I VOTE RIGHT TODAY-VOTE FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS I ff Polls Open 7:25 A. Polio CIc; G :22 P. . For North Carolina: Fnlr lightly warmer Wednesday and Thursday. ' llLchft, t-oiHrii4ire,40L I Z. - 1.. 1. A jrver NORTH CAROLINA'S GREATEST DAI1.T ., . : ; , it ' - ' ' : 5 ' ' ; ' ..- I The Weather I P'TTtl " ' . TV , ' J? it fX " J-.:T. !. 11 tie iewsaea ure .. . k. j 4 t : 4 V- THE GOVERN MOT ; RIG BUSINESS President Expresses Views To -Official Family HOW TO APPROACH TASK Peace and Not War, a Feeling of Frjendly Conciliation Rather Than of Hostile An- " tagonism; Program to Stim ulate Growth Business. . (Br U AMOtHaui Frto.) Washington, Jail. II. President Wilson today gave cabinet members Ills (dean on the government' relation to "big business," the field anti-trust J emulation should cover tn the present nMim of Congress and the spirit In which he believed the task should be approached. Pare and not - war, a feeling of friendly conciliations rather, than of hostile , JiLaa;oniim and yef a eon--structtve- -program that will Umlnat Uncertainty about the law and stimu late the growth of legitimate busi ness these are the fundamentals of the S? -resident's: plan.t)f antlpn,- tu-bej .embodied, to., the jni'iii gn Jut-wlU. read at a Join! session of Congress next week? H presented-the-do-wwieht to the cabinet today and worked all milt of the meeting. - Cablrtft fnilw .wal '"ST 4Wa4, -Cabinet -members sp-otc-e or-Trie" mes Mage as a progressive declaration that - would reassure the- bustnem world of the sincere Intentions of the adminis tration to deal fairly with It. Temorrow the Pree4dent,vwX4,tU.d(tpi;ot to Huerta. line the message to the Democratic members of the Senate Commltee on Interstate Commerce and the House Judiciary Committee, While the President has not yet revealed his Views on detailed legislation he hopes jus message, win- be the guiding in fluenc that will keep the scop of activity within a well denned com pt. .eliminating so far a possible &yvenatin. t radioed blU -that (night be misinterpreted by the out- Kia woria. 80 fas as known the cardinal fea tures of the President's Diana are 1. Supplementing the Sherman an- tl- trust law to reduce the debatable ., Lra round. U. S- The prohibition of interlocking oirwioTntee. L.Kution of indlvldiuJ respor-eUiilit;- an4 the fixing of pei-nal guil' ir lull violations. --"-Tho reation of an irtorstale Jrale commission to perform the fum tlons of a bureau of information and . 1 to determine by its investigations whether decrees of dissolution or mandates of the court are carried out. - Legislation Necewarv. The President Is proceeding on the tieory that 9KKlnlatton Is necessary ; at this time and that there, should be no neiny in accomplishing these re lurnis. The recent action of J.. V. Moiysn and Company in voluntarily withdrawing from numerous dlrer:c ittn on account of a "fcbADge in pub. nc sentiment- i cuea ny aamtnistra tion supporters as evident e that the biirlnees world expects Interlocking Uilectorates to be dutsoJvtrd. i'luMige In Public Opinion. In this connection President Wilson believes the whole course of public cpmlon has undergone a remarkable . change tn the lust few jears. He ...tKllfves that private monopolies arc indefensible and' tha trusts practleo certain things which ought to be pro hibited. , The President Is expected to teo- iTtimnd-in his iiesir 'nat tho jaw vlth.roapect to peisoiiiil guilt should e vigorously enforced and provision 1r1.de in ail legislation foi Individual tffen IiiU-rHtatf Trade ConunUsloiL Una of .the'. moat Timportanr ieair ttree of The anti-trust program lsthe liitenrtHte trade commission. This or- .. Kranliiliori. WPJJli not. he rested- wit h powers of regulation, but 'Would be the medium through which the gov ern, ii en t would keep the . business world Informed and eliminate "the twilight xone" In big Industry. There have been repeated requests Tor-tnforaiation- from buslneas con- 4.cems and the need of an authorita tive reservoir of -Information already - has been demonstrated in tho present administration's experience with the trust question- It hi contemplated to : place the