. I said ts b Mcond to non of th other In th luxurious preamble, showing th Knmans at the gala day amusements, with, thelt) bright attire. their fairy salleu and gorgaou ps- geanta. Thar la axquUlt muslo and danolng and many local feature which serve to transport you to th ancient ' city. Th tragedy follow quickly upon th merry-making. Just It happened In real life, ther 1 no warning except th distant rumb ling resembling thunder to warn th people of th coming catastrophe. Suddenly th gloomy mountain In th background belch forth volume of flam and ashea and In an Instant ther 1 paademontam. Th shriek of th people, th crash of falling building, th roar of explosion All the air for a time and then ther I th blacknsa of destruction th des ert wast and death-Ilk calm of th ruined populac. Hurled Into 6olar Region. Then befor you quit recover from the etTecta of th awful tragedy de- Slcted up, you ar caught, and urled pell-mell into a solar region where bouquet ar mad of star, th heaven mov with atrang design alt brightness and odlor; portraits of prominent men of very anormoua pro portion ..flash for a moment befor you veritable picture of flam, and you seem to be in a anas of bewilder ing sight and gorgeous prismatic col or. - it I something to think about for day afterward and to dream of by night ana will man th Fair an eoca ston to be remembered. t Th peoule of thia city are especially fortunate In having been abl to b. tain for th coming Fair such a won derful, spectacular entertainment a "Th I sum Days of Pompeii," produc ed by trie Pain's Fireworks Company of America. Thia magnificent pyro technic display, which I unquestion ably th moat elaborate sad expwnaiv presentation ever designed for open air entertainment, will be seen ach night of the Fair., from October 10th to 25 th. To tho who bav never wttnesaed one of the firework a dls plava presented by this company an loljiKluotluft to fairy land awaiia tbetnvi . it . J imaoau weiiunaigin..wnat,.tt,;tf "liUa.""''''! hcrs'';''ts''''V""iionie'r "stag on wnicn tn ancient cuy is isiu out ana hundreds of performer depict th gay life of th period. ' During th unfolding of th his torical episode which- th spectacle present ther ar Intimate' glimpse given or tn home ana civio in or tn unsuapeetlng resident of the pleasant Utile cities on thi Mope of the treach erous mountain. Games, dancing, feast and , Imposing .pageant show that le I nil dar with them. -Tf fettieF-wiifcn"rwOTrca rlod. add local color to the kaleldo- sooplo view and th firework feature ar triumphs of th pyrotechnic art. Awful Tragedy Gomea, In th midst of all this gayety me th awful tragedy which wipe out th city and leave a denert wast wher so much brightness, reigned only a moment before. Without a moment's warning, th ears'" baek g , iMee or rrewntng" mwrrn tain bursts forth In lurid flame. The erowd below, paralysed with fear, j Forward To Kig Annual Celebration " 'r'Z ' V..-v: v at Capital City ' : - THOUSANDS PLANNING TO C03IE, SEE - THE SIGHTS AND RENEW ACQUAINTANCE All Feel That the State Fair Should By All Means Be Seen and Enjoyed This Ia- pression Has Been 'Accelerated by an Abundanca ci , ' Advertising Matter Sent Out by CoL Joseph E.PcU3, Secretary, and His Staff of Assistants. '. North Carolina' treat State Fair is now less than a week off. All over , the Statefrom ; the mountains to the seashore, and from the Virginia to the - South Carolina line the - folks are looking forward and- have been for weeks to this annual event in the life and activities , of the State. : :fr' For counties may have their fairs, and sections of the State may have theirs, but there b no fair with, exactly the flavor, the zest and the thrill that invest the bis annual show in the capital city. -:YV:; ! The State Fair b the peat meeting place for the people of On its grounds and through its buiUings, -oil., friends meet and " CranJ Stand it erect one 30tlur, farents Lied daughters anj sons from the col leges and schools of the SUteand the home people greet again the visitors from other States who as many times make the holding of the State Fair the occasion for a visit "down home." Ohv it is a joyful and a cheerful and an, in teresting time when these old friends. . thousands of them,-get together on fie- midway or in the : xlul!it--buildings--uut talk over old times, the present and the future, there's nothing like State Fair for renewing "auld acq uintance long forgot' Tht Grenteat of AH. . And there Is another thing that makes the folks In Increasingly great numbers flock to the State Fair. . As the- whole. It Is rreater than any of its parts, so Is the 3 J I.' . ... . fi. wis,. Is the One Great Event TbLt State Fair bigger, spicier, and td ter 5 than any other Faifl in Vxi ny other haif in t:-. J State, and somehow if folks ar; going to a fair, they just natural'. take to the biggest and the best rThat is the impression that al ways prevails In connection wi:h the annual autumn show and ral lying occasion In Raleigh, an l CoL J. E. Pogue, secretary, and his staff of assistants have exert: i themselves this year, as in f at years, to see that popular im pressions as to the merits of State fairs as compared with smaller events were substantially ac celerated. Much 1 advertising matter has gone out all over V.z State. , Banners have been hun?, MlhoardiJbAxeieiLridecQriti J with flaming posters, dodgers and circulars-galore-ha ve-bcen -scat tl.c iiaia Filr. torcd to ILe'four cjuartrs .f I' j compass and that-ever wwl.r,, ser.vant . of any and -every '.good cause, the press,tias been and adequately v cultivated with the view of getting that .sort of publicity that newspapers are best adapted to givei v . --.It is going to be a great fair, and the people all over the State have been notified that this will be the case, so there is nothing left now- to-dct but- let the-kaven of good ad-vertising do Its work, its fruits will surely be seen next week in the shape of thousands and tens of - thousands . of happy visitors. . . "- The State waits expectant e.i the coming of next week. For the people know that there am times of agreeable txcrfe'ment and kiicasant diversion surely await n? thtm. (Ccr."riua oa Tags K:na)

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