, .. :,: ..... I H b liLHi A 1ST JJ U 15 S J5 K V b tiiiliA MOKNlKG, JANUARY 30, 14- I 4. Members of Cabinet Have Fol lowed Example of Oreste , - Revolutionists. the forces of the revolution hS be- t-at'nftl:'1ff tor PAvilmar Theodore, command- tnj the rebel,! proceeding from Cape Haitian to Port Au Prince by way of Onnalvee. General Zamnr i moving by way of HJnohe. n Members of th Cabinet have fol tawed th example of President Orea ! and hare fled (rum the capital. evrar"pf-them taking refuge aboard (hip Patrol ..from the Foiled . State's erulser Montana, and the German rrulser- Vme4--wiiL uardt!uOgA lions and keep iitder 'In the streets. It has not been neressary to land Hn f mm the battleship Houlh Caro lina. ' X Pillii-y of I lilted Mate. Washington, Jan. " ?. The policy adopted by the t'nlted State re- Kardlrtg Haiti, which ha been left without a government by the fliKht 4f the ('resident at the ap'proach of wo lutlonlsts, Will depend upon' develop--rrtent during the nt few day. The Haitian constitution provide - that In rae of a varanoy In the presi dency the r'Bblnel ministers shall t-4ll the national assembly In session within ten day arid that body ahall fill the vacancy. If this constitutional method la followed the Htate depart ment here pfobablv will not object to the rrf-ognltlo.il of the new govern ment In Haiti. There la doubt, however, to the , ability of Oreste's t'abltiet to get to gether! and laaua a call for the n .jaOTiAj; JuwBHit.ly. and It ia believed -many of theae officials already hava " niiiitnt n.rty"m' ntyttt. -The minister fit fnrln arYui-r turttxv uui rnnrlfi to have taken refuge mi board I fie "tjvrman merrhanl vessel Haritlnla. - '- - t.KTTI:KM ..IN TIMW'SH,' Nrv Garbage lteeepli-lia Mistaken rnrrM ait Worer-V ewterrtsTr- In making bin round yesterday. ,twl, lr,jamfcni)itbpn. tJii.wji that ware placed oh the at reel a few night ago. Haipltary Inspector ' . I. .Kherwond Fpchuroh found In one of J.J1A. cjuim ten letters thul were de- pulifo mere oy eooie laioirani pi -arm Who though! that the new parb e rereptarlee were mall iiosee plared oti the aireete by the "yern ment.':. ,3'be aatiltary lupwdUrfijHjtl. that he' did the eend'er the favor of depoeltlnt the lettere in their proper place. He remarked Incidentally, however, that thin wae an Indication of the neatnen -and tha aplendld appearnnce ......at the ra thai- he ve- een-pteed mt -the atreatr rtt th fit V! WdTHI fiT the cans have as yet been put out. liyt rthla will be don aa eoon hh poaatlifp. Ill all there are about fifty on hand, while only about half of these hava' .o .tar, baen.. placed. Mevllnir Vralrrrfay rVatuml hy Mo lniMrtant Matter. The meeting of the city coninila- aioner yeaterilay wnt -fewiured Uv my Imphrtant matter of business. The eiectitlve, or aecret seealon. closed at 1 : Sli p. rn.. and the public meetlnit waa opened Bl 1:40 p. m. The mln tee of the prevloim rneetlhf were .read and approved Several bills were received, after havlna been ap proved by. , Ihe, .various dtVpartmenl. and were ordered paid. A communication was received from Mr. H. K. Montague In regard to the rondemjilug of some of hi property for the widening of the atreet In that section of the city He wanted $27 fjjr eight feet on. h! fcot on Kast street, and 111,0 each fur trip of land off two other lot for Ihe widening of Kdenton mreet. Tha board refused to accept thin. Tha city attorney was directed to draw otrt ordinance compelling th merchant to sweep their atrecta in the evening before leaving for tha day, and especial emphasis is to he laid upon the Inconvenience caused bv the dumping of coal Into the lutee menis of the larger building in the OIIOM MrT t;l ll.TV. 4ulirird .liiry Clear Young Man. On Imrgc nf Aliandonnicnl. ClreenabiaroTrXah it The jury in ihe-cawe of Ive M. (dotn. characd wlfh alAndontnelil, late Wednesday n . I K M. .)?xf u M in. . jg, vrd c t -,t.at guilty. -The oaee occupied the ureaier part ..iil he tlnif of the-eotirt on Wed iieaila v.' afr ""-racaiv!! until after supper, niX-OKDmi lilt J 1.K.AKK Norfolk hoBtliern Acquire Itolllnit Mock K.qnlrmient. Klltabeth city. .Ian. 2P -A lese " Riven by the Norfolk Southern Kail road Company and amounting to Ia5b2l, I being recorded here., by ( Hegleler of I.ieeds .1, W Munden. Hy .JjThe teasejhe railroad will get slit pas senger coachiis. 