Commissioner of Corpora tions at the head of the interstate trade commission but to Include tn " lta membership business men who wold 'know-buelB methods suffi ciently to conduct the necessary in- .i quirles and furnish the desired in formation. With the President' discussion of ' the; Whole 'subject at today's cabinet meeting, the talk of "slowing op" on the administration, program and postponing trust legislation until De cern her session of Congress, apparent ly disappeared in . executive quarters. Administration supporters In the House and .Senate will endeavor to keep the work of trust 'reform with in certain limits and to push It for- FYTHIAJf HOME COMING. JolUf-catlon LaHt NUrht In Salbibury, Man Lodge I'artlclpatct 1 Salisbury, Jan. 1 l.l'yihlejri home - - coming night wa, ebserved In great i. style in Salisbury tonight. The two ..lodge In this city and the one at . v Spencer Joined In the affair and the lodges at Statesvtlle, Mooresvtlle,. Chi na Urove Lexington and other places ww invited to nd representatives . who were on hand for the occasion. - Grand Chancellor J. D. Prldeen. of tiurhant, and Orand Vice-Chancellor J. O. Batrd, of Charlotte, were among the State officers present - A welcome address was made by Judge Theo. K Klutta. and the response 'was by J. C. Kink, of Concord. After-the ceremo nle the-visitors were royally enter, tallied by the Salisbury -Knlghta ' GENERALQROZGO v-SIl IN MEXICO - 1 ' i - He and Gen. uu aves Escaped - With Cavalrymen - INTEREST OF DIPLOMATS In Announcement By Huerta of Intention to Default in Pay ment of Interest On Mexican National Debt; Other Devel opments. (B; lb Aawulwd Praa.) Mexico City-r Jan. i 5. gener als Pa;hual Owzco and Marcel Caratreo, tvyo of the Federal com- J landers who escaped with a body f cavalrymen after the battle of Ojinaga, reported to the govern ment today their arrival at Cua tro Cienegas, 42 " miter west of Monclova. They said than they would go to San "Luis Potosi.' Views of r.uroican Diplomat. .. .Tle discuaiuaii of Kuropenn djplo-nittti-rwwm 4ne wcuwr- which their nationals will have, for the en- ormoTir -BTimif whteh-gw "to-mak-''p t-iteriiHi ami internal, it. was point ed out that In Alie...AueatUn LMx h'n nownoii tb wmwrtM KurBans on'afcoUht of'tbe Vreat sums at sla ke", had a keener interest even than the I'nitnd -Htafs. Kumpean pronounce- mentn emanating from the constitu tionalists as to their proposed repu- rjhey tako the view that whatever In- iiuvncf iinuiiy urvvaiis in iiiexiro all obllgatlonit Incurred In time of puace will, have to be fulfilled, though it Is admitted that war loans advanced during the past year may not be so easy of liquidation. -Washington. Jatt. iJ.ini)ounce- mnt by the Huerta government of lta lntaution tu-dBfauU in the pay ment f the-semtHiaarHter - ea the bonds of the- Mexican National debt created much Interest in dlpk rr out much speculation, 'especially among diplomatic representative ac credited .to the countries In whloh the .createrpartff.lb.fi Joans are held. WhHe-8tte-IepartmeHt ntftctala were understood to accept this step as a natural development, in the pulley of waiting for the collapse of the Huerta regime, no comment was fothcomlng. Secretary Bryan said he had not been officially advised of this latest turn. . Muxk'ait PujcltlvcN Counted. . Brigadier General Bliss command ing the border forces in Texas re ported to the War Department today that a count of the Mexican Federal fugitive from Ojl n aga at Presid io. Texas, showed i.lii olncers ana sol dlers and 1,067 women tn his custody, beHdes 703 horeies, 307 mules and IM klftios. Condition!, at l'rt'dio. Summarizing conditions at Presidio (:en. Ullss said "Have made arrangements with railroad to trangporr alt prisoners' on arrival at Marfa, to Fort Blifs. 'Have InHructed Oen. 8ptt to axrane le tentlon camp. Large numhr of ant mals both great expense and preat niisance. Mexican consul wants to reli them If his government permits. 