Hie Weather Full data concerning the weather '! found today Oa Pag Eight Best Adrcrtt?tnf , Medium In ; 7 North Qfroiini - m A v ii v ' C VOL. C ..WO. 121. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY MOANING, NOVEMBER 2, 1814. JTJCE f CENTS ! I ' I THE BALKAN MONARCHIES MUST BECOME INVOLVED BY ACTION OF TURKEY Russia Will Demand That Bulgaria-Take Sides. Which May Decide Action of Greece and RumaniaTurkish Troops Move on Egypt, But British Await Them in Force France Joins Russia and Great Britain Against Otto " mans No. Change in European Battles. .JBr .Tne. Awaaciatefi Preaajr Umdxui..Niv. l.e-Twacy . luis definitely tlin.wnher lot with Austria and ' fiermany. and If Portugal k counted Uiere now are rievrn powers at mar with prospecta r three ntnrenmT ftiifgarla and Kuuumla bring drawn In. The note which fii-eat HriUIn presented lo Turkoy cmi Friday lat tle mandiiur an rxplaiiKthm of I lie action of the Turklah fleet la the Rlack Sc and the dismantling of the former Uernuii cruisers. J he Goehen and tlx-Iti-ealau. wa really -an ultimatum to which Turkey waa required to make a rcplr hv Ratarday evening. Ho far aa Is known here. telegraphic oitununl ' iwtlon with Turkey la-lnc loUwrupted no answer waa made and the ambassa dors of lle triple entente at tbe Ottoman capital. It It nwderMooO. rtvoiandco: and received their DaaaportH. Turkish -trootta. -whh wad been wi the t'ryrft'an border for aftme tfrHf;' already are eenorte! to have erowed tl" fnm'ler. while t lie Turkli.li t oon tlnntw to menae Kiwlan town, and ahlpplnc In the Black Sea. F.NGMMI TIMHUt IX KUYPT. ' . Neither Kuwda nor Great Britain KM unoreliared for thbt mort- by Tur key and the allied power have fon-ea on baud to oHe a I umwn invaKifin. When the reaular foreea were wlthr drawn from Mypt to Turkey lake lutrt In the war. they Imme.llntely ' werr nflud by troiia from home mH'i k renter In numiM-ra at leasi hihi only last week they paraded throuith tlit' Ktreeta at t alru. maklnic a splen did IniKie'slon. The problem for both Knalnnd and Kuw!a. however, la III attitude of tlietr Moxlem aubjetta wtw, tinier ordinary rlrfumaanerw. woukl Tirefrr we o tbrht ajratnal Twrfcey. Another prohlem relater o tlie at tltudsWr HiimaitlH. tnltai la, , and limn, owlnie her evaamw to Kaa Ih. and helnir under many ilonn to twt BHtaln. healdea belnx delfoaa of Meeurina; Thraif t far eawt aa the Knoa-Mhlla lliuT which die waa awarded by the london con ference after the Hrt Italkan war but which Turkey reUMk. when Hulsrarla waa attacked by firtieee and fccrvta. would naturull) aide with the entente. Hut Ihe object a. Hlitlcal ohaerver point out. to flKhtinx aide by ahle wltii tireeee and K.-rvia. Bl UiAlllA MAV BK l-ORCF.D Jtwwla, lion ever, la ei)eted to aak Bulitaria' definitely dsi wlMth aide ahr la ranited. aa Iter mere m-utrality un der the Hrrnmatanoea appeara Inauf-H-Tit. MwHild alie jfln tlie Anatriana and tierniana. Ituasla la a I moat cer tain to de-lure for the a I Ilea, and t;reece ewn hefore thla may ile1.ie to take lirr menre on Turkey. In fait. It la believed, her treaty wHh'KcrVIa would einipel her to take action ajtould ie' ltrer in tatked ' br 'Bulgaria nr Turkey. - . ' Italy too Is brought nearer war by the entrne of Turkey, , for ahe has large : Mediterranean poaacwlona to jwotcct. The fKlitlii8 In the laat few days In rTandrra' and l-'ran-e iaa been but a repetition of what haa