JUZ M .VS AND tul-Luy .-'.c."'n;ng. gctc: zn 13, i?i4. 11EEI ..Ill iiGOFBEAUTY: .1 E;r.L :m cf Gold Displayed Here Yesterday in Jolly-Wynne" :J ' . Window '; v-,v GUARDED? BY POLICEMEN i Raleigh Club. Adopts Official!., Pin at Luncheon Yesterday s Nine New Members Elected.;' ' Final Arrangements for "Oft ; Acquainted" Tour East and South of Raleigh vr; ' TiCaljtorni CoWn . Rntnty WniH" Tilled t 1,00. displayed In the K window ,of the Jolly-Wynne Jewialry- Company Mere on . Fayette . Tilllre"C-yestrday '. attracted a - areatV deal el altemifin. tr wait p1acH: ed In the -window at 4 o'clock and j remained there until 4.38 o'clock, and ; remained there, except frftra 1 o'clocki until 1 o'clock, when It waS at the Rotary Clob,Juncnen.-. While the wheel was In the win- flow It was guarded hy Raleigh police . men who stood In' front of the store. " Omeet. Warren man1 the principal of ficer on duty. For a ."hi rt tims he - was relieved by -4 -itlcMcUtuw:rrAl 1 clock 'Officer Warren. aksixted hy Ofhcer CeuiH'il carri.-d tbe wheel 10 - the luncheon &t the club at the.yar borough Hotel and they were gui'sts of the dug donna the hour. . - Wheel Mailc nf l.ll. "" The. wheel, is made of California fotd and I a unlou? and handsome affair. : Between' (he spoke of the large wheel are iseven email wheel representing seven Rotary clubs of California, the nnmbero.f clubs in ..ih . JiiUtl t SD aJliH! ftjlfte. yv h eelwas made. . Other dubs hav liwn or ganized In that State since that t.nie. - - Suspended from the wheel are seven long chains of small wheel which have been affixed by the ttotary clubs of the -HIpi visited. The Raleigh club ami ed ita wheel at the luncheon yesterda ' Th v heel Is on an International flour and will go to every city which haa a Rotary club. It will return to Ban Francisco in time for the opening- of the Panama-Pacific exposi tion. -' ' ,' ft was shipped yesterday afternoon lo the) Rotary club in Atlanta, where It will be placed on exhibition. New Member Elected. The Rotary club al Its luncheon yesterday elected the following new member! f Morning Newspaper V. C. Moore Aaaoclte. Men's College D II. Hill. A. and M. Collet. P.eai Kxlate Ixta Alien, iWaml Frank Allen. ankeT-E. K. Cuibnuh- Associate -Commercial National Rank. Holely,. H. Griffin Associate; Tarbornngn Hotel. City RehAols f: Xf Harper, Xupt. Public. Schools. -. Manufacturing Chemist- H. T, Hlcka Capudme Chemical Company, r termer--Charles VV Hrne-C. vV Heme Airrlculliiral Newpiiper J I. "Mofford 1rorrive Knrtner OfHilal 1n Adopif.,1 rhe-ofnVia-fnf Hab-igh -rhrh wad also adopted at the meeting The deeign la lhat of a Itolnry wheel, wllh Worda "Kotary Club f JKilelp;h" In white letters, with bide enamel back creund. In the crnlre is ' a raised figure of Kir Walter llaleiah The de inn was supat-med by Mr. W. H. IiaKley. ,of the News ami f hserrer. and ntSen by the Jolly-Wynne Co. At heretofore slated the IdMxrv ClutviH act aa a sp la eaoort of wernorCral( on Tuesdav.on his wav to the fair tirounda to make his speet-h at the opening At the luncheon 20 automobiles were tendered by nieaj bera for thin occasion. u tiot oaiutcil lip. The final arrangement for the "Get Acquainted" trip In antoitiobili-a to the east and aouth of Itnieish -for to morrow and Thursday were perfected. In addition to the enrs of ihe inem bera of tho club, there will tie two cfa with members of the Third regi ment band, and foltewina; the party Will' be two nutos with mechanician. The fornicr Irlp of the Itotarinns ti the west and north of Italcinh wan a most successful event and won mny .friends fir the city. The trip this , week is expected to lie Juki hh great an event. Th peefl along- the line of the preposad tour are enthusiastic . rnjerne ann wtH (jive ; warm welcom. The follow ma is lhe tKr-un of the toer: ' Wcdiicla). tk tobcr 1 1. Mileage . Arrive UAH.VKK i n Chairman,' Allien 1. i Spenkers for itatiMch, I'ogiy nnd V. I. Wysi Garner Miner i m I'liX i V. i Tor I. l!rouKtM.iti, II 1 l:.itnl an. I .1. A Weather. Ijeave "Gar ner in or, m Arrive AI HI UN lu 15 . n, Chairman. I' i' i:rwih Kiikeis for Raleigh. I: S H.usbre. Kor Auloitn Sam Watte nhd Troy Pool . Lue Auburn lrt:!,". Arrive t'l.AVTuN lo t:, a ni Chairman. W II H.iitley - 8 1 r tor Haleitrh. K. it. row iiuil J. S, TnimTiia'i-ir Kor Claymn Mayor C. !,. Hlntou, C. W. .Itoriie. ami I'rt.f .1 It. Williams. Leave f'layton H tin Arrive SMItUKJKt.l.) I 1 .3e,,- m. t'hmrman, C. T. hiiieV fpealtera for ftaleiKh. J H 1'carce. K li. .lolly ami -".Mttri i rrerv. For Koilth- nelit, M.wr J. A... Welloni. J. II Allred. W. M. Sander. 