The Weather i For North Carolina: Rata Toewday and probably Wed aewtayt moderate east wind. Tilgliet temperature, 53 ' lowest, ; precipitation, . NORTH CAROLINA'S GREATEST DAILY PRICE: FIVE CENTS. RALEIGH, N. O, TUESDAY MORNING, DEC;23, 1913, VOL XCVIII. NO. 142. News OBservdrtrons in, (Republican') announce that he would vote for th conference report because he believed 4t an Improve nwnt .yn tenth tnt na House bill 73 Addii -XfiihtmtimTtrvWtyiT? jH'rT' MITJHffiniTIIDFilRFPRlslfflR" in iHiu m 1 llll I 111 U II I 111 UU U, III II l-l ji iiimm nr. jrr I n .n n m ui M-n i I 1 i 'J V 7 1 run mil STATUTE BIGGEST Final Legislative Approval Fought Out In House Night " Session BIG VICTORY IN HOUSE Adopted Conference Report On Administration Currency Bill By 298 to 60 REPRESENTATIVE GLASS Declared Conferees Had Re ported Original House Bill Without Fundamental - Alteration VnTF IN SFAIATF TfinJlY -J VJ. C A'V ?tM.l5' ' V"HI i (Rr th AKauci.lftl PrM.) ' -ashiMten.-.-Dec. ailhe -"HomeSHl-COflWfenCe- nousc rasscu ine toniefCHMi i- port On the administiat On CUr- . A ii i ICHV.V I'm u iu.iu u tiut-K lu-1 atiii luc icun iu mt otiiatc, which had waited in session To re ceive it before adjournment for Prolonged and uproafous cheers from the Democrats ereeted the qnnnitnDmAni nf ih hula Speaker Clark, and many mem- bers of the House hastened over to the Senate to See the report re- alv.l ihar ""tnfi mnnirtni mf mlH thiri-m. n 1 .. . .. t. I tamer in tne evening tne en- ate naa aZreej lO VOW HOI laterrresetve centers and scattering them thon 'rnrV Inmnrrmu ,f .through the regional reserve bank temoon, and the leaders' regarded! f- fht -4 1 VA.nitUiu t.' " " vc,l"V 11 c yF"-"-u. Pill WOUld le tn the hand? 0t President Wilson for his Signature r 1 -. . . 4 t.. . . ..!.,u i-ciuic iwniuiiuw iiiS.i. On trje tinal vote .14 Kepuuli- cans. 1 1 Prorressives and one In- j j , i is l p . I oieeaing. ana America lies prostrate, dependent, (Kent, Ot California,) its men out of employment, and fac vnl,i,i uitli ihi mninritv f n r lhi tories closed." As a remedy he said. .,, , ,i ,; nJn,nr,lc r, Kport, ana TWO Democrats, Uai- kiwav. of Texa.S. and Wither- rmnn nf Mi;;Ksinni ioine,t tlw Spoon, Ot Mississippi, JOinea me OPPOSitioil. "II1"1"""' The vote followed a debate of iv tnree nours, aunng union me jhi- fwr a recess until January 1 The decision to take a final vote on the conference report In the Senate riot biter than 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon was reached by unanimous consent Just before 10 o'clock tonight At the augKeatlon of Senator Gallln ger. the Kepubllcan leader. Senator ten agreed not to press the report for consideration tonight in return for an agreement to vote tomorrow. Hy unanimous consent it was agreed that the Ken&te should meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, take up the report ;-iiwndialy.,,;i,na,J than !:3t) o'clock. ' ; WltlL this arrangement made, the Senate jitst Tn-fre 19 o'eloeK tootr a recens until 11:15 to nwiilt the nrrlval of the report rrom tne Mouse. larllcr Kjgljl t-enew. Wajhlngton. Dec. 12. Final legis lative approval of the reform cur rency bill was the goal toward which administration lenders of Congress pressed in a night session tonight that fnreateneu 10 mm wen on ivwuru morning. The report ot the House and Senate Conference ComTntttcV. perfected ear ly today, did not reach the House until t ..a'clo.cJt....toniht,.; I ts formal reading there occupied mor thun an hour, and it was ":S0 before general debate was beun. It was agreed to riipcuss the hieas- ore fur two nours ana lortv m nines: n hour and twenty minutes for the Democrats, an hour forth Hepubll- cans and twenty minutes for the I'ro- grcuhlves. " tmenlntf the discuKHlon Keprcscnts- five Clan .lelured th:it the conferees had reuorted the oriKlnal House bll back "without one single fundamen- ital:Afrtton. - In th meanlun.e semitor Owen presented the agreement of the con ferees to the Senate and that body, after ordering thA report printed, res by tne noiiset As th House" tad-not leen heard an6tSerrecess uhtii 11:15 but agreed to vote on the report not later than . lor,, u ,mninMl rrnird.d With Hll.rtll. rrumn,.n J .. I - 1,1,1.. t- l 1 . . , , . ... , I . . , , . , ..,,......... I - - ------ i k"". v-uiij, iiuiMi, cm ii, i sgsin UP in tne air anoui me luimunr i Dunn, none iibs yei uiiih.hc of entertainment at the re tors, Including niany prominent fig-1 farr. Frear. Haugeh, ITelgcson. Kelly, t t,arri to be given to people In th Lf the decree and business at the oth- KirrJ, (. Miiit-r. n,H.rM -msds In 4rflU4at ulc (Mich.) Kelss, Klnkald. Neb ). La collection of the Income tax. About er institutions Is belnR conducted ss ,h. Caxabso held December 11 Ull Hope to Kokk Tills AfUrnnon, Folette. Unroot, Unquiet. Kller. the only definite tHIrig they know usual. Crowds gathered about the rimaMlii Tpursuance of the The House adjourned until 8:30 M- (W. Va ). Nelson, Nolan, Smith, concerning the subject just now Is doors of these two banks, but there ,mmPunton of the President to me p. m. tomorrow, when the leaders ( Minnesota), Stafford. Stevens, ( Mln- that the "division deputy" plan of col- was no disorder. Both banks are be- rA,JX t,.T. " ii 1 si .n h. nop? 10 uui inruuK" - i cbuiuuuu i nesov). HUinvriiLnn. rim at that hour, -tne- Senate tookiappiy ror mrrawrnniii in mc rm.i.i -sb n tn tomorrow. , ' . - C.l.' Snn4. ' ' Representative CW speech in Hi. ?He osrtierahVm; nrof"ThVbUr which had assailed by banker, and members of . , tha Senate, Hcpubllonn Complaints. Representative tfayr. of California, minority member of. the House 'con- . ferenoe committee, criticised the fail- K ' ure of the Senate and the conference , to renulv th provision whicVwaii ' the government of the -tTnTled States j lirlniariiy resfptraslble for-the notes It - propose,' to issue to the regional re serva banks, " ' Mr, llayes also declared the bill de- a also uecisreu tne Dill ae fectrve in the provitlon. extending ePTMl .MIU MIWyAJtn,tHtWiUl iL!.V" ' " UenrMentKtlva Ieriroot. of Wlacna. used to commercial neeai of the country." . Representative Moore, of Pennsyl vania, characterized the bill a a "tra vesty upon Democracy'! so-called popular rule," and a confession of dic tation. Representative Guernsey,, of Maine, (Republican! said he objected to the tm ThtrHy-hcaua . Xhejrcserye board would be controller uy partisan inter est Representatives Ragsdale, of South Carolina; Heflln. of Alabama, and A. Mitchell Palmer, of Pennsyl vania, (Democrat) aupported the re port In entlrasiaatle-addreitses. Teddy Progressive' Criticism. Announcing that he would vote for the conference report, Victor Mur doch, Progressive leader In the Houw. insisted that the Democrat had acted l'i lSlkon,y a "httlf "In the last eltfht mdnthB. said Mr. Murdock, "I have seen the men tal attitude of Democratic leaders change from a deelre to serve the public to an attitude of trying to avr nntlnnul rilfULMtM. There is no panlc ln ,nls ctuntry yft; but ,he npeuiai imcresis mo tuumij uiv n are no mean . enemy, have been spreading the poison of pessimism." Llndberg Assails Report. Representative Llndberg, of Min nesota, Progressive, assailed the con ference report on the ground that It rather eventually would increase than decrease the cost of living. The vital defect of the measure he said, was that It did not give the Federal reserve board the right to fix rates I af interest to be charged by bankers. ..Representatives Kahn. ot Callfor- nla. nd Piatt, of New York. Repub- . iT" lll J?rove a disappointment to I ;Mach of th aiacusaton concerned iKet - i1ljnljiilTOh' t& conferees of the Senates schemr'of guaranty of bunk deposits, Hepresentative (llass declared that the Senate provision e I tV of deposits ought to plat , the f ih ttie fcnk"s atid tai rnment. Ovation to I'nderwooHl. 1 Ing a result that many Congresses and J"" committee have attempted in i vcnij cam akJ iu icuifu Mr frt.rwH r.fre. ith. .iu tho trrest enrmB unn.r the iiii ' ! 1 ,ne ,aklng pf th reerves out" of the Minority. Leader Mann's Calamity I Ml.Mt, i oi.j .k.I debate for the Itepubllcans, declaring I that Democratic control of nine I nww. Hti,, kyi j.j 11(fn lnfUf.nce over two grea coun- tries . . " " eilco- ?" . aJd- p- the Democrats proposed to inflate the currency. He predicted he .