THE Ni:v;s'"AND OBSERVER TUESDAY MOR KING, AUGUST 13, i: ELECT DlflECTOHS : QFTH1S PAPER D USf FJESS TalEFJ I IIOLD LIEETI'IG TRAIFI HITSAUTD iHlBEIIiKiUEO PIIOufiESSI'lESjL r.lEETTL'ilS DAY K ewrantf tfecrvertockhold ers Pass Resolutions in Mem ory of N. B. Broughton Adopt Some Changes In R. W. Case and J. H. Oaven- The AnMcsularsCoLThs.Ee Association Constitution; Sec retary To Be Elected " portsTwo South CaroI1nians: Meet Instant Death publicans Will Gather at Noon InGrensborQ fr n ii m h u m -ir . , v , , r ' 0 --v 1 - p . - 0' . .--...... I iSZi i r -.- 'i It - - tS Still I . . . . r fr .... mertcanii. . - a; lotVfcri- ,7SznZZrnrS5 ;sM.-a,."....,!..n.,Bfelrtl: ... ... ,.. ,, to -JJ!'fe?sivaK r rielfn1lea kiuiil to ti to Eu- -- . . I f cum- . I'jsniiitfd 1 . EolRK T 1 -T.. r , X .fcsf . - JHeiss V ticyan : , ' th : -- ' , - ubiic - I . .... Vi3 . . r- JTOBODYmiirra fights long time gettin9 the sore spots him that never heals. Th' feller that thinks he won, rMraUyastLJuiy a new fipt ifln suitrcm mbodympaihiiesr with him for his black eye. - f you'd jest set down an9 smoke a few pipes o' VELVET k-iogetherzan: over man t Jtcjmari, instead o':arnAytozarmyfz j ' mar woman r oenortgntr irf od Means Home Followers of Theodore Roose velt Will Hold Conference in GreensfidroTodaT racllltle for the -.rXnKf'f..".fr1..'n orted today to ;.!iB, problem of I uiousanda of fevt Uermany. those In riee t-." of : the" fr'.to place latted Klates ly Amerl ... In pending Tlth other on the . lips. A1- " mrht liT ly to the at I.OI1 " Xl rise nsboro, AugOToniarrw Ta the day designated in the call for the 'conference of the Progressives and Rrownrtt Republlcane,-to be-held in tU AlcAai(O....Jlutil parlor ftl O'clock. The State executive commit- Death of X.. B. Brourhton. "It m with profound nrtf that th (tockholdrn of Th Nwt and Obarrrar Company hfard of th death of Kdhan . Bryant Broufhton, to whom tha final call cam on tha twaaty atmth day Bf Ma'' uf Itie m--nt yr. - Oa of tha aarlleat and tMMt frlanda of The Nwiand Ob arvar, one of the ft rat to bacomaa torfcholder, he was a director from the ; taie Thr Newa , and Qbtarver Company waa ora-aniied till tha day of hit daatlw-. Therefore; i "B It reeoWed: That in tha d ait h of Keadhara B. Broughton The Newa and Obaerrer loaea one of Its staunch eat supporter! and strongest friends, one who .as stockholder: and director gara evidence always of his deep In terest in the affairs of the paper, both shat it might le aaeeeaafaMg Its haste nesa career and In that greater matter that It might always take high rank a a newspaper devoted to the bert iri tereats of tha Btate, that it might "h4 prava a Uyhtnpl4Mv4il -au ppoct ( of the highest . moral and religious cansea. of North Carolina.- - And be it further Resolvad;Tliat-ift his death The "KewMdri0!wirerOTd"itB-TMoehoW- ers have lost a friend whone fidelity has beea shown wliene-er there was rail upon it -As a. Hisen- whose, life illuetrated the beat virtues . and the Jiighest -patriotism there is feK tn his death the loss of one whose advice rgrwy:tirth'" lwTtfSsW'serWr ces ware always to be had In a worthy cause. J fais death is deeply deplored and il brings a, sense of personal Iom to his fellow Tstockholders of Jhli company. And be It further "Reolved: That these resolutions he spread 'upon the mTnufeBioKS6f The" Ues of the two orgnnisiitlofis will also nil separately some time during the dny. The'-call -fp the mettng was niaa of iho Itooatvelt. UepuMlcatt- Walstr, chalrnmi of lh Stalf l'ru Rresslve committee; J. N. Williamson TrogTrsarva natiutuil. ciiinmiiilormaii; V, 8. I.uok and J. r Newell, of the Htate Krogreaetve mmltrae. unit