! i i w . w i i $ ' i r v, .. j . UlittOlO i L. L it t ii.M i : n f 1, I I Of .i - , 1- a .. K-vo Arrived crJ f,!cr6 ALL IIAVEJCOT r!0!..ES . ....... . ... . l!:r:.v U:-5 h Earaca V..r-J rhilea Wcrlc, Speak ' Press: Ir.ta Service ; t-iel M tw In -S mmtl ' lMirha.ni, April fa. Thousand of Ihirban-i people today watched an Mher thousand of the delegate to the Carer and rhllathea convention pi " -sde th ml etreete oC tha city this ' Ifternoo. Led by three hands, tb mFiher or th organise eunoay , school classes mad ft wry impressive . i . - parade. They aaerrajad for nau an hour, tha Baracaa la on aactlon and - lha rhllathea t another aectina. Both war led b y a band. ' The parade i t retched tW Btajvr Wy Mocks and aaa a ad t apaetacsiar tea . tores mt tha aewveetl, which la aow . . m araalon la IHtraam. Kvto-y Chan Utilised. ; Every aaeesjau d tha eaavaaAaa up -te the Urn hae wta atteaded toy - t peeked bowaaa, Kverv church In 'tha ctty I why woe -brown open la tha flataca and PhllalHea. la Buet of " i ha ctt" cherchea tha Barare and -. , Milhuba elaaaaa - vara - taught hy , , nam at tha laadlnii workers In tha I , Mate . tn awry church thara waa a f k 'nnray Mim-f taa leeera-ia-ire warn. .Father Marshall Hudson, pre . . aidant aad founder of tha movement. . aad Hkai Hertria Hero, vtoe-pre-, aidant f tha World Wide Phllatbaa , j ' eraaai-Mm, epk at lha Fire Bap. r. M and Trinity Methodist churches ' ' thla afternoon. A crowded bouse -r -heard Miaa Heron Jtt .Trinity.-: 8 ha ' told tha wamsn present something , . about tha trapertant aaatntiala of tha wort la tha eouatry, - Ftthe Hadaaa Mim Intrant. r" Phaa Hadwa apnha ta tha ataa at tha r'krat UaaUat ehurah. lia mada ft talk ftlaaa; raralalacaat Unaa, tatU Uf aoaaothiait about hia ant vlaioa at tha tdaa at raintoa a.a In tha arcaakard Sunday arboo) laaaa of tbta ratry. Coma af his frlanda told atn Uudana that a aaa ft foal tor baatac aarh aa Idaa aa thkv but taa louadvr a tba work atatad thla , . ifiarBua that hit ambition along thla ...(Una bad aaen raaltsad. Claaa to bapor If baktaary. , - Taatarday ba aatllaad. aad briefly , aaaka of aa avaaf alb-al work that la belnar btapaad aut for tha Baraoft r la aaa uf lha aauntry, Tha plaa la . ... for aath tUrara rbua la tha aouatry to iaa frvia aa ta Tt for ft naUva - muaaaary In aoraa af tha other landa. . Theaa anMoaarlca will kaap la diraet ' ad, Mraaaal Vf h- with- ilia , olaaaaa , WhairnUi tb(tdrlilr work . ' by wVlilng ha claaa aaarterly lat ' ta. 'Tb ptRtura of tba ratialonary ' will ftlaa ba.plarad la tha baU of tha ,v Baraca. ataaa, Mr.,Hadao oraad tha . , rrpxranttiva af tba rhuaaa at tha , -, church thla aflfrnooa to put thb) icat ; j tar op to their ckaaea at noma, and ' Mad la tha cbek for thla fund Juat . aa aoon aa tha literal ur la aent out . Dr. Irabi reMca, Dr. paanla. of Charlotta, tat presld 1", ' ln at all af tha tanaral ateetlnca af ; -tha barara t thla convention. ba caaaa of tba auddea lUnaaa of Proat dent Taluia, ir. Daaaia la vloa-pra idant of the Ptata oraanliatloft, . Att llMd Mawpa, , 1 " All of tba deleatea bar bean lakeei cara of. aad, while there waa tome aoafuaioa aa account of tha larrtnaaa ' of tba crowd, aad becauat aa man . af thorn arrlrad li tha city on tha af tarnaaa) trains, all of them war local. ' ad tax ataht Today ether arrtved. , and atUI more are expected la tha - dty for tha Anal mattinai aa liopday aad Taaaday. Tha paopia of tba aity aawta ta tha reorue nt tha home eom. wittea yaeterday aftaraooa. and.thay v atlll bar offer for bonea for tha aaw " . arrivota laat alaht til tad ragtater. ' f ad. and thla mraln two hundred e bor aam In, Or. Waller Bnrftka. ' ' 1 - At tha Academy af Muete thla aran k l, ("t a anaaa mealing or tiie two oraa sisationa ta bains; addrraoed by br. n a Waller, of AarlHa Ppeah ' I ' Ing tha tubject of Tna Cbrkatan Li 4'hallrnna," Vr. Waller made a plaa - tea miaaloaary wort in ait partswf tha v world. 11 Informed th member of . .. lha orgaaiard Vuaday arhool elaaaaa that while It waa ft great thing te ' alody tha Elbla aad ! work In their ' ' boiwa chnrahoa for taa aalvatlna of men. tha great work of the world far '., Ood eauld not ba dona anleea tha - worker at hwaaa wera willing to . eauip lha worhara'tai tha foralgn PeMa. - ....... j Tww iMaVra In AMiraena. b) evening the fhihvtheaa mat at - wora again addrind by Mbw Heron. - on Vaeing tha let." At tha aame hour th Be ram rlaeee met at lha Beaond BaptaM abarcb and war aV JV dreaaed by rathar Muaaun. Ha apoke n 'The l ower to Hearb Men." Both of theaa Meatlaga wera attended by '. opacity bouaea. . Tba atuate for tba roaraattana la ftl ao ana af lha Interesting featurea. A big Barara-fhl lat hea choir la being dieted by Mr. W. It Overton. In ad . , d li Ion la tha choral Work ft aumbar , . ! the aelaiata of the city are making k, thla part af tha convention rary at- : traatlva. 1 . , .. . -ELOQUENCE OF CLENN ' c , - CAPTURES RICHMOND I'oraara Xorth Carolina Covrrnor Oprwa Pruhlbltloa Campaign In Old iMMWIahNi Yaeterday. 7 Mmi l Am km tm at m i a I '' Rlehmead, Va4 April It. Oaa of th moat remarkabl demopstratloni axn la thai city In many a year wa wttnrawd at tha Academy af Musle 5 thla afternoon, when former OoVornor . Kohert a Ohan, af North Carolina, fired tha opening gun for Htate-wlde problbltloa in Virginia.