X .T Best Advcrtisin3 Uediuni in II. C. SECTION ONE PAGES 1 TO 12 VOLrXCIX. NO. 13. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 25, 1914. PRICE: FIVE CENTS. CENTRAVFIGURES-IN-GRAFT ST0RYr4VIIICH,MAY - JTARtOlMlLilEAVAL- IN -K1LYjORK i rr i n r 1 1 t n i r i 1 1 n 1 1 or i n urn 1 1 1 itj : r I . I , . . . -. - V It ai'ii . ( V I t - secretary, Redfted's Speech at New Haven WELL, LOOK AT IT SANELY Without Passion or Prejudice, Said the Secretary, Get the ; Horizon Big Enough, Else Your Picture Will Be But V Partial Subject, Business. Bj Uu AaacUta Fna ) Nw Haven. Conn.. Jan. 24. An af "rmatlve vewpf business wm uth ksynot of a speech Secretary Red k eld " mlfSeTriio'dajr before the Chamber of Commerce. .'. He praiaed American manufacturers for their ready readjustment to new condition and declared that the flood of foreign ,manv'ctures which It was predicted would flcttd American markets with the passage of the tiew tariff Md not materialized, t , ' Whero Are Von Looking ?"""'""' "Ays, but you say, look at the de pression. Well, look at It," said Mr. r.edfteld. "Look at It sanely, without ,laojr,tin4,''w4thiwJdlew;,!'Wht Jo you-aa? :. But before you.. answer let me ask a second question: Where - are you "looking? Get the hortion - big enoughs-else your -picture -will, be men ii trade oppression round.' in India, In Argentina. In ISraxil. in Ofr- rising tide from uch derjreec: exists' felt first , and moot Here, In ETU. Ltv aside the- pitiful parable of the prophets of evil who 'or political purposes preach national pain. Look almlv at the truth. America severs when the worst Is said than her sister rations. From the bottom, which at most was not deep, she has already risen far and is rising. There was i'rtat cfte.. tttrl)efitetlon . in that which has happened in the past. The reaction from the Balkan war, which had tied the purse strings of Europe nd shut down Us mills, was naturally reflected here In some simII degree. . -. 6 1 vr Jhosghtfttl iMc4. -tt wai Tterrectfy proper thafbasr- Bess men, whose oulDut was arxectea wore or less by the new tariff, should v give thoughtful heed how to readjust themselves to It. They would have herwlse -frankly the men who- dreaded tariff rhangr must have said, and are say ing, that readjustment are over and the new la at it worst nothing like s bad as they feared and that at Its best is helpful. "Europe begins to see Its way out of its deep depression, and last and bwit of all, you knme that sympathy with nil that ia finest and best in btwttiens -4ifr-ml-wtth - the highest if ! tdeala of our industrial activities ii lr f-gnantr-at the seat of government f This Is no longer the day of doubt. but M hour of hone. "Too much perhaps there haa been the spirit on one side that 'what Is. ' Is wring. and the assertion on the other, hand that "what is. l right. Hg Ittistnees hH-often fatied to see that tts .mcthodfl have arotited a Just topulnr resentment and that many f Its past Ideals and purposes were Impossible and Intolerable In a de: ftiocracy. Weal at Whole Pcof)l STTje, ' The men of financial and corporate power have had to learn that the weal of the whole people ia a supreme la a . tA hlcli-Uitir-privaU Interests fliust oppfl ently bow. The buslneat xon I 'science' Kits Itself awakened to a real f . TMt1mr-nf wronss . eommitted In the conuuerea and-lndustry and w ernte those wronn nil more. J'lSv'eh the nien of might In finance " re -beotHnln men of light and lead- lag Jta. tke., ecMaryreadjMtaejitt that are Banding. . The buslues con M-irntlousness is becoming' less indi vidual and more social, "t am not here, therefore, on any errand to Rrouse the business con science r to raise the banner pt re volt