IHE WEATHER, Full tat concerning the weather will be found today on Page Five. . 7fv North Carolina. f I I 1 jV 11 V X JTSF "fc V I . f a, '" ,1- i 1CW;S m n - r v i1 ft A- -4 r L ' --r-t i VOLC. NO. 9. ' jf. --' vvftr-nF-nnlmiR ". - rTs?fLivinMiFJ ic RniinnJ :py.hvj:ipuf hut --wi'uuuiuit - Anr-xjxiJXAPi mjlh IIUIIII1II IU UUUIIU ULl II I UILIIL llu I r PLflCEDi IN JAJL .7n TO HIEHERCDURT CASE FPU TEACHER V' -.-,..-.. -iL-- . 1 I 1 It Coroner Holds" Mrs.. Carman Guilty of Murder of Mrs.-! :- Bailey - NERVES GO TP- PIECES And She Takes Good Cry as Jail Doors Close Behind Her. New WitnessrWhose Testk mony Caused Her Arrest,; -. Locked Up; Coroner In Tears ,as He Reads Charge- WeeOntt N Y Inlv I tin tlnr. Kdwin Carman, was arrested today, accused of being thtcassttsslan-Who week a so last night murdered Mrs., lxiulse Bailey, wife, ofxa Hempstead "manufactuter, by Tiring a -ntM through her heart as she stood in the phyalcla n'i,'ullW.r. w y . - - . !; Tonight Mm. Carman, at whom the finger of suspicion has pointed since. mff aweovery that she had Installed a telephone Instrument In her hus- i band' office, to hear conversation be M tween him and hla woman patients, in 111 illC AL!W,tt U VUUIliJF Jllll HI, WlllCUIil. There she will remain until oMnday. whrttie"',w!I'n "aKalri"1je' exumlnrd hy the coroner, before whom she pleaded not guilty today when, arraigned. Mrs, Carrrmn s nerve la ahattered. WhtA the door of the Mincola jail closed behind her today ahe pulled her heavy veil from her face and broke down. Her husband and the sheriff, who took her In an automobile from fter'hnme ttTe"to'fhi-Jat1: assisted tirr-t to the top floor of the building. Eye Wltnewt Pound. The Immediate cause of the arrest was the testimony gwn thH murnlng by Ellwood T. Bardes. an lnaurance agent, whom the authorities railed the aingle reliable eye witneaa of the crime. Barclea also is under lock and key, detained an a material witneaa; for hla atory in of mirh Importance that the authorillea feared an attempt mik'ht be niadc to get him mj of the juritttltctluu. of Llie New York courts, tardea' atory, briefly told, la this: "At ,7:80 o'clock on the night of the murder," Bardes auid. "he deter mined to visit Dr. Carman to have " him dresa a minor injury. He waiked to the phyaiclnn'R houae. Arriving, he decided he could dreaa the injury hlm aelf and thereby nave a doctor's fee. So he walked past the doctor' house t j. . and turned around to begin his jour ney home. At that lnsti.nt he heard an ex- pUtelon. He thought It was cauwd l an automobile tire but wlien he look ' ed Tor the machine he could not Hnd He looked toward the lawn at -""the side of Dr. Carman e home. A l -lUKWh -4a.il, well built, hntle, wear ing a light ahlrtwniiit and a dark ikirt. was moving away from one of ". ihf slmlo ja. the-.tfldni uf tle Uoc " " "tor's oflice lo ard ' the" Tear of the house. Mhe wasi wantfhg "in Jnmyihe tnt" nww." .r.rJ"L AUvliwd Story. . Harjea was diMcovered yeslefSny. r Hm srry migKt 'still "remain untold f had het not mentioned aH. tlrttt to a . ii'iimau'wlKi telephoned the district attorney and then to a prlt he aak- fd fot: advice. The rmet advised hmi to make hla ..story known. Hut before an opportunity preaented itself he was taken into custody by orders of the district attorney. Itarden testified ttis .te .. Mn Carman's twelve-year-old daughter, i Elizabeth, had tried to strengthen her j - mrjther'a alibi, and., representatives of J ... manufnetnrers of the telephonic I ' inuiruuietit told of Kelling" the device . to the physician's wife and of Install, jf . lug It in here home, 'r" ' Coroner Norton, after spendfrg an i hour HtudyliiK the testimony of kar- charge, BtatniK that be d'ies "on his oath, sav that Louise Hailey came to her death hy 'criminal means, by rea son of a bullet fired into her bftiiy ,. , with a revolver held by Florence Gar- nian." -He then prdt-r! Mrs. -Carmttns