The Weather For North Carolina: Rain Saturday, followed by clear liic; Mimlay fair ami colder. " llighrwt temimtai lowest, 40; precipitation, .73. crtr NORTH CAROLINA GREATEST, DA 11) tyOL XCIX, N0. 24. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1914. PRICE:FIVECENi PROSPECTS FINE YOUNG LAWYER THE POSSIBILITY OF BUILDER AND BACKER OF GIANT SEGT'Y REDFIELD HEADS COUNTRYV AEROPLANE FOR TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT; r - ' v BIGGEST BUREAU OF DETECTIVES U. S, NAVAL EXPERT WHO WILL PILOT CRAFT IEI -4 VI On Mauer l federal Hecjula- TioirStodc Exchange l 4-rirm at llnivcrsityiJ..C. . . asa. jejes) iE i ? . V OS I1 sV-Hh rrmtwrs: . t-a a-w-s rtfBiiiii i -f m J, jfiate Experts Think The New 1 ' Freight Rates Will Be Sane tioned By Commission hlO DISREGARD THE LONG ' . AND SHORT HAUL CLAUSE Itipon This Point Rests Whble Agreement-Between State and Railroads as To Lower Rates From Cincinnati and ir.r: i.i p !t n i! neignDonng romis io ronn - Carolina Points--Complaint From Tennessee a Stumb ling Block Removed Posi tion of Virginia Cities Absurd North Carolinians Confi dent of Favorable Decision. (By W. E. 1TXVERTOX.) Washington, Feb. . -The North t'arollua rate experts who beard the arguments before the Interstate Com merce Commission In behalf of the new rate reductions in the State afe elated tonight. They beileve the pro test of Virginia cities availed, abso lutely nothing with the commission, nd that the Tr Hef-Will wtnliasKis flown. '4.'.C" " " Thejoit involved in the argument today was simplicity itself and seem- It reals the whole agreement between -North Carolina and the railroads. The "Southern-Railway In a. petition .has .Mhed ; j luit jpermlsslon be given ' St' to disregard 'the' Jong" "and' Mib'rt- haul clause of the fourth section- so Find neighboring points to North Caro lina points than it does to Knoxville and other points In Tennessee and in Kentucky. The commission passes on UlsYn '.- average -a doiii of these, fourth action orders a day, bat few on 'which the whole freight fabric of a Mtut a .xjud.M mm.. In. ..thia, mm ...... Position of ttss Houtliera. The Southern. In order to compete with the other railroads on traffic from Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and all otherpqlnts west Into North t'arollna, was cbropeTleo' to cut Its .rate on the us straight through from Ashevllle to Goldaboro. Otherwise II the freight busteea and rorofc6uTJ-wrfF"aj these western points would have gone through the Virginia cities on the Xeaboard, Norfolk' and Western, Nor folk Southern and Atlntlc Coast Line. But the Southern could not reduce its rates in Tennessee and Kentucky without doing the entire business at a Ions. Therefore, under the agree ment, the rates to North Carolina through Tennessee and Keutucky will be much, lower than the rates to points in Tennessee and Kentucky, a clear violation of the fourth section. Virginia Cities Position Absnrd If this discrimination Is allowed by the commlsxion then all the lower rates from east, west and. north go into effect, If it is not allowed, the whole argument. falls flat. The South rn will not agree and that ends the hole proposition. This rate is of jnlnor Importance to the State In it self, but linked with the others It Is the foundation stone of the entire etructure, The position of the Vlr gin la itios was no .absurd as to be laughable. They were $rced into tb.e ttltu)H of opposing a decrease In rates to North Carolina .which did not affect them in the slightest. The only people who had causa, to kick were 'the people of Tennessee and Ken tucky. Their rates are higher than those ip North Carolina. Virginia baa Jnst as advantageous rates. But in taking ftp the cudgels for Ten nessee and Kentucky, neither of which States are making more than 44vry mildest protest,- they hoped o cereal orner rate aecreases into A.oriri larouns wnictt wm yui lire 'iar .lie ti atate on. a more equal foot tng. not an equal one, with