160 flat cars. 10 boa Tar. nnl Wftooae cr. Mr. Mun den I the first reglslet of deeds in North Carolina to receive the papers for recording, the lease being u very lengthy one. and one which wlljl re quire considerable time for iM'orilio. INDIGESTION. GAS OR SICSOUR STOMACH Time It! "Pane's IllaiH-iielii" niakrw yoor uiwet, bloated stomach feel fine In Ave mlnut. "lleally doe" put bad atotnai h in fTrdar--"reHlly due" (iveri'rrm mttrr , desti.un. lyepia, gas. heartburn and sourness in five mlnuta hat just that makes Tape' Dtapepsln the largest selling, stomach regulator In tha world. If what you eat ferment Into stubborn lump, you belch gae ' .and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head ia ditty and ache: breath foul; tongue coatee;, your In aldea filled with hfh anndlgeetible -"Watt;-wqw in ufc-U.iHuBtail'aJJg-'a Iiappin" come In. contact with tf.e VWe.-eetpi an u.41iJHtoiwuaajaljifli well known and popular young stomach all such distress vanishes. It truly atonihlng--tlmot. mar. velou. and the J(y i u harmleaa lie, . - - r7 ' f-f A large fifty-cent ca- pf T'tpe'a Dtapepsln will riv you a, hundred dollar' worth of ra'tlsfactlon or your .druggist hand you your money back. . It worth It weight in gold no men and women who can't get their atoach regulated. It belongs Jn our . home ahould alway b kept handy in cam of a sick, aour, upaet etomach luring the day on at night. If a the iuickej(, aureat and moat hsrmleea ki.omiu;ri dotpr in ih wrlt. Says Rlieaalisn Yields To " The Great Kiiney Remedy t hsve been troubled- with rheuma tism for tha laat five yaara. Suffered with much pain In the limbs, back and feet, and my joints hava been badly swollen. Alao suffered from con. vtipallon. Beside havlag a regular physician, I had tried avery remedy without receiving the leael benefit un til t accidentally l"ame across a bottle of Or. Kilmer Swamp-Hoot., I b- ja-ta.tg-.jt,.jKi6r..tlKBg-mg wnuni hMlp Hie, fii'tt niiisiaclitioa I don wondera for me".JHavtaltn more than a doen .bottiea-and feel that-P. Jiaa been a flod.aend tn me. . 1 ecommendihg H t n W ttfcXalajualtitet. wa,i i the Vfrilltt today at Yours ve rvtmi 1 V; ,-tlowaJrd Street. .-.a.Uuli'uke..Jdaaa iru a nirion nn'i made oattihaf The" slaTemenrwii acrlbed by him la true, before me. . . ' V. J. HAHTNKTT. Justice of the Peace. . lHU-r tn Dr. Kilmer t o,. Itlugbamton, X . V. Hrme What eiwamp-IUx.t m l l-W Vou. fiend ten r-enla to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Tlinghamton N. V . for a sample site l4Ue - It-wtHl mvine-a ny flje oh will also recelv-e--boklet of vaTuETile lnformatloni tellliig about to4 kidney and bladder. When writing, be ure and mention the italeigh Iially News and Observer. Hegular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drugstore. THE1SEW YORK ARTJSTS DELIGHT RALEIGH PEOPLE One of lhe Host of All Concerts (ilven Here the Present Heason at St. Mary1! Iast Mghr. ,.t The cnttcerTTrhdered by the New Vnrh Artlat' Concert Company In s$t. Mary's Auditorium last night waa a delightful occasion for nil those present It was one of the, beat con certs Itnlelgh people have had the privilege of hearing thl' season, and It Is doubtful If any haa been so well received. Solo, byjh-yolce and pfihd, duet and quartet, ""'rendered' .from a Well aelerted program, were TJi'i-h1 leeched WfTTl pI'oTTnTi! a p-1 ptstwe and ein ores; ' 1 - -- The pari by Mts f'otnhs, soprano, and .Mis Hardle, - ontFa"lto,- MUs Kvans at the piano, and. the tenor by JM rf-4rri)fy-n(t tmRg-1i)r'MTr"aTaTtlTi' all deserve peclnl mention, but there' wa nu tiegt .to it; waa all food.' The" bow Tpy eacli rfiiSracter were" hot ufflcicnt to satisfy the- audience, trmtItlttli'tt'hTTr' students, nnd numbers of people from the Hty, nnd after .the "rendition of each selection encore after encore bers. . . , This was one of several if a series ul 4omects engaged by Peae and W Mary's this .season. Jl was rendered irtiy ' rea'f aTtiwta- from- a program '-f the best therp is In the musical line, and it was a rare pleasure for all those present. eHUDOl, Hl.U,UIfj UK,l)ICATm. North Wilkes boro Proplr Opm Hnnrf some yuartors for Schools. North Wllkeaburo, Jan. S. Tim bandsnine new graded school build ing Just completed by this city was formally opened here with appropriate Marat? fib" last MofUlay ' ffiftrfilnS; There weee n -nttmber nf - pmmttieTrt Rpenuer ror tne occasion, principal among thjae being Congressman K V. Webb. ' The npw