- With char - MrtrrUrtlo eloguenoe Oevernor Qlend pleaded with tha cittern of tha Old Dominion to dowa tha whuikey fraf. ' rw-e. and thua put aa and to an evil that waa threatening lha Ufa of a , arret patloa. Again aad again . h i aa applauded by the audience, which parked tha bouaa front pit to top. meet toiler?. Quoting from atalletlca, ba told of the bundreda of thouatnda of men and women who die aanually froro tha curee of dHnk. Ha alao told of the. milllnna and mlllluai of .dollar that go Into tha maw of thla nam. erooa avn. i ; .. i " Not Mailable. ; , If tha root OOlce Department In end m bar live alligator from the pe.roe poet, thoe who ipect to hlp trrnptne, rattleenakea, and WlldcaU t'-iat y ara probably doomed to be e.ifpointrdj Hoon loat. Ed;tcr CS.orcnc3 Pes WVa On Commencement Ceca- . JYentaorth. Apr , JlKrlday marked an epoch' In tha educational hletorr cf Ifbcklngham eounWtJ For aaantbj,. tha. caui.ty cuanmaaoamam has' bean looked forward to avith eagerneea by the pupils of the rural arhoots and sine th .epaninc sr tn lalttlri..thrr:.y, . Jrr work prerartefIT i " ffW tor cariincataa. - , TlunYouiur Oratora. . ': Tha axerclaaa began at ten o'clock with a contest by aeven boya, all from the elemenUry grades.: A medal waa alvan In this conteat by tha lalon Warahauaa Company, af Baldavllle. Thai waa won by Mr. Otla Haialen. of Willi meburg lawn ahlp, Oroora achool. Tba medal waa delivered by Prof. Frank H. Curtis, af tba ItetdavUla Hemlnary.1 Tha young i who participated la tba aontast wera carefully selected rrom ma d UT rent township and ahowed won derful oratorical ability. Prof. Cur tta waa eery aampllsaantarr ad them In hi prearnUutoa apaacb. , ; VomtXf mwllina toatTr Nett came the etiunty wide spall in conteat participated in by an teatant chosen in ft preliminary son. teat bald la aaoh. township several weak ago. rive contestant rrom aarh townaHla wera In tha county otmteet. Th eounty Board of Ed. cation gave geld medal to tha win ner In this Content, which was Miss Olli Rmall. of bwaepson villa town shin. Hharoa . arhool. f ror. w, a Andrawa af tba Keldevflle lly school preaeatad this medal, frof. Aadrewa hart talk m preaeatlnf thla medal waa very complimentary of tha train ing tha aontealaata had' received In their respective arhoola Mr. I'd fa Mtral Batterrnmk Tba faatur of lha day waa an ad dree by Editor Claranc Vo; of Tha tTogreeelv r trmer, of Kaielf a,- Mr. Paa cboaa U hi suhjeot "Kurai bat termeat or What ia being doag m rural aaotiona of North CaruHna aiana aduoatlonaj Unaa." Mr. foa waa given tba vary closes attaatlon and spoke for i mlnulv. Mr. fan wa iotrouoa by rrof, utokaraon. o addrasa dllvrd In Book Ingham eounty for sometime baa beta liaua4 to with ao much InUreat. , . -. . mrta in Kpratna . After an adjournment af one hour ana a naif tha crowg reaaMiabiea ta wttaaaa tba girls' aantast. Aa In tba boys' on loot seven contestant wera chosen - from ,th elementary ml a oi tno puoua seaooia ar tna ainerent townahlVft A gold medal was Uad give in-this aontaat and ,'ha prasen tetlon was by Mr. Thorn K. raust. ouparintenaant ar Uulllura oounty aohaola. Tba succeaaf u , contestant was M las Branson frloa, of Now net Ml lownahlp. Bdusatloa baa oar. tainly not bee loot sight af la Hack in sham publla schools accardtng to tha way theaa aeven girl aoquitlad thmelvea In that eontaat.- , Modal fop aobolarahlp. I . Tba Wachovia .Loan and Tract Cojnparty ( .Wlnatrvalrn, tgava ft medal Ha ba preeeated aa tha boy or gin wno, raaaa thai pit seat, average gradw upon - th eom plot ion af. tha elementary grade. Thla waa wan by Mia Marian auitfleld, mt Williams burg town eh Ip. . Attorney- E, H. Wrenn. of Beldsvllla, , preaented this msdal to Mia atanfleld. It b) vara complimentary of taa . work being dona In Moklnghaot public achoola i or Dana outaioa or taa eounty to becom so tntaraatad aa ta ,oftr ft mada i . Thla la tha third annual eounty commencement " held '. In thla county and ia ft marked Improvement aver tna iwa previoua one, no tor year haa public gathering af any kind drawn uch a large crowd af paopl toaeiaer in me oouary. inaa cam meneeaiMta haya been tha magna af bringing closer together th rural arhoola af tha aounty aod they ara all working aow upon' on common piano. Tba great improvement in tha warklnf aut of tha rural acuool aya lent and taa splendid . ao-opcration which baa been brought about hi due at tba work af the efficient eounty superintendent Prof. U N. Htcker aa with lha a'd af bis splendid body ot teacher. Buaulbtu Art XoUbte. Boactal mention ehould ba made nf lb dlfterent school aablblta dlsDlav. ad at tha eomman cement. Tba work m art of aevaral fourth gradea would do credit ta pupila who ar farthar advanced. Tba pHe rn tbeee aa. hiblu war won by Fleaaentvllle. Went worth and ' Lennoa Castle schools. -. una hundred and twentv.flva eaa. tlflcftted war granted ta pupila who bad Snlthed th atemantary gradea af tha county achoola Theaa eertift eaten will entitle them ta entrance In any high achool