themselves. Virginia Attorney "Flabbergasted." The attitude of the Commission can be. explained by the following ques tion propounded sharply during the argument Dy unairman Liar to At' torney James, arguing, for the Vlr ginta cities: "Mr. James, who will it benefit if we deny this petitloVi?" Mn James was flabbergasted. He asked Chair man Clark to repeat the question, which Judge Clark did, even more sharply. Then James hummed and hawed on the ground that he did not . extctly understand the question. Then he had the Stenographer read it afaln. Finally he admitted that de nlal of the petition would not benefit anybody, .ortli Carolina's Strong Arguments. North Carolina's arguments were presented by Chairman Travis, of the Htat Commission, Attorney-General BtcVett and Walton Moore, of the Southern Railway. All made strong. convincing arguments. They explained how (the whole agreement rested on this fourth sec (ion order, explained that the South voluntarily aeatrea to tower me rate, - thfaL the road did not Intend to raise the rate in Tennessee and Kentucky, the only territory affected In any, way and that there Is no competition be Iween North Carolina and Tennes see and Kentucky 'towns for trade. X'lewr Work B Travis, A vital and Interesting point in the rase was tne position 01 unexvuie, ' Tenn. This town will be forced un der the agreement to submit to ahtgh r er rate on freight from Cincinnati to ; Knoxville than Goldaboro will pay from Cincinnati to Ooldsboro, al though'Goldsboro's freight will be carried more than 109 miles, through Knoxville and beyond. Knoxville . kick would .have been justified, but Chairman Travis by a clever piece of work 'Stopped that He wired Charles Kimmick. the Knoxville represent- 4 Ives to meet him here In advance f the heatring. Then he helped Kim mick to secure from the Southern 1' A ' 3 .1 Hubert Ktibiu. li liiix bt-eu esatouat district attorney tbrouKbout tne Whitman atlniiuiMmtiun, has been appointed depsty tolli-ci coninifiuilouer aud chief of the New ork detedlve bureau, imwuiut uesrge rnnav itnDdrritat cssos and ntared a trtd Ing role io the roiwcntin and uiT.'tioB of LlruU'Biut Cbsrbv tlecknr and I be four nuuien now in the dento house at ebia ing fur the murder of llrriusu RowDthsl S10"'" j'"- J"w,ll.,.,.r . broke up slllanuea betooru the polke asd crimluala, Rubin, lis entabUshed a repots tion a orom-exanitiier and a daUtraiUMHi prober, and the mnropontaa crooks wtli fljid him ritfflrult to derlr. He. re&rw- ented the dlwrlrt ahoiney's nBVe-at -tie aemloti or tae ( orrau ipresttgatuig w mittee, which probed pulk-e affairs aad oade many Important rwoinuwadaUoaa. kudiu la oniy tniny-one year oia ana hesil the nt lailwrtant aud th biKSn detective bureau In the limited fftatea. lf na cradnatiHl from Syracuse I ulrTlij la ISM. from Its law i.h.l Is lle, and ft lirenrlltrB TBTe IBfl one kair yesra In the law offices or uurnuinoer. Miller and roller, went with Mr. Whitman. Foe er agu, he inauiad . a .daugliter.. of Co parttnent ef-itrtHc tffp- - J slightly lower rate to Knoxville, thus Stopping Knoxville s complaint. YirjrfiiIrrJrit HMT TetHK The Virginia cities were counting hMivflv rtti KnTvlllA line VnnnHlU But when Knoxville did not appear and kick, the Virginia lawyer asked Mr. Travis where Klmmlck was. Mr. Travis told him he thought Kimmick was securing lower freight rates at the offices of the Southern Hallway at that very moment. The Virginia at torney could do nothing but grit his teeth. The Knoxville man appeared later, but said nothing. Forester Not Wholly On tUtlicx Side. Kach side was allowed an hour, an extension from the original grant and the hour of beginning was changed to o clock. J. C. Forrester, acting for the Just Freight Kate Association, the Cham hers of Commerce of Greens boro, Kocky Mount, and Wilson, was given fifteen minutes additional as he explained that he was not wholly eg either side of the question. He ar gued. In part, against the