against business procedure, cer- lalttly not to denrmnii or to destroy 7'he nfnr of what is fit, the knowledge if what la duo to their own honor. Is now so keenly alive among the bus! new-) community . that . when . the enlevement of oof- recent discus- siont shall Uav been finally wrought Into law they will be, in my belief not found wanting la willingness and power to take tip such further work - may rmom IVexitt to Herressr Bryan.. To. Secretary . Bryan, he 'asserted belongs high credit for his co-opera tion with -the- Department of Com ruerce m omooming ine woy to ousi' r. 1 ness progress ' in wforelan markets. . l ? Mr. JtedAeld spoke at leiigth on new 1 iinetlmds adopted by" the department if to bring business men in el6ser touch r - with both flomestlo and foreign trade pppoitunltiea. 1 - ""r- . . Ricrrnxs i boh :iTALf:.,. nencrartaiiiier-J- Back Wife and Daughter to Stay Longer. I I ' ' (iflrt TM Kel and Wmw.) "" WaynesvlHe. Jan. 24, General R IX Gilmer who has bean at Milan . Italy,, for BomBmonths with hia wife - ana agusnter, josepnine. ns arrived I home. Mrs. eiliner an daughter will remain in Italy for some tima yat. Attorney Branner Uilmar, the only son oi uencrai k. u. uiimer. nu an nouneed his candidacy fur aollcifGr of this the twentieth Judicial district, to succeed Hon. .Felix Aiwy, tha present solicitor, who is not candidate for lenomlnatlon. -There are quit a - 1 5 ; ' number of aspirant to succeed Sher Vi Iff W. A. falmer, who may or may not t I ' l g candidate fbr ra-alectibti. among j thm' being Jack Carver, R. B,- Os? T I - ' liorn, Carl BlalocJt,' W. L,, Harden, ax "I jl Pherlff VT, R. Medford and W. J. t 'iT. lffines, l Ferguson, Mile Noland. T ft V R&V. J. C. Owens, of Ashaville -will i11 mpply the Baptist pulpit her till the baptist congregatron cn cir a reg ular pastor th church having been left without a pastor by the resign. Ilea f Dr. 1. M, McManaj f Dave Robertson Assistant Coach at Wake .forest and Former Star With A. & M. at Raleigh; Ball Notes; From" Wake Forest iSoerltl t Tha Nw. ar.il Otatrar V Wake Forest, Jan. 81. Analsuutt Coach Day' Robertson, a former A. and M. star, and one of the leading figures In the Southern league during the past season, will sign a contract with fhe New York Giants for net season. Manager MrGraw has Insert ed into the contract which Mr. Rob ertson will sign the clauses that, he- does not have to report until after the closeof colTege." that he will be allow ed to do his spring: training here, that he will not have to work in Sunday exhibition games and a substantial Increase li salary. Mr. Robertson has refused to sign until these pro. visions were inserted into the con tract. Besides assisting in the coachings here, Mf. Robertson Is a member of he medical class, and does not care o play ball until he has liniehed "his examinations. His present contract provides that , he does not have to report to the Giants until M$y -JO, and by that time he will have com pleted hi examinations. C each Frank Thompson hr not die of next m until. Assistant Cisach Robertson is working out the, battery squad -veTr"WTTtnr"iKhe---gyrmta Slum tHeee-dyi-r-4-Wi-ae-M the weather permits he will take the available sqnad out on the athletic ftettt- I'Tepnratury tcftrTTiiraT-7rrwrvrf tire. Not much can be done, however? ii rrf !! "f He; -tmjritei- ii tMeua-.i- closed. The battery candidates thus far are These often are daily warming up in the jgyijnnaalani. ' Cuthrellr .for two years one of ttn Kapust sIT1Hln bor men Is on the basketball stjuaa. . CHARGES OF CONTEMPT Issued by Judge farter Asalnst Mag istrate) at .Vshc-vllle The: John el- drop Murder Caf , In Ha mis of Jury. :"-- Speril l Th Urn it ulw