ALt-VOTING CERTIFICATES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE IN THIS OFFIC . OR THEUILS BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT J. ' ' ' ' ' ' wmmmmm mm i I . . I I . I I i TRUST BILLS PASS THE HOUSE There Is No Record on Clayton Omnibus Bill Others Almost Unanimous. WIDE SCOPE OF BILLS. The "Three Sisters" Regulate Trade, Govern the Issuance of Capital Stock For Rail roads, and Provide for Com mission to Lock After All Big Business. Ill J AawcMlnl Fitm. Washington. D. C. June S.-'I'hc Interstate Trade Commission 1111. the j Urn measure on the Administration, unti-tiurt legislation program, was Pwl by the House late today nlth out a svcord vote. The Clayton Omnibus anti-trust hill, fitimkI on til program, then' was pinweifby u vole of 25 to f4. The limine then prepared to vote -on the third and last of the trust measures, the cart npitn llzatinn lilll. Th- 'railroad citiltallznt1nn ' bill pu.' Til. 3'J.r to 11'. I Ik- 1alon OnuilitiiH lllll. Thi- elusion bill, u part of the Ad i ilnlxtratlon a:.t!-tnisl pronram, r . l ie provlHlrns dcsik'ni'd to strenul hen iiiol suppoii thi Sherman lav.' ulid other act.' auaini-t monopolies and re iti.i;tits t-t v.f: As framed by ad join, tujtiot, l. adei'K and roii-n.l. r" (l ! y tlx li"i:.e tlie bill I'onlalt.' -d. I "r. !.;'. 1. 1 tu ..u ilni't price dis 'iimt- I lioa : arbitrary refuyal to nil i nlneial prodai Ih. and arainst X'm eni. . i meet of mnditlonal l -aai . or .-. tjini.-ta "f al nniler hi( h lewe. & i : hiisera ani'ee not to di al in t'.e pniduriN of compt'lltorH i f the Bellor or 1. r-tir: : i.r-oiHion Ibat de rri p i In ' '.'ii I ro.icn' by tlie govern 1:1. : 1 i (be uuti-truxt la' pbuli lr 'liai t'.ide:;:e in' suitb l;o'.iklit II ,lni tle dtfendant by others. In- ! Itin ;ln ihli-truhi !aw; proviKlonr ii -:n i ii.-t UoIuIi.k i om pen Ion and Intrr I v .direrti rules In oimoeraa un iir the Ji.riMih'Uoii of the ('ederal 1 iwinnoiit. and provlnionH aiiarun li ni I. '..o. i nd fnriner' oruania t.on.i the;i bci.l iftenie inder the :.a:nn;' la'. liniilinK the line of the rnl iiicTon In l ibor 'llpui(s. and pro ii'litii; for jurv uials in ciihoh of in il m I on; nipt of i'oiim. In aiidliion the bill rliarH up vari ous jut Utlii tional ipiei'tloiiH and ipieii 1 !"ii of prorediire which have urUen in tbe iidnnnimraUon of the antl-lruvt lxv IjilHir l ari'd For. The pioviion in.-ialed upon by rep-r-Hi n;.iii'" of ortamed labor, and a-ried to 'a X 'i" conferences between t:ni.i aroi Ihe representatlveH of ihe A .i m I ii i i 'i ! were looked np. n iipi the i . 1 1 in i i 'ation of a b nii ticlit by Inl or to sn lire exemption under the Kb rni'in law They provide thai ii' -i'li'i in the ami-triiHt lawn chall be c intrued to "forbid th" existence and lateral bin" of lalmr and farmers' unions, and that Hch i reanizatloiot unci their ininibern fhnll not be con it;i'':il or held to be "illegal com liiaiion:. or consplrnclen under the I1 1 : ' ; 1 1 list bum" How far the ex imi'lli ti wHI extefifl was a matter of debate ill the llouce. and many mem I it contend! d the ipioMion would r .-nil! in loiiu titl;a1ton Injunction- Art- Kcxtrh'titl. The reKtrtction placed iftmtll the ti naiM e of In linn tionn In the bill ure loe Ii would provide that no "pre l'oiiiiaiy inJuiTtlon Khali be lumied Witnoiit notli' to the opposite part)," iifol that i i temporary restraining older nhall be Itwued unleM It Khali rr ANT FOUND A Good Investment! lb 2-3 per cent made in one day by paying for The News and Ob server today. The rate untjU2 o'clock tonight Ts $6.00 per year. After 12 o'clock tonight it will be $7.00. PAY TODAY and SAVE 162-3 percent. SENATORS DIG UP THEIR LIGHT SUMMER SUITS AND PREPARE FOR LONG SIEGE; SESSION MAY NOT CLOSE BEFORE AUGUST! ( 1 h ImAfK Wt i'H ft I In Wm til Thre senator on hot day. Left to rifttt: RccJ of MlMoorl, CbmbIm of tar U Flotchcr of Flortdo. Wolkinir throuRh th United States capital theso day ono U improotcd with Ha itunmary aMct Stattly entor, membero of th "greatest dellberativo body on oarth," who aro ordinarily prbod m the km- black coata and thiny silk kata of ataUamanthip, ara now aean tboat th bnildinf drossed in tbo lighteat of ramnor wear. The lUteamcn ire preparing for a long (logo in Washington, wtieb may not tod beforo Aogurt L appeas from ipevinc faotn ahnwn by affidavit that Inimediute and Irrepara ble injury will result to property or a property rluht of the applicant tie