V i I . 1 . t. concerning the weather will be found today ca Page Three : .'.i Carolina. VOL C. NO. 4. , RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 19H --PRICE: IIVE CENTS. L1EXIGAFJ STATUS SHE DOOMS FAT7 A THE OSTEOPATHS GHILIDERLIIIIIJIIE BWE1IIB: UUS. ANGLE'S BOND : FAMED RAC&4fKf " MAY BE RECALLED TO WRIGHTSVILLE ELDER, 151 HE STORY 1U TEARS y. ..-S$z:t t 1 .1 ( ' ; -..-.'ill,... ! - - I t t i , , ! i ; i I- : i i i 4 .. ... ,y v- SUICIDE FOLLOWS -. DOUBLE MURDER STILLUP1FITHEAIR .A If; - i ff hi. 1- L.V.- 4 -... t - M 1 1 . J 4 n Washington Officials Refuse To x Give Up Hope ForJThfcii ' " Situation ' : NO WdRDF JXARRANZA "ConferenceaT7Toriton' Still Goes On But No ftem of 3 RetplCMccpfceioT Peace JftvKatiortotZSfittle. menthol Jbeif Owrv-Trouble J - "Reacfiei Outside World ": IBs Um Askduad jNaM'U..t;.-. ' " "Washington, &T3iimt fcexlcaa mediation Ja recess pending aation by th Constltutldnaiista.' officials- ot tiia Washington government tonight refused to concede that all ' chances for peace had fled. " ' Administration leaders held to thla TilfiiiSjuZt that no defl aite word bad', coma from General Carranza, .first chief of the Constitu tionalists, respecting the conference With, his subordinate geeeals Ver -the invitation from the mediator for hia WaU to participate - in discussion wttir trTTUOTta repress tftames. -It waa aaid- the Conatitutionaliaia ,. desire to know If the American forcea -would retire from Vera Crus in ovent tho ConatttatlonaltBU would asree to a provMonal -g overnment pending an election. Mr. Urjran would not dlar - . euaa the situation, but the generaJ in-t- doation-waa-that nothing definite ' would be known concerning- the Con etltutlonaHat deitoa . for aevarat w That -the Washington government atlll to exerting all poaalbia Influence -Upon the Conatitutionallata to r'eld to Via Fopoaed conference again waa apparent. John R. Silllman, vice y - consul at Saltillo, left tonight to re ' turn to, hia peat there; to do every thing la hia power to induce General 'arrani and hia leaden to agree to a ' I'roviaional government MrJsillirnaq bad a long talk with President Wil- sun before hia departure. . 'l'Diffciht Vlewa IleW. Mr. Cabrera and Mr. Zubaran atill - expmwed hope that a favorable reply --"would be received from General Qar ranxa. deeplte the fact that Fernando t 1-,us. K-aJT .fit the IiOfrala party , in Mexico anil pergonal friend of k tJeneral , Carranxa authorised the wtatement that the Confrtitutionalieta never would treat with Huerta's dele gates except upon terms of surrender, Mr. Cabrera v and Mr. Zubaran wnttld not cvumrent upon "this slate- tnent. bat it was pointed out that the chief arent of General .Cajrans. In vtatements were transmitted, was Mr, Zubaran. He instated that there was .. ,. definite' word froni hia chief re, American Delegates Itcturiv" : J usi les lmar. and. .JHtvJUhmann the American commlwioners at the - Niagara Fails conference, returned to . ' Washington today and talked briefly with President, Wilson and Secretary Bryan. The President congratulated them upon their painstaking work. No .... formal conferenee wa held, but ths l-omnjioii oners i-spact id s ths Pres Went again, probably next Monday. Thry. will rnuUhew.stJet'toi"caH should the Constitutionalists agree to .... meet the Huerta delegates, Ths Amer - - lean - commissioners - die not confer . with any of the constitutionalists nurl ao tney expect t- until some aenntte ,. Aiuk-ty Amoag Rebel Mea. At Constitutionalist headquarters hreJLJass.aparsBtlth-i-4 meoiaie aource oi anxiety was . noi so rnuch the proposed meeting with unertaTraeTt'saTes: -TsmmreirBwii tn ternal trouble, chiefly the-ililerencet --Hnetwesn terat-"VlTtnaeneral Carrattsa. The confetenca at Tor i-eon-with a view to settling tbeae tflfferenCM wss reported still to bs in progress, fnofficial statements were . suuls bara.UmiKbt that all dUfesenoes t won id besatisfacrorirjr i-jtiBte-wftrr - -In m short ttms. and thatlheUtnilltary campalga against -Mexico City would y - be renewed shortly with Increased -vigor; MINER TRIES TO KILCF - THE MAYOR OF BUTTE .UtDGETSBUtLlT Butte, Mont., July .Rris Lantela, a Finn inn miner, attacked Mayor Louis P. Duncan, rn his office late today, stabbing htm thre time.