in tha county. npicnaio music for th d waa furs nlahed by tha Kaeera. Blind Band of High Point. Thla waa also one of tha great drawing aardi of tha day, . . rwarra tutom iToftrme. The following Ibrurae will "ahaw soma of the prorreaa being mada by lha rural achool of Rockingham county: The vain of achool proper ty In 1114 waa lit,; now the Us able value la ttlMIt -Tb amount paia taa taacnera In lift waa 11101: In lilt, lll.ltt. In 1M4 only on special tag district had been aathb llshedi now there are ; it. Nina aohool houara were built taai year and mora than that number ara aa peeted ta ba erected tba coming year. An effort ta being mada now ta es tablish central farm Ufa achool and n win prooamy aa located near Want worth, as It la bear tba center af tha county. - EKATOR ALLEN COOP FARMER. Mill Klve Man Making ame Fat. - - . "T1". "torn. , ISh-UI te ta. Sen tad otaemt.l -',. Mandrrannvilla. Ar,-4t a a... T. a Allen, of Mill Klver, on of th moat (uooeaeful farmers and v cattle feeders ia tha eounty, while In tba city thla week talked Interestingly of tha Industry which h haa been grad ually developing for several years, but upoa which he recently spent , ior caiua aarna, ailoa, etc Hi made tha laat ahlniMMft . Mt tla last weak. havinr f,ii.Mil m ateera during tha past year. Before euuuing n oarns auring tno past year he fattened about forty cattle each fall and winter. - In arreting barna and allot broator Allen took oalna to are that lhav fliud tha quirementa found necesaary by pa at Mpariencea and . they wera arected with the view to convenience. Neaj tha stables ha hna ft large gaaolln pump, for furnishing the animals with water, which la conveyed to tha eta hie through ft cement trough. Th manure hi ao small Item tn connection With , the fattening of tha cattle, slnoa eVnator Allen laat year saved shout lot loads, valued at about 13.000, all of which he da posited on his Mills Rlvar farms. . Tv.cr.ty-Tv.3 cf C: r::3 Cf ferpd v;:i.C;r.t Fcr C:c.:l-' ? C -rc:s RUHAL LirZ A TEATJ.T.E Drs. TnrS.:t:n and , Ciley, CraJsaiTi end K,rs : f..CiCim : ran in gcnicrcnea-r-rc-i- . tics is snapm. up in joran;8 ""; (By H, WUTTCftS.) ; Chapel Hilp AprU H-Two noUbU anlargameota ,ar le ba asaaciaud arttb the approaching aessloa of tha University Summer School.. ' Twenty two of tha courses offered tha teachers af tha ttate can b so appropriated aa t aount for the Baoheloa, of Arts ana Master at Arte aegreea, aaa a dis tinct ltural Ufa Week will ba ob served. . , .. Theaa two ftddltloiid Ir'tha 111 program of tha summer school con stitute forward-looking movements In tha Ufa of a arhool for teacher, al ready noteworthy for Its tang conn unuous record or acnieveroenta. Ui- reoior xh. w. walker, wnoaa lata an bouncament deaorlbes fully tha en larged sphere of the school, consider these departments aa a. , further strength-giving tonls to a achool thai has had a phenomenal growth In bum bera, from thirty-eight students In HOT to tOO students In If II. . . Teachers, auperlntendenta and oth are deairina to secure deareoa of A. R and A. M., can avail themselves of the Hreairtwn Bourses ao deatrned. Un dergraduates aaa secure collate credits or rrom three ta four Hours during a single, session, while graduates of standard college caa secure an A. M. degree for four summers' study. aaawr ox nnni aawa. Tha rural Ufa department will take on tangible working shape during the approaciung summer aaanton. , ab agricultural department will be eon ducted under taa guidance of Dr. T. E.' Turlington, ef tha, Farm-Life School of Craven county, Courses In egriaolture. nature study, botany aad agrtaalturat : ahemiatrw will reoelve due attention In thla department Tha week devoted to the benefit of rural Ufa workers and high achool teachers will om June .11-17, Inclusive. Dr. Liberty H Bailey, of Cornell Unlver ally: Clarence 1'oc, editor at the Pro gresalv 7 Farmer; Commisglansr - af Agriculture W. A, Graham, and Mrs Jan McKimmon. ot Raleigh, are ex ported to take part In th rural life uonrereneea, - - Uood.Natnred Political Rivalry. Orange eounty politico la gathering working enthusiasm. The entry of ft number of oandidatae into the field promisee aevaral two -cornered scraps oi food-natured rivalry. Chief inter est seems to ba centered on the sena torial campaign. Ea-Repreeentatlv jean t. Johnston and Attorney Prank Nash ara both sssking tha olnce. Mr. Johnston repreeented Orange eouaty in tna LeglaJature four years ago and ia now a practicing lawyer of Hills boro. while Mr. Nash baa long been ft member of tha H tils boro bar. The Oeolelon and recent publla announce ment of Uaorge C. I'lcksrd that ba would stand for reelotlon ta tha House of Representative, from Or ang make twe-eoraared affair of tha aontast for thla office. K C. Pat terson, a farmer of Chapel Hill town hip having sometime ate announced hia candidacy. 