been going on fir days paal. Tlie Germans have continued to puvh their attack, aimed ultimately at l-rench coaat porta, but aa before, it haa been a dlrg-dong af fair, one aide making progreaa only to hiae the ground gained the neit night or day. BTTLF THK VFRV tTF.RCFJT. , From the point of view of the alllea tlteir iMMitinn la aatlafacWy. aa the Germana are no nearer their -goal than a wreck ag. There have been tremrndoua loaaea. While the cap tnre of a few priaorera and gnna from one aide or the other la a matter of dally ocenrrence. lighting haa become more aevcre along the rlrr Alane. Ir the Argonne foreal and along the river Mettwe between Verdun and Toul. but no far without making any appreciable change In the front ot the two wrwtica. - - Kl'SSlANH BEST CF.KMASfC" Tlie German armlea are aaid by the Rnaaiana to have been defeated be fore Waraaw and Ivangorod. They Continue to foil back and the new Kn.-aiaii front now e tends l a iid circle from I'hak. northwest of War aaw, through Jjoda and Plotrhow and r'Oatmw-- atUweatf K .' In Gali"ia the Rnaaiana are having note illfllculty In dL-lodglng the- Aita trlana from tlielr toHlOona 'on the Han. 1 . It la officially announced tliat ow- i teg to Termans making priaonera or all Belgian and Frenchmen of mill- j tmrr aae In oecapied territory. Ger nan and Austrian rearrvba will he arreated on neutral alilpa. It la dfi-. elared. however, that the ahlpa will be-anhjr' ted Jo aa lutla lacooTentenae 'aa poaaible. , -- - . ; " ' '" ::Freneh Hepulae Attacks. A. 1 "TartC "T?or.tt. trt'T ' m)-An ' official statement laeued this aftemon ' aajw: ... -.TTher 1 not hit. new t report PO th Nteuport and DtSmutia front. . - Continued fierce Germair attack te the north, eart and south ef Ypres .all have been repulsed and we hare " made slight progreaa to the nortb of ' T pre and progressed perctptibly to the eastward ot thi locality.- ""At" day" oreasT noTIe forcea; from tha -Lys seized Hotbecke and Mas' 'since, but- these twa vlllagea were re, aken towaetts evening by a vigorous counterattack. - "L'poa the rest of tW tattle front . violent caanonadlng and several nn aceessful counter .attack of the nemy occurred today. Th struygle sttll ia very violent la Argonne region- when the Uer- mans, however, have made no pro gress. MA"ceording to statistic furnished by our service In the rear. 7.681 Ger man prisoner were. Interned during he week of October 14-:'0. These. hVurea do not include convalescent wounded nor detachments ready to be ecnt to the rcaf." Flen-e Battle at Talug Tan. Tokio. -Nov. l(S;Jt p. ra..)r-rOf-Icjal advices show that a desperate battle . la in proafrefg af Talng Tma. I'lir.mlle the a-a reflect the flamea 'rom huminK ship Tarda, , (raa reser "ors and houaes net a-flre by shells rom the Japanese and nrltish war ihliia and land artillery whlch-cover nf. ntry rushes. The Germans are stronely Intreh hed, having at least thirty fortified osltlons. I'M) funs and elaborate aya rems of harhed wire cntanslnments and subterranean mlnea. Since Oct. i. there have been casualties dally. - The Kaiser s fort has replied tlerce iy The icutis of 1 1 lis fort have done no damage. It is stated that as a tribute to the -allantry of Meyer Waldeou German -overnor of Kiao Cbow. no demand or the surrender, of Tsing Tau has een made. Britiah Arrrat Remw-i-k-ta, London. Nov. 1. (5:IJ p. m.) Tha- Hriiish official. Information bu