1 f ..... - , v , J ":.v. - 2S" l ' Hi Full data concerr.Ir the weather wi',1 la found to day rt IV;Tar- -'-"v 1 11... ytiuxcix to. iKAixiGH, n.,c., vedne:: it noraNG; ArniL l, ion racs.nv: i v ; rh an i 9 !!! Victory Perches on Banner of the Wilson Admin- ' ; istration By.Decisive SPEAKER DEFENDS I 5 MOTIVE OF PRESIDENT 'Both Tlie Party; Merciful Goi ? What an Idiotic Phraser Exclaims The Missourian In ! Speech That Brings Every Member Jo His Feet With Spontaneous Applause; Only 52 Democrats Oppose Pas , sace of Bill, While 25 Re--publicans Join The Majority. Ait Depends On The Senate NowVi SV,-i'i"cir' ' i. Washington. D. !, Mreh Th ' national House of Representatives to day, after on of the most spectacular Jegialatlv straggles In ths history, of the-nation, voted to repeal tha prs- vtston of tad Panama.. Canal, exempt ing American vessels from ths pay , tnent of toll The veto an tha re peal bUl waa to 111. majority fll votes, In support of ths par- yonal plea of Wood row Wilson, Prssl- Sent or the United states. , ' It Waa a Marring Oar. "-' Thla rerdlct on tha iaaua which has absorbed. Congress - for many weeks rama at tha cIom of a stirring day. mad mamorabla in tha annala of tha House by a party division which found Speaker Chamn Clark. Majority Lead- ar Underwood, and othar Democratic chieftains lined op In open opposition to tha President on an Iaaua which tha Utter had declared vital ta his conduct of the nation's foreign policy. First Party Strafxta. Todays result was tha first Strug Vie within tha party Bines Democracy tooE control 01 me government peer are. Tomorrow tna tul goes to tha Senate, where tha Sght will be renewed with all tha vigor and da tertninattoa that attended it In the lower Hoe.- . On the ftoal vole 119 Democrats In the House stood by tho President, ' twins' him in "anrrudfins; measure' ' what he had asked "for tha honor of xthe nation" in its forttra relationa. ' Twenty.flva - Rapublloans and two prosreaslvea also voted to sustain tha President. FUty-two Democrats fol lowed Speaker Clark and Leader t'n derwood to defeat. : . ,. MotbJmi Ooald ttena TWta. - - . Nothing, it seemed, eould atom tha tide of administration suoeesa. npeak ar Clark, for nearly II years a mem ber of the House, made the speech of i his life te forestall what ha termed "unquestionable degreeauon" of tha nation. - la thla he failed, but ha did ' smooth over tha "party Breach with kindly words for his adversaries. nratae lor President wiiaon ana ' unqualified dental of any vaulting am bition on tils awn bebaii. . UUson Ban Nothln. President WHas waa al -dinner . when tha result- of thev ota was an , Bounces. Ha was gratified, hut made bo eomment. --. In tha Senate tha bin will be re ferred to the eommlttee on Inter Oceania canals, of which Senator Overman, at New Torn, a vltroroua opponent of tha measure. Is chairman. Senator O'Oormaa baa said ha would call a meetlnn- of tha committee lm mediately to consider tho bUL That there will be a fight In committee la certain. Senator Owen Is leading tha flirht for tha President tnerss, Two Or Threw Weeks Mora. ' Tha . committee wlu have many vroposala ... before H. several ta tha h nature of eompromlsee. soma resem fcllna n motion of the House minority Ljoday to recommit tha repeal bill and to repeal me exemption ciausa witn a declaraUoa that tha United States .Should have complete sovereignty over the canaL Thla motion In tha House was defeated by a vote of III ta ITS. It will be-The aim of administration (- senators to have the repeal reach Its final rots within two sr tnree weeks. Washington. March II. The acens In tha House chamber when Speaker 1 1 She Killed White ManByDriv ' ing Knife Through His' r Heart ' , (W bh iinmm rwavi ' LjluikoiM, Qkhu March II .Marie rEvutt, a negrovr woman wao killed Lemuel Peace, a