fore notice onuld be nerved or hear In hHd thereon. The 111 1 provides that every Injunction or " order muat be specific In terma, thue outlawing tlie so-called "blanket In junction." i In lalior dlMputeK Injunctions would be forbidden by the bill "unless nec--aary to prevent Irreparable Injury to property or a property rluht. for which Injury there la tin adequate remedy at law. It would also forbid Injunctions against KtrlkiiiK. peaceful picketing, primary boycotts, the pay ment of Ktrlke lienrtlt, or the peace ful axaeniblaKe of alrlkers, and con tains a provision leuallzlim such notx. No IntcrliM'klii IllmtoratrN. The holdlnK t'utiipuiitps provninn of the act would prevent one company from acquiring any atia'k In another rorporatlon "where the effect of auch Requisition Is tn eliminate or sub stantially lessen competition Jietween the corporations, or to create a mo nopoly." The provision exempt, however. corporation purer alnu stock solely for inveatment and not attemptlnK to lessen competition. The InteriocklnK directorates pro hibition in the laHJ la an effort to teach all col I'nrutloiiw. railroads and banks over which the Kederul K -eminent has juiisdu l Ion. It prohibits a director in a concern dealing In KHpitha for rnmmtm-artieris frMii being a director In such common car riers; prohibits a director in a bank from beln a director In a common carrier for which the bank acts as (Continued nn Pane Two.) A1SDUESTI MAY SERIOUS American Schooner From Gal veston Lands Ammunition at Tampico. OFFICIALS ARE SILENT Tampico Is Still Considered by Washington As An Open Port Complications May Arise If Huerta Interferes With Antilla And United States Tries to Prevent. I lis ,h' mrlatxl I mm i Washinittnn. D. C. June 5. Infor mation reaching- Washington late to- nsy that thr American schooner (tan shine, from Galveston, had landed ammunition at Tampico for the Mex- Ican Constitutionalists, without Inter ference on the part of the United States or the Huerta Rovernment, was received In nfllcial quarters here with out comment. State and Navy depart ment officials declined to verify the report out irom other sources It was learned that the presence of the Bun shine off Tampico with arms aboard had been known to the Washington government for several days. In view of the fact that there had been con siderable apprehension regarding the attitude the I nlted Btates mlichl take Inward the landing of ammunition at this Mexican port, the delivery of the munitions without Interference was regarded with Hlgntflcanre. .No Blockade At Tampico. With the'Cutmn steamer Antilla en- route to Tampico with arms rnnaim- d to Cafranxa's forces, there has been much speculation aa to what the I'nlted Htates would do If the Huerta government should attempt a blockade of the port. Every lnd lea tian tonight, however, was that the I'nlted Htates wonld maintain Its pre vlously announced potation that Tarn plco was an open port. Admiral Had ger yesterday was ordered to keep watch upon Huerta gunboats at Puer to, Mexico, and Alvarado. Tonight there had been no report to the Navy I apartment that the boats had made any move toward Tampico. There have been widespread repor"s that the South American mediators had protested against the I'nlted Htates permitting the delivery of r muhTtTem tn the Constitutionalists at Tamplc-iC Secretary Itryan tonight declared, however, that the State De part men t had received no protest. He also denied reports that Mr... Jtlano, the Spanish Ambassador, who repre sents the Interests of Uen. Huerta In th i'nlted Statea had protested. CosnnlkratioiM Mar 0imim. Foreign diplomats In Washington today displayed great Jn teres In .the situation. Should Huerta decide to attempt Jo stop the delivery of am munition aboard the Cuban ship An tills. International law requires that notice of blockade tie. given all foreign powers, international law also atlpu latea that a blockade to be recognised by foreign powers must be effective. In diplomatic' circles the belief a general that a decision, on the part Jt, th'a JL'Uitad 8tataa to nrve ada -wtouM remit 1n many oompllca tions. Fines Imposed by ien. Funston on the German steamer Yplranga and the Bavaria were considered today by Secretary of War Csrrison. Carl Buenx, general agent of the Hamburg American company, called on the Secretary and made a statement in Justification of the action of the cap tains of the Oerman ships. At Vera