irn '- rrr - SinJDAY IIOnillNG, DECE2.IDER 3, in: !erod of i i. gtndli'.Mren and I li"t ami himtesa upon tl, Cuntuleticn of fifty -nn of weddtt life. The ad ley, tVat-)Ra co,:,ty. wer nnii-i m nrmrriage by l'v. J. O." FuTbrUTil, I aatur of the First Itaptfst church. They left Immediately on the South bound train for tha home of the groom, ' Th bride Is a slater of Mra B. L. Stone and . a most accomplished young lady. Phe haa many friends la Caldwell and Watauga counties, who will ba surprised ta tears ct her oration wervyery pretty and kuk--tiye of tlie Chrtotmaa ecsnon, mltii tBt and holly predominating la all part of the h'ltiKe. A buffet luncheon was served at I o'clock in the afternoon, Capt. and Mra Davis being surrounded at the table- by--their eight children- and a number of grandrhtldren. letter In the day and between t and 1 o'clock a large number of ' friends called; among tbem Capt. and Mrs. J. P. K. .Til IT HOI V TUINO. " 1 ! sU r UtAtTtllg for a I J nr t(i ir f and l'.CI lljrai .Mgllj i ima nu't, ltiti ttr tUiEs" 'i uMi Bufit a wuiuaa vrjr. l'fta of Man, to riglit if 1" Nautrhl Ttav prwn.-e raa ail; Yf t ob 111 road ThT .'! ar Sot. v Nor ea tlie ltr uiH ' "Vtraweat marnag. Neathery. of Oolumhla, B. -CgTCpU . hnw or nbea.JTrinn.allt not he1. lint iw lu tt '1 ti I own ewrt'l aiaTr, -Jin 1 "at, a n a at. Jit JUI JSHXfkx, aear, lirr; tovtwie pravr. tt(.itGK MarDOSALD. Aaatnary-anA vapt. Pavla having bean, associated wtth each other In tha war, khdhridwift"or""t8'bia comradea waa one of tha biggest feat ures of tha anniversary. pjwlty marrlaga-..waa' solemnised at the Thornton Hones In Ppencer Tues- formerly of Greensboro, became the brida of Mr. J. K. gmtth. ef Green- rr-T ' ' ' t j 1 - U I - . . - II 1 1 dc? 1 A I T' ' I .II' I . ' EmJta -Coble. . I . Jw ."""I jS. 7 . i - ' aa- ' I I Aim. J. II. 1UIWUU, u rririBuuiR, Va.. ia visiting friend a and relative here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry tTiley, of ami were In the city yemerday. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn C' lrewry left yesterday afterpoott for Graham to "wpewt tSOTHiayr all.te Lillian M. Poughertry was here yesterday on her way to New Jlill. whire aha teaches arhoot Miss Sallie Davis, of Greenville, waa In tha city for a few hours yester day on her way to Greensboro.' 8ha waa Ruext oC her "uncle, Hon. J. Y. ' Joyner. ' - Mies Estelle MeCorfcle left yester day afternoon for Charlotte to spend some time. Miss Lynn Mclver. of San ford, returned home yesterday. . Mlas Irv-ng Royster. of Oxford, -waa bora yealerdsy going to Holly Kprimts. Vtra, Dan Hatch and Hula daugh ter, Betsy Hull, left yesterday After noon for Monro. Sin D. J. Thompson and baby lft yesterday afternoon for Durham to vwlt lira Thorn peon's parent ' - Miaa riorrle Northrop, of Wil mington, arrived yesterday afternoon to ba tha guest of Mtaa Patay Smith. ; Mrs. William Oscar J one and Mra Harrison KaufCman have return ed from gpringbope, where they at tended the l)ok-liafrow wedding. Mlaa Mana Patrick, of Griffon. Is the guest of Mrs. W. 1 Brogden, on Ifrnmlhgf'Wfetrwt 1 --,.-1 .- i ML-e Mary Vernon, of Wake For est, waa in the city yesterday after noon an mat to Fuquay Spring Mr. and Mra. C. C. Farthing, Of Washington, are here on a visit to Mra. Farthing" a parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. Jones, on Hillelmro atreet, ---Mr. .and , ilia, ..Mm. Q.,.Plfsm ' Por1moott!,.ia(l -.