reau laaued the following tcday: -"In vlfw of the action taken by the Terman "forces in P -'iinj and '"ranee, of rcjuuvint: i , -. suiters of" var all uerson" liable for military, aec Ire. Hrj -Mateaty'a tnwnmnf has iven Inatructlons that al' enemy re--ervlsts on neutwij reaseis shall be -nade prisoner of war." Road Oreii to Allies. London. Nov. 1. "The way to Irures now la open to the al'les ow ns, to their re-capture of Roulers and he Germans are digging new tren -hes behind Ghent with feverifh nergy. To do this is t announce heir retreat." This statement is lade in the Observer In a dispatch 'ated "Near The Franco-Belgian 'rontler." The message continues: lav eetlrratea that ihere have reen S0.000 Germans killed oi wounded nn the .-cunation nf .-U -nd Whole a'terlea and battalions have been an- I Washington. D. C. Nov. I. The ihl'ated. ' Thouaands hae been"1'""n Mmiater at Mexico City and rowned as the result of the opening I American onsul Hllliman have inter f dikee. In hand to hand righting S?,4 . ,n ."'h",f "r paul May- Belgian he Gerwisn lres have fnr exceede.! " of the allies. "The ahallered Germin regiments Sre being given no time to reform "hey are abandoning their wounded, uns and transports. I'nleas their ""eet cornea out to create a divi-ion. hey wl'l be driven from the Belgian 'oast within -a week. Germans Claim Little. " Berlin. Nov. fVla. tor.don R:40 p. m) German army headquarters oday Issued thla announcement: "ODeratlon.vJn Belgium have been -rendered -difficult by Inundations of he Tser and theTTprea canals, tiur troops r ave aqvanrseu-near i pres. ai least 01 pri'onera ana some nriusn nin were captured The fortir-t-"lire "eajward of Jldtle have progreased.. - "About l.ooo prlsonera were taaen near Vailly. In-the region ot Verdun and Tul. thre has been, only Inslg nlflcant righting. nn -"Wta ortheat the MLlle, againat the. Bujsian sttll '.s inoecisive. - RCRSIAN8 TAKK I'RJSOXF.R-S. J London, Nov. 1. aMmt -orreaui indent R fa tar's Iet ro- ."It is aeml-efflclally announce that everal division p;trtlcipared: tethe (German attacks on- Hiialaraewo, East Prt'saia. which began Tuesday. --Hwwees Oarat4tt and the Vistula heTtuaatana eapturedrin-the four ays ending 4aat Wedraay. 1 offlcera' and . , men. belonging chiefly The Ruasians atop too 14 Maxim. rThe Austriana are retreating be tween the Vistula; and Radom. Th Germans artr retreating in- a more westerly direct low tCootiaued o. Faff Twa.) KRDDNLAND HELD FOR PRIZE COURT England H?.s Not Yef Heeded Protest and Steamer Dis- , charges Cargo " lk uw .UaoHaUif TW) " WashinirtOTt. -Nor- - t.-Acthig Becretary - Ljuislng announced today the receipt of a message from Ameri can Consul Kprague- at Gibraltar stat ing that prlae court, iiroceedings had begun in the case of the American steamship Kroonland detained by timiat'uthorltt. No reply ha'iT-as yet-'been received 'l'OWr-i'JiWivnjn to Ihe' formal protest made through Amhaaaa. or I'aKfe and the request for the releaae of the ves aeL In the recent case of the ateam er Brindilht. however, prise court proceeulnga actually had' begun when the British government ordered the release of the veaaeL I miaul Sprague "reported that the Kroonland waa discharging her cargo of 1,400 tone of copper and 00 barrels of lubricating oil. The reason for this was not given. Htate Depart-rit-nt officials will await a formal re? ply from London before making further