-eturn to I th House of "an unwieldy Hepubll-I c" n"0orlty next' November. I ' Kenub can memhera nf the House nesr-lwho Voted for the renort are: I Murton, burke, (8. Dakota) Cooper, Treadway. oung (North Dakota). Manahan, Mapes. Stephen (California), Wood- r,iir7 Prnmniwi wt vr.i tr.r th. r. p.rt ile'li" (Oaiifornla), Hryanl (Washington). Chandler. Falconer, iiuiings. n.eiiy (t-ennayivania). ir- fertv. Murdock. Temnle Mi flonalil. Thomson (Illinois), Hupley -12. After the announcement of the vote joint resolution proposed bv Major- ity Leader Underwood lh4t the House tmn nUn,nmani ' tntwnw 1 until January 12. was adooted. This will be taken up In the Senate to- mtirrow". " Senator Owen announced, that a wMnty't-4-' prwIde-xTrttatairty of bank deposits would be considered In the near future, This has been in timated In debate by Chairman Glass, of the House Uanklng committee. NATIONAL BANKS COMING INTO NEW CURRENCY SYSTEM. McNMigc to Secretary of Treasury From One of largest Institutions In New England. lily IK Auorttud Fm.) Washington, Dec. 22. -What Treas ury ofliclals regarded as an Indica tion of how "nnancliir'c.ircleit will re ceive the new Federal currency sys tem came today from Uoston In a messsge to Secretary McAdoo from ioe .iimnmi n, o"-- th larcest institutions In New Ma-, land. The ateiwage declared that the executive committee of the bank had voted unanimously to advise Its dl- rec too new i u 1 ter the system. Receipt at the Treasury of scores of informal appllcsUons from all : parts of the country has led Mr. Mc- jio la .believe tners can he no oues- ,.-. nntff llial o Itirua nmTw,rinn ni the National Banks ' Intend to come into the system. There are about RltO NationiiJUanlis In the United xet ana not- more man a rew nun- died -Mve wired . their inttntlon to system, but a rush of applications 1" expected as soon as the bill Is signed I by t'resiaeni wuson; ' Many of the banks, reallilng that "f"'?. lUt ,a .bo- from the roiiowmg citiea: tn.atia- nooga, Tennessee: iyncneurg. vs.; Columbia and Sedalla, Mo ; Topeka and Parson, Kansas. Continued on Page SIx. tiecurlag 8wlvCont?aftor' Bid. WJr.T ' "."'wT':;.. - i n. r. - - '"--- of qreensbor ?. . wa 4 A,UC a- -- -r - - -V- .iih-contractors for th Raleigh N. I (! ) courthouse." , - Majority leader Underwood: as the teomwnea ttaccompnsn a .rai , mig-1 an hwwjwt ?",:?, w 1 wno twnsi J debate neared a conclusion was alven "fordially and faithfully yours. refugees were not allowed to teaVe. nc"ia Wp,ri a areat ovation when he arose to "(Signed) Woodrow Wilson. Mrs. Pdro I'rleto wife of a -mer- Boiries of H. ronrstnlsied ih. Moose t hrlstnias tilft for Klu blii. chant, said she had to pay 11X...OU ui they are ' I . .. , ' , . ... , 1 1 1 I J T ..I- U - -1 . mwA 1 -p. . 1 .. Runut mnA t hi IIBnb nt I KeOTeSeniSI lVe S-llCnin rW-WVCU m. I IHIU, ttllU L.U1B lioiuv, ' I un 111 For the Senior Senator From North Carolina I WRITTEFlFinHtMAmTIF A Christmas Gift for Congress- man Kitchin From His Col leagues The Income Tax Collection Puzzle North Carolina News From the Na tional Capital. . (By W. K. YEIA ERTON Washington, Dec. 22 Senator Sim dll tomorrow receive the first bound copy of the first print of the Underwood-Simmons tariff bill In the form of a. moat handsome memorial. The volume la exquisitely printed and bound and contains, besldia the bill Itself,' a letter from President Wll- son. a note from the Vice-President I and expressions of esteem and appre- ,B0 f , lh distance of elation with the autograph of ev.ry " United States Senator, Each Senator of the Rebel strongholds. General has a page in which to compliment v'llla said he was contented to let Senator Simmons and write his name. tnem remiin there, While the Fed Then there Is a statement from Pub- ,. 