- Ths mayor shot Inteir 'throflgti tlrtr mbdomeit lioth aBS-expeflt4 4orsevrr- - - - The mayor- had -Just-told lantelg he bad no power to deport Frank Al tonea. -at -sroan.-rMioh-.icfrsi . spondent of a Finnish newspaper at" 4iHM--tewi8-SEmngvjth Fin- nlh miners who. seceded with bthsrs : from the local miners' union, had ap- pali4 4b- ths ayart-epct-Alto The paper reported by Altonen has championed the cause of the Ameri can , Federation of Labor,- the Went- , em Federation of Miners and their affiliated b-xilee, which - the Finnish ' mlnejg.haYj;jsnonB'td. j p.nesis; advisi:r E.1 Henry W. Denlooit ir Over. Tblrlj Toklo, July I. Henry WitDenison, . legal adviser of the Japanee depart n , ment of foreign afTairr-irtnce t died today In 8C lyuks's American r- hoopital. Mr. Denlaon was stricken with paralysis a week ago. " - THe 's-flhou'n.e'rn'cnt 6rMK""TJeiIiion'i j.aaxh. JWAa-wiibneid tur aej-ena Jiuura,- . in accordance with Japanese-custom. lm order to permit the fcrmprror to confer ths decoration of the Grand Cordon of ths Order pt, Paulownia on the dead man. v A statement Issued later In'the day oy The Japanese toretgn office hailed Mr. Lteniaon as one of ths greatest benefactor of Japan. Mr.. txniion was appoln'od to rep resent Japan in-drafting the treaty of peace with Russia at Portsmouth, N. It., in 1ei a.id he was also ths tech iilcat j)clr;it of jM(in to the seconJ J'ace conterei.r at Tlif lia'ue. iyrl - . 'It ' fll ' ' ' .. '.-'-.. - . Tv Anna sinwu acwoaiBwy.,, TlUTanaua &ntant4ra YTrHUw Mil convention ahd licensing near San Francisco! Tone of tht last mbnnmsnta to the fame of "LaekV Baldwin, is U dissppaar forever, -I- i- u. j . Ji:' u . j .-j I ." ai w uw ucmusnvu their places are to appear polo rrounds. and irolf links, with the west possipie .,.-, v This . announcement was made a few days ago by Anita Baldwin Mc- OoiiKhrey,, Uughteg -as "sjaekjr-l Mtisic and Service Simple Their Children Pray Be- ' side Coffins . 1 ' " 1 1 1 .... , Vienna.- "Julv l.W'ith' .-Krhueror Fraacls Joseph, the newnhelr to ths throne, the Archduke Charles Francis J oseph. , inaoy archduketf and arch duchesses, cabinet . members, diplo mats and high military and - civil official ; present, .funeral ' ssr- vlca-fur the. Afi-hdaks Francis Fer dinand and his wife, the lJuchftas of Ilohenberg, who were assasstnatsd tasf week,-vrere held In the chapel of ths H of burg this afternoon. s. Emperor Francis Joseph and mem bers of the Imperial family assembled in the Gobelin salon of -thw Hofburg and proceeded -thencs to- the chapel. The 4iredEmiorandlbeJisw-teirJ aptMsMH ' tit. ora-.. high altar, - while the ambassadors had been placed on ths -left."' -Twenty members of the. corps of rentlemen- aT-armS,"liirifof geouv unfforms, stood at attention at the sides of the catsr lAKlue The . ecclesiastical procession came slowly down the aisle, headed by the court master of ceremonies and twen ty acoiltea, carrying lighted candles and took places at the SMes of the comns. i ne VTirainai ; rrince .rim. Archbishop of Yietsn assisted by two blahopSf-.-omclated,-- The -drrty: music was "an -anthem, sung by the court rtterfTTonTDosfd orobVsT' " Later In the evening the children of the Archduke and Duchess, accom panied by the Countess Chotek, went lo lbfthatiei and prajrsd-by the sids of.hs CoRlns of their parents. WILUIS'TnLK ;, StaterDepartment; Disclaims. His Statement Before ' He Arrives- - "Washington,- t. C; Jnlr' J. Tie LsponsiblUty- for -published -statements critlcis n conditions in Albaiiln ere. I It-1 1 Ge6rgeFord WiUiamsjamut-jr o" the'X'nited Ktates to Greece, . disclaimed by bs Stste Department tui;Uiu t a formal statement ttsned by Secretary Bryan. ; - , - The minister a , report on his so- tivtties In the Balkans has not reached WashlTrBmi-nttW',Ti'mrlals of the gov enmgnt :ha v e been si lent isonotr tlug prW'-dfapatches tjuotlng htm. - 8cretary Uryan's statement rend "hi reply to tntiwtrtes add irsett to the Department of. State as to what aborttKb"r American mtftlstPT "at Athens had. to make remarks ailuii- uied to him relative to the condit'-m of affairs in -Albairta" the rVcreUrv of Btate has-replied that Mr. vuitams was only authorised by the Liepsrt- mnt of State to visit Eplru to ob- serve conditions and report tp re stilt of his observances to the depart ment and that the published remarks hf is alleged to have mailt1 WfW&ven solely on his own responsibiiitv,. sol with no authority whatsover frutn ths depsrtment. Mr vV'liliams rcmi-f of his visit has not yet been received." IjtJjfllcial circle the " -eeUoiHbf- the gc vernment in iswuing this Btatvrrint without, awaiting the arrival, of Mr. vtllliams' report was regarded as )? a'.ficant .