WaVnesville. Jan. St A"..fiile . of 'contempt was Issued by Judge Frank Carter against w. j. ttines. a magia- tnte. and ioha and'Jm Twpin .s - hehrtf by Judga vrter-ttrt evening, for hearing reepomet'a answer. The rifles as to Wrf J. Mann. Justice, of tne pec. J- ! and John Turptn was dismissed. A fine of two hun- fdred and flfty- imposed on Jim Turpin with and sound TecTTrre from j ilcfge ter. The fate of John Waldrop. charged With the murder of Fleet Mathers, Is now In the hands of the Jury. It was given them at 1 o'clock. With fa! -porters on strike. the London Janitors have a grind ex- JUUA.FLAKE, HER MOTHER, WHO WAS SLAIN, AND HER CONFESSES . fJalesbnrg, Jan. 24. Julia Jlak'f love tragedy la eeLto provs a sensation when" aP -Tha deiaila ' are brought out at tha trial of hertep father, 'Robert HlKKjns, for ths mur de of hep 'mother. Higgina, accord ing to hi alleged confession, is re ported to have fallen In lov with,. "the pretty sixteen-year-old child of his wU. -According- to til janyud coa- Scott Heirs and Seaboard in , Fightfor Strip of Land SCOTTS NOW-IN TrjE LEAD Seaboard Man Went Over Their Barbed Wire and is Trown Out; Restraining Order is Too Late for Scott Building Erected in a Jiffy. (By VSXVh X. COLEV.) Banforf. '"Sf. C Jan. 24 We learn from. JfolyJWrtt hat for al " we will have 'wraxa and rumors pr wrt We have had big war and little wars, we have had political wars, neighbor hood wars and family wars, and all kinds of wars. The legal battle that Is now shaking the city of 8nford. in Lee county. mkea the Mexloa'i War -and all other., wars,, past and present, appear like a achoo'-boy row aeeempared with It. . In thl particular war the Seaboard Air Line Railway and the heir of the late Ma J. John W. Scott ara tne belligerents. The row Is all on ac coimt of a strip of lajtd that Wniluat tofflnif the - TWoTr'rWow,"ewen the tracks of the Seaboard Air Utie and the Southern Railways. This tract fhjrTa-Kliint11reTftrre' fee-rwHefr- m tt rnnw-rTrm iTfr -tttKtttel -A ir-- track toward the uoutnern iracs, a shout-300 Teet. It front WTJnroTTnTSroTfflB cltv and is a valuable piece oi prop-ixrriKkar-KM ;.4iuwoana houaea The controversy Is over the yaa-yara rkr iaU..TOW.P.tBi-gt. rsirosds in thi section this land hv loneed t' Major feott. For a number of v (ara it ha stood v Just north h -Union Station. Sau ford Ja now growing and land In the center of the city is tjulte valtrabbs; Naturally the Scott helra who pontend that the property still belongs to them took noasesalcmi'f It. The Seaboard air Line Railway contends that the pro(itn beloogs to It. as part of the right -oJPwny, and oppose the claim of the 8coU heirs, who are represented bv Mr. T7 It Cross, a local real stata aaeuL On fh tiitht qf January 11 the 4lrM...t"r tiwir ctaun io Trne property. "bupt a turn paToaa wrre fence around the lot and posted no tices around to ' warn trespasser s to keen off. The next day the railroad. seeing what had been done the. night befere. igoffl4h notice .warning a aoodTtresoaasers away ana pur air. Clayton Joneaon tha propeny to noia n in me nam of the railroad company The Scott heirs then got busy. They consulted their attorneys, Messrs. C. R. Williams and A. A. F. Beawell, of Sanford. and they moved on the prop erty determined to take it or die. Pub-Itr-interrt -over the situation In the city arose to white heat. A large crowd gathered to watch the prosper STEPFATHER, WHO TO ODD LOVE TRAGEDY feaSieni he was persuaded. by the girt m.aysri.tlihuijnothetAnaa-4 letter which th girl wrota to her rlrl chums Mating that she hoped her stepfather would ktt her mother have neen rouna. Alter ths m under oi Mrs HlKlnsuspleion, did . nst fall for awhile upon her