'and W W. Cole. l.ra KoiU-blkld 12. Oil. Arroe SKI. MA tl 1 j. m. t'hairman. Krum i A Tox Speaker fur Uaiiali. Geo JT Hamsev. K. rog-ft. and Major James I. Jnhn ) son r'or Kflma. Mayor It E- Hit4iardsn, W, A, Kdaer- ton, and J. II MannuiK. leae Si lma U S 5 p. ni. Arrive t'.SK U:VEU 13:41 p. S7.7 tit the ertrema weakness often result in hnpsb-ed hearin J. weakened eyesight, bronchitis ami other trouble, but If 4eesi 'a EmwUlo la given promptly, K carries strength to the organ ad create -rich blood to build sp tha depleted iurcaa. ' . t).i Is Frss fraa Almtml' - If How to stop dandruff and. loss of hair Shampoo with hot water, rub bing thoroughly Into the acalp the the rich, cream j latbr of inol Soap m aa to soften and ttundlatelEi eslpr to remore the dead akin and cells, and ta work the aooUiingealiiif Kesinol belaaaw well into the raeta ef the hair. Rinse ia gTadoall cooler water, the final water beinj cold, Dry the hair thoroughly, without artificial heat Thia simple, agreaable method almost always stops dandruff and scalp Itching, and keeps the hair lire, thick and lustrous. lUalnal 8oa Isaess aeetieklness er an phMsaat odor la the aair. Bold wbeesrer toilet feeds are ranted, for sample free, write to DeetS-l. Rasiaol. BalUraare, Mi. - h ' hi.' ChHtnnan, J. C. Elllng- fn---peker . for lialfiah. Clarence A. .lohnaon. For I'lne Kcvi'l, Mayor lawrence ir- lirown ami l. H. Oliver l,enve- I'Jn.e Ievel 12:55 JjJ-1 41.7 Arrive I'HINCKToN 1:20 p."ni. 'halrman. C. It. (iattli Speaker for Jtulelirh,. J. K. C'lHinnell. .Kor 'I'rinceton, Mayor F.iiwm and J. K. Led better. lyeuve l'rlnceton -,.TTi l;3tt p. in hairmun. M. ' . Tyrce Speakers for Kaleiirtl. It. 8. Ktorr, Mavor Johnaon, arid W. 8. Wilson. Kor flplds- noroainyor i. n. riiKKins, Col. .1. K. Itobinson. and M II. Allen. Lunch Hotel Ken -; non 2:4. Jeave (loldsboro 8:ltt. 5.7 Arrive flNK'VILLK :4S p. m. Chmn., dllbert Crabtree Speakers for ItalelRh, K. M. I'imM, Kor Pikevlie, Mayor J. S. Collier and I'rof. j. H. Allen. Leave I'ikevlUa S:R5 p. m. '. ' Arrive KKKMuNT 4:10 p m. Chairman.. K. R CROW Speaker for RalelKh, Hal V. Woith and J'no. . T. West. Kor Fremont, Mayor W. It. Whitley, Cutler I.ee, and I'rof. M. T. Rdarerton. lave Krcmont 4:30 p, m. a.l A rive , KLM CITY :10. p. m. Chmn;, Howard .jWhlte Slienkcra for HnleiKh, .1. T. Matt he'ww nnd J. H. Klna1, Kor Kim City,' Mayor 1. W. Winston i and lr. K. II Moore, y lave Kim Clt 8:20 p. m. IM.I -Arrive WLlioN :4S p. m. Supper HrlfK llotel 7:15 p. m. MeetitiK at courthntiae :I0 p. m. Chairman. Albert U Cox Speakers for Ral eigh. ML W. Tyre. W. II. Una-lev, John 0. Drewry. J- H. IXirce, and W. M.. Wil son". Kor-AVHon. Mayor H. I'. Dickinson. Rev. T. W. ChnmhllH. Ijiwrence ltrett, Col. Jno. K. Kruton, and 8. II. Andern. Hedtlme tl:ft. y, tbiobV 15. ThiirMlH 0.0 14 I-ave AVILSMN K dli a. m. Arrfve '"" AClH.KtKt.H 9 : 0 n. m. Chmn.TTTi "'I Crocker. Speaker for Italelich. TimU'r, Kor Matclesfleld, Mayor W. M Monr and Dr. lieorKO W. Mitchell. lave Macclealletd :I0 a. m. Arm IMNKTOl'S S.4B a. m. c Chairman. J. Mclionnld Spiaker for Raleiiih. C. A. Shore. Kor Ptnetopa, Mayor K. 1.. I'itts Hiul W. K. t'obb. lave'l'inetops t:hh a. m. Arrh-e TAitlicRu 10"4D a. m. Chairman, M. AV. Tryce 20.0 31.1 ' Speakers for. ltnlelah, Al "" ' bert 1-. Cox and lr. (ieorve .1 Ramsey Kor Tarhoro, Mayor I 'a ill Junes, T. H. ,1a coc'ks." t'.eorce A. Holdor nes Leave Tarboro 1:15 a. to 41.3 Arrive I'BNKIel 11:40 a. m. Lunch., linrliecue at Cox Knrm throiiKh courtesy Al bert U Cox iind Krancl." A. Cox. Irf'aVe I'em-lo I 2 :45. 4S Arrive ROCK V' MOrNT li. m. Chairman, John C. lrcwrv Speakers for Ilnl eiah. John A. Park. W, S. Wilaon. and Mayor Johnson. Kor ttoekv Mount Mavor L. K. Tfllorv. Frank R Wins low. K. S. Sprulll, nnd .1. H. Ramsey, l.e::Ve Rock Mount 1 St) p. m. C4.3 Arrive NAHIIVILLi: 2 to) p. m. chairman. K M Jolly tirnkes Tor ttnlclph. Sher wood Uroekwell and Joseph R 1'ogiie Kor Na.nhvllli, ' Mayor Sain (!. Ortffln, Frank Austin and osr.ir Ciwli. lienvr1 Nashville 2:20. 70.6 Amw SPRlNdlltiPF. 2 45 p. m. Chairman, J. H I'earce .Soenkers lor KaTelRh. It. ft. tiUiiOee JlTTTl TT'.llrll.i IVi.UfcUO; Fi r f'prinirnope, mayor .1 May nd n. It. Morse. Leave SpriiiRhsip" 3:10 a. m - .