building Is modern In eycjxj.cjBfj;ia.lld, acctniimotULlR fiiutj hundred pupils. It stands on an ele vation overlooking the wide, fertile valleys of the Yadkin river for many mile around, and presents one of the finest lundscnpe views to be had any where In this scfthin. The exercises of Ihe occasion were opened by a devotional service held In the big auditorium, which s packed to Its capacity with citizens who were proud of. what had been hc compllnhed here. Mr,...T,.., I',, fluley, chairman of Ihe schoal hoard.wpoke of -the wonderful progress of North Wllkesbo.ro. and this surrounding ter ritory, showing what had been done In the past few year in the way of advancement 'along educational lines. He said that the town was becoming famous' na business, religious, and eduratlnnnb center, and that the new school house would only tend to In crease the advantage that could be offered. Congressman Webb alluded to lr Cahlii II Vlle. as the founder of the pindio ai l I sjstern, ami puid a tribute to. Ihe committee which had had In charge, the matter of the erec tion of this building The real theme of his address was the power of edu cation In maklnx men ami women. There were several other speakers fur the jiccaaiMfi, which., wilt long, be remembered hy those Who were pres ent! at th exerciser . CH-VJiUKli-lTJi SAME. Willi' Piirptise of ftrondenlug Its Kiim The Cuinbortnnd Agrlciil- (tiral KiH-lety Hceomii'S iCaiie J-jrar. J air Axeix latlon. SII t T1i Nr ni otrTf T Kayetteville. .Ian. 21.- Willi th purpose of broadening its scope and extending Its sphere of usefulness, the Cumberland County Agricultural Ho clety, by an .ad of its board of di rectors, has changed lis name to the 'ape Kear h'aiN Association, while at tlie same time tne directorate - was enlarged to -Include members from six count lea instead of one. Caiie IVar Fair. The Cape Kear Kair 'Will be uiade a fair for the count)' of I umber land, Hoke, tfrtieaott7 pdaden, Ksnvti son, Harnett, and Moore Cumber land and these sn surrounding conn ties are exceedingly rich in natural asaets and are experiencing aa much as any the spirit of awakening which has touched the whole State, and It Is the aim of the directors to make the Cape Fear Fair second . only to the Btate Fair In North .Carolina, The ncwlv elected directors include Messrs. .1. Worthy Johnson. Haeford. Hoke county. J i. Williams. Ked Sprlimn, Itnhesnn county; .!. llayard Clark, KlUabethtown. Itladen county, Dr. - fTisca mlerwnod, pialenibiirg, 8anii- son county; Mcl. HnlTlday. Dunn. Harnett county; and Fred Page, Ab erdeen, Moore county. MclM)XAI.l)-U(M;l;nS Popular Young Katelgtt Couple Mamea Miss Ethel Agnes Roger and Mr. William B. McDonald, two of Wsl- petTufT'Vi-ere day at 13 o'clmk at the home of the bride, 21S South West atreet, -only a few-intimate friend and relatives witnessing th ceremony. The ceremony, waa performed by Rev. Milton A. Barber, rector of cnirnt cnurcn, i and . immediately afterward .Mr. arid "Mr. "Mcponald left for the eastern part of the tHale. T,W bride 1 an attractive young lady and waa popular with the young people of the city.. Mr McDonald 1 tha eon of Mr. and Mr. C. V.. Mc Donald and la a trareling salesman for. th American Tobay-"c Company witn fortn Carolina aa hi territory. I SL Twelve Years For Gaston Co. Man Who Kilted Seventeen- Ypar-niflMqrQa. isse-ti iu rtiw Jims sntf jiMm i CharloU. Jam . Qullty of man- last on la. juttnt nimort p. Melton.' a l; white man, who has been oh trial fdr nn1 nrt! fftr1 Kiiiinr-Tiewirtewiint gi ber II fat. Judge Adam lfe'trtenced Melton to twelve years ImprMonmVnt at ha,rd labor In ' the State- Prison, and an appeal waa takfn.r Strenuous Is-gal llattU. lAiectal te Til Nfw M'l ummr t tiastontar Jan. I- The conviction of Gilbert P. Melton for manslaughter brought to a close the most atrenuous nnd brilliant legal battle witnessed In tinstcm for yea nrlht Hfrcrnoon. over the life of Melton, on trll for murder In first degree The ttate was rep resented by Siilirttnr fleimre W- Wil son, H. 3. Durham, of Oustoi.ia, and t. Max liardner. of Shelby, while A. fi. Mangume, 1 A 'K Wolt, of tlastonta, and Judge Frank I. Osborne, of Char lotte, conducted the defense First In (iaaton'a IIMory. Kacli member of counsel made ar guinent of .force and poweT. these attracting great attention, and Solici tor Wilson closed for the State In what was probably the greatest ar gument of his life. Thl. was 'prob ably the first, time In the history of this' county and one of the few In stances In the (history of the State Where a white man haa been tried for murder In the first degree for slaving a negro. 