ar ret. l zrman-r-r- i . - tJeqrjie Levy. Mrs. Carman's coun sel, telephonad lwVarman of this ac don. i Coroiu-r Mocif lo Tear. Word was sent lo Mrs: Carman tht she wan. about to be arrested und a few minutes Inter county otllciala en tered the physictun's office. Mrs. Carman, pale but controlled, aocom panle.d by. hef hunbaiid. her JtUuroev anff mhers-rame- 'W it tmmrtr - inter rttiHil .f..4a--Kwwww--w4M..wei -tn 4 . his eyes read the charge and the war rant of arreyL he" hud sli;n"d. Mis. Carman Mood erer!t finfi h!fll. 1Z -tween them, oft . the floor, was k dark stain marking the vp.ui.Ai litre Airs. . llnlley died., - "Are you 'gnitly of this charge "or ,71lot 6Ulltjf"sgkedia4nyi "sitsiil iji?.- irici mtorney .. w -j-pj guilty,- answered Mr. Car , nuin ' t "W licTTla "Mi Sriinia'l'oniTiig IIonicT , "I'm sorry I had to" -s began the coroner. As he said "to" the door room opened .and Klibeth Carman entered! j- .-7 "Mr. 1'ettit," sheaaid" to the aherifT, "Mr. I'l'tllt, when is my mama com . ing home?'" , The sheriff placed his hand on the child's head and answered: "Tomorrow." "Come over hers and" sit on niy knee," said Mm. Carman's attorney. "We'll take care, at your mother alt right m Mother It III. Mra. Carman was KUowed to go to . - the second floor of her "home, where her mother..-Mrs. t'latt Conkhn, has been Ttl in "led since th day after the wntrder. - (She we-nr-to- IW Hmn. b- talned some personal helongimjs. and dreased. herself in a- suit of white, put on the same coat she wore when she went to Hempstead a week ago to look at- the faie of the ,rnurdered woman 4n,' the inorgtie. and a small hat-vr. which she placed a veil. With her husband- and the rhertfT, '' Mrs. Carman entered the automobile ' and was taken to the jail. .Although a Cell had' beetv prepared for her she ' was taken to the warden- quarters on the top floor, where she was placed In the care of the matron, who gave ;--" St Princess Mobs Darkfeather. . , . j j. $ uaugnvci wi u ii and one of the most popular actresses bt movine pictures, ha amonr ths Blackfeet Indiana, who reside ia Montana: the Pueblo's in Mexico, and frith Chief Isaac's tribe of Moouehids InduiraV in Alatikv So aha in at hone ia any Indian role.--- TO If BUSINESS So Declares President Wilson In Urging Confirmation of Nominees A SACRIFICE PATRIOTIC Chief Executive Holds That The Big Majority of Big Business Men Want To Be Honest and That ... Messrs.. . Jones- and --.Warburg Arc Offering- Vica rious Service ff Ml A.M.H i.'.tO !'!! 1 WthihlnKtn, l 1'., July S. Itepre-' sentatlvi's of "bl'i business" talked at-44sU...w.j.h...liiaiidt.nL. l7hAMl. iU th White Hotiee tminr ahflu't the ad ministration's iini.i-trust. program. Ten leading member of the Chicago Association of Commerce gave Presi dent Wllsnn their ideas of proper trinifrmmn'fMnti nmL rnl'rrmit swun ties hills, and as a wsitlt the bills passed l" the 'House anil pending In tfajfcKenjtte may be ijiniliiidi. Moth the I'resident anil Ihe Imsi riejis' iiie'tV 'iVf litif" grSlemcnii refer ring to the1 cordiality of the meeU Ing. As a direct result of the discussion, the VYrvidrm tftte turtle ft-hvntphert to Kepin-senljtlive t'oviugton of Mury land. h framed the House trade commtuloit bill, iisklng liuu to return to V flhuiisfn to confer wit.li the flu- The I'residetii listened enre'fully inuJ Interp'ised some Ideas of h:s ow n. The mteatlon of business iirospertty was memmned m a gem-i-.H wav, and af terwards oillclulH Bind thi I'residttlt had not chmigt.'d his previously ex. pressed "opinion th.u conditums ate JU.WintJietter I'lesKlent Wilson I o'niorrowwin" re ceive Heirv ford, the millionaire au tumoliile nv.niuf.ietinev. unit a com mittee of lllinuiM blinkers. Washington. L. C. .inly S --Declaring H wuld be unfair to regard tliu Demucratii' party us (he enemy itf lug or little business. President Wilson to day gave on I a statement ..in support of I'Ttnl M