of ilene Subscriptions and - i 1 '" ' ' ' 1 Tollections Until Midnight May 6tli ulzv Lcii3ui:.2 uivsti on uen tl JstnltnctCsC;:;::;! TICS WKATHEJL V : . - , " . Full data concerning the weather will' b found today oa Par Flv. " - - mo. i -- iinj 4r- .. . .. ....V: i -. - , . " Observer IIUEnTA REPORTED 'BtTOfiESIGIJ Only v Wants i': ChahCe To Get - Safely Oat of Mexico On' , v Foreign Warship" : ; PEOPLE ARE WAKING Up 3Tiey Find That Huerta Has Falsely.i:lnformedThem About Rebel Defeats ; and Purposes of Arnerjcan Inva sion and They Are Turning Against The Usurper r-- - ' V ar m imn tnmj . Vr Cnu, t. PrMDt re port continue to circulate hra that OanaraJ HuerU hitandi to retire from -the PnriAMCjr of lfozloo m eondttiea that k be aaaured a eafe oondact to a pott aa4 be b laced on board a for- ol(a warehlp. .-: ' : - It la declared la eome Mexican dr . ctea bora that Huerta waa ready to re lf a a week a(o, bat waa prevented by Internal dlaeeneiona In bi Cabinet. UoaQht aentteeac Urowtac. , The realmatlon of Joee Looea Por- tillo r Rojaa, the Foreln Mlnlater. coupled With reporta that there ia a . (rowtnT uaderourrent . of feeling la Mexloo City asalnat tho Huerta (Or . ernment la interpreted her aa for ahadowtna; a chant la the Federal capital. . .. ('loee obeervera bar believe Senor Pqrtlllo'a . realgnatlon may clear the ' way ntuallr .for the appointment , of a Forolan Hlnlatarwho under the Mexican oonatltuUoiw ' could succeed . Huerta aa president In the circles It la pointed out that while General Carranaa deeiinod -to treat wOh Huerta, he ulcht consent to enter into negotiatlona : with hla uceesaoT ana thee facilitate medlar tloa. Continued rebel sucoeseea la the North and attack on Tamo lea. may , In - the opinion ef soma briar about l'omiUuw Ottilnm WlaC Th interior wu roDorted aule) to day. 'People arrlvlnn here from the capital said the populac.was begin lilnr 10 learh that Huerta was decelv ing them all the Mm by lasulng falee reporta of Federal suoeeaaea against trie constitutionalists. News, of the peaceful, way In- which Americana are occupying Vera Crux It Is said.' has spread 'to the capital . and baa convinced th people there that th American Invasion of th port ' Is not for conquest or aggression. The capital's Inhabitants fear th coming there of Frandaco Villa mora than that of th American , troops. It Is mid. Elements In Mexico "City; which rllng to th memory of th lata Pree- Ident Francisco L Madero. are report ed to hava been Inceneed by th arrest of deputie. who war) cast into Jail - on cnargaa of conspiracy ' VICE-PRESIDENT SAYS EASY TO FIND A LADY BUT REAL WOMEN SCARCE ' Roanoka, Va., May I. Vlce-Preal- .dent and Mrs. Marshall are guests for th week-end of Senator and Mr. . Kern at Kerncllff, th country bom of th Senator near her. This after noon th Vice-President addressed the students of Hollln's College at their annual May Day festival. Mr. Marshall told th young ladles he was glad to ere they were study Ing Latin, as he bad thought ail the young women In these times were studying the great political problem ' "It la easy to become a Jady." said the Vice-President: "give me enough money and I can make a lady out of any female, but It is exceedingly hard to una a real true woman, After the speeches, luncheon was srrved on the Holltns College campus - to th flv hundred guests of ths stu- dents. ' , Miss Edith Towel), of Florida, was queen of th MayfeaUvitlea r r AnMKIt PROBABLY ROBBED. Anhevtll. April 1. That Douglas , Calloway waa the victim of foul play ? la believed by friends and relatives of the Injured man, the latter hav- Ing been found by th public road a few -Mights ago-with a fractured skull. He has not yet regained con fclr.uaneea. At first, it waa thought ' that he had fallen from hla wagon en ' route to hla home from Ashevllle, al , . thouirh an JnvMtlaatlon has. shown that his money And watch as well aa . tter valuables, are mlarlng. The Idea Is entertained that, he was robbed. NOMINATION BALLOT .