Crux, without landing her cargo of arms, the t piranga was chartered by the Oerman government to convey refugees from Southern Mexico. It was only after the explra tlon of this charter that the Yplran ga'a captain undertook to carry ou his original orders to deliver his arm and ammunition to the represents tlve of the Huerta government. Secretary Harrison told Mr. Kuenx that he wnuld consider hla rrpreaen tstlons carefully He address a lette to Secretary Bryan asking whether It was his wish to have the question thus raised, arbitrated by the Stat Department, and If not stating that the War Department would dea ith It. No messages relating to mediation were received at the Constitutional lata headquarters here today from General Csrranxa. HISTORIC CHI HCII Bl'KNKD. Itlasnc Laid at Imr of Kngtbtli Mill tant Suffragette. Derby, England, June t. The an clent and historic cnurcn at ureaa sail, dating back to Norman timea. and containing many priceless relics. waa destroyed by fire during the night Suffragettes are suspected, aa explo sions similar to those caused by lb Jiombs usually employed by the arson A 1 . I m 1 l HquHU pin ruru inn hit. a snort time ago a suffragette meeting in the vlllMe of Mreadaall was broken up by boys and it Is generally supposed that the women burned the church tn re venge. PKIU'UlA 18 HENTF.NCK.D. "Extenuating 1rctimlier" llcad For Tlikef of Mona U-ul. Florence, Italy, June i. The plea of "extenuating circumstances" waa accepted today In behalf of Vlnrenso I'erugla. who stole la Vinci s Mona Lisa from tbe Louvre In Paris. Th Judges sentenced him today tn on year and Hfleen days Imprisonmen As I'ertnrla haa been In prison awaitlmt trial since Ieeemler lajit year he will aerve only about si months THE DAY IN CONGRESS SK ATK Met at 1100 a. m. ' Iebate waa resumed on the repeal of the Panama tolls exemption Recessed at t:00 p. m. to main Sat urday. HOISF Met at 11:09 a. m. The Senate resolution Inviting for eign governments to participate In th National Star Spangled Ranner Cele bratlon in Haiti more In September waa adopted. Under the flve-mlnute rule debate waa resumes on ino raiiroaa secun ties bill. Progressive party bills for a Federal employment bureau were discussed tie fore the labor committee. Passed Covington trade commission bill without record vote. Paased Clayton anti trust bill. 17S to 64. ' Passed Rayburn railroad securities bill 121 to It. j Began general debate on Sundry civil appropriation bllL Speaker announced that election contest of Gill vs. Dyer Missouri would be taken up June 1S-1I. Adjo Adjourned at i li p. m. until noon E HI Press of Business Causes Wil liamson to Retire and Crow son May Reenter Contest. APPOINTMENT DUE SOON Senator Overman Pleased at Convention's Hearty Approv al pf Free Tolls Repeal Mr. Britton's Telegram to Sen ator Simmons Read Into Record Joke on Poui (By . K. YKLVKRTOX.) Washington. D. C, June 6. Flilley - Williamson, postmaster at Hurllng- ton. haa resigned his Job effective aa soon as his successor can be nomi nated and confirmed. Kepresentatlve Btedinan, who returned to Washing on thts morning. Intends to make a recommendation by June 15 to Mil the vacancy. ( Mr Williamson avi In his letter of resignation that hla private Interests ara such that he cannot give the at tention to the office that the work re quires without neglecting his business. that by giving the office the required attention heretofore he haa been com pelled to neglect his business. In a etter to Major Stedman he expressed regret that the necessity of making another appointment at liurlington should again fall on the Fifth District Congressman. ii. r . i row win was a prominent ap pllcant fur the office before William son was appointed, and will probably apply again. A stiff tight agatnsjl Williamson's appointment was made on the ground that he la well-to-do haa a splendid business and does not need the place. No charges were ever brought agalnat him. The fight on him was something like the one against 8. W. HmltH. of Wilson, with out. however, the ill feeling which was engendered in the Wilson battle. Congratulatkma Olven. Senator Overman and Represents lives 1'ou and Stedman returned this morning from North Carolina and were warmly congratulated by Ihel colleaguea on their renominatlons Senator Overman was warmly wel corned on the floor of the Senate and both the Washington afternoon papers printed his picture with congratula lory comments