petition, holding that the fourth section should not be violated. Part of his argu ment was for the petition, however; In ff t, the majtir jturtmn ofJ.t;. North Carolinians Are Confident The North Carolinians are confident of a favorable decision in a few days. Once this order is settled, the whole rate agreement' can be put Into ef fest, as this Is the oiily point which comes under the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission. If this petition is approved it vtll mean that all the rtUes will be sanctioned by the Interstate Commerce) Commis sion Attending the hearing today besides those whQ.spolte were Corporation Commissioner Lee: A- J Maxwell, Clerk to. the North Carolina. Commia- slon, . liranam, winston-saiem: and Hubert Rarri.iiiur7Blate Organiser of the Just Freight Rate Association. The Virginians were as fully repre sented THE DAY IN CONGRESS SENATE; Hearings on Trust bills before In- erstate Commerce Committee. Representatives of the New Tork Stock Exchange were heard before the Banking Committee on the Owen bill. Passed a bill to extend the la marking graves . of Confederate sol dlers in Northern State. Adjourned 6. BO p. m, to noon Sat urday. liOUbE: Discussed private bills. Commerce Committee heard nier chants on the Administration trul Dins. District Day1 postponed from next Monday to Thursday 'on account of the funeral of Representative Brem ner, of New Jersey, who was a mem ber of the District committee. Unanimous consent agreemen; continue good roads bills Recessed at 6:15 p. m- to p. m WILL JOUX D. LIST? J . .. Leavea Ohio With Today ta the Time Urnit to Give In Personal Properti. (Bf Uw SSKKUtot ieaa.) - Cleveland, Feb. . John D. Rockfller ioday left here tor Tar- rvtown. N. T. Tomorrow is th Ust day allowed under the Ohio law for htm to list his personal property for taxation as demanded by Ohio tax tion official. Whether or not this fact had anything to do with his de parture could not be learned. Rocke feller had been in Cleveland ail win ter, refraining from his usual stay la Tarrytown. because of his; sister-in- law's Illness. m SUGGESTED BY POMEROY Conant Tells Committee It Is Seeking to Use a 13: Inch Gun to Shoot a Canary, That Recoil May Be Most Harm-fulr-New Tariff Will Remedy Many Ills." - (Br 4m SSMKMlail nam.) Washington. t. C Feb. 6 A possi bility of compromise between the'Kew Tork Stock Exchange and the 8nate Banking abd Currency Committee on terms of a bill to provide Federal regulation of stock exchange today was suggested at the committee hefjf.-J Ing. H. K. Pomeroy ones President of, the Exchange, and now on the Board of Governors and the Listing Committee, agreed at the request of Senator I'omerene to- submit la writ ing suggestions as to legislation Jie wouia aeem aavisaoie. IJsttng Rnlea N. Y. Kxctiange. Mr. Vomeroy has laid before the committee the listing rules -tf the New York Exchange and promised to furnish the constitution and rules of other exchanges in the Vnited States. lie asserted tsrat.the New York Ex change .was the only organization having drastic rules aa to listing se curities and that stocks listed by 4t were accepted without question by the London Kxchsnge. Senator Pomerene asked if legisla tion requiring other, exchanges to ttreawHy;-'; b benetlrtal. Mr. Pomeroy replied that it would, and agreed to draft a plan aa a basis -for such legislation. Charles A- Cwnant, of New York iug bill ir.aa expert on econonfUs, toia tne committee mar it was seek ing "to use a thirteen-tneb gun to shoot-s carnary" and thai "the reooil sj .be more harmful than the hul ei x?' 'Wi'ti&:m "bill- woold give the" Poetmaster-Ucneral autocratic power over the finances of the Vnited States. Pablk- Oihti Market Country's Welfare. A public open market; Mr. Conant continued, was vitally valuable to the TOantry's wlfr- market- where the, poorest citizen could see for him self merely by looking In a daily pa. per -what was thai value of investments ana wunrajK wnucn ne would rm anw merer of designing venders ot secui itieo. T The . kneas. u.