1 tecommend authority to sell m rw ti. under supervision customs ollu lals wltli duty paid on. saie. -i.omiuana.bg. ofllcer at Presidio, now arraiiiflrrg two nr three supply camps between l're sldio and Msrfa. Transfer of prison, era probably will begin in aday ur two. their comfort Authority to sell the animals will be given subject to the provision Oen ral Bliss suggests as to the payment -tf.tv li in .mected the Mexican I government... will.; MeTT to this ar rangement. New Pastor of Baptist Church; Week of l'rayor Observed: K. P. Oflloers to Be Installed. Duke. Jan. It. Since the realgna tion of Mr. Hare aa minister at the Baptist church that congregation has been on the-lookout for some one to nil the place and have called - Rev. g. W. Oldham, of Burosville, Si. U Mr. Oldham Is a native of Harnett county and. alter his. college course taught school for several years in tne Western end of the county. He will live In Duke snd give thl church two Sundays In the montn and the re maindtrf "of his time wiir be given' to Spring Hill and other needy terri tory The week of January 4 to 11 set apart by the .Methodist church, South, as a special week of -prayer and self denial for twenty new mission aries and sufficient funds to support them in the foreign fields. The church at Duke Joined very heartily in this movement anil the collection taken Sunday morning waa a very liberal otie.v At the regular meeting of Washing ton Duke Lodge No.165, Knights ..pi rytniaa, r noay nignt. air. u. B. Uoa trey was proven In the chlvalrle rank of knight, and Mr. r. M. HorrtU n Initiated in the mysteries of the rank of paae. On the llth Mr. J. T. Hol land will be made an eequire. Thl order Is arranging for .a public In stallation or their orncera on Janu IS RACK FOB JTDGE. -. Spencer. Jan. "II.- T." frank Hud. stow ft 'll kno h At t o rocjjr npenoer, win oe a candidate for judge of RowaniCounty Court. . To verify a rumor that he will be In. the race the newsoaner man r1lH upon Mr. yridwm In his office today and asked Whether or -not he will be a candidate and he atd emDhatloat- ly that he will, and that In due course. a formal announcement ef his ran- didacy will be made. HEW CIPTROLLEtlRTH Wim OFTHETREftSURY Name of Virginian Sent ItvTo - the Senate" " JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS Nomination Referred To Com mittee On Banking and Cur rencyMay Be Some Time Before Nomination is Con firmed Office Had Been .Vacant for Several Months. (Br ii AaratttU Fn.) Washington, Jan. U.The Presi dent sent to the Senate today the nomination of John Sketton Williams, of Virginia, to be comptroller of the currency, and ax-offlcio member of the Federal Reserve Board which will ad minister the affairs of the new cur rency system. The nomination was referred to the committee on bank ing. and currency, after a brief execu tive session of the Senate, during which-an effort walTWiad. to have It referred to,. Jh"? .rpintnutee , .oa finance. Heretofore such a nomination would -' :rw.1:'Hti-m&lr4i-VWa,ftFS-'? fiM)'i i wait f"w.'V' i -i have been sent to trie finance com- flenl"OWef J etiirtrmarrrnald the committee would, take up the nomination -tnth -near- future; It may be aome time before the nomi nation it confirmed. Ur. Willis is now assistant fiecretary or the Treasury In charge of the fiscal bureau and. Secretary McAdoo flnrt assistant in matter of government flnanoe. - . - The . office of Comptroller of the Currency has been vacant for sev era! months. Various reports have been afloat of opposition against the nomination of Mr. Williams. It was said that .the sivoaUod ...ts4 financial interest - werer -ntipotMa; nim.' ' Mr. Willlama selection was annotiht-ed after ft conference tetween President understood that during the President's absence Mr. McAdoo had been sound ing senator about the nomination and believes it will be confirmed. ' Austrians and Russians Claim -Company Was To Furnish Transportation CosU (Slittitf ts Thl Mwi snd Obemi.) Ashevirte Jan, 13. A -esse which nas attractea a Kfeat neai oi axten tion Jn thl city Is that of twenty Austrian and Russians but three of whom can apeak Kngllsh, against the I'erley-Crockelt Company, of Rlack Mountain, In which the foreigners are asking for Judgments for wages aiieg ed to be due them. The men are said to have tramped forty miles from the camps of the company to this city, sleeping