-"It was said President V:l- eon ; himself had -a1Tcd - ttiede'trt menfs attention to the gravity of.the j(aation,stissesj.ing., v.iJia,t;ii6:,..jin.a, sr.ould be lusi in letting it be knows that rn--ttaclrmK"the-Prince AvA-1 and -bis government i t AHianla1.Min Itter' Williams was not acting on'ln- StriHtions from Washington. Press dUpal"tis have reported the minster as resigning, but See.-ctnty I;rjan sayl no resignation had leached the department. - : ' , i , Dlvor. Ijaw I'plicliL Carson City. -NeV... July. 3 The validity of the new sistr divorce law was upheld by the , Hpreme Court here tod 11 y; The oflnnotv was Signed bv a f'lil court. ?WnllCTI0HE0 Choose Seaside Resort For Ltheirilext AnhuarCon-& vjsntion SEVEN PASS THE BOARD WorlT Finished Last Night Spiendid Sessions .Through ouf "The Day Make Appro't t priation To Cause of Public- fxrityAshevllle Bidder For Convention ; - Th North Carnllfta OsttwpatWC AsV sociation adjoumtd ' Its eleventh - an I JuaI;eonvention- last -night at -Jl o'clock after - chooains WrtchtsviUa ven near members. The convention was In almost con- tlnuous Session from Its opening here in the evening to -finisa -its work and fw t h morning s r session today. It sub stituted that of last night Jt was able by unbroken business to conclude a very Interesting program, minus some of the lees Important details and ths association returns home this morning, JN'earbL. jJL jat. Jtb pradlcing.Jiiea were here. Of the forty odd. in., th eiaie, oniy nve oa six are not mem bers. The-, association took Its new llcentltatea In UM night and the mem bership is larger by seven-than It. was when it opened yesterday. Ths hew prectittons are: ' -i - Dr. Frank Heine, or AshevtMe. - : Vr. H. A. Green, of Salisbury. Dr. O. D. Baxter, West Durham tr. E. O. Mornbeck.'Kocky Mount" Dra O. 'Holland, New Hill. - Dr."Hft f 'A;v3ag1ey,-Moydck. -.7 Dr, iU C Allen,' VTHmlngtonrT"' - The presidential office remains un, changed. Dr. A. R. Tucker, of Ral eigh, president and Dr. EL J. Carson. of, Wilmington, Secretary are fboaen tor iwu yeara. ENFIELDiYOUTHHAS- BROKEN NECK AND IS - IN DYING CONDITION (Sptdil is Tat Km iai OUwot.l Richmond. Va.. Julr 1. R. Wood, an eighteen-year-old youth, of Thfleld, C In dying In Johnston pvtnsa Hospttal- nsrs wlta a. broHeii neck, it Was learned tonight. It de- velopes that he was brought here June Z&tb to be treated for the. injury which he sustained while diving In a pool near 01s noms. tie has tieea un conscious s'nes being brought to the hospital, and la only able to take a little' liauld nourishment The doc- Una fear "that" lie cannot" hold out many morfrdy, Two of his brotWs ana omer relatives nave Dean here wnn-Bim. - - JCU&ESBACJK, BAKJSXm&J In Fnw Weeks Reserve Bank Money w ttr tte-Kcadr Tor lssuance. Washington D. C. Julv t. Plans for the Issuance of the near Federal reserve bank notes to the twelve re serve banks after their establishment will be completed Within thlrtysix daya. This -Waa announced here today oy ohn- emelton Wtltiania oommrplier ot me currency, aner several corner eCe UIv r Secretary MoAdoo and Director. Ralph, of. the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. ti practically nas neen aeciasa mat notes of all denominations will have a green back of the same design, This would make It- nsesssary t,r notes 4a be stacked rightslde up efore they can be counted and would simplify tne wora ot teller.. Ths notes wtu as In . denominations ten, five twenty, fifty and one hundred dollara Port raits . af..JLlacolOr -Cleveland, - Jackson. Grant and Franklin have been eon, stdertd . Xor . use -oa-ths - various aotsaj but a.dennlte decision has not been reached. OFFICIALS WILL KPlvtK. AdiiilliistratliMi "Clilcfs lo .Jiave Busy - AUUO JMUSf, tBl