- - TTHB NEWS AND OBSERVER- THURSDAY, MORNING, NOVEMBER 5. 1914.' IC 11 1 J 11MEHJS flheir-Majority - WiU -Not Be 'Much Over Hundred; Sheriff Harward Leads Ticket Durham. Km. . -While the full return ara not yet in from th Tuea- lay election J, Durham Bounty the Indication are that the majority tor th constitutional amendment In the county W ha very materially re duced, and there ia aUo a possibility that they will not ba carried .The return which have com Jn since midnight laat night have changed the ' majority from 221 according to the report hut night to 126, und II 1 , known that on of th other large precinct tn th county went agjnt th amendment! by a pretty stiff ma jority. Th additional return does not change the complexion of any other - part of the ticket that u offered by th Democrat. The vote will run eu-ound l.guu to 2,. and the Dsnio creU on the whole heav given the : full Uokat an average of about a thousand majority. Including' county, 1-Uitlve, State and district ticket. The only surprise of the whole elec tlen was the very poor showing that mad by Mr, John Carpenter, caadl elat for bounty commissioner on the Jtepu bilcaia ticket. Hi friends and many of the leader of the Itepuldi- cao party had confidently w:lwl that he would run mighty rloae, and that there wu a possibility of hi beating out one of the Democratic candidate. They had su figured It, , but th Democrat got .wine to the plan of the opposition and saw to - tt that If any Hepub cratch hi ticket In order to vol for one of the Democratic candidates fur commissioner, who happened to be a personal friend, that he scratched ' Mr. Carpenter. Thl trick cut down vth Carpenter vote materially, but he had no change for an. election had It Hot Keenorkrd thai way. Sheriff John Harward will lead the Democratlc ticket, and lleglnler of Deed M. . Markham will follow. Mr. Carpenter will lead the itcpuhllra-n ..4teet, , . . .. Corner store, a country precinct In Oak Orove, so far a ha been heard from is the rmty Trtrlttnw plaew. lot he county that has turned In H ma jority for th Hepiilillran. Thl I normally a Hepulillca.ii precinct. Brady1 store tn this city, also polled ". very heavy republican vote, mu h heavier than usual . Another Interest ing feature of the election was the favet that fMsgsvtile, the home pre cinct of Col. benehan Cameron, can didal for th legislature on the Democratic ticket .cast a solid vote for th Democratic ticket. For years there ha not l'n a Hepubllcan In that precinct. Col. Cameron led the legislative ticket, with Mr. I'egram secnnd and th senatorial candidates coming In as third and fourth. . County Chairman It. 1. Iteada an nounced this afternoon that he did not expert 11 would be possible to srst th exact vote n th various can didates till lh official returns were mad to the board of canvassers at tha eourt house tomorrow morning. : H had asked the Democratic poll holders tn aend In their reports unof ficially, but the Interest In the elec- , Uon waa ao slight that many of them did not take the trouble 'o do thin. Consequently It I Impossible to get a definite Una on the constitutional amendment. Amendments Possibly Have Been Adopted (Continued from rage One.) rniDUXRI CLOSE umim It I certain thl afternoon that M. Leall Davis was elected to the legis lature from Carteret rotinty over fUmon fttyron, Jr.. by around one hundred majority. Dsvls (m the regu lar Democratic choice, Rtyrnn the nominee of the fused Republicans, . . "" rrogresive and dlasstlefled Demo crat A local Issue caused the split. The fight renterrd around Davis. -eofort-Jnwrl turned Demtx-rstu-Morehead City greatly reduced Its Democratic majority Atlantic town ship, whit n until this election never had a Kepuhltcan. voter, went for the - nstnntat ticket ,.hjf Mnor 4 hu . on ;,',', hundred majority. All other Demo cratic nominees' wre-etectert.