- . ", . - ' . : . .'-, To enter the Contest, Oil out th Coupon andvend t th Couleajt Department. ; Cach contestant Is entitled to on nomination food for 1000 VOTES t hereby nominal ' . UR., MRS. OR HI88 - Birert No., ; . .Postodlc. ....... . k . ... Stat.,..,. Signed., vs.: .1 N.i ..... J . . , , , . -. . V. f .. i , ... ' Addrast ,...',...'.....,.............. ,. , , , t.. V ,M ,it i -i A! nar, ir ,1 ,, urn, I ) ,i Only ons nomination will be cr rdited to each conteetanC Under - ho clrcucietanceewllV the aomlnHtlon name be divuld' - . : -A J'vv; v ? . ' $- " v. J U''. 0 i- ' t r I ' , v THE PRDGRftLl OF BOFNJIE BLUE FLflG STAT EBM1KERS TO WAVE THIS WEEK For Convention ' In ', Raleigh .Which Begins On May . "Twelve . INAHALi? OF .THE YHOUSE The ' Address ', of Hon. John I Skefton Williams. Comotroll- trt The Currency,' Is To Re , Made On Wednesday Even ' ing, May 13, at 9 O'clock. Large Attendance Expected The proiram of th meeting of th Nortk Carolina Bankers' Association show that th meeting In -Raleigh May .11-1 will be on of great In teraat. The Wesslona are to be held in tha-Hall of the House e( Kepreeeat atlvea, the .opening session . to take place- on Tuesday night. May II at o'clock. , Tho address of Hon. John Bkelton Williams, the Comptroller of th Cur rency, will be - on Wednesday even ing. Hon. C W. Tlllett, of Charlotte, wll speak on Thursday morning and CoL John F. Brttton, of Wilson, will peak on Wednesday morning. Thursday afternoon and evening will be devoted to local events, a bar been at Bloomabury Park in th aft ernoon and an informal reception at th Raleigh Country Club la the even ing. ' Many social features have been arranged for by the Raleigh bankers, and. all who attend wHl be shown every possible hospitality. The Indi cations are that th attendance will be very targe, and that many ladle will be visitors to Raleigh' during the convention. j In addition to th regular business of the convention th matter of locat ing a branoh of th ' Reserve Bank and the selection of th director to represent the 8tat will be considered. Following adjournment, members of the American Bankers Association Coatinuea. oa Pag Two.) f:... County Is Aroused Over Mys terious Shooting of Mrs. : Higgins ' North Wllkeeboro. May . The Hutchinson Hlgglns feud was f opened this morning with a shock. when at daylight some one unknown at thbr hour shot and seriously wound ed Mrs. Biles Higgins, wife of th man who Is charged with the murder of Charles Hutchinson, a few months ago.. Hlgglns Is till at larre, having immeaiataiy disappeared after Hutch inaon was shot - Excitement -in -'that section of th County some six miles north of her Is running high and further develop mate are expected any moment. Bloodhounds wer -rwired for from High Point and war rushed through th country in automobiles, arriving on tno scene about o clock in th af ternoon, but up to o'clock th hounds bad been -unable to make any tart.' It Is talked "that some arrests ar expected within the next .few hour. Several hundred people have gathered at tho scene of th tragedy, many go ing out from North wiikesboro. Aaotber Version of Shooting. . . tatMoUl M TI- Km tnt Otaner. North' Wiikesboro, ".May I. About 4 o'clock this morning soma on shot Men. Hlgglns. wh lives about six miles from town, through a window of her reeidenc. flh had risen and mad a llxht to begin her household duties. 