fl T T The Weather Full flat concerning' tb weather will be found today Ob Pao Tea. Best AJvcrtiiinj . Medium in North Carolina 3UTM1 VOLCKO.TS. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14 1914. PRICE 5 CENTS . - - ' . - - -s-r--: news Emm mm 0 mum ILt PILE JIB A. 7.'-. i! ( Y ...... . . , v ; . ! .. . . Tired But Flushed With Victory the Allies Keep Pursuing the Teutons, AftheoMor- able-Reverse to All of a.Qis History WierwiKnWun oris 551 v - " ' ' '.-' ' ' ' ' -- ' - ' - :" '. " " " ' , Say Rep BERLIN ADITS REVERSES General Joffre and Hb Lepons Too Busy With the Pur.f suit Sunday to Give Much Detail Now Appears That Seven Armies That Came Spreading: Out Like a Fan Over French Soil Will Be Forced to Go Out Through "The Little End of the Horn, Luxemburg: Army of Crown Prince Seems Hemmed and in Precarious Position Near Verdun From the Eastern Frontiers Come Reports ofTCompTete Russian SuccessOver Million Foes, With Many Thousand Prisoners and Two Armies Now Surrounded Extent of Victory of the Hard-Fighting Servian Veterans Grows With Each Report- the German Army Turn and JFight' Desperately on Defensive Lines Is Question With Military Experts. v : - . - -' ! (By tha'Aasoclated Press.! - lndonrScrtr 13. TO:45 K ni'The'lixtli "cF of the war hetweeii' Germany and France,' Great. Britain and Belgium, has rourhra vast transformation, The pursued are now the pursuers. The irressistable sweep of seven German armies through Belgium into htance met an immovable force at the river Maine. -r-The--army ot'Cerieral'VoiT fc'iuck, ' 'Which so 'long battled to turn the allies western flank, was slowly and steadily outflanked. Its re tirement before the. small but hardy British army turned,,the tide of tattle. Today, if French official reports are correct, all the Gentian armies txcept that facjng Verdun and a few miles southwest, are retreating;. . General Joffre. Fwneh commander4n-chief, pictures the retreat as hurriedly, if not disorderly, with the Germans jbajadfiaixit. ,Wisanexvw-aunaear-and-sufOTies; Last Sunday was the darkest day of the war f of the allies. The Wench eoverninent emigrated from Paris to Bordeaux'in a lonr sad procession of motor cars. An attack on the capital appeared immi nent and the main German force had hammered a huge wedge into France between Paris and Verdun, with its centerome milereouth joi Libatliiie MARNE MOST MARVELOUS BATTLE. The French people trembled with the question whether their army - .wast not a beaten army; ...whe.t.hcilnjeL.ht5tQry..ol.J.!JZfl-w.ul repeat itseit - ine hattTe ot the Maine, which was decided in a week, is re- -ar4e44?y-fliilitaryefitics- as-t he-most- mat velousreveRal 'if--mle8 of two armies known In their view it appears to haveJecjJjhjeJkstphase-uf-the war - and -to-'have-made impossible the plan which the German staff is supposed to have had of smashing the French by one comprehen sible stroke, and then turning the bulk of the German forces eastward E m TO GET HEARING Children trriaa With Couple; Search for Evidence Continues - : - v (Bj tka AmrtaWd Ynm.) San Antonio, Tm Sept. 1 S. After two Week confinement In Jail here, r. ana airs, victor a. nines, or Biu- gene, Orppon. will probably be given a preliminary hearing this week an charges connected with . the. (lisao pecrarice of Mrs. Eluia Nelma Dennis and her slaserrr Miss-Uemrice Nuima, 1 Atlanta, On. (mien t -charged with murder and Mrs. Innea as an accea-. ory nerore me fact. . Th lnnea twine, a boy and clrl a4 " ahHV ! expected ta aptear in court thin week, a Tueaday baa decision whether Innea will be allowed ro proviue a nome tor them with friends during the detention of htm etf and wife, or whether the