-Mr.-and .--Mrsv. It. I Lindsay .AllX daughter,. .MiS I-outee, ef Durham, are visiting at tha ' home of Capt. T. B. Terrell on Peace street M r flAr, flkeltnn left VStttf ,r. " Jbte'M.J'. JTBom p Jpn-TTCnt-to "Zulon .yealerfay Jo xiett. Mra Ni . 1'erry of that place. " t 1 - Mra. W. 1 t;mlley and daughter. ASiiJiBi1f.J1.i(roea, who hav t.ctt viaitlnc Mrs. J. B. Hudnell, left 'Mi.eniay f( r their home. ' - Jeasle Tyler Harris, who haa bean Tlaltlng ia liar Loulaburg home, returned, to Mount OUre yesterday af ternoon wbara aha begins teaching tomorrow, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. liong jind (laughters, Mlaaea Elulae and Mary! Elizabeth Long, of Charlotte, wera hero yeaterday going to lioUx Mquhi. Mrs, Lon$'g former home. 1 Mlna Rebeccs Merlttt went to OJlnton yesterday afternoon to . vlait j har relatives in Sampann. - ,.J Mrs. E. r Powell and child rw fharlea and Xf.f i Ve raturnerf to Mlddleaag yaaterday aftnr visiting in ' Auburn. i --V-TTUhTftrrTeTreat;-r3e efterrmra for (Marten where ahe will Mend tha. holidays with her children. , ilr. and Mrs. John JDnnemceea and baby, Coy Brooks, of Willow .vprmgn wera her yeeterdiy. going to Ourner to Tislt tha faLBer of Atr. Knnemitaes, ,z Mrs. J. R Buffaloa and children, Herman and Ruth, after a vlait to the Mty, returned to their homa in Garner jeslePday." - Mm Cntherlne I'eham, of Kllra beth. City, was here yesterday on her way to Durham, where aha will visit .relative . . : ... Mrs. O. n. Harris, of toula))i.rg. was In the ulty yesterday, .tolng to - umn a aiuia a epeoa aeverel eeya Mua MudJiutniffvoUjuUon eounty. was here yesterday returning from ber western boms to WalMon burs tf teach,. :,:..'... Mias Kvia Johnson. ho teaches taa Uarner school, was her yevtor day, returning trf her work tnmurro. Mrs, H. Hamilton, of Garner, eper.t yesterday in tha city and re turned to her home In the afternoon. Miss I'auline Griffin, of Wendell. 1ad through tha city yesterday on her way to Kenly. i .. ( Mr. and Mrs. John U II nl man and children. Famaworth and Jujia, were In the city yeaterday, returning from . old .noma in Durham to their naw ana In Wendell. : y. , AT' A TIP A V WXDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AvAUClfl I DECEMSER 31 -JANUARY lit . MATINEE DAILY. Thomas & Bauman Present . ' 1913-1911 ROUND-UP PICTURES : THREE SHOWS DAILY. ' PRICES : Matinee, ACADEIY OF MUSIC no qa r.::fe:i end Tuesday I)cl OU Prracnia - vvr ""L.w Mil And hs all new and v yvu a!l ren,ieuibr as H .lni Minstrel Company that .ever jUu'"d linieigh. .. ,. ... ' -:M":tV;M. r A TIIK T.l:ATiio M1NST1UX OIIGAM Ziii)i Or AMiUtfA. m s ni;i;t u, n, $i.wh kight: m, ?s, t.m, t.s Mlas Mollis Kimball, of Granville county,, was here yeaterday on her way to Wlntarvllls. Mrs. An Ms Evans and children, LaNtn a,' d ward and Elbert Moya, ware In tha rlty yesterday, going to their home in Wlntervllle after vlalUng rala tivea in Granvilla county. Mins Ullle May, McAnioter, of Mlddleburg, waa Hera yesterday, going to Ortmesland, where aha twrhei school. . Mr. and Mra James J. Hatch, of Mount Olive, passed through tha city yeaterday evening, returning to their home after a trip to Saliabury. Mlaa Buaan Iden, society editor of the Kaleigh Evening Times, went to New York yeaterday : afternoon to spend a day or two there, ' -r-CoL