Washington. D. C. July I Inde pendence Day celebrations will claim many of the government officials' time tomorrow - . T President Wilson will sptttlt In Philadelphia tomorrow, Speaker Clark at Farmvills; Secretary Daniels will wmke an ad dress before the-VntversKy of Virginia at Charlottesville, Vs., Secretary Bryan will speak In North Carolina; . Keyresentatlvs- Underwood will speak In Brooklyn. Vkse-l'resl dent Marshall Intends to go on picnic with . hi, family;,. her. , mam. bers of the Cabinet will spend the day quietly at nearby resorts, at work "Or on week-end trips. . W?ITn.CTOR 18 arrested; icrtmrttHl Catifcwdon sas ire runted - - - Dynamite ami Shot Heir. - Pltuburg, July I. Robert Miller. WUkensburg contractor, who reported to the Police that be had found a dv namlte bomb at the residence of B. M. Herr, president of the Weetlnghouss Klectric and Manufacturing Co.,. in Edgesroedrandwho said he fiafriSeeK wounded in the hand by the man who placed Jt there, was arrested late to-l nay charged witn transporting dyna mite without a license. lL-jMajnarte4 that ' Ml feseed to Captain Adams, of the. State constabulary, that he placed the dyna mite on the lawn and shot himself to strengthen his story. , Kaloons in tb Turtl X'reek Valley, -closed since the strike was called-four weeas ago, were nermmea 'io , opcti ,ton yy .,.,;, kx-BHTrJr Tesas-Kegro- With Aiet Hftndla 1 Imi- tatew Kuniaon 0 Old. Branchviila, Tes., July tiholl Mannings, negro, killed, eight other negroes here.toaay with a shorr nan died axe in revenge tor bis sutplolons that thry had charged Junvwrlta-iorse theft : Twice thia js eek when arrested at small towns near hers on ths charge. Mannlnss had brokerr'tail. He arrived here before daylight. After the killing he was arrested but s c-ap-d from a train eri route to jail. P6Ks are acarchlng for hint. Atlanta Man Kills Wife and Her Mother znd Shojojsf .f Himself : . f. Z-". Z:. ' (Sr ths axwUUS tr. . . . Atlanta, Oa.. July t Three victims brwurder and suicWs wsiw found in wooded ndj, unfrequented locality bear hers todajtTh dead were & V. Behnetfe:;.jtar.pc1itefc.auiit 10. years old; Mrs. Flossie Bennett, his It-year- old wife, and Mrs. Mattie Tolbert, 48 years old, lh dead man's mother-ln- Notes found In Bennett's clothing and investigation - by ths police and coroner Indicated he had forced his wife to - drink: i poison and . then strangled -awd "ttabbsa hr to' deatfj, then lured 'thv deitd "girrs1 irnoUter. to the scene and killed her with a shot gun after showing her ths body f ber daughter-, and finally shot and killed himself. - -Ona-of -emtetfs notes ssid bis wife, had -taken poison but ths authorities, do not credit It, Wednesday afurnooa ltMtnett took a wal wit h bis. young; - wif A-J wcfodeCTsection where the bodies were found. He later returned here atone and yesterday InduceiJila mother in law to accompany him to the locality. saying he wished her to identify some iothimr-wpgrw laundry woman .had refused to return to his wife. Hia notes indicated taint aftert killing her Jia. apant- las-ftl: W-t-te---sr-rns"-cf death and then shot himself early to day. A single barrel shot-gun -snu found tied to a stump near his body, One of Bennett's notes, addressed to Samuel Tolbert, his brother-in-law. said that the triple tragedy was the result of interference la Hy-nnstt s tamiiy lire oy nts motner-in-iaw ana others. The couple hsd been sepa rated, several.ritnes, since their .mar riage aooul a year ago.- It was Bn ngtt's aecond , marrUgs. . . ..-1. SIX SERIOUSLY HURT WHEN GEORGIA TRAINS - MEET IN COLLISION Macon, Ga ; July I 81s persons werereeriously mjursd and more than a score others hurt late today twhen an excursion train on tne ueorgia Southern and Florida Railroad collid ed headon with Macon and Birming ham rtaliroad local passenger train. seven miles south of here. Neither of the trains was running more than twenty miles an hour, ac cording to witaesses and it Is believed uus prevented the wreck being more serious . The engines met on a 10- foot trestle and almost completely telescoped each other. Both trains, however, remained- on the trestle. The Macon and Birmingham train had a freight car between the mgtna and passenger coaches. It was com pletely demolished. Trains-of the tat ter railroad from her us lha Georgia Southern -and -Florida's tracks. It was reported tonight that ths wreck; was due to conmoUng orders. There. Is Only One Door To Olfice So He Makes Promfse . (By W. E. TtXTERTOV.) Washington, ;DJt,.elvJ.uly.l Ailele. gatlon of; Washington suffragettea who haisV at some time lived i North Carolina, cornered Representative fouUhls nfnee .toteyr-andi-taylng him where he. could neither hide nor run away, grilled him with questions as to why he win not.