tt. H:-..TJfteki,r;'.ae!r!tjir--itf.::ihe fiate rrnvreaatve -oammittAii . The call Is rilrwlud to all. the friend " nnd ' stipporters of Colonel iv resume lament of aiinoMriea- nnyed in X Kngland, , itital porta. jiser Tim-i iu hi rai- Investigation Under Way in N.Y. City; Wilt Try to Prove p-'ConsraQy: : bXewXurfc &aut 1 7 William A. peford," the aaslstant District Attorney who is emitirtliir wl'iwllw-itl the rtws in cost of food to learn if there la a conspiracy among dealer to tnnkjs the Kuropeaa war an excuse T 1 J fQT rh n rpv g tilf her -prices, issued -a tlKlemvnl Unlay asking nouse.nniaers o furnish him with lists of food pur .'hased during tbe last week in July, the. cosL Aame awLaddresses of Jhe M atl'y TOpwmsAeea Issii ed al the jjrMpcutHjp a .olnce todax- The Infor mation If ho decides it Is Important enough Tor "John Doe" proceedings, will be placed before Chjei. Magistrate McAd o.x - ; - - ' In iirttM-rttflty -a-nnUar wwjulry aa begbn today dvalers testify uic re Sttnt i rtg- vriree. -These witneagrg who Included representatives or western packers agreed for the most iiart that WeffinTpT'wvl 'liH' Mal-wteeahw4Mtyh farms in Ihe-Wesfwere tmtatKg w-tv .. 441 i'rtKi'aaive....pi uicipu'fs gardlres -of" ' or .former politi cal nttlllatliins " It laVxjiecled that at thlB ronfervnee a cndldte will be stlHirf'l'tl'd --TVit--rhT;1ttd---Hef-eiei-J' ate n such WAta oraijers as are to he ftlled this enr. tonight snrne of the lt'Adcr of the 1'rogrt'SMlves had Ti-ttiiii tft sfrfve and an- ttemic f two tit "-Infer Tftmwrew -ljretitcte -tr ing- with ii.j! .tot i thf erection of a church in the notttriutis itrnrnfeiMHUtaiM c iH'gree -trf-sttfeees.- - lToirerty-W said tii he wwi nwe'ln l?it'twm munity and crime ha grca-tly de creased. .The rity has paid the rent of thf hjlll. and seats were provided fiy free-lll ofr-rtn(!s. A lanic trottdlieard fruf. J. Jfl Wood, prinripnl of thtv .Stmt hern 'ffltitng Ht'hiMd. T-tlrwywIHe,-.. ThOtt Siicak tonight hifore the Peventh ly Ing held In a largo tent on North F.lm lwfw" " Will ttwilH, tiritlual Elijctrlcal Experiments."1 tlHHT A)HCnKK MfRDKIt Neirro Cook. Vlu Ww Fe lev(le lo i .HatO hprwly Triafe , , (Hjr ,im JkieelUi4 fm eprtng Oreeti. la.. Aug. 17. Julian farleton. the ftttn ngr cook wh- urdorert five memoers or rranK et Saturday... will . charged -der in tha fjrst degree when enced t mce. Carle- ciiet-Wy and e.-ll ler huatiand sl- een di-clUwl urr Ims wlllfis In- .a by ptftvajdain , nker. a famt from a frac is as th r. - k. Uu-k their cattla from the Chicagu market. The manager or a large drug- dealing honee- admitted en t he stand that ha had fKlaed prices, with ett . rU, reaauii as. bia.-.eoja; f urlhes conmrodUies was the same. - -, -. , Retail iirK'es- in prs frf "the, -tty advanced today in some commodities and decttned in others- Tea. coffee -and awme j"-lh ajta-llea er itr Jeialnd the sa maJlUiur,,aaat tains nee and operations by the suh- trtistenre tleparment In the l'arvama canal gone and to wire tha tiiiiiinia I rtim ih " pTic the . government . is jdap.a.jil8Litolaa.Umjbie ami milks. . Itesolutiona were adapted ordering Mre'I,epl- l-'iiursged In IVrnirstle VRteeThaa Any Industry. Inquirer. j . lti.,... i. Tinaiim in tlie tliTniV ix.i.iiiatViT 1 wwmwro- ire ia r.ngina JDU 1 "I IP" mnimoiitri. i - - - -:T . IWlj--- iio4ts !. site rtijr ana rewmmrnuitis a special wdlnance .to provide for punlehment Of rombtnea -ymndTipf trusts which have -used -the war as a prelect tor, food advance. . lilstrlct Aitornoy James H. Wllk efon said today Information bad reached htm which leads him to be lieve "many corporations have con spired ttke-s.dvantag of tha war situation. He said a conference with tahgoagkrWidcatindleate- consnlracy im their Tha grand Jury WTH Hyar Wltheaaei Wed nerd a?! I . L - ' (Br th Aivim4 ftHS) , posTrmr-A tMf -i.