Wnrtmrc, of XorK and Thoman -f'.!rifi(, 'iir"o)ii(.,"iK(, us efHpe liotowa. "It would be particularly utifair to th- rvrnwrsf If' t.Hv. )(",.......' il1s Senate itfK-lf lo r gard ft hs the enemy of ;hunness, biK or Hille. i am sure that it does not regard a man. as an )wt f (muiiY m."tir hrcmiw- hp has been oinie i,.i vith jjrent busi- tcte'icrU--" U' ltt,ii4,-4hut thf bnMii ft th- eumm - hvs ben chletjv promoted In recent yearsx by errtrrprtws nrfrtTrtzed-rrna great iraib; and that the m majority of the men connected with what we have comr li-Cdll .big Jtf.lnjt?a jr.cii(jncal Jtti corruptible and itatriotie.' Trie coun try may be certain th.t it ia clear to members of the Senate as It Is" clear to ail thoughtful men that those (io have tried to uake big 4UMneM-whut it ought to be, are the men to be en couraged and honored, whenever thev respond without reserve to the call of public service. Sacrilicr t 4'atrkith'. "I prerip-t wlth fire greatest Confl dnce tht nothing done lxXheJem ncnitir mtorily at tbii Setiaie of the I'nlted ttate vlll be of a sort to throw suspi'tun upon such men. -Sir, Jones and .Mr. Aathur; in manifest ing their willingness to make personal eni' an aluljtv at the eervli e ttt- the Sonnl advantage in the organization of a great reform which promises to be so serviceable to the nation, are setting an example of patriotiairL mud of pubjlc spirit hich the whole coun try admire. I It Is the obvious busi ness of stalemaneblp atUhls turning point in our development ,to recog. niie ability and chamcter, wherever it has been displayed and unite every force fi r the iihiuMing of legitimate businea slontf the new lines which .Jl'ajt XffaJ PARTY'NOT ENEMY MEEIGHTiTC., No BaH Allowed Mrs.: Johnson, of Martin County, at Hear-, ing at Oak City COOL AND UNCONCERNED The Only Thing That. Seems To Worry Pretty Young Woman Is Little Baby; Mr. Manning, iiust .Behind. Shooting Affair, Swears He Saw No One By -"The Roadside "Oak "City, July I. (By long Dla. tance Telephone to Tarboro.) Mrs. Jo Johnson, charged .with killing her husband Saturday night In Martin coutsiy. arg1vn-rprenmTnafy tfr lng this -morning before Juitlce of the Peace R. J. House, at Oak City, and after he4rTnf"aireV"iaphee"ho" "bound (ha woman -. over . 'to Superior Court wKkan b'V''VW-' ' A tremendous crowd of Ih'terested people Ailed the Justice's office AiJ.ht. trial. The woman was calm through out, and was taken to Williamston to jail Immediately afterwards. The husband -was twenty-four years old and had many friends in the com- '".iaoiru uoiiit'niiu iKiniiuiun piiui tu this time. Thte whole county is deep y stirred over the affair. I The crime was committed Katur 'day night of last week near the Holy tlhost chjrrh, In Manin county and the facts as related by the officers ap pear to be about as follows: . .Mr. Hnnnuut haw o.Oim "Mr.' Johnson took his wife riding Sunday evening in a single buggy, the man sitting on the right and the woman on the left. Shortly after this time the horse was stopped kt the Holy (ihost church as it appeared to tie runnlng,,Yvay. as soon as it was stopped, Mra Johnson, who was in the buggy, said that soi. eone had shot her husband a little ways back down the road. Investigation proved this to be true. Sunday afternoon she was heard before the coroner and turned loose and she immediately left for Speed. At the ' Investigation she testified that a man ran put from the roadside, hailed them and shot her husband, but that she did not see any one, Klchard Manning, a rel table white man of this county, testified at the investigation that he was about 140 yards behind! the- couple a. d heard the shot but tlid not know any thing was the matter until his buggy ran upon the body of the dead man, He said he saw no one though it was bright moonlight . -JihertH Crawford -visited the scene next morning and' found the pistol that ..had .fired th fatal -shot- Iviog where H