11 Vrlnt.r K.,rd that this Is .he first inoexea copy oi mc uui i uni a staxemeni iroin neirnaiy nnn", vi i the SenaTfl. that ttlsthe first tou-nd -ewpjf imdfor" a:,-. Wilson's Handsome, Hearty t'ompll- nwnrt. . . I President Wilson's. is as foUows: ...i. m.m uriroitlitn, iitr vuur I leadership" In the great nht Tor tnif t y" nave renuereu u munirj, country Ability, kiowle)Re, lact ana patience i welcome Christmas -Jtlft from his North Carolina colleagues in the House today tn the form of a letter I signed by nine members oi the deie- aatlon hoDlfia that he will be elected 1 4he chalrmanahlD of the Ways and I Means committee. The letter u prepared by KeprMentatlv 8mall. I it u as iouows: l"Hon. Claude Kltchln. I House of Representatives. "My Dear illr;-! If aatacancy should I occur In the position of chairman of I the Committee on Ways and Means! of the House of Representatives, by the election of Mr. Underwood to the snsie.iie.far. other l caiUML::vour col I leagues In the House from North Carolina wish, in this personal and I puouc manner, to rxprees mr nope that you ay be elected to fill the vacancy. We snail giaaiy aia in your election as craurann oi inn nuuii- i "t committee. I addition to such personal rea- I ons as may actuate us. we aref ur-1 ther tmpeiljd by the df J": I taln a homogeneous delegation and to enhance the prestige and Influence . i .i,. n ... I t.. rn4i I Treasury Deoartment official are lection will Ihave to be given up. The I House faH-to-apuropriaU. enough I money for this system to be used. I no.. i.i . . . . Li v,...- . . . wrth Carolina and about three expert ac- countanta In the office of each collec- tor of Internal revenue, it seems im- ""'T":;'," bu. the inrcUr I ,. i,la to have snv field ssrent forliacK or assets, nut to im m Krvtiy oi this work, considering the approprla- tlon available. There la room for those who have already been "recommended for the iaA.a im VA,.h -Crniin. f,. Kv can be shifted into the collectors' of- flees hut there will be on v about ven oTpaTnl-b4ttpl the twelve anticipated. Beitresetatl v Webb . today recom mended N. N. Slider for postmaster at Mlcavllle, Yancey ceunty. a fourth class office. Representative Xlodwln recommended J. K." Elliott for post master at Thornwall. Harnett county, also a fourth-class office. Representative' Godwin has been In strumental In securing the promotion of Luther McNeill, of Maxton, from I a railway clerk to postofflce Inspector. Rouse N. A. Beflman and B. W. Hill, of Snow Hill were here, today. Thoy took a flier in lsnd while they were here, buying 118.000 worth between Washington and Alexandria. Va. AGED ALAMANCE MAN IS BURNED TO DEATH Robert K. Ie. Caretaker foe Joeeph B. Sollnr. Ixjse IJfe In Dvwlllna Ilousc lire. (B Dm )lrtl Vt Greensboro, Dec. II. Robert E. Lee. caretaker for Joseph B. Sellars, of White Plains, JJ. T., was httrnett o leath Saturday night at the Sellars l nlaf in AlaniMnee county. Tiear-here. when the house In which h& lived I alone vw destroyed by fire, of un- known origin. Neighbor attracted to i the scene auempieo to rescue er. j Ue,.. wh ora, oy riiianiinis ui j his bedroom, but the Intense heat f drove them back and the unfortunate man wa cremated. BITTER MKDIOXK TO TAKE. ! Jake Tw'ker, of Wilson. Twice Found Guilty, Appraw to Snpreme court. 4VprUt M Tin New sn4 Obwrttr.) WlUon. Deo. IJ.-Jak Tucker, who . i time h.s been a hlinit tleer susnect." and who ha been watched by th eagle-eyed police officer this city, was arrested someslmo ago that h, had descended at Perm, neaf for having In hi possession more tn, giberian frontier, thus establish liquor than Is allowed by law. He , world's distance and duration was found aullty by' Mayor Dlckin I son and seotenced to the road -He appealed to the Superior court. ' He wu adjudged guilty ba a Jury n ...i hi, 1,,,!.. fl, W. that "h. IT . and haPPl1 t tb Supreme I Court. UI lULilLlinL lILLnl To Learn What Action Troops at Oiinaga Will Take i Expected To Extend Into Inte- rior But They Are Without Any Train or Telegraphic Communication South of the Border A General for Every Four Hundred Soldiers. Juarez, Mexico, Dec. 2J.- A wait- 'ng attitude was assumed by General Francisco Villa and hla Rebel troop today, to learn what action, if any, the Federal forces at Ojinaga. on .the "border, Intend to take. As long as the bulk of the Federal army in the north remains at Olinasa. more than ra,a "VB Pr"v''"- '"" wy--m , mio me interior iney tore wnnoui any .(fm .. g. wymmwnlcMlonJ A-ir c - south of the border. The) hae among f them ten gerterals. or one for each I 490 sr)dlera E)ia'tTwi rf -mosey from -pefso wno teare i nmuanoa mit wegsa I "lJ umn.i , i.m iuuru a innute to me revolutions cnunr, Torres, merchants, said they gave I "Lesal Holiday" to Check Run on Banks. Mn,n ltv Dec. tl-. Ht lreairien- .i ,r-r this fiiTiwn ii svsrv dsv. 1 ludma; .IsxIatVJittULJJie.. 