--Arrty-eUENSI 3: fr P- m.Ctwlr man. John T Wet. -Speakers for I'.aleieh. W ., H Har row anil W, II ltngley. For Hunn. Mayor Peyton Kikes and J. il. V eat hern.. -'-Iave. loinn 4: 15 p. m. BO.tt Arrive WAKFLON SCHOOL P--rnJ 'hciean, Albert .L. Cox. SpealteiJiirRnl einli. F it Crow and (TT It. Doneh Kor Wakelon, Tn f ' r. It Moser, "-May or W. IJ. Utobariison of Stibulon, am) Dr G. M. Hell, of Wake Held 1,eave .Wakelpn at f. .20 p. m. , 9H.0 Arrtve w-KNPELti-B:" P m. Chairman. H. T. Worth yoeakefs for Raleigh, P. A. LTI!!ery and J. E. I'ogue. For , w. toli'll. M.vor It. II. Uiggs, t - - ' ' R; M. Whitley, and M. A. j V'GHffin Leave Wendell ; .tio p. m. . 1I.V7 Arrive RALKIGH. -Omrli h IHal In llwv ! Walla Walla Dispatch o 8t Paul Pis. pawh. -...,'.' . ,A rive-cent pieci 1 tacks. I eight . pr-nny nails, several aniaMl' pieews ot lon .aTiiece of wire 3 tcnheslong, and a .number nf pebbles Wore found In ( the stomach' of a cow "butchered at a 1 local parking house." Thd discovery rf thenlciiet m bedded rn-the lnlng i of tiovyS; tona:h Tfjfto U llivesli--gallon of the contents of the stomach i .iii'd the collection of metals and min- etals waa found there.. HARflY GODB TO . -RlLEIGIIilG! 1 Chief Walters Goes After Man : Who Left Him When He aa) Snoozed at Washington- i, v 1 FOUND AT KNOXVILLE Cobb's Infatuation for Lena , Smith, Now in County Jail, . and His Foolhardy Attempts to Communicate With Her . His Undoing; .Solicitor's Good Luck iauttcltQi; Herbert E. Norria, i- naieien. w. c i "ThlnM all O. K.. WilLatart for RJ, . eigh on twelfth. - "C. M. WALTERS. This was the message received la Raleigh yesterday which told the tale that Chief Walters haa again met Charles Wells, alias Marry -obb, and is again on his way to Raleigh, with his prisoner. Tho meeting took place in Knoxville. Tenn., where Cobb was being held for Ralejgh officers. This happened once before. Chief Walters sent a 'simitar telegram to Solicitor Norria. He was in Washing ton then. Later he sent another tele gram That said .he had missed his train. A I ant message told of the escape of Cobb In the station at Wash ington, while the chief snoosed. - The State laughed. Chief jWalters felt ho Diillatrd, and Commissioner King was alleged to have looked about for an other chief. Since that time Solicitor Norrls, disappointed and chagrlnned that the prisoned whom he had located at ltanbury, Connecticut so cleverly should have slipped from. his clutches through no fault of his own, resolved highly within himself that he would sgaln bring Cobb Into the hands of The law: IT TiaTd-work- wtrui eeeom Pllsh the feat And he hnx done It, Through his eefforta together with the concerted action of Chief of Police Walters. Cobb was, rounded up In Knoxville. This occurred Saturday, Chief Walters aaked earnestly that he be permitted to bring Cobb back to Rale ah. This was at length granted and the telegram yesterday bears the Information that at least he has left Knoxvtlie. by this time, wtih Jtli prisoner. . I. Th Way r Man. . Wild, unruly, foolhiirdy infatuation for the girl he left I in the clutches of tho law In Halelghj was Cobb's un doing. He Is a olevelr man. is Cobb, but not clever enough to curb a de sire for information as to tho where abouts and the rojidltlon of Lena Smith. Shortly after., his get-away from this part of the country, he wrote apostcard to Lena Smith in the county jaif. "ThtH postcard teaa- rectly to hla capture In Danbury. Con necticut. Then he escaped and pro ceeded directly to do the same trick over anally. He addressed a letter to . 1 . . . 1 . T ' ...ill. T (.. low Kill iruill ailUA.lur, Arm,., munm it Catlie Ijitie, and put It In care ot "J. it- Jordan, Jailer. This woman, supposed toihe, the sister of Cobb liv ing In Knoxville, - could reasonably have no knowledge of who the Jailer of Wake county jail is, reasoned So licitor Norrls. He gof'Tiiisy and the trick was turned by the aid of the Knoxville police. CtTe!tHiulncp By Wire. The cnrreKpumicnee by wire direct ed through Chief of Police Walters by Solicitor Norrls- tells the entire story graphically. On 1 October 1st Chief of Police Wallers received a telegram to the effect that the man wanted here by the name of Henry Cobb was at the time In PlltHburg, Pa., where he waa receiving general de livery letters under the name of C. W. "Whiter The police detriment of Pittsburg waa immediately queried and Information and photograph con cerning Cobb was forwarded. Five days later a wire was received from the Hiiperintendeiit of police nf Pitts burg to the effect that Cobb left that city on September 2 and left a for waidliiK address of "General Delivery, Cincinnati. Ohio." out to Cincinnati rushed a message. The polio there were notified to be on the watch fur