young white man hunday, by driving a knife Into his heart, was taken out of the Wasoner ( county Jail early today arid hanged to a telephone pole, Tha mob r powered the Jailor, threy n rope aver the woman's head and dragged her out of the jail. A knock at the Jad door aroused tha sleeping Jailor, alone la tha of flee. A voire outside said an officer was there with prteoaere. Tha Jailor opened' tha door and fared twelve revolver. He waa fentind quickly and his keys taken. - me moo puiiea.tite screamrag om an from her cell, tied a rope ntout hr neck and drajrged her to a tele phone pole, a block front the JalL An hour later tha sheriff cut down the deed bodr. . 'v-- , The county attorney has started an tnvtKtigetton of tho lynching. OKLAHOMA NE6HD 111 lie ifciais Hi)JU..11UUi31j .r : UIUIUU 1 Villi. 1 Vote of 247 to 161 Clark yielded tha gavel to Repreeea tatlve underwood, tha majority lead er, to defend his coarse In tha great controversy, probably was unrivalled in tha nistory of American legislation. Never before, within tho reoolleotton of tha oldest members, had tha gal leries been so packed with Interested spectators. Out slda tho galleries tha corridors were Jammed with disap pointed hundreds. On tha floor, near ly every member was ta his seat. Even tha Senate had adjourned and scores Senators occupied seats on tna floor. '.: 1- v . . -. - It was a rare political stags setting that this throng wltneaeed. Standing before them, while Republican and Democratic members sheered him to tha echo, waa tha sturdy big-framed, liver-haired Speaker with resolution beaming on his countenance, his thin Hps clenched tightly, bis ' race paia and stern,. Behind him, pounding for order, was Mr.- Underwood, . There they were awaiting tha climax of tha long senate, these two leasers 01 mo Democratic party, handing tha first revolt In the party ranks since De mocracy nut Wood row Wllsoa la ths Whits House.' Even those Demecrata who for ths first tlms had turned their backs an their Immediate lead ers and stood resoeately by ths Presi dent throughout tha fight were lm 'eased m. the seen a. Tha Interest waa tense ss Speaker Clark began te speak, and his first utterance, breathing a spirit of har i mony as against discord and sssanni the country that tha President an bs personally were at peace, seemed to spread over tha assemblage par ticularly tho Democratic aids of ths Hoses, a feeling of relief. Clark Praises Piemdias, At ths outset tha Speaker read his address, but soon he got into his old tlms oratorical swing and was nam me ring home with sweeping gestures nm oeuoeraieiy ueiiverea wwrua. nnva l he praised tha patriotic motives of I president Wilson no waa intern ptea by applause. His emphatic declara Uoa that with those who charged him with attempting to disrupt the party "tha wish waa father to the tbougaf was applauded by every member en ths floor," ... - - ' , ? . . waver PrssnsMl of. Hotting.' ' Tha Speaker minced no words as hs attacked nawspapera which ha de clared had assailed him In this flght. and In referring to tho charge that ha "bolting ths President,"' he a- -Merciful Oodt what an, IdiotM phrase." ' . uisstea with orema Appiaasa.- Throughout tha speech there was not a dull moment- Repeatedly ha was cheered, aad tha echoes of tha plaudits rang through tho reverberat ing halls of ths Capitol In frequent wafts. Ths Speaker 1 talked calmly when ha referred to the Baltimore SoaveuUon, and wheal ha told his col leagues ha was mindful of ths net his course tn this emus mignt i ths sad of his Public career. there was hs avid sacs of regret or of alarm In his voice or demeanor. Tha speaker said ho had no harsh word to speak of any of his oolleaguss whs bad criticised him, but he referr ed ts some of them Representative Henry, of Texas, who led tho ngh for ths cloture rule on tha repeal bill; Representative Shsrlsy and Rep resentative Hardwlck, who had aided In that fight The House was moved to - noroeroua . lausrhter when - the speaker said, referring te Mr. Hard- wick: "shoo, ITyl Dual Bodder Me." "So far as ths gentleman from Georgia is concerned. 