htutband. It was the girl's letters to her frtaod that Anally .uivuta lit cjs- - m. I a ST -. Jr. ft J v-aaaa. T - w v sV TT J a m V1' a I jr'- ' "-"-" ,"'-Ni- i i nun t : ' ;:. ', ; , .4vv - ' . t . J Ii ii I -a (k ft v. ' C ' ' I , , 'yo'S'-r' . :xi:: ;. . lrrqpr: (r yr v 1" : ' i 1 Ill . " E VV i 1 Ui it i. ... tive bailie. The Scotts charged the fortification and took Mr. Jone bod ily nd set him over h fence. On January Is the Ucott heirs en gaged Contractor Si,out, of thiafcity, to erect a btrt1rtttliHt so 4e clinch their possewlon of tha property- Karly In the day Mr. (out lie-gan- 4 haul; brlttU. lima 4 Ihto br If ii tha Int. Air. KL H. Hoylat otAh flraaef Hpyte ft.l.IpjA of JSauford, aAoxney tor uj ttiuuttk Air Line, seeing, this move. aaked-ilrT Stout. "What' upT air. mm rrsiita that he was going to put UP a building tor the Scotl heir. How much time will it take you to t?fe7TTneTJu!tdlng?''' Mr. Uoyle ashed.- "Twn or .throe days. repueti aar Stout. L Mi. Hov'e then caught the first train for Kaleigh. to ee one of the State' Judges to get a restraining or der to mop the work. Mr. Stout be ing aware of this new move toon ev ery hand he had at work In Sanford and put them to work on tne new hiiiMirw. Mr. Hoyle got his restrain llnyle got his rest rainj ing order, but I'efor h could get back to rtanrora wttn n wr. muui imu completed a nice little brick house about ten feet highland, fifteen feet square, had It under cover and fur nished on (he insiue- sun oesa, ciuura electrlc lights and telephone and a man in charge of it. The next day the attorney In the case, Messrs. K. R. Hoyle, of Sanford, and ea-Judue Neal. of L&urlnburav ai torrievs for the railroad, and, Messrs. C. it. Williams and A. A. K. Seawell. attorneys fr the Scott heirs, hied away' to Piltaboro to ee Judge Tee hies., who was holding court in that place and before whom the Scott heirs had asked for an order restraining the railroad people from Interfering with or trespassing on ihe property in dis pute. ; 4 Judge Peebles continued the csjie until-yesterday, when the matter was heard" before hli. at -nt. home tn Jackson- Northampton County. The indue granted a temporary restraining erdor njolnlng tha railroad from. In- terfering with or going oij the prop erty. Thus the matter rest, for time at iast: Of cemrwrthui does tiof1 end the controversy. It Is only a tem porary settlement of th matter. Th whole thing wil He a 1 red again, and will likely go from court to court tin- tll . 'lfreaohea the Supreme Court for final settlement. FARMERS UNION AND rcutRAMUN OF LABOR To Write In AsUlnr forurrces For Sys tem of Kursl t reiilts Big Combi nation. " Vsptclal to It Nw an Olwnw.) Washington, n. C . Jan. 24 fl. H. TtoUbs. crrilrrnan of the ."National Farmers' I'nlon legislative rommit tee, made this statement today: We have succeeded- in inducing the American-Federation of lAbor to ally themselves with us in asking Congreu to give the farmer of this country a tni; of furai4u,eilitsVJhbx-:iu4 tin nMt'lv. flfr mlllinn vnttkvm luhlnit the measure.. ,.... . Ministers Exchange Pulplta. (Spactai to ttu N. aa4 OIWW.) Oxford, Ja.n. 24. At a meeting of Uie vestry men of 8t. Stephen' Episeo, pal church an invrtTOmrwrasTea vitint Dr. F. L. t. Hors field, th rector of this church to. take charge of mission during one- week, which will ba held In Montgomery, Ala., through litres wreekcPintrTh vestry-ceri-sentirihat Dr. Horsfleld should ac cept tha invitation to attend tha "mis sion" In Montgomery, Ala. Dr. Hors fleld Is a Very talented and forceful peakar and bis sermon are listened ta eacerly by the paopia el Oxford. I- . The pulpit at home wHl be supplied by Wetting ministers curing the ab sence of tha rector. - : v ; ; HpartaJ Attorney Juntlce At Ham. ..