en route In wooded tracts sprinkled with snow and frozen. They have . been.; given - work by John- C Xbrogast at his lumber camps at Sun burst and have been nent to their new job. The evidence of the men, heard by a local mac!strat was to i the effect that they were employed by an agency in littsttuTC to uametoi Western Nnrtn. Csrollua to work fur the Black Moun- tain lUmbarconcernr,When pay jUyX came- they swore, they were advised that they would receive no money a a their transporation charges had been taken out of their pay. They swore that they took the job with the un derstanding that their trips to North Carolina r were 1 1TT furnished by the lumber company. The men were ex amined separately, the three who can talk English acting a interpreter. The company claim that the Pitts burg employment agency which hired the men had them to idgn a contract by which they agreed to have their transportation taken from their first wage. I'pon this statement, the mag istrate ordered a continuance 'Until January .11. furslahlng ample time for the defense to secure the depo sition of the llttsburg people through whom the laborers were given work. The men presented a pitiful scene as they huddled aboard train for Sunburst yesterday afternoon, thinly clad and ,hlvertnc without friends snd speaking an unknown tongue. MOTJJTT AIRY WTLli BT7FPORT A MISSIONARY IJf CHINA. Thi' Deetslon Rewhed As RrWlt of ifn"ItoTleal" (StUl V Ttietian u4 Otwmr.) Mount Airy," Jan. II As the. re sult of missionary revival closed last Sunday night, at Central Metho dist church, thl city, the congre gation will, this conference year, sup port ft missionary In Chlnal limp, Frank Slier preached the closing- ser mon of the revival and made ft strong appeal for foreign inl.wons. Ar this service the contribution and -pledg-M were near the goe.1 and a house la brought the balance. Th Is mi wm e nt wsa In response to Southern Method ism making ft oall mr twenty addi tional .missionaries for foreign ser vice. To demonstrate the growth of sentiment favoring foreign mission In thl mountain section it is pointed eat that Central churon, here, will - thl year pay more to the cause than this enure uiinn paia rwo year ajcoi . FOREIGNERS SUE LUMBER CONCERN ID LI 1 f SESSION HERE Masons Convene Their- One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Time in This State GRAND MASTER MAKES HIS ANNUAL ADDRESS Shows Fine Record As To Growth, Health and Work Among the Dependents No Deaths in Ranks Past Year Program for Today. With snore than five hundred Ma OTrattaAnclfh the North Carolina i J rand Ixidge, Grand Vaster I". M. Winchester last night delivered the annual address, on re counting conditions for whlth the lodge wm heart tly t hankfu li" Provtdetice ;r re lyJhM din a bettur part by tn fraternalisu In the-form -tfce-Temie tjr-wHWn nnd- wmder aU..tnW(,b i btig -t.il iernwet to Me visitor, the session Is Ideal for them. More tbAB four hundred visitors have attached their name to ther eglster snd sevenhunared .menhers are ev- "pectedtttaayv -v The) trains from all -section brought large delegation These visitors had eoiceptionai' fortune in getting tn eigh o- time. They had n wait at the hotels and lunch o Halnigh began treating the like ft corporate Opod Samar The opening nlht had the addree tor Its chief attract! i4Mel-WinhteT"-m- - '' first - It hoe brevity ewwgit : worry, length enough to cats score of fine thimra-JUmt-JU tuu done, l'artlcularly rortur the fraternity been the past yew- ui returning so few deaths for permanent record. Both in the official and in the private ran ha the number-has -been abnormally small. The seaalons beeran at 7:& In . the beautiful Masonic Temple In Raleigh, one of the handsomest home th&t Southern Masons have. All delibera tions will take place there this week. The work will run through tomorrow afternoon . Grand Master's AddreMk Mr. Winchester recounted early In fulnes that death ha not invaded his hddreas and with great thank the orncial hums of the Grand Lwdn In North Carolina, though the Orand Lodge of Michigan lost Grand Master Francis Clark laft year. Grand Master Clark was born In Raleigh In 1S4 and reached