904 jif m.e I present year was made a legal holiday l n order to check the run on banks I Una Th. m...u was Dmmulrated I prrtatlartr"f th ewneflt Of thahtVe personal Indulgence and. to n,.!, t Iuirinn and Mexlca which ,h ,uM jv v.. a PinnA its a(,or. A, soon a the decree was issued ,k- u.. i, t an a Mnvi,-r r,. lnpd, but refrained from paying flpoaltors. . provisional President 1uerla says m the oecreo he deems such action n?reMary to protect the banks until Duuic confidence Is more nearly re stored. Hy the decree the banks are abaove(j trom meeting any obligation tu januAry 2. It applies to all bankln g Hon ses, whether a hen -of , J. , """1 " r . ... . lw Polk Guard Rank Door. With the eveentinn of the Rank of London and Mexico and the Central Ingstrongly guarded by police. Believed to He Kolvent. Bankers here,generally agree In the I opinion that the bank of London and Mescals solvent. Th --bank-" Uv to have excellent collateral. currency. Silver and grold have both long been scarce in the country and recently State bank bills have been refused except .In the Itates where thev. were Issued- The London and Mexico bank has been emoarrassea more un .mv for 8 ,...,..7r.. ., . THE DAY IN CONGRESS SENATE: Met at noon. Conference report on the Admlnis- tratori currency bill taken up for ap Drovsl Recessed at 6;a p. m. to 9 p. m. Considered nominations In execu tlve session. Agreed to vote on currency' confer - ence report not later man i.iv p. m. I Tuesday. Recessed at 1:58 m. to 1 1:1 o Met at noon. . m Conference report on th Admin- Istration currency bill taken, up for'tsuch notation wilt not be made. nooroval. Representative Miwe, oi Pennsyl vania, urged foreign affairs commit tee to seek official lnformatjon of al leged discriminations agalnst Jew in Roumanla. Passed renort of conference com mittee on currency "bill by vote of tti to 10.. - . . Adjourned at m:t p. m. to i.iv p. m. Tuestiay. President including 25-poet masters, Adjourned at 11:30 p. m. to iv a m. tomorrow. . SPHERICAL BALLOON RECORD. Establlslied by Herr Kevllu. (rcrmau Aeronaut. (Br tb AMslttin PteBS L'"'J," .ZZ1 Berlin. Dec II. Herr- Kevlln. a I """'- ascended from Bitter Field, I ?,...,- o. i- .u. i,.u,.. iii.. of. tw.mKr it renorted todav rwiml for srherical balloon The Dulsbtkr was In the air 1 hour and travelled 1,718.1 mile. The previous worlds distance record for spherical balloons was held by Ren erumbelmayer, who, tn March last. a lliaht. JroraFaxuL to. a point near Kharkov. Eviropeaa Ruaaia, . distance of 1,491 miles. nniinnnn iini 11 rtri - - ,r,x utuiiiiu'i.i . a m w as w w m m President Wilson Requests This Be Administered - Writes Secretaries of War and Navy and Says Those En- gaged Should Be Recalled To High Ideals Secretaries Will Take, Action as To Rep rimand. i Si u atwiti I'fmi Washington, tJDec. 22 President Wilson today made ptthllc a letter ad dressed to Secretaries' Garrison and Daniels, respectively, requesting that a "very serious reprimand" be ad -ministered to Army and Navy officers who participated In the recent dinner of the Military Order of the Carabao, at which the administration's Phil-. ippine and other policies were sat irized. , The letter follows: The President's Letter."- "The officers who wsre responsible for the program of the evening-are certainly deserving of a very serious rrprnnunu wnitn i iicrruj :m - uoniinwirrcu, nu i imnmn iuj- 'Z? asJ,emlll,d at the , great aisappomt body tf -om- ainneT sttmita have rreetedthe carrying on of such a program with apparent Jndiffernc? t4ie smm digiufi and-JiacTfid, ...ixaJH: Uone t tae , service. in7XrlCth.iaftKTB:4 other s4numene.Mrf ettHigseei-g tended and regarded as 'fun.' What are we lo mina ox omcers m in Army and Navy or the united states it, tun ti. pruig ineir ,01 ors Into ridicule and. the the Government which sworn to serve with unques- lovaliv into contemDt? If this ( jn,jr idea of fun. what Is theift Idea of duty! If they do not hold j their loyalty above all silly efferres- rnf-B nf rhildlNh wit whet would their profession do they hold sacred V "My purpose, therefore, in aamiv Istering this reoflmand Is to recall the men wha are tiomilhl for thl low L enng ol stanaaros to meir laeaia; wj remind them of the high conscience with which they ouaht to put duty think of themselves as responsible men and trusted soldiers,, even while they are amusing themselves as din era out. 