and Mrs. Alex J.'Felld left yest'traay . afternoon for Richmond, where lira Kelld vinita relative. Mlaa Lena Itagsdala, of Cardenas, went through the city yesterday on her way to Oriental, Mlaa tithel Bagwell returned yea tftrduy from lilllngton. wherk the had been visiting her sister, Mrs, W. H, Kd warda .' MIk JSenobla Bagwell and Mies Jsaie Itoas lefi' yesterday "afternoon tor Clayton to make a abort visit Mlas Margla Fltspatrlck, of New Tork City, Is visiting Mra W. g. WU aon at 16 Hllleboro street, Mrs, J. Wilbur Bunn. Is visiting her slater, Mrs. B. K. Mason, In Nor- folk, Va.. ; ............. :aKWWIIW'ltllTatirJr nwrning;-totpend the- weeit-end WW h frten4a and relatives la . Char lot t and Oastonia. Mistr LUlian Bafl" 1 g gone "o srUf anil Mn flmnrirm T T)wrt ! Jr..hav returned, front Ayden, where they visited Mr. Dowell's parent Rev. ana Hti Ueorge j. DoweU. Weddings Capt. and Mrs. T. W. Davfat rkrate JrlXUMn VVedding Anolverfiary. One of tha most delightful Social events of tha past Week In Balelgh ut.: thrgoldetr-weddlng1elebra Uon of Capt, and Mrs. T. W. Davla The celebration took place on Tuea- day and tha home. 194 Houth Dawson street, waa - alive .with - tha merry niLLIlfflY 00 firs. FrankRedford, Mo. 11 Weet Hargett Street, : ItVLTIGH, K.C ' .. "Tba Flaoa Wbora Quality . ' Conata," l J777- - :--r-- : '4 ' JfTiOTte Ma. , 10c; Night, 10cT-2Uc: Um Cyctonlo Hit of tills and lf seasoa. l.nuirgnl this year-to 69 people wtth. rvrr tiUtig brand nw front gorgootui firt part to 'liwtiig TlMtatra, '' lCDS'Gsi Lccis. E:w Cks. greatest American ' afciJ5rSa CjAaaVK- 'fm'Tsi2? win A. Holt, of Burlington: Mr. and Mra R. Bpefieer Flumfner, of Rich mond, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. W. RVDa vis, of Marion, 8. C; Mr. Klmbrough J. Davis, of Qoldiboro: Dr. and Mra T. W. Davis, of Ooldsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, of Apes; and Mr. jonn usvia, of FsyettevUaa, Harrtngton-Cag-ter, The , , following . annotmcetnrat la made: "Mr. and Mrs. William Graham Carter . announce the marriage of - their daughter . . . Emma McLeod . ' -to e : - ' Mr. Nell A. Harrington on Tuesday evening, December the twenty-third nineteen hundred and thirteen Carter. Mills. North Carolina." "At home, Banford, North Carolina." k Atldnson-Congdon, Tha following Invitation haa been extended Mr. and Mra, David Sprague Congdon will give in marriage their sister ' Bara Bolton . - ' - tO. ' Mr. Robert Bain Atkinson on Wednesday evening, tha fourteenth of January . nineteen hundred and fourteen - ? at nine o'clock - New Uern, North Carolina "The pleasure of your company is requested," ' -i - ": , BA.NKH-MJCHAKU ' Wedding Bells Ring In the College Community. . . (laaalal kt fka n and OtaarMf.) Blon College, Dec. 47. Wedding belja ran la thc::auicr college com munity at half pt three Wednes day afternoon, In the'beantlful home df Mr. anO. Mra W. C. Mk haelwbeB their eldestidaughter, jMlss Margaret jewel, oeccae the Orlue of Hevf Ainn' '--miS'r:HfeBdiBBBi Tha Michael eallenj;ftu.hAd.