the high station in Masonry In twelve .years, a remarkable tribute. , In North Carolina, the dlotini-t loss to North Carolina Masonry was that of Capt. W. H. McLaurin, of Leurtii burg. who died August 21, ISIS. Captain Hilly, a eyen'body called him, had not missed a meeting or the Grand Hodge In twenty years and though ap rivaie always, he was one of the greatert workers In this Juris diction, -v- . - Two uiher- daalha je (uiitioned by the Grand Muter, though not mem. bers of this Orand Ladge now In ses sion. Right Eminent Carle August us Woodruff. Past Grand Coiiiniander of KnightB Teniplar rf yorih i'arollna. and Clarence II. Wllinoth. of Char lotte, .both strong men and Masons of prominence dtded during the year Just ended. Paying tribute to these nwTK-Qrand Master Winchester con- tlnuMi : .- -.- - - foreign Hetot Ions.- ' The-nost cordial and friendly re- - - m-nv--- Been- ma1ntamd throughout the year with all duly 'constituted Grand Lodges of Ancient Craft Masonry throughout the world. Many courtesies have been extended us by other Grand Lodges and when opportunttyhffered we have tried td be equally courteous. Aside from communication with Grand Officers of lster Jiirtsdlctlons uoon sabiect maters of MaHonlo membership and conferring of de grees the official correspondence of this Orand Lodge with other grand Jurisdictions has besn quite limited. tSate of the Craft. -. "I, think L.made. I nilstaie. when I say that Masonry in North Carolina was never so prosperous as it has been thl year. Peace and harmony have prevailed in every aectlon. ti is true that . -few little differences have orung up ' between lodges . and" be tween individuals; but they have been of such minor character and so easily lidjusfetl that they merit no mention here. "The Grand Secretary's report will show the net increase In number of ktdge and In the active membership during the year. His earnest effort and that of -hi- responsible for most of this steady healthful crnwtn. .i . ... Charters. "Three new lodge were chartered at our last annual communication, vis: Minneapolis nupiler 01 at Minneapolis; Queen City JnumbertO!! ! Rocky Mount, and Laurel Rranch ftumner evs at im ttrancn. T DiKpenMatlona New lodge. '' ' "The following 'dispensations to ee tahllsh new. lodge ahve been Issued diiinc the yesrt Catawba. ' - "Maroh t, Zebalun Ledge at Zebu Ion. "March I. Chad bourn Lodge at Chadbonme. "March IT,' Dothsh Lodge at Do- thaitj-.-- ' , ---April XL vaugtin Ledge - at Vaughn, . June I. Skjruk Lodge at.Tryon. BLEASE BRISTLES 1 In Message to the South .Caro lina Legislature i- - ' OEUT.-GOV. LAUDS WILSON Charles A. Smith Pays High Tribute to President of Unit ed States Recommenda tions of Governor Blease Enumerated. N (i tin iMi.nia.i Columbia, S, C., Jan. lI.r-Orgaiii-ration of the two house was effected. and Governor Blease,' annual tne's- age presented during the opening to day of the regular session of the South Carolina Legislature. The speaker of the House. M. I Smith,, of Omdenv held over from last year; C. T. Wytche, of .Newberry, a veteran member, was elected Speaker protein. In the Senate Interest centered on the remarks of Lleut-Oov. Charles A. SmttK-wlwr! Senate, called that body to order, nr. Smith- paid hlJ tribute to I'resi- dent Wrison and his administration. ""'flfnwffthlfiwwiciri; wtbw ef -ctxuitdtiraMtt. length- was noL .read. in fuU. lHt was printed In the Jour nal. It bristled with rrferences to lUa . pulltii enemltts iuiJ cr.nuuced recommendations riMiglng from en- donement of the prohibition of em ok Inir innulilie rllninir ruaiu. tu coli. demnatlon of ft movement to change the primary laws. Th governor characteristically declared there had ' een no objection to the primary law jtll "Blease was nominated." Principal recommendations con Jned In the message are'. One mill tax for public suhools. Better educational opportunities Jhor than ccmpulaory education,. AVoUshment'of historical comnii. on. " ' Wjtrk .on, rUittA-farma-J&e dlscoif -tued. r Better euforcment of liquor laws. Counties pay for requisition of pris oners from other State who are re turned lor trial, to thin Stn-t 3'hat the board of pardons be abet hihuri