court wlU t k t! h FKe-ttf t hem: Thtr chil dren have been in Jail with their mother since 8eptembeJtJU Neither . innea . nor hta wlf e -haa made an extended statement further than a general denial of the charges. Innea acted a counsel for Mrs. Den nis when she secured a divorce in Reno, Nevada. The Nelms family Claims that she later sought hla ad vice In retard to the investment of large sum and that Kite came to San Antonio In June to meet Innea to dis cuss Mexican investments. Search still. continues here for evi deve-"tn-orrrmrttTTrr"TtTTh Tfn'e"3i5a,p pearanee of Mrs. Dennis and her sis. ter. Marshall Nelme, a brother, and a score of detectives have searched the premises of a cottage where the women are said, to have gone on their arrival here June 14 last. fragments of bone found.Jn-a-cejiB px4 ntMt the house have been turned over to the city chomlat for axmnlnaHnn, - I US s Body Representing all North America Adjourns Session at Asheville .. . J-1- -. tSMcial le B Ki otm.) Aaheville, Bent. 1 1. With the elec tton of oflloers who will serve during the coming year, the ninth annual meeting: of the Fire Marshals Assdr elation of North America adjourned yesterday afternoon after two davs sessions at this city. Harrison Para man tT Kanjua wat frui nrwenrent of the organization fidr J.- U Baldwin1; ef Fenneylvnnia, waaTchisren-as vter- presldent. Clem P. Tost. c,r wtscon sin, was rt;elected swcrelary and treas urer Kcsoiutlwis wrerw adopted Tavor- lag the adoption of uniform blanks In reporting lire looses, the creation of a leas barw of the National Board f Underwriters and strict regulations fur the handling of matches. One address was delivered yester day. Air. farkman spt-aking on PuUIlcltjr and Fu- Prevention." He declared that the newspapers, aflat tn' greafeet agency knuwii for reach Inj the public and declarlnsr - that innwitn -ia preee hioiiv in uir mar shals hope to educate the people re garding the important 'part they cari ply la srtvenilng fires. TH wwutlun of. th pla!e of hold Ing the next meeting Was referred to I the executive committee, With Tmvn act, announcement betqg mane that th"t!ommltR'9 will 'Wold' a '''meeting some time during the early iirt"f next year to consider the invitation ot the- citlea-ahkih are desiron-inf entertaining the Are marshahi at their next annual meeting. . . The Aa herilla meeting t dVclat ed to have ben one of the mo; t successful In the history of the organization. JrTVYS WILL AID BlttTHItF.N. Negroew tir Hold JWr. f Asheville, PepL 1. jTJie annual fair of the colored race In Western North ..Carolina., . an.. event -which Is looked forward to with a great deal of interest among theunegroes of this seetlnn of the -Mtater wlli be held 'at West Asheville r for four days begin ning Monday of next week. Many exhibits have "been entere antt-rhe4 theimrchrfW oTi Thur mtirfref, Tair promises to be a very successful one. t'nud Ueing Balwd for tlc IXwtUutc f J-.urope. tsawtntrlla Sew tixl Ohimr. I Klnwtoii, Sept. It. Local Jews ah raising a luiia 10 Be sent to Kiirope, Uiere.aa.ba mod 4H the rehef or tt? brews made dectltute by the war. good sum wilt a leu be sent to Pales tine, where- relief measures wlir be necessary In the event Turkey goes to war against tiia triple entente However, prominent members of th race here say thi Jew are not ex pectl to Incur the w rath "onhe Mo hammeuans to as great an extent tlrrhmsHmTtiereverif of hiwtill ties. Thomas Harvey, vice-president the Cottrell 8uddlery ("ompanv, f Klrhmond, yesterday jd to that con cent a bale "of cotton, C2 pounds in weight, for It cents a pound. Mr. Harvey received a telegram from, the company. Who arc members of