-The White Ft s r fclner MuJigpdgeHJfajrlpsWengera" (rnm tha Viienpess war anna ar4wf poiTyTrom Antwerp. Pna washalT-t T six tlmea on the voyage - by - Brih brought to iy stiou aeroaa ner bow. the last time within a short distance of Boston light, al t o'clock tonight. - Tbe annual mewtlng of iha stock holders of The News And Observer labllhlng Company; was held yester day afternoon. Mr. Carey J. Hunter presided and Mr. Edward E. Brltton acted as secretary. - The following were elected as dlree- tora nfjhn company: W. N. Jones, Carey' J. Hunter, Jjl. W.Jackaon. Joaephua Daniels- Edward E. Britton, W. H, Bagley and L. V. Alford, , Resolution were ' nnanimnualy adopted In memory Of the late Need hsan B. Broughton. one of the Brat to become i. stock hofijeiTJn The.News and Ubserver Company and a "direc tor from" the Time the" eompany wma orgaaised, who died on tha twenty sixth of MayTJtl4.The resolutions reaa: XewrTlndObgeivei Cumpsiiy, that In direct statementatendljig JoreviLcenBjj Aeroplane TJrouglirlJowTi. ... . . . - ... . . m M . b, , . k. . I -1 tha ntih!Hlttnn ! nf tlurham 1 i a k the columns ot tha. paper, and that a copy of them, at tested by the chairman and secretary of this meeting be sent to tha be reaved family,"- . . i a 1 1 I. - TKSiDlAtLY LAID Tt FflV Fttneral of Infant Hon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Nnwrll In lUlclgh, There wa held from the resldenria of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Nowell, 127 West HaTgett street at 19 o'clock vewlerdav morning the funeral ser- I vices over the remains of their "mfanT son, l ten r y 1 1, is oweir.- 7Jf."iHFHWrg: vices were conducted by Rev. J. If. Hall the presiding elder of the .Halt eigh-MethoHtsT district. In attendance - were many of Ilia friends of tha family, and li tforul remembrancea-were - nu meroas- - and lea,uuful.. luxlng the service at jhe home Mrs. Horace H. Dpwell render ed most tenderly "When He Com;h" and the quartette of the Presbyterian church choir aang "Safe in the Acme of Jeaua." ."The';liiiennMit':l,Ja;Jliit OakWood cemetery and at the (u'ave the choir aang "aood-Nlght." The psil-bearefl were Arthur Dicks. Wsl ter Vpchurhi Carl Uaynaa an.rWjiy llam H. Bawyer.. . There la deep sympathy for the grief stricken family." Owing to the Illness of - their Mttie aon, whnw Tige waa eighteen months. - M r. -o. ilrs. Nowell some five Weeks ago, In May, by the advice of physicians, too'i Hn to -Drc Hmith'a-aanatartum at Hatotl, wber-ewrywtetion.. waa glVEn,b,ut wlthvif "liVatl-.--"Hta-death- iMCUzre.t m Sunday 'morning last. The remafts were brought to Kaleigh reaching bgrfc at half. pt- four t'-lock yasur. day morning and were taken to the home. Mrs. Nowell was quit ill, lint made the trip, It being necessary to use stretcher to bringing her to Her home, - Her- condition waa such tw,t at first it was not thought possible for her to take the trip from Saluda to Kaleigh, but by her determination she-made t he Journey, friends and re 4llvs 4eUtig.:IhiLm!?mlam the who knew him deeply (leplored. ,and his death is FOR HOI'S K Gl'EhTS. MUsr Jranortte larijcn at IlotJKL at w IH-Ilglitful r:vetit. Hertford, Aug. 1 7.- Oik Prld'ay eienitur.,..M les ; Jeannette IiiWisa . d llghtfully entertained In honor of her house atieets, Mtsse 1tiHle Hlood, U,tr4rUe. a.i Carrie. Whlia,- Elisii beth City, and Mr. Douglas Darden, Suffolk. Va. The guests were received at-th door ty the receiving liie, after. wnicn puncn waji.jerve,a,-.tiyL -Misses White and Blood. Progressive rook was playeM during the evening!, terml nanag in. ma. iced course twh mcr-'rifniHf?