1 say: 'Shoo, fly! Don't bodder ma. Shoo! By,lon t I bodder me.' " . .. . . ' . I The Houaa IMm elBtlnl tn 1 the speaker's argument against tha tolls repesjtr'hla assertion that he be lieved the President waa mistaken. his argument that tha Canadian Pa cific Railroad and tha Tsnhaantepea National Railway would most profit by tho toll exemption, and his elo quent appeal against yielding any thing to Great Britain holding tha interest to the and.- Ths speaker re mained a commandlnn flsura. inter rupted by appiauiic m ho proceeded. Almost prayerfully, ha concluded, lowering, hia voice to say: " , . Prevent Stupendous Poily. . "Now. may the Ood of our fathers who nerved MOM backward A mar- leans .ta. fling their gage of batUo Into tha face of tho mightiest mon arch la tho world, who guided the hand of Jefferson In writing ths char ter of Liberty, who sustained Wash ington and his ragged and starving army amid tha awful horrors at Val ley Gorge, and who rave them com plete victory on the -Wood -sUlaed neighta of Torktown, may He lead members to vote so as to prevent this . stupendous foily thla- ungues Uonabie degradation of tha American republic" , Hones Rose Ea Masse, Speaker Clark had finished. As ha walked from his Place, the House en asss. Democrats. ReDubllcana. and Progressives alike, and cheered htm. When- order could be restored Repre sentative A damson took ths floor to close tho long debate. - RapubUcaa Leader Mann told House three questions were Involved ta a re peal of tna Panama tolla ezemDtkra treaty rights, moral rights apart from treaty construction aad the eco nomic policy Involved. - The economic question might bs changed - at any time, be said, but n decision on treaty rights must be n lasting one. He maintained that no construction of the Hay-Pauacefote treaty compelled the Unite States to charge the same tolls on Its own ship or those of Panama as were levied on those of other nation . Cant See AppUrmtioa. .. ' ' "A reading et tha rules to be ob served by nations to receive equal treatment," ha said, "plainly discloses that they are not applicable to tho United States or Panama.- "Englaad'a attempt to secure her construction of the treaty at this tlms Is not for Its present effect It Is for the long distant future. - If we con strue the treaty according to English dalms, it la aura to rise aad embarrass us whenever we have war with otlier countries. War la not desirable, hut tcesTiswts rsers past tL) Come to tho Grc.:t Democratic Mass acctlnir Wednesday, April Cth, City Audltcriua, BeinaiziT ti Keen and Ad- ; -yy journbj :W JENNINGS BRYAN, ; IV t v V JOSEPHUS DANIELS, v . ; : f GOVERNR LOCKE CRAIG ' $ f t '-w fand numerous others.. 47ifJ;'s Low IUilrotd IUtca t nd a Great, Crowd Comlna; ''i&liii From Ajt'OrerNotth CiRji- . A-'irV meeting for all North Carolina Democrats, knowing no faction and no purpose save the up building of the party and the State. T.cad the lit of men making the call apd the big Bubjecta to be discussed.