- aichenck Appear IW-atrn. Handersoville, Nov. 4. Baaing his 'claim on returns from four of the five counties in this Judicial district. Judge O. V. F. Blythe. Hepubllcan. claims election over Solicitor Michael Hchenck for th sollt-ltorshlp by a aafa majority. Judge Hlyth claims Henderson county by tf8 vote; Transylvania 10; McDowell 21. He concedea. Rutherford lo Solicitor nchenck by Is. Yancey ha not been heard from. Mr. Scenck Is out of the city. Carteret For Asnemhmrnu. Beaufort, Noy. 4. Carteret elects Tho Qulnlno That Ooea w HENEVER Quinine is needed for any parposc, Laxative Bromo Quinine will be found better than the ordinary Quniner as this remedy- combines all of the tonic and other properties of Quinine, with a laxative, and can be taken i)y anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. Likewise, the remedy is superior to ordinary laxatives be- JsTeaet ticellrat remedy lot Ceugka sad Coldt Ceag ssd alas th Itmllk ce4iUees aad kvh . r- .JL.lt. -.uwi 1 te.l,h MJ. Tk. ) taud laa will riiT tkt Ceaak aad Hradacki a eill an uw seweis arcu wuaia ( HTTMn. MUi eete til relUrwd. Ia tiMthag lds tt Is ey I at son a i that Is feawtU aheeld sin well rr day. This preparsuoe sie th boards geaUr witaoat trial ag. aad areaees th near aad all the serine i actta.' Ptreniaai Adalti twe UMeu ltl awsasiless sad saeaM be takes laai aMety fwt stcA saaaaWrjKgolBr t bed. Soma ptv t fast keeiTtB bewlts opTa lreK aatiithe Ceegh aad CM 1 relieved; rhea taHe eaa-half th deer lot a few Sara. ChiMrea waa an set ate eaemrs te swalloe pill efce tablet MS ba brakes f t;t ia bait d-giaa I prepocttoe tssge. Ts be awaremd sot chewed. Per headache. ts I tsehns every i as i hert td rUevd. fFsr aasinisltaaei eahsaJiad LassUvBreaaoQiuaiaM aaa ilMromo To Coi T7t CDiULSr, LazirAivo Bromo Qulnlno '7 co rmt wonto ever n oum ' ''SJ eaasaaf fjMm 1 Cigar ov TVr J sa art at knowing how t eaeks a ripr Which will draw watt" You'll appreciate that potnf after f oh ligb tip Portugueie Cier. Notice how easily you get it mild, flavory moke u jrou pui. QnJy hnt Uf filler "expertly rolled can ' make such free-tmokine cigar. And it requifee eipecially fine workmanship to make its "dauy" Club House shape. distributor: Arthur full Democratic tecket from on hun dred la four hundred malorltv. amend ments carried .the" county by' abouT two hundred majority. e to I For AmciMlmcnt. M..liul. CUv Nov 4 - Complete return give th iMmcx-ratlc; county ticket one hundred and fifty tn two hundred majirrtty. Hood three hun dred to 'three fifty; amendments car ried sla to on. . .Vraftidmcnts Win In Caldwell. laolr. Nov. 4 The election passed off yesterday orderly and quietly. Many vote were challenged by both sides and a few were not allowed to vote. The complete returns for coun. ty officers show a Democratic majority ranging from to 111. . Caldwell gave Doughton 142 majority over Llnney. - The amendment tn the constitu tion did not fare very welh at th hands of the voter In this county- but il is thought they carried by a very close margin, as there was very little Interest shown In this Issue. Thomas M. Newland was elected solicitor In the sixteenth Judicial district. rx-mocraiM tiatn in Watauga, Th Stale senatorial race In this county for the !trd district was won by Davis and titles by about 260 ma jority,, the returns not being complete. lemocracy In this county appear to beTic.lding Tt own. fix year ago Cald well went Hepubllcan but for th past four years a now the county ha been Democratic Reports at noon today from Watauga says the ticket Is split In that county. Llnney de feated Doughton for Congress by 0 vntee. The Democrata elected a sheriff and treasurer, which means Watauga county has made Democratic gains. " Beaufort Vxw Amendment. Washington, Nov. 4. -Official re turns as to Beaufort county' vota yesterday ar not received. From re turns received the Democratic. ticket will have an approxlmat majority of six hundred with th vote on th pro posed-amendments to the constitution running about th same. The vote caat Jn the county waa tha lien test In years. Congressman John H Hen all 1 re-elected to th alxty fourth Congress "with practically no opposition. If thsr war any can dldules against him In the district It has not been given out. In his home co'ii lit y he "ra IT