-a actlngTrtiatr- man, call the House Rules Committee together to report ouC the " euffrsge constitutional.-. aoutadinent,...&s In- staater.' Mr, fou explained that gentlemen's agreemest existed In the committee tbat"no meeting la to be called in July and that two hundred Democratic members In the House are supporting that agreement. He 'ex Tlalne-niBt'"'tDrh1M''famn: " "meet lng in the face of such an agreement would he an. unpardonable breach of legislative 'etiquette and thai lie could not do it unless majority of Demo cratic members of ths - coRVmittee should desire It , , ;' Home ComfiNrt Given. JThSk. luffragc ttea-by 4 otca.-of jm ords and unliotinavd energy carrtedi away one crumb of comfort lr was thai it three Democratic members of- the eommtltee-could :hei tndOctfd"ta sK tor a meetmg Mr. Pou would call the meeting. The s)tbrr,;..,'Dmocrallif memners or tne committee are. BOM expecteffdbfigiatulale him oa his cleverness, but What is a man to de, please, when he Is cornered .and there la only one door in his private office? The ex-Tar Heels who comprised the delegation were Mrs. J. C. Mosher, Mrs. UllianfSant. who claimed Ral eigh as her residence; Miss Mildred KoOTicSf New Hern; Mrs. Minnie-E. Brooks, Beaufort; Miss Virginia Ar old, Wsynesvllle, spolresman-, Im-ome Tsxns. Collected. The fVitTtiwinr -iocom tuvM ,r,ri CuUecUd-lnojrtlL-iollna the fiscal year ending June 89; Fourth District, corporation - Income -tax, H7,S3!i.8k individual income-tax, S27.I63.98. Fifth , District, coroora Ptlons, lo.84.Il; Individuals, ft, tOZ.ts. The Houth Carolina District was re-establlshd eptemfir 1. 191 1 belWif'neToretmrHnHS'I'ptt Carolina. Off For fcpwches Today, gecretary Daniels left this afterdoon for Charlottfflsvllle, Va.,.wbwe- twtor- row he will make a rourth-of July address. He Will -be ths guest while there of Representative Levyt stMonal tlce'.io, the horun'of Thomas Jvffersoh; Becretary.--itat..i---w-itl- -fns three chautauiiu speeches in Nrth Carolina tomorrow, ile -.nd-3fr. Bryan will spend Bun8y In AwhevlUe, North Carolina visitors include O. S. Creelman. Ilh Point; George J KiUfiise, Raleigh, and W. L. Cranford gnd bnde,Hee.niiboro Great English Statesman Dies , at - His' Home In -'-London WAS' STRIKING , FIGURE Fought For Tariff In England, Helped. Found Liberal Party, Then. Left It In Opposition To Uiladstbne-TidTlome Rule- Wife Most Loyal Jo Distinguished Spouse . T niiAssekSiiaa London, July S. Joseph Chamber lain, vne.pf the most striking figures In British poligos in the past gener ation, died at' his London 'home here late last night. His death came as a surprise. He had been aufterirfg -with health fcaa not known to be any worse than It had been for the past three year Mrs. .Chamberlain, who never, left is husband's' side etnew -hr""was stricken with paralysis ' seden years ago, and tils son, Austen Chamberlain. were itlth, Jrtjjm, whra.doath came. Tlvef event cast a gloom over .the London season, which was at Its height atr. Chamberlain S last public sp- pearanna was at a garden party on the grounds of his Birmingham home on May (. last. when, with his -wife and son, be received several hundred constituents. He was wheeled out. on the lawn in a chair and appeared very feeble when he lifted his hat to friends and neighbors 1 acknowledge ment of their salutes. - ra"Taaaet""Bf MrrTaJhbSrlaln's death was offlclairy announced today as, heart failure. Although he had been gradtially sinking since Tuesday, members of their family had preferred mat nis . condition not. be pubUcly known. ' v . v PkMseew TarllT AdvocwteX The Right Honorable Joseoh Cham berlaln was ths pioneer In Great Britain Of Urift refornv and ths great advocate of Imperialism. For