Cobb. Fatal Is-tlcr. To this point the man was traced. Here the tttory goea back to October 1st where another thread was taken up and where the capture of Cobb was practically made certain from two different directions, . On this date, Lena Smith received the. fatal note from Cobb, which note, on Its face. appeared to have been written by OjUIIp Lane, The letter was mailed at Knoxville, on eptember 2. I aHked for Information as to the con dition of the prisoner. when she would he" out of prison and If she had heard anything of Harry Cobb. The handwriting on t ho post-card from Danbury and the handwriting of tho letter were very similar. Resides, the "J. It. Jordan, jailer," pnrt clinched the proof. Immediately Chief Walters, at the dictation of Solicitor Noiris,gnt the following lo Chief of Police or Knox ville: "Harry Cobb Is wanted In this county to answer tho charge of for gery. He was heretofore apprehend ed and escaped. Enclosed you will linda capias for him, also a letter re ceived here signed by Callle Lnne which was written to (he woman who nased forged checks for him and who has been convicted and la now reason to bellev- was. written REIDVE YOUR ASTHIiIA LI FIFTEEN MINUTES If Astbmador doe's not Instantly re lieve the very worst attacks' of ATdTiiiia."" Ttron'Ctitr.l Asthma -and tie Asthmatic symptoms accompanying Hay: Fever your money be re turned, ts the terms t ponwhIch Henry T. Hicks Co. announce tKey are selling Dr. Rudolph Rchlffmann's Asthmador and Asthmador Cigarettes. No matter how ihvcleraU of oluti nate your case or how often or vio lent the attacks. Asthmudor will .'in stantly relieve you, usually in ton seconds ttt always within fifteen mtnutes. - . .' These Druggists have, been author ised by the Iioclor to sell every pack age of hla Asthmader on a guarantee to return the money in every single case where It does not give instan taneous relief, or la rot found the very brst remedy ever used. You will be the sole judga. yourwlf and undehj thia positive guarantee by Henry T. Hlcka Co, 'absolutely no risk h run ln-Vyhi till remedy. Keraona. living elsewhere will b supplied under the same guarr.nlee iv tnetr -local nraggist or direct bv Dr. K. SchlrTHiann. bu Paul, Minn. vc :z:i vclunteers. ' In strees and trouble the women of a nation are always to be counted upon. , In Servia the women went to the front with muakets In their handa they were as strong and brave as the men on the fighting line. In this coun try few of our women escape the weakening troubles peculiar to their sex. ' For every disease or ailment of a womanly character, no matter how re cent or how long standing, the one sure, reliable remedy of proved merit ia' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Women ahould never experiment with, unknown preparations; the risk is too great. Dr. Pierce's Favorite lYeacHptlrtiKjs prepared from nature's roots ana herbs ana does not contai.fi a particle ef alcohol or any narcotic. It's not. a secret prescription, but its ingredients are printed on the wrap per. . Women are earnestly- advised to take it tor Irregular or painful period backache, headache, displacements. catarrhal condition, hot flushes, s&t luK-jcoSiJ)lexlon and nervousneesa Kor girls about to enZer woman hood, women about to become moth ers and for the changing days of mid die age Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion should always be on hand Any medicine dealer ran supply It la either liquid or tablet form. The cost la modest, the comparative benefits truly remarkable. Write Dr. Pierce, KufTalo, .fi. T ., for free lis page book on woman's diseases. Everv woman should nave one. ( A'dy-) Harry Cobb himself and not by Callle lane. From Information, I. am sat isfied that Cobb waa originally from your city and 1 a en of a minister and haa a. married sister by ths name of.CalUe Lane who lives on Jefferson avenue.. - ' 'On account of Cobb having escap ed from ma I am very anxious that he be apprehended and brought to justice, as you can readily understand, Pleas make dllligent search for the man and wire me at my expense. I guarantee the payment of a reason able reward to the officer making the arrest. "C. M. WALTERS, -..."t'hlet uf Police." - -. Cobb'i Arrest. '." On Saturday. October 10th. Chief Walters received this wire: ' Marry Cobb in arrest. Will re turn without requisition papers. Send officer for him. . "A. D. CONNORS, "Chief of Police." This is all, except the arrival In Raleigh this morning of Chief Walters with his man. Hut it will he