along- with tha Test. of the Democratic ticket , .. Itcpitlfllcan tialo In Burke, Morgan ton, Nov. 4. Returns Indl cute that IT. Dula. Hepublloan. la elected in the Legislature, and U A. Bristol, Hepubllcan. reelected clerk; balance of the ticket Is Democratic by small majority. Th amendments were defeated In county by about three to one. Davis and Giles are probably elected to the Senate from thl district by about fifty majority. Amendment jLuao In Duplin, Warsaw. Novl 4. Rimorta received here up to tonight ' indicate that the Duplin Democratic majority, of three Not Affect tho Hoatt cause of its having Relieve the the tonic effect of Quinine. Laxative Bromo Quinine re moves the canst of Colds, Coughs, Headache, , Neu ralgia, Grip, Fever -Headache - - asfacisM ish and MalariousJ Conditions. -Whenever you need Qui nine, think of Laxa- tive Bromo Quinine thsira 1m Onfv finn - Quinine 9W Cali For Th Full Nno ooua m omt tur RIUGUESE writ. Richmond, va. hundred and fifty to four hundred is lorrect. "The"' returns 'regdThg"fhe' amend menu are still very meagre but the tuJt amendment IS defeated probably six to one and the other are prob ablir also but by a mailer majority The Hepubllcan, who were against them, polled 4heir--fuU--A'4lr.. but the Democrat, wtio favored them, only palled a very amall portion of their strength. lifht Vote in Hortl. (Stiilll T Haas ae4 Qtiiiaw Windsor, Nov. 4 The vote in Oertla county Tuesday waa very tight lea than R00 votea being cast. The State, county and Congressional tickets of the Democracy were carried by almost a full vota. The second, fifth, seventh and tenth amendments were defeated by about alxty majority - each, and other six amendmenta being carried. The vole on th eunendmenta waa: First. 408 for and 2D8 against; sec ond. 214 fop and 411 against: third 114 for and 147 against; fourth. 414 for and 192 agalnat; fifth, ill for and 181 agalnat; six. It for and 14 agalnat; seventh, 117 for and against; eighth, 11 for and against; ninth, 361 for and against; Tenth. , 111 , for and agalnat. Chatham Banne County. (Spetbl lo TH Nawa aad OaHWa.l 188 141 141 400 Pitta bon, Nov. 4, Chatham goes Democratic toy the biggest majority given wtthln the last twenty-four years. The majority ia 400 on th State ticket and the majorttlee on the county ticket are: Kor the House, Fed W. Ilynufn tli; Clerk of the Court, J as. L. Urif- fln, 670; Sheriff. Deon' T. Una, 611; Kegleter of Deeds, John W. Johnson, R00; County Commissioner. C. D Moore. 400; J. W. Ortffin, 100; W. H Ferguson, 350. 00 Majority In IX. IBewtal to Dm Naes and ObateMr.) Ban ford, Nov. 4. L-e county went Democratle yesterday by a majority of about three hundred, . Stedman's Majority 4,100. Oreensboro, Nov. 4. Complete re turn from the entire district show C;ongresman tdman rc-elfcted by majiirlly" of t;Kr-H--crrled every ipunty-Xcnrt- Sltr.trra -an 8urry- Jo Guilford county the seventh amend ment was defeated by 400 votes and th other amendmenta by 123 votea The majority of the State and county ticket la 1,076. Buncombe Majority 1,000. Ashevlle, Nov. 4. Although com plete returna have not yet been re cetved from all of the voting pre clnct of-the county. It appears now that Buncombe majority for the Democratic nominee will run lo the neighborhood of 1,000. The success ful candidate are: State Senate, Zebulon Weaver; representative' wallalln Roberts and H I Nettles: clerk of th Superior court. -John H. Cathey; sheriff, E.. M. Mitchell; reg- iatrar of deeds. J. J. Mackey: tax col lector, B. A. fatlon; treasurer. J. Ed. rirookshlre; board of county commls loner. W. K. Johnson, chairman. Jasper H. Cole and J a me M. Itrook- ahtra; a.udltor. K. Mt I-yda; board of education, J. D.. -Murphy. T. P. tins- ton and James If. Kama, coroner. Dr. t re rsorrts; surveyor,. Otto L. Israel. MR. D.MEI AT UOLDSBORO. SeTCtar of avy Comxwnta on 13oc- uoib nomc Sortrtora in Wajvtts. TMU1 H TV Nm and Otaanw CloMsbOTD. Nov. 4. Hon: Joeephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, apent the afternoon In the olty today, on a onei visit to nvs