-7" ,rT ' 7 . I ' - Every North Carolina Democrat fa voringlhla forwaixl inovement!vit urgently invited. Come and bring your neighbors. ; ' i , STMESVILLEVJILL . For $25,000 rurwiaSC WWl BuildingFourth Bank Will ', Open Saturday ' BMlel te TS hens sad Saw. I . . , Statasvllle, March IL The States- rlila graded school .board. In special teeiiion yesterday afternoon, secured an option en about . three .acres . of valuable property. hs4waen"V7ate and gtockton atresia, upon which Ut Is areaoaed to build s BOW alty school for the accommodation, primarily, of the children living la tns centre ana east slda of town. . It being apparent some time ago that an . additional school building would bs necessary, an sot was pass ed at ths extra session of tha Lit lsU.ru re last fan authorising n bond Issue of $. for that purpose, it Is provided that tha new building shall bo separata and apart from ths present building and located In an. othsr part of the town. . BtatesvUls-s fourth banking lnstl tuthm, tha People Lean and Sav ing's vBank, will apea for business Saturday morning Is the quarters which have been fitted up for It In tho Hall building ea West Broad street -- The director of ths bank have virtually decided to build a reg ular hanking building; on ths Rob bins property adjoining tho court house and tha hank will be in Ms present quarters only uatll . Its permanent homo can be erected. Usui Its bust boss justifies additional help only threi people will bs regularly employed In the now bank.--- Mr. J. C Hunter, of Charlotte, has " " resigns from his lob as general den- revenue collector, serving under ths revenue agent, tho resignation be Ing effective today. Collector Watts of Statesv11le,will appoint as his suc- oessot Mr. J. at. Cross, of Mecklen burg county. Tha Job pays L,lvt salary ana ftoe for expenses. . ' Mr. T. Lee Steels,' well known elt Inn and building contractor, under went nn operation for appendicitis at Dr. Long's Sanatorium here yes terday. r. Steele was able to be about his work .Inst week and his sudden attack was a surprise to his fiienda His appendix were found to be In a very bad condition, hut his condition is reported favorable to day' ... City Engineer R. - V Crawley- re turned' yesterday from Mornuiton. whera ha was Called Wednesday night by tho Illness and death of his sister. Miss Hat tie Crawler. Miss Crawley died lata Wednesday- nigot at ths boms of her father, Mr. U A. Craw- taw, after a lonsjllaeas. She was IT years oia. THE' OAT 1.1 7 CONGRESS SElfATKt , '.. Met at Boos. ' Considered mlscsllaaeoue bills. Coast and Insular survey commit tee heard arguments on proposal for government to take enrer Chesapsaks and Delaware CanaL Comraerci sommlttea was urged ta appropriate fer - deepening end straightening Ua narrows at - Lake cnampiam, r Aajournea at :t p. m. ta noon weoneeaay. . . . . BOCSBs '; Met at II I a. m. t Began flaal debate ea proposed re peal oi rsnsrna canal tout sxsmp- tlon. - v . ..... .. - RepresaaUtlve ntnebaugh, ehair- man srogresitv conareealonai-com. mlttso, teetlBed before elections eo re mittee of contrrputioM mads by a greesmen to the bust eampelg. - Passed esse! tolls axsmptlon repeal BUI, If S IO !. ' aaoptea coererenc report on ar gent dencieacy appropriation bill. Dtsagreed to Senate amendment on army appropriation bill and sent bill to sonf srenca . - Bent Military Academy appropria tion vim te oonrervnea. , Representative . Underwood n nounced the death of Representative William Richardson, of Alabama, at Atlantlo city today and Houss adopt. ea ro unions ei sympauiy. ' aajnurnea n I it p. m. ts noon wsanesaay. - . . . . . L II I that Nl;ht ! Burglars Get Away With Hun creds Dollars Worth of Pens ;.; ' .'.end Cutlery . ISseseltstla ne ssi QasaiM.t I "Xliiabeth Cler. ' Uareh ltRns. glars rohboi ths store of P. W. MaV Mck Contpany lurt night of flvn has sren sonar wor;a or fountain pens aadoutlery; .