8he waa wounded in the far and arm, the weapon used being a shotgun loaded with small ahot. Eha is not seriously wounded. About two months sgo her hueband shot and killed his brother-in-law, a young man named Hutchinson, In the stint house. He fled and baa not been aporehended. Blood hounda bar been wired for to trace th miscreant. i '.l.Vr.DUtrtct No.., , FEUD 111 WILKES -STARTS UP AGAIN Gathering of Veterans' and Children In Jacksonville Will ' Be notable Event- , : AUTOS USED IN PARADE This Jime No Ambulances Will Trail Behind: Age-Wearied Survivors of Lost Cause In Their Annual Line of March. Governor Cox, of Ohio, To fie Present : - , (BV 8m iiiisml Pfa. ' Jacksonville, Fla May Sr With preparationa completed, Jacksonville tonight was ready to weleom th United. Confederate Vteav- ta Sons of Confederal Veterans land members of the Confederated South ern Memorial Association, which or (anlsatlons will meetbere In annual convention during the present week. Thousands of-vlsitors ar expected to attend and elaborate preparationa have been mad for their entertain ment.--1 ' i Th first meeting will be held Tues day night when the Sons of Con federate Veterans will ' Inaugurate their nineteenth yearly convocation. Th principal event of th week. however, will aot begin until Wed needay. Promptly at 1 o'clock Wed nesday morning the united Con fed erate Veterans will form th twenty fourth annual reunion, which will cloee Friday with th Veterans' par ad and th yearly ball In their honor. Bessions of th affllated organisations will be held simultaneously with those of the United Veterans during the week, and their conventions also will nd Friday. -. -7 7AJI la la Readlneaa... For many months tha Confederate Reunion Asaoolatloa .here , baa been making ready foe th gathering. Npthr Ing but .th actual reception and en tertainment at th eomlnf guests to night remained to be looked after, and. careful preparations to that end were perfected days ago. Jacksonville already has been deck ed In gala attire In readiness for hsr guesta . Tonight the city was ablas with myralds of electric light and gay with fluttering flags and bright bunt ing. At Springfield Park, flv bun dred neat, while tenia Mood waiting for the veterans, for whose safety and care lnrinlt precautions hav b takea. Spuria! Social Feature. The adranc guard of visitors will begin .to arrive tomorrow but all the veterans probably will not reach here before Wednesday morning. . Espe cial attention has been give this year to th social events connected with 4he reunion. The first of thee features will be th parade of spons ors and malda-of-honor Wednesday moraine;.. There aleo will be ball Wedneeday and Friday- nights and many other events of social nature during th week. A unique feature of Wednesday night's social aeaaloa will be th re turn in the Stat of Ohio of a battle flag captured from on of th regl menta of the "Buckeye State" by Con federate Th flag will be returned by the Alabama Division. IT. C. V., and will b formally accepted by Gov. J. M. Cox, of Ohio. At th sam ses sion presentation of sponsors an-1 maids of honor will be made. Veteran' Parade la Aatoa, la striking contrast to the cele brated custom of reunions of th past will ae the parade ef veterans Fri day. Heretofore th old soldiers hav braved a long, hot march through endless streets. This year they will 1 tdi. in automobile and no trailing ambumnces will follow th line of narch. Oa Thursday afternoon th Ron of Confederate will hold their annual parade, marching with th National Guard of Florida. It bad been expected that a regi ment of United -States Cavalry would attend th reunion and participate In tha ntirm rikm mnA mlmh that thee muld b oa bana a number of vessels nf th navy. Th present situation with llexlco, however, baa necessltatea elimination of theae features. The survivors of the daahlng cavalry bri gade of Ken. Nathan B. Forrest, bow ever, will attend, and will lend their Dicturesuue nreaence to the parades. Park Trammel I. Governor of Flor ida, and Vaa C. Sweaiingen, Mayor of Jacksonville, will deliver addre-we to tbe veterans Wednesday,- after which Gen. Bennett Young will as sume chare of the sessions. . Important business connected with the organisation will occupy th at Untion of the veterans to a great ex tent during the second day of the reunion. Selection of next year's meeting place will be mad Thursday and.th annual election of officers ate" will be held. . . 