thirty- eight years, svlth a brief Interregnum, ne represented liirmmgnam in parlia ment. In his career of stormy activities was snded by a stroke of paraiysia The blow, fell when he Was la the midst of a strenuous cam- aaism for the eetkbUirhmpirt of a nro tecttve tswitrlhreference for the British colonies and lust after hJi constituents had celebrated the .thir tieth anniversary of his first , elec tion. ' . ' Loyalty of Wife. Since that day the strong fighter had been an Invalid; a pathetic onlfraiklttf-fron--f 4he-tnrrlding-whcT looker at the political game, pictured always "Wlthr"felg loyal -wife, daughter or W. U. Kndlcott of Massachusetta srho was President Cleveland's secre- ury of -war, beside him. His chief consolations were the growing poilXU cai prominence of his son Austen Chamberlain, and the loyalty of his const it uente. - Wsmbigham -wmild -irot , . : . 1. 1 1 . ,. , l. . uinyuvo 111 wivr iniucr, widouku nm was no longer able to represent her upon the floor of the Houee of Com mona In each election he was re turned to his old seat, and , appeared afterward rhr thehouse " hut once. where amid respectful silence, he made. Ms - war to lite tneaRef :a :flsit on the artn of " his eon and took the oath of office. January S. 1111, Mr. Chamberlain wrote to his constitu ent, resigning his seat, and saying: I cannot hope again -to do my Woik In Parliament; an d I reel that bur city and ths constituency need the services of a younger man. OpiHMwsit oTT1a4if otieCi" While his greatest elaim to fame Seas-hie determined and trtrtlant ad vocacy for years of a protective policy for Great .Britaia...tbe citadel iif free trade, he will S' be .remembered as tba bitterest and most' forceful op uonent of , dtadstone tg-That states- msn's efforts for home rule for Ire land; aa one of the founders of ths Liberal-Vnionlst party and- aa the minister Whose policy in South Africa Involved his -country In the greatest war if had experienced since the Crl- mean,.ctmfllct..bul. bLolted ouL.tba .two. Boer republics and made South, Africa "all red." From- the day he left IJnlverslty College, 'London, to enter his father's tContinued en Page Six.)" THECAY1N "CONGRESS SENATES " Met at 11 a. m. Investigation ,-uf alleged jnisuae . of official stationery In ft gold fflinn pro motion-- was continued by a special committee: v. -.The SenateTorciga 'relaUo jS c'orn mlttee was .wutborissd te Investigate 'sdl-TaBBarle)w--enrre w1tW"Trtt negotiation of with Nicaragua the. propused . treat y4 Adjourned at l:S( te 11a. m. Mori day. ' HOI'HE: - ' " r--Z Met at waon. v . " President Wilson urged appropria tion of IfOO.OOe for the relle! 0 the Salem firs sunTerers. -he'tferencerrerefrofi the Indian appropriation bill bearing many arfrendmeiii w-Swthi in. . Representatives Loft of New Turk, snd Morgan and McGuire,-of Okl contested seats, were declared legally elected by an investigating committee. Representative Lev's"'re8olutlon to ehd ths session on July IS forced an adjournment until noon Monday. EM ELECTION COXTESI'S EAITfc '"'''""3'' " Twd;Rpub;iiinsJiHrOaLD-niotTat - -: -jMlld WM. v; . i Washington, D. C.,' July - l. - nTh House' elections" committee tvday de clared Representatives GetJs"? Loft, immocrm, 01 ew ior:Dlc Morgan aad ftird tMH llcans. of Oklahoma, legally1 elfdedL mft stn-reTtia3Tir1iiTe TJmoihy D. Sullivan and At. J Wllkins had Con tested hls'electlon on the ground that the election proclamation by' Gover. noeClynn was Illegal. John" Carhfy had -contested Morgan's seat and John 8. Dnwji hud unsuwwfully sought to uns'-ut Mctiuire , . Jy - - -' -' I 'v rf, tsr-v t7f'r VbuV&ri M.'Aal. " . . ' The bait bond of i Mrs. Helen M. Angle af Stamford, ComL, aeaa,t&c door -wf whose irtraent occurred the death of Waldo R. Ballou. mar be recalled soon. She is t liberty 1 under 5,00 bonda. WhiU WH poliea do not believe' Mrs. Angle hsd any direct connection with the death, they do believe ahejmqws who traa.rf gponsibU foir-it, and may be regardad. as a very materiel witness. 