-vuieUng sf pocket salves, rasersy sdssers and carving sets and then stole a leather dress suR sass wrt la tho stors by a customer ts teas tns plunder away In. ih nsrgiary was not dlsosversd antU tha clerks same down to open tho store, - When they entered the stars they found fountain pen sai anns sexes, etc, pnea all over tha noor. nr. Msilclt earned a stock that amounted to about four hundred dot. mrs. Ths burglars selected ths moat costly knives, rasors, scissors aad euriaf sets. Tns ossn drawers had been noad and sevaa dollars m poet. i stamps had been stolen. - The robbers made a complete getaway and loft no trace of their Identity. xna people are greatly atarmed, as this burglary followed hnmedlatal after the Skinner robber of Sanday night, whsn ths robbers got away with over a thousand dollars worth of Jewelry. The police are baffled In their at mmpt te apprehend ths guilty par Bavsjar Gets Clrftoa Olbba colored, was sentene ed ts ths roads this morning by Judge Turner upon the charge of robbing the stors of tho IX M. Jones Hardware Com pa ay several nights sgo. - uidm was eaugnt in tna act ef roa ring tha store of pistols aad knives. Bs ran out of ths stors Just as Po lios Otfloer Holmes happened along. He threw off his scat aad ths offlosr picked R up and found ths pockets niteu wna pistol JOHN BURROUGHS TO EGYPT. tna m I Pami Atlanta, Oa- March II. John Bus. roughs, ths naturalist who waa ber today en routs to West Park, Naw Tork. from Fort 'Myers. Phk. nouneed that ha was planning to make a visit to Egypt and perhaps some of tns sjuropeani countries. Incidentally na announced tnat no would be t years old Friday. Asked how hs will celebrate the event, ho saiar "wail. I think ru eat three square meals aad walk flva miles. It's be. cause I've been doing that all my life tnat I'm able to celebrate a seventy. seven tn nirtn anniversary. Tnomas A. Edison, ths Inventor, has been with Ua naturalist at Port Myers for sometime aa1 tha two have made several trips together Jin Southern Qoorgia and Florida. - - - - -GRUBJS MAY BOLD COURT. wm Take Place of Jadg ipec Ing CwnmitKW Keoort. Savannah. Oa.. March 11. Unoffl elal announcement waa made her lata today that Federal Judge Orubb. the Northern district of Alabama, will Conduct tha United States eourt hare, commencing May ' llth. Instead . of Judge Spoor, at Uva Southern district of Georgia. Jadge Spear, whoss official aots r oently wsr investigated by a sub-oonv. mittes of ths Houss Judiciary Cear. mltteo to datermlao Whether Impeach ment proceedings against him should be recommended recently; announc ed that ho would hear po casus pend ing final aotlom In ths lnvesticatloB. Tho Houss sub-committee has not vat wene liM rvpon. i CHARGED WITH M.see) THEFT. Wllllana R. Ravm, Malt Oerk, Arrest- ' ' Iti a i imai fnn i Harrlsburg. Pa, March I1.WU1 Itm R. Baum, aged 10. a mall clerk la the Harrlsburg poet office, was-arrested today, charged with having stolen izo.bqi from tho malls. It alleged that two packages, each con. talnlng $1M0 la currency, were tak ea from the malls on July I. lilt. The money waa being sent to a bank tn New Tork. , SW1BED ilLc.Jl.iLUIillL .' riiiTFIIIfiESmi aaaIua Cvtntn tfla l!ll IvwwIIO kAbliyUVll fVlQ SilMl : Heartiest Thanksgiving : Yectcrday, -t KO PARTY '-SPLIT FEARED MfewiSeM ar ifAnin. itA Ko Fight On President Speaker dark Praises Wil son Tom Penca Jubilant Samuel H. Wiley Made Con si:! Democrats Will Stand To President (By W. B. TELVERTOIf.) Washington, D. Cv March II. H. Wiley.- Salisbury, whs racantly ed, the consular examination la ths State Department, win ha aivea an immediate aaalgament ' Ha will be sent in a few days to Assuacloa Fa raguay, as consul. Senator Overman was assured this aftsrnooa that tha assignment has already bean and In awaiting nothing but ths de tails of arrangement B. H. Telvertoa. of Doldiboro. tlia Tar Heel who qualified as student In terpreter, will also bo given an early ngnmsnu It Is aipected. North Carolina's suota of places has not been filled owing ta a lack of eligible men from the State. - Supporters of ths President received with the heartiest thanksgiving ths result f tee vote the Houss this at' ternooa on the Panama Canal tolls Issue, and result of the vote la the Houss this aftsrnooa on tha