1: At noon Thursday memorial exer olv4 will be held In the I . C. V.audi stortum under the auspice of th United Veterans and th Confederate Southern Memorial Association. At these service , th Sons of Confeder ate Veteran also will be present With all business cleared away th veteran will be ready Friday for their parade, and the grand ball, with which th reunion will eloee. MRS. COR. BROWS i.f.' pctMvr ' Woman Dice of ' rUagrs .liter imi i"ie' (SbrMI at T Kem m Otaof .l . 'Spencer. May, fc -After a' lingering Illness , fimn---pfllagrai - Mr. Cora Brown, wife m. Brown.dler at her home ' i Bpencer early today. Her condition uad - been critical several dava She - was JS.-yars old and survived by a ,h11ind. Th. remains are to be shipped to her old heme BUSY THIS 17EEK 'anama Canal Exception Re peal Will Furnish Plenty : , 0 Fun In The Sckts ABUNDANCE" OF,. GHATORY Naval Appropriation, Willi Two Battleship Pnwv Will Cause" Spirited 1 Debate, Mixed With Mexican Affair, In The House Many Other Things To Come Up ; tt iaiSiHS feea t -'.. Washington, D, C--' May t Th war spirit la Numbering; m Congress and unless ther ar unlocked for de velopments south of tbw" Rio Grand during th preeent weak boib. Senate and Hons will turn attention u sub jects less spectacular than talk ef In vast on and predictions of American conquest. y':" ';"'y'V- ' Harr Talk to Bo Board. ' rr Ttt. Sh.I -'- - - Km ' llnMf during the week with senate on the bill to repeal tho toll axemptloa clause of th Panama Canal act Th Houss la expected t dispose of th naval appropriation bill, provide ' la for two battleship aa th adintnla tratioa baa rsaueeted- pass th diplo matic and consular bill and po-!bly ch th anti-trust MIL Th "tilg" and "Little" nary men will hav their inning tomorrow and raferena ta the Mexican eituatlon may lend point to tn remarks. v 1 Marti Oratory Oa Repeal. Th tolls debate la the t -nate probably will call forth, mar o-t-.rt- cat display and feeling, tor the t-vnate la divided on the question of repeal, nd moot Senators hav decided views the subject. Ia the m time. both Uonaea or congress will kpep a ' ''.' ' " Contlnod . aa JHgaJl o.r , , Secretary Lloyd Reaffirms His Assertion of 42,000 People For. Textile City la-Kitl at Ta Mm sa OSiine.) Gaatonla. May Alfred O. Lloyd, tha Ueneral Secretary of ths Gaatonla Chamber of Commerce, haa takea ex ceptlons to the report of the Wash ington correspondent of th Charlotte Observer oa th cnsua flgur for tha towns of North Carolina. Inasmuch aa Oastonla was not Included In a list of ths towns of 1,004 or over furnished the Observer a few day ago and Is endeavoring to hav Oastonla placed o nth map where ah oolong. Tha Charlotte Obeervar hag also taken exceptions to Secretary Lloyd's desire to give Gaatonla th population th city possesses, and In an editorial Saturday, eald "Mr. Alfred Lloyd, gen. era! secretary,'' sends th Observer copy of a letter he baa written to Mr, Bryant, th Washington correspond nt of this paper concerning th ng urea sent out aooai tno oeusua tie . . . . . tells Mr. Bryant: 'Tou hav overlook ed th fact that Gaatonla has aver tl. 00 population, or th censue bureau may be at fault and not hav th In formation.' It Is always a ticklish business to question the figures of th census bureau. Mr. Uoyd has a dis appointment coming to him. - By th census of 1110. ths population of Gaa tonla was (.711. If It now has over lt.000. then It has mad perhaps th moat phenomenal growth of any town In the whole country. Mr. Lloyd's enthusiasm challenges admiration, but wants to be careful how he bocks against ths census bureau and th Observer's correspondent" In an Interview following th publi cation of this editorial Secretary Lloyd Informed your correspondent that h still claims th 11,000 population for Oastonla and Is prepared to back up th claim with flgur or tab a cen sus of th city to substantial th claim. While no action baa been tak ea by Mr, Uoyd In producing th fig ures. It is not