motner, and In dla cussmg th decrease In the. Democracy in thls-sUate with friend said that in his opinion thl was due to th present adnilD.Utrs.tlon e disposition to help th South, which he also believed waa the causa of New York Jtate go ing Republican. Returna from yesterdav's alectinn in Wayne county brought am surprises put on in wnoi tn entire count Dmocratla..te .elected bv hundred majortty. Th reepetlve ma torltie of th voting' precincts, except Nw Hop. pork. Republican tnalorltv - it' Grantham. Republican majority. It; i roTiuvnoa, Lwmocratic majority, s , Dudley, pemooratlc majority, 11; 'ML uuve, .wmocnuia majiirttr. tl; . In b wxall .Ha WIM Wianaif. nniiA t V mt itatr. Republican majority. 1; Sauistotn, lemucratic msjtinty. 51; turk. Democratic Majority 28; tieiiiuni L'cmoprstie mstority. ureal Swamp, XfenuK-ratic majority. (I; Buck Swamp, Republican nuvJor Ity, 14; I'ikeilUee. Republican major- v I uy. ; money treea. Iteaa liliran Jorlty. 10: Goldsboro. Democratic joniy. an, wnue Hood, for Con received lOe.aaajorlty in county. The ti.rm.1 import , fl r-,r anal on a lira which destroyed a bam Itt Houston) Bounty. Minn., states that e sparrow cavrrved a eoal from a ben- nra u it nesl wim lh kl rev of warm. I OJ.B,MEETIHC: COMES TO CLOSE . ... . .. : Miss tyda Rodrpan Elected President; Trinity College Gives Reception Trinity College, Nov. -Tu? out-. stand lag feature of aaeond n4 laat day's session of D. A. R. oonveatlon aow being held at Trinity Coll wa tba lectloa of officer for the eauinr year, which resulted as follows: Staaa Hegent. hum Lard Redman, of Waatw Ington; Stat Vlce-Reaent. Mrs. Theo dore 8. htorriaoo, of Aahevlllei Ceve- spondlag Secretary. Mr. Harold, of Tarboro; Treasurer, Mr. Jamea Dun lap, of Anaonvllle. ' Tn convention waa called to order this mom lag at tea o'clock by State Kegent Mr W. N. Reynolds, th opening prayer being offered by Rev. R. C, Craven, pastor of Trinity church. After singing the song. "Carolina," tha conference heard the report of the secretary, treasurer, historian, chap lain and registrar. The chapter re ports showed delegate present from every chapter with' the exception of in utaeon uana cnapter ot v in lame ton. Resolutions of respect in memory of the member who have died during the past year, together with a motion to extand the love and sympathy of the convention to air. .Edwin Over. man and Mrs. E. C. Gregory In their present bereavmnt were passed by a rising vote: Representatives of both -the Wash ington and Wayneevllle chapters ex tended an invitation for the next meeting to be held In their town: but upon withdrawal of the invitation of the former the latter waa accepted, Mrs. Minnie Wrlatoi) Smith, whose singing has been the delight of the conference, charmingly rendered Thomas' "My Heart Is Weary." Adjournment waa then taken to th Counttv Cluh where Mml.T.. 11. Uteult entertained the delegates and mem ber of th local chapter'"" at a luncheon. At the opening of the afternoon ses sion Ml as Christine Currle, of th Southern Conservatory of Music, ren dered two beautiful violin oloH.'The remainder br the- session was given- over to the report of tha national committee and (he Committee on resolutions,- after which -the convention adjourned to meet uxt. year at Way. nesvllle. .. 1'ages for the day's program were: Misses Margaret and I'lewde Erwln. Mary Bryan Qrtswold and Katherln Overman. At five o'clock the delegates wer the guests at a ten given" by th I'nlted Daughters of the Confederacy at the resident of Mrs. Victor 8. llryant. i . Following the close of the conven tion In the afternoon, 1 nthe large parlors on the first floor of East Duke building. Trinity College, a very bril liant reception wa given from t until 12 o'clock by the college In honor of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American .Revolution, the visiting delegates and their hosts, and spe cially invited guests. In brilliancy this social, event of the Week surpassed anything of Its kind seen here re cently, and waa another example of the cojlege to make the convention of the