-'atrt"wtsicl7jmji rftrjiMhed ny the guests. - jJSfe: . . Thoari presenf were ""Mi sses'"!arre .VV'hit.:Xuc41e .Blood, Mary B. Mor- rllJjaltJ!:ffJims; Hcije Walters, Myra td Kate- Skinner- jlary Mc- r,r. ritt.inTwtaaitiwrv''i:'''' " t'htrag;p3H(r:tt -two nttmefffl e"r" n rw -wwnr.. ."Sit 'TivreH-Trsrrtsii-wmmaj war time rood prices, ajaiong other seeking to enlist the aid of Cot Oeo. W OoettTala, In a telegram Col. Ooethats was a;ked (t&detail mrthnda of '('.'.uglas and "VIV McMulIan. Simeon Kutelwrk Jack SaunderaJTIne Brown, Henry Stokes, C." ford Susman, Trlna .Wilson and t'.arUnd Love, uf Chesapeake. .. S MAX SKHVA.VT8. Wale ban-4 any other Industry or service in the two countries, uomes .tJindaor.sen;gnt. .according to the census. -returns, under .Zi HHZ of whom tl.7& are men. Exclusive of domestic eri-c." agM culture affords employment to more.; persons than any other single Indus try or service, there being l.Hi.M farm workers, uf whom 14,(141 are women. Jn coal lnlng71.JI,iier- ons gre engaged, including Jt.iij woTwnr'wTnr owwfayif ira employjeC tn-ihe tigftter . wor-m the surface, SiltlL S-BCnmjg; Building. tl7.4i: cotton mnifo. haw are women! jraiiway servlcea, MS..; en gl ntfjtliuiajid machln e Hi'iiriiiiiiinii JIaJtJBSajJ2lJ 5T"perona engag and lirmer- ment service, including tha police.. As a rule poor heads for mathematics, but they ki.p'w how to make their own ftfuret colunt, -' M AS Hen sag Otonrw.) V Durham, ' Aug. , It. -President Luther B. Markham has called ft meet ing of tha Durham ktsrchantg Asso ciation for tomorrow night, at which tuthejt wuLtonsmer ana i I'ffirob-ij t-,,.,,, o clock Kings V1 iwri e"" viiain iu mo iu-tin Tfta a Mit...i .w. i .ki.tMouniaiOj. j naa stltution of the organUatlon.-At this meeting, also. Miss U May Btevenson, assistant secretary of the Slate aaso- clation, will be elected secretary of tha Darhem local. Miss Stevenson la at the present time located In Char lotte, where, she has looked a ft en. the Interest of that local and has alee 1 been assistant to the State secretary . Tha important changes to be made In tha constitution of the Durham lo cal will be to increase tha number of tha board of directors, and to place the Wggest part of tha monthly work In the hands of these directors, rather than have a full meeting of the asso ciation every month. At the end of rery quarter, a. meeting of tha full time, a smoke will be given and a program! arranged for speakers on various -subjects of special and Jiracr tlcal Interest to the merchants. Mr. Markham,. president of the State Merchants' Association also, an nounces that he . has completed the assignment of committees for the present admliiigtratioJU:-, . The Durham police officers are making preparations to accept the challenge of the Greensboro officers for a baseball game to be played in Durham. Soma uf the members of the force; hate been out practice with ball and mils for the past TeinJliys; and sa that they expect to make g creditable showing from a baseball sianapotnt. e aecidant occurred at TttiaCravcottoiu Jhilla -eroeslng about one half-mile from tha station. Full parUCtflars regarding-tha aeel dent have not been learned her but it is said that tha men did not see the train until tha automobile In which tB-TreTr"dinw "TtWlf Vf 9 "T the track and" -la attempting to cross ahead of tha train,, which waa run ning at a good rata of speed, the car waa struck by the engine squarely in the center, the impact being terrific and killing tha occupanta Instantly. i Both men were well known piano salesmen. , London, Aug; 