representations. Inasmuch aa copper and oil were placed on the contraband list after the Kroonland sailed, the American government probably will contend that the vessel has a right 'to deliver her cargo. It is thought In some quarters, however, that the Kroonland may have dis era i rd the copper and oil as a result of the offer of the British government to buy It.. Wl.lle th consul's dispatch mill' no mention of the Kroonland's l.i'iu IMfcsenurrs, It Is believed if the ves-;a-l Jl-hirge her cargo for consider n'ion l.y the prize court Bhe may be allowed in the meantime to proceei to 1tnl and Greece with her neulnJ pHsaeriiera.' German and Austrian reset-vials, reported on board, woulJ be taken off as prisoners of war. GKAKRAL CHAFFEfc) DFD Former Army C. Icf of Staff Km from Rank of Frivate, InlUAarttumtml Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 1. Lieu tenant General Adna R Chaffee, t re tired . former chief of staff of Iht United Slat Army, died at his home here today of typhoid pneumonia. His body will be taken to Waahinarton. leaving Tuesday, for burial at Arling ton. - .y. , . .. After hia retirement -C.n, Chaffer waa appointed head of the Loa An geles water board, loiter he accept ed the presidency of . .am .lnsuranc company but retired from business 8 few months ago. Mrs. Chaffee and her daughter. Mrs. John Hasting: Howard, wife of an army officer, wen at the bedside when the end came Two other children, Mrs. deorgr French Hamilton, wife of an army captain, and Adna R. Chaffee. Jr.. c lieutenant In the army-, are in the Philippines. Gen. Chaffee rose frotr. the rank of private. He waa wound ed three In action. i CARKAMZ. CALMS DOWN. MhateT- Whom He Fired "V ,v" to Stay, ' " Aort""' fnm.1 Minister to Mexico, accordina to om ' Th.-Si'rr: r3i;,.1-,u.' ..LJ given the Belgian envoy Z4 hours to lea.ve Mexico, but the time haa been extended until Monday, during which Interval It Is hoped to reach an, ad justment of the incident According to a statement from Foreign Minister - - - . win 'ii iinu I FaiHlla. Mexico Intends no affrontsJ i" neigium. out is atspleased with the diplomat personally, because, of the vigorous character of hia protest in connection with Belgian concessions. jrnCF. GOFS HOME TO VOTE Bancombe S -e-'xr Vm-t Adjourns In til Wetlneadaj. IFrciilJaTW Srwa WMt Olatrr.) . Arhevllle. Nov. 1.' In order thai ludge K. Tl. CHne mighb go lo Hick ory to vote, ihe Buncombe County Ky perior Court for the trial of civil cases adj. urned yesterday untjJ-,AVdriia Cay. Cases on the calendar for the early part of the -week wi'l-hof "ho hrd uaOl-Jate thla week. fu. Tfli. rrt HI t rlcf "eoii" rT Tor the' ris X sLSXimimk .eWaee- W1V. -coain.U'i-u-., r.erday morning. A poeiponenv r waa authnrtEfd by Judge arnes iZ. lyd, of. Greensboro, on texounf c( I the election. LVMIUIR PtNT iOSKI.. Four Hundred Men Oat nf Work Ac count Kuropean War. V - tstt' w TW m and Of n r.t r- Wllson. Nor.' t.rTh IVnnU 8t-mons-t-umder Company plants at Mid dlesex and Astonta wera, Cttxed down yesterday, throwing four hundred men out of employment. The plant at Kenty waa closed down - on 8epteni ber 11th proving conclusively that others beside cotton firmer are feel ing th effect of tbe had time cauaedJ 1 EDISON VISITS SCENES OF HIS YOUTH '- -hw' f - - . Swn ' aa sai a V 3?aa 'tea a ' ' Mr, nw MW. Thomas Edison. Accompanied by his wife, Thoma A. Edison the Inventor ha