-lieen utsieiuiiy oaoorateo with evergreeus tor ths nuptial-occastonmnd' many guests from a distance were present to attest the" popularity of the con tracting p&rtlos, A pre-nupUal. din ner In couraes waa served In -the bride's horns Just preceding the cere mony. ... , . The brida wore- a black traveling suit, trimmed In 'greeny: with green Sictura hat to match,- and carried ride's rosea She entered on the arm of her sisttir. Miss Ruby,Mlchael, and was met at tha marriage altar by the bridegroom, who had preceded her. on the arm of his brother,. Mr. W- X Banka of Wilson. The beautiful ring ceremony of tha Christian church was used by Rev. J. V, Newman,' D. D., Who waa the ealebrant, Before tha bridal - party entered. Mra J, W. Patton aaag '.Because," and during the ceremony Mlas Aliens I'attoa rendered softly Nelson s Wed ding March and Bcliuberl's Prennde. The ushers wre: Rev. R. S. Brown. of Wedowee. Ala, with Mlas Edith Moors, of Whltsett, and Mr. O. D. Poythreas. of Chapel Hill, wtth Mlas Gtirate Ingle, of Greensboro, xns attendants were: Mr. ions n. Banks, of Raleigh, with Mies Georgia Moors, of Whltsett; Mr. M. C Up- church, of Lilllngton, with Mlaa Fan nie Clapp, otNewtohrand Prof. A. L. Hookrof tha college, with Miss Ula Claire Newman, of tha villa ga: -The beat man was Mr. W. L. Banks, of Wllaon, and tha maid of honor Mlas Buby MIchaeL Tha ring bearer was little Mlas Ruth Jordan, of Gibson- Vllle, cousin of the bride. Miss Michael Is a graduate of Elon Collage. Koldlug tha U 1., Ph.n. and M. A- degrees, and alno having. taken special work In fine arts, from which departments aha held a teacher's cer tificate and also a diploma, Since her graduation two years ago aha has been head of thn art department In Catawba College, Newton,' N. C - Rev. A. T. Banks la also a graduate of Blon Colleice. holding theA. B degree which he won in June df thla year. He la pastor of the Christian church In ' Henderson, N, C, wheta after a'n extensive wedding tour the happy couple will make their future home.. . They will arrlva In Hender son January the ninth. TrTOMB8-8.WTER. t Orectt and White) Horn Wedding, Wltlt Um Candida Ughtctl. " BehVrss.-Deffi - 47. A- beanttftrt sfcftrtii I n g w nlfirnnliftn ah aaajn- Pf If is 1 1 1 p it taup srf ss ill "vu rr iipv wa a a m noon of December X2d, at tha home of Mr. and Mra Alfred Bawyert of Heli- croaa, N. C, when their daughter. Florence Bell, became the bride of Mr. A. Bryan Comba. The ceremony was performed In the living room which was tastefully dec orated in green and white. Juat at 1 'clock the candles were lighted and juix nose uooawin. oi r.noein v uy, sang - in very., impressive manner, eueak's Elysium, after wnicn saws -Mary Ellott, of Mac-key's. N. O., play- sd the wedding march front Wagner Mtaa lvouiae Bennett, of MlduFeburgt N. CT, Mr. Samuel E. lonard, of Lex ington, N. C, and Mr. A. Ray Saw yer, brother of the bride entered Urn Tha-tirtda entered on The artnTtf hpr brother, Mr. Edwin M. Rawyer, and was met at the altar by the groom with his best man, Mr. Weaver Marr, of Brygon City, N. C. ' Rev, Junto K. Uftin, of Elisabeth nty, NT. Cef formed W ftramony, during which. Mlas Klllott played Bchumarin'e Des Abenda The bridesmaids woivwhttt shad ow lace over crepe Toile. They wore black picture hats and carried tea ToTea TtiemId of hontrr ana gowned in white dutchess satin rimmed with shadow lace and martbean. The bride wore a traveling suit of mahogany fabric trimmed wtth Hudson seal fur with hat and gloves to match. ; Only relatives and a few Intimate friends were present ' ' Immediately after theoererobny Mr. and Mrs. Combs left for an ex tended foutheru trip. Mrs. Vombs is one of the most at. tractiva