-ged. the. .committee not to press action aimed at stock exchanges now. becauggof the exlt-t; ing need for time to show the full effects of the new tariff and currency laws. The latter he said, would rem edy "many evils as To loan rates arid financial conditions. What Head of .Bank Vote Co. f-'ald. Geo. H. Kendall, head of the New York Bank Note Company, urged that Incorporation of the New York Ex change be required because of Its, rules barring from Its lists securities printed bSany but the American Bank Not Company and its subsidiaries. He swore that fifty-two members of the exchange were stockholders In ths American bank note company and reaped a harvest from the "mopoply." Members of the consolidated ex change of Ifew.York, and probably representatives of the Boston Ex change, will be heard tomorrow. IR ASST-DIST. ATTORNEY. For Alaska Territory, Senator Sim mons Presontsj Western r,l-tor-at-Large to President Wilson. - (By W.V- YELVKRTON.) Washington. D. C. Feb. . Senator Simmons presented Kills Oardner to the Attorney General today and urged his appointment as Assistant District Attorney to Alaska. Mr. McHeynolds asked Mr. Gardner to come back In the afternoon when he questioned him thoroughlj'. Mr. Gardner was under the impression af ter the conference that be will be p- pounea. RAL DEWEY CAPTAIN OF ACE High Tribute Paid By Secretary Navy Is Endorsed By Capt. S. A. Ashe- in a communication to this paper Capt. 8. A. Ashe, of Raleigh, gives warm indorsement to therlbute re cently paid Admiral Dewey by Secre tary of the Navy Daniels, and adds a 'warmvhearted tribute himself. In his eommuniction, written from Wash Ington. D. C, ha aaya: "1 was particularly glad to see the other day the appreciative reference made to Admiral Dewey by Secretary Daniels In his address to the North Carolina Society here. ' ' "Admiral Dewey, as Mr. Daniel de clared, stands before the world as the most successful and famous naval fighter and captain of the age; and it must have warmed the hearts of his friends to have auch. a cordial and hearty .recognition of his singular greatness made by ths Secretary of the Nary, now while the admiral is still jier ana can enjoy in tne Dean merited eefomlums. I have never admired the cautious custom of waiting UU a man passes out of existence to accord him honors. The admiral has always been a manly man, having manly characteris tics, possessing a nobility of soul that wins respect and admiration. While still a young man I knew him welL and he stood then among his fallows efficient, capable, four-square, admir able, as now. It is very gratifying that the Secretary of the Navy thought to place a deserved chaplet DM a- I on his brow while lis Is still here io . J wear II- , . lr.yy:-rXA;: ::.x-A.aA -' ,'-. jafSi A 'r" n ' tV' J-J1 yr- VU . --.jtbs. Vv;::? L'm . V" ' -v ' ' .-'-;:-! T?ili2Vtr ' a,i- V , mj' 'J a 1 f Vi.ar1- . k.V I I, i linn nnii--- ItumioolirfsiHirl. . Mvtery ( leered br a "lartUug auuoiinoeiueiil of l ulled States anil Btitlnh srmy eut comnlati'il. is being built by Uleuo land, iierhapa St. Johns, to the nesreat ,T. -i, S i. iT..ted tS esrrv It t flviiitf boat The hull Is tornedirtaix-d XttaWlnto the aeciit ns TjeutenaaT Voile, tue Et.gliflllef- Ht-IIer -rlf twrtsvRl-W slranr ItmT "TJe itVr man will be an, aa two offlrera are to go, and it la deemed ertalu that I nrle Kali. . . repri-aentatlve will be Lieutenant John H Towera U. . N. who bolda the AmertMin rK-rd f..r a uunatup fJltthl. coverlag JMi! uillin In fl hours and if. u .fr J".r.. k. ,..,i i,,,f th. mo. f.ivore.1 la no air line from nn eauterlv noliit of Newfound- mould float for days. Ton wlnga mjif detsensbie, o they couin ne aroptieu on ra iu w iue om o ,.i ,r bow will X installed a 3(10 horsSpower nTbter. ac-eaalble for sdjustmsnta lu flight- The em-kplt proper will be twelve feet behind thr motor, and In It will be ronui for two