had been' thmwn'lntw the WbTKts Ht- the- eider eMw-mail, Aii the chambers were loaded except one that had recently been tired. John ? -wawelnrt-rrt thfF-hft--trfnpl,-rfd according to the .officers, the bullet went straight in. The hair on the temple was badly burned as-was the skin around the woundV'Mtow'lng that TrfFTdior must have -been flred- M hk paratlvely very close range. The of fleers contend that every Indication points to the woman, as the guilty parlv and are working' their case long that. line.. - Woman pry Cool, lne arresting officers say she was the coolest person they ever saw un der the circumstances. When thev TrsTirTftrifr wc-TerognTied rioWY.r them and coolly stated that they would have to wait until after she had eaten dinner before she would ac enrrtpuny them, did i even- flinch when they rend. the warrant charging her with premeditated murder. Mhe calrtily ate a good meal ahd got Into the auto with the officers and on the way. to Speed made the remark that I woumn t - cure u simp about thl business were It not for my little baby." She Is a very pretty woman about 22 years old and the only child Is about six months old,. The farmlv was rather prominent In Martin coun ty and the affair has caused a tremen dous sensation where thev are known The people are "known Oiere and In fact the woman and her father-in-law wcreln Tarboro yesterday morning on a ahnppmjL' trip and weie followed back to Speed by iH-puty Thomas and met there Iiv Sheriff Crawford The woman is apparently little con- rented about' the death of her hua band and as soon as she was re Jeajed ,!)- the. turuner- she-, left for Speed without again seeing her hus- Imiid or eliiyitig tu thf"fonerl WTrfrtr taok lilacc Sunday afternoon, Kiwi .ifi grt::N wouniKU.. Militants Allow KoyaT CVmple to Have o I'caif- mi Isit. (Ml1 tin' Aii'llwl rr.l - Dnmbartrm, Srntinnd.-JtltV It - "5TITT Uint suffrajwHiw uwiile desperutt cf- forts U;y-t attract the attention of King ftowge and yueeii Mnry, who are making a tour through Hcotlund. AttlaHrrrh Hrtdger-et -the- font nl-Wh Lomontl, the women, cut. down. all the decorations,, and at Dultnuir, , tne iUciiiuAlIJlisltorilWiaKi,jiXu bring out a huge bunner bearing the words. "Voitr Majesty, stop thff forcible feeding and torturing of wu men, 1 across the route us the procos. slon arrived At the same time one woman, armed with n magaphone, howled denuncia'itms of forcible feed ing. Neither the King nor the Queen paid th slightest attention, hut the crowd that had gathered to see their rndjestles displayed such a hostile at tituda that the militant suffragettes heat a hasty retreat. Itl'llVS COTT GK MTCNACKJ). rm Kr.tiad Trtc trr -tlow1'pTUrtli- I - filace otjjjcuuist Vwv4, v -iMl llw .iiwmi'it CnMi.1 v Glasgow, Hcntland. Jfuly S, An"ftt tempt to destroy the cottage at Ayer where llonert tuirns, tne poet, was horn, wan ni.iuo Just before rinvgutrfr ni.tui) Just lief today by t.-ini mber.s "of a militant BUfTTttgette "arson snuad." The two women Were surprised by a night watchman as they were In the act of placing large bombs against the doors and windows of the poet's birthplace, which is venerated as ft shrine liy the Hcottislf natii. The man captured one of t,h tillitunts but tiie other escaped, r s TilURSDAYWRNIN, Nationah Association; Places - Responsibility On Home 'and Parents EE- HONEST WITH tHIUD Speaker JSays FailureJTo Do. ; So May Lead To Immorality. ;Dr,.Keene Condemns-Amid Applause, Woman Who Puts . Care of Child Altogether In TOthers Hands " r " : - n om iwdiwt rwi St Paul, Minn., July . The teach ing of sex hygiene never will be dele gated... to the ..American, teacher, If It can . tie prevented by the .National iidttcation Aasoclatitjn. This was- vi denced at today' session when speak ers who denounced such a course proo voked ringing applause." ---"We -should have but the strongest condemnation for the wealthy, ciub going woman who-- has