the Uuy-a-iB:ie-of -Cotton organizathin of the Virginia city, asking him. to make and he furnished the pr.nl net from his own plantation near Klnston. nsurance Officials of Nation Gather at Asheville for An-' . nual Meeting ' . UkKUiH Tto Mm ml Www.) Asheville, Sept.. li Insurance com. mlasfoner from alt prtrts tof the'Vou'tl try nd" prominent ofllclala of various Companies are arriving at AsheviUa tor the foHy-dfth annus! mwtlng of the National Convention of Insurance Commissioners; wh Ich -wilt " 1e -"held here four days, beginning Tuesday morning. James ti. Young, lnsur- aeee Commttwtner of Ntrth Cnrolina, Is the prenldent of the orgunUation and he has Just announced the pro gram, which ia an unusually attractive one. - . . The Insurance men will be wel corned to - North Carolina Tuewlay morning . by Uovefnor Looke-Cralg, following whose aiiUresa ila.yur J." E. Rankin wlls welcome them on behalf of the city . ot Asheville, - James H Southgalv will Mpeak for the insurance Interests of tha. State. John 8. uarst Commltioner of West Virginia, will rsepond. At the evening teasion of Tuesday, T. M, Henry, of Mlslmlppl, tind-PH McMaster, of South Carolina, will diisciiaa "Compulsory lortti , Inveet- nwittgr"- wfiHa; M. SVW-UaltbH'irf Texas,- and E. it. Ueavltt, of Ver mont, will deliver 1 addrews on Should the State Encourage the Formation of New Companies?" Wednesday morning the dixouKsion will center nboot the ouestlon: Should We Abandon the American Restrictions Tpmi the ClHjtws of In surance Written ly u Company Doing Direct Writing and by a Company Doing Reinsurance." - with Hurton Mansileld. of Connecticut- Ifjcank. ttouslifoucli, lit Sew l"oik; '. I. Kev-l elle, of. Mlswtlici," nnq t). K. Stabelln, i H-Dakota, partH4patIttg-tn-the diwuHelun: Wednesdav venine' Atvtn C- Her bert, of Jjoui!anaJiU speak oh 'Ac quisition of Cost of fire Insurance," while "The Cost of MiscellftneiuM InV urancLvrlllbiitJuiiaahlefil i.if the sddresB of-fl. Kpstcen, of (Vilortdo; BR TT DEL VERS THESIEOIJCM Combination Convention in Nineteen Judicial Favors the Secret Ballot iw 111 u Hi St siyl Olmnt. i Asheville. Sept. II. At the R-pub-I Nineteenths Judtclal-Distrust,- Which w held Tit the1-courthouse vester- day. Von n o O ud ger . m ."h o mi nated tor solicitor to oppose J. r.o. nwam, the no4iiinee of the tenrocTtto p rty. The selection of the member of the executive committee was. left to the nominee. . " The distrTct cohvenUoii' followed trie Buncombe county convention, at which a ticket was named for all of the county offices except -coroner, treasurer and constable. The ticket as named at yesterday's meeting fol lows:- fctate Senate. W.-tt. Fortune; "Partlcatmg -anrt on:TOrtfclpati"ng Insurance by Brock, Tire and Casual ly Insurance Companies," will be the 8ubJe.cU .. oltho 4rtri-- j)f R. - Mr Small, of OhiOj nnd A. Ii Welch, of Oklahoma. .- F.-H.'- Harditw. Of Maisttohusctti will speak on "Workmen's Compensa tion Kesiilt In Mss-tschirsetts and Suggestions Drawn." Therefrom," fol lowed by a symposium of experiences PL other States. Thursday evening "The Sphera of Activity of an Insurance Department M-wttl tnrm The subject of the dlKcuus. sion In which Robert J. Merrill, of New Hampshire: Charles Johnson, of Pennsylvania, and JuhnS Uarstrl vtexi Virginia, win lane psn. Friday morning's session will be de voted to a discussion of "Combina lion Policies," by Frank Hnshbrouk, of New York; "Fire Insurance and the PreventlniOrmrc Waste," 1.y C F. Xesbltt. f Dlatrlct of Columbta: election of nitlccrs GREENSBORO 111 IMtUftLE Business Men ofJhe Gate City; Talk About Cotton (IMuUl is Tin Mt u Onwnac 1 - Cireen.sbor(r,7:ScPt."" li, Officer of