-r-T- (Siwial ta TU Was i . ' , .flreensboro. -Jan . J4-HnE X Justice, special assistant United Btata Attorney General. Is Apendlng a few day at home after a visit to the la clfio coast' for th Department of Jua- tlc. He will be hers Mveral day and slate that he doe not know at present jut where ft Will gofrom 'l ;rNATOP OG0RMAN, - ? . . ""' ". 7 ('''.'..'.'V-''-;-'-' iT.!--'.-i y f ; tX-G0VCRNO SULZtfe New. York. Jlini 24. .Sensational developments sre expected in New lork political life owing to the searcn Iiik investigation conducted by Uistrict Alioruey; ('limit-, H. Whitman, who haa inHtltuted John Vtia proceedings before Justice McAdoo. Ei-tlovernor Sulzer under a grilling, cross-examlnk- It Ion- hy,-Mr. Whitman ha re vouit"d iiuit i nanes r . Murpny, wie uomtnant power In the Democratic party in the State, has been accused In hi own party ofliavlng a "bagman" to "shake down" contractors doing fitata. work (or flnanctal -contribution. Mr. Wtil r. now an assemblyman, testtflen that United State .Senator O'Oorman tojd him that James R. aaffnejr, the wealthy owner of tha lioeton National 1aseball club and Iing a .power in New Tork politics, was Murphy' col lector, rlenator O'Uonnan's c ha rife arose, aver the attempt of a man who uriday :Sclwoi-Meeting of the State THE LAYMEN'S MOVEMENT At Durham in March, Author ized by State Convention and Missionary Board in Hands - of Competent . Committee; Forecast of Events'of State Wide Interest. (By MAMIK BAYS.) Two meeting to-be held tn the near ftrtur Will prove of special in terest to Baptists of North. Carolina. The first of these Is the. Baptist Sun daylkh67)rmeeilnir "which is to b held at Lexington ; Fberuary 1 -1 1 under the dersctloq of the Sunday School Board of the Baptist Stat Cohveairlon of -?forth--arolir.---A erla of Bunday school institute U now in progress throughout tha ter rltory of th State conventlo and this ieHee will continue for. about four months, hut the meeting' to he held at Lexington la different from th Institutes and special effort will be made by those, la charge of the same te secure, the attendance et as many pastors, juperlntendent and teacher of Sunday achqel as possible. Three of the speaker already - secured to tate pert . on the program of thl meeting- are men Who are reeogntaed as leaders In Bunday school work and their " welflH IBIS T ooiinectlon, la known not only te Bapttat Of North Carolina, but to- that denomination throughout the South. One of theae speakers Is Kev. Vt Ijnce K. fiurrotig hi. D.D., of NaslivilleiT.Tenn., ducailonal tecrelary of the Kunday-aohpoL board AT LEXINGTON FEBRUARY IE . -t!Li V, 4 u. ' 1 ev.-atlti.e. 5 CtARliS F. WUfcWV : described bTrrtserf ney" to obtain J15U.0U0 from Jatne Stewart, head nf a const ruction com pany, at a time when contract for which HVenart had. bid were pending before the Stale authorities, j .Stew art wan a client of Segtator O'Oorman, and O'tlorman ta said to have pro Ual od - uut only to. ejulier, Jut- ta - C K. Murphy as well, regarding "Oaft ney's" aciion. Henstor O'Uarman, Murphy anil (jalToey ar expected ta go on the witness stand a the result nf Suiter (llarlosures. nd action by the grand Jury is deemed probable by thntte familiar with the character Istlcally thorough method of IJIMric! Attorney .Whllman, who has made a nation wide' reputation as a graft prober: The photo of ax-Governor Bulzer was snapped while be wan on the witnees stsnd ndr cmse-examl-natlon by Mr VrftTt Irian another is Kev B. W. Spilinan. U.D., of Kuiston. aho -is alio a member of the Sunday 'school board. and the other speaker is sV l Mlddjeton. of Kaleigh. State teoretary