a aulet arrival, and Cobb will probably be In leg irons. Certain It Is, Chief Walters will Suit come Into the city with brass buttons shining and with big badge prominent. He was warned against It and he heeded the warning. STRUNK OUt OF GAME WITH DISABLED HAND Hiss Ixiea Will IW Frit by Athletic; Baker raw- to- I ixlerMand III Paiintitg. Boston, Oct.!?. Strunk. center- fielder for the Philadelphia club, will be out of the game for the rest of the series 4t waa learned tonight. When the Philadelphia players returned from Fenway Park they found Strunk with one hand bandaged because of an abcesa which had been forming for several day His lns-wllt be felt particularly- by., the Athletics because u0 to today he, was only on of the American leaguers hitting near true form. The Philadelphia players tonight said they were still h6peful they would even up the series. It seemed lo the general opinion among thorn that the itraves were playing at the very top of their game, while the Athletics were far- below their usual standard. Raker, In particular. de- lared he could nrt understand whV should strike put twice lu succes sion. CHARGED AVIJIl I? INFANTICIDE Itrutal Crime lathi at Poor of Colum bus NogrenM. (HpwUI lo Tin Vu. mi. I Olmtrm.) Whltevllle. Oct. 12. Kate Rowland. alias Plttman, a negro woman was rrestod nt Fairmont todny and plac d In Jail here charged with Infan ticide. t is alleged In the wnrrnnt that the woman who lives at Clarendon burled her alx-.weeka ulU child alive Saturday. The woman claims that the child died of convulsions a4 hhuing no money or friends ihisr tho grave and buried the child herself. Negro Killed at Washington. 1ihsiI Ui Tin Jon iul Otib-rui.l Washington. -N. C, Oct. 12. Nenl Rlackledge, colored, was killed this ftcrnoon by. being thrown from his my on West Third street .the mi Ictpal electric plant, Hlaekledge. with his dray loaded with lumber, was going up the street when the shifting nglne of the Atlantic . Coast Line frightened his horse and Hlaekledge was thrown, hla head ntriklng a rail, killing htui almost instantly. imOKF. RECORD. fjraf -Ttdutcoa-"Brings Ai-ragn 14.90 at Wallace. tHperUl Ui Thi- Nrw md Ohnpfwr. I Wallace. Oct. 12. a local tobacco warehouse today broke all recoros for the season by selling the days sales of obacco at an average of $14.80 per undred. prices ranging from one to thirty dollars, oar entire. community is proud of this record. Warrant for Vcggnicn, (Spwla! lo Th Nfi mut Diwrnr, Orejensboro, Oct. 12. Warrants were Issued today for James Juhnson and T. A. Conway, charged with reaklng into the postofrlce at Siler City last April. They are already in Jail here for breaking into the post- ftiee at Plymouth. Johnson la known aa "Portland Ned." WALLACE lOSTMA4TKR ROBBED. (Sp-Ul To Thi! Nnil n,t Otrnf.l WTl ml n gt on , et. - 12 . Word1 wss" received here today that the safe in the postofflee at Wallace was broken open last ntght -and a quantity--of money taken. No particulars -were given.-. ... Ill I.L CLIMBJV'-.TEi:!' STEPS. Inviulc I ashlooahjo a"ii(l .Mounts Apartment to Fourth House. Himr. San 'Fra.nci.aeo; Chronicle.. An unruly hull galloped up Nob Hill Into the thick of the fftahlonable apartment houses. . ' Terrified iiv the chafe behind him. and bewlldeed and infuriated by the street tralflc, the bull turned' abruptly oft Plh' street and butted Into an partment house hallway. Once inside there wemed no turn ing back, and to the amazement and terror of the tenants, he kept on up three flights of ?ta,trs , butting; in-doors henever the turns were too sharp. On the fourth; floor Vatiutroa corn ered the bull, but l was necessarv to back , him into a bedchamber before he could: be lassoed and dragged downstair, - OEIGIIOFTEHflO.il :ie Might Attack Made on Suburbs of Capital by Zapata's , Men (Br U AasorUUd Pejakl Mexico City, Oct. 12. At attack made on the night of October 10. on San. "Angel, Xochlmtlco and other suburbs of Mexico City by adherents of Emlliano Zapata, caused a reign of terror In the capital until today. The suspense waa relieved when It was officially announced today thai Zapata's followers had agreed; to cease all fighting until the termina tion of the peace conference at Aguas Calientes. The troubles In the suburbs were satisfactorily adjusted. The Invaders enterd San Angerat 7 o'clock Saturday "night. and heavy fighting :waa -. begun. Telephone upf rators were -compelled toefle-from 4 the exchanges, making Communica tion between the suburb and the city proper difficult. The