thV Chamber -of. Commerce and Mr-chantg"- Association. together wltU -other leading eltlxeus. hnve called a matlng-otMretMihirii men to he held ; In the court house touiurrow night for . the, purpoae of dlsruMnt the present unsatisfactory' condition of the cotton , crop. The call declarea that the proa- . perjty of the South Is dependent o this year's cblton rrop belnr mar ketefl at fair prices. It l thought that the meeting will result in rolling' soma of Greensboro people in . thw "Huy-a-Bale" movement. So far 4fs known, the Armour Packing t'om- psny a uramut . ouice .:.nre..ts ,nre ift fepjaentaUv Nn. 't7Thotna-JvalJTe huy a bale. J, Ogden kins: Representative No. f , J. B. Hun ter; wlerk' of the Superior Court; Rob ert Worley; Tax Collector. Arthur Mil ler: Auditor, II. H. Voorhees; Register of Deeds. Cliarlea D. Clark; Sheriff, D. W. Harrison; Chairman of the; Board ot County Commissioners, Rob ert Greenwood; members of the Board of Commissioners, K. C. Romnson and Calvin Hill; memlierM of the Hoard" of . Kducatiun. 1. Mkhaeij tnlrtJodaoy iihif W..Xorthup; Surteynr, Leslie Fanning. Following the conventions, -the dele gates from this county and ttiosn in attendance upon the district conven tion from Mudlson heard an address delivered by James .1. Hrltt, former third assistant PontmuMer fleneral, who Is the nominee of the Republi can-Progressive forces of the Tenth Congressional District for Congress man. He urged loyalty to the party and -Henrr TTOittlra miniig the up- proachliig caiiiiMtigii and election, in resolutions, the Auiitrnlish harlot WbB endorsed and the administration of the county Democratic officers was deelrcdtobB "'waaieful and extrava. gsnt.1'" - rdi - Syi--iri-Wg r 'iwTVoI "By - an Mder Negro. mpuriii (o tiw Sum ml oiiwrm.) i.VVl)etttfc8cpU-i3et)dla-Williams, the lS-year-old negro boy who halls from Atlanta and who. was aentenced to (he rondM for lircetiy ot meat by Jwlge' Ferguson last Friday and who made Hla escape from the court hoAne Just afler being .sentenced, surrender ed thin jnoi tilni; to Mr. Amos Barnes, at liicuma, from whom the meat was stolen. He admits that in a measure he ia guilty, but thftt he w used s a cat's paw by ii old negro man, Dudley Smith, who n uyn stole the meat and got him to dispose of it. SKltej Ja3ttW .-in h W lleon- afh-irmt Dudley Smith will rave a hearing in Wilson county rouri before Jmlue Denna Tuesday next. JCDSON UAV C'luLEUlLYTtll. Armour haa Instructed all of the two ... -hundred branch ofllces of his company In the South to buy a bale of middling . cotton at ten cents. - Dlatrh-t tjwtcrn Star. A district meeting of the Order tit Eastern Star will be held In Greens- boro -Friday evening of this wet-k. Trrts gutliertng will be In the nature of a school of Instruction, Two sessions wtW-heMirid TOehTtlre fternoo -and one at night. Supper will b served the visitors at the Masonic and Eastii n Star . Home. The meeting will be under the direction of Mlea Hlnnche Johnson, of this city, district -deputy grand matron. There will be degree work, memorial services, ad d reuses by visitors and miscellaneous -business. s -v Cull ford For AmendmenU. The fact that the Uuilford County Democratic tJtoi utlve-cominlttee haa- endorsed the Constitutional Amend- ' ments proposed by. the jlvcglslaturw means that . the amendmenta.will bn given good vote In this comity. There seems to he ltttleopraltn t tnem. sou ttiua, wmie not all win Vcjte for them, very few .will Voto against the amendments. ; Will Morehead .and Kd. DefJcrrj'. ,, two nelgro youths, are in prison. i;harg '. 