rub News and observe T 'v MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 9l9M. i - UAPAfi REJOICES .: : QVE I Celebration AH Ove Island Em , plre; Many Defenders""Made Escape mmi mini . l Tokio, Jaaaa, Nov. p. m. Jape Mil to ostoaratlng th fall of ' nu-Tta with straordlnnr n- taaalaam. la every city there are lantern ' frooe lo and merriment nightly. On evary houe there ia In Tokio cheering crowd serenade kigh officers of the army and aavy and diplomat of all eountnea. Kvary wher there 1 recognition of Ureal Brttaia In the victor. Edict con--grratulat the British as well a Japa- Th admiraluea of Great Britain Mid Japan here exchanged felicita tion and the municipality of T kin cabled congratulation to King George. It 1 stated that combatant not - capture d during the final assault ' apea Tain? Tau -will l.e urrendered November 10, Every steamer In the ! harbor of Klao Chow a aunk and navigation ha been made perilous by Balnea It 1 understood the term of surrender were practically uncon ditional A rumor that rinvernof Mayer Waldeck of Klao Chew waa mortally Wounded and committed Hulclde, KaJned soma credence. It also I reported the garrison of the coast fort fought to the' last and than tried to escape In a train, filing their small arms aa they fled. Many, It Is said, did escape across the bay In Junks and are now being ' pursued. Kmperor Ynsliihito's message of appreciation tu the Japanese who fought at Tslnr Tau expressed grail , tud for the "faithful discharge of their duties." The following was sent to the Hrltleh forces: Th Kmperor deeply appreciates tn rirllllant deeds r I he Hrlttnh army and navy which co-operetln with the Japanese "fought bravely and achieved the oWeot of the war. The Empress sent similar .Aiaasagee. Ths -swreenttir or Tslng Ta)i la of nciairy described a follows: "Th Hermans and Japanese plenl potenllaries on th evening of Novem ber 7. concluded the parleys for the surrender r Tains Tao. -ntr ieem were accepted In their entirety: An .other .-meeting kill be 'eld a ten a clock tomorrow morning. On No vamber 10. the forts and equlpmen . will be turned over to us: "Our casualties on the night of' No ember f, and no the following morn ing iwnen Tslng Tau surrendered ware It officers wounded and 42 soldiers killed or wounded We took prisoners In the battle " . (mnan ( imalilca hmaH Peking, China, Nov H. The tier man legation has rete.ved a telegram from I ting Tau stating all Oer man eoldlera whose wives found reruge in I'eking are unharmed. As mere are about luu women and chll aren here the legation nccepis the meaaag a Indicating that the tier man casualties! were few, MICH- VORK r'INANt IAI, ( 1st 1m1ia rne ) .-New Turk. Nov. The hopefu sentiment wniih developed in flnan rial circled two weeks ago wax sua amen mat. week. Comment depart- men! officials estimated an (k-toher eicees of merrhandlse exports of 140 Oee.tOt. Kurther luylng of wheat and oiner grain for export continued on sensational s-ale and cotton shipments in loreign porta expanded to one-lhird or more of last year a rate. Th effect extended to, many II' ea of Industry even the steel trade f lnc reased con fidence. desilte additional contraction or current bitoittees The International exchange problem aavanceu sumcienlly to end ths nece .ally for further emergency arrange ments under discussion by the llrltlsh T4raury-4ele(etes In Vonfeience at Washington. Credits were reported 10 be arranged fn New York by foreign government Including Kussla and Austria, for expenditure In this coun try. Jhis detracts from apprehension oversold exports, which are thus cer tain of an early return flow. tending nf the llrltlsh moratorium, government security for l-on.lon market Inant. ro-npenlng of the IJver pool cotton association and prospects or an early re-opepliu.