Just been vUitinu the littJe Hrwn of Milan, Ohio, hia birthplace They have Alaaheen reviving old memories at Mrs Edison's girlhood homt "at Ak ron, following a trip over the old route leaditifr out of Port Huron, Mich., wbcre fcdiaOn did business aa a "oew butcher" when a bov Tfl riPUTTIIDlrVI lurmiii luimci iGreat Britain and France To Withdraw Dirlorratic Rela tions With Sublime Porte , RUSSIAN CONSULS HELD One of The Tasks of Itily Will Be to Secure Their R3lease. United States to Care for In terests of England, Francs and Servia in the Ottoman mpiqe Illi'V laorlil J rr.M ) Washington. I. t3.v Nov 1 Great Rrltain and Ktance havelaeed their '.ntereiits in Turkey in the hinds of h American emhasay. The Turkish vjnaul at Havre has turned over hi' 'onsulAte to the Cniteil States and l irepaiirlR ulong with other consula tt eave France. Turkey will not permit the Kuviar onsuls to lave tho Ottoman Km Ire until aiircd of faf conduc or Turkish consuls In Kumiii, accord - torcaolcgra - m from An,U.J VJ .-v rgenihau today The-Tnrklsh miuiater of the inter nr Inforrni Mr. Morgenthau thnt Turkish wan-hips witMn the la t tlrree. !ays had bomttarded Scbuatoji.il. Servia has asked lie I n ted Ktate hrourh Mr Morp: lillwu Hi Iiink ftr ler diplomatic Intcrciiis ut Conalan tlnoide "in rase-pf w ar with TurtKey.'' No mention was m:ilf in Mr. Mor--suSlhji'i'a ilstci:- f any- declara Jon of war." Cotnmt'iiiralion w t ""onatantjnople wna irtterrupterl lat 'tat nirlit. Tht last m.--sjv.,,e, f).-ii 1 p. in . Oi t. I it 3 I : (. m- Tit.oti .1, hi: 'ideolally tlU tr-6 ,.i!a" whs iiM, The onlv pmiitive tt i, m- nt tbri tar has twen. oracuiiiy t; l:ir il be-. :ween Rus--:nn nnil Turkey, carii Ir -private. .m-Twur.' 'from a ,busuta' ohm In n!nntin"i " to ils bom office in New Vci-k .trnnsmitteO Tir'otiSh (lit l"matlc hfllrls, ' The prcsn'implion. of officials wa hat Arnn'-adfir Mrrennrrau ha fnu U a. s.iiu Ur cijuuii to th lHfiri-1 mi-fu M - hi i i .1 -ti.j tn-rn i:!i:iyru. lt.JSE.-Wai Iff. tiJinXiul liy iOJUiia' "eneral y ti nt even though yio jr r-'arall.nis may hnvo tie-.n made. -ta.te dt-witr wtw'fn Tnrk-v an the Triple, r-ntcnle shortly will "ugrured A' rvla'a Tt quest rKst th. ntererts t:i Turk y was ret'aided fulet asting rri InleMiliMi of tbe Ha! karr monarchy to- ilnuw her force 'no.- t"' ncia aaajnaj. toe OHonia Utma u d Turk': Empire. The de-ialon of Jh tortc ain all Kuasian, rop -i,-ls An was viewed aa a eoneuuence of th arrest of. Turkiali ccnguis In. Uumj when the raid, on the poru on thi tllacjf 8a waa made by th.-v Turkr nary. Their relear and sa.fe conduc ' 'Continued" on Pag Two J Pill r Trior pi m UIVL i U DCLUlUlVi Mtllicns; if Necessary, Says Young Mannate Will Co to Destitute steamer Toad OF FOOD Large S?ip Sails Tomorrow for Belgium Jammed With Provisions For The Dying Population Foundation WiT Send Comrriasion to Inquire Irvio Needs New York. Nov. 1.- Tire ' HtH'ke 'eller Foundation has determined to mploy its immense reaoprcea for re 'lef of non-combiitiints In the Coun ries afflfited ! thi- war. It stands eady to aUve '"millions of dollars, if l-c'easary." This was announced to 'ay by John D Rocki fi ller. Jr.. presi Icnt of rhe foi.iidi:ti..n: -The fundati i Will S'-uil a comniis lm to Eiiri pi- in a f-W dayi. to re-.