4 "Wttilireafcing Into the store of D. Marks and stealing a quantity of mer chandise Friday night. They will ! tried, in the. lty court tomorrow The officers discovered (he guilty, parties hjr. finding,. Morehead prttnir a -ivnr-" hat when he was subpoenaed as A witness In another case. The county Democratic executive committee yesterday re-elecUd K. fl, , BhcrrUt a,.couniy chalnnan and H. I lV)lilewoi secretary; Mr. herrlle- is) experlriujed In managing campaigns and will no doubt olitatn large iim jorlty for the Democratic county ticket. , .. ! . .. jiill to Thr Sr-m iitl 01rfrt , Ashijvlllo, Sept. 13. Mrs. T. I,. Money Httged 8.3, died .y.e$eMaailter m tffr afhoff Illness" lit the home of her diitighter, Mrs. J. Sprouse, on Fngg street. SneTw iia buried at West Aeheville cemetery this uttcruoon fid lowing the funernl services ronducted st her daughter's home bv Rev.- J. It. tirice, The decPHWd JK sTiiVHcd-fiy one daughter,, six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. iU-taHietl Haptixt Mlv.lonartc Speak 4 Al AslievlUe. Alihcvllle. Si-pt. U. lrf.enl Bnptlst churrheh todoWerte(r-Tnwn Cen termini rBy," Dr. Brax(n Crsiig, of this State, Dr. Adrian Taylor, a re turned missionary from China, and Dr. T. Wv Rnyr'-fnTelgrf '"secret ftry of the forelan niiswiou board of the Southern Baptist Convention filling the- pulpits at the various local Baptist churehea at the morning services. The Bsptlsts of the South are attempting to raise Sl.zo'i.oOu as n memorial to Dr. Adon Irum .ludson. the llrst mlwlonary aent out ly the Church W'i) years ngo. The money will be rpent in equipment In the foreign .Wte , GERMANY NOW ON DEFENSIVE. The military experts, however, are still cautious. While recog nizing the possibility that the German armies- may yet rally and drr a strong defensive line, they recognize also the possibility of the almost complete vacuation of France and Belgium. Paris an- rounces that the Germans have evacuated Amiens The position of jOermaiL-rtofemrtsTtr be marching south on three roadrtn that neTptniThoodls norknowir- " " I'he Belgian army is credited wjth the deter'miiiation to reoccupy Brussels and claim to have cut the "railroad between Liege and Brussels, thus severing an important German line of communication. 11 claims tti be tmsliliig . lliescjjeJeniOirCfS rnrruKised-td. of reservi.sts, toward the southeast. ZZJ'.vt SosFpai3 1 GERMAN FOSITION-CRmCALT ; MilitaryauTliorities in ranee consider the position of the GernTan armies critical. The army which was south of the Argdnne Forest, - they argue, hardly can retreat eastward, owing to the danger from the strongly held French fortress of Verdun, while the mountanous character oY the Argonne district renders retreat 'due north impracti-cW-Thfr tet-winTif ltrr a northwesterly direction. v ; ' The people cherish the hope fhat the Belgians may succed in clearing the Germans out of Brabant, when th j fftli Gemirff army "vtttrld be obliged I'D retreat on Luxemberg, an operation which they liken to the passing of a large strea,m,through.a narrobottle neck. ,. GERMAN WIRELESS SILENT. jCtnm6:yexaM-Mttit. of Marne "fl, yet ld h& heard. The German official wireless tonight is silent regarding the opera- i;nn nf th na;t week in that theatre. It records a local success bv the armv eLthe Crown Princer which it reports, took a fortifietfTosTi .JioaJP-UttJt. -BmiibePfntTcmsTwaTioTve occurred at an early stage of the battle. Thfe position" of the troops as stated in the French-reports is that tfe Germaimhranny is retreating beyond the river Vesle. which runsMweenKlieims. anTSpissons";" tliat the German forces in the center which had penetrated farthest south, are falling back north 0t Vitry-Le-rrancois anu cichjiiicc anu ntvc t-rowca tnc river manic, , , ' ' (CQNTINUED ON PAGES TWO.) BELGIAN FIGHTERS TAKE HEART AS GERMAN TROOPS LEAVE FOR FRANCE AND PRUSSIA s --.