- of th iew York t otlnn Kxchange- -all gave 1m petus to the dlscuselon looking to the re-opening of the Stock Kaoliang.. neavy retirements or emergency t-urrencr and clearing house ertin- cates marked the strengthsnlng of bank rerve and this was followed by an Interest reduction in long time loan tnlli iier cent. Th hank state ment showed a further Increase of reserves and a moderate cash gain In place of an expected loss. Turkey's entrance Into the war. th J;lotng of the North K a and develop- .raents in tne Mexican snnrl were counted among ths week's adverse Jaalurr. ; " HrSBA.ND MIsTRKtTS Win: Hotsrrt Tally Alleged to ltycShot-t t msrtrt . lsiieon. inv. 9. rni? mortnng bout one o'clock about three mil north of this city. Hubert Talley is alleged to have shol hi his wife twice, hitting hifr In the neck.. Me then forced her to leave her home In her -nigni cioines, ana narerontea and go to th woods with him where he kept ner until aayugnt tnis mormng when th waa allowed to return to her par nt with the warning thm he In tended to kill her brother -Will R.b-- raon on sight. Her mother, father. brother and neighbor searched for the woman all night and several ttm s-ame near where she and her hu fand were hidden la the bushes, and a he would have answered their calls only for alleged threat from Tallev hat If she moved or spoke he would - ailll her. Sheriff- Kowe and a posse "went in seartn or tn nusoand, but sln to the thick undergrowth he .ould not be found. JR. CRKENE "AT WAKE FOREKT. IVroldcnt Aanev-tran Fnve Kortety to aanaarw rrwiy .Hlgni. Wak Forest. Nov. -1. The next amber of the college lyceom course will be a lecture by Doctor Thorns K. Oreen. rc-preudent of the Amerl- etaa Iace Society la Winaa4e Menvo- --tfail on aexct Krldav niaht. No. R TSiHG-TAU ewiber II. TBI will-be the second ' number In thf rinn.PrftTaehrTlenry . . Louis Hmlth. of Washington and ljee, . avW.g appeared In a aerie of five lecture ber several weeks ago. The ' lecturer next Friday night ha been" " tor tea vaara one of the leadlne lee.. c sWAxvi?aa) la also aa asthor of not, th leading Tnagaalnea taklaa; everything he can Bad time) to put In printed form Doc aer Qrssp ha traveled extensively . wad ha a arid and dlvertBedkaowl edg of the condition of the whole world. Hie lecture at Wake For 1 eagerly looked) forward to and it - :ts expected that WW account at the j rveeot conditions la Europe that It y .Vit! Vjaj, Be sure CliniE EPIDE Eleven States Are Now Under Quarantine for Mouth and Hoot Disease ' ir U AMorfafwt Tnm ) v asninirt.m, n. v., ov. An -ir- der qusrsjitinltiK Khods Island srainst Interstate shipments of live stock, was prciarril tnntRhl by the Department of Ayiirulturc for Is suance tomorrow I'mri of foot' and mouth disease were reported duiin he day from the vicinity of Johnson and AVasmngtpn. Khode Island ; will mak th eleventh 81 te tn he quarantined. Mssaarhusrtts. New Tork. Ohio, I'rnnsvlvanlsJ Indiana, Illinois, Mlchl- (an. Maryland, Wisconsin, and. Iowa compose the area already alTeoted. -crelarylliititoniiTTTtlghT said this epidemic of "one of the most conts- Itloua and destructive diaease of rat io, swine, and sheep, exceeded In are affected any of the five previous outoreak in this country. I nlcs It can he immediately In allied and eradicated. he said, it hrealens untold losses tmoni live stock. stockyard DMnfmle-d. ir iiw iwiiwi rtw ) TTlicai. Ills . No. I nislnfectlon of the stockyards for foot and mouth disease hail prnKreNsed aa far aa the packina; plants toil ay All hide that have accumulated there since Octo ber lt. will be dipped In disinfectant before beln's shaped. t four new cases were said lo. have appeared .today among the prise 'dairy nerd orouftht here for the National dairy show and now tinder quaran tine. Twelve new case In the State were reported today hy the 1S5 Inspector eiamlnlna cattle. WAKE FOREST CLASS GAMES. Elimination Contents In Basketball Tills Week. Wake. Forest. Nov. 1. The Teach- e- -iiawyert"'WnT'pliiy "thejill'i the