unlikely that Oastonla will be belittled and th population placed lower than It ta la reality. Th Chamber of Commerce Is deavorlag to locate a new anterprlee, but no Information haa been given eut by th organisation as to th kind of manufigturlng plant it is. how ever, several conference have bene held over th matter, and It Is likely that some definite Information will be given out In a few daya BENEATH A TENT 1 PRESIDENT WILSON RESTS THIS SUMMER tat Waehlngtoa. D. C, May I. A larg tenf has been erected in the flower garden, soVb ot tn WhH House, and 'It la expected tnat'Praeident Wil son will transact mucn -of-his -bus! ness during hot days beneath Itg cool hade. 1 The long executive program mapped out for Congreaa, together with , ths Mexican problem, mkk - It probable that th President will be unable to ga away for a real vacation until bit tn th eummerv to queeuon ot pre serving his health ' during th- hot Washington summer haa been worry GASTOHIA READY -TO BAQK CLAIMS PLAfIS FOR PEACE HODTUID Csrranza WHl Not Agree To Armistice Between Himself ' - and Huerta DELEGATES v NOT CHOSEN Who' Win Advise" With Envoys Still an Open Question It Is Probable That Some Neu tral Point May Be Chosen For The Final Negotiations To Be Held ,' I ay u Washington, D. C.. May I. Ta mediation plan of th South Ameri can envoy who ar trying to' straight a eat the troubled affairs of MesJeo. went steadily forward today, and while there war ao formal sessions the mediators conferred during ta af ternoon ana evening oa what haet been doaa and th nest step la their proceaura. The Ualted Slates, th Huerta gov- ernment and General -Carranaa ar expected to nam their delegate a request ea by the mediators last night within tha nsxt day ee two. Th dele gates ror ma united mates hav not yet been selected, but It became known today" that It would aot b on ot th offlelala clgeeiy ideal 1 fled with th government As th three South American envoys ar accredited to tho uniteo mate, this government doea not wish to name a government of ficial to deal with them, but to hava aa outsider who would, deal with them without reference to their of ficial relations to th United State. Dearamic Yet I'akaowav . This haa eliminated Hobert L. Lans ing, Counselor of th State Depart ment and in general all other gov ernment officials. To tha name of John Baawttt Moor, John Lind and Unry White, already mentioned, ar now added those ot Richard Oloey, former Secretary o( State, Dr. David J a' a H1U, former- nmlnnxliir to Germany, and Hannla Taylor, former Minister to Spain. Th Huerta dele gate is expected t be Frandaco IM la Harra. now Mexican Minister at Paris, but nothing definite has been heard from Mexico city. Rafael Zubaran. personal representative of General Carranaa. arrived her yeeter- oay ana. is available as th carranaa delegate although' his particular mission In coming from Carranaa la stilt to be ahnounoed . and U is aot yet definite that Carranaa will go to tho extent of naming -a delegate ta deal with th medlatora . Saocee Still Ia Doubt. When th delegate- of th tore partle arrlv. - It I expected th mediators win be ready to take up th a-ructa! Issues between the L'nlted States and Huerta, at least, and if possible between Huerta and Car ranaa. Whether a plaa of adjustment can be worked out la still an open question, sven la th minds of tha mediators. They expect the dele gates from ths three parties to assist thera to get together on some mlddl ground. Th mediator will contlnu to be tha main body formulating plaa of settlement as the delegate from th three parties will hav no plenipotentiary powers and will act merely as adviser. Carranaa To Keep Oa Fighting. It became definitely established to day that General Carranaa would not agree to th request of the medlatora that he suspend military operations against Huerta pending th mediation proceedings and II advised of this decision. It haa been apparent for several days that Car ransa