1,1 Pit FU M I $t. It COTF.8T. Debate will Ite Held Tn Meet Ital- dgJkJllKll The Raleigh High School is a mem- hei uf mrMtfttw-trtgh scrmtTrrrtamig l-m aoJ -wUt. b iiJut of Ihe. lagiLi:iit contenders for honors nf the debuting cimlesi tn be. Jield Jhia xpmig .l r.dav evening a contest will be bi'ld m the. hiKh srb'iol auditorium in select the teftms that will re. resent Malelgh. The contestants are Kdward Adams " T,ef er" 8e!lgs,,:i; " Tferman Htenhenson. Haymond Maxwell. -Wiley TweTfrs'nu'irirw iiiimsAir: 'nrnYMS2:. on experience in 'debating and the copies! Is expected to bo -very inter- rrr 1 UFA. T. . VtM)l 1FI Was tine of the lu-si Known IVaptli Mlnpiier 4f the Ware. Ilev T 1. Wood, 'one -of th ebe?t known Ua'iitlsl ministers In th State, died -yesterday morning after sc -eral manths' Illness, at the home of his daughter. Mrs Fals-'O. in Win Inn. N. C He waR pastor of Spring Hill Ha'pfTst rlii iTi'-TC'T h " tmtt:nd-Mrv ty The funerul will take place this afternoon and will be conducted, by Hey Livingston Johnson, of his city. Spring Hill lluplist church In the home .clmr3r til.i'rJs)'!1!!, aj."l. b ".' . iTSriii flieml or tne oeceaseo mm- haif Mr. "Wood i wa S J years of age and la survived by his wife and two daughters, the1 latter being Mr. Futso.h and Mian Mary Wood. hunt, of Mill Caught Negro Asleep While On Duty. He . Hefiieed to U-ne ami Negro Jih Mullen Was Hhol Twice, Nut bead: Kllabelh City, .lah '.'. Harm l-Iason. night watehnifin at the" Kllza beth City (ill und Fertilizer Com pany's plant was assaulted last night bv a discharged negro employe named Joe Mullen and bad to shoot him In nc!f defense. The superintendent of the mill had nuuht the netr,, asleep while on duty and had rtisi hnrgrd htbi but tile negro refused to leave The night wniihinao v,is iisked to drive him off Ihe premises and the neern S.et upon -httn ivith a stout club beat lug hlm"oyer the head. Mr. Kason shot him twice, inflicting to stighl flesh Wounds. Dr. (1. A. oggewliall. iSrti) !,t 1 f r,,l OMntrr t I cjlnro. .Ill tl. - V Ml I , . I oil 14 hall died this morning at I I o'clock. 11 left a widow, one daughter. Mrs .1 A. Nile, and two grandchildren He- wmh- -a - -dVvoet-i-- -toe-m1er- rf - -the Itoman i 'at Indie chun h The funeral will be ni bis home tomorrow afternoon ai half past .1:00 nfrinrk and the burial ias in Ktm wnod cemetery tie wits a remark ably popular man in ibis commti nily "and u nioai useful one, who will tir-n'tth mtsFrt"ry--.rfiwtn frtftrw - M-.V li.MI 1 ..-AS S I V FltA HV Cap4tl F'wafmtHnent i W lit Have Smoker. The Cwpital.Km'HOiiuiii'iit, (k. I. IV ii. K., w il observe the seventh anniversary of the institution at t o'clo, k ttila evetitnu with a smoket in the dd Fellows' hull Mai W II Overton. Past tirand Masier. o( the Angler Uncainpment. o. l!r ham. will be the "jprtneipal sipeaker. He will he accompaiilcd to the dty by, several chevaliers, who will ap pear In full dresR 4wi,lfot ni of the Patriarch Militant? AU- odd Fel lows are Invited. Recovered from Lunjj Trouble Now Insured lluoirtui.-e conimitir utli hn :i,,ti uiv one sIT.sted Kith .unit Tnoilde. iV.nli y,u kanu t innn who Jims l,t-e,i tiM'.ti'tl ;llltt ivlio Inter hs been ii'i-oir, I; vu, h ,,. tl',i 'uieniis that t he poll, ) li.,.cr must te III very It.ioil stnte of lleiillll il hsve lieeil ,re,flrted when l-.'ini SiiRenr lifter Isklna K, Vmn' Aiterstlre. n u-n, e,H- fer Thront stot l,iuui Tnoihles. hsve successfully passed Tne medtcnl test of in 'sumllfe collli'tllltes Iten.l ll-ts civ4-: Sly. Ite.ni St., !r., k n. Y 'tteritlenien : About n vear mid n Imlf ng" I notb'ed that my lienltli was rrdlj falling 1 ws tretthled nltli nliilit sneats, wver eoitgh and wns very weak "having. In fad, ti,dtitlj iu ninbltloir whaierer. About this time- I consulted physbisn, ih tohl ine niv lungs wen- affected ',t nallstleit I went ! snottier ths-ter. srt),i. after examining me. mid thst 1- s ( ttie (Trst stsces of l,un Truhle At this point I started to take Kekman's Alters tire The night sweats srepped shtiost Iniuieillsleiy, iiiy eiiiigh heisine l.mser aill aai.Ut4Jj;i.U.lJlil.!tliri:,L tUtj it! , ulids and n i nlit sfcltin Ims ,,r,, tiimni-eil me