nf the Sun day He h not Hoard of thv HaiHltt State t oiiVenllon ' of North Carolina. Dr. Burroughs Is the author otl the Bible section - or tile new Normal Manual. riABU-4wlrtMl- -he -wilf -deehrer-a course or Bible -studies during thut Sundai. school meeting. ""BrrSpiil'mn" w afSelhieeTewTKe tiires ion. the subject "The I'astor and the Hi'tvflay School," and three on the sunj.i . , Missions in the Sunday Scbodldh Mr. Mlddleion will give six or more" lessons on Sunday school management.. The program of this meeting is y$l Incomplete, but the committee which has it Jn charge will secure a nuteber of other interesting peak err. to take part in the came. 11 y men's Mlsehmary Movement. The other meeting of Baptists to be hMd sown in iiorthtitrollna Is that of tha Laymen's Missionary Movement of that denomination, at Durham. In March. 'Thlg'lfieeinisrwaa authorised by the State convention and by th State Mrneion Hoard also and the pro gram is cow being planned by a com pet em t - committee, the ' membera - of which are I'rof. Charles E. Brewer, of Wake Forest N. B. Braugh- tPJt. -of-'.IUUe-Ighi.'lh rEJXohgood, of Oxford. The. Baptist men of the South will hold. a. number of conven- Uun winilaF-to thie in different Utatee iniiead of holding one large eonveai., tion for the entire Bouthern Baptist Convention, as was. done In llll. The committee in charge of th convention to be held at Durham are working to secure "a1 latga- and "i ' ripressntaxtrw attendance of men both pastors and laymen. Effort will he mad to se cure the co-operation of every Baptist tng the meeting a success and the moderator and cler of each aseocia tion, a well as the chairman of each usociatlAnal oommlttee of the lay men' missionary movement, will be urged" to be present.. Among; the pedal Item to be const lived on the program will be the different mission cause. suggestions for a . better 'system of church finances and. stew ardship and tithing. . It la probable that Prof. J. T. Henderson, of Bristol Vs., secretary of the laymen's mis- a lottery moytment- for thaSout tiers Baptist tvnventlon, will be among the speakera on the program of the con ventiott" at' Durham,?'- ...wr- "There Is no accounting for tastes. .iaa the Cynical Bachelor. ."Some fel low would rather act, married, then Formed to Drain and Develop Swamp Land TIRED OF-COLD CLIMATE Middle West Farmers to 0c: r.iinu It in rrv Carmtnn- in I I Ifvn I HI llllll, Freight Rate Hearing at WasjijngtonFeb. 6; North Carolina News From the Nation's Capital. y ye. E, VELVfairox.) Washington, Jan. 24. Formation -"hlcag eompany-which tntend to drain and develop 210,000 acre of, Itnd in Columbua and Brunswick counties in North Carolina we an nounred here today. The name of the company, which ha a capitalisa tion of 1175,000. is the North Caro lina Company of Illinois. Frank r, Urates, of Chicago, president of the company, was here today immediately . following th purchase of the land from the Waecamaw .Lumber.. Com pany or Bolton. ' - ' The 'ra Consists of swamp end overflowed lund from whltlt the-ttm J hfj'-hg.'!..been cut. Ihlrail7aK:-,lthe .'" einpany is to have the area atir- ' ( eed bv government . drainage engi- urers and IL uat-of drhag4HMl . . maied. Dialnage work will ilhen be begufi and the land divided into" farm. Tlie cumpauv einecta to -M. 'fsiweisi fiuni tin. midum ,. 1 wet who have nred of the rigor of ' ' g - mU. ,T.Uie,:'-lM!W-sjBw-'i ila.li-sii w.u be inimenaely rich as all , .