no time to teach her" chriif fiindiiwemal troths of lltw and would throw the respon sibility n a teacher or on a football coach," shouted Dr. Charles H. Keen, of Minneapolis, supervisor of hygiene and physics training. "Such ihlftleaaneas "is outrageous." When, the cheering had subsided h",ddelr'-"" "8e instructions - t laced on the same plane with spelling and arith metic will rob it of all its sacred -nesa - "We talk about the inability of the poorer mothers to teach their chil dren personal hygiene, but it is not for these children that we have to the fear. "ICnoWledg' he-Vef wilt" 'toKipet "pu rity. Sex instruction In school wilt but tend to lower the standard of morality. "If we take up sex hygiene In our schools the homes of America will continue to lose ground, end will give up the few privileges they now have to train the children." -Honestly With Children. N. D. Khowalter. president of Che ney Normal School, Cheney, Washing ton, said: "When "g father or mother turns aside a rhttdlr -nstnrat -TjuestRin-vr deals dishonestly with sex" questions, he lays the foundation of an immor ality which may develop into a tre menaoue foree." Methods for the conservation of the future race were advocated before the department of social education by Mary C Campbell, Chicago psycholo gist. "Kvery year the public schools pro duce human waste, as Is evidenced hyttme wh'lMMi through-OH- rt find; .psychopathic laboratories. . .she said. "We should conserve the chil dren in public schools by. haying a sper)nl"eport. "every few' months "on th.usr. .. tui..arfe- stlghilv . -wi-uMled - a Hd are beginning to lag behind, so that deviations from normal could be stud . Uid-ln. tinia,to prevent mental and nor mal disaster. Many an lminor'nT art has its genesis In the discouraged buy or girl." Warning On Iiltcrstnro. " A wnnvtiTs' of educnlors l beware of cheap. Juvenile" VutiWartonRrrrrh' ar riyilly nickel novels In disguise was Bounded before the library depart ment by Franklin Mathews, librarian, llov Remits of America, New York. vVilllam H" .lone, of Chicago. ViM elected secretary of the national coun cil of education. The convention today declined to rep.ort. muluojisjndurslnj. ,lhcbill in Cruigress providing fur an amend ment to the constitution to enable Congress to pass uniform inarrlags and divorce laws. The association Will not .consider "the divorce evil ahd similar questions. " THE" OA Y IN CONGRESS ('By the Associated Press.) f t ' Washington, July 8. SKN.VTK: Met at 11 a. in. tiebare aus resumed on the sundry civil appropriation, bill, The Alaskan railroad license law was -repeated. .and-, new. Income. ..tax was enacted for those lines. An appropriation of 1500.000 for expense. of a federal exhibit at the San Francisco Kxpositlon was passed. Acting Chull'man llltchcock, of the Hanking committee, issued a statement- explaining, -why- the -cntwmtttee wanted tit 'miestton- t'sul M. -Warburg, iiMiiimpii "" fnf 1 Wis.1 I'eiieri.l1 ....H'eserve Patsea Sirtidrv civil appropriation bttt cBTrTlfKttST.tJfffltJOff. ----- .JldJuurJieajit.Ij35 P- iff, it 'fhiirsdav. HOtTSK: Met at noon. flit - 'lintter'fatCfifl.'if " Wf-dnesdny ru'e coiisldered. , ' . The Henate resolution empowering the President to invite foreign deb, sates to the Home Education Con 4irLbaJn I'hfl.uleltihla ill' September was adopted, -, - Kepresentatlve Cantor. of New .York, . , prpJiosPjjl &,cyistitvuloijj,l "amendment tir 'permit the f'rcMdJiit to veto any portion of an appropria tion bill. Adjourned ut 5:43 p. in. to noon Thursday. . Everybody's Doing It AllUoii, July A few dt.vta nifUorfc It row., tit fontmt'1ur who rc rrHfn - 4h tinititiomi irwcifrt-nchool btilhllntr tAltlt, No. 3), In ttt rrn iwtinn of the tityt nitpromflil tit Hrrtlr ml (pHrrlrJi 'l)rt' yo know whrr w imvht tiiluy tcht or Im ltmt4tiwM-lH-"li- fftrirn? - Ourr frnrlr K ut ManiUOH unci r afrnitl tlmt f fau TiTt hrtp TfS "Mf, WfTT'noI