perfectly, noiind- ahhrh. to gelttsr nllli the fact thst I tmseHust been' accented' hr two different Insunin.v Paia- psnies for Insurance, makes me siire of my entire renowry ' he man Alter ' ' ' ' v (Affldavlt.T. ty", .15- liB "(Ahor Rhhrevlateil ; more en reviuest 1 Frf-kuim's Alterhttve' lias been nrcrei, , my yers' tesito be most efficacious Ir severe t tiMut sml l.uag Affecilubs, bronchitis, Itrnnehlsl AstUm. Htutihora Cohls and In uuhulhllrig (he, system. Con tains? an iiarceil, , nnlsons or liahlt forai Ing drags. Hold by lending druggist X'sil Inn r,lH,in I h,al., t11t, TIT. T.if hoOKIe? MWug i reiTrk-i sua saaiuvaat cviaini,, MELTON VERDIG IS MAN mm " COMES BACK AGAIN Former Heavyweight Cham pion Displayed MucTof Hist Gjeneralshlpz: By tlsl AssorUMI. Ptsss. I WTOajmrfTrlHismC';S. Rhli . : 1 . . A. champi..i? flidplayed much of ma old- I Tmn-.rfTFhTaaTtn' Kmivknut" Sweeney, of Cleveland, It waa his ft rat contest Since he re tired from the ring and pugilistic ex perts declared he had "come back" Fil&dmmon' blow were powerful nd while Sweeney remained lit the ring for the limit he repeatedly was knocked down and took the count of nine. i FOR A, & M. TEAM Baseball Schedule For 1914 Season Is Announced .By Manager Austin. , According to the acheduU- just an nounced, A and M. bafeball team will hae one of the strongest array of Visiting team of aay college team In the State. Twenty-four game have been nrranged and 17 of them will be dned at home. Four teams will be played on the. Northern trip. Includ ing Washington and le. Ceorgetown, Catholic Inlvereity and 1ehigh. There is one open date during) th Northern trip and Manager Auatln 1 hoping to arrange another game. .Coach Anderson has arrived In th city and will begin active work with hill bl!- " "P I," cmpn ifniKa.m fnrJ with last year pin vera, , ' Th wneaui given nut i? Mana4f H o Austin Is aa follows: ' March 16. Trinity t'ark ar TJalcIgh. ' March 20 Klft J.'n'Jegea.t Halelgh, Man h 2lTWeat VTrginlii" Weiieyan College at .Raleigh. at Itu lelgh I UaxeiLjUL. Ambe.isl l j:.ut,iie..i L.Ilal', iiuh eigh April 4 Wake Forest- College at ' April t tluilford CoiTei"at.Tfreen born April 10. Da Vinson nttrg at nal- Aprir i i . i nun on, ii hi i - in on in, April 13 Wake Forest College at Kalclgh (Faster Mondavi." . April 17 I nlversitv nf Weal Vlr glnla'ia't Kalelgh. April 18. Waafeington and La Ual verslty t Raleigh - April 23.1'endtnn April 21 WasHirigtvin and Ijee lJnl vemMy at Ijexlngton. Va April 22. Heorgetown Fnlveralty III Washlfigtffn. D. .(.' ... ,PM1 Ca.thoHe . 'jhjcrlty at Washington; T: April 2-1. 1-ehlgh Uoiversily at South ilethiehem. l a ' ; . April ?5. Djierf April ! tluilford Oollrg at Ral eigh. TVfTSI l" Tliilelgh. , Ma 1 Cln.heraity of c.eorgia.at Kalelgh '. May -I 1 hiveraity of fruit h Caro lina at Italeifch. May Wake Forest t"ollege al Wake Korest FINII CtlMMISSKIKCR J. II. N-lloj Is Plnrming An F.ilin-a-ih.iuii, nmpaiirn In Mstem Mortli ( urollnu; I'rolii lion of Small Fish. Fllzabeth Cltv. Jan. JIH. Stnte Fish Cuiiniibsloner .1 II. Is-ltov la plan ning an educational campaian among ihe tlahrrmec, of Kastern North Caro lljn( ( i list rut I Vhetu us to the neces sity of piotectmit Ihe small fish In Hie sounds and rivers to conserve the Industry which lias been greatly Im paired ilurliiK Ihe past few yeam hy the wholesale destruction of small edible fth Ml iioX illlriWdd to i4s,s lllf peoplo the iiafol waste that is now KniiiK mi i' calcium the smalt mul lets anil other varieties of fish fit for food. - y "Hull Jut :..rrHLjUuilU Solhhut." Tboiinatids of small mullets. ierch and such hsh arc belnt caught by caieless ami t houi: lit less fisheriocn tn Kitf'rry7Jvorth Carolina and uto- im Imj placed on the local market. There is i o demand for these small fish and thc "sell for pr-tically nothing. If tvewe- - fes-h- -w-ie- - ip-reF -for--aH her seHson the'y woibl be large enough the tisbermeu and I lie people at large. bit I.e'Hov also xr-.'l'i'j'J'J' L". eejir the cn.-u-i-ment of itrlligent ffsTi Taws ri-gulMtlng the catch of small fish and the educational campaign and the laws working together will restore ITfe liiil usjt r" in this Slate to Its former greatness.