young women ot this sec tion. Hhe was educated at Meredith College. ' Mr, Combs Is an A. B. and A, M. graduate of Wake Forest Col lege. ' He is at present principal of the High School In Bryaon City, N. C, where the happy couple will mats their home. . . Jtcrlcy-l'carson, ., , . ,(Btal ta IU Una an '--lnolr, Dec. tl. A vry ul- wed dintf wn soleptulred at the home df Mr. B. U Stone W.'rfin .!:iy morning (. a w'siMikaahaa-iit..J. Ll'4ua, ot Moravian rails, fnd l b-vr- tha presence of a larga circle of friends and neighbors who aswembled for tha occasion. Immediately after tha ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for Greenville, where they will re aide. The groom la a well-known lo comotive engineer between Spencer and Greenville. For the pass, year tha bride haa peen proprietor of tha xnornion nouse tn pencer. ... . 444 r ., Black man-ltrogdca. Ooldaboro, N.- C. Dea tT. Rev. M. Dixie - Blaekman, ef GraLSthams township, this county, aon of Mr. W. E. lackman of that section. and Mlas Mary K. Brogden of Dur ham, N. C, were happily wedded Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, at tha home of tha bride, Itev. J. Bnow, pastor of tha Second Baptist church of this city, officiating. . The brida was originally from this county, a daughter ot Mr. Darius Brogden, who now lives In Texas. - noivr-GRTB.M. Marriag of In tercet to Many is Sol' emnlzed at Princeuns, , . Oandat U Tbt hrm aad OtiaanaS.) ' Princeton. Dec. J7j Tha marrlags of Mr. a G. Holt and - Miaa Guile Grantham at the residence. of the bride's father. Mi. D. K Grantham, at this place, on Wednesday, Decern. bar 17. was an event ef grat interest to the wide circle of both the bride and groom, and at the same time one of tha most beautiful home weddings of the , eeason. Th. home,, artistic within Itself, was made mora"beautr- f ul by the lovely decorations of amilax and long-leaf pine.' Tha ceremony was performed at f o'clock by Rev. W- A. Berry, of Oolds boro, while Miss laouIss'Maassy ren dered tha wedding music as the bridal party -entered t Mr, Leslie Maasey, of Princeton, and Mr. Carl tmnthant bsotlMMP of thartai4ha:4w-saiee"; tnr- th -parlor -first Net-emr-the maid of honor. Miss Mauds H in ton 'Shsrwtr bcaUtlfutty dressed 'in-White n4-oarriad -jiliik xa4Joiria.maj)4J iaTaesew-whitwilv croom cams In with his beat man and Brother. Mr. rcereua iiott.-- riue entered leaning on the arm of he rata tnr, Mrs. J. W, Williamson, ot Wilson, who gave her away, Mrs. Williamson was dressed In amethyst silk trimmed in taris, amethysts and crystal and carried carnation and -ndr foe tied with white tulle, while tha bride wore a blue coat suit, hat, gloves and shoea to match, and carried a ahowsf of lilies of tha valley. After tha ceremony an Informal re ception was held at tha beautiful and hospitable home of tha groom's pa rents, Mr. and Mra A. F. Holt, Where marrjrf rjends and . telatlvea voiced their good wishes and congratula tlona ' Mr. anal Mra. Holt received a most elaborate assortment of wedding prea- enta, attesting the popularity of both. , Mr. Holt la a prominent young busi ness man ot hia town, whers ha will maka hia homo.' v Rflstr-BelL Clinton, Deo. 17. Last evening at tha home of tha bride on Beaman atreet a pretty marriage was cele brated,, whan Mlaa Cornla Bell be came the bride of Mr. Tillman Regis ter. Before the ceremony Mrs. Torn