17. : p. m. Rav ers I Austrian army corps have In vaded Bttesian4erritery,7accordtng-to the Vienna correspondent of the Reii ter vTeteffraph-GomBSAjWr TheBus. slan advance on Kalosce, Brody and with disturbing religious. - worship at tbe0apl 'iTaijernacie, resisting-. ar rest, threatening to kill his wife, and assaulting an oincer, In tha police ita- tton By-picKmg-up gf-teif pnona inouin piece iajidatriklnt pfflcerProtor In the face, has been postponed till the first of. September, . .The publication (n. the Richmond Journal and copied inna-Bfeihr-lo--: cal papers of alleged Intervlewa from a'-fHIinbefornTS:' pirlHehrBW'tiesg and professional men of the pity, In which they were quoted as saying that prohibition In this Btate waa an abso lute failure, has caused a storm of protests from the men who were sup posed to have been quoted. Among those whose namee-wera-mantlonjitjl that the prohibition laws of Durham were a failure, was Mayor Wr-J41rog. den. The mayor 'has sent a denial oMha Interview to the Richmond paper, which Is fighting the prnihltltinJcause In Virginia, and a statement has also been given local newspaper men. AH of those whose-ama were mention ed as believing that the laws were s failure In North Carolina, say that the man did not quote them correctly, but on the other hand misquoted them. - GAVEP-Sli;XC. PARTY Mr. John J. Wllklnn and Judge A. B, Dtwns Were the' Hosts. Wilson. Aug. 17, On Wednesday, August 12, Mr. Johir i. WHIIams, president of tha floors, la.-National Bank0f Athens, Os.; and member of the- executivelxummittee: ClOhe Nat lonal Currency Association, and Judge A B. Deans, of this gity, gave a fish ing party at Morehead City and de lightfully entertained a -party of ladies and gentlemen at a sumptuous dinner "aboard ship," under the com mand of Captaln Lanis ("Crlp") WIckuHir ajn41JUlanTAylplr, yf More head City Thoae present: Mr. John 3. Wllklns. Mrs. Josephine Wllklns and Master "Jack" Wllklns. of Athens, -Oai; Judge and Mrs. Ar ft,-Deans and M Im Rut h Deans, of Wilson; Mrs. ftoTTeTO "Tld Miss Miry Jones, of New Bern; Mr. and Mrs. L." S." HendTert, "of Athens, Oa. - - - - . The. fishing was flne.jlhe dinner most excellent and" the occasion "a most delightful one long to be re mambered by those present. HITS CONTRACTOR ;. WITH PIPE WRENCH Ronthern Tlhcii wegro Then Takes to the WtMNla-t-I'osses Out Trying to - CaU-h Hlin. tpn1il lo The Kewf "tM-OtwrHit -'r SSAil1firn tin" 7 kiie-fm -.I4eeu. ffteii-wy:wu.twiM .ub an wfR-that he wits' dnliig-wtcrtrWejieBed by Mr. H. M. faisnn, a local con tractor, John D. Allen, colored, a plumber's helper, struck Mr. Kalson over the head with a pipe-wrench, In flicting R serlmix lnlury.nd Imme diately left tlHTTihwer -Several-iHSHea of men are scourlntr the territory hunting Allen. Mr. Falson Is serf omly"4nJurd and w eent-tfi Rex Hospital In Kaleigh fof treatment Allen urmularto." aged ahonr ill years, weight fabout 110 pounds, 5 feet 8 Inches tall, and Is described as a neat dresser. The local police au thorities, who will welcome Informa tion as to ht whereabouts, behave that he has gone to High Point. - - DFMGIITFIL KIXITAL. lotcrcsHns; .pmn at Mwr4avilte AcadV . . emy TliunMlay Mghr. tklirtll to Th hmn and Obacmt.) Mrrl8vllle, Aug. 17. One of the most -tflterest Ing- social occasions of otMzmmasxs pt at im Mor'risvilleAcloivnfiOT"TTiuriilay iilghtr -August It. pwneir-"Teeirt-tn expression and vocal music was given by Mika Ethel Clements. It was of a high order and warn much appre ciated by her audience, as shown by th frequent applause. Miss Clements has- had four years of experience along the lines of expression and vo cal music and la one among the best reader and vocalists in the State. if ' "-.