- PI lit HASF.tl RTOI.F.X PHOPK.HTV ,Tlierelnr Morgan l Formally He I iiolxl to Hot urn Will nf Mrs. I Martlia Wasblnjfton. I Richmond. Va.. Jn The House of Delegates late today passed the Senate bill reijuiring Ihe UoYer nur to make formal request of .1 P. Mortfab. of New Vork, to return to the recorder of Fairfax county the yv i 1.1 of Mrs. Martha Washington, stolen from Fairfax court house in thl' war aiuLnow by purchase tn Mr. Morgan's private . museum. Provision is made In the measure for leant -u'""ii ahould Mr, Morgan refuse. Comitrrfellers Arrested. Marietta Okla.. Jan. "9,--Four, '' '"mi p' i"red cimiil- J lerfeiters today were arrested and moulds ami silver ooiu declared .-to be miriiu were aeiied when Sheriff Cn h ran a nd i oase raided a cave on the banks of lied River near Marietta Movement of Caracas.: Port of Spain Trinidad. Jan. -Humors current In Caracas tha X (sen, Cipriano , Castro. ea-President of ff-rn-TrTnlllarjrfe unfounded. Advloea received in th Veneaulan cohmy here - are to th effect that the former dictator recent ly sailed from an Kurupean lKrt for Porto Rico, via ?8w Torkj ttrtjoln h' -familyi . i, . ".;-::..', .. W. I. Antler(gii tirt-nslior i. Jan. i.-i-W. I. Ander son, at well known produce' dealer, died, af tW. lo Iloepltal tonight at 1:80 ocloek. following an operation for appendicitis, lie waa a- native of JtetdssrtHe-aTvd' lir atirrtved by- a wife and on child. DAM LIQUOR FROM NORTH CAROLINA Anti-Saloon League Commit' - te Passes Ringing Tern- :eJsesolutton- Believes Virginian Has rOTore Right -To-Sell Liquor Here . I lldll HUIlll VtUAIIIIIIdll Wee ting -Last Might r Prohibition that prohibits the prq hlbltlonlsts and everybody elae I writ Into tihe reWdutlona paaaed by the executive corhmittee of the North Car olina Antl-Haloon League at it meet ing last night In the office of the su perintendent, rtev. R. L. Davis. By a vote" of eleven to four, of which three proxies were on either lde. the committee put Itself tquarely upon record as favoring the protec tion - uf prohibition for 'every man. woman and child, Eight member of th mmmittee wpre present and (even caat vote for the antl-ahlpplng law for North Carolina and one against the law. Editor Archibald Johnson, of Char-, Ity and Children, presided. One of the sanest prohibitionist and never willing to . follow radical 'leadership, he went heartily Into the spirit of the meeting and caat a ballot for the proposed law to prevent shipment of whiskey into Noj-th Carolina elcept under conditions" of the most rigid supervision. The resolutions framed- proceed with the greatest - cleverness. Thy open with something of axiomatic truth. They do not believe a Vir ginian has any more right to sell1, li quor In Virginia than a North Caro linian has. a pointer for those who have administered a knock to Vir ginians for their selfishness In otpos toR.JusC faeJgbXteatea ln...Kortb:.Cro... Una. "The daring; oL.the .juilhOJLWlll cause RaTclgfif folks to, throw up their hs.t,.,..VlrBlniSn8. wpnX adroit uV.but CaroWna ran prove H The Resolutions The resolutions, read finely. They ara-amorm-the best literature that the Anti-Saloon League has offered. They meat the woret "ttack ever made trrmn--TrmhtbhtowWhen-"T and seizure act was up last year Wreas-mWrMWteMilt" aten into tne measure nerore tne vote ja 1kiwi -I Im hcelet sftmenmaoia, In which they called for punishment to every man who cave llnuor to hi i ne oriKiitness oi ne apeecnes cme near leading good men away, and It took wise men In put them ftra-tght- again,-. tTlus.jtinU-jirohtWttsnv Ists have almost Invariably opposed whiskey legislation on the ground that It doe not go far enough, that It does not stop shipments here, that It doe nut diminish Rate shipment or consumption. The following resolu tions talk differently: Whereas, we believe that a Vir- am4tt. he no- mora .right to ..jell llquiir In North Carolina than a North CiiTolinlan. and that It will help the 8tate-wlde iiruhihltlon fight In Vir ginia to jiruhihll .Jalea in .thla Hlate by Virginians, and, Whereas, we behave tha It I the duty of ihe Htate to act aa a guardian for the children And mother of th Htate and for the generation to come, and that under this guardianship the iS:ntiRTnr tor jaiTtu utmogrTo tep fathers from drinking; and, ' Whereas, the Baptist Htate Conven tion, the Conference of the Methodist Fplscopal Church, Houth. and other churcbe in the Ktate have memorial ized the (leneral Assembly of 1915 to pa an act prohibiting the delivery of liquor within the Plate; and. Whereas, the report coming to us from the eight countle where