or be paid a sufficient Amount for the work to be done, Reduction of legal rate of interest. Plohlbltlon of exenm rate on per soual baggage. ' "September 21. Glendon Lodge at Glendon. "liecember 1, tinuid Vied Lodge at Grand View. "DeeeniT-er ! South Klver Lodge at Autrvvllle. "The Grand Secretary's report last year showed 0S active sulrardlnate lodgea Three new lodges chartered thbi year and nine under suspension seems a very satisfactory Increase. Last year we had 22,214 affiliated Ma- suriM in the State, SPENCER HAPPENINGS Y. M. C. A. IjiiiimIum Memliertdilp Campaign Kural Mail Koutce Wanutl Observe Prohibition Aminittim-nt Day. Spencer, Jan. II. The Spencer Y M. C' A. has launched a membership campaign which promises to assume large proportirmfrrre:-itrtofa on January 31t. The workers axe dl vlded Into two bands, the "Keds" with W. H, Barrlnger as captain, and M. J. Henry as lieutenant; and the '-Uliin," -with H, V. WaMB taln...aiid..ViT.. Curlee aa. .lieutenant. A gold prtjin of t ht -offered the man securing; the largest number of mem bens and 7otber wTli TeTeiverTrti9: fn proportion to the number of new members received. The loosing team will serve the winning team st banquet at the close. A number of enterprising citlxens In Spencer are interested in estab lishing one or more rural mall route outjof thl place. Postmaster Pethfci Is favorable to such a move for the reason that It will be a great help to the town. The, merchants are anxious that one or two routes serving a large number of substantial cltlsens be ar ranged for and - it Is likely the de part ment at Washington will be asked to send an Inspector to Spencer with a view to establ shinr the routes. the National Prohibition Constitu tional Amendment Day will be ob served with appropriate exercises in Spencer Baptist 'church. A strong program ha been arranged and there will be a number of visiting speak ere. The exercises will begin at s p. m. Dr. J. W. Toung, of Charlotte, former cltixen of Ppfnoer, is here on account, of the serious Illness of his brother, - Mr. Lem Y ruing. At one time Dr. Toung was a leading physi cian in Spencer and has many friends hsre who were deilghte1 to see him. Engineer B. R. Sowers, who ha resided In Spencer for several years. has arranged to move his' family to Ashevllle, to live. He haa a run on the western division of the Southern railway.. -'-.'- i - Vivian, the t-year-oki daughter of Mr. and Mm. H. J. Kester, of Spencer, la dangerously sick nere. A young son his also been vary 111 but Is now Improved. Mr. Walter Hartman, after spend ing three weeks with hi parents. Mr, nd Mrs. Albert Hartman. In Spen eer, haa .gone to Abbeville, R C. where he ha accepted ft -position with the 'Seaboard Air Lin railway. , He ha many friend lh Spencer who are Interested in his return to th South after several jreftf apeit la th West. S ENEMIES m EFFORT TO SETTLE ST Trustees Bring Suit Against All Creditors CITE HUNDRED TO APPEAR Before February Term of Court; Suits To Be Merged and Court to Pass On Action of Trustees as a Whole t ', mt ' t bum guy News. titau w Vh Km tea otMraei Durham. Jan. 11. Messrs. W, p. Clement-afl4-P.r M. Sykes, trustee of the csUte of G. C. Farthing, have brought suit against all of the credl tor of the estate in order to have some official settlement of the bust nes transacted during the past year by the trustee. - The mttt te brought hot Tor the Intention of recovering anything, but merely In. order to get the business of the eetate In the courts for a legal and official settlement, .Abgut.-.ftiKidrt4.AMDlkc-iBUtu tion. trust companies a&d bank ar cited. to appear In this case, and alj are rlted-to- appear before the- Feb ruary Wrm rf court.. Tlvere. are jt AiAm..i.u4 . ..., . : .; .