men to alt at. enw. The ,-outrola will b. .luplkote,! . thai the u.a hlae may be handled by botb men or either , COLOMBIA HILL ELECT PRESIDENT Balloting Tomorrow, Unusual Interest Manifested VAST AMOUNT OF MONEY Likely to-Come Into Control of New Government; The Pres idential Candidates, and Ex pectation That Large Jn- demnity Be Paid By lL SIn Connection With Panama Settlement Political Sit uation, (By the AMOcUted Prm) Bogate, Thursday, Jan. 1l. The Cnlted States of Colombia 'will elect a new President Sunday. February 8. Unusual Interest Is being manifested In the campaign owing to the popu lar belief that the new government Is likely to come Into control of a vast amount of money, The general Im pression is that negotiation's "With the United States of America, for settle ment of the Panama controversy soon will meet with success. Present Incumbent Indexible. President Cahlos K. Rostrpo, Elected by a combination of Liberals and Re publicans, lajrphlblted by the' consti tution from heinlfre-elected. . His opponent In the last election, Jose Vincente Concha, again is the csndl date of the Conservatives or .clerical party. The Liberal Candidate). ' The regular Liberal candidate is Dr. Nicholas Esguerra, a lawyer, 71 years old. The Ilenulilicans. an element be tween, the extreme of Conservatives an4 Liberals,, have not put forward any candidate this year. The church, the basic element In the Conservative party, has been par ticularly active In the present cam Datarn. expecting that If a large In demnlty be paid by the Cnlted States In connection .with tne panama set tlement, some of It will be directed toward education and the support of religious establishments and missions, which are languishing for need ot money. ' Dr. Connha Is fifty years old. a law yer, and has served many years In public- Ufa He beoama Minister to Washington In 192, but upon refua- tlmt ei'ki hua aiirroiiuiieil the saHtuiDllnic or a nue air (-ran nere na teen the Aero t luh of Au.rii. u that S mgiii siatura will be lo control of tne erar ,. H, Curttsi for the .nJeit, whU-li is flnanred tneil pint on the coaat of lrelaiia. auuroilniate y , approitmatel y nil! be capable more than utiiety-three mllea an bour. The bour. The and almost entirely enclosed, so tuai in eawi Ing to sign the Panama treaty, then proposed, he was retired. - in addition--" the Panama ques tion, the political situation this year Is regarded as ot more than ordlnary lmportanre because of tne niimri'T or concessions sought, by foreign inter ests. , y Uauklmt llouhC Efforts. The bankmi house of Louis Drey fus it Co., of Paris, hss been making strong efforts to obtain control of-the nuances of the country but a 1 'aim in a indemnity may make Colombia's fi nancial position strong cnouRh for h- to act independently in banking. Oil COIH-CMMlOtl. The oil concession which the Pear son Interests of Kngland sought also niav come up again. Indications are that on the convening 'of Congress on July 20 next there will be a strong flght for all kinds of concessions, but a- public stand has been taken de terminedly against any monopolistic tendencies. I HI Slll.l nY KLKVATOR. Atlanta Vonrli Meets Honible leath " ' In KtRnt-nf-Manyv-" (By iht Acit1 Prew i Atlanta. Oa., Fob. A. I). Jaues, Jr., aged 15, son of Dr. A. DOanos, today was Instantly killed when he tried to enter a moving elevator In n local oftVe biilldlng. The lad's hearl was crushed. Coroner Paul Donehoo lnvestlgeted the mutter and an nounced tht It was accidental Many women In the corridor . sasv...the acci dent and several fainted. L T Because of Fog Virginia-paro-lina Coast, Including Ferry boats at Norfolk, mouth. , ; , 1M tha AnorlUrd trim.) Norfolk, Va,, Feb. Another dense fog has the Virginia-Carolina coast In its grasp tonight and vessels of all descriptions are proceeding cau tiously. The fog became so. dense in - the harbor that ferryboats operating between Norfolk and Portsmouth missed seversl trips. Several sailing vessels bound to sea anchored In the roads until' the weather clears.' The revenue cutter Onondaga, de spite th fogi Is proceeding to the as sistance of the three-masted schooner Helen Denedlok, which , stranded at 6:10 o'clock , this morning on the North Carolina eoast, half a mNe south of the Nags Head life saving station. . VESSE ED VERY CAU LI -I oss tu Aiiauu itfiuiel neil. fUe "Taft, whb-b l Jrt1 to he 40 p.r by Kuilman .Wauimmker. lv l.wuo inllex. 