government im mediately impressed -a number of the striking street car motormen into service and rushed t.SOO men with artillery to San Angel to reinforce the garrison there. Hevere flahtina In the streets between the defenders and tne attacking' party followed. Xoehl milco waa completely surrounded by Zapata's men and reinforcements also were sent there. The authorities In Mexico City ex pressed fear of a general attack and families living in Coyoacan and Mix- cocoa began moving Into the city. J ne feeling or Intense suspense continued in the - capital- until the official statement gave assurances that Mexico City would not be attacked. BF.NEDICT V AT BOI.OON.V Italian Metliollst Kaieem for Him as - Archblshnn There. (Dr. W. H. Morse, of Hartford in Zion a Herald). Ecco In clelo appare 11 segno, Gia soccorst slam; Ven da Dio Malta., 11 tgnox La vlttorta abbiam, "Ouarda 11 forterTresto lo yengot'' Gesu grlda ognor. -Rispondiam: "Per grazzlo lo tengo II forte, o Bignor!" . It was gleeful singing, and those 'ho sang, as only Italians , can do. were vivacious and light-hearted. The Methodist Episcopal church at Bolog na was wen niled with worshipers. the July sun. shone in "at the open winnows and upon those who sane. trom out of the windows the w7Tr?s of the hymn were carried to others than they who had met to worship. There waa nothing new about It. That hymn was not only a favorite with he Italian Mnthodiat. but It was also familiar to the neighbors and to the people on the street. Ouarda 11 forte! Presto lo vengo.! Hold the fort, for I am comina! The chorus was caught by outsid ers, and while some sane aa thev mn. ed, Sr as- they-loitered -on the side walk, others merely hummed It. The lively air suited the Italian tempera ment, without regard to religious raitn. i ne martial refrain was agree able to all. The visitor from America looked surprised. She had been in Mexico, and at a Protestant chapel the sing ing or nymns was eliminated from the order of worship or modulated with care. Thoy had told her that the Mexican authorities ex peoted hr woranipers to be "circumspect." But nere, how they sang! And from the door or the church the archepiscopal paiace coma tie- seen across th piazza, and in the- afternoon the shadow of the church of San Petronlo would touch the Methodist huildiiiir 1 no visitor expressed her solicitude n a whisper to her hostess hv hor stue. I he response was a oulet smile But after the service.'and they came away, tne Italian woman answered It Is all rlght!"-she said. "Perhans u oia not n? so formerly. Maybe In inner umes .in siriet ones were heard to forbid. Old they complain? n. no: tor our petiole did not dare Nothing to complain of. Hut now" l tie visitor Uioked ayoss at the alace which her companion inrileateil with her finger. "Hut now It is different, sure Thev any that he can' hear if he will and he is not one to close his curs!" He?' the visiter asked. ine arcrthlshop. to be sum! le Is gracious. Heig a model ,f affability. mpaniallty. nnd prudence. The great r;sert all have for him All, I say. onr people n well as his ewn, They say he has virtues of mind, but ne nas virtues of heart. too. He smile, mostly That is. I signify that his smile Is always. It la. shall I say.. eauavngini: no. ne means It. My man take ofr his cap to him! He rtoea. Indeed; . Hut .jDiyjiaclo-Jia4a..-a. nnerent man. He waa here when the flm Methndt.it "Church In Ttalv was started 40 years gone. Boloirn". hnrt he honor, sure. September 2o was but one yr-ur, past, but the church was uglv toward Methodists. Oh. the stories -of ill-treatment that my um-le ens: ho ne win pinch his can noth ing more." The. visitor waited for the other to continue. This was different from what she had anticipated, far different.-At Rome she hnd hesitated about pending the Surrt.iy tn Bologna, for she had been told of this same Arch bishop Delia Chlesa. He had been sent there, commissioned to "remove he stone of Infamy," "the atone of stumbling," to resist. Withstand, and cujie against that which ts tnmicnl lo he Roman Catholic faith and which manages to linil aome pleasure I n the name, of "modernism, and which floats the banner if red, while and ueunjed by t he Insignia of he house of Savoy, he pronunciation of thoroughgoing iberallsm, speaks In the tones of ra- ional conservation. The pope had njoinedf-h-im with the words: "Ana say to Archlppua And he had said it satisfactorily to the . Vatican. His reputation for combating the fallacy waa .bcyond queatiou. She. knew all