lw mMi (o turn vrf Ihf wrk n p rami writ. "Hr-w BlMKif "mint In the MI KfllnMef it nrvrr full lirinir ivit.il Inttrlcit IhUw nil thf Mwr4. tlimlMfk m w vm w gfttet via y. wtomnit from Awry nuartr, I 1 Ob ftmnrlmt tioutnrti pair Af wm min rikJiiimisH f lht Newt nt Oh rwrfr Trry mrnin--ICyrryboiljri H nf Hhi imlnrr for mrrtmntu "h wUh to H lmrtion f itu- mkH-itr-it tVfisnM. - 'Mr;hittt4ii n mrrr North rrntlit town emit fH rrUit like rntrriirlhtnf HllMin piU ln tf JULY mU7 -JkVHO- IS-TO- BIAM E-FOR N";Y7TENEMENrBY - 5 " I vt V 1 1 :-ri hyfTi- - J I i r t Ruins of New York tenement (takes jtwt m upper torie eolUpaed) in which four were killed by -dxsajiult bomb-- - Detectivea are trying to leern whether the dynamite bomb which de stroyed the epper stories of a big New York tenement Saturday, killing four, wai made by the anarchists who occupied the room in which the - explosion occurred, or whether the tiomb wai sent them by an enemy. Louise Berber, stp-sistr of Carl Hansen, one of the dead men. says that the presence of the bomb in the anarchist quarters wu the' work of an - euenijr.. .... , -mm liBEBELSiIlilIHCnRflLli ALL PEACE PLftNS -i Torreoa. Cotiference .Deciclcs Not To Send Delegates To Meet Huerta Men PROTOCOLS ARE NULLIFIED No American Governments Will Recognize Martial Rule In Mexico and Military Status at Vera .Crufc.. Looked, Jo NextMinister Naon Is Dis appointed -"' (fit Hie tx.iial-tl I're v nsniiiKion, i. ( ,, ,iuiy s. Murder dispatches stntini; th.it 'ihe Ciinstilu tionullsta wuuld not enttr Sr.fornrit ('., -.1 Illy peace conferences witb H-m-m re-p rescriLitlt i s wer e purfinTTj (.onflriiiej here tomnlit Urff.irl Zobaran jrei J-iUia i'atrtr.L ihu L-au must- pn.mi nent Cnrrnnaa rc; resenrntivea. here had iioibimt to o'.n. but word fh'it mTist eft ihe VHstit .uliona H.mi k'eii erals to, whom the ptjin rr rnrif,f ences hud been submitted' hii.l dl' npiiroverl it tame from well tnfuMiied tliclex J MlUlsler jNiia.li i if Arsentma. the f' th Tin "AV ii ' tieiif surprise 'Mc nijli-Iti-H' th.t Xhv. mi 'l.T wrmtd-t-ik rtn t-riTm Tmt.i! the nttltiule of the Cnsutin'ii.i'.;,!j ttarfteiiified iMnnhiiy "K. rfv-.r'c- im-. 3ii sutd It wmild b- hiipropj r fm linn to discuss the stf tmUim in. ndVHiwe of fh" ifrral of "Cm f iir?..rs"f-rnial an-t-vser to the uuidiin vtopjjMil. That. Constitutionalist Imilirs atlotmlv iJpilwM t.iitf liieH ol l'4t're tull fereib es did not surprise utttctals whrt have maintained it would, he virtually Iiiip"oitiinTfi tit Tuodily TTir jTlfTTi oj tluaduloupoi the jjlmfurm of the Con- .iJili'l.'"!!''''!!,. TJJ'.y'.'m.nT. ,T,!i.!.!:-,Jiliili. "uc.TrVa'a minTTir ovrrriTiI"sh7iir be set up after Mexico I'll) is chihiui-i -cd rind that n i'Teiilnfii hwilllir ht l i .ifenl the country Is pacilied by tui. I'.iity'ruie. The present purpose ut un Co lstltut'i'im lists, it is nt-r8ioo'I. 1" to tnttnw thati pritttrarn 1'i-tb- b-fier. Truce Only Iniiimrnry. Heports from Toman tn.'t d'fTei ences betwei n Carrrni?:i tind Villu hud tic n composed were V.tied tod.'.y bj ajfehts of both, but there was an un- -derioii of cummcnt. Imiieatnir that ti was but a tempotiiry truie Tine breiik has had ;i oVi'tKaniKitin cffei t politically in the Constttuttonalls! ratiks and viiieM t-u of U ar-s-usajut in MeMi'AH Clrcl. s here. - 1 U'"IiifrTB frnrrrthe- 4rder -fcmitty-siTtd one of the .conditions of th r.jtn f merit between Cf. ri a .,'..! and Villa ttli that ltnf.iel Zubaian -he r-tl:ed fr,u, his pfst as head of the -t-'eMiUution" iiTisr u 'rrticT hei'f: Zubarnn nd Cftbieri have worked hard to irlTur nhut infornal'.-eftsfi;; ci'ce.s with the Huerta ib lr K'ltes. Woh't Kecmtiiiw" Mnti.il Kiilc,. Ieaplte the Cairiiiiwi-Villit spill. It IS evident, one common purpose of all the CfuiMUtULiunalli-t f-ictlfitiH see in lu be to force the coii-t of Alexin (pontlnue or Page Two' f tx " '' - . . ; DESTRUCTION 0F INFERNAUMACHINEf i -1 I ; v. k5v W r- '" ' ,! V',' - S - 4r Underwood 4 UiKrfflrwood Record at Kitty Hawk Will . Be Commemorated In The ' Navy THE NEW ..TRAINING SHIP Is To Be The Namesake of Tar hclia Mrs. Woodruff Gets - tension Increase; Twin City . 