Lamb ssng a "C.ardrn ot Rosea.' ac companied by Mlaa Bthel Carp at the piano and Mr. Carlyl Williams with the violin. The bride was gowned in a blue traveling costume and car ried lilies of-tha vJiey. Tha- cere- r;ay vra sti'les Suits, 'Skirts and- Coat, - every , . .. Btitch made at home ' GIVE VOI R OllDKR NOW For the "Newest there Is In Style .. --- and Fabric cnvnrrn a i WiU Tha Only Ladles' Tailor In "IvaJeifch m i l Fayettevllle 8t. Second Floor, ovr Dubbin- -Vrrn It" Stnrw. - - " k ; ; 1 T" ' jtriL obrh:y. the Great Fua Maker in His Minorca : at tlie AcaUttfn) Tnealay.- - We en jst now fc&feg ttoc!--lay eiury. TTTSiIn if day or bo vra vHll be alls to IntcHljeatly adYisa jtst !h&t will be done In the natter of redactlcHa In prlcsa. It mean a great djal to f&$ihnw& Ehopper, Already rcdcr , tions have been announced on some articles on the varicra counters. Come fn, take your time and get a good loci at the best lighted, best appointed -store soirth cf &a!ttT more, t mony was performed by Rev. W. A, Stanbury, pastor -of tha-hrtda. "Im- mediately after the ceremony the bap- PX Cpnia. ft for Roseboro Where tbey took the northbound train for their hooeymooii. i. .j.. The bride Is the danghter ef Mr. tba son of Mr. John K. Register. Pmty Home Wed d big OeJebrntnd tn . '-cape au- city. Wilmington,' Dec. .. 2T.-1-A- . pretty home wedding of much Interest to a wide circle of friends was solemnised at the home of -the bride's parsnis. Mr. and Ura-W. n.-Lana. No. 14 Orange street, at ' 1:10 o'clock -yesterday afternoon, when Hiss Nellie Lou ise Lane, their attractive, daughter, and Mr. John Seldon Heery, of Savan nah. Gaw plighted their ' troth, the impresalve ceremony being perform ed by Rev. Miles Walton, of South Carolina, an uncle of. the bride. Miaa Irene Lane, slater of the brldet waa maid of honor, .and Mr. Charles Akertnan, of, Savannah, Ga., waa best man. There were no ether attend ant a. Following the ceremony there was a short,- Informal reception, after Bcevwi In tlie 'hound rp PVtoreS at the Academy Wednesday ana ' Tliiursday. f.; ..'',Jv,; BOYlNEARCE COMPANY; i - - - - i - The South's Largest Department Store, , ; i . ricilmond; VA. . . When in Richmond be sure and visit MILLER & RHOADS, where you, will find COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OP SEASONABLE MER , CHANDISE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. READY-TO-WEAR GARJIENTS AND MILLINERY - v - for women and children. J tJTTT School Outfits a Specialty " , - v ' ALSO r - "'::DRES3 GOODS, SILKS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS U v - - and T'- " .T-C. , FURIISniNGSORTIIEnO?.IE - cf practically every description. 5IILLER&RII0ADSSERVICE--It is most efficient " , because it is. inore-thoroughlysystematized,-aleTSopl3. are competent - J1ILLER hensive, better varictiils, more complete and more conver nicntly arranscd- x J1ILLER & RIIOADS MERCHANDISE is the most select; everything sold carrier a guarantee of QUALITY that means something more than words. ' ' JIILLEU KXX) RIIQAD3 STORE is the mcrt'accc3 sib'e freni; convenient to any part of North Carolina as well 3 Virpinia." r.lILLi::: & IMIOADJ PIIICES are unsurpar:cd for ' ' If you crr.ct vi:-!t tho fctoro in perncn ' : 1 , f::c?v,iTHiT3EY:iaiL! - : 4 V'e d:llv. r cvcrit!.!r j FREE by p-recb po-1, freight ore xpn , : Should you care for a Suit, take your