- TTITrV suited for trucking. mr-TTWrr-ner-Wllg-rneTn; ii lb CpaMt Kins Kaihoad. and U 4 planned - to onn.ect it m it la Lie fralioard alo by- -bTritding Trrrt-frrjm' BoUon-Bve-!!7 T six mile to tliB'Hcaboer4 tracks... I n. ,, , timbered land of the character of.tbls ell for from one to five dollar an aire. Improved. It w?ll worttt mnrh more If tne experience of "" " erl other drainage areas fl f that cr- tion in repeated. r (Jama Kantrn.. Appointed. . !. .1 ,-v Then. S. Meeklns, of Manteo, who ha YlaHed Washington svei'l jnn " In the last few months. wITT fie 1". ft. gsme warden, a position secured for , luurby Heaaior Hlmno... - Tb place ., - -pays' ftlSt a month aiiA its dittiee ar tn enforce the new. federal same laws recently dral .p oy , authority of roo tress. '.. ' . - - 1-slmrConimiiwlpnce Shlpman's I'lan. ' lJibor and Printing, -,n expectliiK l aaiat JHiJirUuui II.U00 tn the Sl-ef - Norths Carolina by an arrangetnem with 'the lpdnnil Bureau of tin Census. The state takes a census nf niauufactui'es every year the govern ment ever' five years. Mr. Shiptnan haa persuaded the census director . to uee etiecisl blank for North Caro lina tn which wlll be incorporated qutinns along the line of the Stale eork. The State census can be com piled then from Vticle Sam's flcurei". M r, M trip man Is also expecting to vuiiycm an expert from the govern ment to investigate the climate at. Ilendersonvllle, believing that lts.hu- ' inidily Is- less than the urroiitidlni country. If the result Is favorable Ihe report will be used as an Milker- -' tisement. - Freight Rate- Hearing. TJbe Interstate Commerce Commis sion mlieArjvfirs!imen!s in th . freight - -rate controversy between North Carolina and Virginia in Wash ington February eth. The railroads have asked permission to put into ef fect the rter ggreed upon by the railroads and the North Carolina l egislature. To do so the fourth see tion. providing thut a short haul shall not cost more man a 100; haul, will l violated. The commission al low e, -A violation every dag with gooe . hut the Virginia ett .- tlhk -t- - "ee--he inal-4he tnJ coma -)t. Tj,iir.rtain than. It Woul4 -otherwi.M' te; Jtates from Ohlo.Ktver rroeMmre ' i".- nrw, "W ewipbisi''-sh vtlle, and '' t'eewtur and Huntsvtlls. Ala., are, tb particular ones to ba heard oq . 1ate named Sew vnte"Pt Collrvtora. F. B. Quiri of Kullwrford. knd M. I Alauna'v. ef Mitrphy. were ap pointed office dijUee in the office of Collector Watt today. They ar In---come tax collectors. There are a few more to be appointed who names 'hav-r not ben made pabtte" Official" of the-treury department say -they, do not know whether or not Manlv McDowell will accept the position as " agent. . j , , Movenupntla of same Tar Herts. North Carolinians her Include lr. Joseph Hyd Pratt. Chapel Hill, who Is here tn the interest of good roads and appearing before committees in Congress; Mr. and - J4rg George Ll- . Barnes. Sevier; It. Jt. King. Oreens boro: Jobn C. Mills). ,RuUuurXordton;: FrajfMbBits Sprays.. Jnhft K- . Woodard, of Wilson, ia hei in th interest of his candidacy for post, master at Wilson. Nixon X'lum mer. city editor., of the (ifeeneboro '"N'eii" her on k visit. 8EXAT1- raased Alaska railroad bill, after -several hour of debate. .. Senator Nwlard lntriiticet - hi- . terstate trade coaomlseicn jsiil pre viously Introduced J . Hquse.T K frrred to .interstate eonitnerce.com- -mtttee. , . - t Adjourned t :4 p. m, until nooa I -Monday.- " . ' . HOthJ!-e . Met at noon. " " ' rassecf post 0 fflc appropriation bill. Radlun hearing continued, before th mines commitete. " f -Kaiiroad ma urge4 the f emmsrt e committee, to report favorably a bill. requiring electric headlights on in terstate roada Representative Sherley railed up ' fortifications bill and debate was limited to four hour under unan Imons consent agreement woe bill CvBMMUM.. ws MSa.' .-.t X. -r1

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