intended to puah his army southward, but It was not until th tost twenty-four hours this was com municated aa a. finality. - It is said this will hav no effect on checking the general plan of mediation, which will go steadily rorward. -Haorta and Carranaa Wont Settle. Cloee associates or Carranaa who hava now arrived here say that no mediation bstweea' them and Huerta Is posstbl and that any move on th part of tha three medlatora to Includ In their progress a srbm tor th general adjustmsnt of Mexican affair will be regarded as being outsld th scop ef their labors. Meanwhile th campaign against tha Huerta forces In th north la proceed ing full fore, th mediation work not being considered by tha-.Constl-tutionaliats aa having any bearing oa tha relations between Huerta and themselves. The march on Mexico City, according to thoee near Car- ranta, la to be undertaken as soon as military operations la tha north will permit. r Carransa's refusal of an armistice between him and Huerta Is the first adverse reply the mediators hav re ceived. On th other hand favorable orament la mad In circle cloee to th envoys upon, th amenability Ku rta has snown. May Cbooae Keatral Point, Asld from tbe personnel ef th delegate from the three parties to ths controversy, the mediators hava atsen some Informal consideration aa to whether It may become daalrabla to go to some neutral point outsld of Washington to carry . forward their negotiations with the throe partle concerned. Tn only purpoee in this would be to forestall tb feeling on th part of any ens of ths parties that their session at tn al ef gov ernment hero mlaht tend to a leaning toward their viewpoint of the United State, th desire beli.g to make their deliberation .aa detached aad bide nendent aa nosatbl. This haa led ta informal suggestions that -Havana or possibly some border point In Canada be selected as a Plac of meeting. Havana flrtll - not be -chosen,' however, owing" to the ' heat and tho number of Mexican refugees there, while Canada, being a British Colony, might suggest: European Influence- . The Kueao-Japan peao negotia tions were carried on at the quiet S1TOT - CM The List of Candidates Greatly Reduced tittle j Has Been Accomplished---Get iti the, :): Contest Now and Win ASHEVILLE SHRINERS " GOING IN NUMBERS v. TO "OASIS TEIUPLE" Aabevtlls. May I More than 10 local Shrhiora' asd their lad lea will corapoe th party which wltl attend th aaaoal mooting of th imperial oouncll frosa Ashevllle aert week, forming aa oacort for Potentate Chas P. Ambler, of thia city. Pull man cars beating ta Ashevllle dele Ratio will join th "Oast Temple sosai"-"-- i-araakert,- tnatr train being made up of Shrisera from Charlotte. Greensboro, New Bora and other North CaroHnav ettlMS V'pea their return to Aahvlll from Atlanta, th Shrlners will glv their Urn to th entertainment ot th hundreds of visiting delegation which hava arranged their rotarn trip by way ef this city. No loss taaa twenty aeiegauona of irons to 100 member will spend a day nor ea route to their borne from tha meeting of th Imperial Council. NEARLY TEN TONS MILK FROM ONE GUERNSEY : ; COW MN SINGLE YEAR Philadelphia. Pa.. May S. Nearly ten ton of milk, tbe equivalent of more than I. It pound of butter tn a year, is the world'a record produo- lion or tb nuarnaey cow, "May K1I ma," ewned by K. H. Caaeatt. at Bar wya. near her, for tho Iti days nded yesterday the cow's record was 11.171 pound of milk or l.OTa.41 pounds of butter fat Th gross earn ings ef the animal for the yes r- were pearly fl,2ua Paul Love Borrows Pistol and ' Fires Butlen Through His Head ISeeaal Is TS Men as Otmnm.t Waynosvllle. May I. About 11:1 today la a back room of th New Liner building. Paul Love, a young man of If, committed suicide by booting himself over the right ear With a II calibre piatul. the ball com Ing out over tbe left ear. About 11 he told Mark liner, owner of tho building he waa not feeling well and asked If there