his. and yet was It possible! with- the shadow of the church of the iiy's patron saint, and near enough -fYrrTrte arehrslshop to "hear, "Hold the ort! was sung. "!iut"-8he began to say. "I know," the , Italian . -woman said. divining her purpoae. ' "He Is after that league, not us. Sure" He smiles!" -The vistttte-wft about to ask if the rchtiiahop resembled Mr. Taft, when. .is; they crossed the plawa. they met a young man carry-lug a lible. hurrying oward the iirurch they hod left and where lUbie-sehool was to be held. The woman stopjied him. This man; msdsrn:,"iti said. "i Iso from Ah m'ree ea." She introduced him. - " "Ah yes," (ho aid, "from N. J.. once, - Colporteur tsow for tn British nd Foreign Bible society." He passed on, and the visitor look ed up at the church of Ran Petrohio In the shadow of which they. Wftre. GIVES MUX KEY A 4.0IJJ TOOTH rateful Animal Shakes tint's Hand it W of ndianapolis Record. There Is a monkey In lh Barnold roupe of trained animal to- be seen this week at the William Penn who X 0 I IT KHAR'S wnar you can alwaysl find sym pathyin the die- pipe o VELVET. M For there's in- the - hanges rejoices In the possession of a gold tooth. Dr. J. Rollo Knapp, of New Orleans, Has the distinction of hav ing provided the substitute molar for the suffering simian. The poor mon key was a pathetic animal when his tooth gave him pain, and It was thought that little could be done for him. Then Dr. Knapp was consult ed, and he agreed to attempt to give the sufferer relief.. Jn his dental work he had never before attempted to op erate on dumb beasts, hut he went valiantly at his task. The monkey soon seemed to understand .the ob. Ject-of the probing of the affected tooth, and, though he must have been in great pairf, he remained quite still.' Dr. Knapp made a thorough opera tion, cloansing ho tooth in its deep recesses, and after supplying a tem porary filling, got an impression" of the--lar,--and-a -few days later cspped the tooth with a neatly fitting gold top. The monkey when it was ull over, shook hands with the dentist.- . . '' - - FIEItCE BATTLK ITH 'WOLVES rarmer, Attacked In Michigan Woods, Holds nig Pack at Bay. Bancock (Mich) Dispatch to Detroit Free Press.) Peter Jensen, a farmer living near here, reports a desperate battle with wolves-while on his way home from the city on Friday. He says that while he was walking through woods in Ontonagon county he heard the wolves and ran for a cabin. Before he could shut the door one of the wolves entered, and aft. -X a desperate battle Jensen killed the ani mal. He hurled it through a wind iw and the animal's mates devour.., j He claims that there, were fourteen wolves in the pack. At daylight he returned to the city. and hunters are now out after the pack. Several pr-ople- have reported wolves In -Hitogon and Winona counties, and one was recently killed by a car. Hears are also said to bo rather numerous In the upper penirtsiria owing to recent legislation preventing the killing of them. sheriff Kolar. of St. lanace. ehot a bear with a revolver. Kolar got with in 25 feet of the bear before ho saV It. He fired and'wounded the aiilihil! whh-h turned and ran. making its es cape- JU Cunningham, of r.lom. Menominee county, last week l:lllc.l four black bears and one wolf. SKI NKS LIKE TO BE PETTED. Forty Pretty Utile t hicken Thieves t.njoy Human CompuiiloiiNliip. Grenvllle CaI.) Dispatch to the San Irancisco ( hronkle. Greenville has now established one of the most uniilie Industrie's in the State, namely, a'skunk ranch. Early in the spring Will ''Stevens, a butcher. formerly of Goldlleld, rented tho F. . IVck ranch, and entered the busi- trtM'sa on a. small scale. Young skunks were captured hi various parts of, In dian Valley, and placed in pens. They grew and multiplied rapidly. The business proved so lucrative that larger pens of corrugated iron were ' made, ajid, Ote number of skunks increased. The skins sell for from $3 to nhip,The oil Is also valuable, andTS. J fuiui, - tod ruggisU. , Stevens now has large skunks that will be ready for market in a couple f months. The skunks will cat all sorts of scraps and waste food, but are espe- riaHyfond of milk and- vegetables. T1iiyLejirntolike human companion ship, and when faired CTrrm to b- petter. To aee 40 -cmcken thieves, with their long white-striped bodief and bushy tails at a trough like so many pigs Is an interesting sight. .Ilelnjr On te Safe Mile. roiotuf!ijiim irnvi. - - i 1 11 call on your rapier nrst thing in the morning to ask his consent to our wedding, dearest. 