2'eajate",kreil(iMS ' - Mrs. . Angle Goes To Charged With Murder i Ballou Jail AMKtUti tn (Br HH Stamford, ronn.r" Jul . Becau Stnert testimony showed that a trail of human blood ran from ths lower hall of the building up two nights of stairs and into her s part men ts and because she -would make no statement, Mrs. Helen M Angle w:t beld with out bail late today by order of xjor oner John. IV Phelan. wno is Investi gating the death of Waldo It. Ballou. on the night of June SI. Uia Angle had been at siherty -under a ,wt bond, given by ber father, Ballou was found dvl:uc on the elds Mrs. Angle lived. She told tlis uoLc-e He fell down' a flight (jf stairs jahu.t under the influence of liquor. ' Mrs Angle was taken Into custody today after she had been given a prt- vats hearing in tha tUca vf the obtet of police st which she refused to make a statement, bhe collapsed when she realised -h-had- -to-gw to- Tlt; Chief of Police Brennan, the first witness at ths Inquiry, amplilied tes timony previously given, in which he had quoted that Mrs. Angle had said regarding whttr shirt found In-- bureau drawer,., ,The , chief said hs .had shownthe shirt to Mrs. Angle-, saying; rNHlj -haf - -does - this mean?" '.''' She replied: "BUI, for tlod's sake, don't show that up 7" The chief identiiied a pair of spec tacles found tn a bog ywtth other ar tterel.olt TReT Yeranda. ", A physician said he, found a spot of blood on. thespectacles. H' jlso deacflliedstafnsrwhich showed traces of blood In tests made. Those stains Were on the lower landing, up both flights of stairs-and In Mrs. Angle's rooms, v Three blood )i -towitrBwsJm-sa found on the stalra TherS was a stain near the leg of a piano,- another under aa ironing board and still another on a mat near Mrs. Angle s bed. Surgeon ' Ceneral Blue -' Give New" Orleans" Cleaning Wil ,..,-.., iUl UK AafailliA fam.l,., -Nrw firhad,-Juty t The 'cost of the campaign for the eradication of bubonic Dlasuo here will lis from ISO.vDO to" J 6,000 vr morifb,and a minimum lime 01 six moms win oe mnnwa w Tndrdiigiiiy iwie isirgRj' ut ooiUagiuiHc-imliflg to a staternent tooay. oy nurgeon uenerei' Hupert HluerTsf "the t'nired TSTateiit Public rfcalth and Marine Hnaifttal 'Service, before a-ctttsens committee. t Dr. Blue today i received authorization from Secretary of the Treasury, McAdoo to fake-churge'of the work here. Shortly sfter assuming the leader ship" tn lhe "fight ssalnst the plague( Dr, B) ue .ordered a cor ps.of twelve rodentuloglsts from Han Francisco to start at once for New Orleans. Aauis tant Surgeon Williams, of Washing ton, and Past , v--Assistant r Surgeon French Simpson, of New York., both of the Public Service, also huve been directed to report to Dr, Blue. According-to Dr.- Blue. the situation nere is not alarming. Although a week hns passed since he nrst case developed, another car - fulimim' 'da. se ttiele has been no further outbreak of the malady, - TWO ' SEBAE toil S.VME CRIME Jrcldcnt Ianlnns Ramticl t'oltrane, of two jnaaaetv44ig snlenies for ths same crime was revealed today when President Wilson signed a communi cation which will open the doors of Leavenworth prison -to Samuel Colt rane, doing a life sentence there, for murder to Which a prisoner in the Oklahoma State penitentiary rewwly coniesseth . TRAIL' DF BLOOD nODTHnOflID: CITYOFCONTAGION Struggle; at,; Golditi;:! and 7 Death jf Brother : - - Recalled !' 0ATH -. T0- WIN-OR - DIE; Promoter Breaks Down and 7 pries Jn Fogres of tt mony Before Committee--, Charlotte Mint Asked Re- V opened To .Coin The, Money and treasury Expert Sent . a "W sassr 1 1 r Washington. D. C July . W. O. . ! aaua - 1 Vewnjan. pramoter of a North Care- , Una gold mine, told a Senate investi gating committee a tearful story to day about ths -nee of oinclal letter paper ofthe census and rulea com mittees for circulation of a letter from a mining engineer praising- the prop. y,a Senator'-- Overman's stenographer to make copies of the' letter and that a clerk in the census cdmmtttao- made-others. " Senators Overman and CbUUn.ahalr men of those committees, knew notb lng of Itr ha aald. While Newman was telling the story ef-Wsatruggles-tn-piiiutute-ther-prop- erty be wept and once sobs stopped, him. - Newman said about' thirty-five or forty copies of the letter on Benate paper were sent out, but that they ' were sent to bit personal friends, . among the Gold Hill stockholders, Nons of thsm were used to "boost" the stock, ha protested. : 1 i . Ths witness-said -ths. appeaMfnts) -of ths letters on the Senate stationery ssav tba stock down a-e? nt - per share, although the mining engi neer reported the Gold Hill property . worth sixty million dollars.