- f:':,it"..,::,. - -gss -rm ' n lirtT- ... ..... 'iL , . - , tvj-- ..V '...;,- i.,-K..i . vV,fit 4re-!Tl( xll 'v';!': r(eweryBJUoaerwo. Belfiaa toldierg tring ver bamcades In M'Ulebroeck Station gear Mibnea, Am the bulk cf the German arr"y statinneW ih JMfruMB-4-WTrTfr6wTr ff to aid the main German armjes in Fraace and Prussia, the Belgian l rmy Jhaa Ukea iiat amd isariie0.v.n whelmed by Bombera, but the fighting in tha: country from now on U likely to be -an. even contest Thia photo was taken In WiUebroeck Station near MaJinea, waare a ikirmiah took plate between S00 Uhlana and ISO Belgian, h ' r... K '-i '. ait .fc.'-..,;. n --'-3l nun o , vy. m. n ntw. n. of Hureau Planned for Vriuthit South moriiun Trade. IHy lh AM-tHttil l'frl I'anama, Hept. 13. --The erfctinn In r'anama of a permaiii-.-if tiulMlnK by the t'llHed Statea rttrlrnttWrnetwe hureaii at inXiTliiatuin ami commer cial museum to dra rn- ulfntlon of Mouth AliierlcMH-usuuiitrtea Ameri- tutu nianufuctitres and 1n.1ojrle Is nieetltiR with murh encouraicemeiit fropi Hhf iiiilt iiiit ni tlu I'anMiiiuuiiiii aovermuent and Uie.inertli,Ants f the . cotintry They vli w ili- intij-oal lu the Hunt iiaii efl'i.rl In hrinjt I'aiiHma furwaiil us a wnrral purchaKlna unii -trartliis P'llnl In fetitral Ainerira. A slti' fur the pr.i.iusHii liullJlng has ... aln iidy let-n. pluii ! t the dispiieal of the riiitdfwif and has been ten- tativelr ttrtMtrtM hy-WilHam Jn'nnliiKe i'rir'. Aiiii'll'' -Minister to I'uuumu. The (jruunii lid inn )nilt-of ".tlir -t4ta uhu. liU4i ttwr' M now bj-ltip i:nn--struoleil 'till- N.tiiiliHl K:tiisitl.n "- which ih t . ronittinfniirM - !h dii!av. ,. lit the I an.'lliu i'atiil. Ii is ilr,niMi lu liavn the oih-H' Ins of 1 hi' i xMi!iHI( .1 cniiu-idi-iit Willie. thut ft ilu- (irnmi veUdnuUlun tit teh . openiiiK f t ciimil uii March 5. imn VI AX Kll TV-IIVI t rrma'w ITi'-iilrnt.: WW- "ehrnt- Hw -r ,7 ItlrtlttTaj' Tiiiihm row. (li- ihe .VwUlill i,rl . - - ,-JVfclH--Mtr 'T3I--President Yuen t-'lu-kal lll le U yea're v''l " Hei 4roher . :i.-ii dititf I" the wTn ,. WnlOH IS t.i i,imF7n.ijxair..jjHg : mtuav is&MiHSai., '-i- ami al.D 1 '(.. n . it 1 otr.ifie l'an."in: Chiiuk.-Kkh- r western retttrtne. J'ollfiw ilia t loiw upun 4lir nl yersarv' l" '"' '""'d 'f Uii furmul ... lii .Ukunrtitm the Cunt diiiy ele-tel nrewidfi ft Ctiiim. AllhouKli Ynn " hiis T-e't" "fit "jaiwer'srm v eaWy tnilia, It nut until Urt.iiHfr hi, lll, tnai .. he Ix gaii his term of office under tliu cuiTbiituliuit akiptt!d by the Nankiiip 1111131 tiw. It i.i faid that t'li.UBliildn vt cuil-KruluUilorv- .mesaases awatl presenta tti.111 to t'hltia's tlret fMc.idenl .ruti the iM'cmdun if thiM two unnlt'eni arf AdmirltiK iihwrvers of his ad- ' ministration declare thiiLhia beat fe lirltflViiT s foiHid'n th; rompnmtlvo peare uhd hurinoiiy wliioh.now reign IhriitKhout the rpyWlo of China. WAI.I -S IXlYAIi - ' Miners .Waive llidldayi and Work ! HtindaT WIhhi Nftsrtry. III. Mw AwwU;i rreml 1 Cardlif. SepL-.lJ.ylialca, the mui to of the Krttlsh navy's coal su-iply.: has shown Its toytlty to the Vina. In a ntnneriirWrri:rrfjnHirT5' the AU rniraltv. In the face of attempt n vantaae uf the present war for the en forcement of demands "ma the Art mlraltv. the dsh-mrnerw have Rlad- ly waived all holidays and are work- tug Hundays jrhenever It is necessary to, keep the navy supply of coal up to the required standard. 1'nion of flcTats : T'KiRlKe""posiU6h 'Rat H u" not necessary for tne ..union men to surrender their holidays, but the mines overturned the ruling- eX vfUci,la .with unanimity. I. ;1 ' V )