-ort''Ha to how w hen' and where alii -an be rendered mi.Bt ectively. . At i cost of )t7S.0n It already tins i liar ered fi ship arid iald ii wjh t.Oot' ons ijf provisiotis for IScltf'an relief ' The stiip ia the MasaH'tia. the aret neutral vesnH now in New, Vork VnNMir. It alll Sit1l Xf'i'-'"'i3' morning direct for lictt- r am w ilh a ertlficatlon frim tr-c Hr.tlsh consul ere th?it its enrvro is d'stined for :sr of itelfeiau tton-taoilatttnta only rh aupi'lipa will he d :trlluted by he IferKian relief rrmtmirm. Mr Ho'-kefe'lir h - b-en ln com-, nlinl'at:on ' wjt H Atr. h' jilor 1 af;e n.' amd:n and mud" putt.i-- a caMe-tmm n which the A i r a?-idi r descrilie he d'it, ned of the Ii. -la: ::ns ami aay. ,;t ,wlll rl:lre a in:! :e-iL dollars a -yentra for sev n or i-..ni niontns to rcverti starvation." ' In fact," tTe uialias; isfi r aildert, 'miinv will starve hiw hefore t-md an r ach them " Mr. Itockef tier nuide II clear in Sla. ar.noitnceoi-tlvaf ste; -i- ialv-H-i he '.ni.Tii'! r, v. I 'H' s. h:i.' ' jtraTJiuudtoaatoaaJto -a4iun. w-Ul -Ijx. .'lu -lit i-se. a d're'etor , f tht; lei r- at-enal Ijea'th Cerni-t -i- n. J'h- arrtr n tvIH 4,i ic ptitific "p.iftc l eT.r; an rr-lief e- innjit!, ' Pi-l' M'-nt r tv itel- ad ockefi Her In annuiulL.tig ti atliin'a plan. rarffirltelnit J i Ii' I tea Jr. "." ; "Tmnefdiately upon 'TeT-t-tina; Ani- fta(ior Blae"s mc .t-e. t'e Ko-ke-" Her. jtoitndrtloti eir;-?tei the co-op -utton ' t te- nc d-'i-artrnerit f the tFtanitard t t. Comp-any of New .L In aJ-iiHrff the ,-1 it n ,1 tit he aim-tlnu a'aJi' availed itself -.vOheJ olujjtary service of Mr. Uoneil 't:fJenars. a ltelir!a'n'"nnw reslipnt In! Jsw Jforkt and mchiher; t,f the-. Beit (Contiau ea i'ae Tw.) THE DEMOCRATS WILL TtIQST LIKELY RETAIN CQHGRES3 The Senate Control H-rfty Could Be Lest by Any Trick of fate THE HOUSE MAJORITY TOO LARGE TO CHANGE The Republicans Would Have tqCapture Si.ct-cigit Seats Now Held by Democrats to Cct a Majority there, an i There Is No Indication They Will Gawv Any: Stale Cam paigns in Several State3 Most-Spec tacutar- -" a; i'l- Km- lllr l 1n .. ! N'a York. N 'v. 1..- Chief inteioat iu the e'ectioi.s Tueetiar ranters on i:: strifa- for cu. it l -l e rex Conaresa, lie:htin:M lt ihe fact that aia. souceaaful canlldAte for the Sen. afe"aii well "as the )lo-iae will be cho ii by dlr-.-e; popoi.ir vote. The fact, thai thirty-one Slates will elect Henntors niukes the conteatn Tuesday the r al inauguration of this new de parture in government. A careful aim. y d of -the situations In the different Statea would seem to Indicate that the present small demos cratlc majority of the five in -the Sen ate is a safe one. aa there are only seven Htates out lde of the "Solid South'' ,w,h-re present Iiemocratk seats nre belns defended. In tin House ilS members aire lieceanary for u majority. The present -Democratic standing in 3S&. Kepuldieat 1S2. I'rogreahlve Ht-pMblican 1, l-ro-gresslve It. lndeud. nt I and vacan cies six. 'Which svartr Mere" last occu pied ' by "Memocrsts. To change th olnlral complexion -bf the House op :inlllon parties muM nialntain thei .Teseiit atr, ii,th and win N sd litlonnl s ats. Governors are to be el cted In T' States and sun.e t,( th, campai:i.s notably those (n New Vork. t'al. fornia and renusylvanla. have bee? waned with tmich bitterness. FlgtM er the IIiiunc. KfTorta of the lem,.n raLa to ittiair coptrol of the Jnscr liousc f t',,n ;ress and of their opponent to re- t from them have ca'led firth th full atreniiih of all urtiea. I'reaitieni Wilson ha made no speaking tours lull has written many litters of en dorsi merit. Most of the members of the cabinet have apent much of th Utst fortnight in cairiAiui:ng Th I'-a-lirx men of the Iti-puldicaTi am' frogreaslve parties with tile note w'orthy ekieption of e-l'reid, a Taft have been rdmil.