-tTtiiiiijpsBam'wa'e1111" WKSTCUX CHKS8, 1 Uw AmcutHi Prtai ) , Memphls.enn 'Auit. JT-With four rounds remaining to be played Herman Hohlbohm of . Chicago, to night had a lead of one gam "over tK H. Wolbrecet, 8U"Loula, ln the Championship " tournament of the Western Chesa -Association.; B. ft. Jeflerson, Memphis, who wonthe Championship In 1111 has the next best score ii to t. ( , Other acorea Include: ,W. U Moorman. Lvnchhurr. "Vs.. 1 f-I J J.J; W, ,AL VaoiU)ury.i Itoanoka,. va., -5. EATH-oy. Ay lyFAyr. ing-nmt- nin.. ir ,1H, , in sir. i. iw ireen vmomM Away. .. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ' InaiiMsiiia .I Thw-'-TltriiairBeen 111 for (about sis weeks an waa on eight fmxitus oJl. The-funeral will take place al Newr" Tlopt cYltirffn mditjptt: four o'clock. Rev. J. & Farmer will conduct the servlroa, - - cSjMciil ta ! m and ObMmr.i Oaatonia, Aug. 17. H. W. Casey of Spartanburg, 8. C and J. H. Daven port of Anderson, 8. C..-were In stantly killed by southbound South ern. Daaeencer tram, numoer ii. 10 WAR RULLr-TINS. Continued from Page One,) today which says the Austrian battle ship ZrinyJ . and three other ships (Sewtel ta Tto Krl Greensboro. Aug. 17. Tha "con ference" or convention of tha Roose velt foreea will meet f Tiieaday In Greene bo ro. In 4 cireulfcr sent ut algned by Chaa. H. CowteS.Cha4rmaa Republican Btata RooeevekVxommlt- I TeeFTrn.-B.-vaeTv cnalrmac gressive State commlfiee; J, N.WiI- 1 llamaon J r. nrogreasm eommitteemaa for N. C: V. 8. Liisk. of the State committee; J. F. Newjell. of the Htate committee, and - R. f H.- Bleckar. aeoreUry Pronreeolve Obate---committee, the following is set forth about the gathering; . i . "As chairman of tha Roosevelt Re publican tttate committee and the iTogresalve Btate committ wa here, by call a conference of tha supporters of Colonel Booaevelt - to meet in Greensboro, North Carolina, at lt:e o'clock, boon, on Tuesday. August the 18th, 1W, at the Mcacoo Hotel, for tha. purpose of considering thgjyioml. nation of a suitable candidate for the United States Senate and for the can sideration of auch other Analnatft S .may properly come befft-athe aaid. conference ed' were sunk. by: the French fleet - A great number of French and English warships are said to. be patrolling the coast. ' . ' Austriana Invade Russia berg, has been checked. IWaiftisfe'ai Austrian Engage Montenegrins. -""Londonr Aug. 17 "tT v -m. In a dispatch from Cettinje Montenegro, the correspondent of Renter's news agency says -Montenegrin- forces-have been engaged the last two days with strong detachment " of ' Austrian troppgwifti .(Jjrahava. ... 3hs .Moatene? grin casulaties-in 3eaa ana wounded were 45. On August 18, thft Austrian attacked the western frontier of Mon ternegro from Krlvosije. to Grahavo; at the same time. Austrian vessels bombarded the Montenegrin posi tion at Lovien. . cording to omcial reports made public today 'a German-aeroplane- reconnolt ertng .over lilves. department of Ka mar, Belgium, was brought to earth near Hastlere by Belgian gunners. Shortly afterwards at Dtnant, ten Uhlans encountered a detachment of ttedgiaas. Seven Uhlans were kilted and three escaped. - j Correspondent tmler Ban. London, Aug. 17. (:26 p. m.)-- - I Tha Hrltlah army council has decided ot- ta aJlow . waorreBjondentA to ajrompkW-tIia eipedlttonitry - forpey for the present. Some passes had been issued out were revoked: -" In a tetter afiriounclng tia aetertrthiatttm;- the counctl says the French, army officials aleo have.-decidedL jtot.ta . allow . any correspondents to accompany Their f orces-. it'-ts nnderstwid wrapoiuU enta will be aeked to leave Belgium. Emperor Arriics at Malm. London, Aug. 17.