uch prohibitory laws now operate are that the law Is a sucoess. and. Whereas, evidence cornea to ua tu show, that Ihe blind tigers and liquor driiikier have joined hands to destroy the e.ftertiveneaa of the search and seixure law; and. Whereas, there Is a great demand from all over the State for this legl legislatlon; now. therefore, be It Resolved by the Pixecutlve Com mittee of the Antl-Haloon League, that we, In harmony with the action of the churches above referred to, declare ouraelvea in favor of the pas sage of an act by the next General Assembly to prohibit the delivery of litmr Into our State for beverage purposes; that we request J the cltl ejpi.t Up Htate in every Voting pre cinct to call upon their candidate fur the (ieneral Assembly to declare themselves on this question, and We ougg-lh&.Christian -vuiera to see to lt-L that such members of the General Assembly are elected as will tand for this measure Unsolved, second., thai wa 'Inrtmot- our supci intcnileiit to so organize the Hi3JM05Sry;,ihl campaign into all the conntUia . tm'-Uluit J'p, ahull lm 1 assured of the passage of thl meaa- fife ny the iiexT tVeneraT Asfletnniy. Resolved, third, that We endorse the action of the centra! committee taken ml December Si, 1913, calling for a fiiml of 1 1 r rtiVli 'per year for the next Ave years to carry on our prohibition work. 1 , 1. MAHSEY. ., W. F, SHAVCT . Ileartcmal by MIsxlHaippl. The committee waa heartened by a message from Mississippi. It bore Ihe news that the Mississippi anti shipping act had passed the House 1 Kidney Healthl-J Not enough attention la paid to the kidney. They are the to wl Important organs of the body, fllterers and deprlvators of the poisons, if they do not eliminate, will prove rapidlv fa- r lal. 'Warner Safe Kidney - and Liver Remedy- lies aiktie mor In nrsvini ari -V mi trouble than any other medicine. It ha a toothing and restoring action on the kidney and liver- that brings almost iniemdiate relief. Thousand have testified to complete' resto ration of healthy kidney action bv the use of Warner' Safe Kidney and tJver Remedy, for 4Mt tit ata,n4atd4aU.dl- erteMf-nr the kidney and liver, and It Jt the medicine Ui.. need. i """'" I KMs tmt ls Raaely s-RftVSII StSltSf MUMa ! eAtispt Mm . MsrslM rgie, (CMHtkMilM few r amm 4, BIUSSMMSSI Wrtta fst a frs iaaiDlt ttruia Sit num4f , if llNlrsd t wvssr-1 aafs UsaMiM ee. SMSSS Sf i H( irii j.i i. .jgrnsriri IS1G ILs, ouccessors to rpROSENGARTENXO 21 4 Fayetteville St. " agi sjsii sai i n . aa mwmti WIj TIaWt Time To VffftTAn Ad TOO BUSY SELLING GOODST Clothing, Shoes, Hats And Gents Furnishing Goods , 1 Everything Must Be Sold In . The Next Few Days Come and Hear the Prices Talk Clean Sweep Sale NovIirFuII Force 2 1 4 Fayetteville Street li.,..VjV' r 92 ta 2 and that It had paed the ienate Cotnmlttee. The Mlnatasippl law doea not pre vent shipment entirely. It recognln es whiskey medicinally and provide fo r atidn- htpmetits-birt-H against the general commerce and the receipt for deliveries of whiakey without safeguards. It require a recorda tion fee of 25 cents. Heslde this long distance cheer, the committee had messages from many communities t North-Carolina which have outlawed whUUey and prevented its delivery. There are eight coun ties in which booae has lost it soclaj standing and from these came un' mlxedly fine reports of good done, tine of these waa a letter from Mayor Kred N. Tate, who told how It had worked in High Tolnt. President .1. A. Hartne. of the Antl-Haloon league wrote a etrong letter advocating propoaed law. He said: "Iet the battle cry be "We will not cease flghllnr until every foreign whlkey houa is forbidden to nullify the prohibitory law of the State In defiance of stheXfirlRtlan temperance people. "There wasn't anything wrong about this. The foreign house have been pretending all the1 while that they want lo quit when people quit drinking. jUovernoii ylenn also wrote a strniyr letter in which' he advocated some way of stopping the shipment of liquor Into this territory and seven others took the same view. I'art f I'ublto leaguo. Bv last night's meeting the North Carolina division became a member of the bg league, to.. speak In base ball terms.