this afternoon. i ne one fact or tne mate i onven tlon. which impressed Senator Over man moat, he said, waa the enthus Isuam over the President's canal lolls policy Though he expected people In the Stale would endorse the I'resl dent's stand, he was unprepared f the enthusiasm shown toward the re eal Ue xprajMd hU delight with his stay In Kalelgh and his pleasure at seeing so many of hi friends. Joke Plain! on Mr. I'ou. Representatives I'ou s colleagues on the Claims Committee played a trick on him. The superintendent of th botanical gardens sent Mr I'ou splendid bouquet of tinners this morn Ing. but some members of tbe com mittee reached Mr. I'ou's office before the chairman did. They cut. the card from the bouquet and substituted the name of a woman who has been press ing a claim before fongreaa for years and then guyed hlui unmercifully be fore they told htm the Joke. He ga eaeh member of tbe ..CirrnmlUee flower, however, and sent the remain der to hl.i mother. Mrs. Anna M. I'ou, who is here visiting her son. With Mr and Mrs. I'ou also are Mr I'ou's slater. Miss Mattle T. I'ou an two llolllns Institute students, whose homes are In Kock Hill. S. C. With Mr. i'ou came, also T ltoddle Ward, his secretary, who attended thesHtal Convention Representative Webb aerured sum mer positions for two of his constit uents in the biological laborabir at Heaufort. Itoth are Allege bon, Samuel C. Delllngef. of I.tnrnlnUui, and K. S. Held, Jr.. of' Charlotte. The following fourth clues post mas tern were appointed today : Franklin S. Stood, llainbrldge, and I'. S. Hur leyson, llloomlngton. Telegram Head Into Itrcord. Senator Simmons read Into the Con gressional Record today I he telegram which Kdward K. Itrltton. of Italeigh. sent him Informing him of the State Convention's rousing endorsement of the national Administration's stand on canal tolls repeal. Senator Ashursl, of Arixona, did all he could to detract from. the occaaion by Insisting on the Insertion In the Record of a telegram from one of his constituents saying that the Arlaona Senator could lie an undying patriot if he never did any thing but vote against the repeal. Aahurst demanded that his telegram be printed In a column parallel to the one from North Carolina. Visitors at Capital. Charles A. Webb, of Aeheville. mar shal for the Western North Carolina District,. la here on business with the Department of Justice, he says. He declares his visit Is merely routine. Other visitors here Include Joseph It. 1'nderwond. Fayetteville; Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Kherrlll, Charlotte, and Charles U Ahernethy. Heaufort. KncaBapmefit liana Changed. The North Carolina militia will make their camp this summer .at a place to he designated by Governor Craig, Instead of at Auguata, (la., as originally scheduled. The War De partment planned early in the spring to muster -the ninth dlvlaion In camp at thr Isle of I'alma, but the llleaae mtx-up changed this. plan. Auguata was then fixed as the site, hut now this idea has lieen abandoned because of the Mexican situation and a detach ment of I'nlted Statea regulars will be sent to each State camp, gathered aeoarately. . . v DSTMAST R QUITS BURLINGTON THE LAST DAY SUCCESS MAY YET BE HAD If You Use Every Moment To The Best Advant age You May Yet Reach The Au tomobile Class. LADY OF NOBILITY SCARED THE COURT English Militants Keep Up Their Outrages And Are Well Paid For Work. I Hi mm Mudus Pie. I i .....i.. l.,r. x M iu Uuv Hlom- fleld, daughter of Lady Sara Louisa i.i .Maw nt Arthur Hlom field, as the woman who created the sensational scene at iruoaungnam 1'alace last nigni wnen m h.eaeis n her kneea before King Ueorge and Queen Mary. Miss Hlomnela alone waa concern- I 1 W I .1 .nl 1 1 Vw.l I IT h llAT mlM- N 111 " " - . ink a w AttMtolMl the ftOiirt. saaa reo'uested to leave the I'alace after I ha i.m.lirVAIIMI osinuiy .,f the nkl.r tndav were on the verge of nervous prostration as the result l last -nigms enauia nrf i.rit Chamberlain's depart ment has taken every precauuuu iu circumvent any attempt to rwpeat tne periormance ifinia"- worn other function takes place ut Buck II1P.IIHIII i ir..,na In Ilie immedlalS Vicinity at the time declare that the whole acene lasted less than ten seconds and that the woman had only lima to ...,,, iit.. Moriiiilv "vour Maleetlea. for God's sake " when she waa seised and hustled out of the throne Kin ilenree waa the coolest man In the