rlawa hnketraTI tourna ment in. the tymnHsliim nett Tuesday laht for the department champion ship. The Teacher have defeated th rrearnera, and tne uirrert nave de feated the Meda.. and' therefore will risTfor th championship of the class department. On ucceedin .TjiejiJsj- I fW5-TTn more will play and then the Junior and senior. The two winner will play for the championship of the disss. The winner of this came will play th winner of next' .Tuesday nltht'a rams for th rlaaa champlon hlp of th eollere. These vame are arouatna; a good deal of Interest tn basketball this fall and brtnrta- out od many men who otaexwia wou'd 'jrobablx ot pIJ GROWS 1 G .? - - - our From That 5c Spend it - most profitably try new, beneficial, palate-pleasing confection rlollriUdXIIK N CHEWING GUM K Get DOUBLE joy from its new DOUBLE Strength Peppermint flavor l.o.n.g It is wholesome, springy chide smooth chewing and savory healthful "exercise for mouth and throat muscles good for ceem, stomach and digestion. It is DOUBLE wrapped Jo insure your getting the full- original flavor fresh, tasty and clean. Made by limiri rur Pooular the makers of the famous W&MJfflfF Each package United sharTng giving nickel I you DOUBLE value Buy it for the whole family and let att share in its benefits and the fun of saving coupons and getting presents. 7 to get VRIGLEYSI Deaths and Funerals dr. v. d. McDon ald. rtiyalcUn of U'llminnon IHn rwty Yeeur of Service. ltl k Tbe Mil ssd OMis ) After VTUmlntrton. Nov. S. After an 111 neaa of some time. rr. Alexander 1'onaJOson Mi Uoimld died at i u clock yesterday momltiK at his home. Ill north Fourth street. In the 8 Id year or rus ate. r unernl aervlces were hold at 4.10 o'clock this afternoon from St. Andrew' Freshytertnn cnurcJU conducts oy tr, A. D. Mc-Clure. the pastor, assisted by Kev. IH- J. M. Wells, pastor of the First rreabyterian church, and Interment followed In Oakdale cemetery with Masonic honors. The hymns sunn at tha services were selected by Dr. Mc Donald himself,, and were rendered by the choir of Kl John's Masuitlc Lodge, also at his request. Dr. McDonald was horn on May II. 1112. and waa a son of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel McDonald, of Carthage. Moore cotinty, who were natives of Scotland. Soon after his graduation from the Baltimore Krhrtnl of rhyal. rlkns and Surgeons, he came to Wil mington and haa practiced his pro fession here for more than 40 years Ha was held In lovlnjf esteem by the people of the entire community. All through his Ilfle he had tn battle with his Indomitable will Hjcalnut " frail health, which ever was a dtlttrulty In ths way of his endeavor. For this reaaon, after volunteering three times, he waa not allowed' to enlist as a sol dier in the x'onfederate army. Hi- wife, formerly Miss Mary J. Power of Tender county, died in July. 1 SI. UMw4v4na ar- his adopt ed daughter, M Is Mary Thompson, s nephew. Mr. Alexander McDonald, of Kinstun. and a half sister. Mrs. Alex ander Uutler. of l.umnerton. Sine March 1. 1144. lr. McDon ald haa been an lder In rit, Andrew's rreabyterian church. He waa also af filiated with the Mason. Pythian, and Ked Men. . . EIGHT TOM PARCEL, POSTf. Weight of Cru'smboro Ftsrkagvw In IS Dsy Kcdatttoa In t'krk't Ku- taearui u Th Ksm md Ol i n i s I f)renooro. Nov. I Nearly eight tona of parcel post packag-e Were eent out from Greensboro during the first fifteen days of October. The number of parrel waajj yj' llvery-OSl parcels, making- the total number handled here The 'to- ial- revenue derived Wag 1 748.88 and the extra expense, I H0 ui. It la said here that tne postomce department Is contemplating consider able reduction in the force of clerks f wploeA,JCJrler.sitj sj. tlfcsrf!! ecnihtfy-- rrrr inus ffect. the fore here at the transfer station will -be cut from three to one:' in SaWa. bury, both clerha will be rut out", in Charlotte one of three will remain: one