unusual efforts made . by the hi Daughter of the American Revoe lutlon as pleasant as possible. A committee from the faculty, com posed of Professor R. L. Flowers and William 11. Wannamaker, - and Dr. Frank C. Brown, assisted by local dec orators, had prepared the two large parlors tn Kaat Duke building, which waa entirely given up during the t w6 days session of the convention. The parlor were exquisitely decorated with large collections of ferns, palms, flags, etc., and presented a asost beau tiful aceae. Two large punch bowls, under enormous Amerl. can flag and surrounded by bank of ferns furnished delicious puncn to the 104 guests present Mrs. Robert U Flowers and Mrs. William H. wan namaker presided over the punch bowl In the east parlor and Mrs. W. T. 1-sprnde and Mrs. A. M. Uates over the on In the went parlor. Th young women atudents of th college wno re side in the woman's dormitory assist ed In serving the guests. Those in the receiving- Una were: Representing the faculty. President and Mrs. Few: representing the board iof truatee. lllshop and Mr, John C; bUIao. and Mr. and Mrs. . rr.-ur representing the college member of the General Davie Chapter of th or ganisation. Dr. and Mrs. William K. it.,vH- gin mi ntln if lha committee on arrangement. Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Brown: representing the committee on organisation of the proposed co-ordi nate college for women at innity. Miss Laura Drake GUI. Officer of the D. A. It. who were in the receiving line were: Mr. W. N. Reynold, of Winston -Salem: Mrs. A. I Smith, of Chsrlotte; Mr. K. R. Overman, of Salisbury: Mr. John C Wiley, of Dur ham: Misa Cora Vail, of Taylonrville; Miss Cordelia Phifer. of Charlotte; Mr IS. P. Krwln. of Morganton; Miss Jasst Rogers, of Wayneevllle. Hp, clal gueata In the receiving Una were: Mrs. Charles w. Hansen, or, nammore; Mrs. CSeorge'T Guernsey, of Arkansas; Mrs. ii C. Little, of Wadeahoro; Miss Ellsa Dmnlston. of Washington. D. C: Mr. J. Lindsay Patterson, of wm-stnn-8alm: Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory. of Salisbury: Mr. Minnie Wrtston yTTrtth.-of-eharltitt; and Mr. It. D. Heath, of Charlotte. SL, Paul's Can Worry Alone. St. PauTe Messenger. St. Paul s Is not In any pittnble pllKht. One thousand, two. hundred dollars to fl.SOS 1 paid out In wages here each week, and that keeps the town going. Beside considerable barter Is brought her each week, and some cash. We have -seen harder times ahd may still get it harder. We have resvwrt fur congratulation. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK! CLEAN LIVER AND BOVELS MY WAY Just oncel try "DodsonVliver Tone when Bilious, Consti pated, Headachy-Dont lose a day's work m ii M.nwsia tJven up your ajjgglatt tlr ftn andiheyrful; snake your work Pleasure; be YlrorOTX."l'-fn,ir " arnhl- lion, uut tax Mia nastj, dangeieu calomel because It make vou sick and you may lose a day's work, - - - -tHrnm.l li amrfurtr Qnli fctWr hich cause neeToels of fH yqy 4 Calomel crashes into aour1 'bile Hli dynamite, breaking tt up. That' when you feel that awful pause crajnp- ng. Listen to me! If vou want to enlov th -nicest, gentlesi Mvep- and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Just take a spoonful 'of harmless DtSon" r Toh a tnnia-ht Your Hriiggtot or Democrats Hold House and ziliJBainsJnJhe Senate Go BmWimgm ToCol Hla. MerrL. Mot. from aca4trd prednta la Montana, hew the vet oa the wnmaa nfrra amendment t bo ao clnss that th of- flohvl count wlU be nnaaaiy to tfa- tcrnaloe the raault. t Hold Ittd la na polls, Ind.. Nor. 4. With two-thirds of the vote tabulated. Sen atof-B. -f. tthlvety. Democrat, ha II. plurality ever Hugh Miller. Re publican Jand It ia believed th lead wtll b maintain! tnrougn tn state. Phlvelys return lo the Senate seems certain. That State Democratic ticket aeema aasurtd of election by 20,004 plurality. . y . . ; DeaBOcrat In WyonUnep. Cheyenne, Wyo.. Nov. 4. Republl can state headquarter late today conceded th election of J. B. Ken drlck. Democratic and Progressive tor governor. Arlxona Vote