11 1 ngnrwi (uai uy waiuna of aixtyUve nillen an hour, ami s I.WO miles. craft will be like an uuuouauy isnr craft will be like an uauauslly or a mnea isiiuiuk m unu-o-r.o Bitter Words Mark Argument - --in- Virginia House PERSONAL ACRIMONIOUS Personal Difficulty Between a "Wet" antfDry" Threat ened at One Time Later Mutual . Explanations Were Made and Accepted Courts Sure To Be Appealed io. Ulihnionil. Vs., Keb. . Bluer words marked the argument in the House today when the enabling act senKbftek by the Honate. was Consid ered, thn debate becoming at times dsngerously personal and acrimoni ous. Indeed, it was feared at one time that a personal difficulty would take place between Martin Williams, of Giles, a dry, and Walter Oliver, of Fairfax, a wet. when Williams. In re plying, -i to Oliver, mrrowly missed using tbe "abort tnt 'ig'y" word Mutual exjlMiid.lioiiii n kUi-Mi quently msde and" accepted. The House decided not to consider aiiy of the Benatn amendments tijitirl;3Q tomorrow-when they will be taken up one at a time and made a special and continuing order. ' Tt matters not wlml kind of an era. abllng'bill the Legislature passes. It Is known tbat the courts are' to be ln vailrd by the Iquor people with a view to having the lcglxlatlve act declared null and void. In case of failure lii that direction all Interest wjll center In the election of the next Legislature, when all the members of both branches, are to be chosen. Today one of the most ardent siid porters of the measure in the Senate, who voted against the amendments designed to "load the bill, expressed his belief that the peoDle of Virginia wilt reject tha prohibition feature ami stand for the present lpcal option prln clple. -' ' It la significant that neither the temperance- people nor the Uq-ior forces are pleased with the measure. For Instance, the drys wanted to eloee up the breweries.. -The wets declare that the, amendment "allowing tha making- of beer -Is so framed that while they' can-make, beer, they can not sell a bottle of It. or ship It to an point It the State. They de clare that It Is virtually putting them out of business. or Ptii a ENABLING ACT CAUSES FEELING WILL COME -TO RALEIGr And Speak in the State Hous To Chamber of Commerc NexHune Osborn Will Ap point Manly McDowell T Position, Text of Letters Be tween Overman and Osborc (BrW. E ; TT-LVEHTOKT Washington, D. C. Feb. I Will lam C Redfleld. Secretary Of Cora metre, will make the commencemer " address at the Cniversltr of Nort' Carolina next Jane. Today he stg nlded to Acting President Uraham hi he Invitation, whlc- means that the distinguished line e ' commencement orators which th University has bad for several fear will not be broken - Last year It wa Vice-PreidemMsrahall. the -year be fore Wood row Wilson, then Qoverno. of New Jersey., ,,' Secretary Hexifield will go frnn Chapel Illllo Raleigh after the com mencement and will speak in th State Capitol before the Raleigl Chamber of Commerce. He will b accompanied on the eritire trip b' Mrs Ked field and by Secretary ati Mrs: Josephns Daniels; Secrets ry Ked field la a New Forks who made good in the world of bust tut before beliuj-brayght Inte h-, Cabinet and who since he was chosei Secretary of Commerce has appllet the principles of business to the trad, relations of the tjovernnient In, such a way as to earn a commanding' plact SKartswaiagaSisaatTOi;t WftBI-wia'ig!!! "ftil sueaker with tsngiblv ideas. letters Kited Light On M'lhmell. Two letters between Senator