waa anywhere be could Me down. Liner look him to a rear room in th building, no yet com pleted. Liner went to dinner and when he returned In about an hour found Love lying on the floor with a II calibre pistol clutrbej- In hla right hand lying oa hla breast Dr. J: R. McCracken waa summoned and found that life waa an near ex tinct he could do him no good. Love lived about an hour. He was taken to the horn of his brother. Major Hugh A. Lav, who live quit near. In eight of where th tragedy occur red. Ther will be no coroner's In quest Love borrowed ihe pistol with which he committed tho deed but it Is pot learned who he borrowed It from. He had mad esvsral effort to borrow on before he succeeded. He had said he was going to Canton to work. 11IJESVILLEIIJ CQMM1TS5UICIDE Q Renewal subscription pay ments to THE NEWS. AND OBSERVER made before mid night Wednesday of this week, - obtain twice as many yotes as after tyd date. Vote for your favorite candidate. : , : ; . .: :' 'fl See list of candidates iri this" issue. : : : : : Y00 DOW 150,000 EXTRA VOTES AND DOUBLE SCHEDULE! The Greatest Opportunity ot ; Z The Contest For Extra Votes v L On Renewal Subscriptions h Now In Effect Untfl Mid-; night May 6th, Double TJve r Schedule On Renewal ' Col-1 ' lections Is Gi'ven and on Facli $J0 Worth of Renewals 0b ; litairied By a Candidate " an v Extra Certificate of 150,000 Votes Will Be Issued 7- Be Quick, froftf Is SuriZ'J'JJ: .;;-VfV-.::.. Th vote eotumoa, pubththed U- , Where la this issue, show nm ta- ' mini her aad tbora, but tb taoati surprising thing I tha reduction! which bad bees mad to tb number .' of nam -, of nominee. ' Th situation now eoastlutes a splendid opportunity ' which en rgetlc persons should los ae) time In taking advaatag of. Tn time of . tbe contest Is short. - th reward for effort I larg. Th eonteat will close according to achedula. regardleea of renulta obtained, . No extension will t inmm, so time should be mad to Count It pasees ail too rapidly. "Tempus fugiu" yes. literally, time fliea. - Th Inugaat story must oloee the longest life must snd. Tims flies, nothing caa halt Its passage. , How often la board th cry for a little more time, just a little. Tha on over' whom death's angel . hover pray jwi uimv inur-j umv, n Willi whom the death wau-h arts prays for respite, "just a little mare time." He -k. MftMM M ftittl -vmj mJf ... aaks a little more time in - which to com within reach of It Tim fliea ' just so mucn or 11 to eaca ia granteo. To him who would gain much, time -la very precious. Every tick of th watch brings thb end. nearer. Tha degree of success attained Is measured by th use of tb time ag his diapoeat.-. If h could add but ar little to that time a larger success might be hla. , But It pasae Inexorably on and tho advantage If ultimate surreal Is t b gained. - - . TbeMows and Oboerver has an " nouncad a aubacrtptlon campaign la "" which mora than. (39,000 tn award .' will be given away. To 04 psraona are Iti b-i rflatrihut-Ml fi ea uIamJ bile, real . estate, pianos, diamond and nilter uvjeful sifta. mfttuf n. . sons hav gathered aa many free votes as they saa. To enter tho cam-' 1 palgn oats nothing. To continue aa a candidate for honors ta tho eonteat,' -costs nothing, aad according to your ablUty to get free vote will be the reward received by you. Tho time lit short indeed, bat the awards ar very" valuable, and If th spare tim at- -your disposal la properly used tbw profit will bo barge. ' ' To obtain on of tho Chalmers oar ordinarily your chock for 1100 would.' hav to be given. Tbe Jf ew aad Ob- . server ia willing to make you a pre- . - , k. u I inn, . - V If you can aether mere fro rote tha your competitors do. The car nee4 noi coei yon one penny, aimpiy a Ill tie energy expended, and you becerm ieakaaaaa itsrm aam aa ag aaiss . lava as- eg eg raa-ara eof ssf X5 iowb 01 ruruiuuuin, t. at- ( - V mr-wnttc MTOonrciai.

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