Dry. Phoenix. Aria., Noy. 4. While rot tng tneir state dry yesterday, men and women of Arlxona sentence to death fifteen condemned murderer held In the Florence penitentiary un der reprivs, pending the. rot on th propoaal to abolish . capital punish ment . The proposal to limit railroad pas senger fare to three cent a mile was approved. I'tah Still In noahe. Salt Iks City. Utah. Nov. 4 The result of Utah's senatorial election yes terday remain In doubt with claim of success by a small majority made for both Senator Reed Smoot. Repub lican, and Jamas H. Moyta, Democrat Progressiva. - Incomplete returns are about equal end hr is possible the official count will be necessary to leam tha result. Minnesota Uovernor Deanocrat. St. Paul, -Minn., Xov. 4. Eight Re publicans, one Democrat and one Pro gressive coilsltute Minnesota's congres sional representation fleeted 'yesteK day. according to return tonight Governor elect W. .8. Hammond, Democrat,- waa given 'a plurality of ift.D0 over' tits Republlcavn oppoosnt. W. F. Lee. ' - - final New York Vote, New York. Nov. 4 Rvlsd re turna on Governor from all except 114 district in th Stale give: Whitman, " Republican., 70,12&. Glynn. Democrat. H7.161. Bulzer, Prohibition and American. il8,fs. Davenport, Progressive. 46,(11. Whitman' lead over Glynn la 1 S3.- 174. Returns from all except 181 dis tricts In the .State for U. 3. Senator give the leading candidates: Wad worth. Rspubtican, 6 ,2 6). Gerard Democrat, 662.641. Colby, Progres sive, 66,621. Wadsworth's plurality, 4,6ZI. bEMATOR. STONE P LEASH). Nays It Was A Clear Cot Fight and Wilton Was I'iRlorscu. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 4. Senator wuuam J. titon. or. Missoun.cnair man of th , Senate foreign affairs committee considers the result of the election an emphatic endorsement of th Wilson administration. He said today: he Republicans have been saying that If they could become united they could lick us. They were united everywhere and th contest generally waa a clean cut fight between the Democrats, standing by Wilson's ad ministration and th Republican op posing it "Considering the fact that this Is an off year; that the Democrat have enacted a new tart ft law and new currency legislation; that we have said to meet the hard tlmti cry, and that a great war Is on which has absorbed public attention, I think the Democrat nave none' reniarkebly well. CHAMP CLARK SURPRISED. Speaker Says Democrat Had No Chaniv to Mend Femora. - BowHiib irenr -Ma. Nov.. .. i.r Champ-Clark, Speaker - of the House of Representatives, commenting to day on the Republican victories) In a majority of the 8tatea In which elec tiona , were neia yesterday, said the vote was not a rebuke to the Wilson administration but Just ons more thing that could happen during theie days or European war. "The result of the polls throughout th country," said the Speaker, "was a great surprise to me. The reunit ing of the Republicans and Progres slve forces In many districts and th Inability of Democratic legislators because of the long session of Con gres to properly canvas their dis tricts, naturally permitted the voters to anrt bacR te- old party lines and the Republican victories are tha re- suit." SITFRAGK LEADERS HAPPY. Women Win Ballot In Two State and Probably In a Third- - (Br Mm Aataetau P.! Chicago. III.. Nov. 4 WTrnialT suf frage leaders rejoiced tonight when belated returns Indicated that votes for women apparently had been grant ed In two of the seven States voting on the question Tuesday, with a third State In doubt First returns had In dicated refusal of the franchise to wo men In all seven. Montana and Nevada, according to latest returns, granted Votes to wo men, while Nebraska showed such a small vote against the proposal that the women claimed the State. Mis- f naatv calomel n.i it T-pn-t mnk you sick -JJodaoa'a Liver-Ton -la real Uverl medicine. You'll know It next mora ing because vou, will wake an feeling fine, your liver win be WorklMbaadH sen ana atxxiness gone; stomach wiU be sweet atvd bowels regular. fJ Dodron' Liver Ton ia entirely Vg. lahlr, Jhsrafnr harm lee and can net salivate. Olv It to your children. Millions of peopl are using Dod son's Liver-Tone -Instead of dangerous cxUo. met bow. Tour druirglst wilt tell you that the laale of CalnmiL ia alniiat 1 CwaU.es4 free fajre Oao.) rallty T aaoU K.IM tar laaatoe mooot Wessaaa waB4r ' aad all Mlasw I a aa 1 1 1 n el 1 1 s wea- daf a fad i - - .. a " ""e'-?!!5.