at Goldsboro. two at Danville, thr at Raleigh and one -at Hamlet will go. " Th rumor cannot be vert- fled. New Tork annual asseewed valuA- ilofc tala jrr la PleHpft Piece! all 'round the world is wrapped in a Coupon far your Funds Raised at Eastern Caro lina Christian Conference As An Evidence "A I see affairs, th business con-1 ditions are improving right along." said Dr. W. A. Harper, president of Klon College, who was tn the city last night. Dr. Harper waa "on hla way home from Henderson where he had been in attendance on th ISastern .North i nrollna Christian Conference. "An evidence of the feeling of opti mism whs to be found In the action of I the conference in financial matters. More money was raised on' general apportionment than usual, and near ly two ihouaand-ilollnr was lUlsed onl the Moor of the conference for mi- I sion points In the bound of the con-1 ference. particularly for Chapel Hill. Henderson and Frankllnton. It la a regreMnble matter that when there 11 any talk of depression In business that men cut off subscriptions to benevo lences, the nrphanagea. churchea, col legia and other institutions, and ttvtae are hurt. Hut there waa no spirit of I this kind at the conference. "Taking the action there as a ba rometer. I feel that In that alone I am lualllled in saying that conditions are Improving It is a good sign When men- Fhcrtr then ttberatlty- and the I men at the conference In Henderson did .this most generously." LAY RELIGIOUS TRAIXINO. Voluntary Cortr nf Study Organised lly Trinity btudrnta. ISpMlsl In T7w Xfin sml Oleeie Trinity . College, Nov. 8. In view of the noticeably Increasing demand tor specific organised college courses for training young men and -women for lay religious teaching and pdr- I ship, a voluntary course of thia char acter recently organised In thla Insti tution and now In prog-res with eoma thirty atudenta enrolled, la very sig nificant and so far aa can be ascer tained, this Is the the beginning of cull jta. - wurlt-f-.4rhT Jfln; Ktafet. : rte course t given Jointly by th I Ticaiion and the de partment of biblical literature, and concerns Itself with the thorough study of the Rlble for the purpiwe of teaching tt. of the principles of eaoh1ng aa applied to the scripture. deit. trtVf rhanagement nf Hunday achoola The purpose of the course la to train teachers, supervisors and superin tendents nf religious school tn th tight cf the bet educational princi ples, to promote the wise selection and. effective use of graded ubjet matter matertala, and to study con dition for rlaaa and school efficiency. This mark, the beginning ef a se ries of course at Trtult' for such purpo. ' " ' ' OUTLOOK GOOD BUSINESS AFFAIRS ger E1EASE BAPTIST PASTOR -r 1 ' : -" i ' I'" 7" Rev. R. If. Von Miller of Jack sonville in German Jail Several Weeks Wilmington, Nov. a. Word haa been rlved bar that Rc B. M. vow Miller, pastor of th Jaekaonrllla and Richland Baptist church, who " Dea congln4 la priaon ta Halle, Oer many, wear sine aooa aftaf ha ar rived In nla natlv country oa a plea sura and business trip la July, baa bean ralaaaad throurh the erfort of th Stat department at Washington. Ha haa already left Germany and la on hi war to America. Ha 1 ex pected at Jacksonville, where a la wife and four children are anxiously awaiting Ms coming, about tha 15th or 10th of tha month. Mr. Miliar went to Germany In July to look after sn estate left him by hi father. He waa accompanied bv Rev. C. T. Rogers, formerly of thla city, but now pastor or tha Method urt church at Jacksonville, who returned to hla horn aa aooa aa posarihl after th war broke out Shortly thereafter air. Miner waa placed In priaon. pre sumably by enemlea of hi la. the settlement of hla father'a estate. Three weeks ago word waa recelv ed here of tha tmprlaonmant of Mr. voa Miner and tha executlv commit tee of tha Wilmington Baptist Asso ciation, of which Rev. W. 6. 