Panama Canal tolla issue, and tns surprise at ins sins sf tna snajorlty la support of tns rresiaent was general. Co tlvo polls had placed the majority at at. wnua the mors sanguine thought It would bs between It and Ts. When ths test vets showed IT snd the final vote It, it waa show that tha dsbau had Changed tha views of several dur. Ing tha day. ' Representativ Kltchln was ths only member of the North Carolina delegation who voted with tho minor ity on all three vote He made ne speech, however, and did not tn any way engage ta the flght on tha Presi dent. ':: . The flght tn tha Senate which will hereafter be tho ooeno of battle, will bo closer than that la the House, Both the North Carolina Senators will take an S'-tive part la tH adadnlstratioa program, heaator summons haa made the tolla fight his chief concern In ths last tw days subordinating the aocu mulated work la his office to actlvs work for tolls oa all shipping. Sonatina As Pleasod. "I was muoh pleased with ths large majority," said Senator Slmmone to night. -I Had aadarttood that It would be between snd II.- I have been doing everything 'I could today to further the repeal sentiment In the Senate. I believe la being myaL aad am deeply Interested. In tha success Of tns saminlst ration. I think tna President haa givwn Congress ample reasons why tho - exsmptloa ciausa should hs repealed.1 - Senator Overman 'was enthusiastic at the result "It Is a great thing for the Democracy to stand by tho Prest dent and tha administration," . bs tonight T waa favorably sur prised at ths tars majority. I shall oerteinly, vote for tho repeal la tha Senate. aateva Simmons and Overmaa were on tha floor of the House while Speaker Clark was making his speech, ss were most of the other Senators. Tom Pence was an Interested epecta tor from tha press gallery. Ua stayed around the Capitol all day and' was Jubilant at tha result uo yo uwant to go back a tew years and say something to North Carolina," the New snd correspondent asked him. "There s no need for me I say any tblng," us amllod. "Tha vote speaks for Itself Ths admlttsd anger of the adminis tration In ths Senate Is ths threatened Republican party line-up. If Repub licans vote llks they talk, thorn will bo no danger. But they seem to ree- ogntss this asm Splendid opportunity to throw rocks nt the Democrats, and It Is quite possible that those Who favor equal rights to all In tha canal will subordinate their slews Just defeat the President In this however, It is believed, that tha Demo crats will Swing Into line ss a body aad overthrow any attempt Of the Republicans to nlav politic Speaker Champ Clark's personal popularity drew a tumultuous ovation . ssssTinuga on pan Twt.ru So Says Prof. E. K. Graham, o , University Statements a Student Body . - (SssSel flss Rses sad Osanwl Chapel Hill. March IL la a talk before . the student body Monday morning Acting Presidenf led ward K. Oraham mad himself unmistakably clear ta favor of th open door policy relative ta ths dlaseminaUoa at news from ths Stats University. GAMBLING VRQFiG FiOT PUBLICITY His remarks wer called forth by reason of criticism from cartels sources as te the story appearing la Sunday's morning Hews and Ohsuint exploding the gambling operations of a few students aad citlwni of ths village. Professor Oraham rang true In a statement that Is applicable to all American colleges when a said a student should aot commit offenses against college or State law with the expectation. that ha could so offend the general sentiment snd then seek protection soalad th shirts at hw ocs . .' . - . ,. . : ' , " " . ' '. - - . -' iffci Sri Opportunity tor Gain vestment Win An k Building Lot Free YOU, CANNOT LOSE; .. Contest Just B eginrang - do Appear Soon Get Your Name In Tod;; - and Let Your Friends Learn of Your jCcr? -It's