'Sincerely ypuri', "WOODkOW W1LHUNT" Secretaries Rarrtson and Daniels l decided to aaminlater tne reprimana I by transmitting a copy of the Preal- dent's letter to each member of lhe entertainment committee. Secretary Garrison's Memorandum. 8ecretary Garrison immediately sent this memorandum to Mior-(ien eraf lieefhard Wood, chief of staff of the Army: "It la hereby ordered that the of ficers of the United States Army who were on the dinner committee, and were therefore responsible fur the copy with. The form that the reprimand should take should o to furnish to esch of said officer copy .of the letter from the President. -Secretary Daniels Will Issue Similar Orders Today. Secretary Daniels probably will Is ue HHr order tomorrow, making .,., ,.., , " the Presidential rebuke effective as far as navy officers are concerned. The army members of the dinner committee who will receive coplee of President Wnson1 com muni cation are: Major Lawson M. Fuller, retired Malur Francis J. Koester. Captain .'arMfl,DeaBt:ap,taln Frank T. Illaea Major James E, NVirntoyleV' "MaJoT Edgar ltussrll. Brlg.-ten Frank, M- lntvre. and Col. it. O. S. Ilelsstana; These navy officers served on the dinner committee: Rear Admiral Thomas B. Howard, chairman: Mai. Gen. William P. Bid die. C. 8. M. C. Captain William K. Shoemaker, kBurgcon rank E. Me Cullough, Lieut-Commander Frank E. Rldgely, I'aymaster Victor S. Jack son. The only member of the committee not In the service is Dr. Joseph 11 Heller, formerly a major in the vol unteer medical corps and secretary of 1 Washington Corral of the Carabao. i n seems to be beyond reacn or -res Mem Wlleon's reiirlmand. as he is I now back In civil life. It ha not yet oeen determined whethet the seprimand will be noted I on tne recorus oi ine respective oi- fleers, but opinion tonight 1 that HARVARD AND PIUNCfTTON AVIri Honors Over Columbia and Yale In ChewH. " " (Ur Ok If rtJ I New York, Dec. 22. Harvard an Princeton today won" honors over -Col umbla uiidYale in the first round of tkei.tweniw-seconcr annual Inter-col leaiate chess tournament. Harvard won from .Columbia, tmj winner of the- hm.pMinbip , last year, three games "to onrrand Princeton -defeat ed the Yale players I 1-2 point to I 1-S, Presidential Confirmations. . Washington,- Dei 2,- The Senate tonight confirmed th appointments of Geo. F. Williams, of Massachusetts, to be Minister to Greece and Brand Whitlnck. of Ohio, to be Minister to Belgium. Nominations were con sidered at a short executive session, in which some opposition to Mr. Yhlt lock developed. A large number of other appoint; merits were confirmed, .Including I roajorKf-thf-'thosa- t' m by Presl. dent Wilson sine in new session as sembled. President Wllon Jate tonight nt to the Senate the nomination of m. t, Thorfttonld T TKWftmwter at ltien tnona, V. , , New York. Joseph H. Tinker, for mer manager of the t'lnrintmtl club. officially .became a member of the Brooklyn National league i lub today when his release was formally pro mulgated by. Secretary lleullcr of the Rational league. Washington The H.i.ue f)day 4iSfll - bill to., prevent tin- removal from 'State' courts of suits against railroads for damage to meri'hamliae when the amount involved ix-not more than 11,000. . Rockvtlle.. Mdi-Jameit H. K, ad- ford, once cHaplaln-ln-c)nef of the a rand Army of tne iteputiin- una ho served In a .Conneerh i t regi ment throughout the ,ar between the States, died here todn He was born In Vermont In 1SS8. Philadelphia Nearly a thousand employes of the William II. Taubel hosiery mills in R.eningioii. most oi thsm alrls. went on strike tiKtav. No tices announcing a two per rent re rtnetlon In waves after y l said to have caused the walkout Nlcholasvllle. Ky. Uillanl Hunter, a farmer, and his niece, Miss Nora Hunter, were instantly kille.l near here today when the carrtaue ii which they were riding was stmi-V by a Louisville and Nashville