'Rsgieter af Deeds John Laws, sheriff R. d. Bain, Clark ef tha - Court Charles fMrayharw and Treasurer H. L. Parriabj will anonunt ar no opposition, unleaa oandidatae naratoior anannouneea come rortu. Orang aounty primaiiaa are -held aa usually early this year, tha data aa Ing May It. The convention nomas Uh II. j . . . . - r. i-. On TemDaranca. - Rev. U. L. DtrlnsneldL ef Ralelth. A seta tan t uperintandont at tba North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, eonducta services in two of the village churchea today. He preached al the Baptist eharch thla morning and will sneak at th Methodist church this evening. "Bearon aad peisure Law Makes Blind Tlgera Oo. The Webb Law "If aha Jugs Go! ' Publto Sentiment Say Drinking Moat Oo! National Frohibl lion l Coming" are the topics adver tised for presentation by th temper anoe minister. Y " " Jarauaraa Joaraal a Gift. Tha University of North Carolina haa been preaented with a full set of tha Journal of the Imperial Univer sity, Toklo, Japan- by Dr. Bhosuka Sato, exchange professor to the United States for lllt-llli. Dr. Sato's visit to North Carolina la pleasantly re membered ' by both University stu dent! aad oltlMna of Charlotta, where be visited on his North Carolina trip. Dr. John H. Latane. Professor ot Hlatory of Jobnd Hopkins University, waa visitor to Chapel HU1 Tuaaday, delivering ft lecture on the subject ef the Monroe Doctrine to the etudents of the University. WEEKLY nWANCLMi , RKTUfW; New Tors, April It Tba stock market'a views on all other subjects ware materially modified thla weak, where they were not totally obeeurad by tha eventa In Haaloov speculative conjecture waa unable to measure tha possible effects na the duration and extent' of the trouble. On the day following the capture of Vera Crua the market adteaoed. owing largely to tba hormat tmputee of professional speculators to take ojutck profits by covering ehoita. Renewed weakness . follownd ma tursr consideration. Tha principal effect on tha New Tork market' was by Indirection by Paris and London sailing bare, prompted by tba heavy involvement or tna-foreign markets in- Meaioo's Usances. A calm view waa held of tha mora direct coneeauencee. Diveraloa ot publto and legtalatlve attention from efforts at business regulation waa re garded as a poaalble t art or of benefit to the markets. Jltlmulation' of da maad by military consumption was can va seed for Its likely lielpful effect The Jump In wheat waa aa e tarn pie. Tna prospect or government bond 1 note Issues caused frwh reeerva In making capiat commitments. Thla waa an Influence on the price af bonds In gensral and on plana for Snanclng maturing requirement. - mo neip, against , tna QCDreealon from the Mexican alt nation came from other sou roes. . In the steel trade tha drying up of new bualntss continued. Suspension of ooal traffic piled up idle freight "rare. Commercial centers reported little ia illative te bualneea In aplte of promie Ing amp proapecte and easy money marketa. Busata'a gold hunger lift ed foreign exebanga to tha gold eg. port level Tha rata decision aa a a vtviag influeaca almost dropped aut of consideration. , - " ! j One.) : 'i: ; r': :,-t i aaJ ,. v even a 5' ', . r : i :. z uct v ;a I tcfi.:: '. to w..: '. i head v:art.r;. Many ; -xlczn c:.icb's have r.--port.-l t ir w ;::.?' jjness to rcsun;; th;ir l . s, f or.icc under the n pcrv! ' i cf f j Amerlrsns. 1h? Amc;' : i oC'-a's named to to a' t h tha s. -erviIon of Vm munici;;.l -government are:' Com mander H. O. Stickney, of J the Prarie, crrtain of the portj Fhct Surgc;.i T. VV. Spratlinir, Uhltarv Inspector; Commander U. P. jSelf- ers, of . the Arkansas, provost marshal;" Commander John M. Llv. .f S!ith Carolina, ii- 4 Roberto. Diazi mayor of Vera Crua, bas agreed to reopen bis of fice an J it has been arranged that public schools shall be re -opened tomorrow.? . :J '. ; V;. . Can't Rescli Raf see. , , EfTorts of Rear Admiral Fletch er, supplemented by those of the British commander, Rear Admiral Sir-Christopher Cradock, and the French and German Consuls and private citizens to bring about the departure from the interior of ail foreigners who wish to leave, are beine; continued enerretica.lv. but we nope ot getting out more than a smai part or those left, ts dimin ishing hourly. ' , - , 1 r . : Mm Tamri Uo Roti. V Federal General Maas has es tablished his headquarters at So leaau, 10 miles rrom vera Cruz, and his mcnare tearinr up the railroad tracks. The gap between Tejera. the. water supply station, which is guarded by the Americans and Soledad, has grown and it Is now a nara task tor refurees to get themselves and their' baggage across tnc open spacs. newu. will Iluta. Sir ChristoDher Cradock: throush Sir Lionel Cardan, who haa returned charge of the British Embassy at tha capital, a urging president Huerta to permit the departure, ef aU foreign ara irons Mexico city, aad It la con sidered possible that one. or two more trains, at least will ba permitted ta pan tnrougn. nut there appears a fair chaaoe that those who have fal Ian under the displeasure a Huerta and are In tba custody of bis foroe will pa Held. t ri Lieut Frank J. Fletcher, of the batUaahlp Florida, ta la charge of tba train which Is being ram frera Vera Crua to the break la tha road. and on every outgoing trip tha trala carries a email detachment of armed mart, la addition to a machine gun. Tha tram haa been within eight at va rloua tlmea of outpoata ar ecoutlng parties ot Gen. Mass force, but aa tar there haa been ao hostile act. , . We Intimation haa bean received that Huerta, proposes- to release the Amertcaaa, aoma of tnam women and children, held at Cordoba. Ortsabe. raenuea. Aguaa-caiiontaa ana otnsr place -..,.! ; Former rail war men. Amarteaaa and a lew iteglcaas. Including noma Of the omcere of the National Hall way system who were dunbararad bv Oaa. Huerta, have offered their ser vices to near Admiral Fletcher for any use be may aaa fit te make ot tbom, ..