all Gab; No V'&l f paign- tags, College men should sacetva a protection la pubaolty not accorded io other men, nor partial protectloa at tho hands of tha law. Reepoaslbla subllclty Is tha breath sf sound oom- munlty Itfs. "- . Directing nia vemarKS to a respon sive assembly of students, hs said that true patrotlma In college consist- ed la refrsinmg from and preventing those offsnsea that the true sphnt of the college forbada and not ta seek ing to suppress or hide thorn. This no declared had been the, polley of the eoHege thronghowt tho year. Ha as sarted that th fact of tha gambling was ths crime ana not th publicity. MIND SUBJECTED Witness Swears He Was Un dcr Complete Oomination . of Lawyer. " '-th a New fork, laarch ll-In'rbs eon n vlotloa tor graad larceny of Philip & Baltta, a lawyer. Judge Swana a tha Jury listened yasoinatea today-by the evidence which revealed ea extra ordinary psychological study of the Subjection of oa man ta tha domi nation or another- ef a man at Salvator B. Qatto, who blindly fol lowed Saltta's dictation. So convinc ingly was tho story that Oatte told sf his career as Saltta's slave that as ter th Jury had rendered tta verdict. Joda-e Swann said 'Oatta palpably haa hsoom nn au tomaton under th Influence of a mas ter mind. . Unquestionably hs has felt tha Irresistible oompalatoa ta pot form whatever he waa hidden te perform. The ease developed an Instance ta real life of one parson being 'Bvongalled' bv th Influence of a superior mind.' Satta was ea tnat for aavtng auped Italian lemoa growers Inte sending eonsagnments of fruit w a dammy rav aging tao nam ei oatto ana lending exporters bellsve It to be the std and well-kaowa eommisatoa ot Perdiaand Oatta, of this alty. Sal tta made Oatta sign for ths sign meats and then turn them "Once he struck me," Oatto tsstl fled. "I started to cry and ha drove mo oat ot hie office. That same day hs mad ms pawn my watca for Ills and bring him the money.. Ho could make me ao nnytning ne wanted.' might know It was wrong, but I'd do It rust tho samo Wbea tns voreiot was ana ounces Oatta slunk sut ot ths ooart room sobbing. THOUSANOS RIDE FREE Would Kot Pay Mora Thaa Three Coats and Toledo Compear WoaM Not Recrtre It. 4B Sm Aii i Silii fsal Toledo. O. Ifarah 31. Thousands of citisens of Toiedo continued to ride free today ea cars operated by the Toledo Kail ways and Ught Company. the city solicitor having advised that passengers muse to pay a far ot morn than three cants ss provided by an ordlaaaoa that recently went Into effect and the company declined to no- cent anything but n fare or five centa. Persons who Insisted they would pay no more than th three cent fare were allowed to ride free, tna company de clining to recognise the ordinance over which litigation haa been Initiated. FOCXD GUILTY OP MURDER. Chicago Man Gn life I lor sVllUaa; W Chicago, March $1, John B. Ko- stters today waa found guilty of mur derlng. Mr Emma Kraft, of Cln clnnati, and hia punishnmnt fixed life Imprisonment. K setters killed Mr Kraft la a Chlcag hotel Kovem ber, lilt, with a hammer, after oh talnlng possess too of her money. lOUIQTIIEII'SUiLL r NOMWATIONBALLO0M 'TiTeotsr tha Coatest. tn out tha Coupon and sand to the Contest Department, r Each contestant is en titled to on nomination good tor " - ;: . ' " 1000 VOTES -,:v-:, r ? ... v ... - ', I hereby nominal , , -.; V' ' "- '' . , : ' '.;'vv V":'J . .."; MIL, MRS. OR MISS... ( n s,av IMIHtlitttlsMtMvttMHt awtaTMi NCV t- M t bt lt M M m M a M MellUlCt Na a av t0' tMMIMtsaiMNMM a9tsVt). . .I, , , i Slf!aa)4 a o a 4 ei aas) No-t , a s a f a-a si - ) ' Cv'iL" AddrSBal MtltHI ' L V aaMMUHtlMMHMMtt soaJ -. "15 X- . v ,m.-.i' v .v. , : , Only on nomination will bo credited to each contestant Under ne circumstances will tha nomination name be divulged. ' ' i , resaejf-. snajasj Too ioi:(iii Largely Without Invest- Automobile or . a Start Today YOU ARE, SURE TO V,:. t: - . , .i.