- 18:39 s, m. An Exchange Telegraph despatch from Mainz .says that the German Kmperor, accompanied bV three of his sons, including Crown Prince Fred erick William- has arrived there. - - Bonilmrdnient of Belgrade. London, Aug. 18. (1:15 a. A diepatch t the Keuter Telegra.Com pany." from Milan, says the Corriere Delia Serra haa received an account of condiUon quence of the bombardment of that hetty by -the Austrlans on the oppo site banks ol the- Danube. -,- ' The streets are slteiit and deserted, says the article, and the people of the town ? re "living In cellars. Three thwusand shrapnel shells have fallen in the etty during the past week.. As 'yet little 'damage' has been doneto the property but a shell falling on the central electric wArks put half the town in darkness. Fifteen citizens have been lulled, whMejiftvvtAere havw been injured. - Officers Refuse To Make Known Amount of Money, Bandits Got Away With , IVi iM (tnt"i rrea,t , Plttsbunrr-fa Aug .-17 Alleg ghaneycountj' aiithorttlea-tonight warned police at all points within a hundred milea -radius-1 watch, for an automobile containing two youths who hold up the HomefieiJiayoaBL8liJt here today.-- .Xifflixr8ctt.te-.l!aiat.. i)L&al.-.naw6. the amount of money stolen, but a package -of 11,00(1 dropped byona of tbe bandits was recovered, . ... r The bandits' escape was made possible-by -the-feet that one of them carrltsd an extra spark ptug for an automobile which they took from In front of a preacher's home ITe was passing at bank aa they Acre loot uig It. and seeliig-hht our st The" gwrtr;" removed the spark plug, so it could not be - .started? rfuetthen -the -nt'en" emerged from the bank It was when one of them was placing another lirlt plug on the engine that J M Thoerner, cashier, opened, fire through the ban window. They returned the fire as they sped away. ... . .- ; Police pursued "them in anothyr au tomobile and came -o them asthey were abandoning the preacher's ma chine, and entering a high powered racing car. which they had left In cus tody of a farmer's boy earlier in -the mornlflgr"-hti were exchanged and Iw-fll nmectftiwgizVBunrteil The bandits' 'automobile soon was 'lost to jLftghJgfigtffe- :tTg'ln.agjEay,.v-'-" - XIg8CTtejt,,TBt.cj JEaat. ...fij -,r l - I . H'f a" 1HM.I i parr J. I -CHtawa: Am 1 7. A itimhsj ail soldiers who were In a state of dssertion on August & will rwetva pardons if they urrenxUr. thamaelvea irr Tn- vnrtad ltwgaom "tiefe.rg isp. lemoer a or ai any elation wnere there are reuir ft'rcet before October . other citizens who - believe in. pro gresslva principles, regartless of for- ' mer or present political sJnliatlona, are "'cordially Invited to attend and participate In this confeienca. "All those who believe in a 'square deal' and who oppose nuuhbie. politics -and boss rule and the arbitrary- action of tha machine polltlchns - who at Chicago In llt robbed Ve Republl- . cans of the United States of the right to nominat"4he -candidate of their choice for President and- who. at? r. .. Charlotte shut the doors f the Re-' pui.iiclU- coawnlio 14. Aba, !.'.. of a Tnstnrtty bf the regular!? elected : Z7 etegs'teg'tleeaiise hey:i6iM. take., an oath of alteglance to Mr. Tare and -which bad faith waa ..-resented ' by -eYenty--thpund-tnh-Cwltna;Re-publlcans regmterinr their protest by ' voting . for Theodore Rorsevelt; all these are invited.