- - f - Nobody believed that statement," said Newman. r ' r . - t : 10 a voice choked with emotion ths promoter told the committee of early sthigglea of himself and his brother, J, Newman, to develop the uoid HIU mine. ; - Re-Me IVwth of Brother.- - ; My brother saw things ' go li pieces. " he said,- and he took nvn sticks of dynamite and blew blmselt Into ten thousand pieces, tie left a letter saying his Ufa's work was gons. , Hs said North Carolina was the rich est State In the Union.- When-1 he, ' lotte,- N. C, mint be re-openea ".,-. -property-OTrUt I proved hia statemetit er went the way he went" ' ' Newman said be sent soma of the ore from the mine to John Skelton Lwilllams, then assistant secretary of lotta N.-C. mint "he re-0Pene4 go. that-- the" gold?; could be turned Into cash readily. He said Mr. WiU lama tni him be had no guthorltx.td.open th mint, but he bad sent a treasury ex pert to look over the mine. , . , bona lor Invited Comerem. Nwman--frenretrtty-tised- -the-Presi dirrrr room behind the Senate chsm ber, hs said, for his conferences about the Tthlnerbtit - -deelara'd-hs-bad -gtme there each time at the Invttatldn tf some senator. He named Henators Vverman, Chilton, Martin, Bwanson and Pomerene as those mlth whom he-had talked about the project John Bkelton Wlltlama who now Is fpmptrHet1--ts, ttuLjcutrelicy and, George IS. Roberta director of the mint, were questioned at the conclu sion of Newman's examination and corroborated In effect those parts of ths promoter's story which eoneerwed: . them. ..- Mr. Roberts said that at Mr. Will iam's -reonest and after conferences LwttbewtniuiJrjea ens, aasayer or tne mint Bureau, 10 examine Aha mine. Otlirr MeeXJnas Over Mine)." Mr. Williams saldtbattasvinlna had -'b'lui::-a4-e-conferen-' his office in the treasury at which bis brother W Berkley. WlUlarns, ,St. .... man and a mining engineer of Wata tngton were preeent The witness took tittle part tn the conference, he said. Mr willUjtia-tstlfladha-OWH ed no stock Id the company. Newman, recalled to the stand, salj ths'co'nfarancaad MW3atalnsOfflce v: wa fnilod-abmitrhTweee by another athe home: Ot emolh - : Tnlnlng angiheer. Neither of the Will lama brothers was , present at this second conference, but Newman at (eirded at thetr -sequest,-be "decjared, -The meeting, he said, was m regard ta a proposition f or allotment-of- :atet -and came to nothing. i ' Nejman.sald....he.hsd .had fomi correspondence with -John BkIton Williams about the mine, but he pre f erred that it be given out by them, NrW YORK SWINDLER ; v -IS FOUND GUILTY; - GOT HALF MILLION """trVy the Associated Press. V ' -"TCeW TorV July ? wmiarrrTT. Coopers- frenrlv-"head" of - the New Toik Central Realty Ctrcfetr-ged with using the malts to defraud some S09 Investors out' of Mt,W;was found guilty today by a Jury in the Federal eourt - Many of hie victims were offl- . cers and enlisted men In the United States army and marine corps. Sen tence was deferred.- ' - 5- Cooper's company appealed partlc- 1 ulajly tasmitll cwplu lints, uritlng tiieni to take their money out of savings banks and invest In Its six per cent realty bonda The company went into bankruptcy with tittle or tvo assets and Cooper and ther officers weri ar rested. Claude J.: iiTan Siyke, " James' A. Robinson and Ernest Sharp. Coop er's associates, were Indicted With,' him," . "V- . Van Slyke and ..Robinson ; pleaded guilty and took the stand against their funtirr chief ' ha j-lpawatut'iftiil' " L'NATOH WIJST CILURSIAN, Gwrjria BcinK rat ( Imiow AittMtc ., . as Jjcadcr. ... . V 'Oift Ai-iterl rm. 1 AtlantaOa., July iW-WVft Wei1, t'nlted States Henator mim tienrt . today ws- elected dtglrftl'ao. "affii.r State Democratic Exec.trtive Comnt tee. -"Senator - Weet''sdrceeaa .Wlilifi.ti J. Harris, appointed diret-tor. f . t - census , by President WII1M11. Harris resigned the Statechirrran : ship on amount of his rand'otacy thj Democratic "noniinalion gut tut -atovr of Uwrgia, )

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