-..;:'. - rtrst LTsf of Nominee JU Th attention o( .tha vabKa U hooa called to tha sis and eoof th voting; contest taauguratn4 ' The News and Observer, Cons mr oomment followed, aad sine first s - i aounced, interest ta th anterpriF r Incrsassd. Though few really a. trn. ambitious peopl hav rspndd t tha in vital loa to oompete, a yet. ' 1 tho very magnitude itself of tha prop osltloa lies th opportunity for, those who- interest themselves ta it. Am hlttoa and energy may find tun re ward nsr. so many ana aiuati ar th prise offered for' votes, an i so equitabla tho arrangement for th;r distribution that ao aonastrusnual for not aoeepung tns oppor tunity offered can be raised. Simply gather subscrtpuoni ta Tns wews an t Obssrver Sach subscription bri. votss and vote win th prises. Ths tint Is so short that mor-'." candidates will be enjoying their au tomobiles, real estate, pianos, i - mends, e cfvre some por' v -ud te the faot UmX opportunity i s eorn and goae. Dallying with a pur- pons wtfl not nocompusn n nowever; action at nioimery, aad In thu n aot mng-drawn out and unpleasant A quick, energetic deciatv eampaigm la eallad for.v A start may be made now that ta ths sad wlU mesa vastly more of profit thaa can be had In tha same length of tuna from almost-any other line ef effort. ',"'- - Slsoa Annum Jala ' UtuS-llls Chalmers automo bile as a reward for th nathenng of votes for a abort tlm strike mot people as fair remuneration far tha work tnvelved ta a oampaiga ef this, sort. True. M win take work to win., Just as It take war to otau any thing ot value this world has to ofCer.; except, perhaps, gooa atrnoa. jl uaie appusa energy an mci wiis, mak of you a district prise winner; a Utue neor wiu nana you a lormi- dable sontoador for a grand prise a first honors In th contest, which vru n big Chalmers a ix or a splen did baUdlng ao. if yo are first only la your own district, you will receiive a Ave-passenger Studebakar car wwta llOfta. Aa automoblls may not be a Joy for ever, but Ills a very valusM Basest ta business ana pieaaam in modal motor ears ar vrr to haadla. SlmpUolty ta me- i chaaioal dstail asmiliigty has been tbs-., watchword of tho mannfaorurers.) with tha result that few onrnstnt ; Intricacies are left. , Klgha Cars. ' Bight oars ot th vary hUast Jnans-f moblls ooastraotion are to ho given away for vote by Tha Vows andj Observer, aad you hav aow th op-! porta nlty to procure on f these by simply entering this contest aad ear-! rylng out ordixtary business saetaooe. Two vary valuable puuaing lota are offered on as second - graad prfami In each division, regardless of district i As a reward for effort nothing eanj compare with first class real estate.! in an Ideal location this property Josh j a standard valu and th future wiu but add to that value. - i Eighty-four other awards sf leaser. value are offered and wo draw special attention to the second prise la oacN district, a piano, worth, perhaps, le-, In money value, but Bone may meas ure In mere gold the exquisite pleas ure to be derived from musical in strument ' Tim only ad da to that depth of enjoyment, and ths passing' of the year On da ths melody sweeter. Six pianos, of tha finest workman ship, have been plard upon the gifc list. . One will be presented to each ot .the candidates who stands second In number of votes cast In sach. dis trict. Thsss pianos cost M0 ts the open market, and hers you bars a. K (tssTisuts ss ran giairrj' " it. wq tw rtBns-dja Vortti CasejBaa pm Bnnlt . ' snj had twoords asnd by Tha , Hews stOhssrvsr, dViclared no hank haa) a saora perfect choc. npon tm taaaoss thaa tMnoam paay has apom votes hnmedca theOoalsa. ; '

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