- ' All those who-believe In the rlght eousneseof the ' warfare iow being waked by Thed ore- Hooaesw n -mfjrtfytr- the bosBes' and tnltror of lh reto ratlon of the right to the people to govern themselves, who beleve in a protective tariff, and a Jtate-wlde primary law for all offlces, re cor- '. illally invited and earnestly urged to attend. - ' - ' . "You are respectfully requted to cgrrthe-attentlon -of youcfrlrnds to this letter and to urge them tagttend. The 'vMari-rtgr:fa4eeiniite whether the political man.pulators shall control- North CaroJng. r whether the- people- shall role4tAt- tend this conference and hep set the . ball rolling. -Do no forget the date. Tuesday. August 18. 114. - As we will not be able t i send this 1 circular to all to whom we ioiild like to send It. the notice in th J papers is Intended as an Invitation t-ome. All voters in the State who delre to see a new era in the politic o tft he State should by all means atten itedtoUena. and are -'-'Thee4iaii:.T Progressive State committee and the Republican .rrte;:RposevcmnTtti " tee at -the same Sme nwd pleejK-i-;-j .THE-OAs'lfil,.C0SGRESS IB! Uw AMOrfKld Pmt Washington, Aug. 17. Met at 11 o'clock. Passed bill to admit foreign-built snips" tovAmerican -registry for over- seas trade after rejecting conference' amendments to orn cflajlsetradw to stMh -vessels. Passed joint resolution authorising Jled Cross to fly j Amellt an flagg on relief ships. ' " : Resumed constderatlsn of Clayton aatttTiairMilr'- . Recessed at 6:45 p rt. to ll a. m. TiieeflsVr-J-""-"''" WHKK: Met at noon. - Passed resolution calkng on the Pe partmttt-f Agrlcultuie for Informa tion as to the work f the depart- nrtmrs -piitmritT"tmTe8fi . Discussed meaauret,cominn up un der unanimous consent calender. Passed joint, resolu'lon anthortilnc President to appoint delegates to World Purity Congress, San Fran cisco, 1915.? AAJourned .atSHO p. ro to nooit " frlilay, . ' r., ..JJ,-S riitTrimfaijoiiv InvlUlions have been issued as fol lows: - -- ; VMr. and Jtlrs. John Archibald Roger I request" the honor of your presence -.- at the marriage of their sister Mi Hora Kathleen KeJuUer - Mr. - Charles .K'inn Arrowood on the evening - of Wednesday, the - ' -- SM'ond of iteptemtwr .. ... nineteen hundred and fuorteea " I s St seven o'clock Tev Presbyterian Church . Ulllugton. Niirth CaJOllr.a.' fliu!eHi-own. 1 .." Hm m in 1 tfm ae oiewin.-t' ..... -Wilmin-.'-ABg J?I---?8dnAB.y (ght.J at " 2 10 o'ojoek. after motoTtnir miles " through the country. Mr. Fred M. Sluite. of Xtrthemftvn -(nvr and - . Miss Mary l)ar liroan dughler Ml. Me, B,l ftmwn- the popular regietee ' uf deeds of Martin county, were tnfetTwarrtv'rrr."n the First Baptist church in this cjty ' Rev, T. W. f'hambltus preforming the "" ceremony, Air, and Mrs, Phute left on the northbound midnight train to spend their honeymoon Attended tlnuae Party. . Mjes Mee Horton. of Knightdaler. - wflF-nwre-Tewi'rTWrnmmineTt'hi " lldwood" whe she has .been s.t- lending house part y- - - Anstraltan (Iteap Dinner. Will the Australian. lose his rhasn idinners? -The-cJfmand. from butchsrs"" assistants in Sydney ana in Melbourne for increased wages threaten the ex tinction of the 4 1-Jd. dinner. If this sultstanliaJ meaJ of meat-and two vegetables followed by "sweets ' la to -be raised to 6d., such a misfortun will be bewailed by the thousands of nom ads and vagabonds who make pllgri- maes 10 ihe ; :jBet .105 ej;o ramouu wealttL - But tlwnr Will not, sufferer.- Their -comparatively .well- to-do fel7o-g ef -th leratridaSoS Ijilstgnt ,f!Uf;ia'WiBheit-lMtvi tttty7I iitelninimt3asaa rnef Tdr-Wli erwoW-TFom "the BritlaKTcrrtncVTrebTFeTigtrs Ippe strTundon announce it fhsTTwaw ir'FTisr.iT-eiTec-tnielr-iJ-MH.m torn, at any tite, in Canada.- Chronlclo f , -London v-irany an -stress-tbji uraice a spene 1 almost as . ateasfully as siia .caui auuil va - - -r ' ,. t - -- i.