Ovet man arid Commihsloner V. H. Ofl I lMiin irietle public by Senator Ovet complete light on Manly McDowell relationship with a Federal pnsltlot i ne nrst is a letter from Colonr (Jetiotu. ttt jaoatoj- U erraafl. , date rT-iriuBijr a, aji iqunwi; I am very much in need of an It come tax agent In North Carolina cit inasmuch as he Is one of my cot. tidentisl men, 1 would thank you V' you would give ma personally th ' privilege of appointing him. -yWa-wy fclmiesl regards; f-aw. e-- etc" Senator Overman s reply, dale "I am in receipt of your esieefli'e favor of Febflury' I. In which ,yo aay you ars iJiuob,, itj need of an in come tax agJnt In North Caroline i and, inasmuch as Us Is - tille d u contiilenttal mien, you would he glar ii a-woriM gfve you personally til privilege of appointing him. "I beg to my in reply that I recog nTite iBit fact tbat ilie ptiaon appoint ed to this position would sustain con ridential relations with ou: for tha reason. I waive my rights in connec tion with this appointment and com ply with your request, yielding to yoi the privilege of personally filling thii position "Sincerely yours, etc." ;'- No Comment. . Neither Senator Overman or Col onel Oenorn would comment on tin letters or Intimate whom Colonel Os born will appoint. The Inference It clear, how ever I hat Colonel Osborn will ofter the place to Manly McDow ell, asxuring him by these letters, thai Senator Overman has nothing to du with the appointment. Senator Overman has repeatedly of fered the place to McDowell, but the latter has refused to accept it from the senator, since he failed to get the irmn-halship, after having been as sured that lie aa the favored can didate. ---It l ouaU'.appaieul.lhL.tlenaV.tiir Overman wnlej his right to the ap pointment in order that McDowell can Ede with good graco-from the pe. n he has maintained for several Its, Whether McDowell will con elder form or ulstaiice In making his decision is not publicly known lis will probably come to Washington in the next dav or two for confer ences It is believed he will take ths plare sinche technically he will not have secu.rfd.the place (roa Bengtor Overman. " i'or er At Wallace). " Representative ralson ha: reco'm "" mewled farther Br -ffr for postmsster at Wallace The vacancy will not oi cur until Maroh. The other leading candidate besides Mr, Carr was John It. Honey. Representative Gudget has recommended Ram Y. Rryson at Hendersonvllle. and W. C. lilaaton at Forest t'lty. HoggitMi Postmaster at Marsbvllfs. I.uiher liugglns was nominated today to be postmaster at Marshvillt, In ion county,' an ofllce recently ad vanced from the fourth class. Hug gins stood an examination when, the office was fourth class and won the place on merit, being continued when the office was advanced. Wilson Perirral Court Kill Representative Kltohln today. intro duced in the House the bill whicti Senator Overman introduced th th Senate, creating a Federal court iti Wilson. The measure bas already passed the Senate. Its passags In th House, crowded aa the docket is, w problematical. - Sw-reiary of Navy to-tireenvllla Becretary Daniels left Washingtou tonight for Greenville. Sonth Carolina where he will address the T. 'M. C. A. of North and South Carolina In con vention there.- r'rom Greenville h will go to Raleigh, returning to tha" Capitel Tuesday morning. t ' N: Y. SUN'S SUIT . Against tlx Awoctated PresK; Plain tiff Files Copies of Statement j Ass For Hewrlnit IrWnary J. . - (aV sat Aamtalrt flail . Washington, Feb. . The Sul Printing and Publishing Assoclatloi of New Tork today filed with a sub committee of the Holfse Committee ' on Judiciary eojjles) of th' .statement recently presented to Attorney Oen eral HcReynolda la reference l th relations of the Associated Pres and the New Tork Sun. Request also mad for a hearing by the giib-coin-mittea... which will ba aivea on Feb- jrwary la. - . ' : . V .... v. ".. :. ' 1

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