-.T'y eniraKeii, - - Tie remocratic party has flfn threi seats In the tiateM- aicn:ns forty two for the liopuUlitur an. one for .the lYi.'Sreasives t -' -: W- are- -sVirtirsr I :e. -ted. ' ' : r-" Menatorial elecuona will t -i-Alabama. Art: ona.-'Arkansas. 'i)i..-i nia. Cob railo, I'onnr'cticni. i- l.uola lie'iri; a Idaho. Illinois. inil'ati.t 'owa, Kentucky. Kansas. Iunslana Maryland. Misaoun N ui.u X llumpshire. Nw- york North i':,r Una, North Iiakota. " ' ,i. Oklahoma iregon, I'cntisylvain'a. Soiitli i'ar lina. South llakota I'lah. Vermont VashinKtn. Wyoming, and Wiseon sin Kliininating the "solid South, there are only seven ritaies jn whict nrrads can posaiblj- made in the IleihiKratio majority, ao that irnl'-s 'hat party ahoultl. lose in all btit on of these yttat s. It wi'l ret-,m con 'rol-.of ihe Senate. The states sre 'olnrsdo, Indiana, itk'aoma. 1ai 'and, Mississippi, Nevada, and i re- jjon, ... Governors w.ll ele, ted In A' bama, Arizona, fuliforni,-. Colorado, renneeticut Geora-.a. Idaho. w Kanhss. M.asachuae'tiN, Mlchuun (Continued on ,1'age Two ) jiiiaa-iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiimmr , as III " th'e Vav to Help "BUY A DAVE OF COTfON" anJ to Liuy Loi . tajvMs.ittiQodi--- THE NEWS AND I OBSERVER ant It -Will BujL the Bali for You. ACT TCUAY ' t,n t'oa 1 3ff- s TTvin i - t ii r a I --nr. I l aHimBwimniimniBtBmirmfniiiHiKiHniiiimniia 1 SOUTH RQHHB " SOLID III FAITH OF DEMOCRACY Outlook Shov.-s Very Utile Fickings for OpposKion Anywhere . ;' -, TE?JNESSEE GIVES ... : WARM STATE FIGHT Race Bet veeh Rye rnd Gov H ernor Hoocer Almost of Na- -f-onal Interest; Democrats . Likefy to Sweep Oklahoma, ; While Progressives Have Waged Strenuous Campaign v for. Congressman in Sugar --"r is;Ttct- ci Loutsiarts- iHf t'. A.iii lt-.) p' AT'anti. la . Soy. i - Tuet'day! " lct t'.-o it, the "solid h.jl."' will be lit '4r e iniasitre but a rat Irlcallon of the ' ', hoicea made u llu lJ.-.)-..-ral!,f jti-i.: , marlt-a durlirnj it, n,.i. ( miner jai--l- . arly autumn. J'ew If hhv iipaeta are ntlclpated. . . -s; ' The IVotrfeealve partf has ahown Ttlvlty in n number of the Southern ; ttete. while Col. Theodore Roosevelt " n'ivened the cauipkiao in loui-:'an "-iih several ,speei hea In tupoort of a - , "rorresalve nominee for Cungrea. 'utside of a few ate where local t 'sues wire Involved the osinpe'-n ' aa furnished I'll,- of Interest. Th ';, 'emocrailc manaaers are predicting he usual majorities for thlr ticket 'S In Tennesaee a hitler debt has bon va. d h. tween Hi IternibHcaii eilD- or' !'' OoveriH-i lleii W . liunper for -, e- 1 Hon. and the Ikrniocrata euo ' oruna Titon aa C. Rye for th chief ' -xecuuve . (Uce. A split in th D-wia- -rat 'c party four yeea aev, led o th lection of tiovrtior Htoper." He wa - " -e-electel in IH12 by a reduced pl " -altty Th!s yar h. Democrats ealm 'v 'ev are pre"-n'lng a utlted front -nd are pi-eiPctlna a clean cut victory, ' The It.pahlicsns on tho other fend, 'el'eve they will retain Control. Keen t :' oolitic al observers are sr.ilcipat Ing " 1 very close race The national administration ha ' tken an Interest In ihe Tennessee t " -timpal,vn. a mirSer of s-eecbea 'in n-oi,rf of Oenral l:ye havtrg been V -mo ic--,hers of lrrts'den Wtlaor.'A . -ali'nei s--, r-'ac of state llryart and '""l.iif la"ea. Secretary of" th - - v'i-r- Te Tenaesee d"let,tion4n- - 'oncress hif tai" n nn m-ti,e part in e I'l-e-elef tlor tiirht. Th- Tenneaae 'rt-l'ito-e is expected to remain "iemcraM' In adlC'.