-.'. v - . Ask ta Head TraJna. - - A eommualcatlon baa bean aant ta Oen. Maaa, asklag htm to permit th operation, of trains from the south over the Vera Crua . and Isthmian Road for ft brtf time that alsilcaaa here who dee! re ta reach that part ot the eouatry shall have the op portunlty to do aa aad that. Araerl. cana leolated la that dtstrlct'may be fat aut ! . " " ' - . .- ' The consulate Is receiving upward of lid tolsgrama ft day through the State Department aad from Individ uats. - asking for 'information- at American residents. Consul Canada haa created a special bureau ta make such investigations and to answer telegrams. - . .. wtrra Ara noriM, Both the Navy and State Depart ments are eager for official new aad tha fleet and the consular officer have been overwhelmed with order to keep the department edvtaed of even minute details, Thla efflclal Informa tion, added te tbe mass of private meaaagee and tba anormoua volume af preaa matter filed by thirty or mora ncwarjaner corrosrtondentft haa resulted In so "ctoggbig the three cablea sending aewa to tha Outside World that ltd ' traaamiaslna, axoept with many hour delay, la virtually impossible. Two more correapond-1 enu are eald ta ba on their way hare ! with tha aoldiar tranaporta, aad a tew more are coming from New Tatk. Voaa l ev fcrarcex ' t Tha food supply problem must be relieved aoon. aad for thla reasea piass are being made to opea th Alvarado Railroad, a abort Una run nlng south Into tba garden aad poul try district. Tba restaurants have aut dowa their list to soup, ft- piece of meat and eoffee, and ahargee have been Increased. Tha . hotels are crowded and the refugees are finding difficulty In securing auartrra. Metlraaa Lack Aaaannnltlow. Na material ehange baa been made tn the disposition of American forces within the city ar aa the outside liaee. Maicr- wmeOler- C- ButW . suU la tn command Of the line betweoa the ally aad Oen. Mass foreea. The Mexi cans ara believed to be abort of am munition. A battalion ef marines ander Cant U M- Qullck, of tha Arhanaaa, at guarding tha water works at Tejera. Theaa men have reported no appear ance of the eaamy. Lieut Bellinger mada a ecoutlng trip today In a hydro aeroplane over tha Antigua and bah Francisco Unaa; , . ' - v Up tha piaaent. Consual Canada ascertains that - aa American la big consular district haa been even In Jured since - tha beginning of tho operatlona, although many are held by tha Mexlcana and threete of axe eutlon have bean made. ' Krugvea Ktlll tVwmo. tVlreleea reporta ta Rear Admiral Badger etate that no disturbance have occurred In tha coast towns. Tha American Hawaiian liner bake tan arrived today from tMerto Mexico with 1 IT American refurees. Moat ef them came from plantaiioaa la the sugar districts aad abandoned almost everything when they received ward from tha eoneul Ja.dvtalng tbam -to leave.. i .-'. N Tha steamer Mexico will nrobebtv sail tonlaht tor Galveston. She will carry refugee of all natlnna, includ ing those from the Dakotan, The liner Monterey still await Rear Ad. mlral Badger'a Instruction to pro cead la. port to Ihe south. The i'i... : i'" titji'it eiitiHW!,' "in 'ier i .i i. I,, 9 1 1 i ih,i is, .J tug b,a e ra au "r I win Cohirra suj piy ships 11et llrj t Informed. . . ' n y of th enir'neertng for" and mini rve l.feti kept aborj nhn. vry v tor from nioie la fc fi ana " i...!' taa news?" as be cltmlis the r -nHWity., The fla '. prepares anl u.rtiritmtra aopiea ot tha correspond ents' reports to tho rest ot ths fleet. Kcretary of the Navy Daniels cabled to Bear Admiral Vadger today part of the j-xt of tha correspond encs between the diplomatic repre eontatlvea of lirasil, Argentina and C hile and Secretary Bryan, regard, ing the offer ot the good offices of these eolintri.es for mediation between "e L'litlrd .as e-1 Mexloet. . A er me. . ConerasKOver Rofageca. Admirals Badger aad Fletcher are concerned over the refugee aituatlon. If tho Influa ot refugeea, who are unwilling to proceed to the United Slates, aontlnuea the accommodations bera aoon will be overtaxed and thla may .hamper tba militia operatlona to some extent--' All refugees, ther fore, ara being advised to take the Brat ehanca te proceed to Galveston. Huerta WHI Necotiat Says Uri : official Dispatch ,;- .1. (Continued from Page One.) ". can diplomatic corps were called in during the day by the three en voys of peace and informed of the r-nvnvV hnn - ' Announcement af plana necessari ly t dependant aft Qen. Huerta firpt rapiy. . - ' ' v ' 1 Haerta- May AeotM. , 'I '.Wall posted member cf the diplo matic corps were af the op U-ion te night that Huerta. would accept tha