pas stnger train. Washington. The House Judiciary sub-committee to which was referred the reoort of the lobby Inquiry com mlttes agreed today to defer -forther conshUxalion of the subject unti after me holiday recess. Washington. An appropriation of f5;TC"twrBVttesHij was proposed Irt the bill Intro, duced tonight by Representative SKQTiTIeTr"6rTIfgTIIiSir - tathTt-'lbagTemgiMaMsMg-&' MHMe.tiA:ltastd:Ti4lstr1tlliMl here tnday. M had "been 111 for sv- eral months. Congressman pepper had been operate8on for append Id - He was a lawyer ana ws serv- irl;twii'4ir-Kt'K-Wy- was J7. years old. Paris. Before the Academy of Sciences tonight Dr. Robinson report ed a case m which life was sustained when a great part of (he brain had been destroyed. Tne esse was that of a man 2 years or age. The innn had shown no signs of. brain trounie, but the autopsy .revealed the presence of an abscess which had reduced the Bj-alintssue to a mere ' snett: New Tork Th Rev. John Thomas McFarland, D. D., former president of Iowa Wesleyan University and editor of Sunday school publications ef the Methodist Episcopal cnuxrn since 104. died today at hi home in Maplewood. N. J. Dr. McFariana was years old, . Vera Crux. The gunboat Zara- goxa is expected to arrive here some time tonight with Gen. Jacquln Maas, Jr.. and the forces which have been operating In Tuxpam. It is believea here that General Maas has been or dered by the War Department to at tack Victoria by way of.Han Lula Po tout. The branch office at Vera Crui of the Bank of London and Mexico, was cloed this fternoon. PRESIDENT MEMORIALIZED To Assist In Securing Submission of Constitutional Amendment Looking to Suppression of Liquor Traffic. (B Um AwocUUd rien l Columbus. Ohio. Dec. 22.- -Presi dent Wilson was memorialed today o assist In submitting a constitution al amendment, looking to the abo Htlon of the litltMSr traffic tn the rmm try at large. Th memorial. Higned bv a special committee or. twenty five named at the Anti-Saloon I-eague demonstration, on the steps of the cnpltol In Washington, on .December 10. was an outgrowth ot tne national Convention of the Anti-Saloon League or' Amertra--and--other--teHeiuce- forces held in. Columbus, November 10-14. l'resldent Wilson was unable to reeelve the BDclal committee UDun the" occasion rhe; WttBh1hgton--drm onstratitm ani lh; inemortHl -sent t the White Hoise today wa issued in lieu of a personal hearing. The memorial quotes the section of the Democratic national platform of 1912 regarding the conservation of natural resources of the country, and continues: 'We believe that men, women and children should be Included In the forestR. sources of water supply, ar able and mineral lands and navlga bl streams as objects of national pro tectlon t" prevent the'lf being wasted or absorbed by special or privileged Interests such a the extant,- organ Ued government-co-partnered llqur trust of the Cnlted States." The special "omtUB included the followi'ix: 'Wayne B. Wheeler, Ohio: John , ' j : i7 , , , i, , . uii,irtH, t v. nn. MarylantH-iWm. Anderson. Mary land: James Cannon, Virginia; A. D. -Ivle, North Carolina: . W. Hough, Virginia; and J, K. Taylor, Mary Is id. , . ATTEMJjTEJs- Sl'IClDE- Clmrlcs T. Tlchlncr, Kalhthury, In. ' haled Gas From I ookstore; Doctors Revived 111m.. (UpHil to th sun tn.l otseiiw.l 'Salisbury. .Dee. 21 firing of life jid..Jieunlos....desp future Cna., a wen anown mechanic eployed by the Southern railway threw a blanket over a gas ranis and over his head and attempt ed to end hla life today by Inhaling gas. He was supposed to be prepar In an earlv morning meal for him. self when members oi tne lumuy found him In an uitconselQUi con dltlon. .' By prompt medical attention he wa revived and It Is thought will re cover. HI health Is aid to have caused the rash act though the patient has mad no statement. Uolf at Pmehurst. PtmRnreV' Dee.-1 I-GT.' Duniac, of New Yorkv and U T. Boyd, ot t Irfiuia ed the Beld in today rour ball goU handicap over th Plnehurst course. They played With total ' Aeasi a ssseal assaa M m ttsA 11' TrWTU W fJr wwiTywwwvT'"M" ed with a net score of lit. . DORTGHAHDIVEBB 4 - ., Case of Winston Placed in Hands of Sub-Committee, But That's No Reflection : SAYS SENATOR OVERMAN Winston and Dortch Will B3 Appointed Today By Judge Connor and Take Charge 1 BOYD KEEPS WEBB OUT Temporarily, By Appointment of Republican, But Delay Be Short One SENATE ACTION GOES OVER (By W. F, Y.KLVERTOX.) WasTvtngtrin, Tr.