company and the presentation h.nMUll mil ml Hm itieldeflt With clock-work regularity. It k under- stood no further action will be taken against Miss Blomtleld except to bar her from future court functions. The sisters obtained admlaslon to court In the ordinary way. through application to the Ixird Chamberlain's department. John K. Redmond, leader of the Irish Nationalists, today declined a request by Irish suffraglats that he receive a deputation to discuss the Inclusion of women as electors for the I nah iu rl la menl In consequence of suffrage attacks, ..i,..h.k.a in manv iLrti nf the coun try are being closed, except for the usual Sunday services. Recent discourtesies to the King and the burning down of many chur ches have inflamed public opinion to a remarkable degree People have been still farther Incensed by belief that much of the work nf destruction ts well paid for out of the bulging ...rr.r. ..( the Women's Social and Political I'nlori. Cases have been re ported of women leaving other em ployment lo Join me miniania noi from love of the cause, but because the "pay is better." Police magistrates have warned suffragette prisoners thai If they had not been protected by the police they would almost certainly have suffered ut tlfe'hamls of the Irate public. ortKialM (Jrrvt IUcvelt. Plymouth, Kng . June 5. The nmvnr of Plymouth- and a party nf distinguished personnges went on board the Olympic on her arrival to day from New York to greet Col. Theodore Roosevelt on behalf of the city. CANDIDATES THE LAST CALL! What will your answer be, full throated and strong or faint and weak with fear because of 'imagined , dangers? Opportunity knocks LISTEN 1 - OF CONTEST YOUR LAST CHANCE, ACT QUICKLY N0&V The Finish Is Here Are Ytou Still Among the Leaders With a Determination 'Jo Carry the Fight to the Last. . Ditch? If so, Circumstances May Favor Your Campaign With Victory Nearly Twen-' ty Thousand Dollars in. Awards Await Distribution Get Your Sharpy Tba day p( all dayn at last haa . rived for th candidal a In Tbe JVa-sjra and Onaerver Contest, During twla, busy weeks they hawa been aiiXkUpaU-'J Ing this vary data, aa It will mark thai culmination of their efforts for the) automobiles. At ii o'clock tomaxnt. the Judges will seal the ballot box and the contest will be a thing ofwtlwa, past. Before the campaign paasss nto " history, however, one last atronc af- -fort will be made by tha most a-ctlva tnu sinuilltiui VI in. iwiuhimm. wnw ara thoroughly allva to their oppor- tunlly. The blood of tha thorough-; bred count when tba wire la but a, , few yards away. Just as tha ability . and the strength of th candidate will snow unaer me lesi im iim ciosuaai hours of strain. Tha leaders are m eloaa togsbar ; . that even now little mavy ba stunitaad - -as to tha Una! ream It. Tboaa of tba . "J oonteataati who appraoUM tba ina ment will exert themaahraa toward a -record-breaking flnlah. Tbeaa aaro the onea who will ride away rejolcinc In the splendid motor cara. They da serve success for they have enersjaO rally pursued the work of collecstlng til.rliitlniis In Ih. tCm Af But dfia K pniin. eleeumMancesL TBPV nscvSk kept to their purpose and ara eatiUaaV to their Justly earned honors. Strike Now. Tha supreme moment haa coma, candidates: tha Iron la hot. Btiaka i how with all your strength and faah- Ion the Iron Into Just tha award yon " deslra. Let there be no lost motion. : Strike fast and surely. Do not loaa ; success through hesitancy. You will need every vote you can obtain. Re- mem oer, inat you are m iryiiav ior a little bronte medal, or a cuta HtUa loving cup. Tnu are after a motor! mm unHh il saa ThlM mmmjA ssHjen.1 . Iv is worth a very a-reat effort to fra cure. It is now or never, candidaXaa.1 ., The motor cars await you. They awaj . 4 In perfect condition, and will comet tdu the lurky contestants reaoy ror in-' mediate service. Truly they will: make the hearts of the winners , lad. for they are models of mechanically . efficiency. Set yuur heart upon ona of tbam.." and work up to the vary last moment' to become the sole owner. Thar to! vet time tn do wondera toward In creaatng your score. See that not a ' moment is lost. Instrwtkma For lavt Day. A sealed ballot box will be In a, con venient place in the office of Tlie newa ami Or Tver. Contestants who wish . no one tn know the amount of busl-, (Continued on Page Two.) 7-

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