1fal. of thla city, la chairman, took the mat tr up with Congressman Mod win and Henatora Rlmmona and Overman, who Interested th that department In th caae. The ream It waa that Mr. Ton Miller was released and Is now on hla way horn. Mr. von Millar ha been in thla connty for 1 & r 10 year, and for th past flea years haa been a member pf th Wilmington Bap tiat Association. He . lived tn Wil mington for some time and ia well known and popular her. His friend. most of whom. did not know of hi plight, are pleased to learn of hla re- leftae and th prospect of hla early return home. local orrlcg u. a. wisrat auaiAU. rO(CA(T. Raleigh. N. C. Nov. . laid. For North Carolina: Pair and much l-roldor Monday, preceded by rain along iw cnaMb i uctMlay fair. ISnnrlse t :'4H am. Sunset .6:11 I a. m. (IIS ei I Higher-temperature ........ T liwest temperature fio Mean temperature It a.xceaa for th day 10 Average dally eiceaa since Jan uary 1 o.l esrcieiTsrioa us imcnim. Amount for 14 hour ending I P. m : oo Total for the month to date. . .00 Deficiency for the month .... .71 Deficiency sines January 1... 10.74 STSTIOSS ABB W1STHI AT S. . TtapcaATuag. ararnvia ii ex el Abilene s 6011 61 .00 .28 4 .00 .08 .00 .10 .00 .60 .10 .10 .OS .00 .00 .00 .00 .IS .IS .00 .12 Ashevllle t 10 l Atlanta (a Charleston .. .. fg 4 7 Charlotte SO 70 Chicago 42 12 46 Galveston 68 4 74 Jacksonville .... 70 O SO Knoxville 60 la 70 Memphis .. .... 48 14 SO Montgomery .... 62 S 74 New Orleans ... 70 O SI New York 4 4 SO Norfolk SS 10 74 Kaleigh SS S 74 Richmond .. S -f-l. IS Vlcksburg .. ... 66 IS 70 Washington. .... 50 6 72 Wilmington ...... SS 4 74 Wythevllle 48 O SS Thundershowers were general with a change to cooler weather In the South except along th Mouth Atlantic coast. It take 11 tona of beet to produce one ton of bet sugar. EE I i E l3. gri tfttBiistjtinwirmmsmntwiiwiws'iiiii'iW'soiiij'iMiiii rp IE ti "V'r ii r ha ANY a "man thinks he's . bowed der a weight o' care when what he really needs Is a squar meal an a pipe o VELVET. 0 . MM V -lisaawT"" DONATION DAY AT BEX HOSPITAL Institution will Appreciate Suit able Gifts and Money; In ;. . vitation to Public - Tomorrow la Remembrance or Do nation Day at Rex Hospital. Th hour to be observed will h from 11 L in. It II p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. - Olfls of drug and other hospital uppliss, blanketa. bedding, sheets. pillow caaea. towel, etc. groceries nd kitchen furnishings, bath robe and allppen men, klmonaa and sllp-'w1il be acceptable, alao contribuiiona of money. Itaielgh people will no doubt ratty to thla Institution and contribute to making the nccaelon a highly success ful on. Th Institution haa dona and la doing a great work in Kaleigh and Halelgn people iel proud of It. TO LKK COl'WTT COtHT. Jndg Oeorgre W. Connor ttn Hla Way i nern tor ncemon iicgi nmng To day. In th city last night was Judge Oeorge W. Connor, of Wilson, who wa on hla way to Ban ford to held Le county court. Judge Connor last held court la Chatham county, but waa at home laat k To vote. The term of Uee county court will be for both civil and criminal business. On Way to Durham. Former State Senator J. R. Bar rett, of Lllllngton, was In the city laat night He waa on hi way to Durham where he -goes to look after eomem altera of legal business. North Carolina Grand Lodge Sued (Continued from 1'ag On. ratified December 20, 1797. waa creat ed a corporation in law. The defendant saya that th lodg haa no other mission: that all prop erty. Income, and revenue of every kind la exclusively devoted to chari table purposes; to the relief of worthy distressed members of the order, their widow and orphans. Tha answer continues: "That such a corporation whose purpose and revenue are thus dedicated and used, ; are quasi-public benefita, aids th State In Its duty to provia for th poor, th helpleag, the sick, and the distressed.' aa recognized In the grants