'Officials ,at...Capltal;. Cot tages May Be Built On For est Reserve my w. v.. vi;i.vi:utn., . VVasmnston. l. :.. July s. The li tlcshlp Misosstsfdppl. which ' tfldav lnsed bv pnrebase Into the hands of th- ireH- ernVrnrneni, will be re placeH by tbV -Niefb-Cm olirw -hj .an iivi.iti'm triilnnu t-h i uril will be st.i tloiied t k; West. This assign ment lirinnd the State Uito prominence' a secoml time in connei'tion with ii ron.fitir ptocrcs and W-crenrv ri.iiiiflu made iJi assisnment with Unit us one of the purposes in view, I-'lyniS f, is fnlv accomplished for lb'- Dr-HiU1: b the Wriaht Uruthers .it K:ti ll.mk, X. i;. a r;rnrd be- t - .1 - athwejBiiuJi. wwuile-aex. L.U1V e-i.r..mr.aMatlon ar'ti i epwjx(4 "I'Hk tun iK-ivi more r trTrt-rrTtr He-4ivlitioii. which is recog ' fed i.s the, ruining irjrrlrrm f wal" iiVnn4 Siwtiu1 iMwe-lH thnKs es j'eci.illv tutinc th:il North rnrrrltria's ' nine' nun tth,,,t,ho siiiio. le ctt-ilui-ieif fp .. Mr, ttambtiif trt iiHriM",' rieli-toi ' v I Hi ill tod.tv Uled ah meres- v. th"; penaion if Mre-Kltle II. V.'oodr-fT, of Ub i;h. wt(Tow"if Ht iL'ailu r tli-iH'i'nl Curie A. Woodruff, TV ti.-A.rta'i.tv n montn, the uni'iuni ;o nhlih u hriiidler-aeiini&rn widow --lijatiiKil. J ii r m inlua. . Vt-JUDK. 1.0 itlul the Mouse incn used it to 130. '!'."'-'' r,f (neial Wnodi off's ritnk.. ; H lihidv thi'.t the Senale Increase Kill i1e.lll Uto II the lull gots to-L'uJl-f : rlil'r. ' " ff'lre lii-iVfltitn Tonr. Alriyoi I; j:.mni, Aiiletniau t red fople aiid i"ir- Chief N1..K.11. of Wtns-t(.n-SUerii Carrie- to Wa.hluaton to '.sv to-iiipect the- flrn- department of the i;ijtl'il The Twin City n about 0 insiiifl iihuIito euutpment and Is yH!ng lb as Jrin the ii"di eysei-i here.' It Is piobnble- that Chief :J sen n, sisi hite several weeks to :ake i aiT7nJTi''-TrprTiih'm fir -fJaUiUng e did t'-ri-f irwkel, f-itaievgh, in New York ' .- ' 1nru-rv VmfvL rj ef illowmc fnni'Sh.rtits -pwt- masters weje aTPTmTr----) L. ii. ,.ii, Ji.iiii ,A. l-e. Ilostic, K11 rt.ne i .Hvers. tiurkshoals. Arthur (3. totalurd 1'iww. Kb icr.i ii'vei itf.?. rncrmsfn-: tamum A Witl'iims. Haw Itrunrttr-Josrph M. Pii'lo". flwahnunna. ilet'r-f'entatue Coilwiiv- today re. coninieudeii A. 11. Holmes, postmaster Bt Council. Hlin1n cuiiuiy, and K. t) t'uiii'iiand Itobert V 'Dttuiu as rural camera out of Council. Mn Coun ciwmued on I'ttKe Two.) i H0I0rlftTI TRICE: FIVE CENTS. IliOESIIJItK SALESMANSHIP O.L TIEiOTiOftt Hard Goods, The Ancient En emy, Accounted For By Poor Talking ' -: WILL TRY THE EXCHANGE ., .BUREAU -NEXT. YEAR Commissioner James R Youn Speaks This Mormng-rOffr-- cers and Placer of Next Cdh-" mention To Be Chosen Bar- becue and Baseball Fea tures; Convention Will Close Today Offer Solution of Excessive Insurance Rates Address -Hon. James R. Tounj, Insurance Commissioner of North Carottn'rTtrtTwr"e Inrmrane Common Sense." Annual report of the president.' ' Annual report of the treasurer. .Annual report of the secretary. Election of three directors to sue' ceed U. R Blaloclt, A. R. Craig, and T. W. Dixon, whose terms expired. iy .limitation. - Djiicussiopa - - , - - Thursday p. in., July t. Auditortnjn. 