-'".. th.?5 I BuaTn-esa In North Arnica ' it TF ev'rv man wTrtew4t4 . at tv vavtJ, ,avrx uipviu v om vv imiim VELVET thar'd be fewer, words spoke, but they'd be kinder, wiser words, The msn soiirl, Ohio and-rforth and South Da kota, refused to grant q, uai:.u&j:Ag. In Montana th vote waa ao cloae that ths official count would b neceasary to decide the outcome, birf 'tn women have a alight lead on Incomplete re turns. . In Nevada which seems won to the cause of equal auffrage, 106 precinct out of X40 gave 1.411 vote for women suffrage snd 2,6011 against. The effect of women's vote on pro hibition In Tuesday's election Indicat ed that woman do not unanimously uppose saloon. Illinois 8UI1 Doubtful. Chicago, III Kov. With down Stat precinct reporting slowly, Law- rsnc Y. Sherman, Kepubllean candi date fur United State Senator to night cut down the f,00l plurality given Itoger Sullivan by Chicago. Re ports Irom 2,261 of the i.7 pre cincts outside ' of Cook county gave 8herrfnxn- f-t -an Sullivan - IT. 401. leaving the Democratic candidate a net plurality, of 6,(02. If the tteuuttUcan candidate main tain the same , average plurality In each ot the 6! remaining down State precinct It would give him vic tory by 6.670 votes. . At elulllvan headquarter It waa as- erted that th extreme Southern counties would turn the tide In hi favor. In th congressional contest if th Republicans elect William A. Kodan- berg In the 22nd district they will advance from four to twenty mem- ners in tne lower house. Ira C. Cop ley re-elected from the eleventh dis trict, Ms the only ' regressive lr the place of the three In th former House. The women' vote seemed to be equal ly divided among the three partlea fiben-ian lleali Sullivan. Chicago, 111.. NVrv 4. Lawrence T. Sherman. Republican, was reelected to the United eitates Senate over Roger C. Sullivan, Democrat, by an estimated plurality or 4 000 or more, accord tng to the return tonight fromxTuea- day's election. Huymond Robins, Pro gresaive, was a poor third. With only joo small rural precinct to hear from and an average plurality of 22 to the precinct for Sherman outiideo f Chicago, Sherman' down State lead was (2.611 a against a plurality for Sullivan In Cook coun ty of 6,6S. . Threfe Statoa Vote Dry. Chicago, 111., Nov, 4. Three of tha six States that voted Tuesday on ouatlng saloon decided to retain bar room. While the other three on latest returna tonight apparently went dry. umo. California and Washington voted to retain saloon. Arizona ap parently voted ' dry, women voter contributing - -materially. --Colorado and Oregon on Incomplete and unof ficial returna show slight leade for ousting saloons. Vt'aHhington Probably Dry. atVWaaliw. Ko--1.0lA nre-i Mtsan. J-?- tn 4 -a, av - th'. 4.: A f viiw itn vt a, ov m ill ino Diaia imyo. for prohlbiUon 76.41; against 76.(06. Jiomt of the outstanding precincts are in rural district and prohibition cam paign qaanaerero assert they will give a heavy "dry" majority: ' LEE COUNTY F.UH The CootUtlotut Arc Sw-h That Success Is AxsureU. ISsMUttaTlM Keai aad Otaamf.l Sanford, Nrrv. 4 --The second an nual fair for Lee county starts today with a convention and parade of all the white schools. in the county. It will be remembered that Lee county made an excellent start last yeat when the Hint county fair was held here, and Judging from the great Interest now manifested, the out-lay of fairo-exhibits,-hir-pirepsratlon of he race tract and fair grounds and the general life, and spirit in all the people throughout the county, this wl be WW-or a Tair than a be ginning. " 1 The fair will be followed " on the KI.V.