choice from thJ ' racks' and pay half tha price marked. Other, Intercistfag . reductions on tiie second floor, ' - - i)lARRIAQEINVITATIONSi' .Refcpttaa and CORRECTLY AND-PROMPTLY EWQIUVED Wl , cno roft AMn.n and rmexd : ; aJiP. rSTEVENS Forty-seven Whitehall Street" t, : Atlanta; Geors'ij ' a f which the bridal party- went t the union station, whence the bride, and groom departed en an afternoon train for tha outh., Thay will make their future home at Jacksonville, Fla. The ortde ia a moat charming vounc lady hnd her ' many Wilmington friends regret that ahe ta to make her noma elsewhere, but cherish the hope that ahe may return her fre- o.unUy on vlsita. Mr, -Naery la a popular youhg railroad man. -Among the out of town guests here for . the wedding were Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. Neery, Sr., ot Savannnah, Ga. - L -' ' -." I , KEtt O'BKIEJf. ';K; He's One of Those IrreaiaUbly rwnay i; j Iilack-Face Fellowa. Nell OUrien's Minstrel Company which wfll be the hill at the Academy next Tuesday, December 10, matinee and night,, recently gave a perform ance at Tampa, and of tt the Tampa Tribune of the following morning aid:' t .- , .; , . ... -- f'Neil O'Brien and .his ,b!g minstrel company' entertained av large audience a-tha-Tampa Bay Caslna last night . It waa the first minstrel of the season and the tntnslrel shows which follow tt wfll have to do something decidedly out rf the ordinary to keep It from be ing accredited M 0 ot ot the sea son. . ', ... .." i "Nell O'Brien is One of those Irre sistibly' funny black-fate fellows who do not rely upon the old,' hackneyed Idea of minstrelsy to produce the laughs.. He always has something new and up-to-date .that hits eft ear rent events, and last night's waa so exception. His 'Parcel Post Is a great and courteous and deliveries - & RIIOADS STOCKSnrs the ,r - -I V&ifcg Ca- i5S5SRswAa--l ENQRAVINQ CO: minstrel act and ft had tnenttenMk' going before It had been In b-'srraasi' 4ea inmate, Sver since OBriHa en- vuleed the eentlnent with hi fide. splitting street-oar act, be has te devising novel vehicles ot this hind for hia ton. . ", "The company aupportmg " O'Brien Is probably the strangest over ' seen here. The. street parade, with 1 Hs forty mnalclana oompnateg two hiit banda, waa somewhat ef a ravelsiUoat and the show was ot the type mdtoaW sd by the parade." asaaaaaaiBaBaBanaaasaaBBgeMaaasatBaMasM . - fROnfD-OT- nonrBxa ' t Onttaw Horse Will Do Fanny Btnntal in Movies at Academy. (By the Press Agent.) Tlghtfoot," one ef tbe most wtoh ed Mtae buekera ef the "Roand-Up,- and who Is always put Into the finale, waa once upon a time a docile little saddle horse belonging to av school boy at Pilot Rock. But there oame. a day whan Urhtfoot' discovered has own ability. He threw a rider and since that time has never willingly conntedtoallowhhnseltlo. be rtd den, and all Indications are that he will remain an outlaw until the time oomea when he gets a ticket Into horse heaven. "Ltghtfoot" waa bought from a man by tbe name ot Ltghtfoot llv. ' tng near Echo, Oregon, and took hit name from his former owner, teethes mm Via WHMa A t M T v... hi, mm lira, -lVivvl. D aura and see this outlaw hedo hl Js Bauman "Ronnd-Un" BlcK Jea at the Academy of Muslo en Wednesday and Thursday, Deoembar 11-January i. atatu)eea.Ynnrsaay ana Friday. are prompt. most compre-- I r If 1 1