- Ver of suit against the (ruste-js InT HMrtch-npPwirHBni; mn-11ihf tW,'t aum money, me. .vainwnu.at-iaie claims areu nknown to the trustees. I All of these STttts will be merged I and the court will pnee on, the action or the trustee In settling up th es tate a aw hole. This mark the final action In the- settlement of th Farthing estate: " ' Trumeeahip I Voluntary. The estate ha never been in the hands of the court for settlement The trusteeship is av oluntary one, In whloh the creditor agreed to put the estate tn the hands of the trus tee tor final adjustment. -- rtfty-per-wtttr-of tried blk dr th statu have been paid and the trus tee have e!tn tMitr& IWiitt whivti ha hot yet been paid out Ta y think thmTilffircnirnillt: .meai1En.0AciEIiit the final adjustment of the affairs of Mr, Farthing to pay oft about sixty five per cent of the indebtedness of the estate. Julutn S. t'arr Ctinnter. The Julian 8. Carr CJtaiiter, Daugh ters of the "Confederacy, have mad arrangements for the Lee-Jackson celebration next Monday afternoon, and Mr. Cameron Morrison, of Char lotte, baa accepted the Invitation to deliver the address on this occasion. Suit ot Kltode Against City. Dragging wearily from point to point and going over the seme ground a good deal of the time, thes ult of O. A. Rhodes against the city of Dur hanrnrogressed slowly today and late thl afternoon the defense had not completed their evidence. A large number nf witnesses were examined by the city, and all of thorn testified sf to the conditions on thee reek com plained ot by the plsantlff . and his family. Most of thew itnesses, all of whom had Visited the creek, testified that they hal not detected the odors com plained of by tho plaintiff. Home of them said that they had -detected the odor of the dye stuffs dumped In to the creek by the East, Durham mills. An Interesting polny was de Sloped by Judgo Manning when Al derman Skinner was on the stand a to the food of catfish. Some of . the witnesses testified that they had spen cstflsh In the stream. Mr. Skinner did not know anything about catfish food Support For Mairatlne. Miss Lucia Mae Smith, editor of Skyland Magazine, accompanied by some of the members or the Commer clal Club, made a visit to the leading business men of the city today in an tttssrxJmz mcextamtijamtasot business support she could expect from ..Durham &htild shed eride to move the home office and publTfcalton olfice of the magazine to Dill num. This afternoon she reported that she hnd met with the most cordial recep tion by the business houses tiud wjj very much pleased With the support In the way of advertising revenues promised by the Durham people. tatter's Wind-Pipe Useless In Basket Ball Game; Score . Fifty-four to Eight. , trtpUl Hi The Km and Otfaiw.j . 5Vketrn!iitrJan; ia. r;y imootiiig tweniy-nve neia gnaw, tnree roul and one point added .for the unnecessary roughness of their opponents, Wake Forest piled up a ror of 54 point to South CaTollnor , in the opening basketnaH, game or tne season played here tonight Tho team, as whole, was In great form. Th guard were, guarding well, the forward wares . hooting goal excsllentlyr-an- the . team was passing superbly, Jn fact Coach Cro cier sprunk a complete surprise with hie-team in. the opening eontest. The team la faster and In much bettet con dition than was expected they were, certainly In mldseason. Never did th-visitor 'have ao hands. Twice In the first half ther managed to shoot field goal, and nevtr jn the last period. . , . .- ; - . - . . . . The game started "oft lively, "and theo rowtt was enthuelaatlc. From the beginning It waa seen that th WAKE FOREST WlfJS FROM GAME COCKS insuiv E TO HISH0MEG1TY: No New Developments In Dis- trict Attorneyship , . L More work on cape fear Representative Godwin Ar ' ranges Hearing Before River and Harbors Committee for Wilmington People N. C. News From Washington. CBy W. E. YIXVEBTO.V.) Washington, D, Jft. II 3tr hftl Charles A. Webb will be alkrwed to move hi? office from Oreensboro to Ashevllle, the transfer to take plaee about January 2T. At the same Urn the ofllee of Ilevtnue Agent Themft w- yanderford will b IrejiaferreA. from Ahevlle to Greensboro, . TbisT . was decided today as th result of conference of Marshal Webb and -Senator Overman at the department. Though one of th conference wae Trl'h 1hr dtlnrnsy Ueimral. Biastsr Overman says be did not brine up the subject of W. C. Hammer' appolnt-nenr,-tit-'wftt ana few toi in,.-"'' Ttin f.r.) n., t... , . ., - - - Tlt "WllSntien'Chiiib of Cttm meree, wotnrthrtlwr Trrttt the tnthrovw-""' ment now decides nnm h. ik. i ernmsnt an the Cn r-r .