-n t- r..nn. - - e . giiverntrl -ri' to lie el-c-tcd TitLA.' ' arna. fiecfea, 'K'eh-ri-ta. Sonii, I'l.'-o'-oa and Ts-.;i, - " .ii-- f.ur siale licjojta In th .7 Id 11. Al.-'lain.' an-t ' ''Oahojiia, whlld "t b-a than i'ee .artes have mad ' ' " '1 a'teru . i. oil!.. .lien.- In Te-a--- tT :,c, .atta'.- ter'm'.iifyaivr rrmiBi.i '.'; 1 -e T-.h ii- "s1' 1i. , made - no-.' .'i'ai'( ic i r ...II -iLli-.e1. Ii, i.f.ii'.i tie i usiottiaiy Iemo riii'i vi.-hiv mi. ics l- Ii, conceded, ui as ib.- eie.-tu i, ,.f . ,.e svata ' ket. beltd, ii by Oali s 1 1 -11 el aoll ,,: ' I U.iViTIliT al ii tile S le.'lioll of ''t' i.r H,.tt itji e i's.ar W . l la.t rw,od is I'ulteii Sa;t S-naior to lil' eit thl & n- xp red I -nil of tne late Seiiiktof ' 'I "Hun T he 1, mocra's sfe ctintl- u - 'eni'y ciaimiiik. all ihe 'etiKressjonal -ats. there ,, dna only alight 'tposi -. 'on in anv of tin- diatrn tV with thl '-y xceptiOTl lif the seventh, where . . "r.,maa Ii Hienheiis. it' pi hl'can I nak'nr a Hard itvhl ! o- tau. the seat -ei, ,y iiepr'rtnrtavS John I fiorneit. n.t-H-l-m lahntna -. i'rohliitieiiista are . .- ir.iiij: that a u'oritv of th I'ttu,m iati nominee or la.th II. .ti- - of Use l egislature, . , ho a-Mi cei 'ah, ot ele,-, ion, have, 'ledped t'ee"wrC?rrn favor of State , v'.iiie prohiiiitloo. v . The i-snrjTti in li-orcln has been -nt. riy il-void of i"freat. Cbarle . . V. 'cs-ture. a personal friend of Col. - . l!..Hievelt. entered the l'nlted State . ' Hena'1iil race at 'he c! v nth hou , ei-inst S-nator Hoke Sm"h and ha . been maKlnir a plea tor a JTogreswly -Ii tory. ?'--C!Stor Hinith's rr-eleettot aojicars lo oc certain, howteer. J i -li t-at f f:cpresentntlvirvs:Thoroa W ' llarilw'ck. nom'nated "for th KOinrv in Ihe tmper House of Con "rcs r-a-is-d by the death of Fenatof ttjtt-nn. , . ' The ) piniTicd' senatTla' and con- , eres?'- jial nominifs in. Arkanas. Kb r'-n South "arolinn. Miss'saippi - - juid Tex"", hr-.ve practically no oppos -!ti"ii In North Carolina and v Ir- , tn' th-r, is o- pocttlon in si:: of the, - J la'e's cotn re.si""ul diat ricta Ra ul Mcpps a're roakinir their usual flsrht In three ri th" Tennessee district, : while in the f" f 'TTiiis' rict there ara b ree I iH-t Ut candidate : - -Hr " S"gar I lbt in Ixue-'ana. . r ,-',. ito.4Htj4a-a attrrtmf Aght la fo ir.c on in ihe trtrd congressional "la- 3'Tr Tera le-T'cnuwrats say the Te : 2j .': w-u be clcs-i and'fbe Progresatvea Hrare malinir claims of victory Lad- tv nn H t reerrror; 'hve eone into4be diatricV gj e.l . the. Pre groa nre ampab-n--hera J e.,s f atured hy Col. Hooaereir vtait. . The third riistrict Is In the center of the surflr belt ana the: eterrrt Tjicunn'rat -are gr wiihi them .beer ree the administration took, the duty oft surar. Sunday haa ecn .thiSJr prthc'pal working . 'datr of apeakers. 17 m-ettnga being held one Sunday recently. . Clean Sweet, la Oklahoma PeerHe fhe strong Mm' algn ' ny tne ivrpuuiaau ay VLi?.Pw. tCootlau4 m ftfs Vmt by to , Buropeaui v -. . -T "

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