proposal of good offloea and that tbe acceptance, Is principle at 1-aet, would not ba long deferred. They pointed aut that It would be dlffoult and elmsot ungracioua for him not ta consider aoon ft meadly tender, com Ing from countrlea largely of big own race and language. -Baa rotary- Mryaav waa visited at Ilia bom during the day by the peace envoye. Mr. Bryan afterwards com municated tta nature to the White neuae. t ., -. Keports rrom tba east and want coasts of Mexico. Irom , Admiral nearer ana iiowara. laanaeitveJv. dsacrtbad energetic afforta, not only of tho American navy but German and British vessels to assist refurees in leaving..: . . ;Td CMBdala Are) Occupied. , Bacrstarlca Garrison bad Denial conferred early about the rank of offloora wha will be tn Chary af tha joint operation or ta - army-1 aad aavy arobad Vera Crua. War Do partmoat official bualed themselves with preparations for Possible eali for voiuataara under tb new voloa- taar miuua law. 1 7 ;r:"7' CgMft Uaea Oat -.-"-T-t-' Admiral Badger wired that comma' rtlaatioft between Vera Crua and Meg Ice City waa-Irregular i that aa out post of Mealona Federal eight mile away raiuae to reran it linemen to re pair tna aaoia. Later tonight the cable waa reported repaired. ' wnua a break la communication between Vera Crua aad Mexico City wlU embarrass the eroding of m ra ta by tha three South American diplomatr to their representatives In Mexico City, thara la another Una af communication.' via Sailna Crua and raetno coast oabla, wnick can be utilised in tha emergency. . 1 Aaha Kefug-jea' Rdease. Becrvtary bnraa reluested tba Bra, slllan Embassy to endeavor through tna Bra allien legation la Mexico City, wnien ra in caarge ar Amartcaa la taraata la Mexico, to obtaia tha r of aoma thirty American raf. ugaaa, reported by American Consul Canada as having bean taken from a tram at Aguaa uaiientee, aorta of Mexico Ctty. and bald by Msxloan eoldlere. Tha tnformalloa that they werp held waa brought to Vera Crua br Alfred Doe it, manager of the American Smelting and Reflaina company worka at-Aguaa Calient-, wh aaid the Americas wera taken from tbe train by Federal troopa, aft er aaing threatened by a mob. , Uratisit and te-vaaa Aid. Rear Admiral Howard, at Maaatlan. reported ta tba avy Department, de nying a rumor that Ouaymaa bad . k. &M . i - , , w;n v- AnivrKaii iwva, fl. aid the guabeata Tork town and New Orleans ware thorn. He reported, too that the steamer Glacier had aalled with II American., th English steam er ciurtaaa bad left Ouaymaa for Manaanlllo'wHb refugeea. and that the oerman govern meat bag chartered the Mexican atnamer Masatlaa to take all mfn ra ss . . . Bee re La nr Daniels laler aald all Seemed tutet on tho wast coast. Ha baa given ordera that the care of refugeea shsll ba awnaldarad of first Importance in tbe movement ot tbe fblpa tn tha Pacific. i . - Ma Maea tVoa Tampkva. .-'; I Rear Admiral . Mayo, at Tampico. that It had beea difficult for- him to get Information about conditions In the city, all hia vessels having been withdrawn ta th roadstead. Dis cussing Rear Admiral Fletcher geciaratiaa of martial law, Secretary pan mis aaja srery errert bad bean made ta restore order. under civil municipal authorities. Rear Admiral Fletcher cabled un der date ot le p. m, laat night, a loiiowa: . f . .. .v v !,.--'.'" "Agala confer d with mayor and local offlclala ralallva the renewal of I hooting at our man and Informed tbam that It had o stopped And that ardera bad been given for extreme measures t ba taken tonight if ft Single shot ta Braxli also of tha proc lamation reoulrtntr everytne in Vera Crua ta band In all weapons befor II o'clock tomorraw (Sanday) under sever penalty. Trop OrtVr awnrai, ; " looretary Oarr'aoa aald ba would aot reveal tbe ordera to troopa ea route to Vera Crux until thalr arrival; that the Brat battalion, of tha fourth eld artillery which could aot ba ao eommodated ea tha transport which sailed last Friday, bad gotten away today on tba transport Retina, and that tha rest wcUld go auo oa th an Marcos. KisMwUaaf Ufa Safer. ' While tha beginning of peaaa par leys did aot effect War and Navy Department acttvltlea ta planning for aby eventuaUUra which might result, yet U. did Introduce ft hopeful feeling Into tho aituatlon. - AemlnUrtraUoa oBlclal thcmeelr . feared Huerta would aot listen to peace proposal aow, but there waa a unanimity of feeling that tha period af negotiation would be ft life raver for American trying to reach points of safety,' . Ante-tram to rlettss. , Incidentally, tha proffer by Braxli, Argentina and Chile, ef their goad of Aree and Its prompt Brreptaare by the I nlted Htatee are reaarded. la offlclsl and dlphttaatto circles, aa aot Ice to tb woria that ttatiuna of Uia bemls- h. ......... -; 'AditrJ. . .'. . . .... ... Subject to Ruiesv of The News and ,Qlteryir.4 Must be re ceived at The News and Observer ofice by May 10th. v - nhara stand "for Uho . BlUmiit t American questions by Amerkana r blnlinuu Are llrmjMxl. ' . Tlln.Amnrt.a dlDlomsUSt look on the mediation proceed lnr a of far-reacblng Importance. They be lieve that tha South Amartcaa re nnhllna acied in' aim-are rood will to the Halted Ptatea aad In sympathy for Mexico; and that they were prompiea to make thalr proffer wholly disinter estedly la an effort to maintain "the cordiality and unloa which tway have surrounded the relation ef the gevernmeiia ana pmp i ........ :. Uoa4 Morai tlfact. , , The Joint action ot th government af Braxli. Argentina and Chile, It was learned today had Its inception on the occupation, by the United States of Vera, Crux. It I pointed - out that their action was snureiy vcioniarT. Whither thalr efforts succeed er not Officials aanorally believe the moral Offset win na trmnoou inroognoni tba wbale or Latin-America. ; OtHewa Ara Notified, ! . Tftdav tha mediators were la con ference formulating plana, which ar tentative antll Huerta repllee to the communication forwarded last night The mediators found their colleague In tho Lfttin.Amerlean diplomatic corps deeply gratified at tba attitude assumed by tha United State, through its prompt acceptance of tba media tioa offer. Mew ef tta acceptance wa. cabled immediate! to even aoutn and Central Amerioan capital. - Tha taia DaMrtmsnt alaa Botlfled Amor lean ambassador and ministers af the - Inception -af the, nstotlatlpris. titowof Terrors Told ByRefu -v'Oeer Fleelno.Tampico;', . (CBtlrtued frere Page One.). bis in central alaeaa. , ' After' dark crowd (warmed the Plaaa, where flary spaachea ware dellvared and pa - . a u,. ' and "Death to the Or! n toes. H cried the crowd while tba rafugsas barri caded themselves la tbe Bouuiern Hotel ' Stoaea ware -- thrown and windows amashed. Then It waa that Capt Von Kohler of tha Oerman cm leer Dreedea sent ft tame note to General Karat ot. - command of tha port at Tamcica. that if ha could not atop tba rioting that "I win at to It aeraoaftiir that it i atoppag. Afob Acaln aVwixis, Within flfteea mlnutea. efllosra ot the Connecticut aald today, th Mexi can ruraioa appear eo on tna streets aad tbee row ptsperaad. Two hour later another mob appeared. Ailing tha atroeta In front of the Southern Hotel Aa attempt wss maftav to batter dowa tna aoera or tn notou in wnicn mere were assembled mora than. 11 men. women and children Ojily thirty ra fugeea had arm to meet any attack. uennaa aauora Kaacaa. A detachment of ftolloa broke VP tbe crowd and .early on Wed need y morning, while it waa yet dark Oerman officer with ft eouad af four tailors from tna iwoeaen, went ta tna relief of the beleaguered refugee and escorted eighteen women and chUdraa to the Dresden. In that little band was a woman refugee who bad walked two mllee from the Panuco district with ft two-day -old . baby In her arma, RaO TJadaff Otbev Flata, On Wad need ay morning tbe general transfer of American refugees from Temple was oo mm need and the Amerioan yacht Wakiva and Wild Duck, under foreign colore, brought th refugeea dowa the rlvar to th Amerioan wamhlpa. Tha Wakiva took dowtj th Amartcaa flag and hoisted the English color, while the yacht wild Duck flaw the Oerman nag. Refugee paid tha American flag would have surely been fired upon. An Enxllah officer waa nut aboard tha Wakiva from tha British warship Hrrnoln to aid la th trnae tar of refugeea . ... Firing waa heard tn Tampioo laat Friday when th Connecticut aalled. Refugee aald they-expected that the Mexloana would destroy their bornee arter tooting ana that tha all Held tank Would be set afire. . TOWN OFFICIALS RENOMINATED Maxtor. Apparently fa Wei latlsficd - - to voto uw Bonds. (BjiaH m TW Mas aaa WW') Maxton. April tl.rAt a town meat. Ing held Friday night, the following war nominated for office . for ths coming year: For aaeyer,: McKay McKJnnon; for town commissioner. U U Metilrt. b, R. Klrkpatrlck. J. B. McCallum and C. bf. Burns; for water commlsaionera, T. O. Evans, J. O. Baldwin and B. S. Ramea There wa no contest and all af ths wi renomlnatlom except that A H. Cur rie, wh wa oa last year's beard of oommiaslonera, drcllned a renomlna tioa and C M. Burns was selected In hi stead. Ths election will tak place the first Monday In May, at th aame time when the two bong Issue will be voted on, on of I20.00 for new achool building and the other for the earn amount t pay off tba float' ing indebtedness ot the town, which o-rrr sis.eat. and ia aatead water and eewer line. OFFICE GOES BEOGIXG. . . V ' PMM -" Bancnenbo Vnaban a OH Till E. amlnrr Under Torrvwa Pyatroa. (Hpnta hi TM K-eaeae Vmmrm.t , AahavlU. April tl With a bait Hundred candidates seeking va rtoue offlce to ba filled by tba Bun como county voters, Clerk at the Superior Court Marcus Erwtn la able to boast of patrons re which h can't dispense, public office with elements tor wnK-a mere ta no candidate. Clerk Erwln has not yet been able -to In due any member of the tocaU bar to assume tbe duties of examiner of land tKlea, pravided for under tha Torrena aystsm and which pay fa ot fl for each service rendered. Clerk Erwln state that although tb lob has been tendered to many of the Aahevtlla attorneys none of them hss shown a desire to perform th duties oi tno omre. ... . . Since the Torrena system of reals- terlng Isnd titles went Into effect but tw Buncombe county sellsrs . have asked to be acquainted with Ita pro vlatona and in each Instance, the in quirer baa filed bis deed under ths old aystem. - , Music ot co urea la a fin thins, but It Isn't ths singing; b that produce th money. . .... ?. . . . . . . . . . Nil MUTE The Itinerary of National Lec turer of Tho Ar.ti-Sdloon : Z('4 League ef Arncrica : Rev.' Sam Small, noted throughout "1 the country, the national lecturer of tha Antl-8aln League ot .America, la to speak' at aeventoea .plaeea In North Carolina.