( ,.f . V. W Wn l nl -. . K the marshall ball In th armory. eTeJcum Ponrdmt I sw samp iai. enrtaat wasa, i ff-wnralH e rar aaas nHSI a a3 aWZIBIKIIII iinii.u.i North America Leads 6Kh AmertcB Trpenda -more-money for advertising, than all, the rest of the world' put -together. -' , . , The larger 4art . of tW . haa outdistanced rest of th world." - - - 7Thle has hn ffc enfnTpy "ofThdttatruU And' a. large part of the re. eonfor thtefelopmentwtlil T be fomitfr iHTCverjBBinlr appropriation. . It Is significant to note -J-4.ht each year n prb--pertlnn apent for - newspaper - advertising increases because bualnaaa men find newspaper -th greatest result bring-. l.fitA'iav 1 WW Art 1 S3 all a that ot the 3E3C -H! considered his half ea ' v uni i , tt j who takes coma! of fail tnutr pipe filled with Kentucky" Barley tU Ltucm, emeIIowed Into VELVET, The SrrxxoCistktt Snxdc-" lng Tobacco, will do fewer hasty and more wim deeda. 10c una and 5c inefal-iined btx. 3C PRESIDENT YOUNG NORFOLK SOUTHERN RALEIGH VISITOR President J. H. Teens;, of the Nor folk Southern Hallway, waa a Ral eigh visitor yesterday on his way with Traffic Manager E. . Kyle from Nor folk to Charlotte, where they will meet directors of the Norfolk Southern from New York. Then- will begin a tour of the road, by which the New ., York director may be able to get a Closer glimpse of the work thai la I being done by the Norfolk Southern tn , the way of developing th country through whlcb It runs, and by this aeitrelb'pMelfiit,'' gtTttt1ttf'"''' The director who will meet the preeident In Charlotte are Chairman M. 3. Perry, L. K. Clark, R. H. Swart out, 4nd P. J. Nicholson. Said President Young last night: -Norfolk Southern te eUll th rail road., don't forget thai. Th road ia developing rapidly and has wonderful -opportunities in that section which It crosses. Money ha" bn spent re cently in the Improvement of parte of the road and tt 1 naw gattlnf tn fine 'ghape."--y .. ...... . . . More than (00 Americans Iiv In Barcelona. Spain. When Women Suffer! L No remedy five greater relief thai Unti-karanta -K) Tablet In all oou tiona generally known a " Women 'i Ache and 111." One trial will eatisri any woman that (he at last (onnd the remedy aba haa go long been look Ing tot. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are yon distreeeed after eating? Da yon have naoaea when riding ia toe ear ' or on tha train or boatT Take A-K Xaax -let and get instant relief. Cumin A-K TmUmtt W tJU n At mil UrwgtUt. Suffered Terribly, Broke Out in Small Blisters, Head Scaly, Eruption Began to Spread.' Im possible to Rest. Cutfcura Soap ,and Ointment Healed. . i " 'a " 'N'-V tltS 16th St., N. W.. Wsahtagwjn, D C. " some Usm ag I auffared terribly from V ringworm. They broke out In small bUatare . and to bead becams scaly. 8 bad were the ring surma that th hair was eornpUaaly a-tsn-awayi hesealp -bacsoa tsadsr aad. tiTlutaomuchaetaMaftrbatagloiichd aorss bagan to spread. After a aw weeks tha head became a solid xaass f sor srop Uon. In som Instsacss th brttattea was so MTsr that H waa almost hnposstbl te "These rlngweraui bad for taro or tots mostha aad ai rsrnedisa. bom sad prascribad. ware tried but to aw avail. , soso oa alt upon the Idea to try Cutteura Boap aad Oiaaxasat as w bad, bean using H at th family for the., babies. Vpon th Brst appUeattoa raoef waa sffordsd. la twe Bsoaths aa entlr new growtk of hair had eotn forth and after continuing eh Ireatanent for another saoata 1 was completely htaJad of gba riia) srxs " , (BlgMd) Daaial W. Cbaaa. Jan. f7. Itl4. Samples Free by Mail' Why aa hav a etaar' sktaf Caticwm Soap used saeJastvaly aad Cutteura Oint ment oocaatcauily wlU proaaot aad aikr tarn a ataavr akta. fraa from phnplai. btack- Bosalghtly eraptlaas. AMhovgh Cttcw; aoap (x.) aad CHWIeura Otaawsat (toe.) are' sold by aaa1ts sad dealer, s.sif sasrs.1 a samp each wHh -. abxa Kasskj acstara; rXttieura. Dapt. T. WESTlORT jatiafy faxhion idU&jjkfLll the Easy-Ti-Slide-Sp4K aatisfy- comfort and conrenience, found ia' ail UnSlCC.,Tnj.,ll.T. apoa famast. Ad- 111 tt t 1 j i i j , r i SJsirweJals - - - x4 dealer, asille rou gtnl.e)Ule ef.