9 O'riork. Call to order by the president Report of nomlnatinir commit tee and election, of officers. ((election of next place of meet ing. . - Report of resolutions -wjtmrttttee. Cntinlshed bueinesa NeW business. Installation of officers. :.L Adjournment. i - , The Hardware Aseociation of the Carolines yesterday made salesman hip' the tallcmanlo term in sessions that stretched from I: SO a. m. to 10:50 p. m., and it retired with a blf day's work done. Tnie;-rt ate bertiniC"ift4-rarctieiT Raleigh dissemble Its lov efor Ashe ville.. thuvh -Haltlgh kicked" the mountain climbers to the nethermost jr point of the cellar. Barring these In nocent reresmta, the -dnalera were, in continual session until late last night and reareved for the close its most ' absorbing Issues. ..',., i.. The hardware visitors had ret en err-iittve- sesslrm ' for last ' ntRht but " changed the collective mind and talk ed the difficulties- Into 'which they round , theniseh'e.. though they had stumbled Into them hv accident ami - --y-esij!iTi titt a ' spflhTtfinif '" of Kulelah merchants who -do not d(vt in hardware were found in the meeting. Thes evisllot's 15 1 fee lafklnji '. ' munmuiuu matters. They wanted t know how to sell stuff now on hand and haw 4! collect" for Rood already' delivered. Sundry sungeBUons were tifTered. Nearly all had the grace of fiewhesH arid practicability." ' ' u" Hotve Jnsurancn Kvll. n - The hardware' men - have undefv -taken a man's Job. Te agitation ansnisi the inauramw trust has been the bisaest State matter since the rsltronda enrne to terms. Reasonable fire Insurance rates talk has been ram punt ail the )eur. The awsoc twin la .(Trln Us-ftlsn tj Ttet the unutaatL -.. for oeuer terms. The kssoctation has now a mutual insurance company which it main tittfitr wrthht itself.- -Its members' talk- ' gloriously of its accomplishments., ThoiiKh It has been charalnif the tra-v dTrtonurfnfe. ff !iaa'hen paytitp. hack" 2S pt'r cent 'to the members. vurh u. cme)Mu k Is Uie ullurms rtf IK -The association believes that 'If It can muiuallze ihe inerchantryth. wholw Issue has been solved. the rates have been fixed and Insurance . can be bought, for Just., one-half what It now costs. The trust should worryT In thn speech of the street. . v .Vn Kxi'linnne Korean. "The' Ttlauiaiu'r reliture Is" left " frf 1" t-hls nioiiiiiiK when Commissioner'..' James It. V oun of North Carolina, will talk the subject to the hardware? men. His address takes place at SiM this morning In the auditorium-and will lie the feature of the morning-, session. All meet Inge are public, . The meeting last night placed itselC nu recnfd""!i"s fatiirlng the "estubTlsh- ftrr, p-Wr-tr-year.' "- ,,HiWH. r-iTeentry- of stock, those vvarcH tbat hang heav ily on their owner, will be printed In a. paper ami -this JiiiTnal -sniiplted" thft " memlirrs. - Ti Scheme'pli'iiscs th hol(b'rs,4inrt thoai: who-may , wish to hntd IT ts the 1tnt ti-y-vut -for-'lU."" The s'lhenie Is consldernble in slse, Sih-I.i1 Ftcnbt Y-Hirdiiy. Tho wji.wl eients of yeMivrday- i -the bfirhrrre at the Nfcite ' fa1r ' nroundsr the -biiseljulL guineft thn uirkajul the moving ulciure show at the (Srand. : The pictures came first. The morn ing session waa ended air nmra and a lecture of one - hour at. the 'picture . plaa gAve -n -li4erslliig-s)'v-o 44a making of the products In wlik-h the 3J0 merchants here now are engaged. The huge shovels and scoops thi dig ihe Iron ore near the Great Iake were shown in tln-ir peculiar life.llke work, the Irams in motion bearing the mineral to the wharves, the ship steaming away with' them, the furn aces -producing the pig. the factories reducing the baser mulal to llie better and t ha final use of the finished pro duct in buildings. The lecturer declared that hM Com-parry-hnd spent 10,ono to Ret "this aubiei.TTriwn 4uriuft, fi p for pic.-a ture. It Is an epic, in the mo lei n world that reads more interestingly thttn the mvthologles of Cneeoe, ltef if handler of the steam ."nTn rr1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 railroad jruiRwr.. its .lleWn Is a sister .in the service of" the hospital. 'f coarse, the lecturer tm-.i be a Homer -llie juTbrcne Nest. Then came t.ie barbecue. It fol lowed the lecture. Substantiality fol lowed "upon romance, 'finely pu pated meats, s-:n"oned .by colored con noisseurs In the trenches, were Intro duced for the first nine to the visit- (Continued on Taje Two.) LL

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