- Hia subject will b "Natlon-Wld Constitutional ProhU bltloa." His Itinerary lor North Car olina bv as follow: OastoVla, Wsdnasday Uay Mth, t f m., Baptist church. Meoreavllia. Thursday May 11, I p. . wu, Msthodlat church. i Winston-Salam, Friday May II, f p. m., Flrat Baptist church, ,,- ,.. Saturday. May II, I p. tn. ! Durham, Sunday May; J. I p. m Trlnlty ehurch. . j - , Raleigh. Monday May SI, I p. rru Cdentoa Street M. E. church. - Wilson, Tuaeday May If, I a. m4 Flrat Baptist church. : . Rocky Mount, Wednesday May J7 I p. m., Methodist ahurch.,. New Ber-t, Thuraday. May Id I M tn., Methodist church. ' Wilmington, Friday May SI, I P aa.. First Baptist churchy ; t ,r. ; Saturday. May 19, p. m. 9 . Oresnaboro, Sunday May II, t P. Preehytertan church. ' ' . . High Point, Sunday May tl. t 'pu m Methodist church. Fayettevilla, Moadar Jliaa 1, t Pa Ba., Flrat Baptist church, Rockingham, Tuesday Jun I, p m.. Methodist church- , Monro,' Wedneeday 3w t, P Bt Presbyterian church. - :':-,::m'. - Hickory. Thursday June 4. p. m , FTaebytertfta church. . ' . '.. Concord. Friday Jun I. I p. m Methodist church. . u i , , ; Saturday, June t. I p. m. Charlotta, Sunday June VI P. m Flrat Baptist church.. , , LA CONCERT AT v V TABERNACLE CHURCH - Sunday aV-hool to Hav Entertsrns . moot on Taredsy Night' of TliM Week-Praarva , Moatbar-a -Kext Sunday. , - - ' A Vtctrola concert will be given a th Tabernacle Sunder achool room ' tomorrow night for tbe benefit of th member of the Sunday aohool aad th Invited public Thar will be abo. , lutely no charge, and th public lrf , general la cordially Invited to be pro . sent. Soma of th masterpieces of thai treat singers will ba played on tb Instrument. Including aevaral eelee tlons that are favorite with Madame ' Kadskl who It to sing here next' month. " . 1 On next Sunday tha Sunday achool ' will ebawrve Mother'a Day, as R will , also b observed la churchea through qt tho ftatioa. Aa effort will be made to have tha mother and fathera of) . all of tha Sunday achool scholar preeeat at tbe time, and special lnj vltatlona have been sent to. themJ ; Thar will be special musle, and the) -old oat will ba sung. . LXAOXU BB.1D OOMpia Mrft Heath of Xew York, to Vsdt Wll : mmgioaa, - , Wilmington. April Id. Mrs. Julian . tieaia. oi nw I org. national pru dent and. founder of the HouseurivesT i League, will arrlv in Wllmintton orl - Tuaaday. and will spend several days' here aa th gueet ot th local House; ... wtvse Laaguo. During her visit Irt tb city shs will . addrees a poblla meeting. She la on her way to New Tork from Chicago, where aha wool as Hew Tork State delegate to that National Conference on Marketing m,n running credits, jiaid April 14th to) lTth. From Wilmington she will ad to OoldaborO) where aha pill organ lie a branch league. V . . . - Th National Housewives Leatud waa founded thro year ago and I haa grown to be na of ths moat in) iluential organisations In tn country la upholding law which sJTart foodt tupplle. the family health, tha x-s ef living and In. eerurtng advanced legislation towards thee and. "from roRcaciv trip- . 4 Mr. W-A. Grahaaa Clark Back Frotal apaa laa tutat,- - nO ft visit bom after another xa tensive trip . in government aervicd Mr. W. A. Oraham Clark, ao ol Chief, Juetloa WaUar Clark, special, agent of the Department of Com mere and Labor, la In the city. , Mr. Clark haa Just completed hid second tour at ajpaa and China, raj turning from this around the world tour through . Siberia and Russia Four Tears ate h visited ataxic and. tha South American Statea and two yeraa aa japan and China. . . ., Ce4 Work by th United rana ' Hlokory Democrat. , " ' ' it ta encouraclnL- to note tha s-ooil work being don br tbe United Farm! Woman la this county, notably In th Kllltan aad .Pleasant Grove school districts. At Kill lan school houa ., theaa good women bav cleaned oil the ground and sowed crasa nlota ' and planted flower bads, which add muoh towards making the achool ait attractive place one where our boya . and girls will love to spend their tlm ' during ths school term. And aot only ' this, they ar planning to meet on th school grounds once each month, on Saturday afternoons to play game and hava a pleaaant social fathering, at the aam tlm adding to their at ore v of knowledge In ways that will mean ' much to ths future welfare and ud , building of the community. It M hoped that this movement amortaj the ' wome will continue to grow until It i reaches svery section of tha county. as much benefit can be derived br becoming a member and It will b aa added Impetus to ths advancement of our county which la already noted for Ita prcrremiveneira and tha bin la UUactuaUty at Ita closes,-- - I