'Iove. I think you'd better call him on the 'phone." 'Just as you say. darling. 'And, honey, you might make It a long distance call while you are at It." Hog bristles sell for (243 a ton in England. ..'.... CAROIBIA PEOPLE TELL Suffertirs Flmf Swift Relief By Vsc of This Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers' In the Southeast and.l n fact all ovfayrhe country have found remarkable anil efficient re-1 suits from the use of Mayre" Wonder-4 ful Kt.imach Remedy. Moy have taken this remedy and telt today of tne- lneflt they -ra ceiled. - Its effect- come quick ly-j tho first ; dose convince. nero" la t twn Carolina folks have wrlttcrri' YT. R. DAVENPORT. Parker, N- C. "For year I have suffered from a 'disease which pimled doctors. I heard of your remedy and one bottle gave me relief. Your tull treatment has about cured me. S. K. KttWIV. ." Wlnslon-&Ucm, K C "I am Hatisfied through perKonal use of the powers of your remedy. You have saved my life." ,' ' , These statement oiua. front letters I llt'.l'.'S-, --1 c lW 4 capiat Buy Cotton Seed Meal in Cotton Bags RALEIGH COTTON OILrCOMP - --' --R.aleigh.-N. C. r- ' . 3DC two places solid solace In that a?ed- wood mellowness . which Kentucky's Barley d Lux I w into VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking -Toharcn. Iijcjtins and 5c metal-lined bags. ZZZ3DL II Z POLICE PLEASED WITH : . CAPTURE OF THIEF Think. Most of RobWlea fiTCIty at an J-;ml; Officer Bailey Made Arrent The policemen of this city ax "tickled to death, to uso.the phrase. of "the capture of Mncon Day last Saturday night ' upon tho"charge of stealing- ciarette and other good from 1 a freight car of the , Korfolk Sbutherh railroad. Patrolman J. Ai Bailey made -the capture and con siders hla work, a good week'a work Inasmuch as the negro has eluded all efforts, to catch him at his mean work. According to Capt, Fred Brown. this negro ts about tho shrewdest thief In Raleigh, . The police say he i haa been . earning, .pa a. regular week ly larceny business for a long time and esntppd: -Trespite--H -effort- of- the -various" members of the department to bring charges against him He has a bail record, It la said by the police. Day waa arrested Saturday night While he was peddling some of. the stolen property, using a buggy in which to conceal his saleable mer chandise. Tom Day and Buck Terry were also arrested in connection With the ease, these two negroes, being charged with receiving stolen property- - " THIEF'S NOTE WIXS PARDON, Orange. Tex. dispatch to the New Orleans Time3 Picayune. , " ,. A burglar entered J. Newman's mar ket, forced ripen the safe, took 14 6 and left $203. . When Newman discovered the rob bery he was at loss to explain the burglar's action in leaving the greater part oT'-Tne money. xater, hweye he received the following letter." "Dear Bur -I am ft, poor' man, and I have a wife and childrun. I -needed money. My children wer hungry, and my wife did not have no. closC so l had to steal it from you.- I only took what 1 needed, and I left the rest. I did n"t want it. I am an oneat man. and I never stole anything befor. I have been out of work for three months. Some day I will pay yott Bnrtt afrain. Please 4 not bunt fof me." The letter was unsigned. Newman has decided not to take any action in the matter. MARY GARDEN GOES TO NURSE SOLDIERS; Mary Garden Mary Garden has abandoned th grand opra stage for the time being and ia going to tha front aa a Red ; Cross worker. - - VOiiDERFUL - ,:.i'v,..:i-V'-. I J " illllll--. 1 . -mumimt Tvgm ! Ii CTS1)PmiT0M-ReilEDY- among thousands. This remedy I known and used throughout the Uni ted statin. It has a record of re sults and preof. " ' ' ' Mayr's "A'ondorful Btomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and poisonous matter. It bn nas wifi. j.e lifc,f to sufferers- from aliments of the stomach," liver ." and boweK Many declare It "has saved" Lhtuu-fromdangerousoperatlons and mfl 'yarJ",.r H has saved rthelr- - Itves. '' "" -. : -J -'";.:' '?'" We want all feole who hava chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion, no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful: Htomach Remedy one doee will con vince yu. ':- This ia. the medicine so many of our people have been taking , with surprising results. The most ! thorough system cleaner ever sold. ; Mayr's Wonderful Wnmach Remedy ia now sobl here by Galloway Drug Co., and druggists everywhere- 4 1 l 7 t

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