- forwarded resolutions to Representa tive una win asking for more extaa. sire UnprevmeBi,. Mr. Godwin' wtU- arrange a hearing lor the Wilming ton people before the River and Har- ; bors Committee of the House. The Wilmington people say that th 11 11. 90 appropriated for work on the Cap rear at and below Wilmington l not enough to seeure the completion ! of ft IS toot channel by June 30, m. rtdThat-the approprtattott: lor this should be at least 1160,000. "A seoond lewlutiju reoltee fhat thl rmt deep eneugh, and sks ft aurvev -Jof.vehnne thlrtWlvfeet deep at mean, low watee, A third rec-lutior -ask that an extension of th Intr coast at waterway from Beaufort to the St John river. Klorida. which h.v 1 beep ftflratjJxrpnrted upon by tfwv -- xiuuBiii encTineers, oe, puhed. Cunneirtlng Canal Hcmrtng. A hearing on the proposition (or the government to buy the canal con necting Chesapeake By and the Del. , ware river will be held before the Rivers and Harbors Committee Thursday. Thl canal I the next link ! northward from the Chesapeake ttnd Albemarle Canal In North Carolina, ' which was purchased by the govern- ' ment a short time ago. An appro prlatlon of two snd a half mtlHon is required for this link. The pur- " chase ha been recommended by gov. ernment engineers. - - For loKtauitcr at Walnut Grove. ' Repreitentatlve Sledman today rec ommended P. H. Uneville to be pis . master at Walnut Cove. Stokes couiiU". CliarhHte and Hie Itcwrve Bank. -The claims of Charlotte for the lo- ' cation of a Kedprsl Reserve Hank wi't 1 be heard here Thursday tit the saHe ' time Hlihfiionil pit-sent its argu ments. Charlotte has hope that Rlrhmond and AtlantH Will deadlocl. end that the plum will go to Char- " lotte as a oompromise. H. M, Victor, ecretary of the Charlotte reserve ' boosting coinmitiee, to her and went to- the Treasury lr pun ment - todn' with Representative Webb. ' .While titer they found that the Charlotte veetofnee- baileHttg-i secondpn the" emeigmicy list fur early m-tion by the" depattment Sketches of the Gastonia building3 have been made and the pacifications' will be compl-ited In a week. ' To PhuTr V htf heeut K tutt aT- Klutir will be made secretfiry to the International . Boundary . Commission f U-tt(i.neiXtwa orthrne. jlnja Thej eomml.ision, wbk-b, names Its own sec- retary. will hold a meeting In Wash- lngton this weeV. ' ' Of-bom and Watw Cunfer.' " i Collector A. D, Watts ts her li conference, with Commissiones Os-' born. He willatay until Henator Sim- mons returns, which wtlkje tomor: row or Thursday, and then the ap- T polntment in Mr. Watts offlc will probably be -completed. All the In come tax nollectors will te named Id the ufiit two or three days C. A. Vlynn, and Bev. i9. A.'Lowg- ; ' her, ot Wosbington. North Carolina. . . are here to meet the secretary ef the -board of education of the M. E. Church, Sooth. Mr. Lowgsr Is preai- ' dent of the Washington Collegiate In- v stltute. , A. M. Sanders and W, A. Gibson were oonHermed by the Senate htst, - night as postraH!"ters at their respeo- ; A tlve towns. " -..H.!-. Visitor hare include A. , -J. HarrLi. Henderson; W. W. Wardt Nashville. Thomas A. Williams and bride, Hal- ' eigh: J. H. Ktrkman. Smlthfleld: C. j B. Townsend. Lumberton: H. L. K1n- layson, Goldeboro and Joseph Llnd- 1 say. RMlvnie. r "T locals were the Superior. By their remarkable passing they", piled bp point after point and the visitor fail ed to show anything that resembled -form. The Baptists' forwards. Hold ing and Hall, were In ' great form their work being just about as good r as has ever been exhibited here. Hold' In put the ball In theb asket tl times from the floor and. shot three fouls, . making a total ot It point. Hal! -was all over the domr, exhiMtlwg grt . defensive work and - shooting Ave . -goals. . During the test few mtnutne of play the gms became a trifle rough, each eld being equally guilty The basket ball fan are proud of their.: team nd are elated over It'" Brepot for the season,' Phil I'Hey, -fwrjirrehy Jt Ur in athletic at Wk rarest, gave perfect Mietatu- th refer-, - - , ,

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