of exemption from taxation of the property " used, and the defendant, therefore, in thla regard, specially pleads that th corporation Itself, nor any officer thereof, by an act cannot divert th property ao dedicated, and no tudrmsrvt harln rt h nttuimii th effect of which would be to divert A portrait sent to the absent .ones now and then, binds the friendships of youth, bridges dis tance and knits closer the ties of family and kins folk. j You'll soon be thinking of a way to please Father and Mother and Friends at Christmas time. Make an appointment beforelHe busy season V 11- W V; lUt 1Z downon" Mild, cool. clow barniirff VELVET tops off my meal mignty well. Tms Smoothest Sffloldns Tobacco is Ken tucky's Barky dm low with that agedn-the-wood mel lowness. 10c tins and 5c metal4ixi bags. r 3C th at of th defendant from th charitable purposes to which they an dedicated, or subject them to th pay ment of damages alleged to hav arisen in th manner herein claimed by tha plaintiff." The defendant allege that th term and expression used in the re port were not libelous per ae; and deny that th plaintiff waa Injured In reputation by them. Tha terms a( usd implied ethat th order, was Irregular aa far aa th Grand 1o1k of North Carolina la concerned, ac cording to the answer. The statement I made that the' Grand Ixtdge is tha governing body of the Rlu lodge which confer three degree: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason: that th Grand Lodge Is In friendly relations with the Grand Lodge of every Stat and territory In the Union." The answer state that there are other bod lea recognised historically, including the Royal Arch Masons. Knights Templar, and others. Alao c-ertalw-- bodtea -f -rBcWttlah , Kit ftfaeonry. ' Tha defendant aver that while some American authorities . contend that Free-masonry t-onsiats only of the said three Aral or ymbollc degree of rit known as the York rite, the great majority of Masonic Grand Lodge recognise all the bodies here inbefore referred to as lawful Mssonio bodies, and hold fraternal relations Ith them. . Th defendant alleges that Is the exclusive right and privilege for -the Grand Lodge to determine with which ' bodies It will have relation. It also alleges that Cerneaulam la not recog nised by tha Grand Lodge of North Carolina. The answer continue: "In the ex ercise of its fundamental prerogative, th Grand Lodge, defendant, has leg islated on thia subject and recognlied aa lawful Scottish Rite bodies estab lished and chartered by 'the body, known aa the Supreme Council of th Thirty-third Degree of th Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rit of Free masonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of th United Statea - of America, whoa "M"i at Charleston. 8 C, and of which the Hon; J. I). Richard- son,- of Tennessee, la in neaa nnaer the style and .title of Sovereign Grand- Commander. Thed efendant alleges that the plaintiff wrongfully tried to draw Master Mason In the lodg. knowing th attitude of the Grand Lodge of this State In th matter. The defendant copies tha resolu tions passed by Salem Lodge No. 28 A. y. and A. M., aaklng th Grand Lodge about-the plaintiff. Defendant alleges that; a report of the proceed ings of the meeting or th Grand Ludae 1 alway printed, and that there waa nothing unusual tn print ing tha report of the committee In 10. The defendant conclude by asking for punitory damagea of the plaintiff In ttia aom "of t.800. The caae Baa been called on a num ber of occasions, but will be tried on the first day of tha November Term of thla year, the caae having been set for that time. Several months ago. an effort wa made by the plaintiff to amend it complaint, but permission to amend the complaint waa refused The plain tiff appealed the point to th Supreme Cotrrt of North CarorinL,,.bUt the ap-peal-waa dismissed. . . ; Nj i" " ..' " r f ----- M - E. - I: i ml m ?4