- C.r Deen : tfr.Th. Senate Judiciary Committee made favorable report this morning on th notulnatUma of W. T. Dortch and t'trte.--A, W ebh or .marshal . in .. Tttrm farot1tir,-tjtrt- -rmr ease-of IPran- i D. Wlnstnn for District -Attorney TfTThe Ea'iTwa", placed In the hand rHf s' -. . Wyoming, and Chilton, of Writ Vlr Klnla, . ;"' :.. Senator Overman explained after lh meeting that, the report on Messrs. Dortch and Webb were mad out of courtesy to the acting chair, ninn. hut that the Republican war ' unwilling to extend the point to th l.ilstrlct Attorney, not that there Isi. rivtiniiK agulnst him, but that ths mmittee Is more cautious tot " ths uses of Juflses snd District Attomeyt thiiii wtTTl Miimhals. r Boyd's Man' on Pay Roll. '' Wthston and Dortch will be ' ppolnted hy Judge Connor. .! M liuley. a Republican. Is an nexed to the pay roll as Cnlted State, ' Mur" In the West, having been ap- luted tn thut place today by Judge Ituyd Haley Is a deputy marshal, halnit Heeii ehle.f deputy under for- m r Mgfurifti-MiiiiKeii. ii r. wwirwi rr" - not t.ike "Hire until he is confirmed. Senium- overman tonight In the Senate executive session askd that Murshals Webb and Dortch ba on ttrnieu mie Kepubllciin objected and the iu,'niini went over according to , rule, in , "hip up for consideration at the next executive session. Wln-imi ami Dortch Today, is,wrli to Th. Nm SMI IMwmt, I , Wlls.n. He,- 22 Judge Henry 0.' Connor. uh i authorised to make PPolntinint.H tn fill the vacancies cre ated by Atturnev-t'ieneral McFteynolds' dismlssNl i.f PlMtrlct Attorney H. F. Seawell anil Marshal Claudia DocU ery. of the Kustern district of North Caroitnn. t l no action today on the, relest nf Senator Simmon that. he appoint Knimis D Winston "Dis- trlct Attorney and William T. Dortch an Marsha! Judge ( '' .n lu.r will go to Raleigh 0(1 Tuesday ' aii l v. ill miitc TH TrppotnT-- ments at thai iilnce. He stated to night that in il. fereiice to the Presi dent and the nomination "he had made of Mesirs. Winston and Dortch, ami to the n ,; to appoint the'in, ha ould mak" the appnintm'BM when he arrived In ItsU-lgh..- T" ir 1 - Judge llovd A p Mil iid Holey. ,u im- vUip'I Prejs.) Sta.rfiB:"i!ntKe- .trimew K- Bed- tooa appninted .1 M. "lluky ".rSTWtJ ;:WIWT Marshal for th- Western District Nortk Carul!u:i t" surceed W. K. Lo gan, who whs Saturday dismissed froni office bv order ..f A ttorney-Ueneral McReynoldn .Mr liuley ha been . Chief Depun .Marshal for several year Judge llovd i-tied a statement in which he said he could not comply with the request f Senator le S. iverman nil uppolnt Charles A. Webb, of AnheUUc. whose name fs -been serit to the S-nate for Marshal ti aucceed Loriui. "fi r ihe reion It would express in approval of the ac tion which had be. r taken In regard to Marshal l.ii. .u.d this I would not do, because I think Logan Should have been permitted to serve out ht term." J YEGGMEN BREAK INTO " ML GILEAD POSTOFFICE Get Awajr With Seven lliindred Dol Urs. WorlH of liinii nd TUre Hundred Dollnrs n MiMtoy. (SM1 10 Tin m sml (HrM.) Mt. Gtlead-TJee. 22.8ime time f- ter 1 iiilditlKlit -flnnday - broke lota the postolllce ai. this place and got awav with 7o worth of no clue to the Identity of the parties, but It Is believed that they are the same who have been robbing other postofflces In the State. The Job was don in a way tha$ Indicated that It was done by experts. MUiHT CAl'SK C1LVNGED PLAN. AjulMiNsador JiisMcrand Complains tI Ameiidmciit to Kahn Act. . (U lu AMKltWll Pt ' Washington, Dec,- IJ. M. Juwe rand, the Krench Ambassador, called at the State Diartment today and told AcUng Secretary Moore that the proposed amendment of th Kahn act,, granting patent and copyright protec. tlon to fnrelpn exhlliitors at the Sar Francisco expoaitloil, nilttct icu -fhsi French government to modify it1 plan tor representation at the exio sitlon. Mr. Moore !ured M. Jusse raaJi .Uul xLauu IwiArtment on record a opposed to aay t""B ,