- It jl'tsed the new Con stitution rqcetitly adopted, in Colutii- tiu, uuin, anu J. a. iiaruieaa, atciu bald .lohnBon and K. L. Uavi were. ejected. Japrnbers thf bordjDl..fli rectors'. The meeting waajenthiisias tic and harmonlotiin and Mr. Davis declared taiat night that 1914 will be a big year with It General Assembly for 1915 elected In. sympathy with this grest movement. The folowlng members were here In person or by proxy: .. J. A.. Hartness, J. E. I'nderwood, .1. T. Ormond. W, T. SHaw, Rev. L Johnson, Rev. Might C Moore, Clar ence roe, J. A. Gates, Archibald Johnson, H. A. London. N. L. Eure, H. M. Blatr. J. U. Atkinson, Herlat Olarkson. mixinmst hamrri pt. Durham Ilualnea Man Pile Voluntary Petltlnn tn Cnnrt. W. A. Hillings, a business man of Purhani, through his attorney, V. U Koushee. yesterday flled - petition In voluntary bankruptcy. ' The papers Were presented at the-wfflee of Clerk A. Ii.- Blow, of the federa.1 court, and were promptly entered upon the reoords. The liabilities are 14,228. 01, while tha assets are 13,468.52. t At Ixinla- trfiuighurg. Jah. 29 The wide spread "go to- church movement" ha. trucg ixiuisnurg. and the pastor of the, variou churche of theTlty are urging their regular and irregular to be on hand nent .Sunday, Febru ary 1. The unique experiment of having air the- member - present fct ai4UagJiLito!'gt,?Uea trial,, et" Pnel Company. '-jrjrwwt! bail hTjlJThuW'ti Movement" - feUfg. San E ranciaco, Jn. 2,"lurm'g In w HOT .8PK1KC.8 LIVER BL'TTOVa tl,. cae M tha Wtrn rel Companyffrfc-rhe world'a greatest heakb today visited the company wharve on the water front to see -for them selves the disposition of pocket and track, and to observe fiow coal 1 discharged a'nd loaded. The government eeka to" -prove that offlcera and employee of the company wra guilty of a criminal conspiracy to glv short weights and pajf less Custom due than the true weight called for. TY- SHOP SHEKMA AXTI-TUthT t.W. Testimony Tending U hlmw That the Ameriin Rugar Reflnlns; Company Ui'H. 1 "',lot " HtrUl l oro hIIv" hi Sugar Industry; Intro ntHTd at Unvenunent Hearing-. (Br Uw Aurliul n I Xew York. Jan. 29 Further testl mony tending to show that the Ameri can Sugar Uemvlng fftmpany. rtetPfid ant In federal dissolution proceedings under the Sherman anti-trust law Is not lit a position to restrlct"competi tlon In the sugar Industry today was .Introduced at the continued hearings In the government's suit. Wholesale grocem nf Syracuse Rochester, and f "tic. New York, tes tified that the price alone determined at which refineries they hought Robert 8. Wallace, of this citv. testi' fled he had been Informed that Japan had bought 1 SO.OOn. tuns of Cuban sugar, entering thin -market for -th first time. The witness t bought thli might affect the prire of the staple. -"-U-XXARI WIM, sijm. fine fMher Rip IsMguer Who Failed to Help I literals , r)IWCOfT COMPANY. Fresno. Jan. 29.--pitcher Leonard or the Boston Americans, today tele graphed Manager Carrlgan that he would Hlgn his 1914 contract n.s soon as It arrived. Leonard, it is said turned down an offer from the Fed- era-veguF.- He -Kiit been holding ut Tor an Increase In salary. .: J.H N FY IN t LKVKI,!M. Player Whom Federals Are. Altar K. IHH-tetl to Sign With ilgn With Napa. LHL4JSIV!. I Pram I ' Cleieland, .. Jan. 29 Jack Gta ney, left fielder of the Cleveland Americans, with whom the Federals have been dickering, came to Cleve land and was expected to sign ihl Nap contract. Manager Joe Bir mingham has come here from Elmlr N- Y . to try to round up the rest of his unsigned player before the Fed. erala get them. Skin Won't Do Undog Your SluggUh liver-. P"T8 0ut AU I"Priti With LUt e Chocolalt Coated Hot Spring Livar Buttons. You are entitled to n.rr.i - plextori free from tiimnl. a TiTotehe. Touhg Udy. , Rrlght eye. k tfl'S T '?na """"" 1,rwih your ' birthright; don't let any one keep them from you. Get a box of HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS, the little wonder worker to.nlght. Take one. each night for a week, then notice the kin begin to : cle"r UP nd the blemlfhea disappear - ...LttoBBK. thartic and other temporary remedies and atari to put your liver, stomach Lh,; " fMl art are what you need to- overcome conattpatlon, to- purify the blood" and to do away foraver with eickhead ache. nnroune, tack of ambition depondny and malaria. All druggists sell them at 25 cents a box and If they aren't Just the beet bowel regulator you ever knew of mofjey, back. Free sample from Hot Spring Chemical Co Hoi Spring t Girls! That Pimnlv - -. i f ji ii a A '.. V 1